The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, July 15, 1872, Image 2

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ISaeossaan to Merartaoo, Smith G.,J
Merchant Tailors!
Gents' Furnishing Goods,
Save pat Ib on,! Uu float Mtorunonti '
Iter offendja the Oil Region.
All the Latest end Nobbiest Styles.
Gents' Furnishing Goods, &c.
Petroleum Centre Daily Record.
PctJCentre, Fa., moudart Jnly H
Divine Service.
Service every Sabbath at 11 A. M. and
, P. M. Sabbath School at U P. M.
cute free. A cordial Invitation extend
ed to all.
Kit. P. W, Soofikld, Pastor.
Preaching at 11 o'clock A. M., and 7),
C'olock P. M-
. D. PATTON, Paste
Petroleum Centre Lodge, No.
T15, I. O. of O. F.
Regular meeting nights Friday, at 8
O'clock. Signed.
E. O'Flaiiertt. A See's.
tyPluce of meeting, Main St., opposite
Jncuilntock House.
A. O. oj .B. XV.
Liberty Lodge No. 7, A. O. of U. W.,
meets every Monday evening at 8 o'clook,
In Odd Fellow's Uall, Petroleum Centre,
A. Glim, M. W.
S. n. Kookrr, R. .
Gold at 1 p. m. 114
Saturday's Race. Tbe first racebe
tween Lutber't Sorrel Frank and Hooroe't
Roan Hilly, was won by the former.' First
beat, quarter mile track, roan Billy came
lb to the pole in iplendld ttyle, at leait ten
length! ahead of III opponent. Time, .26.
On the seoond heat, roan Billy came In
three length! abeed. Time, .27. The
. third beat was not run. Tbe race was lor
a purse of $50. Sorrel Frank was drlvon
under pull, abd BHly by whip.
Tbe second lace was between Howe &
Cook's gray mare Lady Thompson and tbe
Cochran boras of Kouseville. Tbe Orst two
beats were won by Lady Tbompaon, and
tbe other three strait beats were won by
the Rouievllla borse. Time, .29 to .30.
$ At the conclusion ol the second beat belt
on Lady Thompson were freely made, and
were as freely lakeo "by the Qousevillans,
who succeeded in picking up nice little
pile of sttaapa. This raee was for a purse
ol $100. It wai a spirited oh, but Rom
tbe lirat it was apparent to tboae versed In
"horseology" tbat the RcueevlUe animal
waa tbe better of tbe two.
At the conclusion of the races a sorub
match was made .between Hank. Phelps'
borae Bob and a borse owned by tbe Gip
sies, who are enoamped below town, for a
purs of $25. This rase was woo easily by
Tbe races passed off to tbe satisfaction
of all concerned. Over $1,000 wottu of
pools were sold.
What a delicious place Portland, Oregon,
must have been on Saturday, June 20tb.
Tbe Bulletin or tbat date and place say
'top. coats for streets and fires for 'offices
were in demand this morning," ted "tro
ice cream market Is sadly beared "by tbe
The Portland ice cream Is very much like
tbe people 1b thia section, those who are
not bare with, tbey were.
Cilifornli paperi estimate tbat tbe to
tl gold and ailver yield In all tbe Statea
and' Territories tbia year will not run aa
high as $7,000,OCO. making some allowance
fnr a failing off la Uoetjns, Oregon ecd
Fir. An alarm of fire was sounded to
day while tbe boarders of tbo McCliotock
House were at dinner which caused consid
erable of a scare. Tbe Ore was caused by
the roof of tbe kitchen around the Quo tak
ing Are from a falilag spark. Fortunately
the Ore was discovered by Itr. T. S. Arm
strong before It bad gained much besdwsy
and extinguished with a pall of water. As
the wiod was blowing quits bard at tbe
Urns, tbo opportune discovery of tbo fka by
by Mr. A. doubtless saved a disastrous eon-
Musical Society. Tbe Mozart Musical
Association Is tbe name of a new musical
society recently organized In this place by
a number of our amateur singers. Tbe
society have engaged tbe services of Mr.
