sort f VJ r. F.Fr !; ''V b.b ("I Jf n NEW ADVKRTISEMENT3. iloriMiralrd 1860.1 rkriumbia lire Insurance Co OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS. 9. Dltwilcr. Pres't. I Robt. Crane X Wilson. Vice Frest Wm. Patton lerb't Thomas, Treas J as. t-chroeder FriioaiitT, Seo'y J. fc. Strino achraaa M. Ai. biriCKier Bogle K. T. Rvoa For Insurance or Agencies, address Columbia, M. AGENTS s 4 WANTED TIMES FOR LIFE AND OF Jas.Fisk,Jr, i -! 1 - 1 1 - , i t Va1AklH. Hnuld. ii' t tpouiiiii uiuurniiniw wi irur( i..,.v. ...... '.,'"! try for the last three vears, and what (irant knew U ,'-:. i T b,"t "BLACK KP.1DAY." Over SCO pages. Price I . Jv , , i$a. Address IV if' NEvv V01K BOOK CO-, 145 8t- y- Y- iKtiSRKCISTER'DBOilS Bnfti nnd ProBtahlo Investment lionas. pome oi the wealthiest counties in KANSAS Allen, An derson, Franklin, Johnson nnd Dhuglas Counties. Kcglsiored bjr the Stato of Kansas Interest ai d irlnclMl pid by the State J reasnrcr. The Honds pay 7 per cent, internet and are over tliree years old. the coupons havlni been alwavs reuularly and promptly paid. For stntlsllcs mnd information, ad dress SAM'L A. GAYLOHD & CO., 31 Wall St, N. Y. City. . M t-Sjy W COCOAINE "TBABaVTyMARK- Tlie neit Hair Dressing and Restorec. millions t ''BURSiETT'S COCOAIIVE." Your Druggist Hat It. Portable Soda fountains ! ft tG, 850, ATS anl ftlOO. GOOD, ' DUHADLE AND CHEAP! Snipped Heady fir Use ? MANVFACTORED BY J. W. CHAPII N A: CO, ITIadiHaii. Ink t aaau tun uiku ula k jgj Cheap Farms, Free Homes ON THR LINK OP THE VXIOS PACIFIC ItAILROAD A LardOrant of 12.0U0,0I0 ACRR8 in tho .ueai running aua uirerai Jjiuan in America. J 000,000 Acres in Nebraska In the GEf AT PLATTE VALLEY, the Garden of the n eat, now lor Pale. Tlimc lands nn ii, the Ontrnl p rtinn of the Uni ted Stat, on the 41st degree of NortU Lat',tude,the reniru line 01 ineiiruni ivmperaic . me or the A incrican Continent, and for arain iirnwiuir and otock ralslna uiiBnruuiwul by anv In tho I'nlted Siatea. CI'JSAI'BIt IN Victors, nicro hyorahlo terms pivpn. and more conretiient to marktit than can be I onna etsdw'irco. l'REK UOMETEADS FOR ACTUAL SETTLER-". The Best Ixrcntions for Colonics PoMlers Entitltd to a Ilouiestead of 1G0 Acres Free PnNneit to Purrhaaera of Land. Hcnd forthe new Descriptive Pamphlet, witn new inaps, published in Knglifb, German, Uwedishaiid Danish, mailed free everywhere. Address, o. p. DAVIH, LjimI Commbisloncr, U. P, H. R. Co., Omaha, Nib. Mnnsos's Copper Tubnlsr Lihtnlng Hod, with Spiral Klantws, is the most complete protection a pulint lightning ever Invented Endorsed by the cU-ntiflc world, and ry Wholesale Dealers fro i Maine to Georgia. Send for Circular to LOCK 31AHT CO., tm Penn Hi., Plttalurgh, Pa., or N Y. COPPER LIGHTNINO KOD CO, B3 Square ( North), New York. A CENTURY OF TRIUMI-ns ores Jvsnemla. 