The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, September 25, 1872, Image 2

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Tailors !
Furnishing Goods,
Bare fotlm one of the Bowl assortments of
Irr offend In the Oil Region-
AIi tbe Latest and Nobbiest Stylos.
Gents' Furnishing Goods, &c.
etroleum Centre Daily Record.
ret. Centra PiqWelMidtr, Sept. 25
kue Btorvlce.
Servloes every Sabbath at 11 A. II. ami
X r. M. Sabbath School at 12) M.
eata free, A out .ial invitation extend
ed to all.
Kbv. P. W. Scofield, Pastor.'
Pfeachiog at 11 o'clock A. M., and
o'clock r. M.
D. PATTON, Pastor.
Petroleum Centre., JLodgc, JVo.
T15, I. O. of O. F.
Regular meeting nigbti Friday, at V,
o'clock. Signed.
B. O'Flahcrtt, A Sec'y.
tVPlaceof meeting, Main St., opposite
McClintock House.
Am O. of V. XV,
Liberty Lodge No. 7, A. O. of U. W.,
meeta evry Monday evening at 7 o'clock,
in Odd Fellow' Hail, Petroleum Centre,
A. M. Klkckssr, M. W.
J. II. Mkkrh.i., R.
Gold at I p. m. 1I3J$
There waa quite a respectable turnout a.
tne Producers' Meeliut;, lust evening. Tbe
lirevailing aenliment appeared to be In favor
of stmttlug down the wells in this District
f ftlly assured, that it ia to be a universal
Some time sge ago tbe Parker District
got ealbusiaatto aver the shutting down of
drilling wells. Tbe plan waa concurred in
bera and carried out to the letter and spirit,
but wat.e fizzle from the atart in tbe place
or It birth.
When It ia fully demonstrated by acts and
deeda that the producers are in earnest and
mean buaineis down below, we duubt not
our District will acquiesce.
In tbe meantime let us organize well aod
thoroughly. We are ready then to accept
tir reject proposilioaa presented. As David
Crockett says, we want to "bo euro we are
right, then go ahead."
Tbe meeting adjourned aubject to call
when lower districts are beard from.
Tbe Republican meeting was quite large
ly attended, and much enthusiasm prevail'
ad. Tbe speaker, Mr. McKinley, ol New
Castle, delivered a forolble and eloquent
speech, explaining tba political questions of
the day thoroughly Irom a Republican stand
point. Tbe address waa listened to tbro'-
out witb marked attention, and wai fre
quently Interrupted witb applause, N. I
Th. HMwInMM -if thji Ninth lll-l -In. J 1
meeting at tba office of t. D. Walmer
Kynd Farm, yesterday afternoon. The
same opinions prevail there that exists
nare on tbe question of abutting down.
Tbe great gas well on tbe Carter farm
Sugar reek township, Venango county, Is
now (applying zo wella on the Galloway
term with fuel and light. So far tber baa
bean no decrease In the flow of gas.
American tourists an new returning from
Europe In large numbers, and it h necessary
u engage pewage irom me othsr side sever
al weeks abead.
English boots and shoes are now to greet
demand in our American markets. Tbev
uta not baalaome, but broad, comfortable
tin! ull niada. - -
Horace Greely to be
in Titusville.
He Will Pass Through
Petroleum Centre,
By special telegram we learn that Horace
Greeley is to be In Tituavlle, tbia afternoon.
Here is the dipatcb
Titusvillc, Fa. Sept. 25.
Greeley will arrive Id Titutvlile at 4 p. m
tovlav on a special train from Corry. Goea
through to Meedvlile to-night. W. C. P.
A dispatch to the Democrat le aod Libera
Club of tbia place says:
Court, Pa., Sept. 25,-2:30 p. m.
Mr. Greeley will reach your place at
about 4:30. M. N. Allkx;
A meeting of tbe producers of tba 1Kb
DiBttlot. was held at tbe Grant A Wilson
C lub Room, last evening, which was quite
largely attended.
Oo motion, F. J- Keffer waa elected
chairman of tbe meeting.