Boynton, of Meadville, an experienced mu
sic teacher, and tbe Brit lesson will bo given
on Wednesday evening. Tbere Is ample
talent In town to form a first class musioal
society and we bope to see tbe Mozart a
success. All loyers of muslo abouid attend
the meeting at the M. E. Church Wednees
day night.
.An interesting game of baas ball was
played on Saturday between the Petrollas
and Columblas, resulting In tbe defeat of
former. Score 26 to 16.
Petrolkom Items. M new well wa,
comp leted on tbe Clark farm, Sbamburgb,
on Saturday, which will undoubtedly prove
a good well. It bad tbirtyflve feet of ex
cellent sand rock, Testing wai to com.'
msnce to-day. OwceJ by A. A. Brooeon.
A new well was completed at Pitbole,
Saturday, which will undoubtedly prove a
big well. Pumping, commenced at 11
o'clock yeeterdsy and up lo, three o'clock
tbe yield waa over a barrels. As soon as
tbe water is exbaualed tbe production will
Increase. Tbe well li located on the Holm
don farm,'tbe well Is owned by Rochester &
Oleopolls Oil Co.
Tbe Fiaber well, on tbe Browo farm,
Clierrytreo Run, commenced testing on Frl
day, and started up at the rateof 40 barrets.
It will undoubtedly prove a good 10 to IS
barrel well.
Tbe Seveous Oil Co bavo a rig nearly up
for a new well to be looated on tbo Harper
tract, adjoining tbe Burns traot, Cberrytree
Tbe new well of tbe Octave Oil Co., on
the Hyde farm, upper BennebuffRnn terrl
tory, was tubed last week, and la yielding
about 3 barrels per day. It bad over CO
feet of One sand rock. Wben torpedoed no
doubblt will prove a good well. Tbe otber
wella on tbe Hyde farm hold outaa usual.
' A idrew C. Clark, convloted for rape, was
banged at New Castle, Delaware, on Fri
day. He expressed a willingness to die,
but declared bis rooocence.
A couple ol countrymen blew out their
gas in a hotel in Decatur,. Illinois. Tbey
stopped the horrid smell and saved Ibeir
lives by sticking a eaka of sosp upon the
Tbs 15th of Auguat next la tbe data fixed
for tbe fight for tbe beavy-weigbt champi
onship between Jem Mace and Ned O'Bald
win. O'Baldwin la bard at work training
atAttanlio, New Jersey. lie went into
traiolog July 6, at tbe Belmont Hotel) at
Jerome Park Road. Tbe condition of both
Is pronounoed by tbe crop-haired fraternity
as excellent. Several more of tbe most
Doled pugilists have just embarked lor
PituolkCitt Items A correspondent
sends us lbs following Pitbole Items:.
Alderman Keensn reports business dull
and disorderlies sckree. Mine Host dupli
cates. Tbe wells In Ibe vicinity of tbe
Church keep a good average. Tbo Peck
well is doing 30 barrels, and tbe Day well,
Balllown, twenty barrels. A new well is
started south west of town on the Copelaod
On tbeMaraton tract, a well looated by a
female medium of Oil City, is in good rock
at a depth of 800 feet with a fair show of
gas and oil and is just being tested. It Is a
wet bole and tbey have bad eqme delay
Irom seed bag buretlng. (should It prove a
success, quite a large field will be opened
up a second Cash Up probably. Tbia
territory Ilea between Pitbule and tbs Alle
gheny River.
At a reoeut celebralioo Jot Ibe two hun
dredth anniversary of ibe birtb of Peter the
Great, at St. Petersburg, tbere were expos
ed on tbree tabourets tbe uniform worn by
Peter at tbe battle of Fultowa, bia sword,
bis bat pierced with balls, and tbe ineigna
of tbe Order of St. Andrew, which be wore
in. tbe latter part of bia lite. To prevent
these relics Irom being ruthlessly wtested
'rom Russia or spirited away, tbey weto
guarded by officers of tbe guard witb swords
drawn, attended by delaohtmtntaof Infantry,
cavalry, artillery, sailors and marines.. It
would have been as much ss bis life waa
worth for any light-fingered gentleman to
attempt lo abstract these rrcious remind
ers of tbe great Curv
Utters from the People.
