SHUOEET & STARR gaowssws to McFKlund, Smith Co., Merchant Tailors! AND DltALKRS IN (Cents' Furnishing Woods, COR. SPRINXI FRANKLIN 8T3., TITUS V.L.LE, PA. Have pat la one of lb floMt anonmenta cj VLOU1S& CA8SIMERE8 ENGLISH, FRENCH AND AMERICAN CO A. TINGS, MIXED AND STRIPED SUITINGS, FANCY VESTINGS. gv offcred.ln Uio Oil Region. TWENTY DIFFERENT STTLE3 OF HATS Sb CAPS, AU the Latest and Nobbiest Stylos A FULL LIKH OF GentsT Furnishing Goods,, &c Petroleum Centre Daily Record. Pet Centre, Fu., Wednesday June 10 Divine service. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH 8ervlces every Sabbath at 11 A. M. and t)i P. M. Sabbath School at 12& P. M. eaU ft A. cordial invitation extend ed to mil. Ev. P. W. Scotikl, Pastor. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Preaching at 11 o'clock A. M., and 1U. o'clock P. M. D. PATTON, Pastor. Petrotema Centre Lodge, Km Tl, I. O. of O. F. Refrotar meeting nights Friday, at 8 5'elock. Signed. " ALBERT GLENN, N. G. F. O'FlitjKRTT, A See'y. ..HTPluceof meeting, Main St., opposite McUllntock House. a. o. or Ur w. Ubarly Lodge No. 7, A. O. nf TJ. f., meets ever Monday evenln at R Id Odd Fellow' Hall, Petroleum Centre! Penn'a. A. Glkx, M. W. & H. Kooier. R. Gold at 1 p. m. 114 Pouc Nbws. Yesterday afternoon Coostable AtweN went to Celumbla Farm and arrested a man named Wolff, oo a Sberl IITs warrant, charged with celling liquor without licence When coming np tbe Col uiBbla HIH, Wolff made- Ms escape,- ran down tec bill through the woods, forded the Creek, and up tbe bill on the other side towards Plnmer. Atwell came to town, procured a boree and started In pursuit, re capturing his nan at the bouse of one Mey er In the village of Plqmer. This time tbe bracelets were put oo big wrists, be was brought to town aod plaoed in tbe lock-up Last night he was removed to Franklin to await trial. Yesterday afternoon, Charles Kennedy , and a woman named Mary O'Connor, were arretted on a charge or telling llqmor with oat license. About 3 o'clock this morning they also "vamosed the ranche" and bave not been recaptured. . Tbe Maple Shade Oil Company, owners of tbe Hyde & Egbert farm, recently pur- cuaieq sixty acres of land In President township, and bave commeuced tbe work of drilling a well, having let tbe contract to Mr. N. B. Parkor. Their tract liet near the edge of Clarion county, aod it thought to lie in a direot line with the St. Peters burg anl East Sandy oil belts. The same company bave tlso leased a large amount of land la the tame vicinity. The Oberly well, near Plainer, located by pinti, was completed a day or two .i . ... .uce, .do provea to be a dry bole. Some thing wrong with tbe spirits. It caot be wj are evil spirits. Chku CuowM-n.. Clam Chowder, cook- iroage a very best stylo, will be u up si toe l'elroleuu Exthange, this iwrnoon and evening. Lovers ot cbow- - ,,.... i iuo souse wm take no nce. The Pennsylvania Petroleum Railroad a need fact We mat Mr. Steele, tbe Presi " "a, a aay or two since, aod from bis eonveisatlon. judzed that thing wis progressing iavorably along . tbe On. Nkws. Reports f from r.lyon l!un yesterday aro most favorable. The drilling of tbe well being put down at Illyson. tbinit tbny are fnow In the boulder Immediately overly log tbe third land. Tbe well at Kingsville is progressing. It Is now down about seven hundred feet. Tbe Trout Kim well near ibis borough is down 415 feet, and the work la being pushed on with dispatch, and is watched with Interest. Last.week the caMo broke letting tbe tools down In tbe well, which caused tome delays but tbe operators reme died tbe trouble as soon as possible. A well on tbe Isaao Neely farm, east of Turkey