The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, June 10, 1872, Image 2

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Basiianrs to aiwd ut 0 J
Merchant Tailors!
Gents' Fornishii . trrXMls,
TITUSYafiLE, pa,
bit pat la OM .of lb aaett mmombu Of I
Mm rbnd Im Um (HI Region.
AU the Ulest tad KobMeet Styles.
a rnu. lini or
Genta' Furnishing Goods, &c
Petroleum Centra Daily Record.
rat. Centre, Pat Idondar fane 10.
Divine aervlee.
Servioet erery Sabbath at 11 A. If. and
IX r. . Babbatb School at 1X P. II.
aiairee, a nniu inritaiion extend
Bit. r. V. Sconau, Pastor
Preaching at 11 o'clock A. M., aad 7JJ
D. PATTOIT, Pattor.
Ftrtln Ceatf Lodge. No.
Tl, I.O. of O. F.
.J1".,. 'fnu Fridofi at8
'clock. Signed.
I. O'Flab-htt, A Scc't.
HTPlce of meeting, Main St, oppoclto
MoCllntock House, '
... A. O. of U. W.
Liberty Ledge No. 7, A. O. of U. W.,
etc ererr Moada ereolng at 8 o'clock.
In Odd Fellow' Ball, Petrolenm Contra!
A. Guv, M. W.
8. H. Eoocaa, B.
Cold at 1p.m. mii
Tbo hoary rala of I tit night, dampened
tbc ardor of tbo pie nicker a atmewhtt, and
much dlMppolotmont wat felt la coast
quence, tblc morn log, by tbc member of
Petroleum Centra Lodge of Odd Fellow.
About nine o'clock, bowercr, tbo iblea be
gen to brlgbten up somewhat, and tbc arrive
al of tbc Columbia Band wa tbo olgnal for
tbc Doabcrc to gatbor. A little after ten
tbc proeoMiea wac formed and marobed to
the depot to welcome the Oil City, Route
villa and Demptcytown Lodge, who each
oota large delegation. At 12 M., tbc
cloud having disappeared, the prooeciloo
wa formed aad marched to the groTc, and
arte tbc hear of going to preic ererytbiog 1
li petting of plQMantly.
The Warren 4 Venango Railroad Com
pany arc pucblng work lively eloog the
Brokonctrair Valley.
From our friend Mitchell, the contractor
at thia cad of the route, we learn the woik
f grading la being pucbed ahead at rapidly
ae poMible. Between Petroleum Centre
nnd the Ryod Farm the work la nearly Ba
tched, excepting at the upper end ol the
Columbia Farm. Between hero and Tito,
elllc, nt the dlcpuled point, tbc Tltutrllle
Pttroleum Centre Railroad Oomnnn.
bare gang of hand at work grading. At
ewer point ia w. v. Co. arcitlll nt
work. Mr. M. think tbo road li an easur
cd fact.
A tank on the Rcblntcn Farm, contain
ing Ore handred barrel or oil, exploded
no day lacl week. But little of the oil wa
The hatband-poisoning butlnes leemi to
bar had a freah Imnatna lU Thi. i.
act calculated lo Implre comfortable feel.
Inn In tha araaata nf tlmU k.k..j.
Mwawauuv W UU
Taoaeppiiy witn ineir wire. While we
bare no doubt that ertento ic rery netful In
. It piece, wo eaonot belief that It place la
the grorl oot's belter half prepare for ber
tick spouse. Verily, thi Borgia business
chould be (topped.
Cbaa. Hart, Ekq.. advertises for aala In
another co louo, an engine, boiler, tubing,
"'-) , ai a Bargain. Read It.
Polioi Hipoar. Oa Saturday night
last, on Information of G. Barney McCel
mont, (the renowned "limb" who brought
rait against the Record for libel) a warrant
wm lewed for thearreit of ooe Louie
Spencer, a fair but fallen angel redding at
the month of Benneboff Run, b being
charged with the larceny of n watoh from
the room of tbc prosecutor. At tbc bear
ing defendtat plead not guilty, asserting
that chc had claim agaloit the prcieeutor,
and demanded n trial by jury. On un
mooing a jury the was withdrawn by
MeCalmont, be paying tbo cost.. While
the jury Was bain drawn, Loulea proceed
ed to "preach n little eermoo," In which
b cecund the prosecutor In langaegs rath-
or more expressive than choice, of laytog
around her home in n drunken condition,
and refuting to leare, aoting In an outrage-
on manner, etc, etc After reotilatiog
the matter to her heart' content, Louiaa
walked off atlll mattering threat of dire
rcngeancc on the bead of G. Barney.
