gist, Wasliiiifft is selling Bru ERthan any The rufir ss, Medicines, Perfumeries other Drug House in Town. POBEL A AUERHAIM DRY GOODS, A.0 Toilet Articles, &c.. CHEAP JAMESTOWN CLOTHING STORE. llDSYRl!0I BOSS CLOTHIER OF THE OILEEaiOISr First in War, FIRST IN PEACE, And First in with a New Stock of SPRING AMD SUMMER STYLES Gents' Furnishing Goods.&c Ijptetf 6iot Sjjirte, fc The fiuest Stock ever brought to Oil Creek, Meek-Ties, Scarfs, Bows, &c NEAT AND 'ffOBBY. SUMMER OVERCOATS! LATEST PARIS FASHIONS. LINEN CLOTHING SOLD CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST! I can and will Sell Cloth- t or til kiadi cheaper loan lbs same articles cm be boii(hi la Tltusvillo, Oil City or I 'other point outside of New Yoik City, and an examination ol my nock and prices UI toy oae ef this feet. Clothier, Wasliinrtoii-St., PETROLLl ?I CEATKE, PA. EM, WW AND THE Oil. IUAKKET. BV W. U. TEL. LINE. Omen or i Petroikum Ckntiir Daily Ruronn Auk 14 1872. The petroleum market exhibits a decline of o cents from ventcrday's prloei. ari'l alii' goloR down. J, COO barrel chanced bands at $3,20. We quote at thnt figure. J'hilarJoIpUla, Aug 11. Crude 12?4'. Reflned 22'4'. Aug. 22'. Sept. 22, Oct. 23 . Market Quiet. flllsliurK, Aug. U. Crude spot, 9!;,'. B. O. all year, 12,4,'. S. O. do. 11 Refined S,.ot Aiif. 22. Market quiet Mew York, Auj. 14. Crmle 12 .' Refitted, 22. Market Firm. (OLDINNliU KllttK, New VoRK.Atig. 14. Gold US. Selling at Cost rar- p Pi Q so S3 & a go o K fa g.tra ST t3 rr H P CQ r ' CD m. of - prn 5 i o 5 n ft CO CO o I J3 1, - O 1 J? 9 kHBSBUaVl IsooSuiiTOS Geo. P. Rowell & Co-, Tor a Circular, or endow an mats for their One Muudred Page Pamphlet, conUliiini Lteteof aooo Ne-.piiper and eatimatn j;; teeitof advsrtlilns, aim many useful liinHIo advert imrn, mid rom amount of liic experience of nm who ara known kiucceavful Adver tlaoro. This Ann are prnpriMora of Ulu Atuori can Nawtipajier AdvortiBiii); Agency, 41 PARK ROW. N. Y and are poisepred ofnnennalled facilities for aoenr lug tlio tnscrilon of advurUemni in all Newi pupeni and Periodicals at Icwent latua. Take Aotlce. Q-reat Reducti'n iHthe Pit ICE of BENZINE! AT if cieriiicrliorn & Ten Eyck'8. AND MARKET WflCE PAID FOR CUUUE Oil,. Petroleum Ccutro, July is, tf SO f?!3 1872. NEWC00DS! 1872. Important to our ratron ami tU puhlic at large SO BEL All E R H A I m, navliig jUit retume-l from Sew York w. .re now opening out the LARGEST KTUCK ot Ever brought to Petroleum Centra, compriring the latcBl aijlca of DllESS GOOU8, DOLLY VARDEISI Casmeres BLACK, CDIORED AND STRIPED SILKS. IRISH F0PIIN5, Jaiiiinese Silks, Shawls, tilnipiire Laecs, Hosiery, Glove,. Rrady-Uade Linen Nuits, Also, a very One selection of MILLINERY GOODS ! MILLINERY GOODs liAJHES and OUSTS FVICIVISHIIVO HOODS, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Trunks, Valises, Satchels, &c, &c. Please call early and examloe for yourselves. lhe Oldest -Established Dry Goods House on Oil Creek. H. H. Warner UEALKK IX OCOND-nAKD TIB All ixos Cnxing, Engines Boilers, and OIL WELL . SUPPLIES. HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR OLD ROPE, IRON and BRASS. 