SHUGERT& STARR (Sommwi to MeTAiUnd,;Smltti A Co. J Merchant Tailors) AND SKALIKS VX Gents' Furnishing Goods, COR..8PRINO ft FRANKLIN 8T&, (TITVSVliLE, PA. Bat tdt U on of Ik naest assortment cf ; 0L02HS& CASJSIMERES ENGLISH, raven and. AMERICAS ooTiisras, MIXED AND ....... , STRIPED SUITINGS, FANCY TESTINGS! Over the Oil Region. TWENTY DIFFERENT STYLES OF HATS SC CAPS, All the Ulat and Nobbiest Stylo. A FULL um or Gentsf. Fiwniahing Goods, &c. Petroleum Centre Daily Record . Oantre, Paul Friday, AnsjaetB lllvln HArli METHOD TST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Service every Sabbath t 11 A. M. and Pi r. n. oaDoaiQ ocnoo.i at lift r. M at free. A cordial Invitation exteud 4 Co all. Het. P. W. Scomto, Pator. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Preaching at 11 o'clock A. M., and 7)4 'olock P.M. " Dl PATT0N, Fastbr. Petroleum Centre Lodge, No. Tia, I. O. ot O. F. Regnlar meeting nfgbU Friday, at 8 'clock. Signed. , ALBERT 3LENN, N. G. E. O'Flaherty, A Seo'y. HTPloce of meeting, Main St.. oppotile MoCllntock House. V Am O. of V. V. Liberty Lodge No. 7, A. o; of U. W., meet every Monday evening at 8- o'clock, In Odd Fellow' Hall, Petroleum Centre, Penn'a. ' A. M. Elicincr, M. W. J. H. Morrill, R. Gold at 1 p. m.,HSJi Flowiko Well on thb Uppob Binno norr Run Tkrritobt. Tno Tltusvllle Herald of thii morning sayt: A oew well wa itrnck at tlx o'clock yes tuday morning onto Abbott A O'Har tract id the Ociav Dlstrlol about one and a ball mile couth of thii city. Tb (and rock was (truck at a depth of 850 feet, and when tba drill penetrated two feet further oil commenced to flow, spouting at Intervals of mooui nan an nour to lb height of on hundred feat The tool wer Immediately witbdrawo, and the foroe of tbegu prevent- a in men irom drilling any further. Lad evening . however, they determined, the fSrc ol gaa having Mmewhal diminish ed, to try and drill deeper. Tb boiler is bout 125 yards from the well, which ii.coo tdered a safe distance, the gas being be yond the reaob of lire. This well make a batter snow than any other thus far struck In tb Octav District. Tb land Interest I owned by Hugh O'Haie, Win, Abbott Thomas C. Weaver aud Joseph Dixon, be log on Iraot of Dfty acres In fee. The owoer of lb woiking Interest have leased the greater' portion of this tract on which tb well stands. Their names ar Thomas C. Weaver, A. Purtill and Joseph Dixon. Tb well wa yesterday visited by large BBmtuiv nf anaAiilftiiira and nlhM This tract I oo tb old northeast and south west belt, Into whieh lb Col. Drake well was the Brat to nenelrate. Thai It is blabs )y piollds twlwejm Oil Creek and Beonehoff Run there can now be oo quest loo, sad tb urewgasl operators consider it only a ques lion ol Uma whan the whole or this Ho be tween (bete two point, will be mad to lld aa largely as any 9f t fraoti lo tbl loinuy. COHHXMig There Is not the least doubt I) tb mlod of aperatora but that the bU on waleb. 4b new flowing well is located, extends all the wsy down psnoeuuff Run, and aonoect at some point on Tan Run with tt oil belt of this vtolnlty. Leases sr beltg rapidly ta ken op on tb territory between the two points, aod anticipate lively time U developing la tbl vicinity soon. 6everal rllo ire alnady going dowa at this end me bell, and maoy woo nav leases are holding off until they are floisbed, in order to more distinctly tract tb supposed belt. With the opening up of this new develop ment we predict a revival of business of all kinds along Oil Creek from Tlttuvllle to Pe troleum Centra and below. We might add here that tb new well Is ooly four feet In the sand, and it Is thought when drilled through tb rock it would produce more than double