The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, July 18, 1872, Image 2

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SacoMMn to MF&rlaS,;Smith & Co.,
Merchant Tailors!
Gents' Furnishing Goods,
lino pot In one .of the finest araoruncnts qj
FRENCH AND american
hit oflerodln the Oil Region.
Ali tbe Latest and Nobbiest Stylet.
Gents Furnishing Goods, &e.
Petroleum Centre, Daily Record.
rat. Centre, Pa., Thursday Jnly 18.
UtTlue service.
Services every Sabbath at 11 A. M. and
1 P. M. Sabbath School at 1 P. M.
eata free. A cordial Invitation extend
ed to all.
Kbv. P. W. Scopibld, Pastor.
Preaching at 11 o'clock A. M., and T
o'olook P. Ji.
D. PATTON, Pastor.
Petroleum' Centre Lodge, No.
VIS, I. O. of O. F.
Regular meeting nights Friday, at 8
'Olock. Signed.
E. O'FlahRRTY, A Sec'y.
tyPlace of meeting, Main St., opposite
McUllotook House.
A. O. Of V. W.
Liberty Lodge No. 7, A. O. of U. W.,
. meets every Monday evening at 8 o'clock,
In Odd Fellow's Hall, Petroleum Centre,
A. M, Klecenkb, M. W.
J. H. Merrill, R.
Gold at 1 p. tn. 114
' Tbe Tldloute Journal suspended publica
tion tbe other day, and In the last number
issued, comments as follows: .
Sball It be said that Petroleum Centre
ean support a daily paper; near at -It is on
both sides toTitusvllle and Oil City, and
that Tldloute cannot, though Isolated and
cut off from the centre of news? SB asks
' one of our readers. The rest ot them must
Tbe people of Petroleum Centre are dobj
of your narrow-minded, picayonlsb kind
' like those who live and do business at Tid
oute, who never see any benefit deilved
from having a daily newspaper to advocate
nd advance tbe best interests of a town,
and are too mean spirited to pay out a dol
lar or two towards tbe support of a paper,
heooettls tbatof all tbe oil towns In tbe
region Tldloute is the least known or talked
of in lbs outer world. We have no such
elfish contracted business men In Petroleum
Centre, or on Oil Cieek, for that matter.
' Tbe Rkooro has been published daily for
nearly four years, and the editor, without
Intending any flattery to himself, baa al
ways used bit best endeavors to advance tbe
business, tooial and moral interests of the
town, and defend Its good name from tbe
slanders of outsiders, in retarn for which
tbe whole-souled, generous-hearted business
men of tbe place have extended us a liberal
and hearty lupport.or to use ao old saw have
adhered to the Record "through thiok and
thin like a lean tick to a darkey's shin," for
ail or which we are thankful. That's tbe
reason that Petroleum Centre cau and does
keep up a daily paper, and as soon as the
tew live men of Tidloute ease up, label and
lay away on the shelf tbe old fossils with
which tbe town Is infested, then the Jour
nal can expeot a support worthy of it and
will prove a credit to the plase.
W. , : .... A
I'jiuu viuov VAnuiiuatiuu ui iuv leuer ot
onr Flumar correspondent, we find it of' loo
strong a politioal obaracter to appear in our
columns. We should be pleased to hpar
from bira on other subjects of interest to the
general render.
A party of Tiiufvlllans yflitoiv
AJ fw tfcTou3io4Iiiai. -
Tbe Voudou festival, which flourishes In
New Orleans and vicinity, (Hough diaboli
cal, is Interesting, and brings strongly to
mind Ibe witch scone in Macbeth. Tbe
last one was held near one ofthe bayous on
the Poncbartrain Railroad, at eight lime.
Tbe Voudou Queen made a short addie-s
to tbe assembly, both black and white, all
participants, and afterward a fire was built
upon which every odc was to throw a (tick
of wood, making a wish as they did so.
