The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, July 31, 1872, Image 2

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Sneomon to McFarUnd,Smltk & Co.,
Merchant Tailors!
Cents' Furnishing Goods,
Have put la one or the finest usanmcnti oj
liver offc-rad.ln the Oil Region,
.. All tin Latest and Nobblast Styles.
Gents' Furnishing
Goods, &c
Petroleum Centre Daily Record.
JTct. Centre, Pa., Wediieedayt Jnlr 31
Divine aervlco.
Services every Sabbath at 11 A. M. and
i4 r. M. Sabbath School at 12i P. M.
eaurree. A cordial invitation extend
d to all.
Hv. P. W. Soofisld, Pastor;
-Preaching at 11 o'clock A: M., and 1
D. PATTON, Pastor.
Petroleum Centre Lodge, No.
T15, I. O. of O. F.
Regular meeting' night Friday, at 8
o'clock. Signed.
. K. O'FiAnBRTT, A Sec'y.
H9"Place ofmeoting, Main St., opposite
JSClillDIOCK 110U66.
A. O. of U. V.
Liberty Lodge No. 7, A. O. of U. W.,
meets every Monday evening at 8" o'clock,
In Odd Fellow' Hall, Pelroleuin Centre,
A. M. Klickncr, 11. W.
J. n. Merrill, R.
Gold at 1 p. m. U
Mr. S. A. Weoda inform ui that the big
well located near Petrolla, In ibe Parker
District, and about the production of which
tucb extravagant report have been made,
wai yielding, at the time be left there night
before lait, leni than ISO barren per day
flowing through the cailng. The Adams,
Balpu & Co. well, la located but a few rods
from the flowing well owned by Meiers.
Woods, Moorbead & Tack, mentloo of which
waa made In yesterday ' Issue, consequent
ly be bas bad ample opportunity lor findlug
out what the well was doing. This explodes
the immense yield ef this well, the story
evidently being cooked up for the purpose
of influencing the oil market. Until pro
ducers discountenance such wild stories of
the production of wells as the above, just so
long will the oil market .remain weak and
fluctuating and tbe bottom liable to go out
Mt anv tima.
Below we give the soore of tbe base ball
matoh, played at Oil City, yesterday after
noon, between tbe Pctrolias ef this plaee,
and tbe Seneca of Oil City:
Senecas. Petrolla.
' Total Runs, 61 Total Runs, 6
Umpire John Morcland. Scorer A.
aX. Higby, Manley W. Bevee.
J lie Petrolla own up to tbe fact that they
'were badly beaten, but claim that tbe re
sult would have been somewhat different
Jiad tbe grounds of tbe Seneca Club bea in
good condition. The return 'game will be
played In this place ene day next wee k. at
which time our bojs think they will be able
to dkhake up a heavier score" than on tbe
.first gan.'"-
Bi.f.LT UluL Otu News Two new
wells were struck J Bul'y Uill, on Satur
day last, which are averaging- together SO
barrels per day. One Is owned by Walso n,
rUtoea & Co., and is located 03 tbe Foster
Farau The other ene is owned by Pren
tice, Crawford.4-Barbour, and I situated
on tba Rial Farm.
Developing U going on at quite a lively
rate on Bnlly Hill at present, l'renlioe,
Crawford & Barbour bave one new well go"
. . 11 .. I t tr T 1 1 n 1.- n ....... T) . 1 .
tocki Watsin, 6"ne; and Pittook Co.
one. Several .mors aie taitau ei.
Fi.owixo Wem, o.v Lake Farm. Mr.