Tbe chairman in a few words stated the
orjeots of tbe meeting to be an expression
of the views of the producers in legard to
tbe sbuttiog down of pumping wells for the
ensuing forty dare, and invited those pres
ent to give tbeli idess on the subject.
Mr. L. P. Walker said, that as Chairman
of tbe Distriol Committee, be had been re
quested to call this meeting by the Presir
dent of the Producers' Vnlon, and that be
would like to bear from all present
Tbe chairman stated that as an Individu
al be was opposed to signing any further
pledge. For one be bad already signed
several documents, the agreements contain
ed In which bed never been fulfilled, aod be
was not prepared to vote for or against tbe
proposition to shut down until be waa fully
satisfied the producers were acting in good
Capt. Powers agreed with tbe chairman,
and thought tbe lower district had not act
ed squarely towards tbe Creek producers In
the matter of suspension of drilling for six
Mr. Walker stated ibat be conld not
abut down bis wells without damaging them
beyond repair, still be stood ready to do
anything that lay In bis power tor tbe gen
eral gotd oi tile region.
Some further remarks were made by dif;
lereot producers, after which tbe meeting
adjourned until further was heard from the
lower region.
Mk. Editor: However producers me;
diller as to tbe proper thing to do, when all
agree that something must be done, there
cao be no difference of opinion as to tbe need
for organizing. . By remaining in our pres-
eut helpless condiiion, we only Invite the
cupidity of combinations against us. Tbe
very moment we show a lull square front, a
capacity to act as a unit, tbe battle Is gain
ed. With the P. P. Union reorganized, of
ficered by men who are recognized as lead
ing operators, and with constitution and
by laws that all can obey and respect, we
can produce just as much oil as we oboose
and do Injustice to none. Sell 15,000 barrels
a day for one-third more than we get fur
19,000 barrels, and aava to ourselves and
'amllles tbe expense of drl ling and pump
Ing out 4000 barrels difference. We can
take tbe Bull by the boms and adapt Mm
bencefortb at a presiding Deity.
A bevy of young ladies, wbile crossing
croek In the vicinity of Meadvllle, by moon
light, thought they observed a goose swim
ming in the water, and began pelting it
with stones, wben they were greatly aston
ished by bearing the aforesaid goose exclaim
"Why can't you let a feller alone? I ain't
bothering you folks any."
Tbe General Baptist Association for the
State of Pennsylvania, will commence Us
annual eewioa at vu liiiy, 00 Ibe lath Of
October. Tbe Pennsylvania Baptist Edu
catlonal Society wilt bold It anniversary
exercises at the same time. Tbe Baptist
Ministerial Union will also convene at the
same t'me ana puce for the transaction of
business relating to the Interests of tbe So
ciety. 1 Tba Chicago correspondent of a Boston
paper commences column article witb the
sentence, "Tba demand for false hair ia In
creasing." Astute scribe.
A Tennessee paper gravely announces tba'
a cow, being recently cornered la one of tbe
deep railway cut at tbe foot ol Lookout
Mountain, climbed up the aide and held
the rocks by bet totefeet until tbe train bad
swept past.
Canada Oil Niwa. In our last we men-
tioned that Messrs Ribighinr aod Brake
were about testing Iwo new wells, and we
learn tbe one to tbe north of the Lancaster
and Co., well, near tbe burned well, is not
in a very flourishing oooditlon. Tbe one
to tbe west, however, Is pronounced as
yielding 40 barrels a day. Tbe Dew well of
Hyde aod Co., to the east of the Temper
ance well, is drilling; and to the south-west
McGiil A Co , aod Anderson, Porter A Co ,
are busy with rigs. liaydi n and Jooea
well No. 2, towards the north part of tbe
La oi be territory, Is pumping, and produces
about 15 barrels a day. The Curyell well
upon tbe Thomasf and Co., sub-division, has
been delayed for want of water, but it is ex
pected to be down this week. Keoaedy
and Jeffrey are building a rig for their No.