1 ver disease, bowel complaints, and various felirlie uu neryons disorders, nas nninortalixed tho Sell r spa, and these victories are now roDeated lino' out this hemisphere by TAHKANT'S EKKEKVKS CENT BKLTZBK APEHIENT; eontainln all the elements and producing all the happy results ol the wiiwi uermaa npnnir. HOLD BY ALL DKUGGISrS. NO MORE BUBBINS! STONE'S FOUNTAIN WASHERS, Keta l Prlc, f 1,60. BtONB FORD, J Arch m., rnuaueipnia, ra. Heud for Crcular. UGWiitn IFornny esse of Blind, Bleedinir, Itchln or HI- I curated P.les that Da ItINU 8 I'lLB KlMKDY I fails to enre. It is nre- I pared expressly to curs tiie i-iios, ana nothing else. Bold by all Dmselste Price, ,0Ui " J! PIANO CO, N. Y. PHICB: " No Ayent. Circulars free. AGENTS WANTED. Apenla make more money at work foriu than at anything else. Busineas light and permanent. Particulars free. G. STINSON CO., Fine Art Pub lishera. Portland. Maine. ar.,i,1re 'hance for Agents ! ir .,. dniw will Pay yon t40 per week in cash ftmZlS' 8"5nr0 WUh ONCE. Bvervthius SKI I ' nn"1 Penw . P'd. Address F. A. KKUU & CO., Charloito. Mich. (TKM.MSln.t'fAL WOOK of useful knowledge DTBrt.B2'f.frco.r ,wo ,,an,IM- Addre" lr, uoimiiarte Jt t,., Cincinnati. Ohio. Yon Wanl To Increase' Tout business. Advertise In the HXRiJlBCsvtltlEBt'ORi, m A r r e 1 kDl.UUU FETEOLfflM EXCHANGE Hotel ill WASHINGTON ST., PETROLEUM CENTRE, TENN'A. DOUGH, Proprietor. Keeps constantly on hand the choicest brand1 of Wines, Liquors & Cigars, of al kinds. Warm flcals nt all Hours. WILD GAME IN ITS SEASON. W OYSTEES Received daily find nerved np In nny Jty1o nercc! tTIf you v:mr to jret t innl squiiio moiil, rIub- of bii;er to wnh it down, and a nice Cigar ;lvo mc a ciiii. W. D. DODGE. Pi'trolrnm CVrtT?, Mnrh 12. 1872. tl (Sncccsior to A. T. I-epgctt, M anufactnrer and Dealer in Seed Bags, Valve Cups, &c Exnerienced workmen are eniDlored. and Har ness of all kinds kept constantly ou hacd nnd maut to order. FINE NEW HARNESS. DOUBLE AND SINGLE, cn hand at reasonable ratrs. fANCY AND nOItSE Tlf.ANKBTS IN LAKGE lL A i lilKS Thure is no superior VALVE CUP Made, than the one made In my shop, and they will be sold at 1 12 per hundred or 60 cents a Maln-St., below the llonse. PntrolenmOntro, a, Nov.,x7,- Itlcclintock tr.' BEAR m IVaiitfD THAT VE HAVE THE . o o Ketau a urnitnreat Lower f rices THAN ANY OTHER IlorsE IN THE WEST 114 Bank Street. LGVLANI, O rrtHE Tontli Volume of WOOD'S HOUSEHOLD X !AiA.i. c. mu'ins wltlianuary .72. It i edited by Giui ll:innluiu, b. S. Wood, and II. V. uHiKK-nu. nnu inciimes amoec; its regular contribu tors IloraeeGreelny. Hall Hamilton, Thos. K. Bee. cber, Dr. Dlo l.e-.vm, Dr. W. W. Hall, Jnmea rr ton. etc. Ilniih t Beechor Stowe. Brick Ponirov, Jolin U. Sax. Mnl. Genl. Kilpatrlok, l'etroUuin V nby, elc , Miite tor it occasionally. Terms, One w j,r. in uiiiiiuiu;. ii. row urfi ciuhs perl odicals am c iveu for tiie price of one of thein. '1 hi most liberal Premium List ever miul shed. Nn i rlodlcal Is more frc qucnt.y or fnvom ly mentioned by the. press, "Wood's Household