The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, July 13, 1872, Image 2

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WMwi, toil CaJ
Gents' Furnishing Goods,
Have at la ooe.of the Asset assortmenta 4 '
Xnr oflendjn ths (Ml Higton,
Alt the Latest and Nobbiest Styles.
Gents' Furnishing Goods, &c.
Petroleum Centre Daily Record.
Aet. Centre, Pa., ftatnrdar, July IS.
9AJ . Divine Service.
Servloes every Sabbath at 11 A. M. and
lUP. M. Sabbath School at 12J4" P. M.
eats free. A oordlal invitation extend'
Od to AIL
Rev. F. W. Scofield, Pastor.
Preaching at 11 o'clock A. M., And 7),
OdOCk r. M.
D. FATTON, Pastor.
Petroleum Centre Lodge, No
ria, I. O. of O. F.
Regular meeting nights Friday, at 8
o'clock. Signed.
E. O'Flmcrtt, A Seo'y.
IVPlece of meeting, Main St., opposite
ouiimock UQuaa.
A. O. Ol V. W.
Liberty Lodge No. 7, A. O. of U. W.,
meets ever? Moadav evenlnc at 8 o'clock.
In Odd Fellow's Uall, Petroleum Centre,
A. Gun, I. W,
8. H. Eookis, R.
Gold at 1 p. m. 114
Tan Races. A large crowd Is In attend
ance at tbe races, on tbe Dal sell Flats, this
afternoon, and much sport Is anticipated.
A good many bets have been made on the
different bones, and eoosldeiable money
win onange nanus on tbe result.
too nrst rice is between Sorrel Frank and
Bonn Billy, for purse ol $60 a sMe, best
two in inre.
First beat was won by Luther's Sorrel
Frank, oomlng In to the pole nearly ten
lengths ahead of Roan Billy.
The second beat wis won by the Luther
borse. 1
up to tbe boor of going to press tbo last
raoo bas not come off.
uo. Niws. A new well was slruok on
the Dearborn farm, Shamburg, about a week
go, waion started up at 20 barrels per day
on ran down to about six barrels tbo Brit
three days. Thursday tbe well wm torpe
doed, and tbe production Increased to 25
barrels. The well Is owoed by Neatb Bros
of Sbamburg. Tbo Dearborn' farm lies
short dialance west of. Sbumburg In tbe di
Motion of Tltusvllle. Another argument 1c
hvor or tbo old Oil Creek territory.
me r ox weu, on ino uurry tarm, was
tubed, day before yesterday, and started op
making an sxoellent show for -oil. Lut
eight, on aceernt of a break lo the ma
cbloery, tbe well was temporarily shut
down. A good wel 1 is aotlolDite
Tbe well on the Pierce farm, upper Ben-
neoon nun territory, owned by Meiers. Ir
win, Eg belt aod Woods, of this place, will
oe completed in about tsrfdays. Important
renins ore loonsa lor on the completion o'
this well.
Every animil that is sdvertlesd can be
seen, aod every act that is advertUed Is
given with, the Central Park Ueoagerle and
Circus, thai visits Petroleum Centre on
Wednesday, July 24th. '
A ossAob game ol bate balL. between tbe
Pelrollai and the Columbia, ii to come oil
this sflrrnooo.
Tltusvllle is agitating the water works
question. The Holly systum appears lobe
la. favor.
The late Mr. Thackeray, one writing lo
Philadelphia friend from Peris, comment
ed upon American table manners, And i!d
be taw five Americana at tbe cupper table
At 8ee!e "with tbelr knives down tbelr
throats." A late Peril letter now going Ibe
tonnde of tbe papers, eeye the writer tew
en American gentleman eat flih with bli
Now wbfe we would not commend the
prectlo of iboTellog in one'i food with tbe
knife particularly if tbe knlle be a ibarp
one it la well to consider whether French
table manners are to be copied In ever In
stance. A Frenchman never touoces bli
kolfe to bit bird, but eat it uiiog bis So
ger! only, with napkin tuoked.. under bli
cbin and face and bands smeared wltb
gravy, 'and when the bird bas disappeared
be raps on bis snuff box wb lob Is beside
bis plate takei a long plucb of muff, with
amotion tbat reacbos ibe ears of all bis
neighborhood, and resting a moment juat
before tbe next course, blows bis nose wltb
a report tbat eoboes tbrongb tbe hotel.