8, between Nob, 6 and 7, opposite tbe new
rig of Col. Shoemaker; Lawson aod Co..
will commence diilllng tbe Is tier at once.
Br tbe way, the new well of Lawson.
Graoge & Co., is a good one; and also the
'Dough-boy" near by. A. aud S. Keith
are busy with Col. Shoemaker's now wel'
to the east or "Old Hickory" ana "Iron
Duke;" and tbe rig to tbe south of the latter
well is nearly ready lor the same owner.
L Tbe Heseey and Cralse well, and F.
Smith, Dunlop and Policy well, upon the
Webster territory, are being tested and
yield liberally. Tbe new well of Garner
and Co., is nearly completed, witb a good
show; while tbe Lougbeed and Co., and F.
Smith, Wright aod Co. wells, on tbe Web
ster farm, are drilling. McMillan well, on
tbe Graham farm, north of Martbaville Is
being tested yield 15 barrels.
The Western Co., are busy going over
tbe old district, giving It a thorough test;
and it is expected Ibat enough good wella
will be secured to more than beat all expen
ses in tbn venture. Certain this Company
is In earnest In tbe search fur tbe precious
fluid. LPetrolia (Ont.) Advertiser.
Take Yoi r Ciiioce. i'uu can get the
following pieces of new Mullo by sending 80
cents to J. L. Peters, 699 Broadway New
York, for tbe October number of Peters'
Musical Monthly, or the pieoes may be had
in sheet form, (printed from tbe same pistes)
at the prices annexed:
Dead, but not Forgotten. Song and Chorus
W. S. Hays. 40 eta
Sweetest. Song and Chorus
, II. P. Danks. 30 '
Ohigive me a borne In tbe South S'g & Cho.
W. S. Uyr. 40 "
Tbe Fortune Teller. Duet for Sop. and Alto
B. Gabnzzi. SO
Gloria Patrl In D. From Hayden'
H. P. Danks.
Battle's Waltz Cb. Klnkel.
L'n Ballo in Maschera Aug. Pacber.
May Blossoms. Reverie
Ch. Klnkel.
25 "
23 "
40 '
Praise of woman. Polka Mazurka. Four hands
Pacber. 35
Mr. Peters will send, post paid, five back
numbers, February to June, coutaluing
over $20 worth of musio on receiptor $1;
or Ibo four last numbers, July, Auguslt
September, and October, for tbe same sum.
Address, J. L. Poters, Musio Publisher)
599 Broadway, New York.
A lite Scalp Dance.
Los Plnos Correspondence Denver News.
After the etiquette of tbe occasion was
over, tbe Mauoue Utes showed us what was
tbeir pleasiog custom whenever a good and
glossy scalp fell into their bands, by dancing
a scalp dance, shouting, screaming, drum
ming aod yelling, wbile an old and haggard
and wrinkled squaw kept Ibe old bucks to
tbeir work by joining in the breakdown and
working assiduously in the semi-religious
observance. It was all a weird aud strange
and unusual sight, and the dirt aod tbe
creepers and tbe stolid Indifference it tbe
average Indians disappeared entirely from
tbe mind, and in their place came up very
uoploasant imaginings of very lively shin
ning around that pack of ferocious, and yet
very tame byeaos Iito loose npon you.
They used up all the breath and power and
muscle they bad, passed in review again,
and went off crooning some very unmusical
air, and all waa quiet.
It la not strange in these degenerate days
to bear ol men having snakes in tbeir boots,
but the snake whiob troubled a Kentucklan,
the other day, was in tbe lining of bis coat.
Upoo cutting tbe lining bis anakesbip two
leet long slipped out and was killed. One
man who' witnessed tbe exit of the enake
from tbe coat turned nine even-handed som
ersaults. Tbe Congress ol Peru has decreed the
abolition of the death penalty, and fifteen
years' Imprisonment is to be tbe maximum
of all puolsbment in that republic
A German physiologist, wbo has been
studying the aoiioo and effect of coSVe on
the human system, attributes Ibe popularity
ol that beverage to Its enlivening action,
rather than to tba caffein which it contains.
rjj the wide lake' margin I marked bat
The wide, weird lake, where tba alders
sigh , '
A young, fair thng, with a shy, loft eye;
Aod I deemed Ibat her thoughts had flown
To her home, and her brethren, and her
sisters dear,
As she lay there watching Ibe dnik, deep
All motionless, all alone.