Run, commenced yielding on Wed nesday of lust week. Oo Saturday, when we visited It' there wis 1SS barrels of oil in the tank. It is estimated as a fifty barrel well. The owners ore Paul Neely and P R. Bowleu. This shows that tbe develop ments is still extending up tbe Clarion, Clarion Democrat. Afrindf Hon. S. P. McCalmont, of Franklin, writes to a Chautauqua couoty paper to contradict it and say that bo is no' tbe McCalmont who got into tbe muss, and a libel suit, at Petroleum Centre. lie Is not that kind of a McCalmont. Oil City Derrick. Sensible man I A correspondent of tbe Titueville Herald, writing from San francisco, Lai., gives an account of tbe discovery of oil near Los An- gelos, aod tbloks a company oi Oil Creek men would make it pay to develop be oil land thereabouts. He says the sand rock is the same as that found at Petroleum Centre and Fnnkvllle slate shale and white sand stoue. Tbe belt is thirteen miles long. Yesterday afternooo, a game of base balj was played on tbe Tarr Farm, between the Scoopers of Columbia Farm and tbe Tarr f arm Club, resulted in tbe defeat: of the Scoopers. Nine Innings was played, Score 21 to 14. Tbe whaling business, once au Industry of great importance, is fast going to decay. Fifteen years ago Now Bedford alone sent out three hundred and twenty-nine, vessels, now that number comprises the whole of the American vessel engaged In whaling. But one vessel was added to the trade in 1871, while seventy-two were lost to the buair-tas. Tbe wbal'ng business had tosucenmb be fore petroleum, which is king, and destined to light tbe world. Although to a certain extent tbe petroleum business has to rely on New Bedford. Nearly all the cable utrd in drilling oil wells is procured at that place, where a large body ol men am employed in Its manufacture. Restaurant. A good and desirable place to get a square meal Is at tbe Petro leum Exchange Hotel, of which W. D. Dodge is tbe landlord. The cuisine depart ment Is under tie immediate charge of Mrs. Dodge, who is an experienced cook, can get up a meal In a style to suit the moat fastid ious epicurean, and on a clam- or oyster stew she cannot be excelled. The bar is under tbe supervision of Walt Vanausdell, and what be don't know about mixing liq uors ain't worth knowing, besides be is al ways "on deck" ready to attend to tbe wants of customers. The- whole concern Is superintended by "Cort" Dodge, and be just fills tbe bill. We must not forget to mention that those shell clams bave arrived We would advise our readers to try a ball dozen or so. Bradstreet, the new landlord of the Rocb. ester House, has had expressed to him di. reel from New York, a mammoth Sea- Tur.' tie. On Friday or Saturday be proposes to serve up Turtle Soup to bis pulroos. Foot ball is all tbe amusement each even ing on tbe street, and tbe boys bave lots of iun kloking tbe balls. Tbe Masons of Oil City ere to give a grand banquet in their new ball, on Thursday evening. Extensive preparations aro being made and tbe banquet promisee to be a grand affair. Sheriff Maiks is in town uvday. The l'etrolia Itnee Ball Club, are playing practice gamo, lu is afternoon. A new well was struck on tbe Bully Hill territory, on Friday last, wbloh is owned by Watson, Pittock A Co., of Franklin, and Is yielding six to eight barrels dally. Smith's ico cream la all the rage these hot days. We are informed that a new well is to bo put down on Beonebolf Hill. There is not much doubt but that oil exists there yet. The caplaiu ol a MassacbusUs whaler on ajrecent voyage took from a sperm wbals which be captured in the South Pacific, an Iron belonging to the ship Catawba, of Nan, tucuet, lost some twenty years