Subsequent erect prored that Louie
Spencer, the defendant in 'tbc abovo case,
wa poatMted of none of tboae meek and
gentle qualltie attributed to female wo
men. "She sighed for reveoge," and later
In the crenlng (be eppeared before Juttioa
Reynold and on oath made information
agalatt tbe laid MoCalmonr, charging him
with riolently and forcibly entering her
aforesaid boot and being drunk and dis
orderly therein or thereabout. G. Barney
was arretted tbla morning, and entered bail
la the cum ol $50 to appear before Justice
Reynold, on Monday next, to answer tbe
Charge. Louisa "swears by the gods" to
make It warm for tbe defendant. "Was
erer client so abused."
Thi noon, Justice Reynold and Consta
ble Atwelt, arrested a man named McHen
ry. otherwise known as the "Corn Dootor,"
for being drunk and disorderly on the street
Tbe defendant wac on horseback riding
areuad rery loootly, to tbe Imminent dan
get of pedestrian. 11 wa placed In tbe
According to tbe daily report of tbe
New Tork paper, that cily le becoming an
extremely dangeron plaoe for tbe tnjourn
of stranger. With police force of fully
2,200 men, general lawlessness and murder
arc increasing to an extent that it alarm.
log, and In certain quarter of tbe olty It I
absolutely unsafe for any decent person to
reoture. Tbe record of last week It thus
tuamed'ap by the New Voik Time-: During
tbo week whloh ended Saturday, eight dead
bodies were foaod floatiog near our city
dock, an uoknown woman wa found dead
la th street, and a prominent German citl-
cea mysteriously disappeared. Ia nearly
erery instance these persons were fonlly
murdered, else tbelr bodies would not bare
borne tbe mark of the bludgeon, tbe koile
or the pistol. If we add to tbla list two
case of murder io which the anie mortem
testimony of tbe victims baa already proved
tbe guilt of murderer, and tbe numerous
murderou assaults which Lave occurred
during th week, rome of which mar yet
end fatally, we bare a record of crime and
violence wbiob hardly any other city ol
Christendom can parallel.
Paten ta issued from tbe Patent Office to
Peootylranla loventort for tbe week ending
May 28:
Air engine, Wm. Alwortb, Scranton.
Grab for extracting well toolr, James H.
Luther, Petroleum Centre.
Washing machine, George 8. Walker and
Frank F. Adams, Erie.
Swlrel for rook and well boring machine,
Jamet H. Lather, Petroleum Centre.
A touching Inoideat I itcorted from Chat
taoooga, Teon. An niter stranger called
on a respectable farmer last week, and ask
ed him II his louse bid not been robbed
daring tbe war. Tbe farmer replied that i(
nau. taia mo eireoger, "was ooe of
tbe marauding ,.arly that did it I took a
little Hirer locket." "That looket," said
tbc farmer, bursting Into lean, "bad been
worn by my dear, dear child." "Here it
is," replied tbc atraoger, visibly affected;
"I am rlob ; let me make restitution ; hero
are $20 for your ll tle con." Ho gave tbe
farmer a fc&O bill, and received $30 In
change. He then wrong tbe farmer'a band
warmly and left. The farmer ba Inc
dried bli tear and loaded hi ibot gun
Th $50 bill wa bad.
The Elmira paper aaj that Wllliamtpor
wa perrecoiy crazy over Barnum' oiroua
which showed there. The newspaper Of
that city alopped over with gorgeoua ac
counts; the boy were wild with delight, tbe
young ladle fairly beside themselvea at
eight of a "Dolly Varden" eebra, and sever
al married men actually offered tbelr moth
er-in-law to tbe cannibals lor a square, (but
tougn) meal.
Half-mournlDg ia popularly known in
reootylvanta at ''Pittsburgh aunsblne."
What sort ol ascent it a deccntt A trip
op, tot It bilgt yoo flowo.
Parker OH Field.
