The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, June 17, 1872, Image 2

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BaoMMon to HeFarlatid, Smith Co.,
Merchant Tailors!
Gents' Furnishing Goods,
Bt pnt la one of th floMt toorunenti q .
Ever offeradjn the Oil Reglo.
All tb latest and Nobbiest Style
Gents' Furnishing Goods, &c.
r etr oleum Centre Daily Record.
Put Centre, Pa., Moudar San IT.
Dlvtue Service.
Services every Sabbatb at 11 A. M. and
lX P. M. Sabbath School at 12) P. M.
eats free. A cordial Invitation extend
ed to eM.
Bit. P. W. Scoring Pastor.
Preaching at 11 o'clock A. M., and 7),
O'clock P. M.
D. PATTON, Paator.
Petroleum Centre Lodge, No.
T15, I. O. of O. F.
Rf ar meeting nlgbtf Friday, at 8
o'clou Signed.
E. O'Flabrui r, A Sec'y.
tyPUce of meeting, Mala St., opposite
MaCliotock House.
A. O. of V. W,
Llherty Lodge No. 7, A. O. of U. W.,
meets evry Monday evening at 8 o'clock,
In Odd Follow'! Hall, Petroleum Centre,
A. Glck, 11. W,
& H. Kookbr, R.
Gold at 1p.m. 11!
At the base ball meeting, held e tbe old
ball gronodi on tbe Central Farm, Saturday
arternoon, tbe "Petrolla Base Ball Club of
Petroleum Centre," waa organized, by the
election of tbe following officers::
President J. H. Norris.
Secretary and Treasurer J. S. Fiiher.
Captain J. W. Gordon.
Regular dayi for play Wednesdays and
The flrtt game of tbe season by tbe new
club, will be played on the old grounds, on
Wednesday afternoon next. As nearly all
tbe members of the new club are experience
ed "base balllsls," after a little practice, tbe
surrounding clubs may expect a lively
Whirl" from tbe Petrollas,
Tbe Rochester House has again changed
bands, Mr. R. E. Crooks retiring, and being
sncoeeiled by Mr. W. M. Rrsdttreet Mr.
B. is continuing tbe work of renovating tbe
bouse wblob was commenced by Mr. Crooks
and purposes fully sustaining the old time
reputation of this bouse as a desirable stop
piog plaoe for travellers. "Brad" is fully
versed In tbo science of hotel keeping, and
under bis cbargs we predict a new iease of
Ufa for the Rochester House.
QTbos. Irving, a carpenter and joiner of
this place, wblle at work on Bully Hill, on
Wednesday laat, bewing out timber for a
well rig, accidentally cuts severe gash in
bis rlgbt knee, by tbe adze glancing ofT tbe
Umber. He will be laid up for some days
10 eoBjeqaenee.
Mx. Washington Alden, tbe accommodat
ing landlord of the Plumer House, In tbe
village of Plumer, runs an express daily
between there and Petroleum Centre, coo
netting with trains on the Oil Creek & AU
legheny River Railroad. He is entitled to
the thanks of the public
Tbe bee ball game, of tbe season same off
Bawaay, at Columbia,, between tbe Muf
fins of Petroleum Centre and. tbe gooopers
oi commote, resulting In tbe Muffins being
badly beatou. 6eore 85 to IS, 3
Tte Govermeot of Costa Rioa boa agreed
Imu me iniiOductioa of coolie labor.
On Wednesday evening about 10 o'clock,
Station No. 1, Mutual Pipe Co.', took Gre,
and about 600 barrels of oil was destroyed.
Tbe account given by tbe pumper, George
Freeman, is as follows: He, George .Free
men bad gone to tbe stock tank, to draw
off tbe water, and set bis lantern down on
the steps that ran tip tbe tank, and bad com.
menced drawing tbs water, when tbe gas
escaped and .settled around tbe lantern,
when it took Ore, and in a few minutes the
tank burst wilb a tremendous explosbo,
scattering tbe oil far and wide, out into tbe
Clarion River, which, lor half a mile was a
complete sea of writhing flames from shore
to shore.
