J ivy., RECORD. mi V1I-NO 79 PET86I.3EUM CENTRE, PA.; SATURDAY EVENING AUGUST 31. 1872. 25 OTS WEEKLY THE PETROLEUM CENTRE DATL V RECO-RD the first daily paper in venan- GO COUNTY. PUBLISHED EVERT EVENING, 1 'Snndaya noeptad. i CHAS, C. nlORKR, Editor. IL ( par payable oMrimae, 18 an If W (Ten Uuee of mniMreil make ant .snare.) IllH'riloi l an,. f 7t 1 Oil 1 BO 00 f s I 80 4 tn 6 mi 7 i 10 0(1 W Oil 1 0(1 jt mi so oc WW, ftrnweeka, ninth. Fvo mauth.. TnrMUflinM. k:rmmthf. K'io snaths, IljwM uotleee SO eente per Un, eeh Insertion. Adiirtfeeaienta payable nnarteny Id aavaaee 6. If. Pcttfnsill A- Co. nt JtkRoa-, Haw York, ana Gee). F. liewell & Co., Jiwdrfcg Agent, are the rata ageata for ne Pa. Lena On are Danvr liaaoa ta that tf . Ad- Hien In that city are reqnetted to laara thefr tan wltk otfher of fane above hou.oe ' tTCOE, WETHERILL CO. Aarar- lisii Agents, PklladelShht, are doly authorized Anit Ibr tke Raeoas in that dty. OH, J, II. BC1VL.V, SURGEON DENTIST, POTU0L8UM OK5THB, PA, (Saecesaor to HcAlpln tt -rottoT Iwonrner nf Wwahineton and Becond arrpcta. idlwfouiid atofflca dav and afixht Hpaecia! at itifin given to the treatment of diamscd trotn. tirormm. thcrt Ga and Local Anacthvilc aiaiiiiiten4 whun reqaired v bicalpim;, (Late Of Petrel OQtn Centre ) RESIDENT SURGEON DENTIST, Gn administered. Offlea aan now. O'PlCH-Over Hhenard'a llitram'n f o ia Good Store" Jaol 72 tl H. Wilber?, TSaow prepared t erannte BRTGK ANI 5IA 1 BUN WO Kit IS ALL ITS BRaNUUKS, and puraaia ta eive aauataetiea. PLAbTBHINO done te order. BK1CR CHIM "IBSlnllt. Also, BK1CK and LIME conelaut J on hand and for aal. Hu Iteildf nao on JScbatt Farm. Tout Offica wien fL-tialewm Centre, Pa. Give mo a call. .: norSdm. iW. W. JOHA!4TO., ATTORNEY AT LAW, PETROLMfM OBNTRS, PA. JJ5JH, WashUgtaei :amat apptuite E-i- Key ""Office. jBitf. JA9SE1 m. SMITH, ATWBNET-ATLAW, Jlj over lit. Nn'tonal Bant. Franklin, Pa . and wBtlnrdaafeaon wauk oref Bieaell Co'. Bank, ly'ron OMiTe.Pa Jnly8o-tf. Sew MachmB anl Blacltsmitli Shap ENGINEER, MACHINIST BLACKSMITH, lBt manufacturer of Drilling . j and Fluking Tools. . 30P 0N central PET KARM, . NEAR R. R. DEPOT, to. .PKTROMtCM CKNTKK, PA. ixT.. . 11 of JohbliiR and Machine Hcpalr s?"n';o order. Give me a cull. PrlS-tf. win. l BEITS. I "onihly I journal, duvo r Xw to tlie T V P' wh'! P,,iJ -"on. 'year iL COMMISSION 1IOUSB. SWcontu Juom". j1' ,l'B1P fcr apccinien, at d learu bow t i.Ik IM yo"r "vl'i! cxM.tiacs 80 to 60 per Pl.i. .."0."t "HmlnlBlilnB oomforiK or lnxuriea . irli llforwaril hmimn not n In l.n.r 'HS " f ,n,ro to everybody. Addrce ""w In "anase'i weei juciuon cucat, k.f!GAFPNEy keppa rnnamntlv ' r!, I Kf. 8 aq. (1 (Kll H BUI 14 61' 1 trt On 5 M) t ni Mil AM) I 51 '! I Oli 7 Oil I 00 8 51 SIH S M 4 H EO e f t H 14 in IM N 16 Oil I (K It M 80 CO it n; is on no (Ki in 00 14 l 40 on n nt' so ou 60 on HIM lt BO HI 46 03 CO tOl 100 00 ""y'orftmii, dip. IlotcU nnd Ipri(nirnnta. ICE CREAM ! Smith's LAGER BEER SALOON?, & New 5ce ('ream JJI3J-j. n Tfng purohnwd tlio tfnlonn, NKXT I)ii(H( to SIMMONS' UlUTU ST'litiS, I map'Vtlally aolfrft tmro of pntmnaiTe. My ynni will m kepi rool and pluaRunu end mv fi cd'1 will it all timed flud FRESn LAGKK from tlie hrevrrv and n1w!.M rml. Yon can n'wivn Ond ih atvo aiilo.i-. with l.UMONADS, NATI VK WINKS. HuOl Hi:i!!!, and fresh mndo SANU WICMKg. bvciiiinioii me trfl hive al. dltiit up a f.ADIE' ICI! CI! F.AM liootf, wii'T Iccfpim will h mrvid lip at nil hoara. Frivaieentranr.fl ti iho roi-u. A. S. tsMtTiiH, OclW-lt K.xt !H.r t Simino.