Wm. Sinclair recently pnt a flowing appar
atos In blgr well, known as tbe "Sure Pop,"
on the above farm, and no sooner bad the
pipe reached the bottom tban the well com;
meoced lo flow, and bas since been yielding
between S and 4 barrels per day. This is
certainly a very nice way of Droduclncr oil.
as it does away with nearly alt expense.
we understand some parties are claiming a
patent on this plan of making- wells flow
but such an Idea is absurd as the same thing
has ben used for the last ten years. The
people should remonstrate scalnst the srrant.
ing of any such patent and thus save them
selves from the clntobes of another mnnopo-
'J, STIOh as the lornedo. .t-.e. We hellflvn In
rewarding Inventive geniuses, but we go for
. L . It . I
Buonsning monoDOlles that don't know
Where lo limit their eh anrea; a one horse
producer can't support all tbe monopoll
now staring bim la tbe face and bis family
Mr. Frank Holden, tbe gentlemanly Su
perintendent or the Cornen & Beers farm,
leaves town tomorrow on trip to New
York, Massachusetts and Connecticut. There
is no need of our wishing bim a good timo,
as be 1 one of those jolly fellows that wll(
make a good time, even thonga they bave
lo fall back on "lone fence" to flit tba pro
gramme. Mrs. Annie Gailsy, of Columbia Farm,
mother or one of the romantio jouth who
left for the wild woods free In tbe great
west, mention of which was made In yes
terdny's Recorp, paid us a visit this fore
noon, and states that her boy arrived home
yesterday, glad lo get back and with the
Indian and bear bunting romance all taken
out of hn. She also requests ns to state
that tbe boy's name Was John Rmlev In.
stead 01 Thomas; that be was only U years
o i age, ana that Thomas, ber oldest boy,
knew better than to be led awav bv the In
fluence of bad boys, as she claims Ibe youne
gesi coy was. We oheerftilly make tbe cor
rection, as we feel satisfied she Is dolnir her
oest to train up ber children for nseful mem
bers of society.
Tbe last heard of the other hnm it,... i..
got no' farther 'than the Tarr Farm.
Our townsman, Mr. A.. Alden. lono en.
gaged In the olothlng trade In the oil re
gion, In company with Mr. John Alden and
online urate, oave established a
branch store at SI. Peiersbme. and hone h
fair dealing and the keenlne of a flrat !.
stock of clothing and men's furnishing goods
10 uuiia up and merit a share of the publlo
patronage. We take pleasure In remm
mending these gentlemen te 'he good peo'
pie ef Petersburg as belnir fair and honor
able dealers' and gentlemen In every sense
ot me worn.
Racks. On Saturdav next, aa Iner artcem
iisemeni le oe lound elsewhere, there is to
be a grand race between the Sorrel Horse
Frank and the Sorrel Horso John, for
purse of $m. Best two In three. Eighty
rods and reseat. Tbe parties hrtn ih
. ' O
affair In band are determined; to make this
the race of tbe season, and everything wi
be oonduoted In a fair and PftUflfsY man no.
Pools will be sold at Robson's Hotel during
tbe forenoon ol Saturday. Lovers of horsa
racing will do well to attend the race.
A Woman in (Jh.. A man was complain
ing because bis wife was recently taken
witli tbe oil fever. She bad a piece of land
of fier own in West Virginia where- oil bad
been found, and nothing would do but she
must organize a company and 10 lo boring.
She bored bim to go a long- time, but ho
wouldn't; so she went herself.
1 told tbe man be would be justified In
suing for a divorce.
"On what grounds?" asked the roan.
"Right there, on her oil grounds."
"I mean bat plea could I offer ?"
"Why, that she left vour bed and lumrin'
Fat Contributor.
Dh V. McAlnfnn. t ha bull ln ....
who bas been absent for several woo!,.
on a visit to bis borne in Michigan, baa re
turned to bis post of duly at Rouseville, and
will hereafter be found sa of yore at all
bouts of tbe day to wait upon customer.
Of bis reputation ss a dentin! we need sny
nothing. He Is to well known to need any
recommend from us.
Johnson, tbe well known Druealst and
Apothecary, advertises in to-day's paper,
mat nn can aoa win sen arugs and every
thing to be found in a first class drug store.
cheaper tban the cheapest. A trial will
oonvioce al', as he generally does as he says.
A letter from London Says: "English
habits of life aie all based on the assump
tion that tbe climate is cold and uncooiren-
ial; but it ia amazisg-tbat, after a success
ion oi nailing summers, tncy should still
wear thick black coats and chimney-pot
bats in July and August.'-
Goodenougb Is the name of a new oil town
on tbe road loading from. Brady's Btod h
I Faitviow.'
