The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, July 08, 1872, Image 2

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Kane to oTY:Jand, Smith Co.,)
BJof-caant Tailors !
CO', 'PO- ft MAXKUX 8TS.,
Hmk pat la one of ths flesst asor:raents 9
UL01U8& (J A 8S1MERE3
ear eftjradjB ths Oil Segtoa.
alith LatertaodNobbUsttttylei.
Gents' tarnishing Goods, &o.
Petroleum Centra Daily Record
ret. lenlre, P., Monday July 8.
IMvtno Service.
Servioe every Sabbath at 11 A. M. ano
iH M. Sabbath School aC 12H I. M.
aatifre. A eonHur Invitation extend
ed to all.
Bit. P. W. Soofixld, Pastor.
. presbtterIan CHURCH.
Preaching at 11 o'clock A. M., and
o'clock P.M.
D. PATTON, Pastor.
Petrolewn Centre IVodger
TlSt I. 0t. P.
Regular meeting nights Friday,
at 8
o'clock. Signed.
E. O'Flirrrtt. A Sec'r.
OfPlice of meeting, Mafn St., opposite
Mrtllntock House.
a. o. of v vr.
T.lherty Lodge No. T. Jt O. of U. W
meets evrv Monday evening at 8" o'clock,
la Odd Fellow's HH, Petroleum Centre,
A, Gl, M. W.
8. n. Kooiir. R.
Gold at 1 p. m. MS
Firs. o alarm of Are was founded
about half pant nine o'clock, Saturday eve
ning last) which eanied considerable excite
ment, and resulted In tbe destruction ol the
derriok at tbe Leedham well, Central Pe
troleum farm. It appears the workmen bad
been engaged In benziolog tbe well, and
one of them left a lighted derrick lamp In
tbe derriok wbloh set Pre to the benaine and
.caused an explosion, ta tling Ore to the der-
-rlok as above stated. On the Walker lease,
uut aaurt uieiaucv until mv urv, was
tank containing two hundred barrels of oil,
wbloh was saved through the exertloos of
Me. N. B. Parker and several others, who
succeeded In building a dam' and tnrnlnn
tbe bur'ntog bensiie way from tbe tank.
The engine house, lank, ftc, on tbe Leed
ham 'ease, waa alao aavad. Tbe lots It es
timated at abont $300. Had the bnrnlog
benclne not been turned from its course
disastrous conflagration would have result
.ad, atbe Walker, Fox and several of tbe
Glottal Co't sraUi were but a short distance
Accidrxt. A- gentleman from Kane
City Informs us that Mr. T. O'Donneil and
lady, ot that village,. net with tad acci
dent, yestarday mornrng. He was coming
to tbe Centre In a carriage, when tbe boras
became frightened aod baeked over an em
bankment on Cherry tree Quo, throwing
him aud tbe lady cut, breaking bit left arm
near the wrist, and severely bruising bin
otherwise. The lady had on of her anklet
badly sprained, and waa-alao severely bur
by tbe la.ll. Mr. O'Donoall bss the sjmpa.
ales 01 msoy menot in bit misfortune.
Qq thelirh of tblt month, the Central
Path, Heoagerh aodOlrous lt to pay our
wa visit. Mr. Davit, one ol ika .it-
warn agents of tblt mammoth onasm,
ta tow to-asy making tb necessary ar.
ragantt for their oomlng. Tblt Inttline
tiooltlrtrolase Is all Its appointments,
and has received the highest encomiums Of
toe press sod public, wherever It hat ap
peared this season. Ws predtol a crowded
yj""""i v am wewioai bbi Tint
Mi ci tb!i iBtotr.
Ah in In Bearer Fall.