Its present yield. To-morrow is tb day when It is predict ed by celebrated European savant, the Plantamour Comet will knock Ibis mundane sphere Into minute fragments. We would advise sinners to eommesee repenting at once aa tb time Is growing short. Ooly a few hour Intervenes In which to become good. There will probably be a rattling of dry bones in the event of suoh a eatastrophe among certain old sinners we wot of. Keep stiff upper lip, gentlemen, and above all pay your honest debts to-day; invest your spare change In religious reading; repeot every fifteen minute, end there msy be some hope for you. While floatiog through spac you may be able to discover some new oil field. We shall endeavor to get out an extra with a full account ol this dread vent In lb meantime commence repenting at one. We ar requested to announce that a Re publican meeting will be held at Rouse vllle, this eveoing. Hon. H. L. Richmond, of Meadville, Republican oandidate for Con gress In this district, will be present and address the meeting. ' All are Invited. A Greeley hotel has been opened at Par ker' Landing. Repairs are being made to the Boyd larm bridge. II has stood in need of tbem a long lime. Tb man "what swallows the (word" was in lown last evening. He swallowed the sword, pulled It out, passed round tb bat for scrip, wbleh It would appear he lovested In whiskey and swallowed enough of that to Oil hi keg, as lager In the evening be might have een seen sleeping sweetly "in his little bed" oo tb ground near Wlnsot's hardware store. Everybody Is praying for rain. We ar pleased' to notio the return to town of our friends, Messrs, G. J. Cross and John MoOmber, from their trip West. They wer delighted with the western country, nd return much Improved In health and spirits. At a meeting of tb Geoeral Committee beld at Franklin. August 8tb, to receive report ol the subscriptions by the public, it was EisoLvKDj tbat tb public bar not re sponded to, an amount and' extent sufficient to justify this Committee In assuming tb responsibility of further testing tb validity of tb cuing aod torpedo patent, therefore, J so. RcsoLviDt that tb General Committee adjourn to meet at OIL CITY, ON FRIDAY THE 18TH OP AUGUST, at 11 o'olock, a. , to receive any further Instructions from tb public, or to enable it to aelot new oommitte In plaoe of tb 'present on. F. W. Hastinc, Secretary. Aug. 9ld. An Engliabman has Invented what be calls "Vermin Aspyxiator," whloh is said to have proved stgually successful in destroying plant Insects, weeails, snakes aod rats. Experiments bave been made on all these with results highly satlilsctory to everybody except tb creature tbem' elves. The new Mason lo temple at Philadelphia, which is to cost $1,000,000, will be dedica ted' Jun 24, 1873- Tb amount required to osmplet the structure baa nearly all been raised on the simple pledge of tb grand lodge of this State, which Is reckoned the wealthiest organisation of tb kind in the Culled States; NOTES OF THE WAY. A Minnesota boy claim to bav a gnat unole living In New Hampshire who I younger tt an be Is. A contemporary declares that gravity- Is no mora avldeqce oi Wisdom than' a paper collar is of a shirt Tb too nag of vessel employed In' the Lake Superior trad has increased 200' per coot. In two yesrs. The present session of tb Conneotlout Legislature is on of tb longest in tb his lory ef that Stat. A large hotel is to b erected In London, to be conducted oa lb American plan. It Is to eost $3,000,000. A Frensh Inventor recently made a public trial of boot designed lo aid on lo walk oo tb wa'ter. Nothing ever floated mor baautlfally than too boot did, bat the trlulng clrcumstaoo that they floated wrong Id np