The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, October 08, 1872, Image 2

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Smmmm to MsFarlaadJfcblUi Co. ,
Merchant Tailors!
Genu IFurnlsWng jdoods,
ear oforaddn the OU Region.
All lb Uteatand NobMeet Htjlea.
- v A FULL LIN1 OF .
Gents' Furnishing Goods, fec.
Petroleum Centre Daily Record.
Pat. Centre, Pa. Tneedar, Oct. 8.
OlTlnfl "ervlee.
Service ovary Sabbath at 11 A. M. and
X f. M. Sabbath School at li F. M,
atl free. A cordial Invitation extend'
d toalL
Kit. 1. W. Soofield, Paator.
Preaching at 11 o'olock A. M., and T,
'oioo r. .
D. PATTON, Pastor.
Fetrvlewai Ceatre .Lodge, So
VI ft, I.O. of O. F.
tirnlar meeting night Friday, at TJtJ
m eiova. Dig an.
. O'Flamrtt, A 8ec'y.
' HfPNoe if meeting, Mala St., oppoalte
saovuinoca txoaae.
A. O. Of V. W.
Liberty Lodge No. T, A. O. of TJ. W.,
eet every Mooday evening at Tjf o'clock,
in Odd Fellow's Hall, relroleom Centre,
fenn'a. '
A. M. Klicmib, M. W..
. . ItaatLL, B.
obi at 1 p. a. m
Mr. E. Q. Patleraon, of Tllnavlllo, a well
kaowa ell producer, publish a leaglby ar
ticle in Ibis morning's Tltuavill Courier.
whlob It our opinion Is a correot solution of
the question of over-prodoclloo, and lb
revedte to be wed to decrease the produc
tion. After oatrylug out his statements by
fact ead figure, Mr. Patterson concludes
a follows, which w commend to tbe care
ful perusal ol oar oil men:
If my figure are right tbey prove at leaat
tbat w spend too much money for tbe oil
we get Nothing new or starring lo that,
lor It would be hard lo oonvinoe old opera
tor, tbat tbp average cost of getting a bar
rel Of oil into ft Pipe Line tank, Is lea than
f 1 per barrel. If so, tbe loo ger we eootlo
e the business, lb poorer a community
w gtl. How remedy lit Raise lb value
of our oil.; How to do that li the problem.
If my figure and ooncluiloo are right, then
butting dowo pumping well oanoot be
art of n well founded future plan, bee ma
it Is an Injaatlo lo lb many for lha benefit
of the law, la other word, a large number
of men having producing walls, most stop
their production becaua very small sum
tor an lo ft producing well and ale be
producer. Tbere are al least two practic
able plans I. a. to submit to your judgment
nd by your direction, either stop drilling
tor ft specified Hat or to stop new work for
given lime. For general future plan, if
w eould toll! all present producer, and
scare oarselves again! tba influx of outs
Id capital and operatprs, who would oper
ate only during our MMpeoaioo, no belter
plan than the latter ha ever been uggeted
to my knowledge. But 1 think I bave
down that we have beeo lo debt, are still,
nd are increaalog our debt just the coat of
the 391 well we had drilling September. 1,
and the 1M we bud commenced on that day
will be finishing all through the winter
moolbr. A ft present remedy I (advocate
lbs stoppage vf all drilling until m your
Judgement It (bould be returned. It coalt
nothing will work as Immediate remedy f
If ooraiiletelng S38 wella iu June, July, and
" woreawj in aauy proaoctlou I ut
413 barrele pr diy, bow much would it de-
oreese If Do well completed In Oatober,
November end December, rump ever;
well la the region, with ell lie advent!-
tioua side lo produeiloo kaowa, torpedoes,
burners, benzine end an, tod bow aoon
would In production be under 14,000 bar
rel per day, end 14,000 barrel production
means $6 oil, end all tbe combination pos-
iui iweeo producers aid cuoeuineis
I. . .
Could not prevent It, because making no
outlay, we cao bo.d our produet. An aver
age decrease ol one barrel per day, per well.
bring u below 14,000 barrel and no diatriot
we ever struck that could bold It pruUue-
exoept oy constant drilling.
