The rug Is selling Dru ER than any gist, Washington St., gs, Medicines, Perfumeries other Drug House in Town. Toilet Articles, Ccc., CHEAP mm JAMESTOWN CLOTHING STORE. XA-ZLVEIE ST (iOLOTIHlIIKinB USTHltID BOSS CLOTHIER OF THE OILEEG-ION First in War, FIRST SBI PEACE, Aod First with a Nevr Stock of SPRING AMD SUMMER STYLES Am AF JTD Gents' Furnishing Goods.&c The finest Stock ever brought to OH Creek. Uecli-Ties, Scarfs, Bows, &c AND NOBBY. l'0 Ad verlliicira. All nm-Brm who nnnlom plate making con t met with newspaper fur the in-eruou ui AUVOnirtVIUvDlA 1001110 BULU 10 Geo. P. Rowell & Co-, for ft Olrrnlar, or encloe 23 cents fortlielr One nnnorra raaro fainpniei, containing Liet. uf U.OUO NHi-naneni and estimates ebonim; t'ocofltf;, aleo innny needll hints to advcrttpers, and home account or the experience of men who are known a Nuncesiifiil Adver Mae re. This firm are prmtrirtors of tliu Alum can Newspaper AdTertleing Agency, 41 PARK ROW, N, Y and are pniMMed ornncqnftlled facilities for secnr tng iho luriUn of ndvert.Aempnta in all iNews pa pern and Periodical! at lowest tatea. SUMMER OVERCOATS ! LATEST PARIS FASHIONS. UNEE" CLOTHING- SOLD CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST! .lean and will Sell Cloth- Jpin -1 r. Pln ouUtde or Kew oik CHy, ud an examination ol mj atocU and prices WU oa? iDca aoj one of tola faet. ' A. ALDEN, Clothier, WashlcWm-St., PETR0LEFJ1 CEMRE, P THK Oil, fljIKKKIK. BY XV. U. TEL. LINE. Ovvipb nm rBTROLKCK Ckntrb iUtt.T Vrmnv A lie 31 K?2. Kh petroleum market Is firm Lto-dey at $3,35. Van lot of 100 barrel changed bands at that flgiir. I'hlladelpbia, Aog SI. Cmde 11J. Refined 21 Aug. 21f Sept. 23 Oct. 22?,'. Market Quiet. I'lttehurn, Aug. 31. Crude spot, 8,V. B. O. all year, 12. S. O. do. 11 Eeflned Spot 22? Aug. 22? Market quiet. FOBEL AUERHAIM DRY G00D3. iO Crude 11'. Reflneo, 23 . Market-Firm. New Tork, Aug. 31. GULBIANllH TltllK. Niw Yonc, Aug Gold 11 2?. 13. 1872. NEWCOODS! 1872. Important to ovr Patrons and the ptiblio at largo ! SO B EL AU E R H A I M. flaring jturt retnrned from Now York we are now opening out the LARGEST STOCK of Brer brought to Fetrolenm Contra, comprising the latoet alyles of DRESS GOODS, Irjr aoh I DOLLY VARDBBI Casmeres BLACK, COLORED AND STRIPED SILKS. IRISH POPLINS. Japanese Silks, Shawls, Gimpure Laces, Holery, Gloves, Ready-Made Linen Nnits, MILLINERY GOODS ! MILLINERY GOODs uawihs ana utiHTi uumstunw uuons, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Trunks, Valises, Satchels, &c, &c. tSJ" Please call early and examioa for yourselves, ilecirnf. SARRIi A- ArKnilllM. The Oldest Established Dry Goods House on Oil Creek. H. H. Warner AKK1VAI, AND DEPARTURE OT I TRAINS ON O. O. V A. R. K, On and after Sunday, June 2nd, 1872, trains will ruo as follows: NORTH NO. 6. NO. S. SO. 1. Leave Irvine. 11,45 a M. 3.05 p M Leave Oil City 6.00 a if. 2.27 e u. 6, 15 p u ' f fl.Uen 6.3U " 3, III " 7.07 " i Titusv. 7,10 3.85 7.60 " Arrive Corry, 8,45 " 6,25 9,15 No. S Accommodation I relght. Leaves Oil City 9 40 a m; Pet. Centre, 10,26; Titusville, 11.15; Ar. Corry, 12,50pm sooth. ko, 2. no. 4. ko. 6. Leave Corry, 10.45 a kt. fi.10 a x. 6,05 p M Titusv. 