.-CJ . !; 1 ' i. .!. i.i: I ,. VOL V1I-NO 66 PETROLEUM CENTRE, PA. , WEDNESDAY EVENING AUGUST 14 1872 2? (JIS WEEKLY yH -RECORD. ' THE PETROLEUM CENTRE PAIL Y RECORD (1 Mmmmmt,,,u,.. PUBLISHED EVERT EVENING, ..i i i Sunday exwptadi) ; -- ti,. fill AS,, Q.. WICKER, Editor,. pupayable a advance, "' 1 1 ' V ::itrt ' '' '!'. -.Is " ! .- .j'B PRICE-LIST OF ADVERTinNC. (Ten linos of nonpareil m&tce one square.) SI, i. InturtliilM. lsq. H eg. , 8 aq. , .V(col. tl IK) Tvothys, ' 1 1trewb(i-.N':l four says, riwdays, ' ' Ossweok... . 1 Ml i no bo 8110 s DO . ml 8 00 ? I 8 t 8 en M W 19 Oil so on 811 Oil 40 on o oo m mi iuo w IVo week. ' t 10 lline weeks, On. mown, , ,n..' Two monltiii, ' Ttiree months, Hx months, Him months,' ( f Oaeyesr, r, on m ml 19-OIK IS 00 1H OH 221 nor M no 15 17 OU! 1,48 0" 60 fl! SpMial notices 10 arata par Hna, aaoh InaortloD. i aiaartariy n advasaa . AilnrtlMmaata v jaMa 8. M. Potteniilll fc Co. 3T a How, New To, and $eo.,P. ltowell A to., lid itrtlslag Afreolr, era the sale ageata tor iPe. ileum Ventre DisxT Kmau la fnal aity. , Ad- nttlnre in that. city ara reauoatad I leara thak bran with either of tsie above houea a"COE, WETHERILL & CO. A4M- pinn Agents, Philadelphia, an duly antlwrlaed Ipnts for the Rscoao irl that city. ' JBK. S, 11. HElVLYf SOBGEOIT'DinmST, IPETKOLgClttiiKhTRE, tif, .'J jtaiiobaaabr to KcXIplfaa A ll'orteKT r. f Wea toiler, of W.nhlrntntf vn HaoboO' atrect Ad be found at olUce day and sight tlpwciul at Mlon clven to the treatment or dlieaand uwl. lliirdfmm, EUier, Ha and lAiual Anucalhciic (Ulaol Poiroleam Centra.) ' - ft1 BESIDENT 8URBEON ' DENTIST, (iaa administered. Office open now. . -1 , . . I ...,.' . -. : it lOKPir.K-Over Miouard'a Dor f GondV Store" HOCSKVIMAPA. ,i5 "J JaiABM H. Vilbert I - . , . ' ISnowprenand tn citerato BRICK AND MA ON WOKK IN ALL ITS BKANCtlKS. and nn-aata to elve satisfaction.. ,.1-UASTBlUNO done to order. ' BUTCK CHIM IIRH enilt. Also, BHICK and LIMB constant J an hand and for aala. aa Keilriflil m fftrhnrt. IVrtn Pnat OMm Aldfess PeU oleum Centre, Pa. - Give nie a call. "PKTU(S,BCM CBNTHE, PA. JWonWashlnjjontreet, cpiroslte Esq? Boj oliUopce. i ; i JSllf. 111, ATTORKE Y-AT LAV,' , ? 'In OVerl aft. Wallnnal Raii1c VrtawaWllM. Tak aanrl JJfurday oXaach wouk over filsselt A CoV.Bank, ENGINEER,' MAONIST baSksmith,''.,:; 4 nannfacturer oil Drilling n una Fishing Tool.' mt ON CENTRAt PET, FARM. '" ' "'; NEAR R. R. DEPOT. to. aurF110 CENTRE, PA. Inllki of Jobblnfiand Machine Kepalr '"s Ooae to order. iQlye m a call. VM-tf. . WBI. I IIETTS. I A monthly I jourEiT, devo f todtii interests or JL pe pie -who spend m Lisn fti?iIMS "IS th" TUPrr PLAN P WSBfN NTfoOMMISSIOllI HOUSM aai-. .'l.' Hand Uiimiili.p MnlnM. o i A I . .wy reduce your llviiiB expenses So to 60 per Wi.wlthout diminishing comforts or lniurita ":itr,l?n,'on'rd business not In ths least Uohn if TS' Of intari t