SHUQEET & STARR S. to atoFsrtana.tBmiui A Co., Merchant Tailors! AND DBALIB8 HI Gents' Furnishing. Goods, COB, .SPRING & FRANKLIN BTS-, ITITVSTaJjjbE, PA. Have pat la one of the Bant assortments V CL01W& CAH8IMERE8 NGLI3H, FRENCH AND AMERICAN CO A. TINGS, MIXED AND STRIPED SUITINGS, FANCY VESTINGS. JEtm offered,! the Oil Hegtoa. TWENTY DIFFERENT STYLES OF HATS &C CAPS, Ali the Latest and Nobbiest Styles. A TVUh LINK OF Gents' Farnishingf Goods &c. I etroleum Centre Daily Record. PoUOsntr,PaMITbaradar Auginl I DlTine Service. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Service every Sabbath at 11 A. M. and t P, M. Sabbath School at 2 P. M. eatafree. A Cordial invitation extend ed to all. Rv. P. W. Scofklo, Pastor. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Preaching at II o'clock A. M., and 7U, o'clock P. M. D. PATTON, Pastor. Petroleum Centre Lodge, No. T15, I. O. of O. F. Regular meeting nights Frldsy, at 8 o'clock. Signed. ' ALBERT GLENN, N. G. E. O'FLiHiRtv, A See'y. HfPUce of meeting, Main St., oppoilte MoClinlock House. A. O. Ol lI, W. Liberty Lodge No. 7, A. O. of U. W., meeta every Monday evening at 8 o'clock, In Odd Fellow' Hall. Petroleum Centre, Peno'e. ' A. M. Klicknir, M. W. . H. Mf ARILL, B. Gold at 1 p. m: Mr. J. H. Smith, tbe Dresent efficient District Attorney of Vensngo County, bas recently removed from this place to Frank, lio. aette basinets of his office will keep him in that oily fonr days out ol the week. The other two days of tbe week be can be found In bis office over Bissolt & Co's Bank, Petroleum Centre. We are sorry to lose so good a citizen from our town, and csngrat' ulate tbe people of Franklin on bis addition to tbelr growing oily. We also wish him unbounded success- and prosperity 'in bis new field ol labor. Nw Wll. Well No. 3; Ootava nil Go's traot, Hyde Farm; Upper Bennehoff nun territory, was completed last oleht.end the show Is tbe beat yet of any of the wells oo tbe tract. 8be had 48 Teet of lb finest kind or pebbly sand roek. Up to last night there was 600 feet of oil and water in tbe tola and It was vapidly filling up. The tubing and casing wss to have been put In mis morning, a big well Is expected. a warrant tor vagrancy was Issued by Justice Reynolds, yesterday, against John Galley. John, however, got wind of It and jumped the tewn on tbe fly." Quite a number of our citizens attended the first annual pionlo of Petrolia Encamp went No. 22, of Titusvllle. held at nil Creek Lake, yesterday, and all are enthus iastic in praise of the handsome mftnnAr in which they were treated by tbelr Titusvllle brethren; beautiful and romantic loca tion In which the nlenio h.M ..j .... general good time .nj,Tea By , durng -iu win not soon be forgot ton. . , " There Is notuimr hk.... . .". . . " -"" w or ng up a mailt umA m II i- , r" h. Uati. d.ui.i... .. ''oarez, ,. TT : " was be. lleved to be. bv i limit h.lf ki. ... trymen, one ol tbe worst rascals unbumr 1 How that be la dead all admit him t0 ?. Knaa aJ. .f slK-. I a -a Tt5 I - a..... W IB imin ma.. " " o men, with no thought but fur the good of bis country. Even the Prloc or Wales, when oo what was sun r u.aiu uea, was Convert-.! from a disgraceful libertine to a 'ttul eood man.' A correspondent or tbe Pittsburgh Com mercial, writing from Titusvllle, under date of July 29, 1872, says: An article bas just been made public staling that (he South Improvement Com pany, or "Oil Creek Anaconda," bas been renewed In tbe recent railroad combination, and that "the oil interests of Pennsylvania are now at tbe mercy of tbe railroada as to freights." In consequence of tbe proposed alliance, the death of one or two projected railway lines Is predicted. Your" corres pondent bas takeo great pains to ascertain what the so-called "combination" Is, and I assure you that, so far as it has been devel oped, It shows a liberal policy toward tbe producers. If Ibey will only be patient, and give Mr. Watson a cbaoce, they will find that it is