The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, July 23, 1872, Image 2

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t if
Merchant Tailors!
Gents' Furnishing Goods,
lUv pat la one ottteruiMt assortments ojl. a
Mm the Oil Begin.
Ali tba Latest and Nobbiest Stylet.
Gents' Furnishing Goods, &c.
Petroleum Centre Daily Record.
r. Centra, Pa.,aTneedrt July 23.
Divine Nervine.
Service ever; Sabbatb at 11 A. M. and
H P. M. Sabbatb School at 12$ P. M.
eats free. A eordlal Invitation extend
ed to all.
Rit. P. W. Scot iild, Pastor.
Preaching at 11 o'clock A. M., and 7W,
O'clock P. 11.
D. PATTON, Paitor.
Petroleum Centre Lodge,
Tiff, I. O. of U. P.
Regular meeting nlgbti Friday,
at 8
v viuca. oigoea.
E. O'FtiHBRTT, A Sec'y.
t9Ploe of meeting, Main St., opposite
McCllnlock Boone.
. A. O. of U. . W.
Liberty Lodge No. 7, A. O. of U. W.,
Beet! every Monday evening at 8 o'clock,
in Odd Fellow'a Hall, Petroleum Centre,
Penn'a. '
A. If. Klccencr, U. W.
4- J. n. JUlRRILL, R.
Gold at 1 p. m. 114 ,
How utterly blind and headless even
well-intentioned mob can be shown by wbat
kas been recently going on at Cellna, Ohio.
A young girl was murdered near that place
under of great atrocity and
brutality. Three men were ar
rested upon suspicion of being the mnrder
enQTbewbole neighborhood was greatly
excited, and tbrougb'some cause, more Im
aginary than real, tbe populace fended that
tbe prisoners would not be punished. A
large forse gathered, took tba three prison
ers from the custody of the sheriff, and were
about 40 bang all three, when a brother Of
ue snuraered girl expressed a doubt as to
tbe guilt of tbe youngest of them.. Be was
returned to the sheriff, and tbe other two
Instantly bsnged. Or these two, one died
protesting bis innooence.. Sinoe then still
another man bas been bung by tbe mob;
nd tbe terror Inspired by these proceedings
bas esused two others to commit suicide, be
causa of rumors that tbey were "Implicated'
nd would be executed. In addition to al'
this, a lawyer, who. was simply discharging
Bis protesslonal duty by acting as council lor
tue prisoners, has been compelled by tbe
reign of terorism to leave tbe country
Tots la sailed "Lynoh law," in the West,
ana me proceedings are pjbllshed in re
spectable newspapers in Cinoionatl. in
words and manner that seem to justify them
and tbe only reason for It is tbat a great
aim most cruel crime bad been committed.
and tbe mob was professedly revenging tbst
rime oy Killing me men whom tbey bad
Dxea upon as toe gumy actors.
me wnoieor new lawless transaction.
uuiu ri .viucuot, a aireaaj observed,
mo viiuv sua Drum nature or mob law
But for tbe accidental Interposition or the
bsother of the murdered girl, a man whom
ne oeuevea to be Innocent would not have
seen siaugniereo In k few minutes. Tbe
other who died asserting his Innocence, may
u.t. uno mnuceni. Even ll guilty be had
oe right to trial lo Court. Now, are th
nrauviD ion miqa neeaioog wsv nu
themselves In tbe way of butchering nno
sw van "J we gaiiiy thsa the -ietche
who committed tbe crime tbeylwere assum'
Ing the right to revenge? Yet we do no
doubt a treat many or tbem felt tbey were
perfectly just men, executing unquestiona
ble justice. Yet, atill further, we bellev'
there was not one among the mob who, 1
accused of crime, or even if guilty of crime,
would not consider it to be a murderous
outrage to be seized upon in the way these
wretches were seized, and denied all right o
(rial and defence and oi counsel. Bu
such is tbe nature of mobs and mob law.
No matter bow good the motive may be, no
matter wbat boly Instincts ot the heart may
have been aroused, when the mob gets lo
work it soon becomes blind, brutal, head
leas and heartless. It is a far less evil for a
few criminals to escape punishment than to
bave a whole community become murderers
under tbe fearful error that they are doing
justice and vindicating tbe lawl Tbe men
who (eel tbe strongest and sincerest Indigna
tion when great outrages are committed,
are tbe very men who should be the lore
most In demandiog that the law shall pun
ish crime.
