The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, August 06, 1872, Image 2

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il J
( i
8noeuon lo MoFAdtoiSmHh A Co. J
Merchant Tailors!
Cents' Furnishing tioodg,
Bare pat U on 1 the Imi m n ajl
"fancy vestings.
Irar oferedlln the Oil Region.
AU the Latest and Nobbiest Style.
Gents' Furnishing Goods, &c.
r-etroleum Centre Daily Record,
. '. Centre, Pa., TotMirt Annual 8'
. Virtue nervlce.
Services every Sabbath st 11 A. If. tad
X r. M. Sabbath School at 12 P. H.
'. eata free; A eordlal invitation extend
ed to all.
Riv. P. W. Scofiild, Putor.
Preaching at 11 o'clock A. M., sod 1
D. PATTON, Fator.
Petroleum Centre Lodge, No.
TIB, I. O. of O. F.
Regular meeting nights Friday, at 8
'clock. Signed. "
E. O'FLABiaTT, A-Seo'y.
WPUce of meeting, Main St. r oppoille
eCllntock Honse.
A. O. of U, W.
Liberty Lodge No. T, A. C of TJ. W.,
meets every Monday evening at 8 o'olook,
In Odd Feilow'i Hall, Petroleum Centre,
. A. M. Kxicisik, M. W.
i. H. Mirriix, R.
Gold at 1 p. m. 115J
CcJiioiiTiE9 of tan Oil Rkihox.
Search tbe world over aod we pretume In
o eeotlon covering tbe area of tbe cil re
glon ean be found more curioaitlee or nature
than in tbe great petroleum rrglooi of Wei
tern Pennsylvania. On tbe Osborne tract,
abort dlataoee above Allemagoozelum
City, Cneirylrae Run, la a well yielding
flva or ilx barrel! per day, from tbe oulalde
or the eenduotor bole of which flows a nev
er falling spring of mineral water, from a
depth of nearly ilx hundred leel, which, Ift
it! medical properties li very ilmilar to tbe
water of tbe Congreaa and other aprlogi at
Saratoga and Avon Spring!. We have no
doubt that should some capitalist take bold
of tbli iprlng and build some kind of a
bouse over it, that a popular resort for In
valid! would be tbe result, ai the water
possesses sufficient medical properties to
cure rheumatism, scrofula, and diseases of
that nature. lo addition the scenery or
Cherry Iree Run II the most beautirul that
ean be found In any other section of coun
try; the oilman la mild, salubrious and
healthful, and a mora open hearted geuial
lot of people it would be hard to Sod In any
other section of country thao on Cberrytree.
So muoh tar the mineral springs of tbe oil
region. Everything else has been discov
ered In the oil oountry except gold aod dla
moods, and we expect one of these days to
chronicle the (set of some lucky Individual
eVikiog a diamond ruin and becoming sud
deojy rich.
Justice Reynolds, we notice, discharged
Ue man Galley, charged with vagrancy, on
payment ef tbe doe and a promise lo leave
town at once and for good. Ttf .. is ks
abould be, and we feel , ,h. Ux p J
will uphold the Justice in,, doing, as
thereby a large blllafcoete ii eared the
A sooner ben, or devil, 0f leviathan
proportions, spurting In the waters of tbe
Kennebes rieer, la said to be astonishing
tbe natives. 1U only shows himself 0cc..
lonally, and first appeared to at) astonished
river driver, who dropped bla plck-pol.
nd took 10 the woods, 'lie oeasrlbe, the
animal as being ot propertlou! bardie lees
t&eQ U ordioary a,l "u 7
Pktroleux Itkms. The pew well on tbe
Hyde farm, upper Benneboff Ron torrltory,
owned by tbe Octave Oil Company, men
lion of which was roado In the Itennnn
day or two since, Is yielding eight to ten
barrels per day, and Increasing. It Is
thought it will prove a good paying well.
A new well was atruck on tbe Brown
farm, '.Cberrytree Run, on Sunday last,
which bids fair to be a five or lis barrel
well. It la owoed by S. Elliott. Sr. k Son.
Tbe well baa a strong vslume or sat. aod
will undoubtedly prove a sood well after
belog experimented with a torpedo.
A new well waa atruck on the Demnae
farm, Cberrytree Run, a few dayi since
which li yielding seven or eight bariels per
day. It started op at dotbing lo speak of,
but wai brought up by the use ol a torpe
do. Wrigbt Bros. & Vincent, have leased
twenty acres or the Demnssv farm flats.
aboe;Kane City on Cberrytree Ron, and
are about to commence tbe work or devel
oping the lame at once. Tbe proapect li
good for small well!.
A oew well,, waa struck oa tbe Cox ton
farm Oil Creek, a few days since, which is
yielding six barrels per dsy. Owoed by
Mr Eaton, bf Frankllo.
One or two new wells on the Colombia
farm, are nearly ready for testing.
There will be lively times lo tbe oil region
la a lew weeks. Arrangement! will ioso
be made lor a aeries of Greeley mass meet
logs, aod among tbe noted ipeakera to be
present, It la said, will be Carl Schurz, E.
O. Perrine, and Governor Hoffman.
A system of exchange or letter lists baa
been established by tbe postmaster! of Ih"
principal Springfields In tbe country, aod a,
a large number of letters are carelessly
addressed every week to Springfield, Ohio,
Illinois. Missouri. Vermont, nr M. ...,.-
etts, when some other Springfield was In-
leuuea, me plan win be or considerable ser
vice. A tradition bis lona existed that Mnr.
the Spanish Invasion the Aztecs derived
large supplies of Dreotous Btnnea frnm ah..
Is now New Mexico, and Kit Carson many
yeara ago reported the existence of diamonds
and rubles In the same region. An explor
ing party Is now said to have discovered the
exact locality, and to have taken to Sao
rraucitco a Hundred thousand dollars'
worth. Steps will be taken to secure a sov.
ernment patent to tbe lands, and a com
pany will be lormsd with a large capilal to
Wlfiru t nam
Coktkupt ov Cockt. -Our reader .ill
recollect that several vears since tha nnit.j
Slates Court granted injunctions on several
partlee in the oil regions, reslrainiog them
Irom Infringing on the patent of Col. E. A.
L. Roberts, in tbe manufacture ol oil well
torpedoes. Alexander Hummer, on. nf
those so enjoined, went to Europe, and on
ni return col. Roberts asoerta ined that be
aod others were ensased surrentitinn.i. i.
he manufacture ef e- torpedoes; Bring
ing tbe matter lo tbe attention of tha r.n..
an allaohment for contempt was Issued and
ibe accused waa arrested bv D-inii. p..
dar at Antwerp near Petersburg, Clarion
county, on Friday nigbt. Saturday morn
log Hammer waa hrnnuht t..j
McCaodless. Tbe Court ordered tha de
fendant lo be remanded to iail for a irth.r
heating to-day. This is tbe first of a series
of similar oasos, as Col;. Roberts bas filed
affidavits upon which altacbmeuts for .other
parties aredisobsyiog ihe Injunctions of tbe
Court will be limed. Pittsburgh Mail.
uawiurr was sentenced by Ibe Court to
psy a fine ol $200 end costs and ha Imn.i
oned for two months.
Shamburg has one institution
mention aod wbiob Is first olass In ail lis be.
longings. We allude lo the Livery and
. oui oi our mends, Carlin A Golden, r
loealed almost opposite tbe Upton Hotel, M
u.. unrg. iuev oavaaslnnk r
livery horses as can be found west of the
Allegheny Mountains suitable alilra r.
lug or driving purposes. And In carriages
and buck boards tnev can't ha h..t r
ditlon, their pricesaie most renn.hi.
"Bob" and bis partner are ni.i h,.
souled lellows, and we aaiia ih.,u ,.r ...
cuuens Having business at Shamburg lo
cultivate their acnualntanm. , .
- ii i a uretl
oi uvery nones lo pay tbem a osll. Hav
ing been there we know whereof we speak.
Their stables oan readily be seen hawin. .
large einn over tbe door painted MoCor-
mlck's Basar, "wbloh Ihe aama" ma.n.
they do not exactly keep dtygoods aod no
tions lot sale, but'lbat the do keep last nags
aod elegant turoou's, just Ihe thing to take
your girl out a riding In,
A railroad from Parker to Tiiuiiiai.
talked of very solemnly.
Watermelons and other cholera bomb
hells are io market
Tbe Red 'Slockinsa. of IWnn .i..
SsnecssW Oil City, on Ibe lGtt Iwt
List ol Grand Juron drawn tor fourth
Monday of August, 1872.
Cranberry John Brtndon, A McCurry.
Canal Warren Duflleld. Reuben Stewart.
Clinton Samuel Richards.
Cberrytree A. W. Alcoin.
Franklin W. W. Fennel I, John Henry,
Milton Myers.
Irwin Milton Beigblea, Julius Hender
son, Joseph Milton.
Oil City Geo. Leister J. R. Roberston.
H. H. Hsrpst.
Plum James Loker, James Grove.
Richland Joalab Rucb. A. V. Orr. Jack-
ion Lavere.
Rynd Peter McMan.
Rouievllle J. Bnnville.
Rockland Smith Simpson.
Scrubgrass Wm. Perry.
Tbe effect! or tbe New York Standard
brought only $1,000
Tbe total tsxabla pronertv or California
is assessed at about $800,000,000.
Paris la overrun with counterfeit sold coin
manufactured tn Spain.
One of tbe wealthiest bankers In Italv is
Emmanuel Marafioai, a natural eon or tbe
King of Italy.
A Louisiana nlaoter bai set his hands at
work gathering oaterpilUrs from his cotton
at bail a cent apiece.
They have aent 2.000 voun blank haaa
from Saratoga lake lo Eogland. They go
over in large glass tanks.
Several studenta from Howard TJniveraltv
at Washington, are serving as waiters at
the Long Iiraooh hotels.
Halt. more bavins ornlzat iv hm.
Greeley Grays," Cinoionati responds bv
stsrtiog tbe 'Nellie Grant Bluee."
A youns laav lost, a few dava aln .
dlamood riogs valued at twelve hundred
dollars on the batbios beach at Ka..a.i
aeiti ler.
The journeymen aboemaken at Lynn,
Mass., are about to start a co-operative
manufactory, with a subscribed capital o
Miss Emily Faithful, a prominent leade,
Of tbe cause of tbe advancement
ftltlnn ..I - I- t.i!
.....iiioimii in x.iirope, will make a
leotunog tdur through tbls country In the
Boti-kr Coixtt Oil. Nbws. A well
owoeu oy h. Ilullnus and soo, on tbe
Thompson farm, about two- miles west of
Parker's Landing, bas been pumping for
tome days, yieldiog a goodly amount of oil.
Mr. Hulini iulormi ui that be feels confident
ibat the well will remain good ur 50 bar
rels per day.
The well on land of M. S. Adams & Co .
near Pelrolia City, owned by Balpb, Bleigb,
Parker and others, hss boon flowing oil for
some days at tbe rate ol 200 barrels per
dry. This welt promises ro remain oneol
tbe largest in tbe Parker district.
A well was recently sunk oo the Grant
farm, west of Lawrecceburg, which bas
been pumping for tbe last ten days averag
ing a production of 85 . barrel! per day
Five-eigbta of tbii well bat been purobased
by Wilson & Stducbtoo. and one.founh h
Crawford & MoFarland. These geotlemeo
paid high figures for Ibeir Interests, but ex
pect to double their money in the J Invest
ment. Oilman's Journal;
Important to Petroleum Shippers.
An act of Juoe 6tb, 1872, provides for tbe
free eolry of petroleum barrels and- other
packages exported filled With Amarinnn nr. I
duce. provided at the time of h nrnsni
declaration ia made to return tbe asms em p.
ty. It was decided that this decision should
notbebeld applicable to barrels which
were shipped from tbe United States hrn,
the passage of the sot, and tbe Secretary of
tbe Treasury will instruct collectors ot cus
toms accordingly.
Tbe meeting at P arkerVLandlnson SaiM1
uraay wee I to tase measures lor tbe defense
ot the casing suits was larselv aitan,l..i Crawford, Campbell and Hullings
of tbe lower dlstriot, were appointed tnem-
oersoi tbe fxeoeral Committee, and the
General Committee were directed to aid tbe
uarmony bociety in tbe defense ol the cas-
ug .una. a finance uommitt
ipviappointed lo collect funds for that purpose,
MrVu r ' been de-
oided in the Supreme Court of Rhode l.
land, Involving tbe novel qneition whether
Ihe wile or the child of a deseased busbaod
aod father is entitled to the cu.tody and
care of bis mortal remains.
One of ou aehihborinir DVnha . .
--w"seutJB DUD
.Ishes a long acwrat ol a broken down oil
i-r.uoe, woo nea beerr leoledbya datblos
widow and cheated out of hi, h.
sons. The storv - .. . '
City Times. ' " " m ,0,"
An exchange says the rlwa. . p..t.. ,.
crossed by means of fl,t boat, flo
gwgwa, aod, w, Unr Tb, u
OilNkwS. The Jsmes well on Blyeon
Ruo, Is over 1200 feet deep, and still drill
. .. r, - .....
The owners are ftill lonfldeot of find-
I 4
ing, i
log oil.
Tbe well near Clatlon, known aa tbe
Trnut Run well is still progressing favora
bly. Tbe KlogSTllle well, In Limestone towb-
ship has again darted up, alter a long break
A well on tha F.tntnn farrn. In Perr town
ship, a abort distance below Callensburs is
repotted lo be drilling in the third sand,
and a large amount of oil standing in tbe
o'- .-
A well on the old Monaa farm, on Beaver
ureec is about l,uuu leel deep ana aim am-
llus. There Is a sood abow of oil but tha
saod rock is not so eatlsfaolory.
The well oa Painlor lilacs Just above. Is
dowo about the same distance, with a think
er saod rock, and good abow of oil.
A well on Canoe Creek, io Beaver town
ship is down about 700 leel.
ur. Hammer is outt Ins down a well on
tbe Jobo Martin farm, and ooa on the God
win Jbxiey farm, each are now several bun-
area reel aeep. lie has a rig up for anotb
er well on the Jefferson Furnace land.
Tbe first well on the Daniel Raatar farm
on Bis Turker Run. in Richland tAWnahln
which at first was rather small baa Increased
to a forty barrel well. Clarion Democrat.
A Mr. White, a married man. and abonl
35 years, was caight In Ibe bull wheal rope
at a wen oo toe BOonp farm, near East Fox.
burg, on Saturday last, by which operation
tha cap waa toro off ooa of hie knees, tbe
knee difj jlnted, one of bis arms laoerated,
aoa other injuries Inflicted upon his per
A man named W. W. Lacy, waa caught
oy tbe drilling rope while lo tbe act of
drawing tools oo the Wilt farm, near Bear
Creek, oo Thursday morning of last week
and iustaotly killed.
We iearo that a man, name unknown
was caught in tbe Bull rope at a pumuios
well near Boar Creek, on Wednesday of
.u.r wee,, auu severely injured. Oilman's
Several young men in town have discard
ad white vests. Tbe youog ladles use so
uiucu on on toeir bair that a vest la on
ly good Ur one evening on the front door
niuow picnics are being held io some
pans of ibe State. If a man puis in an ap
pearance on such ocoasioo. they all rnsh
ior mm, and be is gi to escape with bis
Several Oil City youths have bees arrest
ed at Beaver Falls for larceny of a pocket
book containing about $150 aoa Bate and
papers or value.
Quite a number of our eiliasna left town
Ibis morning to attend the Buffalo ranaa
They expect a lively time.
The aurora boralis tor tbe oast few tihta
oas illuminated tbe northern aky forming a
oeauuiui picture to lovera of the wonderful
in nature.
1 HlHTINe Wants an iron llirnana mwtA
four of her capitalists have subscribed in .
000 escb to the project.
Parker's Lending post offioa la nna.
ay order oflice, aod business baa been done
since tbe 15th Inst.
Tangle-Foot wniekv is now known hm tha
new .and appropriate name of 'Scorplon
uruiu. , .
Tbe Tituerille Hralo never looked hat
ter than it does in its elegant bew dres
We congratulate Its owoera oo tbeir proa
perity andV trust It mav conilm, Th.
Herald la eminently deserving of Ibe patroo.
age bestowed upoo it. Tilusvllieof to-day
- 0--.H..v av iud
efforts of tbe Herald, which baa always been
uncsa'KUOUIVBOara OI Its
aiiva io toe oeat ineiests ol the City.
JRoinevillegis to have anew Catholic
Cburcb, the contract for building the same
having already been given out. Thellberal
minded people ol Cberrytree are subscrib
ing handsomely towards the new edifice.
lional Aottaea.
A flraUclaM tAm nf no irrnuin
workiug order.' For partTc.rT inoulrf0.,
tots otuce. jy 26-'2w.
irl Wantetf.
A sirl wantarf ta A" hA
-- -- aiinvvia in a small
family. Enquire at
, . o'doo's Hardware Store.
Petroleum Cenue, Pa. JUM i872
juoe 23-lf.
For finale Cheap
J H' MAfiRE (in r;,. u.Z
desirable bnildiog lots lor sale in differed
locatioos in Oil Uii-. a. .li"60'
ood band machinery of ail' kinds for sale
July 13-lm.
, Gsffuey aeili Lager
For Sale or ltcn&
A aesuaoie resiaence located on ih
bert Farm, a abort distance Irom ta. ?
I annl. tn Fm
. . r. . PWEN GAFPNET1 ,
Petroleum Centre, Juoe 14, 1872. ' '
For Sole
io. mm io zu,uuu iet ef SECONn ni
TUBING, at from 25 to 35 cts. per r
The Tubing is in flrst elasi order and .ii
readv fitted.
