i X a if t KEW At)VERTIgEMENT3. --Incorporated 1800.) Columbia Pre Insurance Co OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS. 8. 8. Ditwtler, Prea't. I Robt. Crane II. Wilson. Vice Prest J Wb, Patton Uerb't Thome, Treas Jan. Schroedor J. F. Frneautr, Seo'y ( J- A-Striae J. B. Bachmaa I U- U. Strlckler Ceo. Bogle I K. T. Ryon Tot IntararCe or Agencies, addreas , i. jr.. KtE .tire, riilumbla. Pa. A(tENt& WANTED FOR LIFE AMD TIMES Or Jas.Fisk,Jr msiSBaftar oy stises about "llfcACK KKIDAX." Over CoO psgos. Price NE VOKft BOOK CO., US Niuwan Bt, N. Y. Hafeond Profitable iiiviifiut Bomte. St .me ur the Wml.hiest count. e ro aaAo ,'ru KwritrrdiylhoHite f Kfuwan Inlwwt at.d imy 7 par cent, Intercut Mid ate over three years bid. tho coupons bsvtns been always regularly ami . -. " - - " ..nil t iiiiirm 11 1 ll It) . nfl. 1 S 8 a M'L A. uayCoi.d acalw w.u , K. Y. City. raaBt. MARK The Bet Hair Dreanins and lttoreo. XilliOlld NtiV Yoitr lrnlst Has It. 1(irtilhln Nfillil FOIlllfiilillS ! O00D. ' DUKABLS AND CUKAIM OD, ' DUKABLS AND C'UKAr Hlilpiu'd Kendy nr uso i J. W. CHAPMAN & ;, Madlnon, Ink gy'SEND FOR CIRCULAR Cheap Farms -Free lloiucs ON THB 1.INB OF TICF! VNIOiV PACIFIC RAILROAD A Uri Grant tf 12,0110,0110 AOBKS in the f arming aau uirerm uuiua m niuuriuu. 3,000,000' Acrei In Nebraska In the GEBAT PLATTE VALI.KV, thd Garden of the wm, Now tor raie. Thnw, land, are iii the Cntral ixrtlon of the Till ted M.itw, un tho 41t degreo of North Latitude.tha central line of tho grunt Temperate Zone of tho A merlcin Com In nt, and far eruiti iiniwi.itr and itock raifllne umtiirpiunted by any in the United H'aiefl. CIIKAHhlt IN PKICK. more fitvorablu term. Klvf-n, and tuoreejnvoriluul to market than can be ronna eieewnere. I'REB UOMBTEAOS FOR ACTUAL BETTLEKa. The Best Lncitlnnn for Colonlni. Roldler, Entitlid to a Uomcstcwl of '160 Acrea Tree Panne to HurcliaKer ot Land Bend for the new Deeeiltttive Pamphlet, vitu new rnape, pnblhed In Knu'llfti, German, Swedish and jianinn. maiica ire everyvvnere. Addroae, i. P HAVIS, LiudCommlaJloncr, U. P. K. K. Co., Oinaha, Neb. Mnuon'i Copper Tnbnhr Lightning Rod, with btdral Elanas, li list mart oompletu protcilona galnat llghtimiK ever larvented Endureed by tbe arJentinc wurid, and nj' w noiopate uuaiers iroti Maine tn Georgia, fmi tut Oltoular to LUC'K TtAHT . CO.. V.IH Pnnn ... PitHtllitrh. IV. or N . T. COPPKR LIOHTNINU ROD ' CO, Sit Union 'ATEKTOHY OK TRHIMI H9 over dvrrmfla. ver dleape. bowel fomtnaitiM, nnd variottn foaVlle and nerronadleordctrt, has nnmortalized the telt. aer epa. and the victuno aru now repealed into', ont thla hemlKliliere bv TAP.KiNT'K KKPKllVKH- CBN'f KIiy,KK APKRlCNT; eoutainiiK all the elementa and producing all the b.ippy immuIib ot the uiaai uornan opring. BOLD 11V ALL DKUOOIsrS. NO MORE RUBBINGS! STONE'S FOUNTAIN : WASHKU3. Keuil Prlo", $l,ot) HrOlSK