Some days since, Mr. A. Smawley tbe
well known livery stable keeper of our
town, traded horses with one Hovry, of
Pleaaantville. At tte time of tbe trade tbe
borse owned by Smawley was In good con
dition, but immediately after the transfer
was taken witb the ''heaves," a disease
which a horse liable to be taken witb at
any time. And now comes the jvke cf tbe
affair. Thinking be bad been badly sold,
and aching for revenge, Hovey applied to
lawyer Beebe, of Pleaaantville, for redress
in the shape of an action at law,' and yes
terday Mr. Smawley received a letter from
tbe lawyer notifying him to '-trade back,"
and save trouble. This Is probably tbe Orel
Instance on record where one borse man
'squealed" on another, and it we mistake
not the law does not recognize a borseetrsde
consequently Hovey will bave a good time
collecting damages. Smawley avows him
self ready to "light It out on that line if it
takes all summer."
The electors of Petroleum Centre and vi
cinity, favorable to the- election of Grant
and Wilson, are requested to meet at tbe
office of Esq. Reynolds, Tuesday even
ing, July 23, at 8 o'clock for tbe purpose o'
forming a campaign club lor the ensuing
Ac'.ing County Coniminiitee.
A meeting of all favorable te the election
of Grant and Wilson, for the purpose of
organizing a campaign club, Is to lie held at
(be office ef Justice Reynolds, this evening.
All interested are invited to be present.
Oil. Nkw3 A well located on the Fos
ter farm, Sherman Flats, and owned by O.
9. Howard, is yielding 75 barrels per day
by actual gauge. It appears that some
days ago tbe owners of the Wise well, on
an adjoining lease, put on a gas pump, and
immediately alter the Howard well, wblcb
bad been producing about thirty barrels,
ceas ed producing entiiely. Mr. H. then
put on a gas pump and brought up bis wel
to 75 barrels,, which caused tbe Wise well
to stop. This would seem to Indicate that
tba wells were oonoeotedi ,
We bear it ramored that some of tbe old
wells on BeonebofTHItl are soon to he start
ed up. There is no particular reason why
Ibey could not be made to yield oil again in
paying quantities.
New" Saloon. By reference to the ad
vertisement In another column, It will be
seen thai Cant. W. L. Sm ith baa otjened a
new saloon and testaurant on Washington
street. He has uamed it the Dolly Yarden
and Oxed it up in elegant shape, and those
visiting bim will tie euro of being hand
somely eoterlained. He proposes to keep
on nana the choicest ol eleswjoee and ci
gars, ana bis viands In the bam and
'eel sauuwicbee cannot bet. 4 1.
To-morrow, pleasure iovois will bear in
mind that tbe grand Central Park Menager
ie and Circus is to exhibit at Petroleum
Centre, afternoon and evening.' The Titus-
ville Herald says of it: "Although too late
to witness tbe areuld performances, enough
of tbe other attractions were seen to war
rant tiie statement that' tbe sbpw lo first
Class in every respect, tn fact the collection
of aoimals alone well repaying tbe visit."
Tbe Courier also speaks mi the highest terms
o f praise in referring to this establ.sbment.
We hope to see a crowded bouse.
Mr. U. D. JenniaVo, of Kane City, La?
recently applied for a patent on arrange
ment lor seed-bagglug oil wells in small
casing, thereby effectually shutting off tbe
water and Increasing tbe production ol oil
10 proportion. The Invention is an exceed,
logly uaoful one, and we would advise our
011 operators to give it a trial. As a'u evi
dence ol its useluloess, we rosy mention tbe
lact tbat one was applied lo the Franc's 4
Saundeis well, Baum farm, Cberrylree Run,
a lew aays since, witb tba most beneHai.l
,...,w.. mo oenencle'
See but advert .u.wbcre.
Longfellow Retired What Old John
Harper Said after the Race.
From tbe Commercial Advertiser.
Wben Longfellow came on the track be
was greeted with loud cheers from tbe grand
stand. John Sample rode Lotiglellnw, and
Jimmy Row rode Basset') thu sums rider
who rode at tbe Branch.
As tbe race commenced McDanleln stood
a front of the grandstand, and; Uncle John
was away off over tbe track. At the stait
Bassett took tbe lead. He held it at ti e
lirst mile and tbe second haK mile, Int el
the fourth hall mile Longfellow set-roed to
gain. Then bis lelt fore shoo broke ba r
way, bis tendons gave way, Lis tail drop
ped, and tbe race was up.
''I knew I'd send Longfellow back to
Kentucky, " shouted McDauiels, as be shook
bis cane in tbe sir.
Unole John followed about fifteen minutes
behind Longfellow. When be reached tbe
stable the boys bad his leg bandaged, but
be could not step on It. His fetlock bent
down to tbe ground. I walked along with
Uncle John.
"What did It?" I esRed.