nearly caused tb Ipvtotor'i dtetb. A Man Married to Another Man Seventeen Year Ago, and Now Atka for a Divorce. From lb St Louis Democrat, 16tb One of the most remarkable dvorce cases on record has been began, aud is to be tried st the August term of toe Macoupin County Circuit Court The psrtles bave lived to gether for seventeen years, known to the world as husband and wife. The reputed husband now files bill, allogjog the so called marriage to bav taken pi see In Macoupin county In 1855, and praying for a divorce oo the ground tbat the person to whom be wss tbeo formerly married is not a woman, although previous lo aod at the time of said reputed marriage be was indue. ed to believe the person aforesaid to be a woman. If the allegations of the bill and or outside parties are true; the trial will show the extraordinary case of two men having lived together for this long period of time, in the character ol husband and wife. Tb oomplainant allege tbat hie Igooranoe of tb laws ol this country, he being a Ger man, and the advice of supposed competent parties, prevented blm from filing a bill for release loug ago from tb bobdago of tbl pseudo-marriage. As lb psrtles bav c cumulated a considerable property. It will be point ol great interest fer the Court to cide upon It equitable division, In esse o( a aissoiatioo or the curious copartnershlp. k New Editor Defines HU Posi tion. A new weekly paper ha been started In Bath county, Kentuoky. The editor says, by way ofaalutory: "We would as soon expect to win a for tune by betting sgnlost a pat band as to suppose tbat we shall please everybody. No doubt, In tbe course of human events. w shall resllze those pleasant little editor ial episodes In which Indlgoaot readers find no other soothing syrup for their wounded feelings than by attempting to "put a bead on lb editor;" paint a mournful expression over hi eye; or without consulting blm whether he "want to bean angal, 'or with tb angels stand," endeavor to send blm to that bourne (on dead bead ticket) from whence no editor returns. We stand six feet In our stocking In tbe Winter time five feet eleven inches end half without socks, in tb Summer sesson. Our princi pal amusement when boy, was to throw one hundred pound anvils over our bead; hold a barrel of flour at arm's length, and practice other muscular develonmnni. am ed by early education in the k manly art we shall endeavor te hoe our own row, paddle our own canoe, aod bold a full band in tb editorial game of "bluff." Tbe St. ) Louis Globe (ays: Ills very naughty in Dr. Livingstone to oatl the dark. eyed daughter of Gazemb "deer," and to dwell so lovingly on tbe fasoinatlng manner in which they tattooed tbetr dusky cuticles; but it was worse than naughty to quote from Hawthorn' English Notes about hein "bulbous below tb ribs." Inasmuch as th book be quotes so glibly was not pub lished until alter thedootor' appearance. w are at a lbs to account for lils acquaint ance with It contents'. Could be bav got It irom toe book ana flews Company of Uo- oyemoei or trtnea wlttt It pages at tbe circulating library ol Ugogo t An explana lion Is needed a mew here. Th Wheeling Register of August 1st, be. ua luuuwiug: nasi evening, a loaCum- oeriana Accommodation, due here about flve o'clock, cam Into lb Narrows, a mile or two below fleowood, men, who tad eviaenuy neen ma 'in the bushes by tbe side of tbe railroad, sprang out In front o1 tbe rapidly approaching engine and erasoed the rail with the energy of a desperate man. He was so close to tb train that it was Im possible to atop It, and In a second tb iron wbeeisortb engine hsd torn blm ssunder. and what bad 000- been a man or power ua intellect was nothing but