MKH7,iwi s ono of the monuments orimst.ies enterprise Mh'ch , utmiiiai, riuia- dulohia. Pa. ''It has bom lmitmvi ever klneo w knew It a Rnn.l criteriuii for the future." Courier nmrKu, cauuua. "it is a marvel or chenp. ..n..u iiirvBiuw ,l(inill,v UOUllllllCU. ' ."W 101 iiioes. Bpecimen copy sent Trie to any address. S. S. WOOD A CO., Nowbursih, N. Y. rST Advertise in the Daily Itirmtn. tl nliieat pnpet iu Venango Couoty. V. 1. "2M '7T AND STOVES, would raspectfully call tlio jittcntion of ihose wisliincf Cook ol Heating Stoves, to call and examine my stock. Tlio MOKNUSTG The pioneer of base bnrnors. Has A mill clinkers, ibtia keeping the firs clean ami obviates the necessity of putlimf out tho lire to cloau the grate. It is a perlect anti-duster, and u perpetual burner. The America CJook EtoTe ! With reservoir and wtirminir closet, acknowieilzn.l by every on1 tn h tlio most perreet In construction and finish of any Stove in the or any btove made. Also lbo. PLYMOUTH EOCK ! A first cUps Corliins Stove with resarvoir and otter and dillurent stjles of look and HesLtio A large stock of TIN AND SHEET IRON complete stock of AND OIL WELL .Haltc to orler AIiVAXIKni considered lbo cheapest and safest pump now ins. rv.r Kositord liolt Cone CuiIes. DAM E. ?:MITH ,t CO 'SAD. IMPROVED G-AS With Steel Packing. 60 Sold lln L:i8t ,t Days. Exclusive Agents for the OU Regie n DAME, SMITH & Co., Successors to F. W. AME, TITUS VI IjTiE, PA. Wood Worli FOE CARRIAGE BUILDERS. 2D GROWTH SPOKES, CENT FELLOES, SAWED FELLOES, HUBS, SHAFTS, POLES, WHIFFLETREE3, AXLES FIFTn WHEELS. NECKYOKES, HUB BANDS, SPRINGS, MALLEACLE3. And tbo Bcst;GarrIa;o fi5It In J'arKt 1AME, SMITH Sc CO., rtieressors to F. W. AMES. U utter and chesie are alin'st indisens! ble articles of food. Properly used, they are nutritious and healthy; but n inordi. nato U8 of either causeg indigestion nnd dyspepsia. Owen Gaii'itey's Sunday Coin fort, Judiciously lined will leuiove bulb of thct9 uoublre. ' STOYES ! O) 5 US & s - G-LOET. ! crate, which entirely crlndo out nil plate or tuuiket. Is considered tho ni'jt perlect buker warniini; closet. Also a .larga variety o! WAKE kept ci mtuntly on hnnd, wltli a SUPPLI'S IZ-liiX !SAX ITIIl'S which are 5olu rb'ittiiKitii(!l in use. "ENTiDN OPERATORS Save your Oil ! Control your Gas ! and Scci:r3 your Workmen ntJair tli- y '"W nti'l V M I'AHM! INVKNTION ol Mi; Vktur ti ratter, known aa I ho oi am m mmm. '.Ve ivuulj reap;t:u'ly eli the Attention or opera tor, and coutr.ii tors to the fact tluH we have Pin-cljcispt! tJaa Itiulit siml Ti tle in iiojI in, lbo ithovu .M;nclj tic, Atrl ire preprr'd t f-frtish t!ie slie, efthr by HMMN.t 'I1KM l ull .Vl'Al'ED PKl!iLDS or by SiiLI.I.NU TIIEM. Wo ivoutil nlMO taiil.on all I'artie flatn.t njautiftctiiriiiis ot iHin tbtiii with iH o;ir ccii'cut, asTUBPATtXT WILL V.ii KIOIDLY ENfOitCEU. FISIlI-IJi, 7K?tI:4 A: CO. Pvlroleum (Mitl'r;. Pa. I)ef.