9.ftvim; recently pnrchnspd a New and Im proved PIPB CUTTING MACHINE, I am prepar ed tn cut and fit all sizea of Pipe and Cuing from S Inch to 1-1 Inch. waahiiis;ioiiRt., Nearly Opp, Roch cHier Honae, Pet. ;entre, fa. aprt tf. II. 11. WARNB.R. ISHAM & CO. Titntivllle, Pa. CD 0 0 0 H NEW AND BEAUTIFUL BTYLESJJOFi Watcte anfl Jewelry, (American, EnglUh and BwIm make.) Sterling; Silver Ware, Silver Plated Ware, Of all grades, nnlqne denlpna In UIL VDK, eapoclally adapted forpreseuu OI.ID 001,r CHAINH, JKWKI.HY, P1ST0I,, HKVOIA'KrW, FIKII1NU TACKIB, HKAIj ItlNQS Ac, c Partlcnlar attention clven lo repair ing fluo watf heH itnd Jewelry by a competent workman. JQ P rr C CD i r 'J'lielirni have iiImi a itoro atTI- TIVII.I.K, Hprlnu etroot. KKMEMBEK TUB PLACE, Bprlnc atreet. ntirly opp. Uiu Amort cun Hotel, Tituuxlllo, Pa. 2DI 0 1ST IDS To Oil Operators! New t.nd Important Inyen- uon tor OIL WELLS. rpUE nndernlcned having Invented and applied X mi' micm on an i N ARRANGEMENT rOR SEED BAGGING OIL WEILS THRO' SMALL CASING! 19 PKBPAHE1 TO APPLY THK SAME TO OIL WELLS IN THIS IttGION. tlT This Invention la warranted to shut off the water anil ttiortby inrreaoo Uie production of all wella to which It is applied. . A LI. OHTIKBS must he accompanied wjtb the EXACT tlZK OK THE HOLE AND THE AMOUNT OF CAHINa JN VaB IN Tfl W1SLU. ruivu 10,00 AddroM, i. je..iso., Patentee. KANI" (ilTT, jwi am- Vtmauo Couut j, I'euaa. .am? Bncceiiaora to H. II. Warner, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL FLOUR ! AND Merchants Bnhaerllien havlne bonphtthe old atand of n. II. Warnor, Intend enlarnlnu the buniiM-M and will keep always on hnnd tlie het tin Sarket oflbrda. We will do a WnoLESALB aLd UTAIL trade In the following productiu Flour. Peed Hay fit Grain or an kind. fPetOrahnte a Vory tangrafooK flns IT AffPLES, Invite a abate of pabllo patTfaiaaw, AMrM eonfldent we can ilvo aatli taction hi anew ana .aallty of goods. Petroleum Centre, Pa.. Not. . 1BIU tf OLLY 7ARDEK AND RESTAURANT ! WASHINGTON STREET, PETROLEUM CENTRE, FA. Capt. V. Jj. SMITif, rropr. Beat Alea and liager on Tap, Choice TVInee, Native &. Foreiu, Domestic and Imported Cigar. Call and ce for yonrsclf. w. t. BMrrn FOR Sl L CHEAP. fil'ftnilllaiHnnal af kit -mxIiar pllw, 10.0UO ft a in. TUBING, ill, ou ft tits ami Vf INa PIPE, PITTJNdH Atone-half price of New 8 it fiVLK TAI,,y ,,,M Ps for to rent. ENUIribH a-d HOILKKS of all at HOWE A; COOK'S, Box 220. Pvtroleniu Ccntie, l'a.