Then a black snake was cut in three pieces
and thrown into a eauldron upon the fire,
and after It a cat a black rooster, wore put
In alive. Then all were ordered to undress;
oertain powders were thrown into the ket
tle; at twelve o clock all bands weie order
ed into tbe lake; and with incantutions,
singing, dancing and a long sermon tbe
time was occupied until daybreak. Tbe
whole strange ceremony wound up with
prayers and a benediction.
Police. A young man named McC Un
lock, residing at Show farm, while Intoxi
cated, last evening, succeeded In kicking up
a lively row near tbe Rochester House. Tbe
liquor appeared to make bira perfectly cra
zy as be attacked everybody seriously injurs
ing bis own brother among the rest. When
sober McClinlock is a quiet peaceable man.
At tbe earnest request of his brother no ar
rest was made.
Alexander Foster, of Foster Hill, was in
town last night, and as usual got drunk.
In tbe exuberance of his spirits be proclaim
ed himself a supporter of Iloruce Greeley
for tbe Presidency, and a'oln to whip any
and all of Horace's opponents. Constable
McUugh differed with Foster on all points,
and placed bim in tbe lock-up. Late in
tbe evening he apparently repented and de
voted himself vigorously to singing Metho
dist bymns. Foster is tbe individual who
nearly killed bis wife while intoxicated by
throwing a hammer at ber.
Presentation. Quite a pleasant time !
washed last evening at tbe residence, of
Mr Doubledsy. on Tarr Farm, by tbe em
ployees on tbe Tarr Farm wells presenting
Mr. Kepler, one of tbe malingers, with a
handsomely bound set of Chamber's Ency
clopedia, consisting of ten volumes. Tba
presentation was made through Mr. Double-
day, and in reply Mr. Kepler said that he
was so taken by surprise that be could not
collect bis thoughts sufficiently to reply as
be wished to, but said that tbe pleasaut as
sociations be has had since he was on the
Farm, will long be remembered by him.
Oil City Register.
We find the following paragraph In tbe
Grand Rapids, Mich , Daily Democrat:
Mr. C. II. Coffman, of Benzonia, was in
stantly killed by lightning, at bis residence,
on tbe evening of tbe 1st Inst. He was
struck on tbe bead, tbe current following
down tbe spine. Mrs. Coffman was stunned
but soon recovered.
Mr. C. was well known in Petroleum
Centre, be having formerly been engaged in
tbe tailoring business here, in tbe small
building located between Geo. W. Wlnsor's
hardware store and tbe brick bank' build,
Men's live should be like tbe days, more
beautiful in tbe evening; or, like tbe spring
aglow with promise, and tbe autumn, rich
with golden sheaves where good works aod
deeds have ripened on tbe field.
Land owners of tbe counties of Armstrong,
Butler and Clarion be just if you cannot
be generous. la leasing land do not ask
one fourth of tbe oil and a heavy bonus.
Remember that men who lovest their won
ey and labor and even risk their Jives In
sinking oil wells are entitled to a fair (bare
of the profits resulting from tho production
of oil. Tbe men who delve Into tbe bowels
of tbe earth to a depth of ten, twelve and
fourteen hundred feet to bring fourth its
bidden treasures should no be permitted to
go unrewarded. It therefore dovolves upon
land owners to be governrd by the motto of
"live and let live" under such an arrunfrtt-
ment, all will go ou prospering and to pros
per. Oilman's Journal.
Tbe rate of postage on transient newspa
pers, on clroulars and other printed matter
it now reduced to one cent for two ounoes
or fraction thereof. Remember that, and
do not put two-cent stamp on papers,
pamphlets and other unsealed circulars you
Bend out.
Hon. Andrew Stewart, one of tbe leadiog
men of Western Pennsylvania, tiled at
Unlontown, day before yesterday.