dieryhody. Addrea lC ,d, Manager, 433 West Jackson Street, L.fJtGA'STTlrEt. He Hachine anfl Hacksmiti Shop Ilotla and Kctanranta. ICECREAM! Smith's LAGER BEER SALOON! Q. KeW Ice Cream ISooms. H! vlns narchaxed tlio Snlann, NEXT DOOK to HJMMO.W DK1IO 8'1'OdR, I roapretfnlly solicit a Hhne of pntronnire. My fooma will lie ke)it x:ool and pleaiini, and mv fnonds will at all tlmei Hud I FRESH LAGE1J from thtf nrefrary nnd alwavn cool. Yon chu alwavif lad rtin ansre ar'lice, with l.EMONAUK, M ATI VK WNES, HOOT KBH. and ft-esli made BAND WICHK8, 7 calllnL-on me JT"I have alo titled up a F.ADIF1' ICI! CHRAM rfoOtf, where IcecreAtn will he served-1 up at all houra.; Private antrancn to the room. A. S. SMITH,' OttMf, Moat door to Simmons' Btoro. I briymj Laer at.the Verandah -v J. Verandah Saloon. WAIT ii PUGH, Proprietors WASHINGTON ST.j PET. CENTRE. . ! Particular attention paid to the wants of their cus toniera, and will keep the fluent stock of ;FKSI1 LAGER AX!) A I.E. I CI1IOCE CKiAHS, Arc Drop In and sob ns In our new quarters. Jn4 ft ! n v, j-lTROI.EUM CBNTHE, PA. " Ml ..r-.-i ... f. IMi populai Hotel, altnatcd Corner oinaln V WaabliiKton-Sta., Near the DeioV has been refitted and furnished thruuuhout, and the proprietor will spare no pains w inuc ii . . . . , 'first-class 'nousE.1' " . octS-tf. ' JNO V UljLBEliT, Proprietor. CENTHAI HOI SK, . ! PBTROLETTM CESTUI!, PA.. Near Oil Creek k Allegheny Biver Bailway Depot mcrjig-tf. O. J CKOBS, Prop'r Opera House SALOOlsr! I IiOiiU J. Voucher, Prop'r. TTnder the Onora House. Petroleum Centre. Pa. VKKSU LA(1- K received dally nnd. constantly on iinnirlit H'NOH at all hours. , The purest of WINKt). ALES. &c and tho llnost brands nft'l- GARS conKlantly on bond. My friends and the public are rcspeeuuuy luviteo to tiay m a ran. J novi4-6m. .. w4, LOUIS J.. YVUCHKII PEXUOtiliUiU IIOUSK. Free Omnlbua to and from all Trains BILLIARDD BATH ROOMS CON NECTED WITH HOTEL. novM-if.1'' : "t i 'fe V. 8TAAT8, Prop'rf :EEMOVAL!, -1 J. As PLANTLV v FREKGii BOOT MMU, U AS REMOVED ' Bitscll'si Block, Ko. 21 Ccn trc-St., OIL CITY, PA. Where he wou'd he ploased to see his old Petro lenm Centre Iriendu nd customers. srLASTS fitted lor the leet and reserved for customers. . BOOTS SENT C. O. D. to any place in the Oil neions ... aplO-Sr. , ,r. A. P.'.A;T1i:, Oil Cl'y, Pa Lord's Boiler Powder ! . FOR TIIK Removal ana Prevention of SCALE IN STEAM BOILERS Thi Powder will Itcinoyc Any Scale, no matter bow thick or Hard it may be, and keep the Iroh in a good coudi tion for ncres. . WE CAN SEND YOU X PIICCF OP THIS. " ' ' ' ' ' , I;; ; 1 A. J. IIAWLEY, COT.nWATRK LEASE, WILD CAT II'iIXOW v'iwuhi w ire. it., is me oni v aiunorlEea acctit in Oil Kof.'i n for the -nle i f the Powder, of whum ib vnu tK Milillliuu liy Hie HP(5 Or OI'lI'lO. t Tlt is Rlnofnr Mleat Hie llardwnro Ktqre of . , . i""""i vyvuiru, ra. - 1 uiuy k-ii. . -, V no. her Valuable hixvn- tion. CATE'S BACK -SUCTION PREVENTOR FOR OIL WJiLLS, patented AnrastlS. 