his Intention to foster and protect tbe oil trade; and offer such induce ments as will tend to more fully develop It. I understand that it Is bts Intention to visit the oil regions soon, and fully examine into tbe demands and requirements of lbs trade. Indeed, a man of Mr. Henry's shrewdness would not select as manager one Wbo would pursue line of policy or make combina tions calculated to "kill the goose that lays tbe golden eggs." Let me say lo tbe oil men, and all others interested, "Be ye pa tient. Sufficient unto tbe day Is tbe evil thereof. -' There bas been another railroad cliauge, but yet I am not at lib erty to divulge it. 1 will see tbat your readers are informed la due time. Haviog f.llsd la bis attempt to gain possession of the oil regioa by means of tbe South Improvement Company, the Immacu late Watson now comes out la the character of a"aaviorof tbecooulry," and begs tbe oil men to listen to him and it "will be al right boys." "Be ye patient" until I get my fingers on your throttles and then I'll take my revenge on you for upsetting my little South Improvement stealing scheme. Tbe oil men should receive his stories with a good sbare of discredit. Let them bear in mind his former attempt to rob and ruin this region belore listening to bisaofl and honeyed words. Be warned lo time. Another oue of our townsmen is la luck and the fortunate possessor ol a 60-barrel well. Via Gretter every body knows tbe genial, kind bearted, good oatured Vic Is tbe man. Tbe well is located oo tbe Neely farm, in tbe Parker District, and was com pleted about a week ago, since which time it bas bairelsd out sixty barrels daily. As Vio owns tbe well and lease Individually it will readily be seen that "it is a good thing to have la tbe family." Here's our old boy, on your good luck. Our friend, Oweo Gaffney, leaves town to-morrow oo a pleasure 'trip to Michigan and "Up Ibe Lakes." He intends to be ab sent about ten days. We hope be may have pleasant time, and safe and speedy return borne. On your safe return,. Gaff, guess we'll take Sunday Comfort for a change. Quite an exoiling runaway occurred on Main street, last night, fortunately result ing la oo particular damage. A country men was driving along Washington street, and In turning tbe corner oo Main street, made too short a curve and lipped over, breaking tbe wagon thills and frightening the horse. No other damage. Horrible Acuidcnt. t About five o'clock last evening another oil accident occurred at Woods' Run. A lady named MoCue, while kindling a fire, used petroleum oil tu biigbten it up. The result was an explos'on. The buiuing oil was tbrown.over her body, setting ber Cloth' log on fire and burning great ruts into her flesh. In tbe aconv of the moment ha rushed into Ibe yard and leaped down a well wblob lortunateiy was well filled with water. The fire was extinguished, and h er buabaod, who bad been attracted by ber screams, lound to bis satisfaction that tbe unthinking jump had not injured ber in tbe least, bha Is terribly burned, however, though not dangerously. Doctors Stewart and Langfitt were called and sucooeded in conaiderally alleviating tbe pain. rPitts- burgh Mail. Tie Pennsylvania Stato Teacher's Asso ciation, to be be.d la Philadelphia on the 20th, 21st and 2 2d of August, will be pre sided over by tbat earnest and efficient worker la tbe cause ol education, Heuiy iiouck, ueputy btate Superintendent of Common Schools. The Convention will ha very largely attended. The. Jesuits of Berlin have long been an noyed by tbe pointed attacks of the German comio paper Kladderadatsche, and have re solved to try tbe efficacy of opposing ridi cule with ridicule. To tbat end steus have been takeo to establish a comic paper under tbe auspices of tbe order. An English olergyman bas been accnsld oi Kissing a stole. It is thought a serioJus misdemeanor. Our ministers are more fi. Iqosntiy accused ol stealing kif. Extensive Oil Fire. Nkw Tonx, July 30. A very destructive fire