tent Medicines, Per iroleiiin (Denttre,, Pa. turneries WasfaiBssytoa Street, Pet JAMESTOWN CLOTHING STORE. LAMMER3, THE ONE PRICE CLOTHIER. BY P. & A. TEL. LIKE. Omen of Another Combination Broken t FFICH OF 1 nthb Daily Rteenttn June 11 ,1872 S PiTROLtna Ce QTha petroleum market is quiet and -luU tolay at 4,00. We heat oft no traneac- t'ons. op lit, BOSS CLOTHIER OF THE OIL REGION First in War, FIRST IN FZL&CE., And First in with arNew Stock of PRING AMD SUMMER STYLES Gents' Furnishing Goods&c Sjjtte (l)iot Sjjirfs, The finest Stock ever brought to Oil Creek. Meek-Ties, Scarfs, Bows, 3&FE AT AND NOBBY. SUMMER OVERCOATS ! LATEST PARIS FASHIONS. LINEN CLOTHING SOLD CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST! h I can and will Sell Cloth- nitfftllkjndeebeaparlben the same articles can be bought In Titusvllle, Oil City or joy ether point outside of New Yoth City, end an examination oi ray clock and prices "HI eenTlioe toy one of thli fact. iL ALDER!, Gtoteicr, Waai0!i-St PE1KOLEI Jl CENTRE, V tore 9 AND Philadelphia, June 11. Crude 12J-J. Kofliinii 23 . June 2.'7. July 2"3(. Market Quiet. Pittnliurg, June 11. Crude sptt, 10 . C. O. all year, 12,''. S. O. do. 11. Eeflned Spot 13? June. 23. Market quiet. Kew York, June 11. Crude IS'. ReBnea, 23'i. Market Firm. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. (lncurioral'd 1800.) Columbia t ire Insurance Co OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS. P. Diiwller. IWl. Rnbt. Crane II. Wilson. Vice Prcst Ilerbt Thornae, Trees J. F. Friieatllf, Sec'y J. B. liachruan Wm. Patton J as. Scbroeder J. S. Strlno M. AI. Strickler Geo. Boslo K. T. Ryon For Insurant or Acenoii". aililrnfs J. r. llltJi I IT, Hoc'', Columbia, la. AGENTS WANTED FOR LIFE AND TIMES OF Jas.FiskJr. Prttilnlra lifdrrnntil,... .f ' um ,. .... u ve. ... viri. , nnuri 11:11, iun:a Tweed, .sc.. with a financial h'.tnr. of ilio eoun cry fr tii. Iat thrre viar.. an" what (irant knew ab int BLACK FHIDAY." Over SOU pagi s. Price NEW YOUR HOOK CO., 1 !5 Nns.an St., V. Y. KMSASHMTWI) BONDS .f.! ond Hrnffiable nve"tniont ftomR .-me ot inn wrannirat ei.nntie In KANSAS All. n, An il Ton. I'r.n kliti. J..ii(G!i and lUnuhM fonutii-a. Ituzlkierau by the H:iin ut Uan-a.. " lulem-t ami principal paid by the Stale t i.-is-urci . The Until. imy i pur i m. inrere-i nun are over three cr oi i. me coupons naMns iiern ahviiM regitlailv anil promptly paid. i'ur tn'lyiei ..mi 'u oriiuilliin. ail a-eii SAVL A. GAY i OKU & CO., a Wall fct, A. Y. City. CQCQA1NE Thn Rcit Hair Drcss!tis nnd Bstorec. Illions Ni;y "BITIiiETT'S COCOAIXE." Yoiif UrugKlst Hub It. Portable Soda Fountains J GCOU, ' DLMAiiLB AM CUKAP Bl'lppi d Heady for Ue J Hivi'Pi r ii r r. n v J. IV. ClIAf.TI N ik till, nndlaon. Ink l-P at-tsu run UlKUULAIa Uicap liriu, f ree ISoiiit-s ON THK UVK OP TUB UWIOiV PACIFIC UAlIiJOAD A I,ard Rrant or 12,01)0,0110 ACIIRN In the lt.ut li'nrti.i.i.. n...l Ml I 1. . ( "i"1 """b " ut. v.tti uiuiu m America. 