I it! SHUOERT&STAEE flgacmawrs 10 MsIartsaBnuUi Qo. ,1 Merchant Tailors I AMD DUUBMH Cents' Farnlshins .Goods, COB. SPRING s FRANKLIN STS., TITUbVsLLE, PA.I leva pat la one of ths neast assortments eg VL01W& CASSIMERES ENGLISH, FRENCH AND AMERICAN COATINGS, MIXED AND STRIPED EDITINGS, FANCY VESTINGS. KM Mm offend Ja lb Oil Beglaa. TWENTY DIFFERENT STYLES OF HATS 5c CAPS, Alt Ibo Urtest and NobMwt Btytea A TOLL UNI OF Gents' t arnishing Goods, &c. Petroleum Centra Daily Record. rot. Centre, ra. Thuradar, Oet. 10. Dlvlao aervleo. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH rVrvloes every Sabbath r.t 11 A. M. and t P. M. Bahbath School at lgjf P. M. eetafree, A aordlal invitation extend ad 10 alt Ear. P. W. Soowild, Pastor. i PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Preaching at 11 o'clock A. M., aid T, oiook P. M. D. PATTON, Paiter. Petroleam Centre . Lodge, No. VIS, I. O. of O. F. . Regular meeting nigbtt Friday, at 'clock. Signed. ALBERT GLENN, N. G. E. O'Flahirty, A 6eo'y. PIT Pino f meetiug, Mala B., opposite lioOllotock Houm. A. O. of V. W. Llhrrty Lodge No. 7, A O. or U. W., eats ovory Monday evening at TJf o'elock, la Odd Follow' Hall, Petroleum Centre, Penu'a. A. M. Klsckhi, U. W. J. H. Merrill, R. Gold at 1 p . m. 1127; Tba Petroleum Producers' Counoll met at Oil Oil, yesterday. All tbe dlltrieli were represented nd tba meetlog waa harmoni ous throughout. A constitution, bylaws, 4a., won adopted, aod tba meetlog ad joiiroed to S a, m, to-day. II dove not appear tbat any feasible pUo teodlog to relieve tbe oil produoeri or tbe oil region from the preieat depression la prices, Ac, wee brought before tbe meeting. Tbte will probably bo done during today's eoMloa. A Petroleum Froducere' Couoell composed aolirely of produoeri, no doubt it food iDKilutlon, but It itrikei ui will prove Malm nolens some plan li brought up and adopted teodlog to bring permanent and laatlng relief to tba region. Tba 30 day movement, In our opinion, ouly bring temporary rellel to tbe market, and tbe name battle will bave to bo fought over again at tba and ol tbat time, at waa the cue In tbe Boutb Irorovemaot matter and tba tlx mootbi euipeniioo of drilling. Wo have 00 desire to dictate to tba boo orabla Petroleum Producers' Counoll, now aittlng la convention, but wo oertaloly bope they will, epoodily adopt some plan tbat will qulcklly aod effectively aquelch out all combinations and rlngi forever, so far at least as Ibie region it conoernod. Let the wotkba done at oooe, effeollvely and surely, is the wishes of a largo major tiy ol the producers hereabouts. auts. Us (or vtolaUob to bo brought Wo boar It stated tbat suits of Iba eleottoa laws arn to bo brought agalual two colored men who attempted to vats at the lata oleclioo. Una of tbo man made oaib tbat be was of aga aod therefore en tilled tn vote. Bo was proven by tbo Board u bo uoder ago. Tbe other man swore be wsa reaideol or Peopaylveula. Tjm I'avt was dUoovervd by the Uoaid tbat ha bad a wife aud family residing tn New York State. 1 be laimt euouon reiniLS place lb te pu'ic.n iriiy in i'jnoriv mia at ( iuutol 3u,00. Iu Ouiu ul 15,(101), ui:d , v in'icrrnu w ijuiuy iu luJ;ua at lioui 2,001) to 3.0UO. The wtaluur is dicuiedlj 'lllu'' to dej Venango Cowaty Election, official Tbe Official majorities In Venango coun ty are as follows: Ro. Dem Alleeheor, 44 Oenel, 23 Cherry tree, SI Clinton 36 Coopers town II Crenhory 37 Km Ira ton 30 Franklin, First District 67 Franklin, Second Dislriol, 8" Fronon Creek Irwio 14 Jaoksoa 30 Mineral 31 Oakland 107 Oil Creek. Unit dlstrlot 68 Oil Crrk. Second district 68 Oil City, Firxl district 7 Oil City, Second district I" Plum 1 Plutner 6a Ptibole 1 Pleasentvllla 74 Petroleum Centra i Pino Grova 31 President 18 RockUnd 131 Rlcblaod 41 Rynd 31 