Eighty C'lln-raen arrived 1 Beaver Full,
Invoictd to the ittry Company, Saturday
evening. They re ri-gitliiyooil-s." mch
s bnv affllcied tbe laboring interes a I
tli Pacific cosst lor lww' years, e'iri plac
ed t!ie cupftM r-f tbat country In lb bands
rrf. f monopolisms. Pal ipo t obedient.
tO':-(( mfc; willing and anxious, to work;
b 'mu noihinii ill Mlivsblp with white
people, opium etiokl' g, narrow nrnded,
fiiibtul In the perliirinnce ol tlmlr duties,
neither eutji-cl to inability, drunkenness or
freidoni ol thought, tinptogrersiva uniDVpn
lire Clilnamen. They have adopted
Melicau" panta and boon, aill retaining
their natiooal luuse tunic, wbiob la fat tanre
comfortable Id the human frame than tbe
combination! we ouialde barbarians bar-
neat our human trunks in aa a loot white
handkerchief li to t tight paper Polar and
eratat around One't Deck these sultry day.
Evefy on of tborn can read and writ, bat
tt It a loading and writing of th past, that
leads to 00 Improvement fa tbe present.
Aa Chock, Esq., comes with them to "boss"
tbe outfit Tbe are from tbe very dregs ol
society In their own land, and yol we defy
any civilized oation to prodttoe as quiet,
orderly and law abiding a set of men from
lie dregs aa these Cblnamen.f Beaver
Tbe Press alao thinks tbe experiment ot
employing Cbioese labor will not prove
Tbe Rack The race on tbe Detail
flats, on Saturday afternoon last,- between
Howe ft Cook'a grey mare Lady Thompson,
and tbe sorrel burse Cochran of Rousevilie,
(or a purse of $100 a side, best two to three
beats, was won by tbe Rousevilie bo'se.'
Tbe first beat was woo by Lady Thomp
son, woo caao Into tbe pole two lengths'
ahead. On' ibis heat tbe Rousevilie borse
hsd fwojtinty the start.
Oo tbe second beat tbe RotiseviHa borse
came to tbe pole two lengths (bead. Tbe
result on tbit heal would probably have
been In favor of Lady Thompson, but for
the fact of tbe rider of tbe Rousevilie borse
either losing or throwing bis bat off about
the centre of tbe track, the hat striking tbe
Lady Thompson on tbe bead and frighten
ing bar Into losing ground.
Or tbe third beat Lady Thompson broke
and tbe rider was unable to held her to tbe
Iraek. consequently tbe race was decided In
favor o!Coehrao;
There was a large crowd of peepfe In at
teadanca from Rousevilie aod thia place,
and belt wete freely offered and taken on
both animals.
An- exceedingly dlsgrscelul fight tank
place on Wasblugtun street, at a late hour
on Saturday nijajt, in which several parties
from Rousevilie, Columbia farm and Ibis
place, who are "big enough, old eootigb
and ought lo know better'' than to indulge
lo midnight broils, were engaged. A like
occurrence will result in double to the par
ties as tbe proper aulboritha are boood to
put a stop to tucb disgraceful affaire.
Tbe baas ball match on the Columbia
farm, Saturday afternoon, between tbe Col
umbine and Potrollss, iceolted In tb latter
olub getting badly batted. Score 19 to 66.
Nrw Well Tbe new well ot Powen ft
Griffith, on the Brown farm, Cberrytree
Hun, commenced pumplogoo Friday igbt
laal, at tbe rale of 12 bblt daily. Will proba
bl settle down to tlx or eight barrel well
Tbe ssme gentlemen hive two more rigs up
on tbe lease aod will soon put up one more.
Tbe Brown farm bss no dry boles, aod It ai
good small well territory aa tba region ai
Bloodgood's combination, advertised lo.
