VOL.VH-NOt'S IDE PETEOLEUM CENTRE; OAILV RECORP flllST DAILY PAPERJIN VENAN GO CUUJUTl. PCBUSHED EVERY EVENING, 'Sundays xopt. y CQAS. C. WigKEB, Editb. MhU n advance. 18 M If MUCE-MST Or APVUBTIHINO. tm line of nonpareil make one ssaiara.) ".so, H 11 IKI, f 1 ot, 1 8() I Mr, t (Ma 8 M: To Mi 4 ill 5 n fl ft 7 m 8 Of 8 E0 14 III 16 III o or 80 IN' 40 01 o or SO HI! loo co 1 si: Ilt v.rdy, IV days IKI Twwerse, ltr weeks, toseath, rfOlDOOtnt, month) jii month, Sine months, (KflWl t OA 1 Mlj S 8 00 a so IK) 8 00 10 no, i so, in oo 97 00, M 00. 48 oo; O OH 4 BOi T ! 10 orJ 13 (W IS is nn; 80 00 i no 00 00 X so 4 Jul 6 lJ 7 Oil 10 (M 1 on tl S7 m 80 Off. MlMdtl notices W oenw P"r T" UnrtiiMneDU payable quarterly in aovaac. . M. PeUensill eV Co. 517 Ho, Nsw Tork, and tlo. P. Rowell & Co.. idnrUitol Agento, are the sole agent for e IV. Mieum Centre Bn.T liawoss In thai elty. Ad mtiien In that city are requested to leave tuilT Umt will eittu of Uis above bona rrCOE, WETHERILL & CO. Ader 4taAroiU,PWIadclp1iia, are duly authorized Aptta tor the Rtooas in that city. OB. J. H. MK1TL.Y, , SURGEON DEHTIST, I'ETBOlBt'Mi CENTRE, PAJ, (Siicciseor to McArplue" -Poiter.) Jjm comer .of Washington and Second street; to la fonndat office day and nisjht Kpeecisl at UM Ihu tr.mtmi.iiff of diseased teeth (Unmfotm. Ether. Gas and Local Anaesthetic Umlnliterod when rctfuired . V W' ALPINE, (Late of Petrolcsm Centre.) KESIDENT BtJRGfcON DENTIS7 0.': "administered. Ofllce open now. WriCS-Ovsr Hhenird'a Dry B EV1LLS, PA. Good . Store" jnnl 72 tl H. Gilbert iSnow propan d to execute BRK'K AND MA SON WORK IN AM. ITS BRANOHM), and 'iiraatu to eive aallafsction. . H.ASTKK1NU done to order. 1KTOK CH1M nESbollt. . Alao, BtUCK and LlME touaumt 1 oa hand and for sale. . , tV Hoaidnios on Kebert Tarm. Post cvnico IMiim Peboleam Outre,Pi. Give rue a call. . lov9 6m. AV. W. JOHNSTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, PETROLEUM CENTRE, PA. "flea en Waahlnsta ml6 omceT treet, oppoJlto Rey- . jltttf. S AmGS H. SMITH, ATTORNEY-AT LAW, OVe oner 1st. Na'lonnl Bank. Franklin. l' . and Halnrdavof each wepkover BlaneM 0's. Bank, 'wtolaumj Centre, Pu . JulM-tf- Mil! ail Bttii Stop ENGINEER, MACHINIST . . BLACKSMITH, . Ana munnfactarcr of llrllliiig . , and Plttnlng'TooU. iuW ON CL'NTRAL PET. FARM! NEAR R. 3, DEPOT PETROLBCM CENTUK. PA. ,' All kli ds of JobblnB and Uathiue Repair- Hit' rt(iau in aniu. 1 -o aam xaj viimgi y i' u run. c apxlo-lf. WBI. I.. UETTS. The , True D Aoioiiilily iownal, dovo Interests of M. ne vlo who M Inn. UH1 IO tinn.1!"0"" organ or th THUJi PI.AM PUu lll AND CCMMIHMON UOOSK. ;cimiU ?r. bend stamD lor snccimen. and learn kn. '"J 'aay redoes your ltTlueexiieiiaca ao to 60 per JT'J' without dlmltilBhiiiK c imfiirn or luxuries Jin.Mral2hiforward buiiuessj not in the least jh"tMDhl-" f Interest tn everybody. Addrort tika in ' """aWt " eet JuCKiiOn blrtet k.T7'"ufl t'5' keeps conataallv oo fin f r "" LonJon loiter, eipeo.. i wi isuiiit use. PETROLEUM CENTRE, frA ; MONDAY EVENING SEPTEMBER 23 1872. Hotels and Kvtaurantt. OYSTERS, Smith's LAGER .BEER SALOON1,! am) oysti.k mums. H v'ng purchased the Saloon, NEXT DOOM to SIMMONo' UKUtf STO.tK, 1 lespMitfnlly Kolirlt n .bare of pntronnre. Wv rooms will he kepi t-ool iind pleasant, ami mv Irieuds will at all times Uud FRESH LAGER from the hrewcrv and nlwv ciol. Yon can alwnvn And ih nnovn plc.. with 1.BMONAUE, M ATI VK .VINKS. KOOI ItHKIt, ani trcsh niiiJo SAND WICIIKR. byrallineon me iyi htve alrtii ifiti-d up a r.ndlcM' & (lent Oyrpr It "M, where icucitMm will lie served tip at nil hours, private enlrsure ttt the rtkim. A. S. MIITII, 0aWtf. Ni'xt donr to Simmon' birrft. I buy ni) Lager at.the Veranda Verandah Saloon. WAIT H rt ;H, Proprietors WASHINGTON ST.. PET. CENTRE. Pnrrtcnlar nitniiion paid to the wains of Ihclr cuf tomertt, and will keep the. linvst Ktoek of KlUESII LAGER AMI ALE, nioci ik;Ai:s. tt. Prop In anil Hoe-n in our rte nimrtea. j':4 tl M rUTHOLKUM CENTRE, PA. 1V.8 popnlai nolol, situated Joruer of itlnlu dc MaHUtiiRton-Sts., Neartho Deoo. has been refitted and furnished throiijtfmnt, and the proprietor will spare no pains to miio It a FIRST-CLASS noUSE. octS-tf .1NO V nUMlKHT, Proprietor- QtrJ-rSAL. HO US,, ri;TK0t.BDM CENTUB, PA.. Near OH Creek k Allegheny Kiver Railway Depot maylB tf. O. .T CKOHS. Prop'r ipera House sa.l6oi! Tjonii . Voiin Jier, Prop'r. Tnder the Opera Iloii!e, Hrtrolenm Centre, Pa. FIlKll tAOf K received dally aud eounnnily on drauuht. l.I'NCH nt all hodrs. Tin purest ol WINES. AI.KH, c ana me nnesi nrmas on i- GARS constantly en - hand My friend) nnd the nub ic lire reaiwctlul 1 1nvited to pay me a-eali UOVj4-nni. LOUIS J. VOGt'llER UTttoi,ci;iri liovstc. t'reo Oniulbiii to and from oil Trains BILLIARD AIID BATH ROOMS CON NECTED WITH HOTEL. novld-tf. C. W. 8TAATS, Prop'rJ CITY HOTEL ASW RESTAtimT, rprina slre'el, TITtJSVJLLE, FA. Tlios. Coodilu, Prop'r. Tbia Hotel la dentrally locatl The ba-t of ac commodations afforded to gucsu tratuiout oi per mancnt. Every delicacy rf the acaaon conatautly on hand SOMETIUNd NEW The proprietor haa the verv h.'si. facilities in the country lor eii.Aai 1NO OYSTEHS. Titusville. lire :, 1K71 tl. A lot of. olU'rapers fur tale si luis ii Lord's Boiler Powder ! FOB TIJK Rrmoval ana Prevcntlonof 3 SCALE IN STEAM BOILERS Tlii Powder will Uemuyol AriyScali, no matter Low thick or Haid it may be, and keep the Iroh in a good condi tion for ages. WE CAN KEND YOU A l'RCCT 07 THIS. A, .T. IIAWLEY, COI.DWATRH I.EAS2, WIT I) CAT II'iIXOW r ir-ii'nm uo ire. ' ft.. Is tin otilvnulhon.'l hcmit 'n iiil Rd'.i ii for the .ule nfihe ponder, uf whom II CHfl IH! oDiued hy the fcej; r pillid. f gr It m also for l lit th-i Hardware ctora of Oeo. . wmnor, relroli-um t euire. a. Ju'y 13-tf (Sncrwir to A. T. I.epiroU,; M uuufacturor and Ueulur iu E1E &&, Seed Bags, Valve Cups, &c Experienced workmen are .emiiloved. and llai- nesa of all kiLds keptconstau'.ly uu hand aud maai to order. FINE NEW HARNESS. DOUDLE AND singl: en band at roaaonablu rates. r'ANCY AND UOnsE BLANKETS III LAKGK yrANTiriHs There Is no superior VALVE CUP Made, than (he one made in my shop, and they miiiuu ,uiu 91 per iiuuureu or ou cuius et. nalu-St., below llio OleCIintock .IIOIISO. Peirolre, a Nov7 tf 1 in E Tenth Volume or WOOD'S nOUHRIIDLD MAOAZINE begins Willi anuary, '72. It is edited hy Gall Hamilton, H H. Wood, autl II. V. Dsliorno, and includes amorij its regular contrilm tors Horace Greeley, H llamflton, Thos. K. Bee. cber, Jlr. Die Lnwts, Dr. V. W. Ilsll, James I'ar ton. etc Harriet Heecher Stows. Urick J'omrov, .Ii hn (i. Saxc, Msj. (ii nl Kilpatrick, Petroleum V. Nnsiiy, etc , w:ile lor It ft:ca-ionaily. TVrms, duo Dollar a year. In eliihilns, thr.