April 23. tf. H. n. WABNpp
OAFFFES Winea and LlquoTTfo, krf.
al ua Th. heat an1 'urHd
I For Pure Wleee warranted aa snob be tk.
1 Brotherhood of Brocton go to GAFfMEr
rutucrnoua oi orocioa go to UA
Tbe best Pittsbursh Laser t
If -
To tncreaie)
Tour busioem,
Advertise In the
Agents wanted to mm
Ihe beautiful Photograph
ago ittcataa
send stamp to Cripir ft Bno., Publlshm
York. Pa. '
Steiitaville; 0., Female Mai?.'
Thle w.'dely known Hchool arturda tharonah Clirti
tlan education, atarmtnr little mor. ihnn as.
week ; one fourth off for eleijrrmen. Tha S7ttiiB.
nm iv wt-sani opvni iwpi, iiin The awreu n
... ......... uui.v ,r ,mwu. n Krna rianicee
vnaiu... w DHI1I, IV. It., IA, r,
Hupt, or Hev. A M MUD, Ph D, Principal. '
AIRY VlBtf A' tDKqV, Pen, rill,
builoo, Pa H R. tFor Male ' riwSl Pi
p la. J I ong established, thoronttb, tweaMrnl; u.
eioral aud rell.jluns: bnlld.naa lern ana L, 1
nill corp. of able tfher! mnanUi air. vnrr m.
tr. rah bathlna. li..ui.....nkJnl:.,.
whool. Whole nepmm, for Board, 'nUk;, K
SS'J'if Wn. I 40 1, laathaatve Bui
dMd dollars Winter eeeaion borhis Meat 8 Urad
PRESIDENTS AC mi t CCct atiwie.
TKS'IIKK I'D THK IUNT il.v.vr.......
Tuscarora Academy,
. 11, BIUNE, A. M., I'll. P.
rou Vnnvn uuu ik'tt
- w v eicin au utrid,
A Pottatowa, JHwatsomen
?." PhJIIe!phU Headln KH. Tw.ntycir
Z TZZ,u, ,T nP-nePl-lltli lllunllun l,,
, 1 - aiaawa.
For Tounar ljiift
n "vw
Pottitown.Moatgotaerr Co.Pi
vi a aiUVIimi.
mil, J2 Academle.. r'ail.e.,.
Kw5afK,l!lSr, I" -i itMAW
timil -TTk Jonwgli luatrucllo . llw
UJ?ai.b,n,f,u.'aleo Oneollheun.tcii
tnesijr. I . ""be-'wetaluwl inatliulloaJ l
Acsnuwsultd forChaaaberllu eUrest
.airaina uook, l'lie
Strnsele of 72:
A Kavelty la Political aad Popular Llteralore.
A braahic Uiaiorj afihe HeuauHcanaud Dee
ocralio Pat ilea; a raeji sketch ef the roalM Libe-
al UatMihH n ....... 1.. .1. , ...
' " - ". j , aa in. hio viLW UI (fie winar
nail Convani ion. 'J no minor tlcaale er ineidv due
pi me canipaign. I he tlncat llluttr.twi buck
l.ihtd A beoK wanted by tv.ry American clttoi
i;;?!r,,",l!.".0lY onc, od 1 for outnt un
Aseuta wanted tnr nn. rim..i, kii it
biL'ht Pay lutl nor cant nnini N. u iha tlmi
ead at once fur lieecriptive Oireulan and Prto
Llat of mr Fine Btcal KusravlBKa uf all ihe Candi-
BadKce Pine, Fiaira, and- cvw yUilnir anltcd v u
uraaa Ten uoiiarB per day eveilj made Full
7 Park Mow, Mow lork
fnnlnlnu 1,1. ..-..i. jwn nnrtld
Tweed, Ac, with a flnanclal hletory onto oo"
try lor the lent three year., and what Grain k
about 'HLAt'K FK1DA. Ovar GuO nacea. Prl"
a. Addrwa '
let ot
aa a aami.i a .n, .ieuinii.uim & C(i
M'f'ra. 47 Murray bt,
Is tbe cheapest and beet article la tbe m
ket for BLUEING CLOTHES. TbegenulM
bas both Barlow's aod Wiltberser's osd
on tbe label, aad la put up at Wilibergrr'
Drug Store, Na 233 North Second St., rw
adelpbla. D. S. W1LTBERGER, P"P'"
(or. For lata by Drogglstf and Grocera,