,-iv f 11 (7f-----.".-'-. . IV. V Vi W Er "V- ' '-:K:;Li3V: fei: W mmidj mmmxm record. PETROLEUM CENTR-Sf llLRECORI) flRST DAILY PAPER IN VENAN IM! i a (GO COUNTY. fCBUSHED EVEKY EVENING, CB.tS.iC. WICKER, Editor. - (TKRIUS. Lptpsl a advance, , 18 O 1W.LIST OF ADVERTISING. ta Him of nonpareil make one square.) Imrtkim. 1 ig. it so,. Sag. jm. 9, I Mi f 1 K 4 d MM . 1 01 1 a. 3 PC III o ro ro 7 ro H On 8 ro 1 t oo; SIS Ml 2 ! 8 01 an m 8 IK ) 8 fx: 4 i 7 501 lo oo 12 (Nil 15 OCi 18 (KV ao on 41 00. 60 OOl 4 ft.'1 6 Oil 14 Wi 0 01)1 onl c 00 K) ( on u ! 00 (10! 1 tw Sd (0 80 00 Wilh, ... T 10 laelM, SO; anus. rtt. r lr, ooi 40 n 60 00 M (XI 100 CO lath, 11 Oo s? V 00 8i) 86 00( 41 WMUeaMMata per Hne. nHi lnserIuo. payable quarterly in aGvunce I. Pettcuill ic Co. .n t, Us York, and Oca. P. Howell & Co.. B Afreets, aro the nole amenta for ne Pi . Centre D1H.T Kboobd In that city. : Ad lm la that city ve requested to leave theli eitta either of trio above boast; rCOE, WETHERILL & CO. Adrer- fcirata, Phlladolplilit, are duly authorized In tbe RreoBD In that city. AH. J. H. HE1VLV, SURGEON DENTIST, PETROLEUM CENTRE, PA', (Sukswot o McAVplue & Potter. wiwr of W.shlneton end fWnnd .tiwta kimndatofllce davand nl?ht Hn.esi nt. Iffl riven tn the trpjltmnnt nl ' illaonaml tni.ih Ether, (im aud Local Anaethuic: -Aura when required V KlcAIiPINE, (Lata of Petrolenm Cea.re.) Resident surgeon dentist, ndBlalmered. Office open now. lC-Over 8hoDd"a Dry Oforl Store Junl 72 U SVILU, PA. albert ?leiard to execute Bfliril ANT) WA' MM WOKK IN ALL ITS BRAN Cil KB, nn(i MtSMNQ 4xm ta order. BK1CK CIirM- mill. JJ0, BlilOK and UJIJ3 Coiminut UM and mr eale. "Weiiee on Brrbort Farm Pnt Office reaolenm Oomro.Pa. CivOTtieaciU. aorllBm ATTORNEY AT LAW, WTR0LBOM CKSTKE, PA. P Waaalnirlon atreet. onnolt E-o fkOfflc Roy- jaitf 'AMES H. SIKirn, ATTORNEY-AT LAW, 1 KIr1,tl"a,lonal Bonk. "mnitlr. Pa u . . foach week over Rlsaell A ( oM. Haul:. RIsaell A Co', tv, Jul80-tf. '-i wwiirc, ra 3E3 E!acM!f Sfej E3 "INEER, MACIiiNIST . BLACKSMITH, i , 10 feamalk m - - imiacuirer of UriMIug 0PON CENTRAL I'KT. Fa'rv ., I' DEPOT, J'JJMtaot JoiibinKand Mauhljle liciiair- toorder.. Ulvomi' VM. I,. HI.TIS. lift A monthly imI 1" the ft7.'"""" p WHO bi tho TUCK PLAN PUD iSS2 too,a " "peeimon, ami learn h,)w " ftion? Jiy?T 'vlHK expenses SO K. 60 per "i;!XL?'m,n'htairmforU or hixiirie?. KMena1. i orT Dlt,HIH8 i "" ia 'nt 0. AIH. .,1... ALUIWH , .lostr rt'uit Jackiiun buxet, GAPITWl?v i INRe.w.'.Y;" -R.BeP' conetanuy oa "'Hot l"a -J?a(1-- tor' P6 ' little U an.l Ilesl.uiranls. II. I u i Jj il o. ' Smith's LAGER BEEBSSALOOHl! .'tfk V".'K"K'C,'' II .vlin: pnrrhnctl the Snli.tn, MKXT Imou to SIMMONh' lillUO srOrfK, I respectfully solirit a hare of paUonOKe. .My inmn will bu kopt i-ool and pleowiu!, srnl mi Mendi will nt nil times nud FiiBSlI LAKB frcm tl.e brewery and alwmra cool. Yon e.ln nlwave find the ahoTS ailir e. with LEMONADE, NATo'E WINKS, HOOT HKKK, and man made BAND WIC11M, bycallineou mm drs"l have n.'o lltlcd up a Lndlee' Gents Oyster I'.OOM, where Ire ciwm will be served up at all uouib. rrivaie culiance to luornom. A. south. 