The morality ot Card-
Some ol the religious journals hare been
indulging In arguments relative to fum
bling, In which Ideas no lees novel III in
striking have seen the light. "Can God he
glorified," asKs the Christ ian :xnmin.-r ol
Richmond, Va., or Christ honored and his
cause advanced, by such abominable games
as smut, euchre, seven-up and oldMnald
the very names of which female modesty
should blush to pronounce?" Rev. Gewize
Harding, editor of the Indlnnapo'.is Journal,
replies: "We presume not. However,
there are many worse thlngB that Christiana
may do than nlav cards. Seven nn la a
scientific game, useful as a disolplino of til1'
mind. What inculcites the virtue of si.
lenca, Euchre Reaches principles which
may be practically adapted to everyday
life; for instance, tbe folly of attempting to
go it aione on a weak band. This, We pre
sumo, settles the question forevermore, and
we are curious to learn bow Mr. Tremalne
feels now. Ia defending Stokes tbe other
day be said be loathed a gambler more tban
be loathed any human boine. and that such
a man would stem tbe coins from his dead
parents eyes to gratify tis wretched passion'
lie had no thought then of the shooting in
fluence that seven-up exercises over the
mlpd. He bad not learned the virtue o
old maid, or tbe bliss of coppering the ace'
Hi client could not bave been a devotee to'
encbre, or be would bave gone it alone on a
weak band. The Christian Examiner has
a very weak case. Its nnestlona remind nS
of a sermon delivered against base ball'
wbereln the preacher asked: "Why play
this game? Would a dylna sinner nlav base
ball ou bis death bed? Then avoid this
snare of Satan, my bearers."
In the tdwn of Schuyler lives one of eleven
children, who In common parlance mioht hn
called a farmer, although we are lotbto
disgrace a noble profession by placing such
a being in Its ranks. This "existence" has
had a mother living with bim for some time,
who, atter years of bard labor in bringing up
her numerous thankless children, lav last
Friday upon ber dying bed, without a sin
gle one or all her c bildren at her bedeide to
receive ber parting words and lid-her a
woeplng farewell. As the moment of disso
lution drew nigh the minister in attendance
sent for her son, who was in bis meadow
riding a borrowed mowing machine. To
tbe request of tbe mluister that be should
come aod seo bis mother before she died, be
sent back tbe reply that as he only bad the
loan of tbe mowing machine until sundown,
he must cut as much grass as possible with
it before that lime, and therefore could not
come up to tbe bouse until datk. And so
while tbe son was running tbe mowing mc
cbine leisurely around the lot the spirit of
ois motner passed ;intp eternity. Philoso
phers and theologians may assurt wbat they
please with reference to the insane nobility
in every human beast, but from this time
forth we shall maintain that we know of
one case ot totul depravity so long as tha t
criminal in Schuyler grovels upon the earlb.
Utlca Herald.
By a squall in the Delaware Bay last
week, while sailing in a yacht, two young
men were overtaken. At Nazareth Metho
dist Chutch, on Twelth. atreet, Philadel
phia, at publlo worship they bad occasions
ally been present. From tbe way things
looked, tbe capsizing of tbe shallop was very
near Inevitable. "Bill." said one to th
other, "this is serious business; can't you
pray?" "JNo, l can't: I've beard Joe Ouinn
do tt, and I've listened to Bill Post, but I
can't do it myself." "Well, you can sing a
hymn, can't yon? or God's sake do some
mine." "jno, i can t sing Here. How
I sing wheu this boat al any moment may
arown us both?'' "Well, we must do some
thing religious. If you can't sing let's lake
up a couection' To this Bill consented.
In bis companion's but be deposited tblr
teen pennies; a corkscrew and a kmb.n
Diauea auiie. as ne did this the wind In I-
ira, ana iae snailop made a succeislul
lauumg, .
A Jamestown paper says a rumor prevails
men mat tbe i. W. & P. R. R has been
sold to the A. & G. W. R. R , and ' that the
latter road will immediately nut a third mil
for a narrow guage track,'aad run through
trains irom uunalo lo tbo oil region by
mis route, it oas certainly been the Inten
iioaortbeA. 4G. W. R. R , to soon add
a 121m rail to tbe road to accommodate nai.
row guage cats, and tbo possibility of this
new plan seems lo be apparent that we see
no reason why there may not be considera
ble truth In the rumor.