Kara. The managerof this journal, with
out endorsing tbe sentiments ol contributors,
desires to offer the widest possible latitude
for free diaoussloo. It Is merely stipulated
that communications shall concern matters
ol public interest, be put in decent language
and accompanied wun ice names ui i
writers, not for publication, but aa a guar
antee of good laitb.
Mr. Editor: Getting behind Stnawley',
Spike Tall Saturday, we drove over tbe hills
through tbo Black Oil dietrlct, nnaing
Sbamburg, Pflbole and Cash Up quiet and
yet buiy. Tbe country It self, with Its
patcbei of woodland, oil farmi, and oulttt a
ted fields look, charmiog. Tbe recent rains
bavs refreshed every growing thing and
made tbe view a lovely one, look whence
you choose. .
Tbe pips lines report tbat tbe production
changes very little keeping up a fair' aver
age. Very lew wells are abandoned on tbe
black oil territory, and few Hew wells are
pnt down, aa tbey will barely avorage tbree
barrels (3) all round. However, nioe
tentbs of them are pumped by beads and
coat comparatively little lor labor and fuel.
Tbeoapac'.ty of the bills and valleys In this
region to produce good paying crops, and
lor stock purpose!, is no doubt greatly uo
derated. G. W. Stewart, Eiq., one ol tbs
largest land owners In this country, baa
some splendid wheat that be la just now
cutting, that will produce probably from 35
to 40 bushels to the acre. He baa besides
otber crops 'looking equally as well. Hit
farm and mill seat lie in tbe lap of a lovely
little dell in tbe Pittfole valley, and be
takes a commendable pride in having every
thing right about him and in demonstrating
that Venango is not only rich In oil but in
agricultural resources.
Tbe Political cauldron don't boll as hot as
lbs weather Is, in these peaceful waysides.
Everybody there, as elsewhere seem deter
mined to keen cool and good netured. 1 be
candidates, with their respective personal
merits and demerits, are tbe ooly elements
tbat enter into tbe canvas, and whether tbe
while bat or tbe blue oajs wins don't seem
to matlet uueb.
In tbe meantime win who may let us be
thankful tbat all over this great country tbo
bosom of our Mother Earth teems with an
abundant promise of Bread for all ber chll-
From the Blown Farm.
Cuerrttrer Oil Belt, July 15.
En. Record: Powers & Griffith's new
well, which was started up a few days ago
continues to yield 8 barrels per day.
E. D Fisher's well commenced pumping
last Friday and made a splendid start off,
pumping about 40 barrels in 12 hours. It
settled down to 15 barrels per day, now
where It Is likely to remain for some time.
Powers 4 Griffith oommeooed drill anotb
sr well on Friday.
Capt. Oliver will commence one to 'day.
S. Elliott has t(fe grading done for an
other rig, and D. E. Crocker willaoon have
a rig up.
J. 13. fainter E uo., intend .drilling one
we II soon.
HBy fall tbe greater part of tbls farm will
be drilled over, and a bandsomo production
may be expeoted.
James Elliott moves from Allemagooze-
lum here to-day.
Tbe new road to Rynd farm Ss being laid
out to-day. Tbs operators ars lo want of
some good man to take .tbe contract of build'
Ing It. This isamuoh needed improve
ment and all Interested should be willing to
coo tribute.
Dr. Playford'Of Petroleum Centre, baa
ordered a new rig, and let tbe contract for
drilling a new well bere. Tbe Dr. ia a
pushing operator and we wish bim eucoeaa.
For Sale.
