The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, August 31, 1872, Image 2

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Baeesssors to MoVWtanlJBniUk Co.,
Merchant Tailors!
Gents' iFiirnisliins Goods,
rriTV8VfiLE, PA.
Utit pot In one of the flnect aasorjnente oj
Mnt offeradia the Oil Heglon.
All tba Latest rod NobblMt Btyle.
Cents' Furnishing Goods, &c
Petroleum Centre Daily Record.
Pet Pa. Centre Saturday, "' 31
Divine Service. .
Servlcesevery Sabbath at 11 A. M. and
t P. M. Sabbath School at n P.M.
att free. A oordlal Invitation extend
ed to all.
Kit. P. W. Soofiild, Pastor.
Preaching at 11 o'olock A. M., and 7J
o'clock P. M.
D. PATTON, Pastor. .
Petroleum Centre Lodge,
Tiff, I. O. of U. F.
Regular meeting oigbl Friday,
o'olock. Sinned.
at 8
K. O'Flahrrtt, A Seo'v.
, G.
ttTl'lxce of meeting, Main St., oppoilte
NciyitntocK Honse.
A. U. Of 17. V.
Liberty Lodge No. 7, A. O. of U. W.,
meets evrv Monday evening at 8 o'clock,
In Odd Fellow's lill, Petroleum Centre,
A. M. Klrcknir, M. W.
J. H. Mkrrili., R.
Gold at lp. m. 112-
Tbe Petersburg Progress 01 last week
contains another one of those double lead
ed tirades of very poor billingsgate lan
guage, devoted to tbe editor of Ibis paper.
During a long aeries or years In which we
have been connected with tbe newspaper
business, we have never yet bad occasion to
belittle ourselves la the eyes of the public
by resorting to that peculiar atyle of litera
ture adopted by tbe Progress in abusing a
brother editor. We have presented argu
ments aad facta In answer to those present
ed by tbe editor of that paper, asing mod
erate and gentlemanly language In connec
tion therewith. So far it la well enough,
bat when tbe highly learned editor of that
beet descends from a fair discussion of facts
relative to the oil business, to personally
abusing ns In vltaperttlve language, we beg
leave to quit tbe field. Tbe Progress can
make all the capital It oan by suoh a course
and la welcome to It
We might add that there la a form of skin
diss are, always annoying but never danger
ous. I Mercurial ointment Is the care. It is
just bo with journalism. There la a form
that exhibits only an Itch tar writing,. being
aimless and harmless. Brains would per
haps effect a euro.
Tbe Progress It the beet Illustration of the
subject en our exohaoge last. A specimen
eopy ean be seen at this offioe.
The Grant ft Wilson Club of tbia place
turned H about fifty strong, last evening,
to attend the Republican tally at Ronse-
Th Pelrolla Base Ball Club left town
tbla morning for Coobraaton. They play
th Coobreoten Club this afternoon,
This evening, tbe Democrats and Liberal
Republicans bold a grand rally at Sobel's
Opera House. lien. A. B. McCalmont of
Franklin, and otber speakers, y, ,adrees
themeetlog. A Greeley and Brewn cam
palgn banner will be flung to the breeae.
Tbe pablio generally are invited to attend
A sleeve.buiton turned aside tbe bullet cl
ao4saassia In Memphis, Tenn., resent)
and so saved tbe waarer'a life. Ho will
probably never again employ tbe phrase, "I
' but t"","
The Confederate! have orgeolzed a cam-
palgn club at Potroleum Centre. Franklla
We bare made inqulrlei and cannot learn
that any such club baa been formed In our
mldit. A Grant and Wilton club bai been
organized; also, a Greeley and Brown club.