Sobers Opera House, Friday night, failed to
oonect. disbanding In Tituaville. Blood
good, judging Irom tbe name ought to be
good, but' It appears ia oo good. We .would
ice to see old) lor an advertising bill to
the amount of $3,66; Taylor tbe bill posts
er, would r Jolce at seeiog tbe light of bis
countenance hereabout. Cross ft McOm
ber, tent silgDtcd at tbe noo-sppearaoce of
Uloodgood. Several other parties would
like to see blm. ''Ob, he's got to come" did
oot appear to work ber or at Oil- City, a!
tie railed to come. His agent's nama Is
Steere. Should be bsppen in town at any
future time tbe chances are be would Steere
out of towo at a tno-forly rate followed by
tba curses of tbe little bill holder. Blood
good should cbsogo bis name to Blood bsd,
or else explaio wby it it tbat be falls to ap
pear Wltb bit world renowned (?) combine
tlon, after contracting bills, ftc. Blood
good, your creditors In Petroleum Centre
sigh in vain" to make tt warm for you
ana swear nanuiiy at ins mere mention Of
your nam. Beware or uloodgood. Ht's
no goad.
A Kansas City man rroouUy dtsd froi
the poison of a eppar musket-ball wbloh he
bad carried around lo him tinea tbe bttlle
of Basoa Ylstt.
Warns Is tg hire a itreet rtllroid
Fire at Imperial Oil
rnfliii to Dailt Rfcond bt W. 0. Te
L I -
Oil Citt, July -3 r. .
About 2.30 p. m. a fire broke out at Im
perial refinery Oil Co. Works at Siverly
Six cars of oil were burned aod lor a long
time tre works were In danger ol being
burned. ,
One ot their tanks caught but was pot
out. '
Tbe Are la now under oooirol and no dan
ger of tbe refioery.
There are 11 csrs aod all the receiving
tacks ouroed.
Letters from tbe People.
Noti The manager of this Journal, with'
out eodorsingtbeseiitimenti 01 contributors,
desires to offer the widest possible latitude
for free discussion It it merely ttipulatrd
that commuuicalinnt thall concern mallets
01 public iuteicst. be put lo decent laogueKO
aod acomtsoled with tbe Daniel of tb
witters, nut lor publication, but aa a guar
antes of good faith.
Letter rroaa Brawn Farm.
A new well was finished last Friday by
Messrs. Powers ft Griffith, which makes a
very good show lor a laeting five barrel well.
Tbe above firm will commence another well
in a few tUyli
Capt. A. G. Oliver finished a well 00 the
McElwse farm last week wbiob bids lair to
be a nice paying well. He hat another rig
about ready to start up.
. Oliver, Msrkle ft Co., alto expect to com
mence dtililng la a few days.
Murray Bro's. are going to drill tbe latter
by contract.
A lively race Is anticipated between these
three parties, who will alt ttart pear tbe
tame time.
Ed. Fistier will complete a well lo a few
S. Elliott, Sr., bat a well down 400 feet,
J. B. Painter ft Co., have purchased
apt. Barber's wells, and Intend putting up
a large boiler toon.
A new road from here to Ryod farm la
about to be let to some good party to build.
Altogether tbe Brown larm it bound to be
tbe place on Cherrytree Ruu.
A is mentioned as a curious fact by old
Woodsmen that the beech aud sycamore
tree sre never struck by lightoing, though
fjund in close proximity ta osk, hickory
and treetol other species tbat have been
sesmeti, or torn to pieees by the subtle
Erie h going to build an Opera House.
Among tb list of patents recently granted
is one to Amasa P. Gotham, of Tidloute
for Auto n alio tanfplug device for torpe
Col. E. A. L. Roberts, ol Tltusvilie waa
tbe reoipieot of an elegant present at tba
baods of several agents employed by him in
tha torpedo business, ia tbe ibapa ol a cosl
ly diamond pin valiied at $1,200. Tbe pre.
sentatlon speech waf made by our former
townsman, Mr. Levi Mason, aod was bappi
ly responded to by the Colonel. At tbe
conclusion the assembly partook of a sump
tuous repast gotten up under tbe super vie
loo of Mrs. Robert!. Tbe whole affllr
psssed off pleasantly and will not won be
orgotteo by the participants;
Tbe artist's adieu to his picture Tou be
Mr. Michael Dice, of St. Louis, has a
horse which gambol aud throws Dice.
What two colon ara undiscernlblet In
visible green tod blind men's buff.