We bear it rumored that a matoh is being
gotten up botweon tbe Luther horse and
Cochran horse of Rousevllle. Should it be
the case some lively running maybe ex
pected as the Lutber animal is no mean op
Au Indian Feast was held at Santa Ya
bel, near S'.n Diego, California, commenc
ing ou Sunday, June 23d. Over 2,000 In
dian and Mexicans were present, besides a
Ini'Eu number of Americans. There Were
b .11 ft,; Lis, UStau UaAs,, (.!;..
Dun Itlce'a Wlfo Itlnklug it Hot for
II I in. ,
f From the Dubuque Herald, Juno 20.
It will be remembered that the first circus
that exhibited In Dubuque this season was
the Bockenstce company, among whom was
a rormcr ring-master of Dan Rice, and also
Dan's wife, who appears to have Rone over
to the Philistines out of choice. Dan Kice'e
circus was In Dubuque on Saturday last
and from hero wont to McGregor, and
spread their tents in that city on Monday.
Backenstoe't company reached Prairie du
Cbien, on tbe opposite side cf the river, and
exhibited on tbe same day. There is a
hostility of feeling bceween the two com
panies. Tbe sages have told bow much
worse tban any bubbling bell is a womrn's
bote. Dan Rice's wife, If reports be true, le
no exception to tbe rule, and makes things
rodshnt and lively for ber husband and
friends wbonever she has an opportunity.
On Mouday morning, it is said at ber in
stigation, a party of men belonging to Back
eostoe's Circus crossed tbe river from
Prairie du Cbien to MoGregor, and going
to tbe grounds where Dan Rice's Circus was
exhibited, picked a quarrol with the men,
and a general fight ensued, In which there
were not less than forty men engaged on
either side. For a while there was a scene
of bloody riot that beggars description, and
would have ended in loss of life bad not tbe
authorities of McGregor Interfered and put
a stop to it. Nfoe of tho men were arrested
and sent to jail, and others made good their .'
escape. As it was, few got off without
broken noses bunged nnd blackened eyes
and swollen mouths.
A Hindoo Widow Runts Herself to
Death lu England.
A death lately occurred in Brighton, En
gland, of a character heretofore unknown
on English soil. A woman immolated her
self upon tbe altar of affection for her do
ceased husband, under peculiar circumstan
ces. Moses Spineman, a very wealthy mer
chant, during his many mercantile expedi
tions visited Malabar. Ilcre be fell In love
with a native woman, and married her in
Ibe presence of the British Consul. At tbe
end of six months after the marriage be took
his wife to England and Into bis homo at
Brighton. The young wife clung to all tbe
customs of ber native land, ami refused
most persistently to be converted to t?
English Church. She bad a kind of temptn
built on ber husband's estate in the countr;
and went to It every day to effer up her de
votions according to the rites ol ber own
filth. At length her liusoand died. Tbe
widow opppeaied to suffer the most lurenee
agony of soul. She looked upon the lifeless
form of ber husband witb terrible frenzy ol
despair. She wrenched out her hair, tore
ber clothes and disfigured her bountiful
features witb ber nails. On the evening I
after the fuaoral of ber husband she disap- '
peared. After three days' unsuccessful
search for her, her servants bethought them
selves of looking in her temple, and bad a
presentiment that something terrible bad
happened to ber. They did not find the
woman, but tbey found a heap of asbea still
smoking, and the smell of burned flesh.
She bad evidently built bor funeral pyre,
and immolated herself tberoon. Upon
searching among the ashes they found por
tions of human, remains, wbicb, together
with tbe 'peculiar odor emitted, satisfied
them of the fate cf tbe poor woman.
For Sale.
Wishing ' to concenti ate my
operations to my form iu Crau
berry township I oiler FOB
SALE 3 producing wells ou my
Central Farm lease without
Machinery i e. to say I will sell
the wells with casing and rig
but not the Boiler3, Engines,
tnbing or other property on the
lease. U. i. HUT ION;
N. B. For particulars ap
ply to Mr. John Ilolsapple.