-e Krt. class peri odicals ar i' ivai lor the price of one of thorn, 'j he mo-t liheral PreTiium List ever published. No pe ilodlil Is more frnpient.y or favoia ly mentioned by the press. ('Wood's llnnaeho'a Msgaziqn Is one of the monuments of hredess enterprise welch mail: the aue," Methodiol Home .liiuiluil, I'liila uelphla, I'a. 'lt has hetn iniprovl IE ever since we knew It a good criterion for the future "Courier New Mnrke', Canada, "j, 19 n niarvel of elnMp nessaud flrst class ipiality combined." New York limes, ciieciinen copy sent Irte to rny sd.lress. b. 8. WOOD & CO.,' Ntmuui'Kh, N. Y. tST Advertise Id tbo Daii.v Rbuoru, tli oldest paper iu Vonuneo County. A tino lot ol Imported Wines am Liquor just receivtd'sutl tot bilti by'GAFiNtY. iVjW! : : j RECOB Tltc Oi.Wst I stal'ishcil Li quor Store on Oil ('reek. OWEN BAFFNEY, PHPP'R. . PIJEE . Wines & Liquors, Tlie Bast Inipoi tatiof.b. iin's, .. IlfiiiKfies; Gins, . , Kums, WhisUies, FCri FAMILY AND MEDICINAL PUR IMSKS. I would cull parf leu lar attention to my ISninils of UiitW, . . i which are ceiminp Importation", and cm tirucM the i-nliie tirtr U?pt la America. Murlieln. 1 : - ' Ales and Porter Ban Vn-n Imported Aln. Ill Rcttfe una 'on (Iran, KlrKWIii'ii Imptiri pl Alp III Hollies. (;iiliiml llrowutotu Ac Loclon I'ur cr, Jtc CBCAS,GICARS THE 'FINEST BRANDS OF DOM: :stic AND HAVANA CI3ARS. .o. an AVakliliiglon-kt.. PE C'HOIilit.U CIKI'ltK. I' A. nnv4n tmi:-i ;aiFifv- milER & AOltlllK, GENERAL MACHINISTS at d Dcalerain all kr.rJs of WEliIiTOOIiS & FlXTUKES Neeesnary trr putting down pnd operntlng Vella. In connection with our MAClllNib' rjiSCi. 0 have a lure aud convci.icn ELACKSMITH SHOP. Onr fac'Mile. for MANnPAm OHIKO excelled hv anv Hhou in the Oil Ke'ona are no Shop- Tfair-noiiMi.vtVd 3fo(.Vi)i(ocfc.cie. ym-J KISIIE & NllllHIH. Emel, Zedtvich. ("LITTLE JOE.-j t BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, Una been established Iu Petrnloum Centre lor the past iiireu j ear s, uud uua the name of Alanine Ilie Hi st Fil and Flncsl Root in the Oil llefiioiiM. lis la conatantly recetvlnp ordera from othe'sec tiouaofihe Oil Regions. IU constantly kuep.i on hand Kcady'iiiattlc Boots & Shot's iDIES' AND CHILDREN'S ., SHOba AND GAITERS. C .11.1.1 AND sr.r 31 m . EMEIsZKDWICH. jtr FelrfeU' Centre Meat Martet ! Oo. V. Kin":, Jr., Next Door to the Kncheter llnnao. dealer In Prenh and Salt M K AT , SMOKKU MEATS, 1'OL'I.TltT, lltTTTKR. Ac. Karmera havin? fit Cattle will do well to alve me a call. Ashaieol the public paironsi-e sou iuti lil-'O. W. KlNl,Jr I'c'-rolcillil Centre. Ort. W, i") tie D. MMSMMHtMHUl 85 Qjyl.WEKKLY FINANCIAL. GEO. 11. HISHEM, c JOM R A. 3ST . EC . 