-is' au ra. I l)uy my Lager at the Verandah Yerandalx Saloon. WAIT & Pl'GIJt Propi-Sctorn WASHINGTON ST.. TET. CEM'llE. TarMcnlar attention paid to tlie ww t tUc'r en? tonicra, and will keep the llntst slock of tmi:ssi An tut aai AiiE, CEDOC VktiARS, A-C. Drop hi and aeo ns in our new cji.nrtera. ' j':4 tt M' rETROI.ECM CESTUI TA. l!0rPalat Hotel, situaird Coritcr of Ialn A Wnaltinpftori-Rts., Nearthe Tlow, ha' l:cen rel'tted and ftimlftu'd thrmi';hO'it, and the projaistu.-Will spi'e no paim to uakc: it a FIRST-CLAPS TTOTJSE. ocr8-tf. .7N0 11UI.HGKT, Proprietor. PHTliOLEDX GESTHS, PA.. Near Oil Oreck tt Allegheny Hivcr Hallway D?pot maylO-tf. ' O. J CROSS, Prop'r jpsra House SAX.OO!Sn JLonis J. Vtuiclicr, Pi 4p?r. Fnd'T the Opera Ilone. l'trflenm Centre, Ta. FKUSlt LAHI' H reeuived dully antl ennrtnnil.v en lirniiL'hl l.l'NCH nt a'l hoiira. Tito purest ot WINES, ALKS, c and tho Illie"f brand" "ffi GARS cnnstimilv on hand. iy friend nnd tlie p.iblie nri' reapectlul.y Invited in pay in- a rn. mvl4-(im. LOUIS J. YOUlilEIt pETKOLKtra IIOITSK. Free Omaibni to and from all Trains BILLIARD AND BATI1 EOOMS CON NECTED WITH HOTEL. novlG-tr. C. W. BTAAT3, Trop'r' OT E L AXD KESTAiaiST, priiiB street, T1TUSVILLE, PA. Thos. Goodwin, Prop'r. This Hotel is ilenlrally located The hurt of ac- coramodatlona ail'oroul to giicBta tiansitut ot por- Biaricut. Every delicacy rf tlie tcasou tormtantly on hand SOMETWN'O KB a The proprietor lwia the vnrv best fnt i!it':eB iE Hie eouiitry tur BlliA.M INft OYSTUHS. TitofTillo. Dec 30, 1811 tt. ?TK lot ot out trw 1 T f"1'" ' Lord's Boiler Po77der ! ran Tna Rcoioval ana Ii cvciHion otj? SCALE IN STEAM BOILERS Tliis PowtlcrJtwiU IJiraoyo Any Scale, no matter how Uriel: or Hard it may lie, and keep the Ii'oh in a good condi tion for no.s. ' WE CAN BEND TCU A PRGCF OP TniS. A. J. nAWIiEY, rOl.TtWATHK t.KASK, WI1JD TAT It'iI.LOW I tf-ilcnni ire. I a., i tue oiiivitnthori' d ni-oni mil U : n rrth nlo fihe fWd r, of tvlioin it c;in !): (ihtinc-d liy th" ki c or nntnl. ! r' It i n!-o fur Hilf hi ili.i llnr.iwire htora of oeo. . inturT retrnMini Ccuac, l'a. .in y 1-3 tr. I (Sneee!'or tn A. T. Leractt.) 31 uuufacturer Ulid Dealer in Seed Bags, Valve Cups, &? Rxper!?need vorkrnen are employed, and flnr neiss of all kinds kciilcoiiL'tiiutlv on baud and made to oruer. FINE NEW n.VRNEPS. DOUBLE AND SINGLE, en !:and at reasonable nuea. t'ASCY AMI) IIORSI? TIT.AVKRTS 1.1 LARCH l) -AS'li'l'lKM Tliero i.