is rsglng at Hunter's point, Long Island, and a number of boats have, been burned' An oil yard Is on fire oear Long Island I Railroad depot, which Is threatened, to gether with tbe depot of tbe Flushing and North Shore Railroad. There were five large tanks of naptba and refined oil, each containing five thousand gallons, and four of these were burned. Hopes were entertained at last accounts of saving tbe remaining tank. Over fifty thousand barrels of petro, leum on tbe wbarf ready for shipment wero burned, as also four ships and three canal boats loaded with oil. Many ol tbe burning barrels of oil were rolled Into tbe river, en dangering tbe shipping. All tbe vessels are now removed. Coe's phosphate factory, to gether with a largo amount of stock, waa consumed. Loss about $90,000. TboSlan dard oil works were entirely consumed by three o'clock. Pratt's astral works, in tbe rear of the Standard works, baa not ignited, and hopes arc entertained of aaving them' as tbo wind is now blowing the names to ward the river. Many of the sheds owned by Messrs. Rockafelier, Andrews & Co. containing tnousanda ol barrels of oil, were entirely consumed. At four o'clock it was reported that tbe fire was confined to tbe oil in tbe tanks and to tbat which lay In tbe holds of tbe burning vessels. Many contra dictory reports are afloat, and it is impossi ble lo ascertain tbe precise extent of tbe loss by tbe fire, but it is believed the loss will reach about $GOO,000. Tbe fire it is believ ed originated by some accident la a cansl boat which was unloading at tbe wbarf. The fire department did all in their power, but their efforts were of little avail. At one time the fire extended over three blocks, covering tbe entire spsce with solid flame. Tbe estimated loss oo vessels is $100,000; on Standard oil works $200,000, on Coe's works $225,000. Almost all tbe losses are fully covered by insurance. No further destruction is now apprehended, tbe fire be ing pretty well subdued. . A New .York manufacturing compaoy has entered upon tbe pious business of mauufac luring idols for tbe Utndo market. There are said to be several Christians connected with the company. Post Office Ruiiiiek. Justice H. R. Fullerton, of Farkeis Landing, sent a tele graph dispatch to District Attorney Swoope yesterday informing him that be bad a young man in bis custody for robbing tbe postofilce. The dispatch contained oo par ticulars. A detective waa sent to Parkers last evening to take charge of the prisoner. .Pittsburgh Mail. If rum were a civilizer, benighted Africa would be in a lair way. Within tbe last six months there baVe been sent to that conn try 439,690 gallons or Medford rum from tbe port of Boston alone.- An iron mountain, which is representee to be as large, and tbe ore as pure, as tbat of tbe famous Iron Mountain ol Missouri, basj just been discovered lo California, on tbe line of tbe contemplated Atlaotic and Pacll , lo Road, and near enough lo be utilized lo tbe city of Sao Francisco. Should coal also be discovered in tbe vicinity, there might be a second Pittsburgh grow up oo tbe Pa cific slope. James A. Crockett, a former station agent and deputy postmaster at Summit Statlos, on the Erie and Pittsburg Railroad, was convicted In tbe United States Court, at Erie last week, for detaining aod opening a letter, and sentenced to Imprisonment in tbe cornty jail for four months aod to pay a fine ol$200 00abd costs of prosecution. Tbe government costs will aggregate about $3,. 