. JAMESTOWN CLOTHING STORE. J".3ESTO"W3Sr Ik BOSS CLOTH! OF -THE OILKEGrlON First in War, '-'FIRST IN PEACE, And Firat in with a New Stock of SPRING AMD SUMMER STYXES W Gents' Furnishing Goods.&c The finest Stock everjbrought to Oil Creek. r'') " - , Neck-Ties, Scarfs, Bows, &c JfEAT AND NOBBY. SUMMER OVERCOATS ! LATEST PARIS FASHIONS. LINEN CLOTHING SOLD CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST! I can and will Sell B( ot til Linda cheaper than the same articles j other point outside of New Yolk City, -1 suuTiDca nay one 01 iuii ici. CjTrtMer, Wahlngton-St., rum AW I I LtlYlg AND oan ha boitaht in Titusvillo. Ol Oily or aptl aa examination, oi 017 Block and prices PKHUTLEIM CETRE, P4. The Tionesta Republican says: Trie brldga moo art) now tt work oh this aide ol tne river, lue two piers and abutment on ib othet aide being built above blgh water mart, and it is likely that the next Mgb water win not In any way Inlcilere with the work. A fur as the bridge baa proceed d, It la Ibe most permanent and suhstan tlal ttruclure of Ibe kind we bave aeen any wtjere Developt'Bients in tbe Hnoarreek lol.rlc. ting dialriot, near tbia city, are being push ed rapidly, and good strikes are numerous Tbe Fee, McC amont ar.d Gallowov tracia are tbe moat productive, while derrlcke are ueing erected tar beyond tbe producing ter ritory, In a northeastern dlrectioo, by par ties wlio have secured leases. We are In formed that Jonathan Watson ol Tilusvllle, and other extensive operators, are purchas ing and lousing lanrlx south of Cberrylreo, and a few miles back ol Reno, tipon wblcb developements will soon be commenced. Venango Citizen. One of tbe old British anus on tha (lest captured by Commodore Perry duriog tbe nr 01 ion nas just been presented to llie Cleveland Historical Society. It is to ' be placed at the bae of tbe statue ofl'eir in In tbe public park of that city. An enterprising genius baa atarled a wholesale steam chicken factory at Elulr, III. His experimental "sot"' of epgs, con sisting of several thousand, was laid in place recently, but unfortunately the steam was turned on too fast and tbe entire nest cooked instead of batched. The construction ol the Nmv York uniloi urouud railroad Is to commence in cepten. b T. The. letting of cootrace, acd estimat es, and preparations of the cbarac'.er of tbe wtrlt, will occupy until tlial time. Tilusviile don't ' On to Buffilo'' as much as they did a few weeks ago. TUE. Oil. .TIAHKllv BY W. U. TEL. LINE OPFtCR or i Pbtboi.bum Ckktbic aii.t RitrnRn V July 20. 1.ST2 S Thnnetroli'iitn market is quiet toida7 al $3,35 ao advance ol 15 cents orer Yester day's prices. We hear of no transactions. fblladelpbia, July 20. Crude 11. Refined US . July 22 Au?. 22.'. MnrKft Quiet. Hittshurg, July 20. Crude spot, nIj IJ. I), all year, 12's'. S. O. do. 11 J,'. R lined S,, oi 223 a' July. 22. Market quiet. New Yi;r. July 20 Cnde-lS'. Refined, 22'-4'. Market Firm. ui.uifii:u tint k. Nkw Fork, July 29. Gold tH!. JLord's Boiler Powder ! f ir Tns Itcmornl ana Prevention of SCALE IN STEAM BOILERS ThU Powder will Iteinoye Any Scale, no matter bow thick or Hard it may be, and keep tbo Iroh in a good condi tion for ages. WE CAN SEND YOU A PHCCF OF TII1H. A. J. IIAWLEY, COLT) WATKIt LEASE, WILT) CAT II'iI.LOW P trotetmi Co tre, I a., la tho ouly aiithmizpu atjenl In nil Hciri n for the ale r f the Ponder, of wuom it can he obtained by the keif or putiud. l.jr It Is ah-o for eala at the arrlware Store of Geo W. Wlusor, 1'cirolmm Centre, Pa jnlylil-if. FOR SALB CHEAP. 8ccftn1-lland OH Well nip. pur, lu 11 ill. 1 iwi wi 11 -t, riiu 'i-A ird S Inrh CAHiNO, S.roo ft SMAM. PUK, 6. WW fi sni'KBIl riids. 