J).IH1MIK Toilet Articles, &c, CHEAP mi irw u lie iLPruff y - - "-utVMI Kf lee; gs, Medicines, Perfumeries Is selling Dru be than any other Drug House in Town. JAMESTOWN CT.OTniNQ STORE. IIIK Mil. Ill A It K POBKL & AUERIIAIM DRY GOODS, JtO BY W. U. TEL. LINE DSH!ED BOSS CLOTHIER OF THE OILEEG-ION First in FIRST IDT PEACE, And First in with a New Stock of SPRING AMD SUMMER STYLES a Gents' Furnishing Goods.&c m The finest Stock ever Heck-Ties, Scarfs, Bows, &c KfEA'P.AEFD 35FOBBY. SUMMER OVERCOATS! LATEST PARIS FASHIONS, LINEN CLOTHING SOLD CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST I A. ALDEN, Clothier, VashIiiton.St., PETROLEUM CEATltE, IM. if War, AND brought to Oil Creek, Omcit or KTROLECM Ck.VTKK DaIT.T PumRD Tb petroleum market remains quiet aod A.. II a. J . A- . .... ...... iw-ua, B f ,j)Zai We beaf of B0 ,fBnt actions. rbiladelpbia, Aug 21. Crude 11 . Refined 22. Aug. 22. Sept. 22' Oct. 22?4 Market Quiet. Pittsburg, Aug. 21. Crude iput, B. O. all year, J2)-. S. O. dr. 11 Refined Spot 22 Aug. 22,'. Market quiet. New York, Aug. 21. Crude 11!. Refined, 22.'$. Market-Firm. COl,DljiM;n viikk. Nkw York, Aug. 20. Gold 114,1. liOCUl Notices. To Tlie Oil Producing Pnbllc. The General Committee nave directed their counsel to test the validity of the claims made under tbe alleged patents cov ering the use or casing in oil and salt well. Suits have already been commenced and the testimony la now beiog taken. The eommittee solicit subscriptions to the and necessary for that mimosa, whleh miiat be sent to F. W. Mitchell, Treasurer, RouseviUe, Fa., with name and posioffloe address. By order of tbe General Committee. . G Pattkrsos, Chairman. F. W. FIastinoh. Secretary, aug 17-lw. Carpet Weaving. Parties desiring Carpet Weaving done neatly and cheaply, should eall en JAMES McCULLOUGH. SHOP NO 18 MILL ST. Rear or tbe TItusville Flouring Mills, Titus ville, Pa. aug 17-lw tJut received at tbe JAMISTOW(j CLOTHING STOI115. a. l.ru ..,im.n. ol new and nobby styles of HATS & CAfS. WGREELEY HATS at the JAMES TOWN CLOTHING STORE. GRANT HATS at CLOTHING STORE. the JAMESTOWN For Pure Wines warranted as such by tbe Brotherhood of Brocton go to UAFf'NEY'S. Tbe best Pittsburgh Lager at GAFFNEY'S. HATS AND CAPS In .r..i ...t.i. - f, , i.iiB.1 nuu In all styles, just received by express from New York, at tbe JAMESTOWN CLOTH ING STORE. Call and look at them. August 12-tr. For Sale or Kent. A dftalrahll. PAaillnnAA InfmtaA .in llu l?jm bert Farm, a abort distance Irom town. Fo particulars apply to OWJSN GAFFNEY Petroleum Centre, June 14, 1872. jl-tl. Pnp Hnln lS.ooo to 20.000 feet or surnmniicn iudi.ivj, at irom zo io cis. per root. Tbe Tubing is in first class order and all ready fitted. April 23. tr. H. H. WARNER. TakeJVotice. Q-reat Reducti'n lathe PBICEof BENZINE! AT cliermerhorn & Ten Eyck's. AND MARKET PRICE PAID FOR CRUDE OIL. Petroleum Centre, Pa., July 18, if. Geo. P. Rowell & Co-, for a Clrcnlar, or endow. 8.1 emts for their One 77. V;T r"e "Ihie containiCK usia oj a.uuo Nefi)npen au.l oatlmatna holntf the MMt of advertiifoK, alo mnny rnwful blntH to sdviTtiwrs, and mo account of iIk- exnorlenc of mnn who lire knowu an NlM'COaurm Adver Itsorfl. This Brm are proprlsuirs of tliu Aineri. can Nowspajwr Advertlaais Agency, 41 PARK ROW. N. Y and are poideniml of nuwiual,.d rurllitiea for wnr IliK the inwrllr.n of dvcnlcmilll In nil Nma papcii and 1'atoukaU at lowi.t tatco. 