Iu one ot the battles in General Grant's
famous campaign in tbe West, Major Mor
derweli; pf Gennesoe, Now York, was shot
square through tbe body. Tbe ball entered
bis stomach, want threugh the intastioes,
aud passed out of the back close to the)
spinal column. It is said tbut the Jlojor
was one of tho very few so shot during tho
war who recovered. But this is Dot the ex
ceptional foaturo of his case. . The ball car
led along with it a gold pen aod Dart ol t!.a
pen case that held it, and which, wben he
was bit, wore in the wounded man's vest
pockets and the ball in passing out left the
pen and case in the Major's body behind it.
Sines then tbuee articles have been wander
leg about, probably trying to pan out too?
and, finally, part of the pen, at least, ban
Fredonla, New York, wants a $1,000
1872. SMEWGOODS! 1872.
Important to our Patrons and the puttie at larrjQ I
Having just returned from New York wo are now epcnln!? ont tho LAnGEST STCCK of
faring Rummer q mh
Ever brought to rotrolcum Centre, comprising tho, latest style! of DHIiSS GOODS,
DOSiXi? Casmeres
Japanese Silks, Shawls, Gimimrc laces, .
Hosiery, . Cloves,. Heady-Made linen tfqjts,
Also, a very fine selection of ,
Carpets, il Cloths, liwtiUs, a Uses, Sateliels, &c, &&
i'J" Please call early ane? examine for yourselves.
d.-cis SOIJEIj V AtirilHAlM.
The Oldest Established Dry Goods Horse on Oil Creek.
l'arl&crOil Field.
The well at Jamison's mill, eight miles
North-east of the town of Butler was recent
ly tubed and pumped at a depth of 1150 feet
and yielded two or three bbls. per day.
The oil obtained came from the second
sand. The Jublng was taken out and the
well is being drilled deeper in hope of reach
ing a third sand which will yield a larger
c -lantity of oil.
A. N. Harcor, S. D. Ksrns, W. C. Mcb-
ley, F. Parker aod W. F. Parker are dril'
log oue well and bave another about ready
to commence drilling on the etcne bouse
The Ershell well on tbe stone bouse pro
r.'.rty was raised from an 8 to a SO barrel
well sevoral weeks ago. A volcanic burner
was inserted. This new proeeas Is proving
a success. Mr. Post, of LawrcBceburg iB
introducing themln this locality.
The Ilambr well, on the Ervin tract start
ed to pump some tbreo weeks ago. It is
doing about 3 barrels per day. A torpedo
is to be ineerti'd. Owned by A. N. Flunior,
King, Clark, Keener and otberB.
Col. J. B. Finley has a well nearly down
on the M'Garvey farm, adjoining Petrolia
city, in which the indications are said to Le
The Drcssrr well, near Petrolia City, is a
big strike We bave been unublo to learn
ihe names of the owners, cr exactly what
tbe well is doing. We suppose ' however
it is good for 100 barrels. Oilman'bJouin
At Buctu'ion, W. Va., a septusgen nam-
ed Duley, married a girl of sixteen. It was
a case of genuine passion on his part, and.
imagioipg that bis lawful helpmate did not
respond witb ardor equal to bis own, he re
solved to test the sincerity of ber affection
lor him. Tbe test was a novel one, and
came very near extinguishing bis unhappy
life. He banged himself, depending upon
tho arrival of his wife in time to save bis
life. She arrived not a moment too soon,
and cut him down, but though bo is likely
to survive his hazardous exporiment, he has
not yet been aLlo ta articulate a word, and
has only been able to Indicate by signs the
motives inoucing me awa tuat so nearly
put a permauett quietus to bis conjugal
The Petersburg territery U not looking
quite as good as formerly; there have been
tender twelve 'wells finished lately which
are not much better than dry boles. Some of
these nru on tbe Dan lvitts form, some in tbe
vicinity of Grass Flats, ethers on tho Shoup,
Noely, and In fuct nearly every farm In tbe'
district can produce a few. On tbe whole
wo look for a large decrease in production
for Ibe month of June not only froa that
reported by the Titusville paper but from
what it really was. I do not throw all the
blame of these false reports upon paper re-
porters, It rests upon Ihe Bbotilders of opera
tors themselves, wbo baud in statements
that are taken and published as given, that
are simply erroneous andjlu nearly every in
stance incorrect Emlenton Friend.