Additionally, 1 bold up both hand la U
vor of sbutllug dowo of well on Sunday
if let oo otbnr leaaon. than tbat our em'
rployeea may live like civilized being.
obe "to
TM Grant & Wilaoo Club march
Kaua City, UNt evening, to attend altepub.
llcan rally ia tbat place. Tbey were bead
ed by a martial band, and presented a floe
appearance a tbey marched over tbe bill
bearing their lighted torches.
Election I paaaing off very quietly to-day
The probabilities are that a full vote will
be polled.
Every aaloon and bar in town I cloud
and not drop of tbe ardent can be bad lor
love or money. Lover of the ardoat are
cut (bort until T o'clock.
Not an oil well I pumping between
place and Oil CUy.
Tba Central Petroloum Company are
cleaning out tbelr well.
We notice lo town our lormer townsman,
mr. jamea a. onerr it. air. as. la now a
resident of Aledo, Illiooia, being the owner
of large farm in thai vicinity, lie atate
tba crop all through tbe west to promise
big yield.
Mr. Thome Uealey, tbe new proprietor
ol tbe Verandah Restaurant, has bis open
ing to-oigbt: Uu extends a cordial Invita
tion to bis frieod and tbe publio lo general
to drop loand see bim lo hi new quarter.
It appeals lonesome not to bear the sound
of tbe sieam wbiatlea from hundred of wella
In tbia vlcioity, tbe blowing or which baa
beeo regularly beard at morning, noon,
evening and uildnlghl, for nearly too year.
'Shut dowo for thirty day."
Our friend, Capl. Ray, will pleara accept
tbaok for Ibe preeeot of a lot of ulce ripe
Tbe melancholy days are approaching,
A young woman from .Tidiuue went to
Chisago a few day ago, in search ol a young
man who bad trlffled with ber affections
and ber purse. Tle aid ot a detective was
secured, and be soon brought tbe wronger
aod Ibe wronged face to face. Tbe youog
man was oontrile, restoring on tba enui
$750 of the money be bad taken from lb
idy, and agreeing lo marry her. A Catho
de. clergyman waa Called noon, and set all
straight by marrying tbe pair.
Oo Monday last a Urge deer was killed
nsar Hiokory, and on the Tuesday' fellow
log another one near Garland-
A Washington bridegroom lately kept bis
brlde-eleot waiting two bours for b Im tbe
evening tbat Ibe ceremony was to be per
orated, and exoused himself by declaring
tbat be bad "forgotten all about It." , l'
tbat man's talent for iosidious flattery were
cultivated, what a dangerous fellow be
would be.
Letter from Newfoundland ay It I not
pretty certain that Ibe catch of cod will be
than two-third than tbat of last year.
Tbe account from Labrador are on Ibe
whole unfavorable. The fishermen, in
many localities, will be badly provided for
tba winter, and will endure ud privations.
It la estimated , tbat by the anniversary
day or tbe great Bra (October o) at leaat
ooe-lbird of the burnt dlatriot of the south
ids of Chicago will bava been oovered
with new business structure; and tbe cbar.
aoter of these new building lar exceed tbat
or tbose destroyed, as regards both tbelr
solidity and tbelr general appearance.
Tbe rapidity with which Ibe burnt districts
are being restored Is one of tbe marvel ol
the ago.
Remarking on the recent onauccesafQl at
tempt of a man to iwlm across tbe Eogllsb
chaooel, Ibe London Time eaye that aeveo.
ty year ago, three men, eonvioted of a pov
lllleal offeoae, to escape puulebmeot, swam
from Calais to Dover- One waa drowned,
tbe other two lauded on the beach, one in
en utter elate of exhaustion, from which be
died; Ibe third recovered and lived for sevr
oral jeers. .
Tbe degradation of drunkenness spares
neither age nor sex A beautiful girl, tbe
daughter of ooo el tbe wealthiest residents
of Hertford, wa found drunk and cling
ing to a lamp-poet in New York tbe other
I k
Tba following are the resolutions adopted
at the meeting of the woiklugmeu, held at
Parkei'd Landing, Got. 3:
Resolved, That aa worklogmeo we meet
In boatility ol none, but lor our mutual
beniU and proteot oa.