Some Americans copy ' French manners.
They shove their shoulders up and down
when tbey talk, making violent gestures
and grimaces meanwhile. It Is said one of
these Imitative Yankees can be known at
Ibe table. Be spreads bis pooket handker
chief over bis lap bis napkin being need as
a bib aod periodically during tbe meal
clutches bis handkerchief by the middle and
blows bl nose like a trumpet Yon may
know tbat man bas been in France.
Red Mas. Below we give a list of the
officers of Mlnnekaunee Tribe No ' 183, Im
proved Order of Red Men, Instituted in this
place on Thuraday last, by District Deputy
Grand Sachem Kelty of Tltusvllle :
Bicbem L. H. Cullum,
Senior Ssgamoo Harry Howe. ,
Junior Sagamon James Deshler.
Prophet D. W. Nieldi.
C. of R. B. Wllklni.
K. of W. T. S. Armstrong.
Tbe Tribe meets every Thursday evening.
In Odd Fellows' Hsll.
Tub People -Stobe Sobel fc Auer-
bilm proprietors of tbo People's Store bavs
just received aootber stock of dry goods
purchased at auction sales In New York at
less figures than such qualities and atylea of
goods were ever before purchased In tbat
market Tbe People's Store bas justly be
come celebrated for' good goods At cheap fig
ures, aod tbe bottom prices have not yet
been reached, as eoarcely a day puses but
Another reduction Is made In their already
low figures. Tbe manager ef tbli establish
ment Mr. Auerbaim, knows bow to run tbe
dry goods business, having been engaged
In it for years, and is giving bis customers
tbo benefit of bis large experience.;
'Science and tbe Bible; or tbe Mosalo
Creation and Modern Discoveries. By
Rot. Herbert W. Merris, A. M , formeily
Professor in Newington College. Cloth,
$3.86; Plain Leather, $1,50 j Best French
Morocco, $5, 75b
Tbe subject of this work is the grandest
and tbe most profoundly Interesting that
can engage tbe science, or occupy the mind
of man tbe creation of the world, of tbe
universe. No question efthe present dsy
Is regarded with deeper or more serious In
terest, on every band, than tbe harmooy of
soieaiiBo discoveries and tbo teachings of
the Bible. Here tbe reader will Bod It de
monstrated that there Is no coofliot between
Scripture and Soienoe, tbat tbe facts of Na
ture and tbe records of Inspiration are In
universal and complete harmony, and tbat
true philosophy Is ever the willing hand
maid oi true religion. Tbe book la also a
study of tbe general system of tbe universe,
and of tbe lorms and force end functions of
creation, Ac In (act It Is a work tbat ought
to be in every household, and oo library is
complete without it.
Mrs. E. L Duel), ol Driftwood, Cameron
county, bas tbe agency for tbo sale ot thl s
valuable work, and la now engaged in eac
vming for it As It sold only by subscrip
tion,, we wouia savise an io aeeure a copy.
Mn Duell, In consequence of III health, Is
forced to take this mode of earning a livell
bood. We trust our eltiiens will aid berf
by subscribing for the work.
II what is said life Kentucky paper about
catcning nin wttn nitro-giyoerine be true,
pound fishing aod gill-Del fliblng is of no
acoount. A pound can of nilro-glycerlne
was auulr lo tbe Kanawha river and explo
ded, throwing a volume of water thirty feet
Into tbe air aod also eighty-six Bib, ol all
sizes. The Bib were stunned, not killed,
and were picked up by boats. Three ex
plosions were made, using three pounds ot
glycerine, and tbe catch of Bib was three
hundred aud Blty pounds. ,
That Is piscatorial murder, and tbe Inven
tor of tbat style or angllog should have tbe
ghost of Itaak Walton straddling bis atoms
ich every night during bis III.