Sacramento offer what it emphatlcslly
entitlea Sacramental wine, for twenty flve
cents a gallon.
Tbe darkle at Paducab, Kentucky, eject
ed a white man Irom a ball tbe other night.
Til for tail
A ghost' at' McKepsporl, Pa., .rushes
around with a stiletto crying, "Lovely crea
ture, tbon mutt die."
A man wbo works for bit living should
marry a woman taller than blnueK. "The
laborer la worthy ot his higher.''
'Thou rainest in my bosom,' ai a chap
said when a basin of water war tHrown
over blm by the lady he was leieoadlDgi-
II It Halt d tbat- thirteen children war
torn on board lb steamer Scandinavian
on ber recent voyag from Liverpool to Qua-
A Boston' jublle correspondent writ
tbat at tb Art! not those of the audience
occupying front seat "wilted Ilk th vie
tlojs of a toller tvplosion.'"'
1872. IMEWCOODS! 1872.
Important to our Patty andth puMio at large I
ofaaght to tVrol.oo Coat oomprUtog the lste of BEE88 OOOttt,
BOLXiff VilElDEN Casmeres
HUIICSC raiinat
llan a rv fine'
CarpetsT Oil Cloths, Trnnks, lalises, at( hils &c., &c,
n. mrit. FitfAWiilied Dpv floods House on Oil Creek.
Nuoara Falls. W received, a few
week since, tbit beautiful Cbromo, issued
by Colion, Zbam 4 Roberts, aod believing
tbat It could not fall of being popular, we
bava made arrangement! to place it upon
our premium list. Aiwegltoce at it at It
baogt oo our wall, in tbe deep gilt frame in
which we bava placed it, we teem to be
looking, oot at a picture, but at lb real
Fall lo tbe distance, and w almost listen
to tba roar ol that wonderful sheet of water,
at It rushes beedloog over tha precipice,
datbing againtttb rocks beneath. Tba
Tower and Horseshoe Fall, with all their
surrounding, are at elearly porirsyed as
tbe toft, tllvery, overhanging milt will al
low; land the scenery loth rear, to tar
away and yet so real, contrastad wltb lb
bold evergreene wbloh Hand out to distinct
ly in tb toregtound, lends an added charm
lo the picture, which It, in a word, a grand,
truthful representation of a well known and
far famed subject Tb regular price of tbe
cbromo ta five dollars. We will furnish it
as a utemtutn for three subscribers to the
Magazine, or for onttubscrrptlon'thr jea 4
in advance. Address ft 8. Wittd ft Co.
Newburg, N. V.
W have already orad dbotlon, lay th
Sleubenvtlla Herald, of' the discovery o!ol
at IYoadste,' this coubry, snd glean tbefol
lowing fadt from at gentleman from tbat
place, who' presented' us with a sample o'
tbe oil. The Iron company there, lor th
purpo of securing a better supply oleoal
have been engaged In making two drjfta or
eotriea through a targe bill, and through
the diamond vein of coal. The drift ate
considerable dialaoo apart, and in pssslug
tbrongh, a Nam of heavy oil of a fine qual
ity bai bean started, tnd runt across saoh ol
tbe driftey eompelllbg a tsmportry suspen
sion of tb work. Tba oil stranrwts clean
ed out, and'Ore-clay set In lb drevice, but
without Hopping it entirely, it removes
considerably tbe danger from explosions, of
which thsra bava been tsveral lately, mak
ing It uosaf lor workmen. It it the Intent
tlon ol tb company to force tba eotrlet
cVar through the hill, and thereby secure
proper ventilation, when an Investigation
will be mad ol th ow discovery. Tbl
Is the only oil dlscovsred In tb Immediate
neighborhood, wltb tbe exception ol slight
indioatioot In an old salt well, near by
and many parlies ar sanguine that the
discovery wi";V be valuable, a tb oil i of
superior quality and crop out we'll. A few
year ago. when tb excitement wtt at it
height, thlt stream could hare been told-by
the foot for a handsome figure.