32 31 t3. PK'rHOLl.lIU CENIHE, PA. 0. II. Illasell, 11. C. Martin tiinatopner Meyer offer our pervires for the transaction of a OKNRUAL I1ANKINO, rXCllAMihaud Ot.'le I lil tillN Kl SIN 1CSS Any liuelrie entmstMl pit nipt attention to our euro will reeelvs THE CITIZEN'S BANK AND TITUS VIIj 15 j PA. ' OFFICEltb: VM. II. Anltfltr. - - PrnrtdeBti I. 11. JACKH0W, - . Cashier. DIRECTORS: WM. n. ABBOTT, OBO. K. ANflKltSON IT. W. ASI8S, . K. W. ANDREWS. D. II CADY, ' I.YMAN bTKWARd . i 1. 0. JACKftOU . T lis Bank Is nrpnnlxed on thn rti'rtnMtitn 'win. clpic. eieh stoeki-old lielntr Indnidially liable to me ruLL AAie.nl vr iliq I KUf 1. , .., , SIX PF.lt CENT. . Interest alloweil on tline'depe'slts In Savlnc" RanK liejiartnunt, sperial' fncllitlea hulnir oilercd t HMAI.I. llKI'IISITOHS. ' liuVKIiNMKNT BKCURITIKS of all kinds foi' sale, i .' Discounts made and a General Banking Bualaefa tmusuctcd. , Th'e Sa;fe Depsit Deparim'l FOR THE GAFE KEEP1N3 OF TAL . , . .,, .U.AULES, .... la now open to the public, for' li? RPNTINa Ok hAl ES in the Ut'UULAK PHOOF VAULTS lehi tf llr. Crook' , OF f A.S ESTABI.IHH2D IN 186JSJ A 1 romedi''whlch has been tested tor lit yeais, and prov ed in thousand orenuen est. able of eiirliur'S'l JJiuauw of thf TlirnaX ntitl tung; per lormiiii! manv rtfimii kukle euri. nieills a trial' from all who i re sutliTinv from slm' Inr aft'ectlons aed vnl'ii'.v f-k Inn relief. Will fou Ul pre jutlire prtveut yon from leinif cured also. ' 1 " fmi. -lis and Colds. The Druggitta say It cure a them all. " Asthma, 1 ho relief and cures of It are marvel ous. ' " Bronchitis. Every sufferer will find relief and cere. '. ' Throat Ailm 'nta ri;nlrc nnly a few dnsi'S. I.un- Diaeases. lias cured cases pronounced III curable. 1 ' l. ' Debility. It renovates and Invigorates (l a )! its. l.irer Complaint. Most effictlve regulator cfthlf nrenn. ' "' ij.vvpspsla. Its healthy action on the stomach cures it. ' '' '' ' Appiiis r It la hcaUh giving and appethWe- Criuary Orgnna. Action ou them Is marked and prompt. ' . ' lilt. CRftOK'H WINE Ol' TAB Is rich In the iheil oliinl iislttlcs uf Tar, aomliiuod with ve".?,.tiil,l"iiii.'re,le.-iia' of undnuhted va'ae. which make It nnsunaisaed, not ouly for the complaint enumerated, Uhi1 it rapidly rtatoren n liniiMted Hitrt'liirlli, eltwnsi'sthc -stoniHcb, re laxes the 1.1 ver aud pits hem to work causes tlit food U digest, end iiiakea pure blood, and bceete a vivalty nppreclned hyhoth aouudand slrk. If you nrc alllV'eo in av way. we know' If jou try ilia lUe.'i I'llltf Irtllle propei llee of Dr. Croitk's Wiiia ot 'I nr, yon will add your testimony to lis great value In correcting aiiy "ills thd flesh 14 Mr tu." PirnareJ only by IH.IVEK OatOOK A CO. Hold by Druggists everywhere. WtM M Otitis, Fi'anklin. Pa. It. 11. AT3TIN, Pn-s't. CHAS. .MILI EU, Man'gf MANUFACTURERS of IhsCELEBRATED GALENA Mm,- Car, OoaA & toinery' Lubricating Oils. Wfitrantrd Dip bwt LulirtMtnr In In tiwf tMt tho rilina Oil Imfe tiluuiptiedsiiiid their boJU i unlleiiKO Utr au equal ha ti l.ubricHlur vet-H no luorerimti-utunM. i! . bMiu-ff III hh ou A A U W Hy, V & A K K y. A V K'y, J A If U'y, ud ' huvvelli, machine atiop, do. t II AKIaY HOWE, jansi tf Afeut for Pctrolenm'Cintro Jt vlela. M 'CKAV ilOtNE I Washington street, Petroleum Centra, Fa. W. M. BKADSTKKT, PaornisTos. Tills House la centrally located, uud .ta hoaduuartera of oil mtii-P-.i ii.nia vJLut.-e. IV , .tutsl". HT: