gist, Washington Stf gs, Medicines Perfumeries other Drug House in Town. Toilet iLk ..... JAMESTOWN CLQTHIN'O STORE. J" AMESTOW3ST lifll 11 fjlj 3 r iLi 1E 1811 BOSS CLOTHIER OF THE OILEEG-IOlSr ar, First in FIRST INT PEiI, And Ifirsl with a New Stock of SPRING AMD SUMMEB STYLES H dV43t, 9 S?ZE-i--W" O-OOIDS; Gents' Furnishing Goods.&c Tba finest Stock ever brought to Oil Creek. m Necfc-Ties, Scarfs, Bows, &o WBAT ANB NOBBY. SUMMER OVERCOATS ! LATEST PmiS FAS 5. LINEN CLOTHING sold CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST I , l ean aiid will Sell Cloth- B !iik " -"nd" CDl"Per u" "me uruclrs cau bo buimut in TKusville, Oil CUy or 111 po nt outld of New Yoik Cily, aod aa examination ol my Block ami prices " MnviaM any on of kbit fact. ' ckttUr. TVashiMSjton-St,, PETKttLEOI CENTRE, Pi. nv W. U. TEX.. LINE. I'KTr.lll.KlM OmrN nr J Cextk I-AtTT nrnnnnV Sept. 2 1872. I7 The petroleum mnrket in firm to-rtav. We quota nt $3,35 $.1,40. Wo bear of UO transactions l'bilad!ibia, Sept. 2. Crnrte 1U. Eefined 21. Sept. 23 Oct. 22?4'. Not. Market Quiet. 1'ittjdiurjc, Sept. 2. Credo spot, 8,'. 15. O. all year, 12, S. O. dr. 11 Rofinpd Spot 22 Sept. 22;';i'. Market quiet Mew Turk, Sept. 2. CriKie 12 . Jislined, 23;4'. j Market Firm. KULUI.'tiU.n Viik. Keit Yoak. Sopt. 2 Gold U2J.f. '' Ad verttHnra All p"rwn who rent 'ui uiiik'iiir coi.trm-ta with iiowciwik-ih l',.r i ntem mnciH li.r tha m-eniou ul AilvonlsvlUfIit! ahoultl ieiiU to Geo. P. Rowell & Co-, Tor a nrcnlur, or rnclor . n-n' f.n tlu lr Cno JCntidr-il I'ac ft"nml!ilC c:.tninini; f 3 1'th) N'Hrv-p;ipeni ami tMtinm'rg; tlio..hip t ocoitiif advertising, ttJso intuiy useful hints to dvtfrtifrrt, nr.d vme nmumt of f Ih xpet fei.rint .f men wlio nro known ha Miccmfiil Advor tiworM. Tliixfiim iirt' jiropiit jrs of thu Amurl can .Newspaper AdTtTtlaii.g Akcucj. 41 PARK ROW, N. Y and aro poapepsed of nnoqnUfd finlhtle for irenr ins tho inHerifoii of nilvri-lttMfM'iiu In nil Nuwe pupem anu Kriodicula ai Imveit iatis. 4KI1IVAL ,IND i'GI'AItllilh OF m.MSH M O. c. c A. It. II, On and alter frinilny, Juno 2ad, 1S72, trains will run aa follows: NORTH KO. 6. NO. 3. NO. 1. Leave Irvine. 11.45a m. 3.05 p M Leave Oil City 6.(10 a u. 2.27 ph. 0,15 p u " Hct.Ceu 6.. "10 " 3.10 " 7.H7 " Tittmv. 7.10 3.65 ' 7.60 Arrive Corry, 8.45 " 6.25 9.15 No. C AccomiiindatUin Freight. Leave Oil City 9 40 a ; Prt. Centre, 10,20; Tituaville, 11.15; Ar. Corty, 12,60pm 80CTU. SO, 2. NO. 4. NO. 6. Leave Corry, 10.45 a m. fi.10 a M. 6,115 p ji " Tituav. 12,10 p m. 7,30 7,35 P. Cen. 1,10 ' 8.20 8.35 Arrive O. City 1,50 9,05 " 9,25 Irvine. 4.48 11.40 ' No. 10 Accommodation Freight. Leaven Corry 1,15 p m; Tituev, 2,50; Pet Cen I tp. 3,55; Ar at Oil City, 4,40 p in. t2T" No. 5 and 6 run on Sunday. Take Aotlc?. Groat IReducti'n n Hie PKICETof BENZINE I AT t'clieruicrliorn&Tcii Eyck's. AND MARKET PKTCE PAID FOKCRUDE OIL. Petrolrani Centre, Pa., .Inlv '8. If. Daily Record NEWS P'A PER, in Job Priwtisc Office; .MAIN TltEET, PJCTROLECJI CEMJtE. FORK I, AtTERHA IM DUT OOOD3. AC 1872NEWGOOOS ! 1872. Important to our Patron and the puUio at large t SO BEL Zc AUERHAt m Hatlns jn.t returned from New York w. am now opanfng oat lb 1AEQE8T WCCK at 4 mm Kverbrongbt to Petroleum Centre, eomprlUng tho latcBt atjlca of DRESS QOOD BOLiiY VARDEBI Casmeres ELACK, COLORED AND STRIPED SILKS. IRISH POPLINS, Japanese Silks, Shawls, tiimirare Laces, iloicry, Cloves Keady-Made Linen (Salts, ni, very nne eeieciioo or MILLINERY GOODS ! MILLINERY GOODs KSttnd OGT FVK1V18HUIO GOODS. ta!K' m t,,,t,ls' ITunks, Valises, Satchels, c, &c. t-Pleafa call early and examine for youraelvea. . ' ' dccloif. annrr. - arm !. TheOldfest ERtabli&hed Dry Goods Honse on Oil CVeek." IS. H. Warner I MEASIi & aumstroko 1 DFALEH I!J SECOND-IUND WW, All Stzei CaaliiK, Engine, Boiler, and OIL 'WELL SUPPLIES. HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR OLD KUr-U, IKON and BRASS. J-Havinc rccntlv nnrrtinai d a New and Im.l proved PIPB CUTTINU MAOUINK, I am prrnar I'd to ont and fit all eizua of Pipe and Catlaz from inch to 3 1-4 Inch. waahliiKion.Nt.. Nearly Op p. Roeb enter Uuuae, jpt. Centre, Pa. apr6lf. u. II. WARNM o eg H ISHAM & CO. TUurvIIIc, Pa. NEW AND BEAUTIFUL STY'LES.OFi Watches ana Jewelry, (A raerican, English and Swl.i make.) Sterling Silver Ware, Silver Plated "Ware, Of all KTOileH, nniqne deiUna in 8IL VRIt, e.pceially adapted forprceeuts OLinnoi.DCUAiNU. J-WKI.HY, pistols, UKVdl.VRRH, FISHINOTACKLI, HKAI, KINOS c, e. ParllmlarnttantlonirlvenWi retwir- (no; fine wntchuM and Jewelry by a Thftlrm have atiio a etore atTI TUKV1I.I.H, SirinK atreet. HEMKMBEK TUB PLACE. Fpiinc utrept. niairly onp. the Amert can uoici, xitniiviue, ia. IDXJlL O 2STID3 5 p c (D To Oil Operators! icw t.nd Important iDven tioii fur OIIi WELLS. rtHT nndiTviciwd hariLR Invented n3, applied tN ARRANGEMENT FOR SEED' EAGGINB OIL WELLS THRO' SMALL CASING! IS PREPAHKD TO APPLY THE SAMB TO OIL A ELLS IX UctilUM. tT" This Invention la warranted to ahnt oh the water and tticrrby Inrreano the prodmtlon or all wells to wuicu u u appneu. ALL OltDTlSmost he accompanied with th1 EXACT MZB OK 'J II K HOLK AND THB AMOUNT UJ? "ASTN1 IN K IN TUB WBLL. f UIC flO.OO AddreFf, C, D. JENMSutf, Patentee, KANE GIT V, aneceaaora to H. B. Waner, WHOLESALE AMD B-TAIL FLOUR AND IVlerch'nts THI I Behacrlbere barlBRboagMtka oM Maal t M H Wiriiaf n- -I.l. V. and will keep lwyi on hand th bait Ui iiurKui uiorai. we win ao ft wuulkoAJ! u-aa,M uavug IB laUV.WUUWUlf PmUCVI Flour, Feed, Grain of ankna?eMtuvr Tai7 Urn MK tar applh8. we InTlte a ahara of pahlla patronav. aMBi confident we can tva .tljoirflnn i. . u: qaalityof goote Petrolcnm Centre, Pa., Not. (, 1810 if 0LLY TARDElf SALOOIM ABD RESTAURANT! WA6HINQTON ETB-KT, FITEOLEUM OEHTKfi, PA. Capt. TV. fj. eXIITff , ft09t. Beat Ale. an Lager on Tafy Ctaole Wlaa, IfallT Coratc, Domeati. anal Ik iport4 Clean. Call and eee fuf jooraelC jsa-tc. W. I. BHITH FOR SilLEg CHEAP. apennairaHj n;i -w.e pile. 10.0M ft 9 i. TUBING, 10,'.oa ft tfi and i)f r? Inch CAHINQ, t,H It WW ALL PUB, a-OOOtl NfilBB ,d HfULRUS of all ,T.r howl . cooir, WMttt i it