QJsmei Black, often called "Blind Jack,'
tbe maker of the first bowie knife, died a'
tbe residence of Col. D. W. Jones, at Hemps
stead, Arkansas, on SStb oj June.
ol Cbanglna;
Linen tn
the care.
From the San Francisco Jontnst, 7tb.
A good story camo In with tbe overland
train on Monday night. Among tbe pas
sengers was a man possessed or a judicious
spirit of economy and a pardonable share
of vanity. The judicious economy was
msde manifest to the other eocft pints of
tbe oar by tbe tact tbat Ibe young man
wore plain clothing and a single Cheviot
sbirt all tbe way from Chicago, aod for the
pardonable vanity well, bow tbat became
I apparent is where tbe joke comes lo. He
bad only been to the East on a visit, ana
tbe girl a) bad left behind bim bad been
notified In advance ol bis approach, and, In
company with a few other friends was to
meet bim at Nllei' station.
Visions of rspture floated through his
brain, end seating himself In a secluded
corner of thecar, be poured forth bis spir
it's glsdneesin aguibof melody, some
what u thus:
"Home again, borne again,
From A fob-fob-reign shore;
And oh I it fills my oo-oul with joy
To me-he-eat my friends ooee m'orer''
Suddenly he bushed bis notes o 1 joy and
reached for bis carpet-bag.
Tbe appalling Idea flashed across bis
mind tbat tbe shirt which bad done him so
much good service which bad oluog to bim
during .the toilsome journey across two
tbouiand miles of mountain, plain and des
ert wss not exaolly the thing to appear In
if one wished lo intenslfyan already good
Impression. It certainly wouldn't be the
clean thing, be laid to blmsell it wouldn't
be justice to tbe sbirt. So he resolved to
change it But bow? Tbe car contained
seven lady passengers, and tbey watched
everything tbat was going on around them
with an assiduity that did honor to tbe sex.
"Ab. bat st r-rategy, my boy ?" said this
resolute young roan nnto himself, ''The
tunnel we are approacblug tbe tunnel.
Wltb good management I can do the deed
in tbe long tunnel just beyond ;Sunol" and
with a heavenly smile on bis manly features
ha gracefully Hfled bis carpet beg from tbe
floor, unlocked it and drew forth a snowy
sbirt, with nice frilled bosom. Then from
another access drew be a little package con
taining a pair of handsome sleevebuttoni
wanora let ot studs, which he quickly adjust
ed their proper places.
Casting a glance from tbe window be saw
tbat tbe train was not far distant fromhe
tunnel where tbe metamorphosis was to take
place, and so be turned bis back upon tbe
other paaaengers and begin to loosen sundry
buttons in short, prepared to shuck himself.
Presently the eventful moment came. Tbe
Jron borse plunged Into tbe dark recesses ol
tbe tunnel, and tbe car wis shrouded In
Impenetrable darkness. Presently a ray of
ligbt gleamed in fantastic sbsoes along tbe
rugged walls of the tunnel, and- by its faint
glimmer a struggling figure wss discernabla
in tbe directioo of Ibe young man's seat
As the light became stronger its gyrations
became more frantic Its great long arm,
encased in white, tbrasbed wildly about as
though in tbe agony of dispair, and finally
when with a sbrlek ol joy tbe engine dished
into tbe dazzling sunlight, It sank Into bis
seat apparently crushed with mortification
aod chagrin.
