JJV EL CffiHRESTTIIS, fnmerics, W ashisigton Progs, Fa Street, Pet tent Medicines, Per roleuih (Centre, Fi JAM KBTOff N CLOTHING MORE." Suoday it bealtiulnir In hn lltillvuft In Dsnbtirv. We aw n man rnt!Vhil .irosl I.AMMER8, THE ONE PRICE CLOTHIER. Sunday aflernoo-i. with it henllhy tiring of Another Cbmlilzsatlon Broken! ? 10 on nana wbleh tin bai jtitt lekrn front e oelobborln etrearn. ITe t.V.nw.A V him ome dhtauoe in fconea lo nee lmd rnn dead, bat be didn't fl.i it.rn.r,h.,r Newt. J'-A.MJSTO'WTSr Ootid eS tore Ao ALL BOSS CLOTHIER OF THE OIL KEG-ION First in War, FIRST IN PESACB, And First in with a New Stock of SPRING AMD SUMMER TYLES '8, MO Gents' Furnishing Goods.&c Jap Ql$mot ps, m., The finest Stock ever .Wight to Oil Creek. Necli-Ties, 1 Scarfs. Bows, &c NEAT AND NOBBY SUMMER OVERCOATS! LATEST PARIS FASHIONS. LIKEN CLOTHING SOLD CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST f AtdlV babil ate (aid liol la have Im proved by long abience from his mother, and like the Prince of VlTalee in Pari, be In too touch ol en,iiar,ltueof (ba concert u- ioon, woere I He parent Id Brazil do oot oonuri'gn(. THk. Mil. MAMKETm Bi P. 4 A. TEL. LINK. PlTROLKtM CeNTRI Drf.T PCPIHD July 8. 1872 The petroleum market la oiilpt and dull lo-dy at $3,1.5. Wo beer of no traot- aollobt. fhllaoeiphia, July 8. Crude 1! Refined 22 1. .. v July22f Aug. 22. " M irkei Quiet. Pitteborii, July 8. Crude upot, 9,1 . B. O. ell year, lift. 8. O. do. 11. Eeflncd Spoi 23 July. 22. Market quiet Crnde 12,. Rrflneo, 22'. Market Firm. Mew XorK. July 8. CULOUMiU KU4.&. Mew foRC, July 1. Gold 11 Sl. Hew Goods ! L. GKAF0W1TCH, Merchant Tailor J Ilu Jopt retnrned from Kew York with the lint asortmi cf t'OKKia.N AND DuMKdl'lU LKltlls. lassinji'Rs, and Vfstinsrs, 4nf table for Mpc's and Bo ' Wt, ever bruUtfUt to reiruittum i en ire. aino, a mil unooi GENTS' FCBNISHiNG GOODS. CUSTOM WOHK nromntlv attchded to. and rood flip tmarantetd.. 'file people o tlila place and vicinity cm buy bet tor Clothing of me, ncd SS fKR t BNT t U&Ai' KK th in in Titiuville, Oil City or elsewhere. Give lue a call. , li. tJHAFOWITCH, Next Do.ir lo Srtl tli'a Nalonn, Itaeh-liigiou-u. Pol. Cciiire. Pa. m3 tf. JAMAIS It. KEED at CO., DE.'XEUS IS WITCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY, No. 68 Fit lb iTenne, PITTSBURGH. FA fine Watches Carefully Kepaired. m7 mS. FOR SALES St-coiid-IInl (Ml Well nn- nlle. 10UO.I ft 8 i" T' BINti, 10, CO ft 61 and i ardS Inch CAS Nfl, 6,' 00 ft SMALL Hi K, e.COOfi sri'KKH RUiS.t ln-h. inch 7 and 8 In. b DRIV ING P1PB, KIT riNGH atonelialf price of New. GAS and MOTAKT !'HI 8 for aale or to rent. KNtiiriBd a-d MOILBIts of all nt. at iiowi: t cosh's. Boi 220. llrt.M!f THE ONE PRICE CLOTHI OF 'J HE Oil. REGIONS 6 Spring St., TITUSVIIiLSI; Has broken the outrageous Clothing Monopoly. . Chatham Street bai become demoralized. Shoddy Cluibing It at a "dlreotiU Tbe WHERE TOO 0AM FIND ALL THE 13 AT TEE CHEAT . i -. . t . . 1 . who x-riuw uiouuug IS lure I " . f IW TITCSVILLE. V Iii 3STobby Business Suits i My Stock contains ever mak of Goods. COATS AND TESTS.- I have a larger assortment than any hous onteid if New York City. J There fi Xo doubt but that l&y. Stock! (A is ahead of anything Jin America, eithei fot qaality fatyle. ' Petroleum Centre, Pa. tr , 1 can and will SeU Cloth- ni of all kloda cheaper than Ibe fame article! Oan be bought lo Tltueville, U I City or J other point ouUlde of New Voik City, and ao ezamioaiioo ol toy (took and prices will eoiflaoe any eu of tail fai. A.. ALDSN, CITY HOJEL A3IiESTAlRAT, ' spring street, . T1TUSVILLE, PA. Thos. Goodwin, Prop'r. Tbla Hotel la dantrally located Tha best of ac- commodatlona afforded to gnests tranaient oi per mauent Every delicacy cf tha aeuon ccnatantly on hand SOMETHING NKW The proprietor hat ine very near lacmtiea in tne country tor d t aaoi INO OY8TKH8. Tltnwrllle. Dec 80, 187111. The True Dlan. IAmonihly I fournai, devo JtwT V the iottreetsof M pe pie who Ji upt'tid tod. py ri'ipi nh org. in oi in" i nut ri.Ai run L1BH1NG AND COMMISSION UOC8B. 8()enti yw(. wuw biui) ii r itrcimeut ai u luurii aow you my reducyour UtIu? expftinea to to 60 pr cnt. without dlmtot.h.ng comforts or luxuries ensatiooiu. " Of Inters' to veryhoity. Addrort JobD B Aid.., MstDayf-c, 4M Wwt J)ckaan ikum FASHIONABLE HATS & CAPS f WHITE and CHEVIOT SHIRTS. X cannot be beat in this jDepaTtment . ri IiLE OF men's Furnishing Gooda I IS COMPLETE. Parties in want of OOOD CLOTHING-, Can Save Mono v. By coming to my Storo where there is everything new, nd where you Cjduuy 10 Per Cent. Less than Ksewhere And wUy, d.o yon ask, because I have only . ONE PRICE. Goods ar,e all marked in plain selling fiar.es, and I sell mm Goods than any 10 atorea combined. I tell every eueiomer alike and throw la NO Suirti, Suapeodrra or Collar, lo make ao,e:tra profit no Clolklog. blld or fire yeara can buy aa cheap aa a man of afty. C" I cordiallyt invite all niy pjd' CMtojnerj in Petroleom Centre and vicinity to come and purchase their Clothing at My Store, PROMISING BETTER GOODS ! And Later Styles for Less Money I Than Any House in the Retfan. Tiro PBIC& aATHlXft;