The beat was so Inteose, that trees and
shrubs far up tbe hillside were scorched "aod
singed. Tii while country was illuminat
ed, and tbe angry roar ol tbe flames as they
licked the o.l from the water could be beard
for miles. Hundreds or people flocked from
the country supposing it to be a conflagra
tion Jn Foxburg. Tbe dense columns of
black smoke and tbe liquid flame, could be
seen for fnil ten miles. Tbe lots, so far as
we can ascertain, is about $3,000..-Peters-.
burg Progress.
Tbe lollowlng are tbe quotations at tbe
New York Mining slock board, June 7,
Bid. Asked.
Benneboff Run. 20 SO
Bergen Coal and O 40
Bllven Oil 60
Blood Faam 6 ' ,
ilrevoort 1 75 8 00
Buch'an Farm 40 60
Central 60 60
Home 1 35 1 60
N. Y. and Allegheny 1 25 1 60
Northern Light HO
Phillips Pet 6 15
Pilbole Creek 1 40
Ratbborne Oil 20
Kynde Farm 20 30
Second National 40
Sheiman fc B
Tarr Farm
U. Pet. Farms 25 SO
United States 35 60
Webster 4 6
Tbe tax duplicates for tbe several Towb-
sbips and Boroughs have been plaoed In the
bands of the respective tax collectors. Al'
persons paying their taxes prior to July 1st
are entitled to an abatement ol 6 per oent.
This applies to all Couoty and State taxes
except militia tax. Tbs amounts levlij
are as follows: For Geueral County purpos
es, 10 tnillsjou the valuation for County
Poor Building, tax 2 mills. This applies
to all property, real aod personal property.
For bttile purposes, 3 ioIIir on pervoual
property only. Colketois are- required
to post up at least 6 notices In tbe must
conspicuous plates In their towntbip or
district, setting forth that the duplicates
have been placed ta their bands for collec
tion Tom. McDonald, tbe well known livery
stable keeper, bas recently purchased tbe
moat stylish turn out in tbe oil region, In
tbe sbspe of a One Brett carriage, with team
and gold mounted harness to match. It
made Its appearance on onr streets day or
two sinee, and Is by far tbs most stylish rig
we ever saw in this ngioo. Tom. is bound
to keep up to tbe times.
A look at Sohonblom's lower More will
convince all that Fourth of July Is coming.
Fireworks of every description can be pro
cured there, and Ambrose Weaver, tbe po
lite and gentlemanly clerk, -is always ready
to exhibit them and other goods to bis cus
tomers. Fitboli Oil News. Kelley, Beebe &
Co's new well, on the Holmden farm, near
tbe Catholic Cburcb, Is doing 25 barrels
psr day.
A new well Is being drilled In the town,
on Holmden Run, below MurpbyA Norton's
machine abop.
Phillips Bros, well is down 600 feet; Nor
ton No. 2, 250 feet.
Another new well Is going down on tbe
Webster tract
The old wells bold out as well almost as
when first struck.
Oil matters are quite dull at pretent,both
at Pithole and Cash Up.
Another Invoice of those nion fresh Shell
Clams leoelved this day, at tbe Petroleum
Exchange Hotel. There can bo do more
palatable a dish tban a olam stew, or a half
dozen raw clams on tbe half shell. Try a
lew and be coovinoed.
A small Blddeford boy put a lighted
matob into a nearly empty powder keg to
see what would, happen. He won't do so
agaip, as bis curiosity- is eutirely satisfied,
but tbe girt who sat next bim in school
thinks be looked better with bis ncse on.