000,000 Acres in Nebraska In the GEEAT PLATTE VALLEY, tlib Garden of the vesr, jnow nirpaio. Theae landn are in the (ntrn1 nurtinn nfY. tti ted Slat, on the -list decree or North. l.atitndc,tli cuilral lino ol' the "rent TemiHirain 7..IIIH nf ! A. mi rlcau Cnnilnnit, and for main grom.rc and atock raisinir uimurnancd hy any lu the lTattlSiate9. t'lIKAHKK IN 1'itIOK, more favorable termi elviii. and more convenient to market than cau be 1UI1IIU ciBownure. FREii UOMESTEADS FOB ACTUAL SETTLERS. Tito Beat Locnttons for Coliinlca. SoMlers Entitled to a Uumeatead of 160 Acrea. t'reo Paakea to 1'iireliasora of Land. end for the now Dencrlptivo Pamphlet, with new map, puhliHhed in Enpliab, Ucrman, BwedlaU aud vuiiiT.il, uiuueu iree everywuere. Addlesa, l. F. DAVIH, Lind Commiseloncr, U. P. It. K. Co., Ouialta, Ni b. Muuion'a Copper Tnbular Lightning Roil, with. Spiral Elnnura, ii the most complete protecilon a paimt lightning ever Invented Ku.lorr.ed by the cieutiiic world, and hy Wholesale Dealers fro n S i i.S. L .V. s S;. uu t'ut . ircuiar to rAJCK HAHT t O., Vl Penn S... Pitublnirh. Vm... K Y. fOPPER LIGUTMNO KOD CO, 83 TJulon l4u'D "nu;, GYf turn. 0AGENTS WANTED. Agents make more money at work lor us than at anything else, uuaiucss Uht and permanent. Particulars free. G. STINSON & CO., Fine Art Pub iiiiuera, i iirunnci, AiaiDO. llnre f ' ! ,k n.u ff.i. a nn .. t " -... jm i, . iiia , AGKNTS, we will pay yon $ k) per week in cash "Mil.-'. Hw vj.ii,i.ufi uru. Auuroaa If. C4 &i CO., 0tuietatr,tlob. "1 ItKAT MEDICAL HOOK of n;emi knowledge VI to all. hent lrce fur two stamps. Aiidrcus ill, wuayaiw w lu., viuciuiiabl, VillO. i TBADeyWAHK TUTJ niiTU DDTPD inDUl, h 1 iilbjj OF THE OIL REGIONS 6 Spring St, TITUSVlSitiEi, Has broken the outrageous Clothing Monopoly. Chatham Street has become demoralized. Shoddy Clothing is at ( dltnaat fb WHERE YOU OAK FIND ALL TfiB 13 AT TII3 GREAT One Price Clothing Store IJV , TITCSVIXLB. In ISTobby Business Baits t My Stock contains ever make f OooJi. COATS AND VESTS. I have a larger assortment than tiny houst oataid f New York City. There Is Xo doubt but that my Stock rf . 13 ahead of anything m America, either for quality cr style. FASHIONABLE HATS & CAPS? WHITE and CHEVIOT SHIRTS. . I cannot bo beat in this Department. Men's IS COMPLETE. Parties in want of GOOD CLOTHING, Can Save Monev, By coming to my Store where there is everything nw, and where yon can buy 10 Per' Cent Less than Esewhere, And why, do yon ask, because I hare only ONE PBICB. Goods are all marked in plain selling figorcs), And I sell more. Goods than any 10 stores combined. I sell every customer alike and tbroir U MJ bhirts. Suspenders or Collars, to make an extra profit on Clothing. A child at five years can buy as cheap as a man of fifty. SI cordially invite all my old customer in Petroleum Centre and vicinity to come and purchase their Clothing at My Store, PROMISING BETTER GOODS And Later Styles for Less Money I Than Any House in the Region. THIS i)Mu PBICB CLOTHiEU CLOTHIER si y L,tnE or Furnishing Goodo!