Wishing to concentiate my
operations to my farm in Cran
berry township I offer FOR
SALE 3 producing wella- on my
Central Farm, lease witliout
Machinery ye. to say I will sell
the wells with casing and rig
but not the Boilers, Engines,
tnbing or other property on the
lease. C.i BUT ION.
N. B. For particulars, ap
ply to Mr. John Holsapple.
The Good Templars of Williameporl
hare erected a splendid fountain In tbat
City for tbe accommodation of the public.
Marobing about in Ibe bol sun, and loss
of time, with no wsges on Saturday, ars
some or tbe fruits of tbs mill men's strike at
1872. IMEWCOODS! 1872.
Important to our Patrons and the puUic at large !
Having jn.t returned from New Tork we are now
Snrina S
Ever brought to Petroleum Centre, comprising the latest stylos of DRESS GOODS,
Japanese Silks, Shawls,
llOSierV, jiiuvrc,
j inrnnai
Carpets, (Ml Cloths, Trunks, Valises, Satchels, &c, &c.
tsr Please call earlv BDd examine for yourselves.
The Oldest Established Dry
Parker Oil Field.
petersdcro district.
Tbe Mason well on Turkey run Is doing 8
barrels per day.
Tbe Heea well on the Knight farm was
torpedoed last weok but failed lo make a
gteasy Impression.
The wella on the Master and Dolo farms
have not yet struck sand altho' it is looked
for in both every dij.
Tbe well on tbe Fry farm wblob was com
ploted last week has pumped at tbe" rata Oj
fifteen barrels per day.
Tbe well on the I.' Neely farm East of
Turkey run bas been torpedoed, and tbe
production increased from twelve to twenty
barrels per day.
Andrews, Bly & Co., torpedoed tbeir No.
3 on Asbbacb run fifteen daya ago. and tbe
well bas pumped 60 barrels per day since.
Tbe old Bulings well was injured somewhat
by tbs explosion as the wells are In close
proximity. Tbe otber wells in tbls vicinity
continue about ss usual averaging from 8 to
20 barrels each) although a few even small
er tbao tbat '
Tbe farther bell i followed east of Turkey
run the loss encouragement operators receive
prosecute It. Tbe only chance there can
possibly be now i tbut tbere is a narrow
bell passing near tbe mouth of jTurkcy tun,,
and running about 82 east ol north. On
Ibis lioe-Iluiia end others are putting down
a well on Canoe creea some 5 miles. In ad
vance of developments on Turkey run.
Emlenton Friend,
A Bliwful Bridegroom Shot at
Three Time by His Gentle
From the Memphis Avalanche.,
In tbe Avalanche of yesterday appeared
an account of the marriage ol Mr. George
Christy and Miss Fanny Duane, bolb of
whom ars bright and shining lights of tbs
Variety stage. Tbe nuptials were of a de
cided "tocnUb" nature, as will be remem
bered, and wben over they made a bridal
tour to a hotel not tbe Lebnor House, aa
incorrectly stated. Returning from there
to tbe room of Madame Fanny, the bappy
couple seperated with mutual vows of love
and affeotion. Tbat night about tbs
witching hour of twelve tbe bappy bride
groom relumed, only to find tbe door of
bis wife's room securely locked. A few
gootle reps witb sn ale bottle, which be
was carrying to bis borne, and tbs door
ope Si .
"Who are you?" Inquired tbs bride, In
tone tbat waa rather loud. I
"It's me, my own ducky dear; I bavs
come," answered Mr. Christy, walking in
lo tbe room and Betting tbe als bottle
down, while be lighted bi pipe a stumpy.
"You get out of bere, you nasty thing,"
roared tbe gentle maiden, In a voles like
rthunder, as she pulled from a bureau draw
er a mammoth six-shooter.
Mr; George Christy, tbe baojoiat, "got.'i
Before be got down, stairs, bowever, bis
loving wife of eight short baurs shot three
times at blm. A nervousness on tbo part
oi ine lemaie anootist, and tbe agility of
tbe bridegroom, alone prevented the ne-
cecsltyof tbe intervention of tbe Coro
ner. Notwithstanding bia ratber warm receg-
tion, Mr. Christy again visited blacbarmipg
bride yesterday moroing. She saw blm
coming up stairs, and sent down ber card
in tbe shape of a skillet, to let bim know
that she was not in.