A correspondent write to a from Bruloi
Butler county, nnder date of June 4th, at
"Tbe developments la Butler county are
aasamtng magniScsnt proportion!. The cry
ll oo longer 'soap mines,' but -oil! tbe
wbole county la oil t Erery adrauce wel1
ieao Increased success enterlog at Bear
Creek at SO and 40 barrel wells, and in
creeeloj at tbe MeClymonds well to orer
lOObarrele. The wells are deep, but tbe
drilling easy, many wells being completed
to a depth of 1 300 to 1400 feet In lest tban
sixty days. Here I tbe oil man' Paradise;
big well and, o far, no dry boles."
"The field 1 .bolng rapidly leased nnd
bonght np at high figures; and another year
will carry tbe adrance line of development
across tbe county, and many of our quleti
unassuming farmer will hare become mil
lionaires. Duriog this time, and for year
to Come, many milleons of dollars will Da
Invested In real ettate In thi county, aad
many more millions expendrdln operations,
that will pop Into tbe pocket of our farm
ers and business men for .the products Of
farms workshops-"
"We will also receive a large accession to
our popalatioo of men of wealth and moral
worth and already the tidal wave of Immi
gration ia tweepiog down upon at fiom the
upper county, and they are tomlog with
their wives and families to make this their
home, and like tbe children of Ltreal, they
leave not tbelr tents and 'flocks behind
them, but come with their houses and der
rick! and all tbe paraphenalla of an oil
country; and already we can ooast of coo-
glomerate oitlfct composed of fragments Of
the towns oftPleasantville, Plthole, Cash Ur,
Red Hot, Jtc, and all day long our high
way! are crowded with team freighted
with buildings and oil material from tbe
upper country with heavy sprinkling) of
speculators ia fancy turn-outs or horseback,
riding at 240 speed to get the first cbaooe of
running tbelr banda Into somebody's pock
et; but 'Buckwheats' don't bite.
"Real estate In tbe 'soap mines' la Io
great demand, selling at from $300 to $1,.
000 per acre, and rery little off-ring; but
till, those who bare come here bare fouod
satisfactory locatioos, 'and atlll tbey cornel'
and we say, let them come ; we bare oil
land enough to make them all rlcb, and
soap enough to wash them all clean.
'Oil struck at Jamison's Mill, eight miles
nort of Butler-" Oilman's Journal.
Siiootiko Affair. At tbe Oil Exchange
Hotel, Parker's Landing, ou Friday of last
week, a man named Fltzpatrlck was abus
ing a couple of Italian muHician who were
playing there. Tbe clerk of bouse attempt
ed to put Filzpatrick out, when be drew a
pistol with tbe Intention of shooting or alar
ming the clerk; io4be ecufili the pistol was
discharged sod the ball penetrated tbetUlvb
of one Fitzgerald, who happened to be in
tbo bouse at tbe time, Inflicting a alight
wound. Fltzpatrlck was taken before Es
quire Fullerton, and sent to jail ia default
of $1,000 ball.
Cbicauo Still Ahead. The Chicago
Adrance, a paper usually edited with great
care, oren to ita smallest Item, stated a few
week ago that an artesian well recently
bored by J. V. Farwell & Co., in their new
store, was discharging water at tbc rate of
10,000 gallons per minute. That doesn't
sound rery atrange for one minute, but
wben tbe minutes In n day are multiplied
by It, and we And a total of 14,100,-00 gal
loos In n day, or about fifty gallons for every
Inhabitant of Chicago, a quantity equal to
balf a month's pioduotion of petroleum In
tbe eotire oil regloo, and when we are told
further that tbe whole amouot comes out
through a l loch bole, we are loolined to
think that there Is a mistake somewhere.
Tbc Emperor ol China Is soon to be mar
rled. A-lut'e Is tbe chosen lady. Three
other ladies bare been seleoted for bis future
harem. He Is not yet sixteen. The astro
loger bare been ordered to fix oa' a Inoky
day in October for the marriage ceremos
Tbe chipment of oil orer tbe Attantlo &
Great Wettern Railway, from Oil City,
daring tbe month of May, amounted to 26,'
200 barrela of crude, and 2,186 barrel of
Tbe boating seaton oa Chautauqua Lake
promises to be a lively one. Every craft on
the lake ia In good condition, and the' peo
ple fond of a tail on to beautiful a theet ol
water, can alwaya be accommodated.
borne twenty of the mott expert thieves
In tbe country travel along with Barnnm'i
big show. Look out for them on ibow
Tbe Pennsylvania State Medical Society
-will meet la Franklin, next Wednesday,
Between two and three hundred delegates
will be in attendance.