000, and Crockett's expenses will be about the name. Ao impression exists ia msay quarters tbat revenue stamps were altogether abol ished by tbe late act of Congress, in conse quence of wbicb a number of persons have ceased to use them. This Is a mlsaDnrehen. sion. Tbe aot Itself does not become oper ative until tbe first of October, nor does It repeal the two cent tax oo checks,; drafts sod orders, or on proprietary medicines, perfumery and cosmetics, matches wax tat purs, playing cards, and banned meats and sauces. Every one Is supposed to know tbe law, and tbe plea of ignorance is not accept tid in extenuation of its violation. Persons Interested will therefore do well to bear this Information In mind. A new kind of kindling wood for kindling coal fires Is offered for sale. It is oak wood chemically prepared, with all the moisture extracted, and It ia claimed tbat a coal fire can be kindled with it lo one half tbe time of any other wood. A mao lo Missouri is seeking a divorce from a persoo to whom, he bas been married sixteen years, on Ibe ground that that per soo is not a womao. A sufficient ground, certainly, but it seems to have takeo him a joog time (o Sod it out.- NOTES OF THE DAY. Cats are to be taxed lo Frao'oe. A Texas bridesmaid officiated bore foot ed. , High winds trouble river meo on the Mis siaslppl. Tbe richer mao makes bis food tbe poor, er be makes bit appetite. A number ol ladies at Hertford are about sturtirig a joint stock Insurance company. One of tbe best sigos of livelier times ia the fact that travel oo railroada steadily in creases. Sixty persons are about startlog from Wal lace, Caoada, to form a colony in tbe Red River country. Ao Indiana ben celebrated last Easter by laylDg on that day bard-boiled eggs. The Cbioeso Government will send thirty, six C b ioeso youths to Yale College. A beet weighing one hundred and thirty one pounds was receutly exhibited at Sao Jose, Cat. Ao Ohio boy killed himself because bis lather criticised bis style of holding a plough. A Montana lover bought oat bis rival for twenty dollars. Boston manufacturers produce fifteen thousand pianos annually, which represent some four millions of dollars. "Real estate is lively here" was tbe la conic description of ao earthquake that a traveler ia Peru seat home. Ao inebriated South Bead, lad., consta ble was led tenderly borne by a forgiving prisoner whom he bad juot arrested. Ia Omaha the people of Counoll Bluffs are knowo as "Scoundrel Hillers," aod In Council Bluffs the people of Omaha are knowo as Saddle Creekers." A new Chinese temple was receotly conse crated in Sin Francisco, with seventy-five gods, two of which are twenty feet high aod correspondingly large. Marlow Ibe Jamestown murderer is lo be bung to-morrow. Argti.b Savixob Bane. A Savings Bank under tbe above title bos been established at Argyle, Butler county, wbicb Is about the centre or tbe Falrvlew ;oll field. Tbis is a much needed institution, aod will sup ply a want awriously felt ia that locality. Argylo is centrally located snd of easy ac cess from the eotira surrounding country, and bas communication daily with tbe regular railway trains of the A. V. Sail road. For Sale. A nice little Cottasre Home finished off in good style, and located on the isova r arra. Has evp.rv mndfirn VMivMi?nf Cellar, cistern, barn, tool house, ana is in every way desirable for a small family. For terras and particulars enquire at the house, or of VICTOR GRETTER. Petroleum Centre, August 1. "Old Wine in New Bottlei." Under this head the Pittsburgh Post says: Since the South Improvement Company re ceived Its quiteus some time ago, tbe mem bers have been busily engaged in reviving the old company under a oew name, aod a meeting to tbat eod wss held in Cleveland last week; The Dresent movemnnia mu. res, as we are Informed, tbe entire refining interests oi ins country, wbo combine as a joint stock company. Tbe Intention Is to take all the oil produced aod to 'distribute It to tbe various sections In a fair propor tion to tbe refining capacity of the district. For instance, Pittsburgh's share would be about twenty-live per cent or the nrodtin. tion. Cleveland's something other over that amount ana the remaining production would be distributed amon th i. ai tvuuti a in the oil regions, Philadelphia, New York, eisewnere. ine company proposo guaranteeing to producers a certain per barrel for erude, aod '.be producers' as- sooianoa accepts this. It Is claimed