ago. A new oil wull is Using sunk ut White Oak Station. The cxoiienwu' smith t-f .Ii InsburR and In Ih vicinliy ol Pair view is intense, multi tudes actually thronging the highway. Paikei'e Landing, Ilia starting j oint, Is crowded to overflowing with flruntiers on tboir way to 1'uirviuw. Tho Cooper well, ouo inilii aud p. halt southwest liom I lie Blany farm, Is making a big show, leading operators still further south. Laud Is beinp bought up at high rates for several miles on the soutbwost belt, and operators do not hesitate to sink their money anywhere within the limits of tbe said belt, which U about three-fourths of a mile in width. Tbe village of Falrvlew bids fair to be one o the towns of the oil region. Lots are sell- Inn and houses building at a rapid rato. Etnlenton Friend. C'Coruo Into Xlio Garden, Maud." Come into tbe garden, Maud, With a brickbat and a stone; Here's the biggest cat yon ever "saw'd" A gnawin'a chicken bone! Run like tho mischief, Maud, I'm here with tbe beast alone. There has fallen a heavy shoe From tho window iuto tbe yard; Maud bs a solt eye, blue, But Bbe flings at a cat awful bard, And she throws so straight and true ' That his visage is generally marred. Tbe sale of the Northern Pacific Railroad bonds, which has been steadily increasing ever since they wore put on the market, shows no falling off. Oa the contriry tbe bonds aro In great demand, both In this country and in Europe, and with good rea son. Tbe rnpld and almost unparalleled progres? of tbe road, together with its favor able situation, are euQlcient to guarantee the success of the enterprise. During March and April tbe sales of bonds in Ibis couutry amounted to $1,891,900, acd the demand for them has been largely Increased since the beginning of the present month. They are a good and reliable Investment. Memoir of a liojr, On Saturday, Napoleon, John Wilson' old circus dog, died ic this city, at tbe ad. vanced ago of twenty-three years. Dog's die daily tbat deservo no particular men-, tion, but Napoleon merits as fair a share or honorable reference as any dog that ever lived or died In tills city. One fact alone will prove. it. He accomplished In bis life time more than thousands oilmen do in theirs; be saved three perrons from drown ing at tbe risk of losing his own life. Na' poleoa knew all about the circus, and was never better pleased than when witnessing or participating in tbe sports of Ibe sar. dust arena. When be reached the years of dogbood, be became subject to His, result ing from precipitation or blood to his over wrought brain. He became bis own physic ian, and instead of rosortiog, as men simi larly efflcted sometimes do, to stimulating drinks, which aggravate their malady, be tried cold water; Whenever be felt an attack coming on, Napoleon would start for a bucket of water, or a trough, plunge bis bead into the water, aod bold it there as long as be could bold bis breath. This generally bad the effect which be desired. As age advanced - be be. came deaf and blind, and, bis limbs were stiff and almost useless. The last attack killed hi in. Napoleon was a "traveled'' dog. Ilecime to this city from New Or leans when but a youtb, and soon engaged with Wilson's circus. With that he visited nearly every county and town in tbo State and on the ooasl. He visited Australia aod China, and became a favorite with men wherever b.e went, for be was honest and true. Yesterday Napoleon was burled on a hill at tbe corner of Powell and Sacramento streets, in tho presence of a vory large com' pany oi zneu woo uau uiown ana respected him. A gentleman read a sketch of bis Ifie, and when tbey alt went away fresh flowers and wreaths