I )4 t SHUQERT & STARR' (Kiocmwn U McEsriead, Kmlta Co. ,) Merchant Tailors! AND DBALBRH IN Gents' Furnishing Ctoods, COR. SPRING k FRANKLIN 8TS., !TITU5iVliIiK, PA. ILe put ta eno f th floaat aartrimiitita of VL021ISi& (JAHSIMERES KNULIdil, FRENCH AND AMERICAN CO A.TI2STGS, MIXED AND STRIPED SUITINGS, FANCY VESTINGS. Ever ouerl.ln the Oil Region. TWENTY DIFFERENT STYLES OF HATS Sc CAPS, A! IIm Latest snd NobMest Htrles. A VVLIi UNI OF Genu' furnishing Goods, &c. r-etroleum Centre Daily Record. fel. Cawlra Pa. Wedncadar Auut 14 Hvlne Hervlce. HRTnODIBT EPISCOPAL CHURCH Service every Sabbath at 11 A. M. and t P. M. Sabbath School at l P. M. eat free. A oordlal Invitation extend ed to all. Rav. P. W. ScoriRt.o, Pastor. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Preaching at 11 o'clock A. 11., and 1 a'clook P. M. D. PATTON, Pastor. Petroleum Centre bodge, No. T15, I.O. of O. F. Regular mentlng nlgbta Friday, at 8 a'eluck. Signed. , ALBERT GLENN, N. O. E. O'Fi.aiikmtt, A Rec'y. Sfl'luve of meeting, Main St., oppotlle McCllntoek HoiiMt. A. O. Of II. V. Liberty Lodge No. 7, A. U. of U. W., meet evi-rv Monday evening at 8 o'clock, In Odd Fellow' Hall, Petroleum Centre, 1'eua'a. A. M. Klrcxher, II. W. J. II. Mrrhii.i., R.' Gold at 1 p. in. lll?4' I view of Ibe fact tbat Iba defense at nearly every murderer who I oowe-days arrainged I bated on tbe ground of Insan ity, and that I lb plea In many oases sue aeoslul, II I becoming a very important public ctiaella whether murderer to eo iiuilUwl f.a be released' from a lunat'o asy lum and again turned loose upon society on proof that their Insanity hat disappeared. This Interesting question has recently come up for solution In New York, where insan ity Malic are so often employed, and the whole conn try It Intonated lu the decision. It Is claluiod, in Ilia case, pending, tbat a verdict of not guilty upon tbe ground of lok vanity aciiulls lb prisoner of Iba charge of murder, and that a condition of Insanity at Hie lima when Iba deed was committed I lusufllcluut to hold blut In an asylum beyond be period of recovering bis oanlty, at which limn further detention become Illegal. The decision ol the Court will be awaited with much in tr reel by the people gener ally. Am eelhuslatllo Grant meeting wa held at tuber Opera House, last evening. Tbe aseetUig was addressed by V. O. Moieltod, ol PlMsijitrgk, and C. E. Taylor, of Franks tin. rieuut lover will remember that C. W Noyet'Cireat exhibits here lo-nighl A Sraiselass programme It offered. . 1 Whatever any part of II10 Old World produces, that id tbe Tailed Stale I deter. mined to aulsb, or burst In lb attempt All Ibe tseuis are feuud here, our coal field await toe maldMHtslUaf Great Brllala In to Inslgolflosaae, ow peireleaes well have p. w taaeie to. oU ... bU..en lakes of Asia, and now tb diamond fields of AiriMOMpui "nowhere by . 4itrU!, , Anions teas produces diamond.. hi tppblr,aJallthoWiepr,0W li0Mt by lb cart load. Uei.uju dlainonde will soon be as common as the Alaska lel Th l'oiroit Tost ay that tbe Lake jweiur nun trade the prvsout year far su J""" former aeatou in amount, and radtislly lucres''-. Sneaklne. of the recent failure of Fisher Brothers, of Oil City, the Plttebargh Mil' eye: The business community ef Pittsburgh in somewhat startled yesterday by tbe re port of tbe failure of the Fltber Brother), one of the largeat operator! In petroleum Id tbe country. Tbe bouw bat been In exist ence almost ftom tbe discovery of petroleum and a mo deet buiinene at the beginning bad spread to one extent. Tbe Arm bare office In Oil City, Tidlonte and Pittsburgh with agent la natnerou other centers of tbe oil trade. Tbey own extensive tract or producing ten llory