!. V'.Vi V I PETROLEUM EXCHANGE Hotel Daily Record stoves; -'-stoyes: i OMPilfiN C0uT)S:F0R187r Aiit'vnr'fel for onr'casjipalwi. aod. kii WKht ' tsy 100, puroent lirojft Now IS th tln.o fend at ouca tor. Dsaorlptwe Circulars and Price Lists of ur Ktne ytoenfV'Inirs of all hf Cnndl d ca, Cnmpalen Ilioipm4harti' I hoieursnhi ItsduesSPinatl'laitMil cmj-An Ptijtna.lai ihn times IVn dollars per day esTy n.uik' l-iift Hum pit s wnMbri.'l ' Addi'rH MlXIUli (UOJJ.Hl'i.lin . WASHINGTON ST., PETROLEUM CENTRE, T"' PENN'A, .! " ' at !,"' NEWSPAP E R , . . -as XV. D. DOIjOE. Proprietor. AGENTS WANTED FOR LIfE-AND TIMES OF Jas.FiskJr, Eaeps conetanlly on hand the choicest brands' of Wines, Liquors & Cigars, ' of 1 kinds. Warm JHeala at all Honrs. Contains bhprnphlcs of Prow, Vanderhilt, Onnld Tweed, Ac, wiiii a llntiiicial history of the coun try r the last three venrn, and wlint.rnit know l(wt ' HI.ACK iHlDAV." , Over 00 pngesTTilcs ft. Adiircss,.' j - 1 . NEW VOKK nOOK CO.,I45Wnssstr8t., Y. WILD GAME IN ITS SEASON. ST -213 OY8TEES AND U J "1 ,iJj It Job Printing Office; HAII TUBET, '' 'J..- i - V. . - . PETROLEUM - CENTRE. CRM O.' WICKGKi proprietor. NEWS DEPARTMENT. We rnreire telegraphic dispatches p to 4 r. and present them to our readers every evening, em bracing news of great iutereetfrnm all sections of ths eonuiry. We havs made special arrangements, whereby w receive resniar Petroleum, block and Pioduce Market Reports every evening by telegraph from New Vork, Philadelphia, and Pittsburg, which together witk Hdltorlala and Local nutters, make It one nf the most doairnnle newspapers published in h(H Begism. As an Advertising Medium, ThfSBOORD baa no superior, as It circulates w bar aver an (Ml Operator or Dealer can be found) JflBM DKPABTMENT.' Wei bare a lam and WallTsnlectea slockfof Tnhklna H.tnvU. MliH.liin (,. ... laiest stylos. Wo are therelore enabled to execute Ion Work of every variety In a satisfactory manner when desired, jobs will bo neatly printed In Count Shipping Bill I Posters, Hand-BUIi. Programme., ' BlIUotFare.' . " Jiabele. AND , . .' Bntlneit and Visiting Cards ...::, . . . jj.. nrrTKit;nnAD8, tl DILL BKADB, ' ' BILLS OF LADING, Etc', Kit BALL faiNTING, flam or Taney Bty.eg. ntuMf and prwnptlj as ecu wi uwiaaii ( WT1TATION8 CIRCTTLAHS "HoaKAMMKS i ilMin Twiimvj AiBaiaa , Bw B fact, every variety and style of war In letter . preaa planting. ' ' ' " .:'.' Merchants, Lawyers, Jnstlses of the Peace, Land Aeents, (III Dealers snd Ak'flnti, Insu ranee AKonta Kprasmen and other parties la want, are informnl tb.it w r are prnonred to execute toorder a II kinds ot LaNKS, burineasor l.ul, required in ib.li oum , ttuniiv. ,-. i.v JobhiajpatraairaapattlbnyanHfltrii. .. k . C WICKBR Eornlvjpd dally aafl serred tip In any itfylo firelred.. tJflf yo want to jret a (jood Kipiaro modi, glass of fcger to want. It down, aud a nice Cigar tfvo mo a call. W. D. 001)0 E. Ptitrolenm Centre. Nsr. 13, iht. tt A T,Pr gett, mamm aaw (Successor to A. T. LeeKCtt.j M anufuctnrer and Dealer la HARNESS. ; Seed Bags, :' Valve Cups, &c Kzpnrlanced workmen are employed, and Flat ness of all kinds kept constantly on hand and niaac to order. FINE NEW HARNESS. DOUBLE AND SINGLE, on hand at reasonable rates. fANCY AND HORSE HI.ANK8TS IN LaltGK OUANTITIES There la no superior ; VALVE CUP WhAci than thitnfi inula In alwim ! ! will be sold at $12 per hundred or 60 cents a 7Iatn-8t.