1 CEO. W. WINSOR HARDWARE, AC TKliP t'l' HAJfUY. 'Hit. Hcltalilo 1 amlly WcdlrlnL', tor llo jaompt citro cf Cholera, ittHithou.t, tliok.'a lii''tntiiii, J'.vw.iitt-ty, fnunim, giiinnirr (.iniiplni'it, c.-, J. rdi ll'i a Oonipoiiii.l Hy nip t)f r.'ftrktteiry Knot and llinils'rli, an old und -i II tried roinrdy', entirely viyotablo, plesrant to tal u, titick aiidrertsio Incn'jcu cno bo Ucpondci 0:1 In tnomoit uiont cawiinyhn (.ivciilo the v. auueat liitant as i'l! as to the aed. It iateadily taken by children. Kin it in the hoit-a. Bud nac i., ...... r i,,. 1),..,,,. ,1.1. llAXSH.l. i, lllll'. POST OFFICE NEWSROOM STOESrr-STOVES ! Geo. W VTfasor . ' STORE. ESTABLISHED 1859. Geo. "W. "Winsor MAIN STUEET, Ohange4of'i,iirL - ) ... ? -.'J 1 . ' Having purchased th - : - j v"in .Market tstrvet, Philadelphia. Ury it. 'si lLTkOLLl M 1 CETE, PEALER IN Olu WELL TUBING AND CASING 1 ALSO, . WORKING BARRELS & VALVES. STUFFING BOXES, J" Ct AMPS, .TONGS, 1NN1S SUCKER RODS, RIVETED JOINT SUCKER ROD BOILER PUMPS, CISTERN & WELL PUMPS, very Description o 'supplies for s' : ' OIL'.WIM TANKS JD , REFINERIES. . MUSS GOODS, Tlie Cowing cas puivip Locomotive tXltndor-1:. In. Kxcliutve Ageufc tor Uio Oil RogioiiB. STEAM & GAS FITTINGS BELTING. PACKING AND HOS3 , KIttBY'S COMPRESSED DUNGS, HARDWARE, Uouso Trimmings, . Carpenters' Tool, Drilling ana Plain Laid Rope, Oukmn, Nails, Aiob, Table and l'ockut Cutlery, A (till assortment of everything la tie Hardware House Furnishing Goods, .VENTTXATOB AND Morning: G-lor base Btuimts. SOME COMPANION, ' IRON GATF. and WHEAT. SHEAF Cook Stoves. JLiuap., Ii'antfirn. & Chimneys, AIo. 1 IViuler MlrikiiiitaJ liUrd Uil, CIIAAPIOS CLOTHES WRIAGEBS Manufaxlnnr of TIN,: SHEET IRON & COFFER WAKE. SMOKE STACKS, KcjJilrinRoraU kinds doue with uw.lt.eas and dit (Milch. Etfpuciol Uenliou given tu Steam and Gas -lutings Tin and ttcpair Shop. 'I "e. 4.Vini mi frieiiili for HipMlP.fr it in'r,.-.,. .., in the pa, '. ripe if'dly reitmsl e .ntimi..nco u( K H - Branch tore it .l'.'fnkiir;'i. p V4 I1;, vitiu. v. yieit O I would respectfully call the attention of those wishing Cook 01 . Heating Stoves, to call and examine my stock. Thoj MOEISTING- GLOET ! The pioneer of bsso burners. Has a mill grate, which entirely grinds ovi nil sin to or clinkers, thus keeping the lire clean and obviates the necessity of putting out the tiro to clean the grate. It is a perfect antl-duutor, and u porpetual burner. The America ' Cook . Jlteye ! Vlth reservoir and warming closet, acknowledged by every one to be tho most perfect in coastrnction and finish of any Stove in the market, la considered ttie most, perfect baker of any Stove made. Aleo the PLYMOUTH EOCK ! A Unit elms Cooking Stovo with roservoirand warming closet. Abo a fcIarga variety of other Bud diU'eroul Btylee of ' ' ' ' . : .' ' Cook and Heating Stoves. A large stock of TIN AND SHEET IRON WARB kept constantly on band, with a complete stock of . ttJD "W AR IB I ' AND .., s OIL WELL Make to order GAL VAIVIZED considered the cheapest and safest pump now iik, rw neoiora if 011 nope uuwios.