RoomvIIIo 145 Study Creek 0 Sugar Creek 75 Scrubgrsse 15 Ctlca 3 Totals 1121 408 Majority 663 Tba acquittal ol Mrs. Fair, at Ban Fran cisco, of tbe murder of Mr. Crittenden, was we suppose, one of the most glaring out rage upou law, justice aod proprletv ever committed by tbat most remarkable crim loa an American jury. We bavo wonder ed what lofluenoe could bave been brought to bear upon a jury to have produced such result Tbe Sao Francisco Cbioolclebrioiie the details of the argument of tba counsel and now we tan sea what acquitted Mrs. Fair poetry. It was poetry, wall recited by Mr. Curtis tba counsel lor Mrs. Fair. The scene of bis speech In behalf of tbe murderer was a melo-drama; now tba aud' lenee were excited to laughter and then to tears. But iba lait grand climax was what carried them In realms of fancy and lauded Mrs. Fair outside the prison. Mr. Curtis haviog made bis floal jury appeal, turneil and bending over bla sobbing client, and plaolng bis band upon ber shoulder, evoked tbe aid of the Quaker poet, Wblttier, aod addressed ber thus: Where e'er her troubled path may be, Tbe Lord's sweet pity wito ber go! The outward, wayward life wo see, Tba bidden spring wo may not know. Nor Is II given us to discern, What threads the lalal slater spun, Through what aooeslral years bss run Tba sorrow wilb tba woman born; Wbat forged ber cruel cbaln of moods, What net bar feat in solitudes, And bald ber lova wi Ibln ber mute; Wltb mingled madness in tbe blood, A life-long disoord and annoy. Water of tears wltb oil of joy, And bid within the folded bud, Perversities of flower and fruit. It Is not ours to sepsrata Tba tangled skein of will and fate, To sbow wbat metes and bounds sbould land, Upon Iba soul's debatable land, And between choice aod Providence Divide Ibo oircles of events; But lie who knows our frame, is just, And full of sweet assurances, Aod bopo for all the language Is, Tbat be remembretb we are duet. Tba workiogmen of tbe H;do Farm, Up per Benneboff Kua territory, bold an en thusiastic meeting at Fleming's school iouse, on Frldsy evening last. Resolutions were adopted strongly advocating tbe claims or the workiogmen ol tbo oil region;' asking a suspension ol drilling and pumplog 00 Sundays, and calling lor a mass ciuveutlon of Iba worktngmeo of Iba oil region for tba purpose of forming a permanent association lor tbo proteotloo of tbo interests of tbo worklugmen on oil wells. Tbe engineers and drillers of Pltbolo bold a similar meeting on Monday night. Wa woold suggest tbat Iba workiogmen AA Petroleum Centre also call a meetlog to take aotioa io tbe premises. Superintendent Ray Is alive to tba wants or the place. Now tbat tbe wells are shut down, rather than seo tbe men out or em ploy moot entirely, be keeps .them under pay aad bas them engaged In putting tba farm la an tiro workiog order. He has a gang at work at presaot putting tba sidewalks In thorough repair. A much needed improve ment, for which ba is entitled to tbo tbaoks or tbo public Tbe labor bureau ol Massachusetts thloka that the secret of womau's being legs a suo- 0 ea than man, as aa earner of W4ger, Is I01101I in ber expectation of nsrri ige, and her ihouUi 1 f Uimr only as ti:u exp.uii'ut ur the OHcMiuy ol a St ""'. valuer thou aa ttek (or life. Fire ut St. Petersburg! TEN DWELLING HOUSES AND TWO'J 6ALUUNS BUKNf.U! U A special dispatch from St. Petersburg reoeivrd ibis forenoon, toys: A lira broko out io tbe eastern part of tbe Iowa this a. in., at half past eight. Ten dwelling bouses and two saloons were burned. Loos estimated at aboal twenty-five boo bundrod There bss lately been opened in St. Louis an Asylnm for fallen women. This Asy lum Is tbe outgrowth of an experiment now making In St. Louis whereby bouses of ill fame pay a lloeose, end every prostitute , registered, aod pays a fee, wbicb goea defray the expeosea ol tbe medical examlo ore, who furnish tbo women with certificates tbat tbey are not diseased. Tba law baa various provisions, very strlngent, but which wa will not enlarge upon. Tbo law has been In operation in St. Louis over two years, and there Is now a balance In tba treasury, over andabova tbo expenses of examiners, 4c. of Ally tbous-L and dollars. After great difficulty In fiooV log a location for an Asylum, on account 6 opposition made by property owners, a a te has been procured and a building erected. 5fc At tbo inauguration oltbo Asylum Mayor of St. Louis delivered an address from wbicb we learn that siooo the 'socla evil" lagr went into operation tbe number ol bouses of ill fame bavo lessened, and tbe decrease of abando ed women has been fully fllty per cent. Tba Asylum is to be a relormatory institution and to be supported by tba lax levied upon tbe social evil busi Ottfs. Tbis experiment will bo watcbed wltb great Interest by those who seek come solution Jof tba terrible crime ol "soclai evils" io our cities. Mm. aud Mr. Joaquin Miller. If any man or genius marries an Intellec tual woman, Mrs. Josquin Miller illustrates tbe (act that ba bad better keep 00 good terms wltb her. "The poet of tbe Sierras' about to catch II In a Bra along tbe whole ibe from Sau Francisco to Bostoo. Tbe first shut bas been dircbarced, and the re port is already walled over tba comioml' Mrs. Miller, by tbe way, ut tbe outset o ber lector expose, reverses sotnewhat tbe idea et'boieot to advanced women ola man's properly is bis wile. Sb begins by saying: 'Juaqiilo Miller, tbe poet ol the Sierras, is not my Individual propeity be was mino before bo bad guue through Iba pro cess wbiob made blm valuable to Iba world As a diamond la the rougb, ha belonged to me!" Then this Interesting lady goes on to tell bow sbe roped Josquin io, bow sbo coaxed blm to ber coltags 00 "Eugene Creek;', bow Io five days she nailed blm to roatrl mony after "bo ca ua riding 00 bis famoun D)tted horse." She naively adda after the 'bo record ol the marriage: "It was most ly my fault. Tbe way Joaquin pays fir her "fault" though It Is a caution. Tba Trfll of domestic privacy is not only lilted but rent in twain, and Itc "holiest of holies" exposed ruthlessly "admission fifty ceots!" Well the leoturo Is very queer, but tbe queerest thing about it Is tbat a Doe grained, eplrituelle, educated woman should write and read it about tbo father of ber ohildreo. Suoh Is lite. Tbe village of Waterlord, New York had a wakeful night of it lately. Tbe vil lege butcher opened Iba fail season of meats by Ibe manufacture of a large lot of cheese, called bead cheese. Why beau cbeese, we do not know, uolesa originally made from the bead of tbo bog. But it was head cbeese, and the villagers bad beoome bun gry fur sausage-meat aod bought largely of the bead cbeeso and aal heartily of It, and before morning sixty persons war down sick Irom eating that bead cbeese some ol tbem dangerously ao. How tbo poison got into tbo ebooso, or wbat toai poison was. remalos a mystery, but every one who aal of Ilia cheese was made sick. To Oil Opbktobs. 0. D. Jeolsoo, of Kaua City, desires to notify oil opera lor that bla patent Seed Bags or Devioo for Shutting Off Water In Oil Wells, are jus1 wbat Is needed during tbe thirty days shut Hog down movement They aro wsrranted to shut tba water off entirely no matter bow long toe wan may do aioppea. Uil opera tors are invited to call 00 or address Mr. J. at Kane City. Teoaogo County, Pa. 2w. Tbo development ol tbe wonderful and apparently exoaustiess mineral resources of AusUalia contiuues on a seals wbicb premises speedily to revolutionise tbe entire commercial aod business situation of Ibe Pacific, and