We are pleased to learn that a fgood we l!
was struck on the farm owned by Mrs. M. A
Sands, near this city, several days since! at
adopthof975lect. The forco of the flow
of gas and oil bas been so great aa to pre
vent w far the successful working of th
wellv It will be a good one no doub, and
opens up a largo oil field a our own locali
. On. News. Pioneer No. 2 la in the sand.
O. 1C. well, Richland Oil Co., owner 1B
down about 2C0 I'ci-t.
Bnugliton & Chandler, on D. Ritz faim is
down 900 leet.
.Murmy & T..lior aro putting up anew rig
on the I). Kilzlarm.
Curtis well No. 1 Keating farm has .been
sold by Curtis Bros, lo Geo. E. M'Gill.
Spear well No. C, I). Ritz f ilm, is in the
sand, and will probably be down this week
Porterliuid it Treat Imvo a now rig up on
the Fuiist farm. It is almost ready for tbo
l'aino No. 2, Collncr farm will lie down
this week. It Is but a few rods from the
Evans well.
Evans well No. 2, J. Foil at farm Is just
down, and Is making an immense show
of oil flowing every time tbe tbols ar
Portcrfield & Treat No. 9 is down on lb
top of the sand, but owing to a claim made
by A. Evans, that it was in bis protection)
tbe well bas been shut down.
Black well No. 1, on tbe Connecticut
tract, south side of Clarion, owned by Phil
lips tiros., Hartley !c Co., commenced
pumping July 3d, and is now doing 12 bar
Wbitmore well, WbitmorePareell Co.
D. Rllz farm, bas nearly completed tt water
well and will commence tbe large bole on
Monday next. Galloway No. 2. It down
about COO feet.
Fleming & Sanlsbury No. 2, Collnerfarm.
was torpedoed last Thursday, when she
commenced to flow with sucb force that she
lifted a set of tools standing on a plank
over tbe hole, and weighing 1300 lbs., clear
oil and set tbem lo one side. Sbo ts now
doing about 60 barrels. St. Petersburg
For Sale.
"Wisliinir to concent,! afn
operations to my farm in Cran
berry township. I offer FOR
SALE 3 producing wells on my
Central Farm learn
Machinery ie. to say I will-sell
the wells with casing and ri
birt not tlio Boilers, Engines)
tubing or other property on-the
iwisu. Vj. 111 IN.
N. B. For nartifinlars nn.
ply to Mr. John Holsapple.
At Fulton, N. V., recently, several holes
wera burned tbrouih tbe sides a shed h
the concentration of the rays of the sun by
the coveis of soma new milk cans which
were exroaed on a bench near by, each cove
Plumer. Pa.. Julv 31. 1R72.
Mb. EniTon: Owing to tbe illness of Mr.
George Roemer, tbe active operations of our
uoad Commissioners bas been seriously re
tarded. Our old friend, Frank Smith, has return
turned after a lengthy campaign to tbe low
er on region. lie report business brisk but
sayB tbe hundred barrel wells as reported,
can be rated at Irom Ave to forty barrel
at. best. Yours,
Bear Creek
iwenly-twobt. Loui Aldermen have
laid themselves open lo prosecution fni- om
bezzlemcnt or attempted embezzlement, and
imprisonment in tbe penitentiary for a per
lod not exceeding five years, for wilful dls
fiiara oi taw in passing an illegtl appro-
nritt linn hill "
The latent form of Yankee outeness bas
developed itself in a town in tfamhnU)i.
wbero a small boy has been discovered pur'
ohasiog eggs from a grocer on his' father's
account, selling them at a restaurant, and
aiterwurus dividing tbe proceed with bis
Detective Nelson cleared out uniKn
batch of gamblers nnd blacklegs at Jamese
mwn, a. i mis week. The parties were
ueorge Peck, Jeflers and Murrv. all wall
known thieves, who have been "working"
uaiua on me A. a u. w. k. K. fot some
umo. ibero are some other known, ii...
i . . r. '
win ob pui oni o tne reach of doits. h..
evermeymaKe tnelr appearance on this
line, l bis clacj will soon find out thai
fldenco games and pocket Dickinu 1. fln
our busioees oa this road, and that tho. in
do well to buy their tickets by some other
nno. ouperintenuent llradley want none
ui mum uu ma uiviaioa. LAieadvillo Ilepub
lican. 1 ' ' i
BTo-morrow tbe colored oeonle of Oil r.u.
and tbe oil region will celebrate Em'aioclpa-
....u iyjr, iu uu appropriate manner at that
city. Tbe programme consists or a n
Ion, oration, dinner, and a srand hall in th.