a sickening uiu ui quivering aoa mangled flesh. in wooi cup or me united States this year Is estimated at about 110,000,000 lbs This country also about 100,000,000 lb 01 imporiea wool every year. - In tbe course of aa argument before a Savannah court recently, on lawyer cor retted the law pi the opposing counsel with a borse whip; A aw furnace for manufacturing pig ron Is to reestablished at Asblsnd, Kentucky that will bav a capacity of turning out fifty tooraday. ' Tbe banks aod Insurance offices In San Fran.lseoi talking of trying tbt experi ment of employing women clerk aod bookkeepers. A lltli German boy lo' Buffalo bled to death from tbe effeots or wound lo tbe leg, caused by a glass bottle whloh was thrown at blm by playmate. AInglSqulrlnJherden, JOblo, lu married thirtynine runaway couple from; iveuiuosj, in roar months. Buffalo .Bacet Third Day Buffalo, August 8. Tbt rices to-day wen attended by fully 12,000 people. Tbe puree of $1,500, for five year olds and under, $900 to first, $400 to second and $150 to third, was won by Lady Maud In three Time, 2:29,. 3:29 2 :27?. Sellcadle Golddust was sscond and Mary U. tbtrd. . The purse of $10,600 to2:30 horses, $5,000 to first, $2,600 to second, $1,600 to third and $,000 to fourth, was won by Kllburn Jim In tbret ttralgbl beats. Time, 1:25, 2 :23,and 2 :25J. Elmo was second, Gazelle third and Advance fourth. The purse of $2,000 for 2:50 borstt, $1,600 to first, $500 to second, $200 to third, was, won by Sensation lo three straight beat. Time, 2:25, 2:27, .and 2:32. Grace was second, G. Lester third. To-morrow will be tbe gala day Of tb meeting. Lncy, Goldsmith Maid, Ameri can Girl and Henry competing lo one race. ZTnt Fall Election. Previous to tbe great Presidnlial oootest in November, tb following State and Territories hold lec tions this fall: North Carolina. August 1 Montana and Utah, August 6: New Mexico. September 1 ; California, September 2; Ver mont, Septembers; Maine, September 9 Colorado Territory, September 10; Dakota, Indiana, Iowa, Nebraska, Ohio, Pennsyl vania and District of Columbia, October 8 South Carolina, October 16, West Virginia, August 22. All tbe State vote for Presl dential eleotors on tbafitb day of November, and on the su me day the following choose State officers: Alabama, Arkansas, 1 Dela ware, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Kansas, Loulsana, Maryland, Masssebusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, Tennessee, Virginia and' Wisoonsio. Art aona holds her Territorial election oo th 8tb of November. Casing For Sale. 700 feet 5&th second hand Casing for sale FOR GASH. As good as new Apply to C. P. BUTTON, Petroleum Centre, Pa. Wieklt Oil Riport There bave been a few, new wells started up during tb week, aoa we are plearod to aote tbat at last tbt Western Company bae'a good well npon Ikt Case property,' near corner of twelfth line and side road, convenient to th old Flow ing.n eii on me corner. A few other wells sre goiog down upon the same territorv. To the south oi Temperance Well, C. Smith & Co. started up Saturday, but falling short olexpectatlous, the well I being drilled deeper. A reported last week a few mor wells in the neighborhood are progress ion . vnu mg uwiu VflB nr. fWllBS' BW wen in nearly down, and Rapley A Co. No. 2 is being.teated nothing so far to depref uS 1 oe uoryeik wH, opoo Them as e io.