0--rCf.tf, Next door to Slm'nnn htoi I buy my Lager at.the Veraudab Verandah Saloon. WAIT & l'lTiEU, Proprietors WASHINGTON ST.. PET. CENTRE. Particular attention paid to the wants of Ihalr cut '.oniurn, and will keep the linest to".k of FliCSIl I.tr.KJi A AO ALU, CRIOtlE CKJAKS, &e. Prop In and eecgti In our new quarters. 'n4-H CCJLINTOCK AflOCSl faTROLEOM CENTKB, PA. 1Mb popnlat Hotel, situated Corner of Malu it Uat t-.tiifctoti-sts., Near the Deobt, has been re'ittcd and I'mni-ihod throughout, aud the propricto. will euare no pains to make It a HEST-CLAG3 notTGE. JLerl?f- ,INO V IiUl.fil'lIT, l'nmrletor. PBTROLEU3I CENTKE, PA;, Near Oil Crook Allegheny Itivcr Hallway Depot if.aviotr. ;. ,i cimsn. Pmn'r SALOON! IiOiin J. Voucher, Prup'r. T7ndT tlie Opi'rn Tlnuse, petrolenm CVnhp, Pa. PRtfll LAOKK rereUml dally aud nuciiily on dranr:hl l.U?,TCIl at n' ' oarrt. Thi pi'i'i.vt of W1NEH, Al.KH, enn ' !ret Inandj of CI OAW' congMutly on h1- frirnds nnd the public r.ni reiijectlully iuvi.. . :- p:iy inmieiii, nnvM ooi. LOiiii J. VOUCIIKlt 1'roo Cmulbati to aatl from ail Trains BILLIARD AND BAT H ROOMS CON- , NECTED VITU HOTEL. novlli-tf. t". W. BTAATfl, Prop'r) CITY HOT El AYS, IlLSTAl'IlAXf, irinj; filtcet, T1TUSVILLE, PA. Thou. Goodwin, Prop'r. Tills Hotel is dentrally located Tho best of ac commodations afi'uidcd to gr.oBta transiont 01 rer manont j Jvoiy delicacy of the season constantly on hand BOM ETITIXf) NEW Tho proprietor lm, the verv b,i fmlli joe in the country for STEAM INO OYHTEIIS. Tilu-ville. life 30, 1H71 tt. XiS A lot ol old nupere lor euie at Ok.i.C. 11' this H-ord Boiler Powder ! FOB T1IK Rcmiiral nisn Prevention of " SCALE IN STEAM BOILERS ThI Powder will Kemoye- Any Scale, no matter hoiv thick or Hard it may bo, and keep tho Iroh in a rjjood condi tion for aes o WE CAN SEND YOU A PECCP OP Tills. A. J.J IIAWfiEY, cot.B-r;Tri lease, vni d cat hollow Vli'i .r"' '!',,", ' is '( ouly Kuthotized neent noil lte-i 1)r the -ale, fthj Podnr, of whom il can bu olnined by tin. ki c or pound. - ''v.- if? r"r ""'e at the Hunlwara btoro of ... ,, iu.uit i-ui ni'.i'iim nunc, la. .'nly 13-tr. I I W :Vi i'V. (Sncceor to A. T. I .ereett,; 31 anufacturer aud Dealer iu Seed Bags, Valve Cups, &c Expertenped workmen are employed, and Ilai ia order k01'1 c"uituutl' u:""1 and niaoi t'lNK NEW IlAnrTEPS. DOUBLE and SINGLK, ' n hand at reasonable rates. t'ANCY AND MORSE m.AVRP.TS IN I.AKGK jL'ANTIlilin Thci'u is no f upcrlor valve cur ; i Le . ; ri T ,"i "v0 ..r! vi, . It... ,1 set. u jh ,iv. uiiiiaitju or diici.imm tlulll-Ut., below tlie M ct'Ilutock lion). ii. ro'tolro, a, Kiv7 tf : rilPK Tenth Volume of WOOD'S IIOUSKncLD I IH At.AiCINJi heL'h s wilh nnuiry, '72. It is cd.ted by r.aii Hamilton, B. S. Voud, ai.d II. V. ( shorno. ami IiirIik om anioTiir lis reiniiar contribu tors iloracnHria-ley, (Jail Hauiiltun, Thos. K. lieu i.her, Dr. Jio Lewis, Hr. W. W. Hall, Janiea l ar ti.n. etc. Ilaril. t He, ch(,r Sunve, Brick i'niiirov, .lolitl O. S.r;e, Maj. (,,:,i. Kilj.iiti irk, Pe.roleuni V. Nasby, etc, write lor it oeca.