Last evening Mr. Christy was inconsola
We also drunk. Mr. Christy was resolute
and auxious for a fight.
At late bour be embarked on a south.
epentag oat the LABQE8T 8TCCK of
Glmpure Laces,
. iii-uujnuuuc liiucii nuns.
tovtbb wsaiiiiuri all si ttnna
uoods iionse on un ureek.
ward-bound boat, being satisfied that dis
tanceand a good deal of it lends enchant,
ment to tbs view, so far as bia brids is con
cerned. liOttuI Notice.
For Sale Cheap
J. H MAGEE, Oil City, bas some very
desirable building lots lor sale in different
locations in Cl City. Also, ;new and sec
ond band machinery ef all kinds for sale
cheap. Office, No. 1, Sharp' Block,
Spring Street.
jnly 13-lia.
A fine lot of Imported Wines and Liquors
just received and tor sale by GAFFNKY.
Toe best Pittsburgh Lager at
For Sale or Kent.
A desirable residence located on Ibe Eg
bert Farm, a abort distance Irom town. For
particulars apply to
Petroleum Centre, June 14, 1872.
For Pale
11.000 lo 20,01)0 feet or SECOND-IUND
TUBING, at from 25 to 35 eta. per fool.
Tbe Tubing is in first class owlet and all
ready fitted.
April 23. tr. IT. H. WABN ER.
GAFFFEY'S Winea and Liquors for med
ical use. The best and cheapest.
Take Notice.
All parties knowing themselves indebted
to tbo firm of Scbermerboro it Ten Eyck.
flour and feed dealers, are requested to call
at theirs tore, so Washington Street, audi
settle tbs same immediately, as tbey lutecd
lo close out their business.
Sjukrmkbhorjj & Tux Etck-
Petroleum Centre, May 21, 1872. If.
Sunilav Comfort still on deck and for sal
To tub. Vubuc. -Tbs oil produolng com.,
muntty are advised that tne ol.Imanta, viz;
E. A. L. Roberts, William TJInde, William
Sboup, Hall Clark and Noah Mete, under
an alleged Patent fob tub dsb of Cabixo
in Oil. Wisnns, have again commenced suits
In tbs United States Courts against opera
tors for infringement. -
Meetings of all interested are hereby calU
ed, at Oil City on Friday, July 19, at 10
a. m , and at Parker's Landing at 1 p. m.,
on tbe following day, baturday, July 20,
for tbs discussion of msasurst of . defer.!
against this repetition of a threatened dsn
gevto tbs whole community.
Tbe counsel in tbe case will be present
and will-communicate any desired informa
tion. E. G. Patterson,
F. W. Mitcium.,
Lewis EMERY, Jr,
Wk. Brouoh,
General Committee.
P. W. Hastisoi, Secretary, jy 13-4120.
Gaffbey soils Lager
For Pure Wlnea warranted as such by lbs
Brotberbood of Brooion go lo GAFFNEY'S.
Mr. Boynton, ofMeadville, will meet 'b
Musical Soolety reoently organ lied in this
place, and all iboss Interested lo music, at
the M. B. Church, on Wednesday next, at
7:30 P. M. A full attendance it desired as
business of importance Is to be traneeotef'
Tboee wishing the osw sinning book can be
supplisd at tbat time.. Tbs first of tt
evening will be devoted lo begioers and tbe
latter part to those mors advaosed.
IMsNolution Notice.
The firm of J. A. 'Morley 4 Co., ' bas tbls
day dissolved by mutual oooaent All debts
will be paid to and all olalms settled by J.
A. Morley.. Persons Indebted to tbe flrm
will please call and settle at once and savo
costs. '
J. A. Morletv
F. D. Bkown
Petroleum Centre, July 13, 3.