9 tnr-h. inch 7 and 6 liuh DHIV INtl 1'IHK, FITTINOS atunehalf price of Saw. GAS an'! ItOTAKY I'CM "H fnr salo or'to rnL KNfilSES ad H( II.KliS or all aura, at Box 22". iti roieiim fjonir', m It is Coming! See lti Tlie Largest and Best Show that has Eftcr Visited" the (Ml Region ! Will KxiiTbit at .' PET CENTRE, Wednesday, July 24. the flnnAT mm mi immm and Circus ! This Immense Triplicate Exhl bition ' - ' Helng a Grand Combination of ATTRACTIVE SPECIALTIES UNITED IN ONE MAMMOTH SHOW aud exhibited to tbe American Public for the Drat time. In Separate Tents lor One Ticket of Ad mis. .'Ion The First Traveling eaon. EVERY THING fiEW I Acrisof Canvas Tn(9. cnpnlile of Fettina: eoiutortably XO.iUJ Spbctaiura The maniticeiit Animal Dens, Cages, & Aviaries Are no lf than TWENTY-FIVE IN NUMBER rontanlnr00S-KClMENM OF THh, AMMAT, KitilHM and are protunly drcorated wuh STtp toral an 4 Ilteicirical l'alnrlna of the blpheai urdor of merit. the tivvmti Nirrft Procrsion preswilfl one of the moit TtiRsniflcpnt titrhtfl evrr wiined and In worth tvavuliii many niilun to "t (! :ia It prfl-cnts fcnturet novel and uniqus to ba ueeu in mi dihnr itnhli.hmcnt. The Best Selected Menageiie In the World! eontainta.''RnO PKCIMKMS iF l,IV 1NG BhAftTa, ElKUy, c , amona which may be nnmfd aa ScctUie of llio rrntral Park HIo- I he Greui AFKICAM h.LANL). from the p'aini o . interior Afr'nft, theL"r(teft of tho Aniioi'Biiir"i- Thettreat AFKICAN POTOQUAINE. olf Pale Antelope, of the fartheret recesfies of ex plored A I rlca. 'I haonlyote -vi.l Lroll-jht to A menca. nu purcnTieti iiv inir nsnir iiw;imi. :h 'C utrul l'ark Meiiaerie from tbe King 01 FIJI- lEonta'.-li. . HORNED HOUSK Ull XDSDKKVOlj GNU, Tie novel and finely formed AFRICAN MARTE-HKE3TE, . . A lieintlful anil arrarefnl CAZEMBIAN BLKSS BOCK. ' one of the moat curious creatures ever scan. THE RED STAG OK INDIA, The. only one in Ame rtea. A TREMENDOUS BLACK TIGER, One of the most rcnarkablo tiovcltica In the ani mal ktiiudon. THRFE HORNED BUM,, An animal which USUI OuNBKIS. TWO MAGKIUCENT BENGAL TIGERS. THE' CIRCUS COMPANY It composed of over 100 SELECT TEHFORMERS distinguished in both Hemispheres for tbsir Perfection or Bltill and who bavo hreu elected regardless of all monty convidersttons In order that we might present to the publio TiieBstfaiCipyiaiiri(a, And without a superior In the world. The Exercises in the liing Will bo conducted nndfr tho direction of that hon- orud and uotmlHr miti'fltro. UElr STONE. Admission, , Children ID yearn and under, fiO CnntB 25 Cents WILL ALSO EXHIBIT AT TItmvllle, Tnety .Tnly ar. Plcaiiiitv'lo, .Holiday July 2-2. Oil City, Thursday, .Tilly 25. FruMailin, Friday, July r. WEASE & AUMSTltOXt; ' a,s , , . Bnccessors to II. II. Warner, .'WnOL'ESALE AND RETAIL M erch' nts rY'n ! SnhaerVber, havlnc botteht the old stand of ... ' Warner, intcud enfnraice the buaireas aud will keen alwava1 on hand the he-t tJie K-S?.ffford1 . W will do a WHOLESALE and Khl AIL trade In tb following product . Peed;,,,, Hay fit Grain of all kinds. We also hare a vary largo a'.aak tW APPLES, w; Invite a share of rratillo mtronima. hasm roiiU lnit we can give aaltifacttun In forleax !and qilltyof goods. . Petroleum CcnlrC, Pa.. Not. ft. luiu tf ISHAM & CO. Tituttrllle, rn. aa 0 H eH 0 -p NEW AND BEAUTIFUL fcTl'LES.OP'. faicte ani Jewelry, (American, fugllah and Swles make.) Steriing- Silver Vsre, . filver Plated Ware, Of all (rrnilea, unique dwtfms In SII VKK, ospeclally adapttilfui preseuui oun ooi.ncBAiKS, JJiWiXHY, , risToi.H, BFVOI.VFB. FIKllIMOT.OKLR, HUM, K'NOS e., V Portlcnlnr ntt.-nlon civeo Ut retMir Itik fine wntrle and Jowelry ft competent wi-rkinn. - Th flrw have alao a store fit TI Tl'SV ll.l.K, Spriuu' attest. KFMF.M11KH THK PI.Ac'p, fprlni at ret . r.earlv opp. the Ameri can Uotel, 1'ltnsvllle, ?tt- e 3Q P M o r-i H r B. H. Warner DFALER I OC0ND-1IAP TIS. All fcitZPN C':tslitg, bngincn, Boiler, mnl UIGIIEST CASH PRICE PAID FOB OLD ROPE, IRON and BRASS. ATaIIaviml recently pn'ti-ai'it a ?ii:w si-d Im rr.md I'U'U t'UTTINtl MACIIINI-, I am i ri.a. I to rnt ad fit all siKcs of 1'Ijkj end Caain frcui H Inch to 3 1 4 inch. waahlngloiiKt., Nenrly r.py.. lineb enter Iloaao, I'vt. en tre, Fa. aprStf. li. II. WAJiNn.71. T r m Merchant Tailor I Hjs Juat returned from New York with tho ttUMt assortment of tfOKKIUN AND UWd JSf 10 .Uoth, 1 tasslmcrts, and Vest.nn, Snltahle for Mer's and Boa We.-r, evor broni'ht to l'etiuluuni Centie. Also, a full line of GENTS EUBNIalllNG GOODS. CUSTOM WOKK promptly altohilcd to, and food fits imaranteed. The people of thlt place and vicinity cn hr bet ler Olotblhg of me, ami SUS vttN'l1 tlituil'- BK than In Titnaville, Oil City or claowherB. Uivo me a call. li. fJIJAFOWITOIl, Next Poop to simlilt'a stni.ion, laih IliKtou.Nt., aou t elilre. Vu. ictu. Jr yti Want To incfna Your hoelneea, B Adverlisa In th PEVsaavcyCkriit n.tui;y ii' la mill