tent Medicines Per fnmeriea, Washington Street Pet roleum Centre IPa. rugs, Fa JAMESTOWN CLOTHING STORE. WIST 9 BOSS CLOTHIE OF THE OILKEG-ION First in War, FIRST IN PEiLCIS, And First in with a New Stock of SPRING AMD SUMMER TYLES AND BTRA"W C3-003DS; Gents' Furnishing Goods.&c Wyk & friot Shirts, The finest Stock ever brought to Oil Creek, Neck-Ties, Scarfs, Bows, &c J5FEAT ASJD NOBBY. THE OIL DIAHKETfe. BY P. & A. TEL. LINE. OPFICR OW PiTBOLEca Cektrk rA?r.T Bkrord June 17,1872 The rotroleum market !b firm . to-day nt $4,00. One lot of 000 barrels changed baud! At (hat figure. Philadelphia, June IT. Crurte 12. Refined 22. June22-' July 224' Market Quint. Pittsburg, JuDe 17. Crude spot, 10 . B. O. all year, 12,'. S. O. do. 11. Refined Spot 23 June. 23. Market quiet. New York, June 17. Crude IS . , . itefineo, 23 . Market Firm. New Fork, June 15. Gold U3J. SUMMER OVERCOATS !Q LATEST PARIS FASHIONS. LINEN" CLOTHING SOLD CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST! , I can and will Sell Cloth- f til kiode cheaper than the me article can be bought In Titusville, Oil City or y other point outside of New Yoik City, end au examination of my stock and prices III vootIoco toy one of tbii fact. Clothier. Washington-St, PE?'ROLEWI CEXTRE, Pi AT TIUSV1LLE DRIVING PARK, For the Benefit of the Laaies' Home EeJier Association, On Saturday afternoon, Jnne 22d, 1872 ENTERTAINItlEKT; Trial of speed of gentlemen' Road Horses. best three In five roils heats, to harness horses to be started and driven by their own ers. The rules and regulations of the Tl-tu-v ill Driving Park Association will be observed, burring vehicles, weight aud distance. CLASS I J. n. Humphrey enters LbiIv Mitchell; Win. II. Abbott enters Bob Robin; w. v i Do pson enters Lady Custar; t W. Alibntt enters Walter. CLASS II. W. it. Wallace enters b. m Nerve; 1. (i. Jackson enters ruin B'lle.v; II. U. Matcher enters b. m. Lillie; w. U. Roberts enters Honest George. CLASS III J. W. llutnphrey entets G llbnl Morgan; L. Chase enters Kjttji ueo. irwin enter urpuan Uov; 11. A spears enters LhsputejHJco. GiliDore enters Wi'fl Oats. Tbe officers of the Drfvlnat Park Aocia lion have giveu to the Ltt'liea' Helief Asso ciation tbe entire control of the, Park. Re frrsbment will be for sale, an-! every effort will be mtde to make the Pic-nic agreeable to an. AoroissioD ou cents tT Tickets for sale at Christie's Drug Store .1. A. HOOPER. Chairman of Committee. j!5-lw. M 'CltAV HOUSE, Washington street. Petroleum Centre, Pa. W. M. BRADSTKET, raoPBinoa. This Honse Is centrally located, and the mnarnl hcalq1artera of oil mn. pvjj Bra-nicim uemro. r a., wren, l u.Jtnx -tl. CHEAP. Si'Oond-Hnnd Oil Well np- pllM. 10,001 ft S In. TI DING, 10, 00 ft 5i ami 34 rd 8 Inch CASING, 6.C00 ft SMALL PIPK, 5.000 ft IHWKKH KOW. ! Ini-h, d inch 7 and 6 inth DRIV ING 1'IPE, FITTINGS at one hair price of New. OAS and KOTAUY Pl'Ml'8 lor eale or to rent. KMlIfiKS aud noII.KHS of all iu, at HOWE 4e COOK'S, Box 220, Petrorenta Centre. Pa. The House Wife's Comfort! S. FlSHEK'S Renovating Mixture! WASHING fc SCRUBBING PCR POSES.' ashes clean, and elves a very clear and bean. Titl npin-amnce to the fciroic, and will act the col or in calicoes. For cleaning: proou, tpota out of curpeia, orona cioin, wnrtiimfr. iiuim urn eoiron iroods, aud fur eoruhnlng it cannot he enrpashed.. It eaves a largo amount of labor, aad docs away with scrnlibiu brushes It does not itjure the flneat terturo, for the sim. pie reaion that its alllnlty is for grearo or oil, cuans-inR them to soap,- and thus looacnlng any nlistiinco with which they may bo Cjmbinod. It is instant death to bed bugs. Petroleum Centre, June 4, HavlnET tried Riihers if.lre I take plcaeuro la recommendiiifr. it to houackuepers as hcinc evAry- iijuik tuai is ciaimeu tor ir. d. Kaiuxjiis. Prepared and sold oslv hv 8. E1MIIEB, IiouscTllle, Pa. Fisher's Block. Main 8trtt. Ju4. LAMMERS, THE ONE PRICE CLOTniER. Another1 Combination Broken! LAMMERS, THE ORE PRICE CLOTHIER OF rJ HE OIL REGIONS Spring St, TlUSVZSiIiB,- Has broken the outrageous Clothing Monopoly. Chatham Street bas become demoralized. Shoddy Clothing Is at t( discount. Tbe WHERE YOU CAN FIND ALL THE 13 AT THE GREAT 1 One Price Clothing Store! ': IN TITtSVILIiE. In ISTobby , Business Gaits My Stock contains ever make of Goods. COATS AND VESTS, I have a larger assortme!?i than any house outsid of ,New York City. There Is Xo doubt but that my Stocfe of is ahead of anything m America, either for qoality or style. FASHIONABLE HATS & CAPS WHITE and CHEVIOT SHIRTS. I cannot he beat in this Department. MY I AXE OF Men's FurnisMng Goods i IS COMPLETE. Parties in want of GOOD CLOTHING, Can Save Monev, $y coming to my Stor9 where there is everything new, and where you can buy 10 Per Cent. Less than Esewhere, And why, do yon ask, beeanse I have only ONE PRICE. Goods are all marked in plain selling figures, end I eeU ttor4' UoodH than any 10 store combined. I sell every customer alike and throw la NO Shirts, Suspender or Collars, to mako an extra profit on Clothing. A. child of five year can buy a cheap a man of fifty. OiaMuliitioii Aolice. Tbe copartnership heretofore existing un der tbe llrm name of Johnson & Morns, pro prietors ot tbe Petroleum Centre Plug Store, Is this day (May 20th) dissolved by mutual consent. All account due the late firm will be collected by V. J. Johnsoo, and all bills will be paid by him. Hereafter tbe business will be conducted by h. Johnson. 0. 15. MORRIS, jU.w3. V. JOUNcON. $27" I cordially invite all my old. customers to PetroleBm? Centre and vicinity to come and purchasp their Clothing fr My Store, PROMISING BETTER GOODS f And Later Styles for Less Money ! Than Any House in the Region. THE 03 C PRICE CIA1TKIF&-