The Omiha Bee does not take much stock
in Stanley, the New York Herald's corres
pondent sent onl to Cud Dr. Livingstone
It says Stanley used to live in that city, and
bad sorno very narrow "escapes from actresn
es and slandered military officers." It says:
''When we reflect upon the fact that ho
in Ibe habit of writing up his experience of
trips to nouver and Western towns from the
sanctum of tho Republican vrith all tha eni.
oring of truth, we shall go rather slow upon
anyming -e nas to say about Livingstone
and Central Africa. Ue is a consummate
f.''r!silor of sensitises."
Local JlotlccN.
M " Agents wanted to sell
'M II II I tlieCAiitifulPbotoirspb
tV V V Marrrlage CertlttcslN
aod Photograph Family Records. For terms,
ennd stamp to CriI'EB & Bro., Publishers,
York, Pa. ,
For Sale Cheap
J. II'.MAGEE, Oil City, has somsvny
desirable bull'litiK lots lor sale in different
locutions in Oil City. Also, new end sec
ond bund machinery of all kinds for ails
cheap. OCice, Ho. 1, Sharp's Block,
Spriug Street.
July 13-lm.
A fine lot ot Imported Wines and Lienors
just received and for sale by GAFFNE1'.
The best Pittsburgh Lager at
For Sale or JSent.
A desirable residence located on tbe Ee-
bert Farm, a short distance from town. For
particulars apply lo
Petroleum Centre, June 14, 1872.
For 6al
15.0(10 to 20,0110 feet ot SECOND-HAND
TCHING, at (Ann 25 Jr, 35 cts. per foot.
Ttyi Tubing is in first class order aod all
roaily filled.
April 23. tf. It. n. WARNER.
GAFFFKY'S Wines and Liquors foroxo
Ical use. The beat and cheapest
Sundiy Comfort still on deck aod for'nlr
To tub i' -Tbe oil producing eon
mimity are advised thai the claimants, vli:
K. A. L. Roberts, William Hinds, WilllW
Shoup, Hail Clark and Noah . Mete, under
cn alleged Patjcmt for tub drs or Casus
Oil Wells, bave again commenced so
in the United States Courts against open
tors for infringement:
Meetings of all interested are hereby nil
ed, at Oil City on Friday, July 19, at 10
a. m , and at Parker's Landing at 1 p. s,
on tbe following day, baturday, July M,
for the discussion cf measures of defeat
against this repetition of a threatened du
ger to tbe wbo!e community.
The connsel in tbe car? will be pressnt
and will communicate any desired Inlormt
tiou. E. G. Patterson.
Lewis Ehkry, Jb,
Wm. Bboooh,
Wm. A. Sbbbbtk,
General Committee.
F. w. Hastings, Secretary, jy 13-dr
Gaffocy sells-Lagor
For Pure Wines warranted as such by
Brotherhood of Rrootoago to GAFFNEf&
G-reat Heduoti'n
In the PRICE of
Scliermerliorn & Ten Eyck's.'
Petroleum Centre? Pa., July 18,tf.
llsolutioa Notice.
The firm of J. A. Motley 4 Co., has this
day dissolved by mutual consent. Alldebt
will be paid lo aod all elanns Milled by J
A. Morley. Persous indebted to tbe Brat
will please call and settle at once and ve
J. A. Mor.LKT.
F. D. Browk.
Petroleum Centre, July 13, 3w. 1
- :