Then I beard a noise, as of some men and
And a boisterous troop drew nlgli.
Whither now will retreat those fairy feet?
. Where hide till tbe slorm paes by?
One glance, tbe wild glauoe of a bunted
She cast behind ber; ehe gave one spring,
And there followed a splash asd a broaden
log ring,
On Ibe lake where tbe alders tigb.
She bad gone from tbe;ken of ungentle men!
Yet scarce did I moan for that;
For I koew she waa safe ia ber own borne
And, tbe danger pist, would appear again,
For- she was a water-rat.
Thought He Was Drunk.
A dioner party was in progress during tbe
brilliant difplay of northern lighis, and a
gentleman steppinii'out to cool his burning
brow, was startled by the display ebonrtbe
frosty pole. He stood perfectly amazed,
tben turning to the window be sw within
tbe wife of bis bosom sitting witb tbe ladies
waiting for tboir liege lords to end tbeir
obampagae and cigar.'. Pushing aside tbe
lace curtain, be beckoned Mrs. Agnes
to come out. She complied, when be said
to her nolemnly: "Wagnes, d'er see any
thing extronory now?" "Yes, Dolly, I see
that you have been drinking loo much wine.'
'No, out that, Wagnes; I mean extronory
pbronotnouuma in atmosphere." Wby
where, Dolly?" "Upper yooder, Wagnes."
"Why, dear me, yes; I do Indeed tbe most
brilliant Aurora I ever saw." "Wagnes,
sre things a sbootin'?" "Yes, dear." "An
a flshin', Wagnes?" "Yes, Dolly," "An' a
sorter spreadiu' an dancln' ah, bo!" laugh.
ed tba hiMband, much relieved. "Dj you
know, Waynes lmead Hignes wnen'r I
couie an' Haw the celestial obonnmonuins a
glowiu' upper yonder, d n me filer 1 didu't
tblutt 1 waa diiink."
'I he Kaitlo ol the Aula.
A Misfouri schoolmaster sends l Ibe St
Louis Republican an account of a battle be.
tween large black ants, great numbers of
wblcb iu Tested bis temple of learning. En
tering bis school bouse a few mornings ago,
l.e fouud tbe floor strewn witb dead and
dying ants, and a desperate battle among
them, wbloli bad evidently been going on
all night, as tbe dead outnumbered those
still engaged. Moitl of the belligerents were
grappled in a deadly embrace, wbile other,
but lately commenced were Handing erect
on their bind legs, striving for tbe advan
tage with all tbe skill aud science of tbe
must experieoced swordemen. The most
lalalipoint ol Attack, and tbe one for which
it seems all contend) d, was tbe ligament
which joined tbe main body witb tbe bead.
This vital member once seized the powerful
nippers, death sucoeeded without a struggle,
and tbe victor was ready and eager for an
other engagement.
No undue advantage was taken by either
party; and no two would endeavor to over
power a single one; not was there any flinch
log or wavering in a single instanoe, lor
whenever two billlgerents met It was eertaio
death to one or both parties. The battle
lasted two nights and a day, and only end
ed with the annihilation or one of tba coo
tending armies. There was a alight differ
ence to tbe appearanoe of the contestants,
one set being perfectly black witb a large
bead, wbile tbe other was nearly brown
witb a smaller bead, though botb about
equally matched In size aod strength.
A mecDanioj emploded in tbe carriage
shop of Arthur Wood, 32 Waterloo street,
telegraphed to a friend few days since a
follows: "Come right away, good job;"
which, under tbe skillful manipulation of
the operator, read, when delivered, "Come
right away; good God." Tbe receiver o!