- xne il'l"-'MS UUU isul,- 1jUvb, rue uiibi iKMAitrvjii- DAME, SMITH & CO.'SaD. IMPROVED : Seneca Falls UMPS :f With Steel racking. SO Sold In Iust UO Ways. Kxcluslve Agents fur tbo Uil ltoglcn DAME, SMITH & Co., . SuccosBora to F. W.' AMES, TITUS VIIiliE, 1 A. Wood Work ' ' ' FOU CARRIAGE BUlLDEftS. 2D GROWTH SPOKES, HUBS, CENT FELLOES, SHAFTS, SaIwED FELLOES,. POLES, NECKYOKES, . WI11FKLETREES, HUD' BANDS, AXLES SPRINGS, ' ,' FIFTH WHEELS, MALLEAIILES. And the Uest aiThie Hull in Markt 1AME. SMITH V CO, ' uccuiscirs to F. AV. AMES. Butler nud tLrtt i ute ulm.ujt iuu'iB)cn.si ble articles of food. I'roperly Us-d, Hmy are imtriticus and healthy; b it eu iuouli natu iibu of either "ciuses indifestiou uud dyspepsia. Owoo OttHueJi's Sunday Com fort, .luciiciotifcly utcd will remove Loth of tfcete troublus S S SUEPLI'S I IKON HANI) PUMPS which are In use. , liotttoil TlilHNjEfHml Cjin . ... W ....111 1 . . I. K ar. . UaliWeMll laUitEW.tt NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. BOICOHNTftWN . IN. J. .11 AI.lv 4'Ol.k4K. Tbornon!r.h interaction, llt-al-tlit'ul and lHjiiutiful lnciil . Ontritf the nitu'.t cute- fully conducted uuu be.4t3iiftiitiied linnciima in Stiti.. Kir Cirins, etc, adilrcw ltev- .I011K U. JJUAKKI.E1T , l'h.D . JDGEHILL MILITARY SCHOOL, Iflnrclinnlvllln. N. J , Fi.ur miUn from PhUudt'lrjliin, foriuerlvlncntrd sHinciMou N. J 1 F. . NHOWELU A. T,, Trlncipnl. Forty-fourth Annua) Term lxlna &eitctnncr 10th. Scud for Circular. KATOS FEMALE luistitiit v. On 1'hiln & Halt (Vntrul K. 11.. K.-must Sinnro. C'hcHtfr Jo, Va, ollorH nil the Inducement, tlial coiiNt'.iule a homo iuconncc'lou with a thorouuli Kutrlibh Kducation, nt $14S per Hnhool ycttr. No extras cxri'pt for li'Blniction In Wnx. Magic, Litin, French, Jttini)in, Fainting and Drawin;;. K-ii?trn teachets, Ri-adnate of our heflt Now Kuyland Hchoolti, hare beim omplnycd fo aevt'rrtl voar. In quire of ilV AN T. BWAV.xJi, BALUJiVV". BWAt K, Principals. 1 riiUSiCAHOUA FEMALE KE.ni.NAlt V, ACAlJEttIA, JUNIATA CO , PA. CAMPAIGN GOODS FOU 1872 Aiciiti wartrtl fiir our Campaign pood. Sell at Sifbl I'uy 10D pur cent profit Now is tho time ioud at once f. r Ucscnptive Circnl ira mid Price Mat of our l'ine Stol Kngr.i vines of all tlto Oundi dti'PB. l'nmiml':n Hioirrauliic. Cliartd. I'hotourKaihi llades. Hrit, Fiats and ovcrytliinK snitnl to the umus i n uniiara tcr aav tutsny njiinn r 1111 sam ples HPnt 1br f) Addreriit MOO UK & UUODtii'KKU n I'urtc kow, sicvf York AffOiitswaiitodfnrClianiborlln ttCrcut Cuuipaitfu Hook, 1'iio Struggle of 72: A Noveltv to IViliticftl and Popular LMcrnturo. A (srriptne llirilory of tho itiMmbiicinaml Dcm oornlltf l'nrtier; a, r icy ekctcli ol tuo n-illot Lil;r ul Krniiliiiciin i'artv; An inido iew of tlm t tnein nati Oonvamidn. 'J'ne mmqi- tickets or iniiin allow r.i inn e.4iii.)Uu. 'i ntr nucsl iniit-tmt(l imon pnl lulled A bwK wiutcd by evory American iU.cn To t"i7iro ti-rriroraf ouco, nood $1 for cm tit UN ION miHUSlUNG CO, Ohicagu, lll.Tliila, Ta.or Sprinfluld, Uhml. MUTUAL The Mutual .lau gnanmtori to the mutually in mirud tin! puftiosf hccniity for the ijHSibU' cortt. Ttic prumlttm nolo nro the tiMlhtl. thi tltia no dividend are pi id to )h. stockholder , bni ft ig uiidy UrtHtrtiaed to pay di-flcientic.