In the ranks of both clubs are a large Dum
ber gallant Midlers, who fnugbt for the old
flag the atare and alrlpee on many a blood
stained field, and who can exhibit honora
ble scars earned while in the service. We
would like to have the Citizen throw some
light on the subject aa to what this so-called
Confederate Club Is. If it allude to the
soldiers it appears to us like a wicked slan
der on brave in-n. Mm may differ In their
Polltloal. beliefs, but honorable opponents
will bever resn to applying vile epithets to
one another, even In the midst of heated
political dlscm-slon. Will the Citizen give
a Hal of the Confederate club members?
On and after Sept. 2d. the free delivery of I
Express goods at Petroleum Centre will be
discontinued, and the office of tbe Company
removed to tbe Railroad Co.' office, in
charge of W. A Pullman. Parties receiving
good by Express must call at the depot for
K. P. MILLER, Agent
Tbe last quarterly meeting lor tb year of
the Methodist Church of, Is to be
held tomorrow. Rev, J. Leslie, . tbe Pre
siding Elder, will HI tbe Pulpit Servloes
for Sabbatb Lovefeast 9i a. m., Publio
Service 11 a. m. Preaching at night. All
are Invited to attend and enjoy tbe Serces.
Tbe Congregational Association of West
ern Pennsylvania, In connection with the
Memorial Union, will bold their semi-annual
meeting at Cambridge. Toe opening ser
vice being on Tuesday evening, September
lOlh, and exeroisea to continue three days.
All are respectfully Invited ta attend.
Tbe latest development of Saratoga life
wbloh baa attracted especial attention la tbe
feaiful manner In which people snub" each
otber. Tbe floe art ol atunbblag has attains
ed it fullest perfection. It I no uncom
mon thing to see people, who have been
apparently the moat ardent friends, pas
each otber without a glance.
Smith, the well known realaurant keeper,
la on deck onoe more with tbe flrat Oyalera
eflbe season, dlreot from tbe celebrated
Baltimore oyster beds. Oysters cooked In
every atyle imaginable, will be served np at
bla saloon, next door to Simmons' drug
store, this evening. Call and try a dlsb.
The dollar sture will be opened this even
ing, two doors above Christie' drug (lore,
on Waabington street.
The Detroit Free Press says: A resi
dent of the northern part of tba city bought
hi boy a trumpet a few daya ago, and bis
uelghbor, mad at tbe looting, bought hla
boy a drum Another mad neighbor got
hla boy a ''California devil,' cue of those
things wbicb screetoh a man' bair upon
end. Tbe man across tbe rosd gave bis boy
an old boiler and a club, with Instructions
to pound all day, and be also spends most of
bis own time sbovlog a lawn, mower
ip. . 177 1 . . ,
Tb awilch engine jumped tbe traok near
r I
the depot, this noon, caualng a slight delay
to tbe traina going south.
At a reoeot banquet at Brighton, Eog
land, In honor of tbe opening of the aquar
ium, Mr. Frank Bucklaod, the distinguish-
ed naturalist, produoed a living alligator
from bla pocket It was only a few inobes
la length, but displayed extraordinary In
telllgenoa. Mr. Buckland placed .It on the
table, and it oraw led about at Ibe word of
command. He called on it to speak, and
tbe reptile emitted a sound which Is des
cribed as one wb loh might have been inter
preted with equal plaualbilllly aa a demon,
stratioo in mathematics or tba chorus of a
comic song.
Last year'a exporla of Petroleum from the
port of New York, amounted to nearly a
hundred million (94,955,850) gallons aa
Increase oi more than seven and a auartei
millions ever tbe proceeding year. Phila
delphia also exported 66,000,000 gallons in
1871 an increase of six millions over 1870.
Tbe total export of last yeai from tbese two
polls, tberelore, was more than one hun
dred and fifty million gallons, to which
must be added tbe enormous home eooeump.
tioa, to represent tb total yield of tbe
With the moat aalouodlog gravity the
Missouri Democrat aakaaa to believe tbat
Burlington, lowa, laay marred, nad a
child, and afterward turned to a man, waa
dlvoroed, and became Hie husband of so old
school mate.