1871, which en tirely prevents the ingresa of nlrin oil wells, while the timing Is being drawn. It is a well known loci to oil oporotors, that upon wells whore Gas Pump. are used it is netessa. y to preserve as nearly n per rect vacuum tt possible, aud that no air should I lot into the well, at any timo, when It can nosslblv bo avoided ; consequently, whenmer tho tubing is drawn fr m a wall it H the uiitso of mrimt Inim-v tn tt, as the smiling box, being then ncs.rily open ed, the air immediately rushes back between the tubing and casing, Into tho well going into tl:o' ell rock and gas veins, and cot scqitotitly cansin. Ihe nil and gas to rith back to a great disnince. bo much so, that it aluiut always WUos several days a.tor ptiniptug is resumed for a well to bo brought nncK to its tin-mcr condltloii, and oftentimes it takes several weeks; and unite fiecjnentiy wells have been almosl compitt:iy ruined by the air being thus lot in while drawing tubing , 1 The BACK-SUCTION PREVRNTOR is attached to the staffing box and works m such a way that it completely shuts up tho spneo between tho .ettifflng una and tubing so effectually that not a pirticlo or air can gel through at any time while tho tubin" la being drawn nnd replaced. ' It supplies a want Jong felt, and is, without question, ono of the most val uable Inventions of tup dny, to tho'e eng gid in the oil business. No well slionid be without it, ni tt of ten times saves ton times i.s cost by once using. t3r"ltlsmntiitracluidntthe FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP of ANDREWS & CO , TlDlr OUTE, PA., and for sa o by Hardware Dealers. Tldlonte, Pa., March" 28, 1875. taw Sin. GATES'. MGK SUCTION PRE , VENTOH. Tr.iuaeH, Feb. S, 1B7S. Mkssrs. Awnnrws A Co (iKnti.umen: Havl,i(T used ouo of CA I lls' llOK SlIUTION J'KKIEN TOits, I enn confidently recommend the same to all who have occasion to use the mine, as the best Pre ventor of Hack Suctiuu on Oil Wells, oiirwoll was su atiuill that it hardly paid to run it After pnt tinzon .imo of OA I KS' BACK SUCTION PUB 13..MOHS th.-priiiliiction was iiiereasiid tea goud paying well. Before we put tho llsek Suction Pre venter on the woll, we invaii ilily had to pump the ...i iu umuie hb eiiinu i-e.-ioro ii to us lor- nicr pi'oductii.n alter drawing tubing. 'I his is en tirely obviated by the use of tho Piovcntor. ; IiAUT, l'BIIlilNS & Co. . ' TniUMFn, Jan. M, 1872. Jlnssns. ArniiiEws & Co Having tiinron -til y tested tho utility of OATHS BACK SHUTIoN PRKVKNTOIf, wc consider tltem one or the most uxeful inventions ever made for oil wells, mid i tliink we are capshhi of jtnlair g of them, bavins' three on our wells We can now d aw-t iiftig, and whon thoy aremplaccd the wells producu tho siiuie an before drawing, thus showing that tho rroventor effectually prevents