-i no iporior VALVE CUP M!ide. than the one made In my ahop, and thoy will be aold ut $12 per liuniircd or oOcenia a Itlalu-M., below tlio McCIlntock lonao. PotrolenmCcnlra, a, Nov7 tf THIHTnith Vnlnme of QUOD'S IlonSMK'IJ) J. MAOAZtNB h"Clna with vnnn'iry, '73. Ills Ilteu by Oiill llniniHun. K K Wood, and II. V. !liorne. and inelnde-i hiiiov? it. regular coliliilni tor Home" (ireeley, (iail Hninilton, Tho. K. Hee Cher, Ir. Dlo l,ewl, l'r. . V. Hall. .Inmej l ar ton. etc. Harriet beechor Stowe. Brick l'omrov, John ii. Haxe, MaJ. Oenl. Kllpatrick, lvtruleum V. N'nsby, etc , wriie'tor it occa-loniilly Te-int-, One Dollar a year. In chil.hli,?. three, ftrt rls peri odiculH are triveu for the price of 6ne of them, 'i be moH lllieral Premium Lint ever publinl ed. No pe rlodiea) ie more fnqnent.y or lavora ly mentioned by Ihe rreia. 4t o(KiV HollHtbold .Vaazine I one of tlie monument of Im-ii.iec. enterpriiie w h'eh mark the ate." Metliodim Homo ,loi:n.'"'. I'lilla di'iphia, 1'a. it baa lin impruvi ic ever Hnce e knew it n good criterion for the future.' ' courier New Mntko", Canadn. i4!t in a marvel of ei'citp ne and fltBt.-clah ipialily comhhu d.,; New Yoik Time, hpu iuien e pv rMl l'r(e to nr.v iuldriir. K? S. WOUji & cti., Kuwburuh, N. Y. XT Adverliae in thn I.iaii.y Rkuobu, ibe Oltlext ti iper in Vennnt'O (bounty. I A f.n :pin:r'.l AYini.. no' T,rnoorB i !"r 4l I ? GAFFNlil'. VI -I I xV'??!''' 'A til The Ossh'st EsfabMshesI Li quor Ktre on Oil Creek. OWEN GAFFNEY, PROP'R, PUKE Wines & Liquors, The Best Importations. Urtiidio, Wliiskies. FGR FAMILY AND MEDICINAL PUR POSES. I would call particular attention to my Kranils of Wittps, which nre eenuina Importation", nnd cm brace the entire, lint ever kept la America Market. AleB and Porter Bn & "o'a Irnportpd Air. In nnttie uixl ttriill. ll i:ivlii Imporl 1 Ale In Ikottlea. (iiiliineki Itrowiiatout' ic London Por er, Vc CIGARS, CEGARS TUB FINEST BRANDS OF DOMESTIC AND HAVANA CIGAliS, JVo. 25 VnIitnBlon-Rt., PE- 'i' li U Ij l-j V M tJi'jA Jit I'A. nov4 tf. IHVliN (M'1'FNF.r. GENERAL MACHINISTS ard Dlerai n all kinds of WEliIjTOOIiS Ac FIXTURES Necessary ler patting down nnd operating A'ellH. In cntir.ecticn wiih err MAC1UKK Sit ej have a large and convenien BLACKSMITH SnOP. Onr fncilllioa fnr JlANrFACTUItlNO ara no exeitlled by any Hliop In the Oil Keiriona iSViojc air-8t,0iposU Mc.ClintoclcZouse. Emel Zedwich' ("LITTLE JOE.") BOOT ANO SHOE MAKER, lias Ik-cti 0"tnbI1i'lirl In rnrolenm CMitroforthe liUft tiurtfo 3 ( :irft and litis the unmuui Makitistaio Krnt Fif (2isI Fliieht Hoot ill thtt Oil KosioiiN He Is constantly rorfttvlnR orflern from other sec tlon of ilie Oil Jlfgioiia. Us conftantl j keeps on band !.ca(ly-in(!c Uoos,& Shoes LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S SUOF.3 AND GAITERS. e.tM.;i.Dsri' ii in. J91f EMEL ZEBVYICII. Petrota Centre Meat Market ! c. V. liin";, Jr., Kext Poor lo the Rochester IIniin, dealer In Freah nnrt S. It MKATj, WIOKKU JIKATtS, POULTK, BVarirera hi'vln? fit Catilo will do well to iva me oi-.o. W. KISU, Jr. TtrVoun y V't;tre. M- V; li7l. ftn. FINANCIAL. G GO. II. ItlSSCIili t CO., n jp -xt e: e us, PETBOLEl'JI ( Etirill:, PA. G. II. BiBwll, M. C. Martin ClirlBlophcr Meyer We nflr onr aervteea for tbe Ynnrttetinn rtf a OKNKHAL