( below the JTIccllntock Hunt. I, i-eimicnmnemrs, a-, wot.,t,t.- ir.. OHENY VAIiliEYUH. On and after Monday, Jnlv 15, 187X GOING B"U'lH. , Acc'm. Mil. Exps. Acc Exps. ,v am am I 87 8 90 0 15 65 10 18 10 41 II an 11 40 11 In 1 115 p m p m p Tltntville, " ,v ...... VI 80 1 10 1 15 8 60 8 08 8 80 4 U 4 48 6 00 ' , 5 88 (I 49 7 96 ...... 7 10 retrnienm ven, Oil City, ft 2H 1 IS 8 00 8 95 8 69 46 10 00 10 10 4 (I) 0 80 Franklin, Poster, Hcrnhgraes, 4 40 10 16 6 07 10 40 I 40 41 11 10 19 01 19 94 19 40 1 45 8 90 4 95 t) 95 am Are p m Bjmienion, Foxburgh, . Parker's, ' Rrndy'a Bend, 7 00 7 19 8 00 Kitta lining, 8 m West Penn J'n, ...... S 111 4 65 rituourgn, 8 46 p m am' n m p m Mill a m uon 19 45 1 an 8 41 3 80 3 48 8 50 6 00 6 96 6 40 6 1 10 7 60 DOING NORTH. Kxps Acc Expa n m a in a m P.VaWfrh, 10 CO T 80 8 65 fl 85 10 40 11 95 11 40 11 60 19 60 1 19 1 30 9 00 8 10 66 Wmil'mn J'n 19 40 Rittanninc. 1 89 Brady's Ucud, Parker's, foxhurah, Emlenton,' Scruhtfrats, Fonter, Kranklin, Oil City, Pet. Centre, Titneville, 5 47 8 98 8 49 8 65 4 41 6 (III 6 28 A 115 A 81 7 10 7 110 7 60 8 05 8 90 0 98 10 00 1(1 m 11 00 lt'oo p m A U0 A 19 A 9N 7 85 h m 8 88 0 10 am p m p m , Jnlv 17. 1877. . .,. j, .lav, : ar8llverl'alace Bleeping Cars on Night Express trains both ways betwecin lTm.liurg'i and Corry. J l. LAWKENCB, Gen 1 DUllt M Kino Aas't Hupt Tllos. Sim Tenth Volnma at WOOD'S norSKHOLD MAGAZINKIwgluawUhuannnry. 19. It a ItadhyOaU Hamiluu, 8 K. Wood, .and H, V. OslKirno, and Includes anionii Its riiL-ular contribu tors liiirau- Groi'ley, Gai Hamilton, Thos. K. liee. Cher, Dr. Dlo Lewis, Dr. W. W. Hall, .Tames Par ton. etc. Harriet Beeoher Stowe. Brick 1'omrnv John U. Saxe. MaJ. UuuL Kiluatrick, Petroleum V' Nasby, eW , write lor It oecaelotiaHy. Titius, One Dollar a year. In clubbing, thrde flrot class peri odicals are kWto tor the price of one of them. The most liberal Premium Ut ever published. No pe riodical la more frtqiient.y or la torn ly mentioned by the press. "Wood's Household Magazine Is one of the, monuments of bnsi usss enterprise which mark the ai;o." Methodist Home Journal, Phila delphia, Pa. "It has Ixnn Improvl ig ever since we knew It a good criterion for the future." Courier New Marku', Canada. "It la a marvel of cheap ness snd flrsUlass quality combined." New York Times, gnocinian copy sent frre to any address. p. p. w ifiiu m uw., ivewnurgn, w. y.. rSS AdvarliaH in thti rtin w timnitui oldest paper In Veoaogo County. A fine lot ol Imported Wioes and Liquors juit raceived tod for tilt by GAFf NEY. I would raspectfully call the attention of those wishing Cook 01 Heating Stoves, to call and examine my stock..-. Thai MOElNTIIG- The plonpcr of base bnrnera. Hag a mill urate, which entirely grinds out all slate or clinkers, thus keeping the lire clean and obviates the necessity of putting out the fire to vwau sua g ib to. n is a perievt atui-auster, ana u perpetual burner. Toe America (Cook iltbVe! With reservoir and warrainuclovt. acknowlfldireil h mverv nn to h ihn mVwt naHnAili. coDfltmctioa and fiaisb of any Stove In tbe nt mnrt a2nA A II.aSI.,. ft wuj wurc lunuv. aiou iuu PLYMOUTH KOOE"! A first class Cooking Stove with reservoir and other and different styles of Cook and Heating Stoves. A tartre utoclt of TIN AVI) SIT RET TRnv n v Minn.ain Btn(lr nf ... " ' ' AND OIL "WELL Make In airiiAr f3 A t,V AlVlKRia - , , - oonsiuereu tno onespest ana safest-pnmp bow in use. It Oo to II Tllbilisanl Oils b&JbVlS&JffP&SPV Cable. The PlTTSBuko BEt DAME. SMITH 4 CO. 