FOHD, 6att Arch qt., i'biladullua, I'a. Koua tor Crcuiur- IPovnny co of RUnfl, Rleediu2. Hvhlua or 1H- f cerattil pi) Unit Db BlVS 0 FlLH JlKMRJiT I fails to cure. It W ore- J pared expressly to euro the Pilt. fnU uoiuiug eine. Hold by all Druggkts. ' No Olroiilara free. '' AGENTS WANTED Agents make more money at work forut than at auytbina elo. Bullosa, llgbt and permanent. Particulars free. G. STINSON 4 CO., Fine Arl Pub . i"nij r 4 u ptT wtwK in rn If you will apiKtf UU 0SATONCK. Bverjlhla GKKAT URDIOAL UOOK of nsefnl knowiodee loU. Sent free fur two stamps.. Addrois v . nuiia,ni a vo., vviiioiunaii, umo. If" Voa Want To inoreaia Your buaioeai, ' Advertlae In tbe IPETROLEDM EXCHANGE Hotel WASHINGTON ST., PETROLEUM CENTRE, te-WM FENN'A. W. I. JIODGE, Proprietor. Reeps constantly on hand tbe choicest brands' of M ines, Liquors & Cigars, of Al kinds. Wttr,m Meulu at nil Hours. WILD UAJIE IN ITS SEASON. Hecelved daily and served np In nny fliylo neslred (rTf yon want to pet a p md -((lure meal, Rlns of Lager to wash It down, and a nico Ligur ive me a call. w. u. miuuni. Petrnlcnm rcntre, Wnreh 13. JMi. tl. Eieggett, (Successor to A. T. Lcgnctt,j M auufacturer aud Dealer lu hrhe ss. Seed Bags, Valve Cups, &c csprnenoeu woramen "it, uiiipn.yi-u, mm naif. net) 01 nil uuua aepioousiumiy uu uouu uuu maut i to order. FINE NEW HARNESS. DOUBLE AND SINGLE, cn nana at reasonable taii-s. fANCY AND lionsa nr.ANKSTS IN LARGE tJUANTITIKr, The,re is uu superior VALVE CUP Madp.tlinn theono mndn In my shot), nnd thoy maliiSt., below ttio IWcCIintoek PetrnloimiPnntre, ft.. Nnvi7,- tf.1 BEAR THAT WE HAVE TIIH aNo Retail Furniture at Lower Prices THAN ANY OTHKB IIOI'SH IN TUB WPST. A. Si. Hi:itK.lK . 114 Bank Mreel. (i.liVDI.ASIt, O. THIS Tenth V .lutne of WOOD'S lKH'SKHOM) MAUAINU hcns with vtniutry, 't'i It is edited by Hail Hiimlliun, S S. Wood,' and If. V. OslKkrue. aud include.-, ttwi:!j its rt't'iilitr oontrihu tor. Her ace (inwley, Hall ll.imiltoii. Tho. K. Bee chor, Dr. Dio Lewis, Dr. W. W. Hall, James Tar ton. etc. llarilet Heecliar Siowe. IMck Poinrov, John G. Saxe, Maj. U.'iil. Kllpairirk, Petroleum V. Naaby, etc , wtlte lor it oooa.ionally. Tenus One Dollar a year, in clultbine, tlire'a thst dasa peri odicals are (iven for the prieo of one of them. Tbe most, liberal Premium Lin cer published. tie rludleal is more fnnnenty or luvota ly toenlinued by the press. "W ood's Household Mattaziiui is one of the. monumentsof bu.i.a.cseutorpf i'. ultipi, mark Ihe aue," Methodist Uo me .kuuial, Hiila delphia, Pav ''It has betn iniprn-. I ic ever inee we Kotiw ii m (iwj eriiunoo lor t le tuliire." t ourier New Marke, Canaoa. "It is. a marvel of ehean ness and first-class quality (onibined." Nw York Times. Specimen cipy s'eMt fne to any addres . B. 8. WOoO it CO., Nowbuivb, N. Y. .. tar Advertwe in Hhe Diay R,eOE, lu oldtt paper in Vwntofco