CJA fool hardy swimmer, named Johnston,
attempted the otber day to swim across
tba English channel from Dover Io Calais,
and bad to be picked up before be bad ac
Icomplttued on-third oi lb distance.
"Poor Curlota," the exErupres of Mxl
co, li dying a aad laol, the report of which
will bring sorrow to many a heart In Metico
on account of her amiable character, her
sell sacrificing mind and nonobtruelve dis
position. Ever since she reached the lore
ly home by the Adriatic, from which she
had set out. four years before, brilliant,
expiring, rejoicing in her beauty, heryouth.
her husband and her Imperial hopea a wreck
In body, In he'arland io mind, tbe pity ol
tbe civilized world alone baa kept alive any
thought of her beyond the narrow limits ol
her palace-hospital at Lackeo. And to-day
it will dismiss ber to the tender care of
romance and poetry, In daya that are to
come, with tbe beuison of Keat upon King
Vex not her gbost. 0,,let ber paest He
bates her
That would upon tbe rack of this tough
Stretch be oat longer.
Tbrongh tbe lonely hails of the algbt
My fancies fly to thee
Through the lonely balls of the night,
Alone, I cry to tbee.
Far tbe star bring presages
Of love, and of love's delight;
Let them bear my message
Tbrongh tbe lonely ball of lb night!
In the golden porch of tbe morn
Thou eom'st anew to me;
In tbe golden porch of tbe morn,
Say, art tbou true to me?
If dreams have abaken thee
With tbe call tbou canst not acorn,
Let Love awaken tbee
In tbe golden porob of the morn!
Bayard Taylor.
SI. Petersburg Oil Field.
We , publish by request tbe following
statement ol tbe development and total pro
duction of Ibe St Petersburg District dur
ing tbe month ofjnly to August 1st:
Nu mber of wells producing 22
Inorease 29
Number well drilling 120
Increase wells drilling 14
Increase well struck 29
Number wells started 21
Decrease wells started 24
Decrease in dry boles 1 8
Decrease In well uoder two bbls. 2
Total dally production on August 1st was
3,443, being an increase oi ninety-four bar-
rela duriog Jaly. From present Indications
there will be a considerable Increase during
August, as quite a number of large wells
have been lately airuck and ntbera will soon
be down. Progress.
IiCt Rewarded.
The otber day a steamboat on the East
tiver met with aa accident to ber macbln
ery, which osused a good deal of alarm. It
la pleasing to read of tbe noble manner In
which certain ol the male paerengeis con-
duoted themselves. A number of tbem tried
io jump overboard, but was held by more
reasonable people. One man snatched a
life preserver from tbe bands of a woman
and enoassd his awn mealy chest Id It
Another provided himself with six Ufa pre-
ervr, and.was in lbs sot of putting them
....... .... ... t T ,
on. Ann Avar IhA Ath.e whan k. mv ma fn-Kail
to deliver five of tbem to ladle. Allogelb
er, tbe oumber of men who demonstrated
their manhood by sots inch a tbeaa was
aumoientjto Impress a disinterested person
with a bigb oplnioo oi the average
ti evei
log American. Tbe man who snatohod tbe
lire-preserver from a woman, and tbe man
who monopolized six of tboae articles, de
serve Io be rewarded. Tba publio presen
tation of neat leather medals would doubt
less meet tbeir views.
The excessive beat which baa characteriz
ed Ibe summer In Ibis country hae not been
confined to tbe Uoited States. England
and Franca report bnt term of uoatcuttom
ed length and severity, and even Swllzer;
land complains bitterly of the Intense beat
i n glaciers, loo, bear witness to the un-
niual character ol tbe season, and have
not melted so rapidly before lor many
A ow respirstor for firemen bas been In
vented, In which tbe solid particles ot tbe
densest smoke are arrested by films of cotton
wool weitea wnn glycerine, and tba most
oungent gas by layers of cbsrooal. Rv thl
simple means fireman oan remain within.
burning buildings for upward of an hour at
a time with safety and comfort, so fsr aa their
reipliatlon Is concerned.