'SAD. IMPROVED Seneca Falls G-AS With Steel Packing. 00 Sold In: Iiast SO Days. - ' ' - . Exclosive Agents for the Oil Region DAME, SMITH & Co.;; : Successors to F. W. AMES, TITUSVIIiliE, PA. Wood Work FOE .. CARRIAGE BUILDERS. 2D GROWTH SPOKES, HUBS, CENT FELLQES, , SHAFTS, SAWED FELLOES, q . POLES, NECKTOKES, ' ' ' '.WHIFFLETREES, HUB BANDS, AXLES SPRINGS, ' FIFTH WHEELS, MALLEABLE3. 1 ( - .And tha Ucst;Carrias:c Bolt in Markt DAME, SMITH Jk CO., ' fenccessors to F. W. AMES. hi?.".'.1; ,a1 e'8? not Indispensi ble articles of food. Properly used, thov are nutritious and healthy; but an inordi. nate us. of either cause indigestion and dyspepsia Owen GaftW. Sunday Coui- Koub'r UMd W"f 'effl0" Hi of G-LOET 1 market. In coaeidered the most perlect babvr warming closet. Also a lara vsrioty ol " . wipv .1- i.' j ..it - n. jj n liuuniautir uu onuu. 'wiiii ' V SUPPLES jnnv asvn nru.a . , . cjaiass r i .11 1 ? wnicn are NEW ADVERTISEMENTS.. StgiikEville, 0 Male Seminary. This w'doly known School nflbrd thnrouuh Oirli tinn.cducntioh, ata cwtof ll t in mon ilmu n Wttk niia fmirlh rtf fnr elprcvniRli. Thn ftTth aR ilon wenkn) opuiif Sept; llth - The HdUreai of nil fni nitr popUrt requ3iefl. A t?rnud r union n' thedtwoo1 the next yeir- Hend fur piirllruUiri to Hv- OIIAIU.KS U BKATTV, . Lb D., Mipt, or Jicv. A .M UKIU. th 1, rriucipai. ' buitor.. Ja K U. iFnrMala fc Fonmle Pu ll It. I I ot u etmWlirthcd, thorough, PiircHtul la- cfafioo healthy mid awiwHve; wnninunlry pocial morni ana roML'ttms; ouiiu.ncs mrg'j nnu co-tiy: a full enrm of able t'-nchor: ii.oimttin nlr. nurt wn. ttr, nf hnthinpr line kntlne; omphatiinlly a home fctiool. wnoio exocng. tor -tu, lniutio Jiooa Fuel flnd Wanhtitirffor Mi weeks), UjM thn,two him dred dtillflw Vi Inter !fttoit N'uiiifi Sept U. Send for nreiilora. WILSON & PAXTlU02f, Port ttoyai, j unmta vo, nr.. , PRESIDENTS OF COLLEGES, MINIS TERS, SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS MEN, i TETlr i TO TliK MANY ADVANTAGES of Tuscarora-; - Aca'demy, , AUSII&.U1A, uuAiarAiu., ra. fend for a Circular an j Testimonials. D. D. STONE, A. M , l'h. I. J. J. PATTBHSOK, A. M. FAMILYBOAROINGSCHO'L FOR YOUNG MEN AND BOYS, At Pottstown, AloaJgomerv 11.. On Philadelphia A Readln KM. Twenty-second annual S's-ton onens Kent. llth. Nfhmtinn 1,111.. snd Iwantiful. Classical, Enallsh and Malhamtl cnl omirsos of study thorointh and practical. Kor Clrculiirs, containiiiK full particulars, address GBO. v .'iciuo, a ill, x llltipui. , Cottage ' Seminary For Youns Ladies, Pottstown . M ont aonierv.nssk in The twentv.fniirth .nnnl n .wjj m. . ""If iwai itntitu-l oil oni'lia Kentumbe. 