"Well, tbe shoe broke, and then he broke.
It's dogoo bad luck, but it was a devilish
bard track."
"Is he clear broken down !" I asked.
"Yes, he Is clean gone, ne broke like a
race horse, though. He broke like Fannie
Howard at Lexington, and like Charmer,
Cracker, and Red Hood. This Is bis last
race!" and tbe old man crawled under the
bar to look at Longleliow.
"Give bim plenty of straw," be said to
tbe boys, "for maybe It's bis last bed."
So ended the race; and to ended tbe
horse which bas made a fame and a name
wonderful on tbe coutinent, and wondered
at abroad.
Tbe time for two and a quarter miles was
3:50 tbe fastest mile being 1:43. Lens-
fellow bas done a mile in 1:40.
The Central Park Circus.
Tbe street parade or tbe Central Park
Circus' and Menagerie, this morning out
shone Barnum and Robinson 'a in almost
every particular. The elegant costumes,
and the excellent condition of tbe horses at
tacbed to new and bandsome wagons, was
the subject of general remark. Tbe heavy
thunder storm wblcb prevailed tbia after
noon, made tbe attendance at tbe afternoon
performance, much lighter than was expects
ed, but tbe managers will probably reap
their reward to-night. Tbe Menagerie and
Circus are highly spoken by those who have
seen It elsewhere. Jamestown Journal.
Our citizens should bear in mind the Cen
tral Park Circus will exhibit at Petroleum
Centre, on Wednesday, July 24, to-morrow.
tt e would advise all to attend us it will b
worth tbe money. Witness tbe grand slree.
Tbe Oil City Darciok is engaged lathe
laudable undertaking of showing up the
huge production oi tbe down river terri
tory to be a mytb nearly except on paper.
A correspondent of tbat paper,' writing from
Parker's Landing, says:
to noticing tbe extracts of oil news in
your paper, while admitting that Argyl8
and Fairview are lively places for oil devel
opments, yet the statement that all the
wells completed in tbat district are produc
ing i rum uuy io one nunarea tmrrels per
day, is so far from tbe facts as to need some
correction, as it is by such exaggerated re
ports tbat we small producers are now get
ting only $3,25 lor our oil at tbe wells, and
pnmping five to ten barrels per day, from
1300 feet wells, at -tbat price, Is not very
encouraging to operators.
For Sale.
Wishing to concentiate my
operations to my farm in Cran-
berry township I offer FOR
SALE 3 producing wells on my
Central Farm, lease without
Machinery te. to say I will sell
tuo wcua wiiu casing ana rir
birt not the Boilers, Engines,
tnbing or other property on the
lease. C. BUTTON.
JN. B. For particulars
ply to Mr. John Holsapple.
The Titusville.Courier, speaking of the
raid recently made on the unlicensed liquor
dealers of this place says:
Petroleum Centre kas again been' visited
by tbe officers of the law, who hav.e made
heavy raids ou unlicensed houses, and bouses
of ill-repute. We should suggest te the
officers ol Venango county, that there are
other towns In tbat county which arena
fully deserving of their attention as Petro
leum Centre.
Sonoma county, Cal., i.-J C00venieot
place for trout fishing and cookin. Yon
can catch your fish In Sulphur Creek and
j eook 1, in a M spring within arm" tngtb
Important to our Patrons and tlie pullie at largo t
llETin;. jut relumed from New York we are now opening out the LARGEST STOCK of
pong Summer grg fcitst
DOLLY - VsJUHDEN. Casmeres
Japanese Silks, Shawls, (impure Laces,
Hosiery, Gloves, Reaily-Madc Linei Nnits,
Also, a very fine seleci Ion of
Carpets, Oil Cloths, Trunks, Valises, Satchels, &c., &c.
J5J Please call early and examine for yoarselvea.
declo.f. iSORETi A; Ai rilllAIM.
The Oldest Established Dry (Spoils House on Oil Creek.
West VntarNrA. Oil News. Drilling
well be commenced by the Gideon Oil Co
next week.
The production of the Gibsoo Oil Com
pany avenges 75 bbls per dy.
Tbe 1 Iiih Grove No. 2 is pumping S bar
rels per day without a torpedo. .
Alexander & McFarland's new well on tbe
Mount Farm, was torpedoed this week; not
beard from.
Tbe shipments of oil from tbe Gale tract
for tbe week ending Saturday, July 6
amounted to 1249 barrels.
Tbe Tomblor well on tbe Oil Run Petro
leum Co. tract was- torpedoed the second
time this week. No report.
Tbe Stiles well No. 57 was torpedoed last
week, and Ib now pumping about IS barrels
tbe well is on tbe V. O. & C. Co. tract.