12,10 p at. 7,30 " 7,35 P. Cen. 1,10 8.20 ' 8.35 .rriveO. City 1,60 9,05 9,25 Irvine. 4,48 11, 4U No. In Accommodation Freight. Leaves Corry 1,15 p m; Titusv, 2,60; Pet Centre. 3,55; Ar at Oil City, 4.40 p m. fjfr No. 5 ana a ruo on buoaay. Take Notice. G-reat Heducti'n nttac PIlICEof BENZINE! AT clicrmerhorn & Ten Eyck's. AND MARKET PRICE PAID FOR CRUDE OIL. Petroleum Centre, IV, Jnly (f. DFALER IN S E C ON D-II AND TUG, All Sizes Caning, Engine", Boiler, and )1L SWELL SUPPLIES. HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR OLD ROPE, IRON and BRASS. flHav1ne recently pirchaand a New and Im proved PIPtt CUT'l'INc MACBINK, I am prepar ed to cut and at all eUcea of tM and Casing from K Inch to 8 14 inch. nraahlns;loii-Nt., Nearly Opp. Rocb ester afooae, ret. t:ntro, raw aprotf. H. II WARN UK Daily Record NEWSPAPER. AXD Job Printing Office; MAIN TIIEET, PETROLEUM CENTRE 02 CD ed 0 c3 ISHAM & CO. Tituivllle, Pa. NEW AND BEAUTIFUL STYLES OFi Watches anH Jewelry, (Amerlcan,Enellshand Swiss make.) Sterling Silver Ware, Silver Plated Ware, Of all aradea. unlnne dedans in SIL VER, especially adapted fur presents ounooi.ncaAiNS, JKWKI.HY, 1'IHTdl.M, HKVOI.VFRR, KIHIIINU TAfTClB. . UKAL KINUH c, . Parttpnlarattmtlon given o repair ing; Una watches and Jewelry by a competent workmnn. Thv Arm have almi .tore atTt TUHVIM.K, Hprinif street. RRMBMBKR TUB PLACR, Pprlne Mreet. (rly opp. Uie Amoi caa Hotel, TItaavllla, I'a. Baceesaors te H. H. Wanar, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL FLOUR AND J3 P i IVlerch'nts THR Snharrlben havlnft bonirhtthe c44 (taoi ef H. U. Wari er, Intend enlarging the bnelneas and will keep always on band tne beet tue market afford.. We will do a WBOLRSAiJi an it J&TAIL trade In tba.followiiic prodacta. Flour, Peedt HayCi Grain of n tuaJk ftio haw Try Ur itaflk Ant VT APPLE8. confident w can give MtUtoeuon In pn mw .-nl It WWA 4aia v . i.anj Petroleum Centre, Ft Nov. 9, 187U tf 0 1ST IDS e To Oil Operators! Xew tvnd Important In?en uon tor OIL WELLS riiHB nndenltrned haying Invented and applied g ior rmvua uu au iN ARRANBEMENT FDR SEED BABBIN8 OIL WELIS THRO' SMALL CASINB! 18 PRKPARKD TO APPI.T THK SAME TO OIL WELLS IN TU1B ucuiua. XW Tbia inventloo is warranted to shut r . i... ., ,V.i.rVio InrrfaHA tha Drodaetlon of all wells to which it la applied. AIX ORPHT1B mast be accompanied J!"! KXAtrr MZB OK THR HOLB AND THK AMOUNT W CAHINO IV TTK IN TUK WKLU PRICE $10,00. AddreH, C, D. JEJVNISuJV, patentee. KANFfilTV, j9t)Da. Vanwip CVmnSy, Fam. ED 0L1Y YAEDEN SALOON AMD RESTAURANT f WASHINGTON STREET, PETROLEUM CENTBK.PA. Capt. W. fi. SMITH, Prpa'r. Beat Ale n Egep on Tmt Choice Wlnea. If alive Forefaraw Oomealle and Impottett Clgara. Call and see for yourself. j2a-lC w. t. surra FOR SafiallD CHEAP. Second-Hand Oil Welt - pliex, lO.OtM ft a In. TC'HING, 10,' 00 ft SK and M ard 8 Inch CAHINO, S.tOU ft KM ALL flf. 000 It HUCKBR ROI)H. (nrh. b inch 7 and tncfc 1HIV 1NQ PIl'R, FITTING at one-half price of Hew GAH and ROTARY PPM I'S for aalo or to reab KiUltBa a-d ltOII.BKS of all siit. at 1IOWK V COOK'S, Doi o,' Petraleam entr, Pa OeHMf.