exercise an important Influence 00 tbe tuture of Janao and Chios, as weJ s i f our owo Pscifio States aod Territo rlee. 6s2uy sens Lso( Wist Virginia Oil News Mr. J. M Slookdole has contracted for tba drilling or well No. 2, lease 71 was torpedoed, pumplog eight barrels. Gilchrist A Clark's well No. 6, was tor- Ipedoed, pumplog 15 barrels. F. M. Wright's well, No. 3 was torpedoed lb is week. No report. William Bell's well No. 7 was torpedoed this weak. No report. A. K. Crook's & Co.s, well, tba Log Cab In, was torpedoed Ibis week. Not beard from. Witman and Clonston's well was torpe doed last week, tbe production Is Increas ed. P. Davis bad bla well No. 4, lease 12 Seo. B, V O 4 C Co., trast torpedoed this week. Tbo well Is now pumping 40 bbls r day. Dolly Tardea Oil Co., bare given a con tract for a new rig to Jas. H. Toolbeker Tbe work will bo finished In a few days, and tbe drilling will ,be commenced and opidiy completed by our friends, Wagner aod Jenkins. Better man aro Tory bard to find The old Taber well, at Mad Lick, on tba y O 4 C Co., tract, of which mention was ....d. .t week, is owned by our friends , Q WUa,0 M(, Geo Wrf gratifying to know that Iba well Is now mplog 12 barrels of 21 oil per day. Volcaoio Lubricator. NOTES OF TUB DAY. A ten foot alligator Is boarding at tbo St. Louts dog pound. Calilornla wants six hundred larga ships to carry off tbe wboat sbe bas raised Ibis year. Victpr Hugo bas boon nominated by Ibe Republicans of Algiers, as member of tbe Fteucb Assembly. Says tbe Londoo Telegraph: "Tba Amer. lean government must ba congratulated on tbo ease wilb which it placed lit baod on lawyers ol such eminence aa Mr. Evarts and Mr. Caleb Cusblng." Old Daniel Drew sat In "corner," eat ing an Erie pla. Ho put In bis thumb and pulled 0(1 1 a pli-m, and he found it netted a little over a million dollars. Daniel is a pretty good boy aod particularly fond ol coruera. Mis. Fair shed copious tears over ber ver dict, aud a telegram says tbe brave Sau Franoircouoa Wanted to lynch bar. He that was without Bin was about to shy tbe first siooe, when -'Ilia ba'ter counsels of tbe law abiding citixaos" quieted tba bonest, virtu ous maases. II Mrs. Fair bad been a bard-working wasberwomao, with Irregular lealurea aod a fanned complexion, sba would probably bava been strung up without judge or jnry. It Is to be booed that sbe will now fall in love will somo 00 ol tbe jury wbo aequlted her. N. Y. Sun. It is now said tbat tbe obelisk which Na poleon I, broagbt from Egypt, covered with Inscriptions, and on which the French lapi daries found themselves unable to make an impression, was engraved by tba sand-blast process, wbich Is commonly supposed to be a very recent invention. A wealtty Massachusetts biidegroom rec ently left tbe several hundred guests at bis wedding in a state of suspense, while he roe paired to a pantry to lay In a stock or odl mes lust ue oiigoi save ine expeoso or a eupper for himself and wilo on board tbo steamboat. Another marriage bas been contracted between two telegraph operators who bad oaver met before, siatioood at London and Berlin, and society is much electrified at tba occurrence. A philaothroplo Yankee baa invented a lire boat which, if thrown into tbe water wrong side up, will Immediately right it- sell, and, if tilled with water, will bail ileal' ut. If you ,. Want a Salesman, Want a Servant Girl, Waot to Sell a Horse, Want to Sell a Pa tout, , Waot to Lend Mooey, Want to Buy a Houee, Want to Sell a Carriage, Want to Borrow Mooey, Want to Sell ao Oil Well, ' Waot to Buy an Engine or Boiler, Waot to Sell a House aod Lot, Waot to find a Strayed Animal, Want to Purchase ao Oil Interest, Wsot to Sell a Piece of Furniture, Waot to Buy a Second-band Carriage, Want to Sell Tubiog, Casing, Gas Pipe, Waot to