A California paper reports ttbal a bote
chambermaid laid aside her broom a few
days ago, aod, on calling for n settlement,
told ber employer she bad been dabbling In
slocks for a year or more, aod had something
more tban $200,000 as a recull,
A Fcnkt Sckx. There was considsra
ble fun at the reoresenation of "Romeo aod
Juliet" In a wretched little theatre during
lhe first French revolution. Madame De
barme, tbe Juliet of tbe occasluo, was lying
dead on the tombstone. It was raining tor
rents; drop came through the roof and
fell on Juliet's nose; she made a face; an
other drop (ell on her eyelids; she winked.
It was a facial expression not taught by
Delsarte. Finally she took to watching Hie
drops and dodging them. Tbe audience
caught the Idea and sympathized with ber.
"Look out, Mrs. Juliet," said ooe fellow,
"there's a whopper a-coming I see III''
"Mind four eye I" said another.
Madame," said a tblrd, rising, "will you
accept the use of my umbrella?"
Of course tbe tragedy ended In a farce.
Tbe Marrying Business.
From tbe St. Louis Republican.
Tbe marrying business received a merited
rebuff in Louisville tbe other day. As very
often bsppens a young lady bad engaged
herself for life to two gentlemen, , one of
tbem she loved, or pretended to, and tbe
other she did n ot love, but the pretentions
wee all the same. By some strange Iresk,
that can only be explained on the ground
that she was a woman, she married the man
who stood lowest in ber virgin affections.
The union did not last long, and in cold
blood she applied for and obtained a divorce.
Then comes tbe other and renews bis sul(
and is accepted; the wedding day Is fixed
and tbe invitations issued. Unexpected
trouble comes, for tbe pastor of tbe church
selected refuses to perform tbe ceremony,
and tbe trus ees decline to open tbeirbonae
for the spectacle. Tbe tickets of admission
bad to be withdrawn, and it was necessary
to make otlur arrangements lor tbe grand
transformation scene In which the two lovtrs
after all their troubles, baving been releas
ed from the demon ot tbe play, were to make
an ascension Into an Imaginary paradise
amid tbe glare of blue lights. Another pas
tor ead another cburcb were found, and tbe
play was enacted. This is degrading nup
tials into tbe coolest kind of business that
can be imagined. We have heard of ladies
wbo found .it d fficult to make a selection
from a number of admirers, but according
to tbe above whim of taking tbs worst first,
if they live long enough they might fioisn
np tbe whole list and be baprjy yet
As Oil Mas for thb Nbxt Governor
op Wcbt Va. We see it stated that the
Democratic "slate" for the coming election
in West Virginia, places the name of J. N
Camden at tbe lead for tbe Gubernatorial
nomination, Mr. Cumden bas fnr years
been known among nil men atone of tbe
most prumlnment producers aod dessert in
that section of thu oil region, and be baa
probably done as much to develop tbe State
as any man wbo could be named. II beis
as favorably known at borne amoog bia fel
low citizens as abroad among bis business
acquaintances,, be will poll a beavy vote.
National Oil Journal.
Tbe Rome Dally Is rough on represent
ative with the press excursion. It says:
We have received this morning tbe drunkest
letter from our correspondent on the press
excursion that was ever penned. We glean
enough ot sober truth from its Intoxicated
syllables to learn that tbe party were treat
ed superbly In Nashville, are 00 their way
to Mammoth Cave, and will return by Cbat
tanooga, where they will bave a banquet
on Monday nlgbt.
SwiNnLisoDoDOC. Tbeoountry Is again
being flooded with circulars headed "Aittbur
Debenbam, bank not printer, (lately in tbe
Treasurer Department) No. 190 Broad'
way, New York," wbo pretends to bave Im
mense quantities of greenbaoks for sale, and
further asserts that "the money Is cot coun
terfeit, but the real genuine article" that
an over Issue In tbe Treasury Department of
many millions placed tbe large amounts In
tbe bands of tbe printers, and to that Is tbe
reason why It Is offered so cheaply. The
man's instruction to remit by express oqly
and not through tbe mails, Is another iroo
of bis villainous enterprise. Let tbose wb '
desire to keep out ot trouble give these
counterfeiters and swindlers a wide Perth
and tbereoy save tbeir money as well as
their reputation.