and b eve been among tbe most fortunate of those, who, during the past few yeat have tacceeded la "striking oil." Tbey also did a very large speculs tlve business in both red led and crude oils operating extensive In "future, " and gener! ally being on lb "bull" side. At tbe be ginning of tbe preaenl year tbe Arm went into a tremendou operation In orude oil Tbey bought lor a rise hundred of thous and of barrels, and a the market, instead of developing buoy ance began to weaken, continued their pnrohaee with tbe hope ol stimulating II. The purobaie were for monthly deliveries soatlered all through the year. During the month of Juno the firm settled losses to tbe amooot of $60,000, and during July over $50,000. Tbe market stilt weakened, however, aod teeing that to coo tioue Ibe operation would probably swarm them, tbey yesterday concluded to suspend business, and by obtalolng an extension, If possible, realise from Ibeir property, close their outstanding accounts with the hope of eventually continuing legitimate operation. Their Indebtedness I plaoed at considerably over a million dollar. Their asset are large, and If opportunity I allowed them to realize tbe lull value of their properly, it I said, they may pay one hundred cent on tbe dollar. Tbe firm ha always been con sideredsone of the most reliable In tbe busi ness, and for honest dealing and personal integrity no meo of Jthe trade have stood higher. It I lb wish of Ibe entire trade that tbey will soon be able to resume net Turn Finn at th Bio Stim.. On TueT" dsy mornlog tbe "big still," owned by the Uarbon Oil Company, wat destroyed by Ore together with lit content, There were about Ave hundred barrel of oil In II at tbe lime, and this, together with tbe damage to Ibe still Heel I, bring tbe lot rp to about $5,000. Tha bo Hem, engine, pumps, con denser, tanks, brick work, etc., escsped almost without Injury. Tbe cause of tbe explosion is, In our opinion, mere conjec ture', as the oil bad not been beated to more than 100 , and Ibe still was in Ibe aol o being filled when tbe explosion look place, Immediately Inveloptng tbe whole tbiog in ilames. With tbetr characteristic energy tb firm have already given order for get ting tbe still to work again wbicb will be In four or Bve week. Tbey have decided 1 substltut lout 600-bnrrel stills for tb one big" one, which I too large a venture, considering bow many time It ba been burned during tbe last year. Wa may add tbat the company' business will not ba In ny way Interrupted by this accident at tbey are getting tbelr full complement of distilled oil from tbe ether reBnerle ol tbl. place and those ol Wyoming. Palrolla, (Ont.,) Advertiser. A happy couple started on tbelr bridal tour recently from Peoria, III., and tbe blushing young bride tbrnst her head out of the ear window at tbe train started off and, after looking aronnd for a moment or two, suddenly jerked ber bead back with a quick exclamation, and burled ber face In ber bauds. Her loving, frightened husband sought to learn tbe eaute of ber dismay, and offered ieeble consolation. After a con, siderabla amount of coaxing ba elicited tbe eaute of Ibe trouble. The lady htd dropped ber new set of falsa teeth out of tbe wind jw Tha uolooked for event cut quit gloom over tha entire journey. A well wat ttruck at Horse Creek, on the South Side of the river, 00 Friday last, at a depth of two hundred and sixty feel. Tbe well commenced pumping at Ian o'clock on Friday evening and at last aoconnt on tbe following oveolng ll had produced fifty bar rel. The welt It In tbe first land aod It the second fifty barrel well tbat bat been got In tbe first tend within tixty days. Tbls territory ! evidently looking up. Der rick. The oldest artesian well in Europe I at Millers In tbe Pss de Calais, France, and from It mouth water has flowed uninter ruptedly for seven hundred and lorty-ix years. fJTwo sin uts for a ladle band In Ksns City, not living ebie te settle ibe ease hy ar-, bttrailoiv repaired to a graveyard, just after daylight on the Fourth, and pommelled each other aflor the rules of tbe London prlxa riag.