1872. IMEWCOODS! 1872.
Important to our Patrons and
Harrog jsat retaratd ftoaa Hew Tork we are now
Jiiufl $ Sranmer
Im hnasht to P.tral.aM Oeatn. eeamriilne th. latmt bi-t. ... n.. ,
. - rrv". k". ijywe atWUB,
BOltLH VilRDElU Casmeres
TiLACI- CDL01C11 Aim STHIPEH m.Vt. mtcn nnnTivt.
1 ---" aaaaaaa AWaTilaMit
Japanese Silks, Shawls, Glmnure Laces.
Hosiery, Gloves tteady-Made Linen Molts.
Also, n rerr fine selection or
Carpels, Oil Cloths, Trunks, Valises, Satchels, &c., &c.
f-JSJ Please eall earl and examine tar immIu '
Ibe Oldest Established Dry
Dolly Varden callc I fonnd to be cxcclL
ent for mackerel bait.
Imagine the distress of n milliner who
forgot on which aide of th roao to put tbc
bat. :
A natural tnriog that will Intoxicate, alt
uated near Kara Rircr, Cel., I delighting
tbe Indiana of that city.
Tbe Japs who arc punning their (todle
t tbe Chicago Unirertity wear tbelr plngt
with reckltsa grace.
Hit Paulina Glren of tbc De Moines
Register, I (aid to be th only lady In Iowa
who i glren to journalism.
Tbey do not know mnch about farming
In Hartford, and n imall Bridgeport boy
ba been celling them snuff beam fur flower
Tbe junk dealer of Chicago hare organ
ised a protectlre association, to which none
other tban tbe bonorable junk dealer will be
Flab are to thick la Clear Lake, Califor
nia, that a rereclooa oltlzen says: "It I
only necessary to wad In and cboac your
fish, the diflloulty being which (lib, to
A base-ballltt last week fonnd it necessary
to knock one of his fingers Into splinter,
before be conld satisfy himself that another
person was an equally good "catch."
A lady seek log a situation became inter
ested In the adrertlsement of a rlcb widower
who wanted a lady to do light boiise-keep-log.
So she wrote to the mjrertlser, aakiug
wbero the lighthouse wa, nnd If there was
any way ofgottlng to there on Sunday.
Tug Cultvrh or thi Hair. Jutt a.
surely at sell intethtt win) Canadian this
tle can be made ta produce fine crop of
golden grain, tbe scalp now sparsely oor-
ered with harsb, try, unmanageable hair
can be made prolific of silken trasses. All
that Is necessary M effect tbc change In
either case I the right kind of fertilizer.
Leering tbe agricultural chemists to deter
mine bow the barren land (ball b made
fruitful, we poslirely assert that Lyon't
Kathairoo It uuequaled ae a fertilizer and
beautlller of the bair. Twenty year of
(uccett It tbe basle of tblt nooualified state
ment. During that time It bse bead used
by many million of both ttxe, and tbe
first lostance la which it he failed to fulfill
tbe expectations of a rational purchaser baa
yet to be disooverud. It will not cause hair
to grow on a vanished gourd; but whererer
the root of tbe hirsute flbera remain undis
turbed. it will cause them to put forth new
shoots, and In all cases where tbe bair has
become thin It will Increase in rolume.
Tbe St. Loul Repablicao know of n poet
who wishes to go into the obituary buslnetai
because be ttblnk be can cxtcl. Judging
from bit first effjrt we believe be It right
Here It a specimen of what be cao do:
Here lie the body of If atthew Peon,
Wheo did be diet of what? can't tell!
He died on Wednesday of a wen;
.Then atk no more, be wore It well.
Here Hot the eorpaeol Patleoc Doc
VTho bore through 111 n cancer;
She alwaya (tailed yet wished to go;
It did n good to lane her.
Gab. Io 1792 Mr. William Murdook first
used gas for lighting bit office nnd boa
Redrutb, Cornwall. Tbc Birmingham man
ufacturer at oeo adopted the Invention.