There are said to be more oases of hy
drophobia in tbe country tban ever known
before. Kill off tbe worthless curs and look
to those considered valuble.
Tbe editor of tbe Davenport, love, Ga
zette advertized tbat be would publish mat
riage notices for $1 escb, or a kiss from tte
bride. A "lady ol color" handed him ber
marriage notice tbe otber day, at tbe same
time teodeiing a smack from tbe lips of tbe
bride. George Ballou, tbe editor of tbe
Gazette, published tbat notice, as be alleg
es, free, and now be bas changed bis rates
for marriage notices.
Work baa commenced 00 the now rail
road depot at Jersey City, it is to cost
1872. NEWCOODSI 1872.
Important to our Patrons and
flatlng juit relumed from New Tork we are tow
Ercr brought to Petroleum Centre, comprising the latest styles tof DRESS GOODS,
Japanese Silks, Shawls, Gjmpizrc Laces,
Hosiery, Gloves, Ready-Made Linen Suits,
" Alan, a verv One selection of
Carpels, (Ml Cloths, Trunks, Valises, at( lids, &c., &c.
tkr Please call early and examine for yourselves.
The Oldest itablishea vry
Parker Oil Field.
The Wm. ration farm, in Falrvlew town"
ship, Butler county, was recently purchased
by J. L. McKinoey, G. H. Neebitt, Jobn
U. Gailv. Wm. B. Sterselt, E. S. Golden,
Eq , and Dr. Baldwin, (or the sum of $30,
000. Tbls (arm contains 123 acres, Is loca
ted between tbe Blaney and Cooper welif,
and bids fair to be a first class piece of oil
A well owned by Messrs. McPberson and
John Shirley bas been pumping for about
tbree weeks on tbe Robert Campbell farm
not far from Fairview and still continue,
to average a production of nearly 100 bar
rels per day.
Tbe well oo tbe Hush BcClymonds farm
bas been puivplsg lor some days aod yields
fully 120 barrels per day. Tbe striking of
this well bas created a great excitement
in the vicinity and opened up extensive
fields for operation oo tbe southwest end of
the oil belt. Tbe well is located near Fair
view, Butler county, and bids fair to con-
tinne to be one of the largest in tbe Farknr
district Oilman's Journal.
A Gl.oitioua Record --Twelve yetago
a few modest lines In a Now York Journal
invited public attention to a new Vegetable
Restorative, aod solicited a trial of its mer
its as a remedy for iodigestion, bllliousoeKS,
f ver and acne, debility, nervous disorders,
rheumatism, and all complaints requiring
invigorating end regulating treatment. In
this quiet, unpretentious . way, 1'lantation
Bitters was Introduced to tbe world. It was
a success from tbe beginning. All (Hat was
claimed for it at a tonio, a corrective and
antidote to malarious fever, was found to be
strictly true. Witbio Ave years tbe annnaj
sales of tbls article amounted to over uue
Million ol Bottli-B. A few years more ana
h. Aumafwl haft ayrAlluH In Bull millions.
Tbe annual consumption of tbe bitters bas
now reaonea tue almost increuium ngpre
gate of six millions ol bottles, aod for every
anl.1 a .inif t.r h lllnatri&lAfl Medical
Annual, published by the proprietots, at a
cost of $150,000, is given away.
The citizens of Lancaster, Pa., are com
plaining of tbe Impurity of tbe water.
St. Louis bas followed tbe example ol
Philadelphia, and opened ber publio libra
rieson Sunday.
Mr. Tbomas Morsn's painting of tbe Grand
Canon ot tbe Yellowstone, has been purchas
ed by Congress for $10,000.