- iiris inp aticr 1h ;tsv tt-'itt i)i hw-(B ui'di:xp'ii8cr whlrii iQ tho CO!.. rvjidA iT.biiAv iii t u-ur-Ai i, Gluing the to la! lviia yc;tf ut iu cxiKt;tK.,i,( haw uvuiuluI hut fi'i pir cctttuiii mion tint p'criiiiiro nolo, ln-iiiir lnvT Hi m the I'.l! ' m i U'd in 1 lie imt mil.nt (tl-if i coidm:i imn dunuK tut- wnuc puriai'i linio. Ju iiiBrifip nt Hio k r-tto. in- ittsiircd luiiHt prvmonnce to hlm ili:it In- nXH owry yir eiiojh-j-t To firm tin ueeitmnlnu- tuil tur. ciiiurehoirv ; , Xo p.iv Urttw dMdctKlb tu ihi. oipi'il invc-.-ti d fn lft C'..!ii pn.iv; Hd. luins tiio lick of a 'hiciu Hi(-' toinir' ut,d t ipiir.; u l'niipa.y out of i-x;ottte. In & Al iiti.tl I'uiu.isiuy laukuuiitt hi own iioanyin hand until liix.tioil, uuU iaH lit) ,ii nj iu c ipita'iit-. 1 it mutukily in-u.t.-.,, luii-f tiiujixve thn i.i -i-Ui.r i-, Ifitk tutcr tlie h.iniat. .:A t.lixtt i- anj 1L ncuvv ii; ail tlu-tt tluis m uniug ,.;;t ,i v i - J. J.'FKUEAl'I'T, crethty, Colu;iib!tt; Laucustor Coaaty, ronn'a." THOS.MfrASDHfilJR. 4!.5,HA.P(7TS3aRGH. El UULbLCS : ' 11ECUES For Hiiquot'S." Contain ho lalost improve. I instructions for tnixini; ltrandies. Whttlteys, Rums, Cine, Hitters. Fancy Cordinlf, Fruit Syrups, jluy Kiitc, Ac, lc. No .me entraged in the Li quor Busiucss can afford to do without them. Ask for them nud examine thorn at the book stores. Delivered by mall on receipt nf $2 by ASCHENBACIl. MILLER, N. W. cor. 3d aod Cullonhill fD, l'li'ludalphla l's. Index and samr-le sbcets sent free. BARLOW'S INDIGO BLUE. lj tho cheapest and best article in tbe mar ket for BLUEING CLOTHES. The genuine has botb Darluw's and Wiltbertrer's name on the label, and i. pot up at Wlllbecpcr'l Drug Store, No. 2:i.t North Second St., I'hl adelphia. I). 3. W1LTSER6ER, Propria tor. For sole by DrtttiRis's and Grocers. ItEWAISO For ntiy cflse tr Illind, llteedinc. Itching a' lri-iti-ratid tli;tt Uk Hlxo'a rtj.D KtMnoy lull 10 CTit-o. It i.4 ine.- g m B B. 1 I c pitred esprcesly to cure the I ii. and nothing ene. Hold by all Uruggtsts. 1'iiro. $1.01). "TWR rilEYlSTRY OF IMVINE PKOVI- DKN'CK hai ne"er iirodttced a ininoral water which cnmhlnea in such wrl'ertlon the qualities of antt 1'illhiiift ltnic one cathartic -ncuioine.ns'.hatofthe Seliznr Sim: ami TAIiHANT'S EFFKItVKWKNT SKLTZSlt AJ'lilUrJNTia theartlfiLiul cquivaiuut o.nacgnainntu.ai remtuy. AGENTS WAN 1ED. Agents make more money at work for us than at anything else. Dusiuess lliiht and rermanent. Particulars free. G. STINSON & CO., Fine Art Pub listers, PortUnd. Maine. Epilepsy or Fits A SURE CURE lor this distressing com plaint Is now made known in a Treatise (ol 4S octavo pages); on Foreign and Native llei biil l'repnrations, published by Dr. u. l'liKU'S Browx.' Tbe prescription was dis covered by bha m suob a providential man ner that be cannot ' conseleutiously reinee to make it known, bb it has cured every