Mr. E. P. Davis' well No. ?, which was
torpedoed the second time last week is now
pumping about 8 barrels per day.
Tbe btar Oil Co. bave tbeir well No. 1
down about 300 feet, and will soon have
it pumping 100 barrels per day; we hope.
The Gum Tree well, formerly known as
tbo ltnse-Spencer, was torpedoed list week
aud Is now pumping about 12 bbls. per day
of heavy oii.
Messrs. limner & Crossley rut down a
well for the Gibson Oil Co. 5 5 feet, in
Seven days from the commencement, being
tbe quickest time on tbe works, as fur as
heard from.
The Devorce wall, on Gales Fork, was
torpedoed last week and is pumping 3 bbls,
or heavy oil. The well is owned by Wrigbt
& Co. of Petroleum, and la on the Gale ter
ritory. Sbuftlt & Stilc3 bad their well No. C tor
pedoed last week. It started pumping at
tbe rate ol 60 barrels per day. The well Is
ou the V. O. & C. Co. tract.
E. L. Conger & Co. have contracted with
J. J. Thibeaudeau to put down their well
No. 5. Drilling was commenced yesterday,
and the well will be completed in short
order. Volcano Lubricator.
One ol the finest copper veins la tbe this
country hns recently been struck in tbe Da
vidson mioes of North Carolina.
Two boys have recently been fined $3
each, at Autum, Frauce, for robbing bird's
nests and destroying tbe young birds.
At Bloomington, II!., the liquor law is
dodged by placards over the saloons. "Ads
miitanco ten cents; drinks free."
The number of Supervisors of Internal
Revenue la to be reduced from 25 to 10
wben the new act goes into efTdCt, August
The Board of Education have decided to
Introduce music as a disti nct branch of edu
catiou lo the publio ssbools of tbe city New
Col. Tom Scott, the Boston Post thinks,
has become greater tban a railroad king
and it therefore describes him as a railroad
The Indians were, no doubl, very early
settlers in this country. Seven of them In
San Diego olaiin to be over one hundred and
twenty years old.
A North Carolina girl, though perfectly
blind, threads a needle, weaves nice cloth,
and docs other things as well as many per
sons who can Bee.
The YO'Semlte Valley Is said to be full o
little rattlesnakes, aud tbe little Snake Iuf
dians are euid to uso them fur rattles to cut
tbeir teeth on them.
Grain elevators are not much used In
England. Liverpool only bas one at work
at tbe docks of tbe Mersey Dock Board.
The warehouses are very extensive, their
capacity amounting to about 10,000 tons.
DRY GOOD3. &0.
The meeting at Patker's Landing on Sl
unlay to take measures for the defense of
tbe cising suits was largely attended.
Messrs Crawford, Campbell and Huliogsof
tbo lower district, were appointed members
ot tbe General Committee, and Ibe General
Committee were dirested to aid the Econ
omy Society in tbe defense of tbe casing
suits. A Finance Committee was also ap
pointed to collect funds lor tbe pnrposs.
Tbe depotof the Atlantic &. Great West
ern Railway, at Union City, was burned
Sunday night.
Tbe West Virginia oil region rejoices in a
hotel named tbe Fig.' Ear. It is located ar
liOnal Motlcea.
Ciirl Wanted.
A girl wanted to do housework In a small
family. Ki.quiie at
Gordon's Hardware Store.
Petroleum Centre, Pa. June 23. Ib72.
june 23-tr.
For Mule CU:up
J 11: MAGES, Oil City, has soma very
desirable buililiiii; lots lor tale in different
locations lo Oil City. Also, new and sec
ond baud machinery ot all kinds lor sale
cheap. Office, No. -j, Sharp's Block,
bpriug Street.
july 13-lm.
For Sale or Rent.
V desitable residence located on tbe Eg
bert Frm. a short distance from town. For
particulars apply to
Petroleum Centre, Jnue u, 1872.
For Pure Wines warranted a. such by Iba-
Brotberhood of Broetoo go to GAFNI5Yv
Capl.W. I,. SMITH, Prop'r.
rue Alts and Lager oa Tap,
Choice Winea, Native 1c. Forelgtfe
Domestic and imported Clsjars.
Call and co for yourself.
To Oil Operators!
Xew ind Important Inven
tion for
rpnE underslened having Invented Slid sppllid
tW This Invention is warranted1 to shut
off i lie watf.r and t'rernby luTi-aae tbe production
of all wells to niiich It is applied.
ALL OKDKI1S mast be. aceompanl.d with the
Patentee. KANE OITT.
Jl Sdi. V.nauKo t'oeiity, Ptuua.