tent Medicines, Per roleum Centre, Pad LAMMEKS, THE ONE TRICE CLOTHIER. Another Combination Broken ! fiimerieg, W ashfngton JAMESTOWN CLOTHING STOKE." THIS OIL. NAIIKIiTN. BY P. & A. TEL. LINK. Omen op Fetrolkcsi Ckntiik Daily K group June 13 ,1872 The petroleum market is quiet and dull to-day at $1,(10. Wo bear of do transac tions. Drugs, Pa Itreeti. Pet CT-A.3ESTO"WIsr n 9 BOSS CLOTHIER OF THE OIL KEG-ION First in War, FIRST IN And First fn with a New Stock of SPRING AMD SUMMER TYLES AND ST:R,.A."W GOODS; Gents' Furnishing Goods.&c H3 The finest Sfiocfe ever bronglit to Oil Creek, Neck-Ties, Scarfs, Bows, &c. SfEAT AND NOBBY. SUMMER OVERCOATS ! LATEST PARIS FASHIONS. LIKEN CLOTHING SOLD CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST I I na.n and will Sail Clotti- fyl ( all kiadi cheaper than tbe same articles can be bought ia Titusvillo, O l City or toy etber point autflde of New Yoik City, and an examination ot uiy Block aud prices oDTince toy one 01 mm laci. A. ALDEN, Clotkler, Wash. njston-St ., I'EtROLEUfl 11 TI5I, LV Grade 12' .i Philadelphia, June 19. Refined Tl. June 22?4' July 22?; Market Quiet. Pittsburg, June 19. Crude spot, 10 . B. O. all year, 122'. 8. O. do. yt. ReQned Spot 23 Juno. 22. Market quiet. Crude 13 . Refined, 23.' J. Market Firm. New l'ork, June 19. PICNIC AT TIUSV1LLE DRIVING PARK, For tbe Benefit of tbe tP Lafe' Heme Belief Awcciaticn, Oa Saturday afternoon, June 22d, 1872 i:nti:it.4.ti kni Trial of speed ofaenllemen's Road Horses, best tbree ia five mils heats, to harness horses to bo started and driven by ('heir own ers. Tbe rules and regulations of the Ti- tusville DriviDg Park Assuclatioa will be observed, hairing vehicles, weigbt and dis tance. CLASS I J. II. Humphrey enters Lady Mitchell; Win. II. Abbott enters Bob Robin; w. xi i no H p9on enters uaay uuetar; t, W. Abbott emers Walter. CLASS II. W. II. Wallace entors b. m. Nerve; I. G. Jackson enters roan Billev; R. D. Fletcher enters h. m. Llllie: W. B. Roberts enters Honest Geore. CLAbS III J. W. Humphrey enters Gilford Morgan; L. Chase enters Kitty; Geo. Irwin enters Orphan Boy: H. A. pears entovs Dispute: Geo. Gilmore outers Wild Oats. The officers of tbe Driving Park Afsocia- tion have given to the, Ladles' lielief Asso ciation the entire control of the Park. Re freihments will be for sale, nn every effort win uo maun to mnKetne 1 ic-nio agreeable to all. Admission 60 cents ESS" Tickets for sale at Christie's Drue aiuie J. A. HOOPER. Cbnirman of Committee. jl5-Iw. OF a HE OIL REGIONS 5 S UITOSVIIiliB, Has broken the outrageous Clothing Monopoly. Chatham Street has become demoralized. JShoddy ClolhlDg Is at a discount, a They WHERE YOU CAN FIND ALL THE 13 AT TH3 GREAT One Price Clothing Store! IS TITCSTILLK. t i In ISTobby Business Suits! My Stock contains ever make of Goods. COATS AND VESTS. I have a larger assortment than any bouse outside of New York City. CHEAP. Siond-IInnt Oil Well ni pile-.. 10.0OJ ft S In. T'.'WNO. 10. 00 ft S.'.' and 34 ard 3 Inch OAHING, .10U ft SMALL 1'IHK, 6.U0O f: HOOKKH RODS. ini-h, inch 7 and 6 Inch DKIV- INO PIPE, FITTINGS atnne half price or New. GAS and KOTAItY 1'1'M l'8 for rule or to rent. JSMilfiJOi ttuii lldll.KHM or all siep. at HOWE & COOK'S, Bos 220. Petroleum Centre. Pa. Oet-Mtf. ' The House Wife's Comfort! 8. FISHER'S Renovating Mixture, FOR WASHING & SCRUBBING PUB POSES. It washes clean, and give a very clear and born tlfnl annrarance to the rubric, and will ict ths col or In calicoes. For cleaning urtne snots out of enrprii, orciau cioiuet, warning linen una couon cooaft, nua lur MTiiuiniig u cnitnoi un eiirpaflacil. It save a large amonut of labor, and docs away Willi vcruunnig uruiiic. It does not ii iuro the flnofit textnro. for the aim nle rcaton that its aitlullv ia fur urraeo or oil. c)iantini! them to 04, and thus loosening any intoUnoe with which tncy mny bo combined. ii li insiani ocain io iea uuga. Petrnlcnia Tontro, Juno A, 18T3. navinR tried liinher'a xtnre I tnko plenauro la rcuonimeiiainK it to naui?Kceuera an nt'tnz everj- .1.; .... i. .il.l i u urvvr,iu Prepared and sold orly hy s. I'lNiieu, i(ouacvii:o, Fa. Fisher's Block. Main Street. Ju l, Take Notice. All partios knowing themselves Indebted to the firm ot Scberinernoru Sc Ten Evck. Hour and feed dealers, are requested to call at their store, on Washington Street, and settle tbe same immediately, as they Intend to close out tneir Business. SCHBRMSIMORS & TKN ETCS Petroleum Centre, May 21, 1872. If. The True Olnn. I A mummy jiniriKl, tU.vo W twl to the JL tulort-rtioi jl pe pio wliojj. pih'qU iron. iv4 lii?ti.ea oriwii oi tli TliHK PI, AN PI'K. L18IUNO .AND COMMISSION UOUSri. 8() cyntH ayeur. Sena stump Iit ipccimon, ni t lturn ho' von umy roilncu your living expeiim-d SO to 60 n cent, without tlitniiiinhiiis cotu forts or luxuries Plain, etraiirhltorwurrt lni?inef ; m)t lu tb n f ver y limly. Ail'lnt. .Inliii li Allien, Juiuyor, W) Oct Ja.kiuu Sucel, (.tiicato, in. n1 mTTfi fiTiTTi nni in m nmmTin H I p si I HIHK OU UUUI111JJ11 There Is So doubt but that my Slocft cd . j is ahead of anything gm Americ3 t5ither for qnmlitj r style. FASHIONABLE HATS & CAPS ! WHITE and CHEVIOT SHIRTS. I cannot be beat in this Department. my or men's Furnishing GoodO! IS COMPLETH, Parties in want of G-OOD OLOTHnTGr-y Can Save Monev, By doming to my Store where there is everything iie, and where you can buy 10 Per! Cent. Less than Elsewhere, And why, do yon ask, because I have only 03STB PRICE. Goods are all marked in plain selling figures, and I llt t&ot 4' uoons man any iu stores combined. I sell every customer alike and throw la KO Shirts. Suspenders or Collars, to make an extra profit on Clothing. A child of five years can buy as cheap as a man of fifty. H2T I cordially invite all my old customers in Petroleum Centre and vicinity to come and purchaso their Clothing afc ill J utuic( PROMISING BETTER GOODS 1 And Later Styles for Less Money f - - Than Any House In the Kegion.