tbat toe enure oustness can be nlacid on a nrnflt. able basis for ell parties as tbe exportation or crude to Eqropean refiner lea' oatrbe de oreased, and the entire profits of refining secured to tbis country, where It properly uuwugs. iirero win DS hot one buyer of oil for tbe company, and in this way the bust, neascan be thoroughly systematized. The company is organised entirely independ ent oT the railway oomnanlaa. ni- h. h jectionable features of tbe South ' Improve incut uempany, it is claimed, have been n moved. At Albany recently a womao met ber ones husband at a weddlog party. They bad been divorced ten years, aod bad not met In ail tbat time. A short talk at supper re conciled their engagement, and they were married next day. A prud ent Kentucky father, wlib a tt,r riageable daughter, lound It Iniofble keep tbo beaus from the bouse, so be furg ilshed her with a muslo box which p,,J "Home, Sweet Homo" at 10 o'clock P. )J precisely. The beaus are all gone, and th house closed up In Ave minutes after. IoctM Notice. FOR SALE CHEAP. A flrstvclasa team ol DRAUGHT Bntia ES, WAGON, HARNESS Ac, In Jit working order. For particulars ioqulra this office. jj20-2w. ' " lorSaie. One Second-hand Piano In good eooal." tlon. Piioe $100. Apply ol A. J? Uaw LEY, Cold Water Office, Petroleum Sou." Pa. jy 23-lw. Girl Wanted. A girl wanted to do housework In family. Enquire at stnsil Gordon's Hardware Store. Petroleum Ceotio, Pa, June 23. 1872 juoe23-tt ' For Sale Cheap J. TI'MAflPP mi rii. desirable building lots lor 'sale in diffreat hial nn. I. nil Pi.. "'uereos . v,,, j. a,ou, aew and seo Ond band machiourv of nil kinj. . ... cheap. Office, No. 1, Sharp's Block Spring Street. July 13-1 m. For Sale or Kent bert Farm, a short distance irom town. Fm particulars apply to UiVEN GAFFNETj Petroleum Centre, June 14, 1872. 1 jl-tl. For Male 15.000 In 2f).nnn fo r UL'rnun n . TUBING, at from 25 to 35 cis. per foot. ine tuning is lo first class order aod all resdy fitted. AP"I tt n. H. WARNER. GAFFFKV'K Win... ....I i i 7t leal use. Tbe best and ehnni Sunday Comfort still Oil dtsfllr fan ft fnv e.lav at GAFFNEY'S. Gaffney sells Lager For Purs Win.. ...r.n.rf . Brotherhood of Brocton go to GAFNEY'3. Tbe best Pittsburgh Lager at. GAFFNEY'S. If ' You Want To iocrease Your business, Advertise In the Pktroi.kfmCkktbb Rkcord 5000 Aeenls wanted to Hfl llm beautiful Pbotoirrapb M.m:lirA lu.tlilnuiH and Pnotozranh Fdmilv Rvcnril. Vnr i...n snd stamp to Criper & Bbo., Publisbetr, l ork, fa. RACES! GRAND RACES ' PETROLEUM CENTRE, TA. Saturday, August 3d, -1872. BETWEEN' Sorrel Horse Frank AND Sorrel Horse Jolts, For PiiroA ofj 1200 a Side. Best two to three eigb ty rods and repeat. POOL SELLING Will commence at Robson's Hotel, Waib ington St., at 11 o'clock a. m. Soturday. Raoes to commence at 1 o'clock sharp. IiliEGHEN Y VAIjIiEYItlt. On and aftaf Monday, ,In!r lo, 1811 Ace MM Expa. Aec SP p in p m ; Tltusvllts, Petroleum Ccn. Oil LUty, Franklin, Foster, Hcrnbgrass, Kmlenion, FoxburgU, Parker's, Brady's Bnd, KtttannlDK, West Penu J'n, a m a m 7 81 8 'JO 0 15 65 10 18 10 41 11 29 11 40 U IS 1 OS 1 111 a ih 4 65 1 10 8K T 15 8 OO 8 95 tt Bit 46 10 00 10 10 a 15 8 60 8 08 8 80 4 12 4 ItH OU 5 88 6 4 t i a 45 4 OJ 4 40 10 J a 01 10 n 5 40 11 45 I HI u" 7 W 8 W 19 l 1 45 31 4S5 ii am Aw p at A'llMDUrgQ, a m p m pm Mill am 11 Oil 13 45 1 88' t 41 8 80 8 4.1 8 64 6 00 6 86 5 44 S CO 7 10 7 60 Kips Ace Exps P.M.htiMvfc n m 10 to ain a ui West Penu J"n is 40 7 20 8 55 ft 85 10 40 11 25 11 40 11 60 18 60 1 18 1 80 1 00 a 10 8 66 jMiMoning, Brady's Bead. Parker's. Foxbnrgl,, BmlODtOD, Hcrubgraas, Foster, Franklin, Oil City, 1 8-2 a 41 8 88 8 42 8 65 1 00 7 60 8 OS 8 SO a dm ul 6 1 AUK "S S05 8 i via 4 41 D Oti 10 OS a &t 10 iH 6 05 8ll 7 10 a m 11 W 1306 TitusvUla, p m p m p m pm July 17, 1878. . annsnnd.yi. ssnr.niln iii P. I. 11 11 ii ci r oat mm a)iavc oicviJiiJi tnri OO nigill Jk"" traina both ways between ttbui-frH md Oorry- . Tho. M Ki An t bupu