Couoiy.. yj Xyuli. & S .HHliUi:rj a CO. It r iJj gtiiiiifto" 22 STOVES, " lliwn tllliul,l-. lTnV.V?l I." VIP IS awM nit a 'i CM) iT 2 I would raspectfully call tbe attention of those wisliin;? Cook 01 Heating Stoves, to call and examine my stock. Tlie MOEKDSTG- GrXOET'! The pioneer of bice tmraors. Has a mill crate, which entirely pntxla out nil Blate r-r clinkers, thus koepinn tha lir clean ati l obviiiles tlie necessity of putting out tbe lire io cleuu Ibo grate. It is a nericct auii-dUBter, nnJ u perpetual buruer. Tbo , ! With reservoir and wanting closet, aeknowletlfjeJ by orery one to bn I bo most perfect in construction aud lintsb of nty Store in tae muilict. I.) CjusiJered the most petlect buker of any Stove made. Abo tbe . , ; ; PLYMOUTH BOOK i A lirst class Conl;in2 Stove with reservoir and warming closet. Also a rlargo variety ol olber a id dill'erent styles of Cook and Seating Stoves. A large stock of TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE kept ctnitantly on band, with a coujp.oit) stock ot AND OIL WELL JIake to order C.AIi VAXIKEZ cousiilered the cbeupest and ful'est imnip now ins. I.peitortI ,ioU IJope Cubk's. lue Pi TTIitit lilOii- LOWS, Tbo BEST INMARlvbT- dam k. f mith co.vai. IMPIIOVUD Seneca Falls OAS With Steel Packing. SO Sola ;i I.iist SO liays. Exclusive Agents for tiie Oil Kegltn dame, mmi & Co., Successors to F. W. AME3, TITLSVILIiE, PA. . FOE 2D GROWTn SPOKES, CENT FELLOES, SAWED FELLOES, HUBS, SIIAFTS, POLES, .WIIIFI'LETREES, AXLES NECKVOKES, HUB BANDS, SPRINGS, FIFTH WHEELS, 11ALLEABLE3. And tbe -' ISi'st.Cun iaje Bolt in Markt DAME. SMITH fc CO., fr ;ienessor to F. V. AMES. Butler and cliesse are almost indispensi ble articles of food. Properly used, they are nutritious aad healthy; but an inortii nato use of either causes indigestion arid dyspepsia. Owen Gaffnev's Sunday Om fott. Judicioubly used will rcaiavo botb of there troubles.' STOVES ! J ""i-ifi l SITPPLI'S lllOV S,ln PIrMIS which nre in ut-e. ISotO!l 'i'llhiMtt ami Clt- ATTENTION OPERATORS Save yoir Oil ! Control yc-iir Gas ! and Secure your W'orlcraen ualur the yv.x? mvi V V I'ATILM ITJVKNTUXS of Mr. Vi( tv.r orelter, known d tho OIL AKI EM Mfflm We would re-T)t'i'nlly call tho atte ntion of opera tors und contractors to the fact that we have Purcli-.tstMl llti) Ititflit iind Ti, tie in and to, Ui above JJjk'Ii jie, And are pvpared t.i furnish the sam, e thsr bv lllitlNii Til km FOR STATJ30 PJiiUuDS or bv f.'l I I V(l 1'IILUI - IVo nculd aiHO Caution till Parties ngntnst manufacturlnc or us tan them nith'.Ht our consent, as THIS PATENT WILL BE RIGIDLY ENPOHCED. ft'lSllER, NOR ISIS & CO. P' troleuni Tentr.