-ionally. Terms, On. Uiillnrayvi;. In clubbinc. ihr.,u flv-t class peri, odioilsare iriven fir tlx- , ! ot.e of (lieni. 'i be most lj ' nil l'n mium Lii.t ever published. No oe nodical i nioro Irnniont. y or l.n om-ly mentioned by the press. "Woods. Household AIKnislu 1 one or thai.lonniiioiitsofbiislsaentarnri.Bw'blch niark lliii i;e,"-'letl)d't Home Jiaiin il, phila delphij, I a. "It Iih been Improvi ur ever since we knew it a Rood criterion for toe future." Ciairier New Marko . tanada. -It a nmrvl of cheap Jf" and liisl-clasa quality eombiuid." New York iuuw- pou...! ..,M,v hem Irt,. to nnv Hflr rrKS H. 8. W 001J 4 CO., Nuwburck, N. Y. C2T Advertise In tho Daily Ukcokd, the umro, ouJl ill f cimili:o iounty. A hno lot ol imported Wines and Liquors 1UBI lotoiveu uuu iur anio uy UAl'l'NtY, r in.. IjjpT II o 1 J and Tr ".itjB,lW(.At; The Oldest Established Li quor Store on Oil Creek. OWEN GAFFNEY, PRPP-R. PUEE Wines & Liquors, The Best Importations. Winos, iSntiiriie, Gins, Itntns. Whiskies, FGR FAMILY AND MEDICINAL PUR PUSES. I vul call particular attention to my Brands of Wines, which tire penuine Importation?, and em brace the entire list ever kept Id America Markets. Ales and Porter ltnn fc Co's Imported Ale. In Rottie anrl 'on Kriitt. tl Dtvln'si ImporU cl Ale in IIoUIor, ;uluDt Crawuslout1 tc Loudon lor er, Ve G! CARS, CIGARS THE. FINEST BRANDS OF DOMESTIC AND HAVANA CIGAUS. Xo. 2." YVnoIiliicJon-st., PE TJCOJLEt'Jl tii.NTiiK. 1A. nov4-tf. ' OWJBN (iAFFNKT. GENERAL MACHINISTS and Dcnlcrlin all kinds of WEIjIj TCOtiS A; I IXTURES Necessary Irr puttlni! down and operating Veils. In connection with our MACHINE tJ'M 9 have a larc and conveulen DLACKSMITH SnOP. Onr facilities for WANUFACTUItlNO ara no rwiTuuu uy auy oiiup in lue (Jit if n(;loiiS ,S7io)- ;oir'-()o!iposie SfcClinitcZlQU8 ymS KIKilKI & NORMS. Emel Zedwich.. ;( "LITTLE JOE.") BOOT AND SHOEMAKER, lias been ostabliHhid In Petroloum Centre for the pfltt throe years, and has the name of Ma kins the lie nt FI1 and Finest i'ioot iu the Oil Kt'srioitM. Uo in constantly receiving orders from other sco Hons or ilio Oil Regions. lie constantly keeps ou hand Heady-made Eoots& Shoes LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES AND GAITERS. calm and sur Aim. jfltf ESI EL ZEDWICH. mm m meat mm Geo. We King, Jr., Next Door to the Itnehester nonse. dealer in Fresh and Knit MEAT?, b.MOKKD .MEATS, POULTRY, IJl'TTKR. e. Farmers havinr. fat Cattle will do woll to aWe mo a'call. A shaie of the public patrouae solicited !KO. Vv. KINO, Jr. I'otrolcunilC.ultc. Cot. 20, Urn 'in S5 C7E8 WEEKLY