Resolved, Tbat we join heart and band
with all men for tbe mutual benefit ot tbe
oil region.
Reiolved, Tbat we will not work for any
man or company tbat will" not pay tie our
wagea every two week.
Resolved, Tbat a it is hown by tbe vote
of tbe producera that it duee not injure
wella to abut down lor thirty daya, that we,
as working meu, aak tbem lo obey the lawa
of God aod our country by suspending all
-drilling and.pumpmg wella on tbe Sabbatb
Kerolved,T bat we aak the hearty co-oper
alion of all men engaged in the production
of oil tbat tbe above resolutions may be
carried Into effect.
Resolved, Tbat, we tbe laboring men o
tbe oil regions, hereon give notice to the
different oil conibioatioue tbat wa will aland
by tbe boned and legitimate producer, and
tbat we will assist them all lo our power la
regulating tbe price of oil.
Reiolved, That. we, tbe working men and
contractor of Parker aod vlciulty, heart-
Hp endorse Ibe aoiion of tbe producer,
recognising In tbem our true IrlenUa, aud
tbat we will do all to our power to make
tbelr movement a grand success.
Frederick Krupp, or Essen, in Rbenlab,
Pruiala, toe itreates! manufacturer ol eleei
perbapa in the world, baa published a char
acteristic loiter lo bia employee. He warns
then agaiuat strikes; save be will pay
wage in proportion to bia pro II is; that be
peuaiona ueservlog workman after a series
of yearn; that he will always lo future, as
iu tbe past, raise wage when he think be
oan afford lo do o; but tbat be lefuses lo
be dictated to. Tba Krupp work employ
ed in 1871, 8,810 workmen, aod turned out
78,000 metrical too of eaat ileal In Ibe form
of axle, tire, balti, roll, boiler plate,
springe, artillery and prujeolile. . Tbe
plan coo let ol 628 annealing and cement
Ing furnaces; 260 heating, reheating or pud.
dllng Iu ru aces; 245 coke furnaces; 130 mis
cellaneous furnaces; 169 forges; 174 steam
boilers; 343 lathes; 73 shaping machine;
130jplaolog; 172 punching, and 3u3 other
machine; 53 teem hammer, from 200
pounds up to 80 to na In weight. There 'are
265 eleauj engine at work representing an
aggregate of 8,559 borae power.
Tbe court bouse ol Kaukakeecouuly, III.,
waa deatroyed by fire Saturday.
There wue a long aeaalon or the American
and Britiah Claima eoiumisaiou Saturday, at
which were closed the proofe iu a large
number or cases, both American and Brit
ish. ,
At Boiton Lnouls W. Crane and Geo.
W. TVilliama were arrested Saturday, charg
ed wilb forgery and receiving atoleo goods.
It sppears tbat for month past tbe mails
in tbe Boston PosioOIce bave beeo robbed
of letters oontainiog cbeoks aod drafts from
alt parta.of lbs country.
An angina wa blown upon tbe seventeen
mile grade, west ol Piedmon I on tbe Balti
more and Ohio Railroad, on Saturday even
ing, killing four mea aod badly scalding a
fifth. Namea not known.
At Jersev City considerable excitement
was oreated Saturday by tbe arrest of Chief
or Police McWilliams aod Detective Doyle,
on suspicion of baviog been conceroed in
tbe late Fliat National bank robbery..
Next Wednesday tbe anniversary or Ibe
Chicago fire ia to be celebrated quietly by
tbe opening or tbe Chamber ol Commeroe
aod otbei buildings, and public meeting for
thanksgiving. All tbe daily papers are pre,
paring issues with glowing descriptions of
what has been accomplished.
At Jeraey city the trial or Charles J.
Proctor sad Frank Denolo, lor atlempllog
to rob tbe First .Notional bank, was con
cluded Saturday, Tbe j 'ry returned a ver
dict or guilty. Tbe prisoners were remnd
ed for seoteocee, wbiob Is expeoted will be
Imprisonment for Ibe longest term.