nil ingress of sir. ' - . You-s respoctftilly, ' a . . . a , liaoos A Hloiitr. Missne Anphews & CoGiktsi This is o certify that I have vised ono of OATKs' HACK SCO IIOl HKKVBNTOKs, on tie Lee & Hi liland Jesse. Eeonomjte Hill, aud would not do wltuout It at any price, ns It will do all and more then it. Ib recommended to do. . lid I euu cheerfully recom mend Ii to all Oil Operators who have any Buck Hue tion Wei la. ' '( Yoars, &c, . , ,. j JoiiJf Mters. ; Tldlouto, Feb'y n, 11772 law 8m. WANTED Second-Hand Engines Saw & Girlst Mill Jlacliin- ery,-: i . i. . i . In good order. Address with full description and price. J I. M.-lJ.u.Il(,. Wttl" Vlr Holland fesrrai The Oldest Established Li quor Store on Oil Creek. OWEN EAFFNEY, PRPP'B. PUEE Wines 8z Liquors, The Best Importations. Winrs, . Brandies Oins, JSuitis, . -( ;! Whiskies, FGB' FAMILY AND MEDICINAL PUR- ,i poses. I would call pafflcular attection to my Hranils of Wines, which ore genuine Importations, and pro brace the entire list ever kept la America Market. Ales and Porter (nam & Co'a Imported Ale. In nollC and on llrnfl, M-i:vln'a Import ed Alp In Boltlea, iuinnNt Itruwuatout' & Loudon For or, Ac OSCARS, CIGARS THE FINEST BRANDS OP DOMESTIC ! AND HAVANA CIGAKS. No. 25 Wiisiiiiijjtoii-st., PE THOliEl'Jl CEATltE, PA. ' nov4-tf. . OWKR UAFFNR1T. I IS. U K & AOtililS, GENERAL MACHINISTS and Dealers! n all kinds of WE1iLTOOIjS& FIXTU11ES Necessary Icr putting down and operating 4 ells, in connection with out MACHINE fctilii e have a large and convenien BLACKSMITH SHOP. Our facilities for MANUFACTURING ar no excelled ov any Biiop in the oil Herons iS'Aop- MaiP'St,opponile MrMlintonkJJoute. Emel Zedwich- ("LITTLE JOE." BOOT' AND SHOE MAKER, Has been established in Petroleum Centre tor the past llirue years, and bua the name of , Making thn It rot Fit and Finest Jioot in tlia Oil JiL'tfiOilsi. Hot constantly rccoivlng orders from other sec , . . tiuna ol' Ilia Oil Kcgious. He constantly keeps on.hand Kcady-niadc Boots,& Shoes LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES AND GAITERS. CAMiIANIJSI.F IIII. J!tr ' ' ' ' EMELZEDWKTH, PetrolGM Centre Meat Market ! eo. W. King, .Jr., Next Door to the Rochester nonse. dealer In fresh and Malt MEAT--, BMOKSB M EATS, POUL'i'itY, HUT'l-Klt. :. !':m u:f.i- i.n.v'r" -'t fettle will 1n well to jive ms 9'''flil. A i-iiaiiiuf uio puiUt p i :i nui,. ro -m iu'ti i: ,ii. V KIK'i. Jr KINAKCtAL. GEO. Iff. BISSEIilj Ac CO., R -A. IT K E R S, PKTllOLKlIM CENTBG. PA Q. tt. Wssell, tL. C Martin Christopher Meyer ..- , , j- ,'L.,?""