body who has used it for Fits, never laving taied in a slncle ease. The Ingredients may ho obtained from n jy diinjial. A coi.y sent free to all oiiph cants hy mail. Addrcps l)r; O J'lllia,'8 UltOWN, St (Jrand St, Jersey City, N J To Advertleera. All persons who dm torn plate maklntr contracts with newitpapers for the insertion of Advurtlsumeuts should acud to GeW P.'Rowell & Co-, for a Circular, or rucloneS-lccntfl for their One Hundred Pago Faiupltlet, conUlnliig Usifl nf K.000 ierpaper8 and cutinmteit Bhotug the cost of advertising, nleo numy useful ldntato advert ijer:j, and foin account of the f'Tpurienees ot nuu who nro know a bb LSnceeptftftil Adver tisorN. Thlefirm nre pmprieiom of the Ameci oau Newspaper Advertising Agcnoy, 41 PARK. ROW, N. Y arid are pnn9eeed of unequalled fadlitlea for iecur ing tho Insertion of advert! cement a in all Kewe pujioi-M and Ptrlodicals at lowest tatea. jIiliEOIIEAYVAIiIiEYKH. On and after Monday, .Inly 15, 1871 . UOJNU Siilifll. Acc'm. Mail. Jixps. Acc'E.Tpa. a nt ft in p in pu r m. THnsvllla, 1 til U M ...... V 10 Petroleum Can,' 8 go 1 10 1) Oil City, V 15 15 2 15 4 0i II Hu Fmnkiill, 8 CO SI 65 g 511 4 40 10 16 Vnr'cr, B i 10 14 a OS . 6 117 10 40 Scri.li.'i-na, H 54 10 .11 8 DO ft 40 11 10 Kinlenton, B 46 11 2ll 4 12 Faxhurh, 10 00 11 40 4 21 Palltrr'9, 10 1U' l'i 15 6 tiO Brady , iiond, .... 1 6 .la Klttannini;, ...... S SO II 49 Wet Peuii J'n Sit 1 ii Fittahuig'l, 4 66 8 45 a in t m p m OOINO NOKTH. 41 12 Oi IS -J4 l ) 40 1 13 a su 4 85 25 am Ace p m 7 00 7 la 8 00 p m Kx)s Aoc" Expt Mill a ni 11 00 IS 45 l :ia s 41 8 0 3 411 8 50 6 00 5 26 h ut u so 7 1" 7 60 p m 10 (0 a m n in P.t'sburph, I SO 8 r,5 f) 35 10 40 II ST 11 40 11 50 12 50 1 13 1 hi) S GO 8 10 S 56 West Fenn J'n IS 40 Kittannltui. 1 as lirady'a llcud, ' Farmer's, Koxbjivh, Emleu'lon, ' Hcnlhgraas, Foster, Franklin, Oil City, I'et. Centre, TilUvillu, a 47 8 28 3 4'4 8 M 4 41. 5 Oil 6 as II "5 . ti HI 1 10 1 1)0 7 ISO 8 05 8 '.'fl . 8 Vri l 'l Oil 10 8S U IX) 13'u5 p m no 1'! 6 SN 7 85 8 05 8 !W II 10 ...t.. a m p m p ni put Jn:y 17, ',!. rtun Hiutdava. -Sllvel'a!r.cc Sleenine Cars on Kiallt Eimeaa traii.a both waj l.ctwc.'u I'itttmrKh and Coitv. .1 J. I.AWIiENCJJ, Ueu'lStipt Tnoa. M Kis'o A'tru;it. - lk. . y . Vot Want . I'o increase Your bi:ain Ai eititij in the l'l. fllOl 'll'M I,! Bill lit IiS"OHi m jb. nil I am new prepared to- sell any thing and everything in tho1" : ..... i. ,i Stationery, .C-'r.. V. Blank Book. - '' Fancy Goods, 1 :u Or Confectioiery Line ? At . Greatly Reduced -VA, Preparatory to laying in an en- . nit In connection witfa the ..News 1 room there is' fireWlass CirculatingTntrr? ; Iibraryr COMPRISING' THE LATEST STAN DARD AND MISCELLANEOUS . WORKS OF THE BAY. Conifectionery, Confectionery OF ALL. KINDS.'. ,U -Jr. AND TOBACCOS i" Cl RS and 101111 CO .-My. Stock ia Unexcelled. SODA WATER I"' ' , ',. - , I . on draught at all' times. ; I hope by strict 'atfention .to the wants of the j-nblic to mer it a share of their patronage,anl' would invite my friids fr "P?y me a call. ' CIIAS C. WICKER i