Alas! her Is another fonaly eberisbed
tradition sternly swept away by tb Rev.
jumeiB. Dunn, of Boston, Mass., wbo It
traveling In Palestine. Th ravtreod gen
tlman visited tb Dead Be, and bit dis
cretion of that notorious tbsat ol water and
talt flatly contradict all tba aocountt of alt
other travelers. He says tbat th water
ar clear and tipple beautifully, that tbe
sboret ar green wlfb thrubbery and bright
with pretty flower. H admits, that tb
waters ar bvy and bitter, bnt denies tbat
they ar nvr ruffled; on' tb contrary,
"their wavaa tplathed on th pebbly beach,
and In tb distance their whit orsti looked
Ilk to many whit swans."
ftTbe Moscow Exhibition resembles other
eiblbltioDfln Its arransmsdU, butlnitt
charaoler It It oomplily national. It It
not designed Illustrate tba' mult of hu
man prograaa. bnt of Russian progrosimsre
Milk is selling at a cent a quart In torn
parts ol MInncwt. This ptloe will oot piy
tor in wttr bm tear or 9 eowi tail !
rwltchln'g fllst.
Glmpure Laces,
Ready-Made Linen Suits,
selection of
W understand that the New York Pips
Co-, ar laying a line from Tltusvilie is
Triumph, add will hav it completed In
about thirty day. If tblt is so It will hurt
tb shipping business at this point some.
We need a competing the of transportation
in ordei to keep even with other shipping
LochI Notice.
A One lot ot Imported Wln and LlQuon
jutt received tnd for tale by GAKFNtlf.
Tb bett Pititburgb Lager at
Fur Sale or Itent.
A desltabl residence located on tb Ee
bert Farm, a abort dittanee Iron town. For
partioulart apply to
Petroleum Centre, June 1, 1873.
- JU-tf. ,
15.000 fo 20.000 feet of SECOND-HAND"
TUBING, at from 25 to 36 cis. per foot.
Tbe Tubing is in first claw order and all
ready tilted.
April 23. tf. . n. H. WARNER.
GAFFFEY'S Wiuea aod Uliii.-vra for met
ioal us. Tb beet and ofaeapesil
Take Notice
All parties knowing themselves lodeblrd'
to th Arm of Scbermerborn dV Ten Eyci,
flour and feed dealers, ara requested to c t
at their store, oo Washington Street, sod
settle the same immediately, a tbey Intsod
to Clot out thaif business.
SCrittftlilRBORM ft Tb Etck
Petroleum Centre, Msy Jl, 1871. If.
Gaffney sell Lager
,JIf you
Want a Salesman, ,
Want a Servant Girt,
Want' to M a" Horse,
Want to Sell a Patent,
Want to Lend' fhney1,
Want to Buy a Houe,
Want to fell a Carriage,
Want to Borrow Money, .
Want to Sell no Oil Well,
Want to Bay an Engine or Boiler,
Want to Sell a House and Lot,
Want 10 And a Strayed Animal,
Want to Pu'ohas an Oil Inter eet,
Want to Sell a Piece of Furniture,
Want to Buy a Seeohd-habd Carriage,
Want to Sell Tubing, Castas, a Pip,
Wan to Find' an owuar for aavihlsr
Found, advertise In tb Recob. a not leu
than ten thousand people read It weekly.
For Pure Wines warranted as nieh hv Ids
Brotherhood of Broctoo go to GAfYNEY'?.
Sunday Comfort sliii on deck and for ttll
Saturday, July 13th, 1872-
Betveen Sorrel Frant & Roan Billy
For Prirs of $50 00 a Sid. Best Two
Second Hmee.
Between Grey Mare Lady
Thompson and Sorrel
Horse Cochran.
For Furs of $100 a Rid. Bt Thros l
Will commence at Robsoo's Hotel, Wash
ington 6L, at H o'olok a. m. Baturdsy.v
Rseet to eavo t I o'eleek tasrp.