Tbe "King ol tbe dogs" has just recently
died in Paris. He was an ironmonger, and
waa known familiarly aa "Tom." On one
ocoaalon he waa bitien by a mad dog, and
ibe wound waa cauterized and bealed. Ever
after be took a atraage faooy to bouse alray
dogs. He devoted bia lime lo tbem, aod
trained tbem so that they all roae simultan
eouslya queer sight on their hind legs
when be appeared, in courlvoua salutation.
For bis pet dogs be had various names
One be called his Miuiiter ol Justice, au
anotber bia Minister of war, end so oo.
A ehrewd boy in Indiaua baa taught Vi
dog to dig potatoes. The buy pulls tbe
vines sod tbe dug follows after, unearthing
t ie potatoes with completeness and dispatch.
A I a church of -'color'' near Albany, the
other evening, tbe minister noticing a num
ber ot persons, botb white and colored,
landing upon the seats during service, cull-,
ed sut very loud, ' Git down of dem seats,
both while man and color; I care no more
for de one dan da odder." Imagine th.
pious minister's surprise oo bearing tbe
congregation suddenly singing, in sborl me
"Git down off dem seats,
Bofe white man and color;
I car-a no more lor one man
Dun I does lor tbe odder.
A whaling veaael now filling out at New
Bedford, Mats., will carry an upright Dve
boree power engine, to be used In cutting in
whales, discharging cargo, boiatlng topsails,
if required, &). This must prove a great
saviog or lime and labor, as it usually re
quires fifteen or sixteen men to cut lu.i
wbale, while wilb Ibe help of lb engine
six men cao easily attend to Ik Tba engine
I stationed in tba forooastle, occupying
space ten bv four feet. It will be the first
ever oarried to sea in a whaler lr these pur
Boatoo is organizing a oational dog show,
like that of England, with several tbouaaad
dollars premiums.
An unexpected meeting of a long aspera
ted father and son took place in a Sao Fran
Cisco restaurant tbe other day. Tbe father
bad been in tbe mines for years, but tbrongb
the removal of bis family bis letters bad
failed to reach tbem, and they bad believed
bim dead until tbe son recognised bins in
tbe heavily bearded gentleman sitting op
posite bim at tbe table.
The swindlers bave not yet ceased lo
make capital out of tba Chicago Ire,
young man having just beeo operating in
some or the towos or Massachusetts, his
metbod being lo call at a bona when tbe
gentleman i out, aod, prftendlag to bo of
a family on terms of frieodsblp wilb kin.
to wheedle tbe ladies of tbe boose ont of
their spare change on the pie of losses by
tbe great disaster.
A awtodler named C. B. Lord wo an sl
ed lo Meadvllle last week. Ha bad address
ed letters lo divers persona all- over tbe
country, promlaing, on the 'receipt of five
dollars from eaob applieaot, logo and in
flate them into tbe "Secret Order ol Moo
iy Finders. " In repWalarga number of
letters came to bis address, each Supposed
lo contain tba requisite V, but Ibe rascaj
waa nabbed before be got possession or tba
letteis, Tbe heavy ( !) bail of two hundred
dollars was required, which Lord gave, of
course, and lull lor parts uuknowo. It
sufllo eut bail bad been required to turn Ibe
fellow over to Disirict attorney SooDea'
eoder mercies, bis chances for tbe peni
tentiary would bave been very good.
Tbere is Ibis year, fur ibe first time,
registration ol Voters required, by law Or
New York, in all cities . and Incorpora
ted villages having mora than 10,000 Inhabi
tants. Tbs Merysvllle, California, Standard I
dead. Tbe editor in bis vsledlotorv. save
be has "devoted two aod a balf year ia
bis effiwls to keep up tbe paper, which be
Leoosideres equal to five yean io lb State'
John Chase, of Lynn, Mesaobuselt, baa
worked at aboemaking on tba lam beoeh
for tbe last (ixty-nioe year. Ue use
lapiione which ha been In use by differ
eul shoemakers for upward of ono hundred
and twenty sevenn years.
A De Molns cow oommilted (ulclde by
hanging herself lo a oar door. She was af
ter ooro.
Some youog women are odeavoriog to
start a new community on Lone Prairie,
Illiooia. It la to be Mormonlam, wilb lbs
gtand principle or tbat sect reversed.
Superintendent Bangs, of tba Postal Rail
way Service, has estimated that tba Increase
In tbe number of mile of service for lb
present fiscal year, wb'ch aod June SO, 1873
will be about 10,000, again! 8,000 for lb
last fiscal year.
A New York manufacturer recently no
ticed tbat In one room tbe girl were merry
and lo another melancholy. He loveatiga
ted aod found tbat the gloomy room wa
colored wilb yellow oobre, the other wltb
whitewash. He applied wbitewaih to lb
yellow room aod universal bapplnat was
tba result.
Tbe tobacco crop of Virginia, It Is stated,
will not turn out well. At one time It prom
ised finely, but at present Ibe plants arc not
ripening uniformly some of the leave being
entirely ripe and yollow, w bile other, par-
tloulary those at tbe lop, areitlll green.
The fields are als taring badly, and tbe
ground leavee io many placet) ate entire de
GetTuey ten's Lager
For Sale.
3 Portable engines and .Toil
ers, 800 it. of 5y casing, 2 seta
of tools, one (J0O foot cable, sand
pnrap line, fcc. prices and
terms reasonable. Inquire of
Kane City, Pa
. 8ept 1.
Io Underclothing of all kinds ALDBN
slock, jusl received, oanaol be excelled i.
Iba oil region Call and examine! "
Sept. 81-11
For Sale Cheap.
3 Producing wells with ma
chinery complete. Inquire of
. nowjfi & cook.
Petroleum Centre Pa Locfc
Just received at AL1)N'8 a laree steak
of genu UoderslolblBfl. The very bsst la
Fwr Bale
16.000 to M,000 feet of SECOND-IUHD
TUBING, at fro. U to 3& eia. p., foo?
Tbe Tubing U io first clsss order and all
ready fitted. M
April iS. tf. n. H. WARMER.
All lb asagaames for September, am
ready. '
Oliver Optie,
Teung Folks,
Frank Leslie,
Children's Flow a.
Old aod New,
Godey'a Ladies' Book,
London Society,
Ladleo Friend,
Arthur's Home,
Science Monthly,
Billon's, - .
Good Words,
Nursery, .
Herald of Health,
Jnat received al tbe J A of KOTOW
CLOTHING oTORE, call tee i
School Books.
A complete alock ufSahoul Rmika n
t Ibe fubllo Sehuol ean be fount .1
The Viotor Brand ol unaia at iba Fast
Off! os News Roam.
OT Higblv flavored. Ice cool Soda Water
at ibe Poet Office Newsroom. Try it.
For Pure Wine warranted as sues hv the
Brotherhood of Broeloo go lo GAFrfNEY 8.
HATS AND CAPS In area! vaiielv sod
la all styles, just received by express frost
New York, at the JAMESTOWN CLOTH
ING 8TORE. Call aod look at ibeav
August 12-11
Butter and chesse are almost Indispewl-
ble articles of food. Properly used, tbey
are nutritions and healthy; but en Inordi
nate use of either oauses indigestion and
dyspepsia. Owen Gaffu'ey' Sunday Com
fort, Judiciously used will remove both of
mere irounie
taj-Just received al the JAMESTO.WN
CLOTHING STORK, a large aMorlmio
ol new and nobby stylos of HATS A CAl'
If yon
Waot a Salesman,
Want a Servant GlrL
Waot to Sell a Horse,
Waal to Bell a Patent,
Want to Lend Money,
Waot to Buy a House,
Waot lo Sell a Carriage,
Want to Borrow Money,
Want to Sell an Oil Well,
Want to Buy an Engine or Boll,
Want to Sell a House and Lot,
Waot to find a Strayed Animal,
Want to Purchase an Oil Interest,
Want to Sell a Piece of Furniture,
Waot to Buy a Second-hand Carrie,
Want to Sell Tnblng, Casing, Gas Pip,
Want to Find an owner for anvtoiog
Found, advertise In tbe Rccord. as do !
ban tea thonsand people read it weeKiy.
Ijum .t t-.. in flnH Mvaral SB
tlrely aew brands, never before Introduced
lo lb I place, at tbe Post Offlca New Rooa
Tbey are warranted pore Havana. ,
Tbe beet Pittsburgh Lager at
To Increase
Your bueinexa.
Advertise In tbn