IIANKINU, hil'UAMiK ai.d COL. 1 KCTION BLSINKW. Any IniFlnnm culruxtod to onr care will receive prcnipt attention Til 12 CITIZEN'S BA.NE VND TITCSVIIiE, PA. OFFICERS: VM. IT. ABBOT T, rreafflelfl I. U. JACKSON. . CaeliltT. DIItBCTOH! WM. TL ABBOTT, OHO. K. ATCTT(ltBOt V. W. AMKS, p. W. ANtlKKWH, i D. U CAUY, I.YMAS STWAHT A L J. JACKSON. Tliia Bank Ib orimnlr.ed on tho nnrtnoTahlp nrln. rlp'e. eich .toekold behip indtv'dnellv liable te (lie FULL EXTENT OF Ills PHOPEKTt. SIX PER CEJIT.i rntcret nllowed on time deposltn In farinc Pknft lii'purltncnl, apecel facilltiea bclni; offered t SMALL DKI'OHlTOns. HOVEKNMJiNT SKOOHrnKS ofallkitida for ale. Dwronnts mnde and a General Bankfsg Ktmtaef. tranracted. Tlie Safe Deposit Depart a'l FOR THE 6AFE KEEPING OF VAIj - UABLES, 1b now open to the nnbllc. for tho BTtOTTNQ CF 8AKES in Uie liVTItOLAH PHOOF VAOLTM Dr. Crook's WTISTK OF TAR EHTABUHnEDTN 18633 A remedv whteb lina been tostrd tor 10 yea'a, and proT en In Ihonanda oreafeR raw able nf curing ai THuratH of tht TkroaX and Lvngi; per tormini; many remarkabla eitrea. oaetfi a trial from all who nre cntT"Tint? from aiml lar alTiione and valnlv aatli Ira; relief. WW yoal trt ft judier. prevm t frm fm Iting eurtd aim. Concha and Colda. Ibe l)rutcaita att enreatbenx II- Axthma. The rellal ana com or u ara mwrrtu- oitx. . . Kronchllla. Ercry annerer wg una now ana crre Throat Aiim -nhi reqmra only a rew aoara. Lunt: Dlncamia. Uaa cured oaaua proooauood ln- Cn ruble Debility. It renovate i4 Inrleoralea tbe iye tam. Liver Complaint Boat etreeaw RKtnawr ortna orenn. Dvep.pala. Its healthy afltioa os tne eir aaiti cure. it. Appetlz r- It ta health-tlTlafl ant apprt.-re. Btornir. Urinary Orgtma. Actio an than ta tMBked aot prompt. flit. CROOK'S WlHI OF TAR HUT In the mi d cinal qnalltlrja ol Tar, eombl'Od wiik yecetableineredleai. of nndoabted yane. whiefc make it nneiinaiHcd, not only for tha etannlalata enumerated, bat it rapidly rtvre) hailNUtd t renal li, eleatweathe eiomaeh, ra laxen tho Liver and puta 'hem to work eaanje t,a food to dlfteet, and make, pare Wood, and bereta a ylvaittv appreciated h both aonndand aick. If yon are alll'cted ill any way. wa know tf yoa SfJ a IHitoKiTliia; lonle properllea at Dr. Crook'a Wine ot iar, you will add your teattaiony to it Kreat value Inoorrectlua: any "flia t h ! le.e la heir to." I'rtnered only by OLI V Kit OKUOK at CO. Hold by Drupgi.tii everywhere. Franklin. Pa. K. II ATBTIN, Pt. CHAS. Mil JJtR, L sr MANUFACTURERS of lbs CELEBRAXCB GALENA Mm, Car, Coach & Mitar Lubricating Oik Warranted the heat I.nbrlcator In saa la evw teat tbe Oalena Oil. tiave trinuiphed, and feet buM cnallenae lor an equal aa a Lubriaatot aneeta bo niorccoriti'.tanta. It la now In uae r A dl la f H'y, O C & A K K'y, A V K'y, J & F M't, and hu wella, machine ahop, d;c. I1AIIRY now; In, 35 tf Aftnt fjr Petroleniu Centre A Tialak M 'CUAV liOL&at:, WftehliiKton Ktrent, Petrolcatn CoutTB, $. W. M. UliADSTlC JT. rnoPRiKoit Thin Hohm,' Ife c.vit"-,.ly !(juted, and '. bcj.ilq'iwlerof oUint:a. IN wcj.iii.4j Cr iti c :. . Jue 17, lb i!