(T0,1r aervieoa for the intnnu-.Uon of a ?E,N-5,1JAf'mI,ANKINB BXCHANGBaiid tX)L I ECTION BUSINESS. Any business enirustod tooareara wtM reartva pmmpt attention . THE CITIZEN'S BINE ' TITrSTlIsE, PAa OFPfCKim. - vtm. h. Abbott,. . tosmi I. Q. JACK SON, .. SSms? OIHBCToIra. wMmn. ABBOTT, .. bo. k. ATmrmmi I D. H. CADY, JLTMAH BTKWAKT ' 1. U. JAUliWJW. ' Tills Bank Is oriranlzed on the iMnntMMp firttat ctplo, eoh stoekhold lielng lndfvlduallT liable to the FULL KXTKNT OF HIa PHOPBKTY. . six PEti Cent, Interest allowed on time deposits lp SaTtrsri ta Hepartmimt, special facilities being ofTerod I SMALL DBI'iJslTORS. JVKUNMKNT BkOnRtTnts nr.n ua. In lliseonnts made and a OeDeral Benktrif 1tubIijU1 transacted. y liie Sate Deposit Depaiia't FOR THE SAFE KEEPINO OF VAL UAHLE8, i la now open to the pnMIc, for tbe BBNTtN OV 8AFBS In the I1UKOLAU PROOF VAULTS lr. CrookS OF T A R BSTABLISHBDIN 18lj2 A rcmedr which has been tested for 10 yeaie, nnd pnrt ed in thousands of caser. can able of eurinira'l IHsmst of ,'ie i ttrvui ana sjungt f per torming.. many remarkable eures, moi Its a trial from all who are fullering from Unit lar afflictions nnd vainly seek Inn relief. Will you let prt judict prttait you from being cured also. Coughs and Colds. The Druggists say it caroatbom -m all. ,. a ' i Asthma. The relief and enrca of It fire narfel- ' - ous. 1 ' -1 I . I .,, - , llronchllls. Every enfTerot will and relief and- cure. - . ' - ' . . Throat. Ailments require only a few doaet. Lun Diseases, lias cured cases pronounced fit ' 1 curable. - , . 1 Debility. It renovates and Invigorates Uia irya.. tern. Liver Complaint. Most eiluetlta regulator of lUa . , - organ. iiyepspsia. Its healthy action on th atomadb curefjlt. Appetlz r. It ll health-giving and appet1tee stnrng. I ri 111117 Organs. Action on them It marked aud prompt. ' 1K. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR Is rteh . In Ihe mcdioinnl qualities of Tar, combined with vegetable Ingredients of nndonbted Talue, which make it unsurpassed, uot only for the complalnta enumerated, but it rapid If reatores x liauNted atrontTlh, eleanseathe alomach, re. luxes tiie Liver aud puts them to work causes tlisf food to digest, and msken pure blood, and beseis a vivacity appreciated by both aonndnnd sick. If you are afll'ctefi In any way, we know if vou try Ihst llle-Klvlusr tonle properties) of Dr. Crook's Wine ot Tar, yon will add your testimony to its great value In correcting any 'ills tint flesh la heir to." Prepared only by OLIVER CMUUft 4k CO. Sold by Druggists etorywhere. Franklin, a. R. H. AUSTIN, Pres't. CKAB. MILLBR, MaaVgr :., MANUFACTURERS of the CELEBRATED ' GALENA Engine, -Car, tali k Wm ' Lubricating Oils. Warranted the best Lubricator tn use. In ewrf test the linleim Oils have triumphed, and their bold i-lialleniieforun nal as a Lubricator meets, no nioi erontintants. it is now lu use on A Jfc G W M'jr, outAK H'v. A V R'y, J 4 K B'y, aud a he wells, machine shops, Ho. HARRY HOWE. lanlTJ tf Agent for Pctralenm Centre Avicui. ,, , M CHAV IlOIJStXi; Washington street, Petrolonm Centra, Pt. W. M. HHArrsTHKT, PaofHiatoa. Tills Hoivie Is eeirjniiy kiejiti.il, and The hf-iH.-,,-,.!, . jf ,.); ,,. i ,rf ' ., 1, " t',if'." '