A namber of jouroaia an aeriously nrgiog
Ibe government to make Alaska a penal
colony. Tbe suggestion may not be a ab
surd a some may at Brat suppose. England,
Franoe and Russia all have penal eelonies.
and Ibe experiment ba seemed to justify
tbeir poller m mis respect
A bear welgblog 400 pound has been
killod in Sullivan, Canada.
Oil Niwg. A dry bol baa been com
pleted on Beaver Creek.
Tbe Guffy well on tbe Neely farm I
about to strike tbe sand.
Tbe Harrington well on tbe Sllokor faim
Is pumping 15 barrels per day.
The Chambers well same lerm is doing 30
Tbe Master well I doing 8 barrels per
They have strusk sand In the Delo well.
Hillings owner.
The well on the Heater farm continues to
flow from 60 to 70 barrel per day.
Tbe Waller farm on the east aide of Tur
key run is being leased and operation will
very aooo be commenced.
The Myers well Is pumping 30 barrels
per day, I believe tbla well I located on
the Wm. Sboup farm close to Beater line.
Tbe striking of tbe Delo and Masters
wells sbow conclusively tbat tbere la a belt
of oil running through this neighborhood
The well below the Seminary at Clsrloo
I down below the boulder. Tbe citizens
are very muob exoiied over the prospect of
getting the long sought treaenr. They
claim to have every Indication of good
Tbe Magrew well continues to pump 20
barrels per day. Since Ibe striking of this
well 6 new wella have been started on tbla
larm (Keating) all of which are looated be
tween tbe well and Neely farm whlob lies
directly north.
Haraer la putting down Swells In tbe vU
cloity of Jefferson Furnace, Beaver creek.
Mr. Hamer has been severely dealt with on
sccouot of a little neglect, and ba been
'locked np" lor a month, bnt I presume
bis business will progress as nanal not-
itbatanding bis absence. Emlsnton
Only the Brioht Hour. On a Span
ish sundial Is written, "I mark only the
bright hours." This Is wise. There Is
more sunshine than shade, more bright than
dark hours to be remembered. The trials
and sorrows of life are not sent to sbrond us
In mourning, but for our Instruction, and
spiritual growth, and usefulness. Tb tem
per sod dispositions ol the heart, as well as
tbe growth and capacity ot mental powers,
depend upon tbe trials and disappointments
oi me. l tie obrlstlan should not murmur
and repine at hi lot, but with confident
trust ln;Goi'a goodness and wisdom, regard
every trial, however severe, aa a atepping
atone to usefulness here and brighter rays
Fairs. The Crawford County Farmers
and Stock Breeder Association will bold
tbeir First Annual Fair at Meadvllle on tbe
lltb, 12tb, and 13tb days of September.
Tbe Cbantauqua County Fair will be bold
in Jamestown on tbe JOto, lltb, 121b, and
13tb of September. Competition open to
Tbe Brookfield Fair will be held on the
ground of Association on September 11 lb,
12tb, and 13th.
The Jamestown Mercer County Fair will
be bold oo the 16tb, 17tb, and 18lh 'of Sep
Tbe Pennsylvania State Fair I to be held
at Erie on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
and Friday September 17tb, 18lb, ;i9th and
TbeSbenango Valley Agricultural and
Manufacturing Society bold tbeir ICttr an
nual Fair at Greenville, September 24tb,
251b, aad 26tb.
Central Agricultural Society, at Mereeri
Monday, Tuesday and Wodnerday, Septem
ber tb, 10th, and lltb.
Mercer Couuty Agricultural Society, at
Stoneboro, Wednesday, Thursday aad Frl
dny, September lltb, 12lb and IStb.
Tbe Western Crawford Fair will be bold
at Conneautvlile, Pa., October .2d, 3d and
4 th.