lay on Napoleon's grave. San Francisco Bulletin. An Oil train on tbe Allegheny Valley road, near Kittanning took fire on Saturday night, and caused gieat destruction of rol ling property. Tbe cause of tbe accident was two cows oo tbe track, which, notwith standing tbe signals, it was neither possible to drive them off or check the engine. A man named John Keitiog was struok by lightning and killed, at Farrentown, near Lawrnnceburg, on Tbureday last. A grand pic nio is to ba held at Sbam burgb, to-morrow. ' t Tbe Oil City Grays are goiug to Titus- vllle on the Fourth of July. Two or throe cars of oil were burned ej Buffalo, day before yesterday. Tidiotite proposes to celebrate tbo glor ious fuurtl. Tho Michigan university at Ann Arbor 'arbors C3 young women students. K0I5KL A AUERTIATM i872 W COOM87Z Important to our Patrons and tlwpuUic at large ! S O B E L AUERHAIH flaring juit returned from New York wo are now opening out tbo LARGEST 8TCCK of Bring $ Summer Jrg dwW , , . a n-ilMM Hnntra unmnslnn ttin lint out Ml Vina fnf ni?"P4H flnma i.TCr OrOUIli W l I'UUivum vimivvu...1...ri..h-- wuu wvuifljj DOEiSiY VMlRBBW Gasmeres BLASE, COLORED AND STRIPED SILKS. IRISH POPLINS, Japanese Siiks, Shawls, Uimimrc Laces, Hosiery, Gloves Heady-Made Linen Suite, Also, a verv fino seirction of MILLINERY GOODS ! MILLINERY GOODs CbrprtMMI Cloths, Trunks, Valises, Satchels, &c, &c. sf please call early and examine for yourselves. declSif. fSOllEfi & Al FU1IAIM. The Oltlfcst EsfcntilishrM Dry An editor out west became martial, and was made a captain. On parade, Instead of '-two paces in front advance," bo uncon eciously exclaimed, "cash two dollars n year in advance!" lie was court-martialed and sentenced to read bis own paper. Carelcssnecs somewhere. During the past four years 1473 lives have been sacrificed and upwards of $13,000,000 worth of pro perty lost iu Ihe United States, by stcamliont disasters alone. Nearly one-half tbe whole number of casualties occurred on western waters. Five hundred ai d twonty-six boats were destroyed, of which 112 were blown tip and 302 burned. Travel to the Yo Semite opens unusually brisk this spring, and that famous resort promises to be the centre of attraction for a vast number of pleasure seekers this sea- eon. Ton Uauyest ok tub Hkau. When the omb acts as a rake, bringing away a roll or parted fibers every tlmo itpassis through the hair, baldness would soon be inevitable Out even in this case, forlorn as it may seem, the mischief can be nrresti-ri, tho luSj repaired. Lyon's Katbairou, aided by a brisk application of the brush to promuie tbe absorption of tbo fluid by the sctlp, w i I ( stop tbe thinning out prnress in forty ciht hours. The roots Irom w hich tbe dead fila ments wero shed will soon be te-endowed with vitality, and a new giouth will speed ily spring up on the denuded places. TluB work of reproduction will go on until the damage is completely repaired, and tbe lux uriant crop of hair thus produced will never wither or lall out as long as the vitalizing application Is regularly continued. Some Idea of the labor devolving on tbe six revenue vessels on active dirty in Ihe great lakes, whose business it is to examine clearances, prevent smuggling and assist ves9ols in distress, may be gained from tbe fact that last year upwards of a thousand vessels were boarded, a hundred and twelve gdzed and reported, assistance rendered to forty-one vessels In distress, and seven men saved irom drowning. A lew days aco a counle of Boston rnn. oersenterod a restaurant In Portland ami ordered dinner. One was pleased to otder a plate of baked Ibouns. When he came fo settle be asked the pVice, and was igfornVed