( The lady herself was present, and drove away with tbe one whom Iba ref eree declared the wluolcg niao. As fair as tb blush 00 a tnaldec'1 cheek almost, are tbot nice peacbet jntt received at Scbooblom't grocery store, direct from Btlllmore. Tbey are Die and no ml-tske. Fno.NBi.suiR Farm. Tbl new territory is tssumiag quite a prominence. Tbe gen tlemen Into whose band II bss fallen, have all Iba requisite energy and mean for Its rapid aod successful development, and have eeenred a good thing and are pushing II for ward. 8. D. Kama, whose bend I In every, thing tbat mean "pay" and 'push." leads off a one of it owner, aod hi well known foresight has eoabled him to grasp a reliable field. Mr. John A. Brown, of East Brady, I another of tbe owners; and what be don't know about making a dead ture guess a to territory I not worth knowing. Mr. Brown ha beep a very successful operator, and bis successes (till lead him to greater venture. Mr. A. B Gibson Is lso well known and ba not only succeeded In securing a valua ble Interest, but tbe right kind of men to help In these importaot development'. Tbe Frooslnger farm ! a abort distance from Ibe celebrated Sbeakly well. There are now three pumping wellt on It, yield ing 80 to 85 barrels eaoh per day. There are also twenty well goiog down, all of which are looked upon a promising to yield largely. East Brady Independ ent. The Shaker community al Tytlngham, Mass., bat become to diminithed In num ber! tbtt tb property owned by it, embrac ing fourteen hundred acre, la now offered for tale. Wbeo Ibe community wat estab lished In 1815 It numbered 13 members, living in four lamtlle. At present there it only one ftmlly of twenty-two persons, of whom only seven are males. On tbe breaks ing up of tbe Shaker establishment tbe sur vivors will be Incorporated with torn more prosperous community. There are one thousand youog lad let in Nantucket and .only one hundred vouoa en. Which are the most to be pitied? A Philadelphia paper tayt there I more buttle visible at Cape May, than aver be fore. We suppose It mean there are a great many lady visitors. Timber culture I not a bad busloes If a man can afford ta wait. Half a century ago, a woroout Held In western Connecticut was planted with young trees, and when oteared last year, produced fifty oord per sore, besides furnishing fencing limber for the whole farm and ten cords of wood annu ally for the past twenty years. Mayor Medlll it after the Cbictgo straw ball men with a sharp stick. Tbere are eighty-six Oases of criminals who .appealed from tbe police, and whose bonds are signed by professional bailers, wbo are no more re sponsible than tbe prisoners themselves. Tb Mayor intend tbat tb fine tball be collected, tbe rascals go to jail, or tbat be will make the boodtmen bowl. A tall , fine looking woman, dressed In male attire, wat arretted recently In Michi gan as successful horse tblef. About twenty teperale charge bare been brought against ter. A remarkable resuscitation of a drowned child I recorded. A young girl waded Into tbe water beyond ber depth, wa overcome and ank for tb last time. When taken Iron lb bottom of tbe river, she was .found Hat upon bur back and utterly lifeless. Al though the bad laid in Ibis condition for three or four minutes, ber life wat restored by an hour's