Find an owuer for anything Found, edverlira in the Record, as no less baa ten thousand people read It weekly. CIGARS Lovers of good cigars will find several on tlrelv new broods, never before Introduced in this place, at tbe Post Office News Uoom Tbey aro warranted pure Uavanas. The best Pittsburgh Lager at GFFNEY'S. boral Notice,. For Sale. 3 Portable engines and ers, 800 ft. of oH owing, 2 sets 01 iooiH one vuu ioot cable, (sand pomp line, &c. lYies anri iciuia iciiwuauin;. inquire of i. criJUJNJNELL jvttne Atty, i a. Sept SO lw. ' In Underclothing of all kinds ALDKN'u stock, just received, cannot bo exoelM T Ibe oil regions. Call andexamlbe. Sent ai.lt Ibe oil regions. Call end Sept 2I-lt For Sale Cheap. 8 Prodnciue wells witli chinery complete. Inquire of Petroleum Centre. Pa. I Box. Jusl received at ALUEN'd a lr. of gems Underolotblog. Tbo very ben iowb. For Male 15. OM to 30.000 feet at fiernilnii,.. TUBING, at from 26 to 35 da. pe" foot Tba Tubing la to Drst clana order aod all ready lilted. April 23. it. h. H. WARNED. Magazlnea. All Iba magaainei for September, in ready. Harper, Galaxy, Atlantic, Llpplncotfs, Eclectic, Transatlantic, Oliver Optic, Young Fn Ike, Frank Leslie, Children's Flowea Old and New, Godey's Ladies' Book, London Society, Peterson's -Ladies' Friend, Arthur's Home, Soleaca Monthly, Ballou's, Good Words, Nursery, Chatterbox, Metropolitan, Herald of Health, At the POST OFF1CB NEWSROOM. UNDERCLOTHING; UMDBUCLOTB IMG; Jnat resAleeA at lha JAlf ESTflWR CLOTHING oTORE, call aid see Us stock. School Books. A complete stock of School Books ttitt at the Publlo School can be found al Iks POST OFFICE NEWS ROOM. IVGRBELEY HATS at iba JAMS- TOWN CLOTHING STORE. ' Tba Victor Brand a cigars at lbs foil umea flews noera. HF" Highly flavored, Ice cool Soda Water at tba roe t umce Hevnroom. Try it. "GRANT HATS at tbt JAMESTOWI CLOTHING STORE For Pure Wines warranted a inch by lb Brotherhood of Bruoton go to GAFrKal s. HATS AND CAPS In great vailety m4 In all atelaa. iuat huiItmI h exorfSi frOB New Yoik. at Iba JAMESTOWN CLOTH ING STORE. Call aod look at the. August 12-tf. Butter and obesoa aro almost indlipenrl blo artiolas of food. Properly nsed, tb'T are nutritious and healthy; but an Inordi nate use or either causes Indigestion soft .;.njjnM w i u u u.u.-J . ' , rort Judiciously used will remove w mere troum MTJnet received at tbo JAMESTOWK CLOTHING STORK, a largo eiortn ol new and nobby stylos of HATS GAI Tho lateat styles of UaderetoTiiInf Jw gents wear, at Iba JAMESTOWN CLOTH ING STORE; Days Doings, Now Varieties, New Tort Clipper, Wllk's Spirit, and all P0'IIK' pars Vl the P09T OFFI0B NEWSROOM A CAM. II TO TUB LA01K DUPONCO'S Golden Periodical Pills FOB FEMALES. There In not a lady lIvTuTtnt what st W? odofherttfe will find tfii DDfONCO GOID" FILLS jut ibe medlclae eje oerdi, For Neryona Debility, Heaa' t'alnlneae, aVe .... Mother, this is the greatent blewilngerer tra ed you, and you aliouM immediately P""" "SJ Pill. They never fail, and may be aep"1,!1 In every saw where the wonihly gow haa ,1-acud Uubuxk cold or dinoaw. Tbeya'r,w. Immediate relief, being e.pe:llly PW"". puis rled ladle. A lady write.: llapoafo a Vm relieved ae in ons day, without laconveul. " m5&K OKNTJIN1 are put np In WTHTK DOXjft upon each box you will Bod y P1'1l?poN(jo,it HianiD. upon wliloli art the wolds OT,,, GOLfiElil PKHIODICAL HLL8, in W hits MlM Without that None Are Genuine. h w fuU and explicit direction, acromrany eara Price $t,0U Kr b. x, alx boxes $S 00. Md r Dingxtet In every tewn, vl lege city. sod Mm" the world. Xo'u by -i.l VON JOHNSON. 0'fl, pn Bole Ak.dI far Pm eum Cntre, TCiDIISI By s ndieg h.m 1,0 "SSi louin Ceutie J o.lolllca. can hsve t (coDlldenUally.) by mall, to any part of tw Na t rn 'ari HlguM. NOW XOrM. LltJ- ww ' I