that forty cents would be satisfactory. Tbe runner wus astonished, and' exclaimed "Isn't that a b I of a price for beans?" The maoof Jzrub got mad, aod said tbat was tbe pce'and that must bo paid. The runner reuttered the same pious exclamation of as tonishment several times and paid thu scot. On going out of tbe door be turned and yelled it again, but tho bean man was si. lent. Tbe next day the restautant keeper received a dispatch and paid tbe telecranh boy forty cents, Judge, H you can, of his uiier aifgust wnen upon opening It be road. "Isn't tbat a b I of a price for beans?" Bangor Commercial. The Rev. Mr. Wilcox, of Rioeford, MIn. nesota, devote bis Sundays ti preaching mat tne worm will Ibis year come to an end, and dovotes his week days to sowing one hundred acres of grain. A New Kalrlield man who failed to cot a thirty cent pine apple for a nuarter of a dollar, wanted to know "whether we are Dreatblng tbe pure air of freedom, or being strangled with tbe fetid breath or a bellisli despotism?" Tbe storekeeper said those were tne only pine apples ho bad. A woman's head, with the present fash loo of wearing tbe hair, and thn high bonnets; is said to be as large as that ol a hotso, DRY GOODS. AO. (iwxla House on Oil Creek. Jjoeal Notice!. IIlliiiC! 3Iorline. The members nf tbe Mozart Musical Asm elation, and all lovera nf mimln. mrm r.,nfMMf. ed to meet at the new School Hods', Petro leum Ontro. nn 1 hnrdy evening. June 21st, 1S72. Tbo meeting is fobs (held for the pnrpo. e of organizing a mnsical asweis tion In Ibis place, and to raise funds for lbs purchase of suitablo books. Br Oriiii Cok. jl8 td. The Tax Pavers of Cornplant- or Township are hereby noti fied that John F. Alcorn is the only authorized collector of hoad and I oor lax for said Township. Also, No persons have power to employ persons to work on roads except the Koad Coniuiiesiou- ers. J. R FJCTTERER, Sect Board. THOS. McllUGH, l'oad Commissioner. Tef Centre, June 17, 1872. l or Sale or Unit. A desirable residence lucab-d on Ihe Ti ber Farm, a slmrt distance Irom town. Far particulars apply to Petroleum Centre, June 14, 1872. jlMI. Will be rfceivrd by the Hoard nf Directors of Completer, until June 22nd, at II o'ciork. ipi nt ir.niNG three sciiool HOUSES in said Township, one athier Ivvillp, nno at Columbia Farm, and ens st Kami City: r-'eparale proposals must be made for each building. The Board reserve the rlcbts to reject SflJ or all of the bids. Plans and Specifications may be bad oor application to Oko. H.' Dntovn. Secretary or the Board. Oil City, Pa. Office at Fox's Planing mill P. O. Box 1,082. j 11-td. fiirl Wanted. A Rirl wntd to do bonsework In a inalP family. Enquire of MRS. It. C. JARVIi Tetrolcum Ccntie. Pa. June 3, 1872. june 3-1 v. For Sale l.r.nno to 20,000 feet of SECOND-HAND TUBING, at from 25 to 35 cts. per foot Tbo Tubing Is In first class order and air ready lilted. April 2't. tf. n. H. WARNER. Hew G-oods! L. GIIAI'OWITCII, Merchant Tailor! Ils "lift returned frnn, New Tork with Ihe flnctf axnrtmi-nt of FOKKtUN AND DUJuESl'lU Cloths, Cassimrrcs, and Vesting, Hnlttlila fnr Mer.'s an-l lto Wear, evor brought to I'elrolimui I'tmtrc- Ainu, aTutl line of CENTS' FUBNISH1NG GOODS. CrTSTOM WORK promptly attohded to, an It Ills mmrnntni'd. . . . ht. Tim ixiopio of tlili place and vicinity esa buy em lorlloihiLRof me, ud 28 PKU l-ENT ( Ills A lilt llian In TitTU.-ille, Oil City or elsewhere. (ilvu me a rail. g. li. GRAFOWITCH, Nexinonrto Kmllh'e Slalnon, . . . . i'.i.. ftn. njy-u. M l,.U ' ' -. ivwinuntii.uL innnii nolo the shipment of large quantltes of "medicated cider" into Massachusetts since tho enforcement of the Prohibitory Lirjuor law.