Ibe dispatch, fearing Ibat bis Irlend bad met
witb some terrible accident hastened to tbe
city as soon aa possible, in oo enviable state
of mind, and was very agreeably disappoint,
ed oo learning tte mistake. Grand Rapid
Tbe Dayton Sun seems 16 be on tbe fence.
It says: "For President, Gr ; for
Vioe-President, n.
A Parkers Landing ooostable last night
brought a man to the lock-up, wbo Is charg
ed with false pretenses before 'Equlre Ful
lertoo, of that plaoe. The Prisoner, It is
alleged forged, two names to a note. Pitts
burgh Mail.
Ia Underclothing of alt I leds A LI) Eva
stock, just received, cannot be excelled
Ibe oil regions. Call and exMtlue.
Sept. Il-lt
For Sale Cheap.
3 Producing wells with to&
ehinery complete. Inquire of
Petroleum Centre, P& 1.1
Box. Just received at ALDEN'S a large stark
of Rents Underclothing. The very best i
For !
I.VnnO In 2A.OUO feet of arciran ....
TUBING, at from 24 to SO eta, perf
Tbe Tubing la in fssat ttasn oris, m all
rl tilled
April 29. H
All tbe raasazlnea for Knt.H.. ..
- r UVW
ready. '
LI ppiocutt's.
Oliver Optic,
Yeuog Vultx
Frank Leslie,
Children's Flower,
Old and New.
Godey'a Ladies' Book,
London Society,
Ladles' Friend,
Arthur' Home,
Science Monthly.
Good Words,
Herald of Health,
1NG; Just received at tba 3AMES70WW
CLOTHING cTORE, tail add see Ms
stock. School Books.
A complete Mock of School Books nseisd'
at tbe Publio School can be found at lbs
Days Dolose, New Varieties; New Torb
Clipper, WHk's Spirit, and all apnrting pa
Lovers of good cigars will find several sn'
lirely new brands, n. ver before iairndncHl
in Ibis plc-, at tbe Post Office News Rowc
Tbey are warranted pure Havanas
Tbe latest styles of Undereinlhlng lor'
(renin wear, at the JAMESTOWN CLOTH
C9Jut received at the JAMESTOWg
CLU THING STORE, a large assartmsoi
ol new and nobby styles ol HATS A CAI'3.
GOLDEN TKEASURE cigars at tbe
Post Office News Room. Somtbiug entirely
For Pure Wines warranted as sueh hy tw
Brotherhood of Broctoo go to GAFr'NEY'S.
HATS AND CAPS In great vaiiety en
in all styles, just reoelved by express front
New Yoik, at the JAMESTOWN CLOTH
ING STORE. Call and look al them.
August 13-tf.
The Victor Brand of cigara at lb Pots
Officii News Room.
If you
Want a Salesman,
Want a Servant Girl,
Want to Sell a llnrsu,
Want to Sell a Patent,
Want to Lend Money,
Waut to Buy a Houe,
Want to Sell Carriage,
Want to Borrow Money,
Want to Sell an Oil Well.
Want to Buy an Engine or Boiler,
Want to Sell a House aod Lot,
Want to find a Strayed Animal,
Want to Purchase an Oil Interest,
Waot to Sell a Piece of Furniture,
Want to Buy a Second-hand Carriage,
Want to Sell Tubing, Cuing, Gas Pipe,
Waot as. Find an owuer for aojtblcp
Found, advertln In tbe Record, as no leer
than ten thousand people read It weekly.
Gaffoey aetts Lager
Sunday Comfort a til I on deck aod for Mis'
(9 Highly flavored, lea oool Soda Water
at the Post Office Newsroom Try it.
The mortality report of Salt lke CUT
shows that region to be remarkably fret
from pulmonary complaint. Out of seventy
foar interments reported1 fep August, only
seven were from lung disease, and el tbss
oly four were set down a consumption.
New York paper suggest Ibat statues ol
eertaio American entnors should be set up
n Central Park auob as Washington Ir
Ivlng, Jams Fenioor Cooper, Fresco'
i KvrHend. EUUetkv