18th. Vr fiii-LT" :!?,r2' ,uii in-u. nepiuinuer laxu. jrar Uiren UrJ ..Ll.J Key. JOHN MOOKK, Pr.ncip.t7 ST1V Coi,i,rr.iATP and cwmiiraaciAi, I.VhTi riJTE, New HaveU tffoiir Preparatory to t olle.SuMnesS.ciftlclichoSB 811th yenr, beeins Sept 13. Kor Caiooue'. fdS ban. Jlml H. Rlisfcr.r. imVm . VfaU''' "uu .s.uuijjsjf, V? 1,-''',fc. lhroQMiKh inrtruttia IIii thful and beautilul latl die u the rnost care fully conducted and bestnstalnod lr..tltn?lon in BenttT:iL,2frcrkb;i,u,i, ore-' Struggle of 72: -. A Novelty I n Political and Popnlar Literature. -' ",L. iiTli """"7 "e nupuoncan and Dem. ocratto Parties! , racy sketch of tie so-called Liber, al Republican Partv; an inside view of the Cinch, 1'aW a Kt to" Pub " "u,v;v "j evry American cltiyin To wure territory At once, Bond I for oaHl S I1.! T!l,i IIJ I Thirty new and bcantlfiri liJI III ll donit'iis. Oct Price List of II Ufa s'-S' ! I T 1WI AHl'H & CO, BARLOW'S INDIGO Mm la Ilia ch "ft Poland host article f4lie Brarti- ket lor IiLUWNU.CLOTUJeiJtai gaomlns -j has ooth Bat low V arid WiUoMe'sliini' ..( on tbe label, and is put up at Wiltberger's J Drug Store, No. 233 North Second St., Phil i aclelphla. D. S. WILTBERGER. Propria tor. rtFwt sale by.Drngjrists an GrocSfs, jT'" ' J kt' I REWARD i Forany eaat of Blind,";. nieedinV 'rated Pilal: lint I neninir -iTrini m M '. IIinh's ThM IsTttur.f WilstoenrK Ittapsaul pared exoresslv to cure tl.u PII.h.. nttri ,w,tl,ln.M., K..M t.w all n,,nnl.,. ' RJC.IHCT ALT. VIOLENT PCHOATIVKa Th7 ruin the twie of the bowels and we-iki-n the rtita1 'ion. TAKKANTta KrFUVKnUBNT SBLTZ P.rt APRRIRNTls need byntfonal people as a means of relieving nllderanireani'Sasif lla Htumsrh liver and Intcstliirsvbt'cn.asTitmatoTsaotMiroctlon without pain snd tin arts vigor to the organs which it puriilcs and rt-jniinte. AGENTS WXNTKD.i-AeJnts m'aMmoie money at work for its' thtn at anythio. clsr.V liiisiuess llirht and permanent. Partlcnlara free. G. STINSON & CO., Fin. Art Pub Miners, rortUD. Maine. SUL HHU J10EY 0$ o - '. ' And luy your poots; anSjtcnM" iG-eo. q; Magrane's ONE PRICE BOOT & fflOfeOTrJ," " I keen a verv lsr?e stock nf all alads on hand. snd 'oil as clienp as any other bonw In the OIL nvwv, cooutciMJ imn iny storels a ttistonr bepartitfcnt f And I imaranfeA a nnrfert tit In all M worh rtetMlirinL' nHatltf done. NeTl. Hnov In Wolf' Jewelry Store, . , . . .m.'r t df Petroleum Ctinlrfi pa. u ATTENTION OPERATORS Save your Oil ! Control your Gaa !df r i ALT T, uahicf tha NEW and V Al UABLR INVKNTIOH of Mr. Victor O ratter, known as the OH. AHfl GAS COHIROlffl. I p We would respectfully call the attention of opera tora and contractors to tbe fact that w. have Purchased the 11 inn t ana Ti no in ana,Ato; i ue .aborts fllafili a tof sIths, , 5 I Ad are prepared ti niW fj sL,I. tb l i HTRINf? 'I'lllrU unU ui'iKDn Dcnnl lira or u awe welld aisio.tattajnJay;srM agatnst mannfactnrlng or using them' without our consent, as TAB $AJpit , f ILL"9f BIHinT' ENFORCED. i.AJ ! ! : FISHER, 1VORRI9 St CO. , P.roleuin, rentra; Pa, Pec M ltt , , i -T H :.", ' If you Want a Salesman, Want a Servant Girl', Want to tt Want to Sell a Patent, " Want to Lend Money. -: '- Want In Pi . u.. 4 ,; o '" Want to Soli a Carriage, I ' Want to Borrow Money, . " ' ' i alii, u, doii sn uu r en, Want to Buy an Engine or Boiler, ' Found, advertise in the Rkcokd. as not Ie" 1Kb tan h n ....... .1 I . J I . MAAl .''; i, ft. v , $;). - k J . , . . . .1