Excursion tickets will be issued w h.
A. & G. W. R. R. to such firemen as desire
to attend the parade of the M.iiii. t
. . lw f no
Department, to-morrow. Tha UeW. n
Monaco, the Inxt iimnrhnM
biers of Europe, was tioatid ion crL '
sensation a few weeks since. There,,
ed upon the tcene a party r J''
dressed Americans in plorsy bBC, (u '
proltission tf diamond linn. .......
t.- emus .nrf
brooches, and tall hats of very shiny mat '
nl. These Individuals took but lilUc'ini''
est in tlm pnines ol clmnco which abotin'i
all about them. They yUyri W(l
awkwardly, lost (rilling sums, ,( in a
days Improved wonilorlnlly, pay,,a ,,, '
pocketed 110,000 francs and broke lliei.,'1'
whereupon tbo compeers aSeg,.j "'
being, band of cheat.;, lo li8 ch "
Americans replied by . display crreVoVf.
which they seemed nothing iotb ,0
Tno appearance of the weapons caiwd .7
Italian and I-ronch gambler to fly preclh,
lately from the Hold. The American, JT
parted with their spoils, and tbec.rdsbM!
ers ot Monaco are wonderfnir II tlii. i... .
can invasion is lo be repeated, and If ,"
how to protect themselves strain.) -i '
and bolder rogues than thenis-i t'na It.. for them to .k '
tbeir calling, and If tbe camhi.r. t ?
United States can, by tbeir nefarious m!'
tices, put an end lo nubile .n.i.i, ' .
Monaco, they will for once fender .
service. '
liocal Notices.
A firstvolftsa
for Sale.
One Second-hanil ll... l .
Ion Puce $loo: Apply oT &
LEY, told Water Omi, iMMJm CcairV
Jy25-lw. '
Uirl Wanted.
A girl wanti'H tn .in i. ... i .
family. Enquiie at 1
i. . i Gordon' Hardware Store.
Petroleum Centie. Pa. June TS. JtlJ
juno 23-if. ' '
For Sale Cheap
de.irabi-1 Y' ""MT
location, , in-ON
cheUan " OfiT"C,"Ty . L.
Spring 3ire7..' " """P" mw,i
July 13-lm.
lor Sale or Kent.
A desltuhlo rn.I.t..nn. ..... -
hi. i-.V ; ' ,"M locaina un the Ex
pert rarm. nhnriiii.i i . :r
particular, apply ". l or
15.000 In 2li linn J!?j'L?.r... ..
lUUliMx. at Irnm if. nr. H. n. WARNER,
icai use. The best and cheapest.
Gaffney sell Lager
Agent wanted to sell
Ibe beautiful Photograph
.n, . " ' " '"ft" fiimcaira
and Photograph Family Records. For terms.
nd stamp lo CriPER & Bro., Publisbeif,
Saturday, August 3d, 1872.
Sorrel' Horse Fran
Sorrel Horse'
For Purse ofl $200 a sm
two' In
three eighty tod and repeat.
Will commecco at Robon' Hotel, Wasn
Inston Sl. at 11 'ai,. . c.i...,i.ti .
1 - - w uiuv. a. iu. Diiuiu-j.
Raoe to commence at 1 o'clock sharp.
To Increase
Your business,
Advertise lo tba
FetroLedmCbntre Rieortb
For P.'m IVi'na. U k l
Brotherhood of Broctoo go to GAFtTNEY'S-
ty.- IV" Uity Register. .
, - -.www TT 111
I bo good for two days,
Tbo bast Pittsburgh Lsger at