-. ''a. Dee 211 1H11. lief Machine an-i Elacksmitii Stop ENGINEER, MACHINIST BLACKSMITH, And tniiiiiifiictHt'cr tif JiriEUiis antl 1 i-4l i tier Toolv. SDGP ON CENTRA I, PET. FARM. NEAR R It. DEPOT PKTRnrvHM T-vnon- i . ir-All kii d of .Iol,bin'-and Muehliio' Kcuab-iti'-n. it," tn m .n- iiii i. mil . ..nil ' prl3-tf. , i 1IET1TS. 1CitlV.il, AK1 Ilijt'AKTUIIj CF '51 IMS . O. t). A. K. It, On uud after Pun-I.iy, Juno 2nd, 1872. Iruius will run as follows: ' KOllTII No, 5. ko. 3. k6! 1. Leave Irvine. 11,4., am. S,5 r Leave Oil City (i.flO a m. 2. 27 p m i 15 v s " Pet.Cun C.30 " U.lli 7 07 "' " Tilm-v. 7,10 ' 3.Si ," 7 r0 Arrive Curry, 8,45 " 6.25 9,15 " No 9 Accommodation Freipht. - Leaves Oil Citv !) ill . p.,' iv,.i 10,2; Titusville, 11,15; Ar. Corry, 12,50pm KOt'TIt. no, 2. ko. 4. no, G Leave Cony, 10,4", a m. G,10 a m. COS p " Titusv. 12,10 p M. 7,3(1 " 7 ar ' " P. Cen. 1,10 " 8.20. 8.35 rrivu O. Ciiy 1,50 g,ud " 3 25 ' " Irvine. 4, IS ' 11,10 " No. IP Accnimnoilntinn TiVrilrl.t i i.vavi'a 'v'irry t.is n m; Ti tiirv. 2,M); Pot Venn-, j.jjj ar HI Ull Ulty, i.iD p 1U. C-jS" io- 6 0 i'JQ ou Suudity.- ISHAM & CO. TltUirllle, Pa. NEW ANlV BEAUTIFUL STVLE3 OFt and Jewelry. P 0 (American, Ingllih and 8wl.mak..) Steriing Silver Ware, Silver Plated Ware, Of all grades, nnique design, in IL- Kit, especially udnptnlfot presents OLID Clil.D CHAINS, JliWK.IiHV, PISTOLS, . ltKVULVPIIS, PISIIINO TAf'KLE, S 15 A L KINDS ,tc., e. Pnrtlrnlnr attention Riven to repair hirf ilnf watches and Jewelry bv a 43 c3 0 conipt teat workman. I ne linn navu niso mere 111 11 TLSVll.LK, tipriiiL' street. 4 'H KKMKMBKK TI1K I'LACR, inrlni- stmet. nearlv.oim. the Ameri can liotel, lltusvllle, i'a. ... ' ' L . WHOLESALE ANia8TAlLW h . Sa.;.' i,t - K ! AND rt..-l.-a.';'Jl erGh'rits fHIR Pehaeritiors hnvlnc bonehtfhe old ,tanil of JL II. II. Wari er. Intend enlnrclnst the bmlee.. and will keep always on hard tbe best the market affords. W eweldna WHOLESALE and .-tlii'.UL trade in the.i'ollowing products: Flour. ! ay & Grain of all kinds. Wc also have a very Jarx 'ock una IZT APPLES. .,,, V. IV ,1,11111111, ,CT-!-, -onl'dent we e".n yivo satlslaction in price- and jii nr.y oi .'oouj. r n v j n in r au.i u. retrotenm Centre, Pa, Nev. ii,1870 tf EL H. Warner DEALER IN SE(!(liD-.liD TICIMI. All Sizes Caking, Engines. Boilcm and H!i WELL . SCPPUES. HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR OLD ROPE. IRON and BRASS. ja-nainz recently rmrchaseil a New And Ittit. proved I'll'I'l OUI'TISO MACMINel, I amprepsr-, eu to cut ana nt an sizes ot ripe unu is.iug iium ii inch to 8 1 4 inch. , Tvnslilii(tlii-M.. Nearly Opp. Boclt. ester Ho use, I'ot. outre, Fa. apr5tf. ,1 , II. II. WAKN&R- savk ion: mmEi t- 4 Aad buy ycm Boota aud Sfccte M Geo. Magrans j... ONE rillCE BOOT SHOE STORE X keep a very lare stock of all binds on hwii and sell as cheap as any other bouse In the 01b hEGiO.N, Connected with ntyblore is a Custoiu Department ! And I unarauteo a porrect fit' In all my worli. Kupalrlii): neatly done. Next door to W" .j ewelrv SIoi-h. Petrolcnra Cittre. P' . i t