Nearly tbiee mllliooa of letter went to
tbe Dead Letter offioe last year. Fifty-
eignt tnousaad letter bad no county or
Slate direction; more than four hundred
thousand wanted atamae, sad three thousand
were put la tbe poetofQoe without any ad
dress at all. Ninety-two thousand dollars
in drafts, checks, ete., wore foun4 in these
loiters. It appears tbat, on an average,
every letter tbat is misdirected, or . goes
the Dead Letter Office Irani otber . can MS,
oontaiaa on dollar.
Tb Superintendent of tbe Chicago Board
of Health baa lately made Ibe assertion tbat
be believed tbat almost ooa-focrth ol the
deaths in that oily war caused by tb vr
reourring accident at It nnmsrous railroad
A new pbasa of woman's right ba boon
developed at Padueab, Kentucky, where
the city judge ba put women, arrested for
disorder or drunkenness, upon tb chains
gang with men. Tbe result I that tb
cbalo-gang become comparatively civil
ized aod tame Institution, with an added
hoiror to each sex, in tb fact of the presence
of th other.
There is said to be In the bouoialoi (
North Qeorgle, what Is known as tbe
nsl bell,'' wbicb Is shout half way np tb,
east side of tbe mountain, and ia never la.
jnred by frost, while at the fool and lop 0
the mountain everything Is killed by frost,.
Who can explain It?
A recent judical decision makes telegraph
companies responsible for failure to tr,
mil messages correctly and deliver tbeg,
promptly. Tber decision allows no weight
whatever to Ibe faot that the messages are
written on blanks with printed denials ot
tbair responsibility.
Ijocal Notices.
10,000 Agents wanted for wr ...
Tbe most attractive and aaleahle im.
out. It ia lodispenslble to men of alt
ties, furnishing just the facts and flrurn
Deeded, ior every day reference, by evert
Intelligent voter. Agent are selling from
The most liberal terms. Send'for
live oirculars. Address, DCFFIELD ASH '"
MEAD, Publisher, 711 SansomsStreai Pan."
tW Highly flavored. Ice cool Rnd w.u-
at the Post Office Newsroom. Try It.
A Rare bargain, Offered.
For Sale Cheap a desirable dwslitog
bouse located on the Boyd Farm, but a few
minutes walk from tbe Centre. Th hoi.
is plastered throughout Good aprlsg wa
ter at tb door. Two oal houses, ahi.h...
J "'U
coop, barn, fts. No ground rent Fornix
tlculan apply to ibis office otto Lawyer
Johnston' office.
nag 23-tf.
HTJust received at th jiunen..
CLOTHING STORE, a large assortrcsoi
ol new and oobby style of HATS ft CAre.
For Pure Wines nmniaii .,,. v..
Brotherhood of Brocton go to GAFtfNET'8.
GRANT HATflf . nu rro engross
Tbe best Pittsburgh Lager at
HATS AND CAPS In sreet varlelv and
n all t vies, iust received hv nnnu frnm
New York, at tbe JAMESTOWN CLOTH
ING STORE. Call aod look at tbem.
Augnat 12-tf.
For Sale or Kent
A desirable residence located on tba Fv-
bert Farm, a abort distance Irom town, io
particulars spply to
Petroleum Centre, June 14, 1872.
Hats! Hats! Caps! Caps'
STORE. Just received from New Yurk.
Pari aod London, and will be soldeemirk
ably eneap. Call and examine styles snd
For (Hale
lfJ.OOO to 20,000 feet of SECOND-HAND
TUBING, at from 25 to 33 cts. per foot.
Tbe Tubing is In first class order aod ail
ready fitted.
April za. IK H. H. WAKIfJSK.
To Increase
Your business,
Advents In Ibe
PaTROLiva-CaNTBf. RieoR
Democ ratio
Gen A. B. McCalmont
Of Franklin, and others, wOI
addiess tbe Democrats and
liberal Republicans of Petro
leum Centre and vicinity,
this (Saturday) evening, Aug
31. Come and hear him.