Tbe ladies screamed with terror and bid
tbelr blushes At tbe uouiual apparition
Strong men crushed their baodkercbiefi
Into their mouths and nearly choked with
emotion- Tbe figure reclined motionlei
on tbe ioJt cushion, until some one wltb
more courage than tbe rest advanced to as
certain who end what It was. Finally tbe
terrible truth waa revealed. Tbe white
covering was lifted, and from beneath op
pear".! the features of our young friend,
clolbou with carnation a richest rue: Tbe
mjitery waa soon explained. He bad got
ten the Cheviot off, but alast in bis hurry
and exoltement be bad forgotteo to undo
tbe collar fastenlog ot tbe white frilled front.
Horror I It would not bo over bis headl
. a.
W To TBI Public. -Tbe oil producing com
munlty are advised tbal tbe oliimantst viz
E. A. L. Roberta, William Hlods.L William
Sboup, Hail Clark and Noah Metz under
an alleged Patent roa tbb vsb or Casino
ur Oil Wills, have again commenced suit'
in tba United States Courts agains? opera
tors for Infringement.
AUetings of all interested are hereby csll-
ea, at utl Ulty on Friday, July 19, at 10
a. m , and t Parker's Lauding at 1 p. m.
on tbe following day, baturday, July '20,
lor toe discussion of measure of defense
against this repetition of a threatened dan
ger to the whole community.
TbeoouoseMo tbe cne will be preseot
aod will oommuaioite any dmlred inlorma
tloo. E. G. PlTTJSRSO.V,
F. W. Mitchell,
Lewii Etiicitr, Jn.
W11. Brouob,
Wm. A. Sbricvb,
General Committee.
P. W. HatTWCS,. SSeeretary. jy 13dt20.
The Peril
1872. 1MEWC00DS! 1872.
Important to our Patrons and thepvUia at large I
Hiving rait returned from New York w are now
Ever broaght to Petrolinm Centre, eoiapriilng the litest styles of DRESS GOODS, (
Japanese Silks, Shawls,
Also, a verv
liADlES ana oentk fuhnishiivu uuuus,
Carpets, Oil Cloths, Trunks, Valises, Satchels, &c, &c.
- Please call early nod examine for yourselves. 'j
The Oldest Established Dry
Letters from the People.
Kirns. The manaverof this journal, with
out eodorslng tbe sentiments ot contrlbators,
desires to offer tbe widest possioie isiiiuav
for free dlscuislon. It Is merely stipulated
tbat communications shall concern matters
ot public interest, be pnl in decent language
and accompinied with tbo names of tbe
writers, not for publication, bnt as A guar
antee of good laitb.
Plvxkr, July 13, '1872.
Mr. Editor: Io your issue ot yesterday,
over tbe signature Plomerlte, I notice my
name mentioned as being a party connected
with a Greeley Demonstration at this place,
therefore I wish, Sir, to have yon correct
tbe statement, for it was not so. I am a
Democrat, and such a dastardly attack on
my character, neither myself or frleods wlH
brook. I do not know Mr. Graeley, and
don't want to koow bim. Hoping to be
placed right before my friends and fellow
1 remain Yours,
Kitty. .
The gossamer playing upon tba soft breeze
Tbe sunny stream strsylog, neatb blossom
ing trees,
Tbe mavis high soaring so joyous and free,
All beauty adorning s 111 Kitty for me,
So kind is sweet Kitty so fair ia ber lame
The wise and tbe witty smile on ber tbe
When helpless, near dying long, long 1 bad
Who tended me trying to allevKte pain
Day by diy, week by week, the watebed by
my side
With a pale dewy cheek, ltke young wid
owed bride T
Twas Kilty, dear Kitty, a boon from above
With looks full or pity end deeds lull rf
love I
The bonny rore grafted more lovely ap
pears A pure spirit-wilted to happier spheres,
And Kity, dear Kitty, bow smiles by my
More charming, more prertyr'my beautiful
bride '
Each pleasure, each treasure, each blessing
I sbsre
With Kilty, dear Kitty, my blossom to rare.
Parker OH Field
There are wells being drilled east of But
ler by Lambing, Angel and others.
On tbe Scott tract, west of H'Clym'onds
there Is one well drilling and one nearly
ready to drill.