constant effort A young lady In San Franciaco, wb was engaged to marry ber cousin, bad bought ber linen and plate and marked II with a mutual monogram, when the youth proved faithless aod broke off the match. Tbe de voted mamma, horrified at tbe thought that so much money should be wasted, Immedi ately tallied forth la search of somebody possessing tbe tame initial! at tbe cousin. She found bim, nitdomotseile married him, aod all li joy, peace, Jver, and fine linen. Tbe New York prisons and police stations are crowded with prisoner awaiting trial. Nearly 600 pertont r tbu eooBotd, cbig" ed with vsrlous offetoe. Jame Mtgill, a Brooklyn coatractoi' claims to be an "artist in marble." It it re lated of bim tbat ba onoe oarved a sleeping lion In done, aod look II to the Queen county fair for a premium. The day for distributing tbe honor arrived, and Mac wa piomply on b and. Prix after prize was awarded; and finally "Statuary" was reach ed. Tbe artist' eye lit up with a glow 01 of expectation as be leaned anxiously for ward to bear these words: "Jems Magtll first premium for beautiful sleeping bull pup In raarW" Chicago Is having a "corner" In p-xk. Tbe operators have gabbled 78,00 berrel in all, and represent t eish payment or $1, 250,000 in tbe transtclioa. In about a month tbey will either have realized laige roituuej or be utterly ruined. gJTbe Supreme Court nf Iowa have deoided tbat where cattle ar enticed by tbe drip ping of water Irom a railroad lank, and are thereby brought upon a railroad track, and while tbere Injured, tbe railroad company I liable. San Franolsoo ministers have begun to preach about Iba "hoodlums," tbe gibberish by which the juvenile ruffian of tbat city are designated. GoodOlalnre. A welcome as sunshine ' , In every place, I tb beaming approach Of a good-natured face. A genial at tuosblne, Like warmth to Impart, I a goodoaturad word From a good-natured heart The convicta la tb Michigan Stat Prison are to be subjected to a course of lectures, unless some competent tribunal ball protect them by deciding tbe proposed scheme to be a "cruel and unusual punish ment" A elergyman at Kouud Lake camp meet ing, In hi prayer tbat Christiana might b more totlv worker, illustrated It by tayiog: "Wa do not want, O God, to be like MeClel lan, alwajt waiting, wailing, wailing; we do not want to be alway In tbe trencher, digging, digging, digging; but want to move right on on to Richmond!" Tbere hat not been a inxl prisoner In ibe jail of Appomattox county, Va. for eighteen month. Anton Reubeostein, pabably tbe most oelebrated pianist in Europe, will liorlly visit Ibis country. Casing For Sale. 700 feet 5th second hand Casing for sale FOR CASH. As good as new. Apply to C. P. BUTTON, Petroleum Centre, Pa. , The objection incidentally raised In con ned ion with tbe one cent postal cards, that Improper language may be used by 'writers, to the detrimeut of recipients, I done away with tbe laot tbat person so disposed may do tbe same on tbe backs of envelope! now, aod that tbere it a post office order to pre vent Ibe delivery of J sucb communication', A miner fell one hundred aod elghtj. three feet down a coal tbalt in Luzerne coun ty, a few day ago, aod only received a slight bruise, along with A sprained ancle. Hi wide oil cloth garment ar supposed to have aoted like a parachute. A HooBier, wbo baa inveuted a new re ceipt for cleaning clothes, parade It on bis advertisements undnr tb standing bead of Every Man bia Own Washerwoman!" ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF TRAINS ON O. C. Ac A. R. R. On and after Sunday, June 2nd, 1872, ... I n. ill r-1 , " ' ' ubiui nl (UU H 1UIIUWSS NORTH HO. 5. NO. 3. Leave Irvine. 