1872. IMEWGOODS! 1872. Important to our Patrons and SOBEL HaTlng jurt returned from New York we are now pt0 Rummer gra osjk I Ever brought to Petroleum Centre, ooropristag the latost atvloa of nrtitss norma DOLLY VARDEMT Casmeres BLACK, COLORED AND STRIPED SILKS. IBISTi pnPT.Tve. Japanese Silks, Shawls, Giniurc Laces, Hosiery, Cloves, Ready-Made Linen Nults, Also, rery fine selection of MILLINERY GOODS ! MILLINERY GOODs Carp,, till , h,ihViKtS, Sc. deClSlf. The Oldest Established Dry H. H. Warner DEALER I!T SECOND-HAND TUDINC, All Size Casing, Engines, Boilers, and OIL ;HELL SUPPLIES. HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID VOt OLD Kurt, ittUM ana BRASS. proved FIPB COTTINQ MACUIIIB, I am prepar ed to cut and St all sixes of Hpe and Casing from )4 Inch to 14 Inch. waahliiKtoiit.. Nearly Opp. Rnch P'W. H. II. WAKNbR. ISHAM & CO. TItusville, Pa. NEW ANO BEAUTIFUL . STYLES OFl Watches ail Jewelry, (American, Eaglisband 8wlta make.) Sterling Silver Ware, Silver Plated Ware, Of all grades, unique dmlxni In HIL VGlt, e.pocially adapted forpreaents OLID OOI.D CHAINS, JKWM.KY. riSTOLM, KKVOLVKRS, FI1IING TAOKtB, I HBAL KINOS c, a Particular nttantloa Rtvea to repair Inn fine wntchM and Jewelry by a competent workman. The firm have also a store at TI TUSVILLE, HpriuR street. KKMBMBKK T11B PLACE, Bprine street. nirly opp, the Ameri can Hotel, TttOBYllli, jtf X3 0 p c3 P C CD 4 H s To Oil Operators! New tod Important Inven tion for OIL WELLS. undnralcned having Inrentod and applied . lor a Patent on an N ARRANGEMENT FOR SEED BABOINB OIL WELLS THRO' SMALL CASING I IS PKKPAKKI) TO APPLY TflK SAME TO Oil tf This Invention is warranted to shut off I lui water and thereby Increaoo tho production of all walla to which It ! applied. ALL OHDKTIS must ho uri-nmnmlod with Ihn EXACT MZB OK TIIR HOLE AND THK AMOUNT VP t:AKINO IN TIsK IN TIIH WELL,. ritiuis iu,uu. Address, C. D. JEiWISuJV, I'atonlee. KANE (JITV, )ii Ju Vecaoo C'ouut', l'cnui. tlto puttie at large ! AUERHAIM. opening out the LARGEST 8TCCK of tiring - Goods House on Oil (Wk. AlEASE & AIMlSlilOAti ucfessors te U. B.Warner, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL FLOOR! Merch'nts TnSS?,h.r,,her" having bonpht the old aland of . a .if". wr"er. Intend enlarejoe tho bmlnra and will Itoep always .n hand the hwt the Flour, Peed, Hay& Grain of an iar WaateohaTe s very Urge stack tW APPLES, wi i tntrlta a share of pnhlle patHmam, IneHna Confidant wa can rlva lllfT.. iTa-rr""! qaalltyof goods. " mr , aiHAHht ft ARMSTKONQ. Petroleum Centre, Pa, No.B.l70 tf w' 0LLY VARDEN SALOON AND RESTAURANT ! WASHINGTON STREET, PETROLEUM CENTRE, PA. Gapt. W. Ii. SMITH, Prop'r. Boat Ales and t,as;er on Tap, Choice Wluea, Natl re Foreign, Domeatle and Imported Cigars. Call and sue for yourself. JW-tt W. L. BMITH FOR OZiB CHEAP. SennndairsiiKi mi w i ... I -it ' I I pllw, ., ft s In. T'JItlNO, 1(1,' 0U ft BK and V im .l-'2Vhu(iA,lJiN,0J 6',U0 ft ""AIL 1'IHH. 6.lXI0ft IM) I'IPR, PITTINC.S at one half prioe of New OAS and KO'l'AKY J'UMI'H for aalo or to rant KhGlWES aud BOILKKH of all aiaaa, at HOWE &t COOK'S, Box 220. Petroleum Centre, Pa. Ou J4tX.