A Titutrillc angtl ate ceren dlsbe of Ic
oream tbe other crenlng, and then asked ber
bean to xont ber at tbe bad eaten rery
hearty tupper of moth and milk.
Welcome eftowect of rain ooni lotto to faror
thU locality.
the puttie at large I
U E R H a I r.l,
opening oat ttw.LAxac-T bwCq,
Irs wh
FUKlVISHIlva fJiinna 0
gOBEIj Ae AITRltllatv
Goods Honse on Oil Creek.
Local Notlcee.
Attention Bane Ball Players.
All parties Interested In the healthful ..j
lorigoratlog exercise of Baas Ball play, art
requested to meet at the old ball groood,
near the Oil Creek depot, for the nurnosa or
organizing a Club. All lorers of tbe aport
will please meet nt tbe abore mentioned
place, on Wednetday, June 12th, at 2 r. a,
Br hkqcist or A Platis,
For Sale Cheap.
Two Wells and rig complete en tbe Bt-
Chaoan Farm, west of Columbia Oil Com
pany. Two Woodbury Engines No. 2;
aud 3. Ooe do Boiler No. 4. 1,500 fwi
Tubing, 700 feet one Inob Pipe, 700 feel 3t
casing, 216 feet ly oaslng. Apply to
Petroleum Centre, Jane 8. 1871
j 8-lw.
Vlrl Wanted.
A girl wanted to do housework la small
family. Eoquire of
Petroleum Ceo tie. Pa. June 3, 1672.
june 8-lw.
Take Notice.
All parties knowing the mselres Indehle4
to tbe firm ol Sehermrrborn k Tea Kjes,
flour aod feed dea ere, are requested to call
at tbelr store, on Washington Street, and
settle the same Immediately, as they Intend
to clot out tbelr business.
SciiiancRHOKir A Th Etc!'
Petroleum Centre, llsy 21, 1872. If.
The House Wife's Comfort!
Renovating Mixture,
It warbM etean. and (rlvee a rerr clear ana esse
tlfnl appwance to the fabrir, and will Mt UN ufr
or In ealtciiee. For denning greaM apots oat ot
earrxls, broad clothe, waaClna linen aad count
good, aad for crubblD? It cannot be surpaea.
It tare a Urge amount of labor, aad does awai
with Krnbblu brunhee
It does not ii Jure the finest texture, for the sim
ple reason that Ita affinity la for create r oi,
changing them to soap, and thus looMnlnf an!
substance with which tbey ran? be comkmod-
lt la instant death to bed tiuif.
Petroleum Centre, June 4, 1SH
ITarlne; tried Ruber's xture I take ideafureia
recoramtodinc It to houiekoauera a b'lpsj.f'''
thing that la cialmtd for It. b. KE1 NUJ.DB.
Prepared and sold os I y Jjr .
(J. FiataEB, Boaterjll!
Fisher's Block, Main Street. J"4-
On and after Bunday, Jane 2nd, 1872,
train will run as tallow:
oth ho. 3. J'
Leare Irrlne. 11,45 a u. 3,08 r
Leare Oil City ,00 A u. 2,27 r u. ,I '
PeUJeiMO 1,10 " JOT
Tltur. 7,10 ;3,55 " J.M
Arrlre Corry, 8,45 6,25 " M
No. eAooommodallon Freight.
Leare Oil City 9,40 a ati
10,26; Tlturllle, 11,15; Ar. Corry, 12,60pm
SOUTH. NO, I. NO. 4. ?
Leare Corry, 10,45 a m. 6,10 a h. , ' "
TItuar. 12,10 r u. 7,30 " V '
P. Ceo. 1,10 8,20 " J. '
.rrlreO. City 1,60 9,05
" Irrlne. 4,48 11,40 "
No. 10 Accommodation Twig". .
Leave Corrr 1.15 d m; Titnsr, 2,60, r
Centre. 3,56; Ar at Oil City, 4,40 p D.
taT" No. 6 and 6 ran on Sunday.
Th copartnership beretolore exisling an,
dor tbe firm name of Warner BotniV JJ"
A ik. n.innhia Farm Grocery
SWre, Is this day (May let) "Jg
mutual consent. All eccount due the
firm will be collected by J. C. Bnmp,
all bill, will be paid by blm. HereafttM
business will be conuet bRjEtwip
m.wS. i- 0- BUMP,