11,45 am, Leave Oil City 6,00 a k. 2,27 r u " PetCen6,S0 3,10 " Titusv. 7,10 8,55 ' Ipptra nnrn fi AK ii Attn tt NO. I. 3,05 p at . 6,15 pm 7,07 7,50 9,15 NO. 9 ACCOmmmlatlnn Pralnhl Leaves Oil City 9.40 a a; Pet Centre, 10,26; Tltusvllle, 11,15; Ar. Corry, 12,50pm SOUTH. NO, 2. NO. 4. NO. 6. Leave Corry, 10,45 am. 6,10 am. 6,05 pm " J imsv. iz,iu r M. 7,30 " 7.35 " " P. Ceo. 1,10 8,20 " Arrive O. City 1,50 9,05 " Irvine. 4.48 11.40 8.35 9,25 No. 10 Accommodation Freight. Leave Corry 1,15 p m; Titusv, 2,50: Pel Centre. 3,55; Ar at Oil City, 4,40 p to. tW No. 6 and 6 run on Sunday. British International Money Order System. Money ordres can be obtain ed at the Petroleum Centre Pop Oflice upon Post Offices iu all parts ol breat -Britain and Ire land. United States Treasury Notes or National Bank Notes only received or paid. if You Want To increase Your business, Advertise In tbe PbtrolrvxCrrtri Riceua . Tbe beet Pittsburgh Lager at GAFFNBT'g.yj 'For Pure Winet warranted a sncb by Ibe Brotherhood of Brocton go to CiAFNEY'S. Local Notl!. cyjnst received at the JAMEPTOW CLOTUING STORE, a large siwonn,"?. of new and nobby stylet ol HATS A CAlg. tGREELEY HATS at tbe TOWN CLOTHING STORE. JAMES GRANT nATS at tbe JAMESTOWx CLOTHING STORE. x Hat! Hat! Cups! ai At tb JAMESTOWN CLOTHIM STORE. Just received from New York Pari and London, and will bertold renirk) ably ebeap. Call and examine styles md prices. A. ALDKN. HATS AND CAPS In great vtiiely 90lj In nil styles, jusl received by express from New York, at the JAMESTOWX CLOTH- UlVOlVBOl IUH IUUH Ml lUrDl. ' August 12-lt At a meeting of Iba tioneral Commutes Deld at Franklin, Angus! 8th, to rMr report of Ik abtcriptionl by the putllt, tt wat Kksolvkd, tbat tha public bat aol rr- ponded to an amount and extent sofldtit to justify tbls Committee. In aetomlog lb responsibility of further testing the validity of tha eating aed torpedo patent, Iberelm also. Rebolvcp, Ibat tbe General Committal adjourn to meet al OIL C1TT, ON FRIDAY THE 16TH OF AUGUST, at 11 o'clock, a nt, to receive any further lastruetltus (rem the public, or to enable ll to select a new committee to place of lb premi one. F. W. Hastings, Secretory. Aug. td. FOR8ALE CHEAP. A Urst'clsas team of ftKAtGHT I10RS ES, WAGON, HARNESS Ac., In rood working order. For particulars Inqulrs M inn omce. jj zozw. For Safe? 15.000 to 20.000 feet of SECOND-HAND TUBING, at from 25 to 39 cts. per foot, Tbe Tubing la In first clot order and ill ready ailed. April 23. tt H. B. WARNER. GAFFFEY'S Wine and Liquor forofd- loat use. . Toe beat ana cneapett Gaffney ell Ltger ' 3. W. KOYES' CRESCENT CITY CIRCUS! Tiie Only Complete Organ ization in rne world I THE ONLY SHOW TTTAT DOEH MURK THAN II ADVKR.TISKS. rerformsoe oa the Inside ta not on the OntfA l ntreet Parade. The urgnt and mo-l uta slve Cih'KUon now Tn liliep. More and better performance tban any Clf- ent en me vnliea estates. From T5 to act. nek mribmauea. Tnlnritf, Penooallty awl l-olltlrt Irooea i'arlllua UtM .a wita uas initeaa or un. LosksttbrboetarPerformerr, esehosettanl tneir aanicaiar aeu : MILLIE TURNOUR Vhe original Qaeen ef Air. FRED BARCLAY. alM Wno k wttkmil a rival sea Prlw' THE LESLIE BROTHERS... AnOBeaaallea ft Ihelr OvsHe Performs! THE LEE FAMILY, Frera California, .re one of ear mala fosl' JIMMY REYNOLDS, , . Tbe Chrldrcn s PavorMr.he?. Oowa In Aw- VO. THAYER. ... Tke brgest Clew in America, snd his Mules oon sKtotea hiDny Trio. PROF. A. IL LEHMAN. The Great Callfornh Trie Clew A. F. AYMAR. Clown ami gceaie Klder. AT. J. A,, THAI En, wni " " u o iioanoi, nana ung toe -Horses, drawme In procession PROF. MERLIN'S C. C. BAND. DONT FORGET THE PATE, PET. CENTRE Wednesday, Aug 1 n .... nw--..w. A SIC.l ugnHiuiC)iaai'i 1