- subdivision, bas been resumed and I nearly finished. Kenned k Jeffrev. No. 7 drilling, and across tbe road, Gurd k Co. jeady lor tb drill, and back ef II, San son & Co. arranging machiow for their new venture. Further back, upon th bboemaker territory, Carmicba! A Co. and P. Taylor A Co.' well an nearlv fin. fsbed. F. Smith, Van Tuyl and N. Smith' wen put deeper and is being tested. Il iiKeiy in wan will be a fair on. Smith A uo.' wall upon the Monro territory, aod, uu bus upon me wsbster property, are drilling. Keith 4 Woodly't well upon h Lamott property la down with a fair snow ana win be tested right away. Wid a is-wen is preparing to pump. Mr McDon ald has another good well and I preparln tnm hi. Af.l. -.-11 nt .. ' .r uiaunu wen. AueBewuia an located 10 in south of the twelfth Una and nearly five miles from the station. , Tbt No I well northeast of Cole wells, and belonging 10 lb Western Company, is drilling. Th Twin Lindsay well, at Pitholt, Is id0- mmiraiuilHg 10 Blind Lis in earn company I drilling, another nil Tbe new well of the Western Comnanv. south of Blind Lin and eait or Tank Tie ""i '"uu wi ue a lairty-nv barrel well, tbe other three, same owoera. are un- derway.- Mr. Lancy is drilling a wll alongside oi tbe railroad, near Old No. 1 and coavenient to iron tanks, and had a surfaoa show; present depth about on hun dred feet In the rock. Altogether the development at present Is comparatively quist, caused, oo doubt bv want of water and tbe low price cf olL Petrolla, (Ont.,) Advertiser. The Lawrence (.Kansas). Tribunf think. grape will be so plentiful ibis Mason tbat may wm oa soiq lor two cents a pound. Swtlzrlnd export $4,000,000' worth r cheese a year, tbat being almost1 th n. jarttel of export from that country, In tbe armory at Sir Walter Sooti at Abbotsrord I tb veritable musket of redoubtable outlaw, Rob Roy. 1 fjocal Notice. -I FOR SALE CHEAP A first'clae team ol DRAUG11T Hno. ES, WAGON, HARNESS 4c! In wiMitiuH uiuei. i ur purucuiars Innnl.. this nfllm... I. 9R o. ,D1"" II j j For Sale or lfpnt A desirable residence located oa tbt v bert Farm, a abort distance Irom tone r narlicuUre annlv to OWEN GAFFNFt Petroleum Centre, June 14, 1872. J i-ii. For Sale 15.000 to 20,000 feet of 8ECOND.IUvn TUBING, at from 25 to 35 5" Tb TublnB is in first c-l... T ready fitted. April Z8. tf. . H. WARNER. GAFJrM'S Wines ami l.i.,.7... . leal use. Tb best aod chesoest w For Sale Xtaeap J. R' MARKS! nil ru. k.. - desirable bulldiog lota lor 'sale In dlS locations In fill Ai. .u'?mt ond hand machinery f all' kinds for ui 2 . v , onarp s Bw Spring Street. juiy 13-im. Gaffoey sells Lager Vnr P.. tVln.. j - OTBiiantvu a sues mrtfci Brotherhood of Broctoo go to GAFtTKETa British International Money Order System. Money ordres can beabtain- ed at the Petroleum Centre Per. Office upon Post Offices in il parts of Great Britain and Ire land. UmtfjdStartes Treasnrv Kate or National Bank Notes konlj received or paid C. W. NOYES , CRESCENT CITY CIRCUS! The Only Complete OrjM IhaIai aw r a lAiauun iii 1 ne w orld I THB ONLI SHOW THAT DO EH MORS IBAJ Performsnee on the IneMe and net oa tb. Onh 1 HUeet Pamde. tlie largest and most bla Mor and better performance than aoyClf. Asia In iha TT.I -.A C - rrjm 15 to tt .ctfl Mch perftirmaae. Talprftt, 1 a with (iM ieiateftdffif oil. I5k lit tb host of PerfoHBert, enctb oi ftan H u a utuior Mm ; MILLIE TDENODE The original Qneen af Air: mt FKKU BARCLAT, Who Is without a rival as a Princtoat Pad 8 THB LESLIE BROTHERS, J Arannsqualled in their Gynnastlo Perfonm"'' VRV. T.lTl? m a utt v From California, aremeofonr mals ftatr Th Children's KaTtrita. but Clowa to AWJ The largaat Clown in Amarlce, and his Moles eos alltiitai a r.-w- rrwi,. PROP. A. H. LEHMAN. The Croat California Trick Clown A. P. ATMAR. Clown and Senile Rider. 50 Head of Trick Horiei. AnaiXiM. Will l "a-, 24 "uoariot, bandliag th reins evsr wi.hiuk 111 luunBlflO raUC UfiKLlN'S C. C. BAnu DONTijTORfMT"THE DATE.' CEIMTRt We(ini6Bdav.Aus:14 ft' Jr atoeyille,Thaira4r, A "I'1 t tl M