-2'.l 1S71. Ssf Maft aayisclatli Stop ENGINEER, MACHINIST liLACKSMITII, Anl mnniifitctiircr of Drilling atitl Falling Tools. SHOP ON CENTRAL PET. FATW. NEAR R. R. DEPOT. PETTtor.T.rM CENTRE, PA. 9 All kiids of Jobbing uud Alaehino Henalr iug done to older, tine me a rail. Irl5-tf. WM. L. RKTTX. AHU1VAI, AND liiiPAltil'UG c' TISAINS ON O. C. ic A. it. II, On and ufter Sunday, June 2nd, 1872, trains will run as follows: SMITH NO. 6. NO. 3. KO. 1. Leave Ifvinn. 11,4s A M, 3,05 v M Leuve Oil City r,00 a m. 2.7 p m. 0,13 p m Pi-t.Cou C,30 " 3.1(1 'i 7,07 " Ttttii-v. 7,10 3.S5 u 7V-,( 11 Arrive Corry, 8,45 " 6,25 9,15 No P Accommodation FreiRht. Leaves Oil City 0.40 A si; Pet. Cflntre, 10,20; Titusville, 11.1,1; Ar. Corry, 12,00pio BOL'Tlf. No. 2. NO. 4. NO. 6. Leavu Corry, 10.45 a m. 6,10 a m. 6,05 p m " Tilufv. 12,1(1 p m. 7,30 " 7.H3 " " P. Ceil. 1.10 " 8,'JO ' 8,35 rrive O. Cily 1,50 " !),P5 " 9 25 u " Irvine. 4,48 ' 11.40 ' No. 10 Accommodation Freight. Leaves Corry 1,15 p m; Tituev, 2,50; Pat Cenlre. 3,55; Ar at Oil City, 4,40 p in. fcsi:" K. i iitl 6 run oa Sunday. ISHAM & CO. Tltiisvllle, Pa, w A 0 H NEW AND BEAUTIFUL STYLES OF Watches ana Jewelry, ( .t mericaii, Eni; Ish and Kwlss mnke.) Sterhng Silver Wnro, Silver Plated Ware, Of all grades, imbpie deslxne InSlL V Ivlt. especially adapted foi presents Ol.lntiOLI) CHAINS, JKiVKLHY, PISTtH.S, LKVdLVFKS, 1'ISIIINU TACKLE, HEAL H1NHS ,c., e. Parlirular attention izlven o retiKir Ins lino watches nnd Jewelry by a coinpi'tent workman. 'I'll. tinn have also a store atTI TL'SV II.LI'., Sprini; street. HEMEMUEK THR PLACE, Sprlnc strei't, nearly opp. the Ameri can Hotel, TittisviUe, Pn. s- ft & ARJ1STU0I, riiccp?orfl io ii. n. nrner, ' WnOLKSALE AN'D RETAIL- IVlerGh'nts 'pill? Sol)srrll)ers bnvlne boneht the old stand of X H. K. W', intend enlarelnc the business and will keep alwavs on hand the best the market nin.rd.. Wcr.iilda WHOLESALE i d KL l'AI L tr.ide lu the following products: ' Pee-?, ; Hay & ; ferain of n'.l ku.ds. Wc also have a very large s'ock line EST APPLES. invite shuro of pablic pstrnnSTo, fecllnij ""iitM ut we cm give satisfaction in price- end (U'.llty of (.onijs. MKAsh ARMSTRONG. Petrolrnm Centre, Pa, Nov. 0, lf70 If S. II. Warner DEALER IN SECOND-HAND TOBIKGv,. All Caslnkt Ea.ltlnei'ji i , Iloilcm, and 2Ii WELL SIPPUES. HIGHEST CASn PRICE PAID FOR OLD ROPE, IRON and BRASS. sVIIavlra recently Purchased a New ana ijj pn.vnl HH'K CUTTING MACIIINE, I jm prspsr i d to cut sn.l fit ail sizes of Pipe and Caiiag from i lucli to 3 1 4 Inch. wash melon .St.. Nmrly "PfsKj"1 .Pr5C.r ' M.U"- 'ILWia, SAVii YOUR MONEY t. 1 And buy you Boots ittdBUMiat Geo. Magrane's V ONE PRICE BOOT & SHOE STORE. I T keep . vTy larco stock of all kind t and rll as ehesp us any other honse in m UKGION. CouutctedwithrayHtorelsa Custom Department ! And I gnaraiilno a perfect fit' h i all ?1J0jp' ltepalriii" neatly douo. Next door to Jcrtelry bture. Peiroleun entre r"- FLOUR! ' AND