FINANCIAL. GEO. II. BISSELiIi 6c CO., RANKER S, PnTROLIldll CENTRE. IA. Christopher Seyer " Urr" nfvflfj T.v0?1 Ior "e immsetlon of ?ilT.ONLBlN!aU' -"AMsitt- OOl, prX'-aft'entTon'11'4 teo0t-r" THE CITIZEN'S BAEfK AND TITrSVILE, PA. vthmrr- sss- . DlItECToHa i Tills Bank Is orennleed on the partsenrrfp aria, clplo, each stockhold bclnr Indfvldunllv MakU l the FVLL EXTENT OF HIB PKOPBfr. I SIX PEA CEIT. Interest allowed on time deposit In favlrtf Bank OOVKHNMKNT sienrmrKrirB ah Uiaconnta mada and a Oniai iMk. nu.. transacted. w. The Safe Deposit DepaiiB'l FOB THE SAFE KEEPING OF TAL UABLES, I now open to ftio pnblte, for rhe KinrfTrto Of 8AFK8 In Uie RUKQLAH PROOF VATJAVM lr. Crook'f , . wijstic at V A R ESTABLISnfiDtN 1861 fj A . romody which has beetf tested for IB years, and proy ed In thousands of cases oa able of curlnir all Dittau o IM Throat and Lungt; per- lormuiK many reniarkahle euros, met Its a triad from all who are suffering from simi lar affection and Tai nly seek Ing rolkt inil you fefpn. judiet promt jo frm being cured alto. Coughs and Colds. The Druggists say It etnes tbein, all. Asthma. Tho relief and cores dfltirs marvel. ons. . . llronchltls. Every eutrerer wla find reltof sjioT cere . Throat Ailnrnta require oily few dooat , . I.un; Olseases. lias cured oases STODenneed in- cnrnble Debility. It renovates and Invigorates tbs syi ua. , Liver Complaint Most etfectlve resistor of thla orpan. liyepspels'. Its trsajthy oetlon on the etomaefa cures it. Appetiz r. It IS health-giving said appelltee- stnrjie. ririimry Orgnna. Action oh them Is marked and prompt.' Dti. CROOK'S WINE OF TAH la rich In th. medicinal qnallties Of Tar, combined with vec, table Ingredient, of undonbted talne, which make it unsurpassed, not O 'ly for tn dnmplalnts .numerated, hut it rapidly restores ei liauRted strenr'h, eleanses iii' stomach, re laxes the Liver and putif them to work causes the . food to digest , and makes pure blood, and Keets a vivai itv aniireeiated bv both nnnd and sfck. It win nr.. mil i l. 'o 111 c i any way. wa know tf vn trv the life-elvllict tnnio vronerUM of Dr. t rook's Wine ot Tar, yon will add yonr teettmony to Its irreat valnalncorrectinK any Mils' thl flesh I. heir to." Pru.nredoniy by OLiVEH CROOK. CO. Hold by Drmririits everywhere. Franklin, Pa. H. II. AUSTIN, Prea't. CHAS. tULUsRAfsa'gr MANUFACTURERS olth CELEBRATED GALENA Engine, Car, U & Mm Lubricating Oils. "Tairnnted the best Lubricator In use. In erars test tho Onlena Oils have triumphed, nnd tkoir bold cnalleuae for an equal as a Lubricator meets no mo re contestant. It Is now ii. ma oa A G W U'y, O C & A It Hy, A V R'y, J V U'y, awls he wells, machine shops, &c. E14IIUY HO.YIS, (anW tf Agent for PetFolenm'Ctetre ylrln, Jj'tKAX lAOiiSE; Washington street, Petrolenai Centra, Pf W. M. BHADSTKET, Pemiiios, . Thla House ts centrally located, aud the beadqaarters of oil men. Petroleum Ventre, Pa., Jan. 17, - Js. . i