Tbe M'Clymondt firm company have
leased eight five acre lots for immmedlate
operations and D. Kami bat leased 6 or 8
same size, on tbe Riddle farm' which joins
the M'Clymoods on the east.
The Batch well nortb-weetof the Blaoev
farm about eighty rods It doing 78 barrels
per dsy. And very close to tblt tbere Is
another well (owners not known to roe) pumping aooui iuo barren per
Tbey are again drilling the well on the
Jamison farm North of Butler. Tte show
io the fifty foot roek war not very promis
ing. Lsod in tblt motion' Ir also being
leased rapidly wltb tbe expectation of catch
ing tbe Milford belt.
About 3 miles west of Falrvlew, Bl B.
Campbell, Lemby A Co., are putting down
a test well on another Campbell farm; It
would seem tbat tbere war a kind en
chantment connected with tbo ' ntme ol
Campbell In this eection.
opening oat tbe LABQEeT BTCCK of
GJrapnre Laces,
fine selection of
8UBli St AliKUHAin,
Ooods Moose on UU ifceek.
Tbe M'Clymoods well Is about oie and
one-bair miles tooth -west of tbe Blany firm.
At this point another town bat been laid
out, esters! lots have been leate'f, and
buildings already commenced. Between
tbe points aforesaid, all tbe land bas been
teased, or beoght lor oil purpose!. And
upon every farm witbin tbo limits of the
known belt operations have been commen
ced and then continuing south-west Iron
tbe Blaney farm to Faltview township line
tbera la little or no laod to be round In tbe
bands or possession of tbe original ownerr,
Emleoton Friend.
liOcal Notices.
For Sale Cheap
J. II' MAG EE, Oil City, baa tome very'
desirable building loll lor tile lo different
location! In Oil City. Also, 'new and sec
ond band machinery of All kind! for ills
ebeap. Offlo, No. t, Sharp's Block,
Spring Street.
July 13-Im. -
A line tot ot Imported Wlnei aod Liquor
jutl received and lor tale by GAFFN-EY.
Tbe best Pittsburgh Lager at
For Sale or Kent.
A desirable residence loeited on tbe Eg
bert Farm, a short dtttsaoe Irom town. Fur
partlculare apply to
Petroleum Centre, Juno 1, 1872.
For ale
1&000 to 20,000 feet of 8ECOND-HANI
TUBING, at from 26 to So cte. per fooL
Tbe Tubing is in first class order and air
ready fitted.
Apr" 23. tf. n. H. WARNER.
GAFFFEY'S Wines and I.lnunn fornwA.
leal use. Tba best and ebeaoest.
Take Notice.-
AN parties knowioc themaelvea Indebted
to tbe firm ot Scbermerboro A Ten Eyck,
flour and feed dealers, are requested to cell
at their store, 00 Washington -Street, aod!
settle tbe eame immediately, at tbey ioteod1
tw vim uat lueir uusi oess.
. Petroleum Centre, Miy 21, 1872. if. '
'iiindiv Comfort still on deck and for ulr
Lord's .
Boiler Powder f
necaoTaraM PrcTeatloa off
Thli Powder will Bemoye
Any 8ca no matter How iBick
or Hardnt may be, and keep
the Iroh i& a good condi
tion for ges.
; A. J. HAWfcEY, .
r trolenm Oert!e, I a., ( the only inthorlzcd igwit
In Oil Eegl. n to the alitor the Powder, ot wUom
It wo be obtained by ibe beg or pound.
IjrujiiUofortaliatrhe-iiardwire Store or
Geo W. (Vlseor, Fetroleua Centre, Pa
Dleaolntloa Notice.
The Urn) of J. A. 'Motley & Co., ' bis tb
day dissolved by mutual consent. Alldebis
will be paid to and all claims settled by J.
A. Horley. . Fereaos indebted to the firm'
will please oall arn tetUe at ooee aod save
J. A. MonxET.
F. D. Baow
Pstroleum Ceatw, July IS, Sw..