Tbe oldest merchant vessel afloat Is the
Dutch ship "Commissaries des Koning von
der Heine," built in 16C8.
A handsome monument bas recently been
pluced over tbe remains of tbe late Anson
Burllngame, in Mount Auburn Cemetery,
near Boston.
EMojor Wm. C. Armor, Clerk of the Exe
cutive Department at Harritburg, iscompil.
ing a history of tbe Governors of Pennsyl
vania from Peuo to Geary.
Holland is without witer-power, on ac
count of tbe latuess of tbe country, but it
contains multitudes nf wind-mills, wbicb
strike tbe eye of the traveler In every direc
tion. A Mormon missionary In Germany wbo
bad converted qnite a number of Germane,
and was preparing to send tbem ever to
Utab, was arrested by tbe authorities, and
sentenced to receive fifty lashes and be im
prisoned for six months.
Washington and Lee University, Lex
ington, Vs., Is to have an astronomical
observatory, In which will be a telescope
33.1 feat long, one of tbe largest In the
tlie pullk at large 1
opening out U. LABGIST STCCK of
viooua nouse on uit i;reeK.
Ij OCMl Notices.
The Tax Payors of Complant
er Township are hereby noti
fied that John F. Alcorn is the
only authorized collector of
Road and Poor Tax for said
No persons have power to1
employ persons to work on roads
except the Road Commission
ers. J. B. FfTTTERER,
Sect Board.
Road Commissioner.
Pet- Centre, June 17, 1872,
For Sale or Kent
A desirable residence located on tbs Eg
bert Farm, a short distance from (own. For
particulars apply to
UnE.N UAtmtl,
Putrolenoi Centre, Jiiiih 14, 1872.
Will be received by the Board of Directors
of Coroplanter. until June 22nd, al If
HOUSES In said Township, ooe etSirw
lyville, one at Columbia Farm, and est si
Kane City. Separate proposals mull be"
made for each building.
Tbe Board reserve tbe rights to rrjeet any
or all of tbe bids.
Plsns and Sneclecatlonr may be bod sn
application to Geo. IT. DiUond. Sscrrtsry
of tbe Bosrd, Oil City, Pa. Office at Foi'r
Planing, mill. P. O. Box 1,682.
J 11-td.
For Sale Cheap. .
Two Wells and rigs complete ou the Bo-
l-h.n.n Farm mnml ni Pnlnmbla OH Com
pany. Two Woodbury Engines No. JJt
and 3. One do Boiler No. 4. rSOO M.
Tubing, 700 feet one inch Pipe, 700 feel Stf
casing, 216 feet 6?i casine. Apply to
Petroleum Centre, June 8. 1872.
j 8-1 w.
Girl Wanted.
A oirl wanted to do housework In small
family. Enquire of
Petroleum Centte, Pa, June 3, 1872.
juno S-lw.
For Sale
15.000 to 20.000 feet of SECOND-HAM
. n - ... M rooL
tubinu, at irom zo 10 oo v r".":
Tbe Tubing is in first class order n
rliTx tf. H.H. WARNER
New Goods!
Merchant Tailor!
Has Just returned from New Tort wJJJi tbs
aoaoruii.nt of FOKBION AMD DOMXSUU
Cassimeres, '
BultaWe for Men's and Boj's Wear, ever Hous
Ptr.ilpiim Alan, h fllll lin t
CUSTOM WORK promptly attended to, ens !
Ills guaranteed. , J.Tbet-
The people of this place and vletoltresa WTJ .
ler Nothing of me, and SB HBR S -hJ
ER than in Tttn.Ul, Oil City or elsewhere.
Next Booi- to 8raih t"!""" St.
luglon-gt.. Pet, centre. tau saw
Connecticut papers note the
.. ... . older" In10
Ol targe quauiim ui u..- tie
Massachusetts since the enforesmeit or
Prohibitory Liquor law.