The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, June 06, 1872, Image 2

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    Petroleum Centre Daily Record.
F. ;entre.
Pa., TborMar Mmne 6
Services everyJBebbatis at 11 A. M. nd
itt P. H. Sabbath Bobool at 12) P.
eats free. A cordial ; Invitation extend
ed to all.
Bit. P. W. Bcofiild, Tutor,
Preaching at li o'oloek A. H., end 7
O'clock P. M.
P. PATTON, Pastor.
rtroleam Centre IiOde Ho.
Tl I. O. of O. F.
Regular meeting night Friday, at 8
'clock. Signed.
S. O'Flahirtt, A 6eo'y.
HTPlace of meeting, Main St., cppoilte
MoCllntock Houee.
A. O. of V. W.
Liberty Lodge No. 7, A. O. of U. W.,
BeeU every Monday evening at 8 o'olook,
la Odd Fellow'i Hell, Petroleum Centre,
A. Glim, M. W.
8. H. Koout, R.
Bold at lp.m. 114
BUdd Fellows Celebratloa.
Tbt etcend anniversary of the lnatltutloo
of the Petroleum Centre Lodge, No. 716,
I. O. O. F., will bo celebrated t Petroleum
Centre en Monday, June lOtb. The Rev.
Mr. 0'NeIl, piater of tbo Centre etreet II.
B. Cburob, of Oil City, will deliver en ad-drer-s
on tbe ocoaaloo, and frem tbe well
known ability of tbe geutlemen an eloquent
ration may be expected. An Invitation to
.attend the celebration bai been extended lo
Oil City and Coruplanter Lodges, or Oil
City, and other lodge, which hac been nc
eepled. All individual soembere of tbe
Order are lovlted to attend. Permlaslon
bee been granted for the Lodge to appear
la regalia. Tbe procession wlllitart from
tbe ball of Petroleum Centre Lodge, coon
after tbe arrival of tbe 10:16 a.; m., train
frem Oil City. Tbe Columbia cornet end
etrlog bands, and alio a quartette of vocal
musicians will be In attendance.
Rjad CommlMioner Msflugh ic now en
gaged In tbe good work ol renovating the
load on tbe Boyd and adjoining rarma. It
i well known tbat tbe roadt In tbi aection
have not been placed in thorough repair for
yeare, tbe money raised here by tax, and
wnich ought to have been expended on our
toada, having been applied towarde repair
ing tae road in ether sections of the town
abip. Tbe present year tbi evil be been
remedied, "which the came" I msinly due
to Mr. McHugb, and for wbicb be I justly
entitled lo tbe thank of the tax payer and
eltlaso ef Petroleum Centre.
In one point of our report of Ike arreat Of
the bore Iblei, Jonee, yeiterday, we were
lo error In itating tbat tb prisoner waa dis
charged on tbe cult brought by Levi for ob
taining good under false pretences. Justice
Reyoolds inform u tbat tbe prisoner wa
held lo tbe sura of $300 to anawer.
Immediately after tbe arrest of Jones, be
we searched by lb officers and $10 lo cur
rency and a through ticket and return from
Bouavellle to New York, taken Irom bia
peraen and placed In the band of Justice
Reynold. Laat nlgbt Mr. R. gave the
taoney and ticket to Mr. Phillip, of Rouse
vllie, be being the unwitting purebaaer of
tbe borae, and to whom the money and tick
t rightfully belonged.
There are at preatnt nine well pumping
log m the Cornea & Beers farm, wblcb
average thirty barrels per day. Mr. Frank
Holden, tbe geotlemauly Superintendent of
tbe farm, Informs us that It la the- Intention
of the company to commence tbe work of
drilling several nw wells before long.
Tbe babit of playing ball on the main
streets should be abo.iisbed. But a night
r two since a ball thrown with great foroe,
passed within an lssh of the face of a lady
who we walking along Maja street. Had
the ball (truck ber undoubtedly it would
have Indicted serious injury. Let tbe prac
tice U (topped.
"Carry lb new to Mary," wa beautl.
fully rendered, at Clint Robson's Csiy Sa
loon, nlgbt before last, by an experienced
minstrel performer. At tbe oonoluslen of
Garneroe & Dixie' performance, tbi eve.
ning, tbi wonderful muslolan will favor
the boy with tbat patbetlo ong "Sbe'e a
Bckle wild rose."
It la reported that Meiers. Needle It Croa
by, of Jamestown, New York, have bought
tbe Tldtoute Jonrnal and will shortly take
poiauuinn and "push things."
Josh Billings aaya; "When you strike lie
ajp boring, saaay a nun ba bored clean,
tare, and let all tbe tie tun out at the bottom.
Grant and Wilson
By a (pedal telegram from Philadelphia,
we learn that tbe Republican National Con-
vention have nominated Ulyatea S. Grant,
of Illinois, for President, and Henry WIU
aon, of Mas., for Vice Preaident.
Minrtrils. Tola evening, Carncroes A
Dixie's renowned Philadelphia minstrel
troupe, will give one entertainment only, at
Sober Opera House. The two gentlemen
comprising lb firm are well known to many
to tki vicinity, who alto know furl well
tbat Carncroes fc Dixey'a Minstrels are no
ted for tbe superiority of tbeir performances
la general, tbe originality of tbolr burner,
tbe excellence ol tbeir quartette, and tbeir
f aedom from ought tbat would offend. As
It la some time tlcce our citizen have been
favored with an entertainment of any eert,
we hope a large audience will welcome the
favorite to-night. Tbe programme I new
varied and excellent throughout, and well
worth the price of admission. We advise
II who attend to put a few extra atitchea
in tbeir button else tbey will burat tbem
off by the hearty laughter wblcb will sure-
ly be provoked by Carncroa & Dixey'a
Woman triumphed in tbe Episcopal Con
vention for the Diocese of Kentucky the
other day. Tbe matter came up on an
amended canon prescribing who iball have
a vole in pariah meeting. A fearful conser
vative old fogy Reverend attempted te in
sert tbe word "male" la the canon so tbat
women who are pew holders should be ex
cluded from voting. Tbe convention re
fused ao to amend, but it waa defeated by a
mere scratob. Tbe Reverend who intro
duced tbe amendment made a speech against
woman suffrage, and be attempted to bring
in the Bible as authority, claiming, also
allowiug women to vote in parish meetioga
is mischievous. What would become of tba
churches were it not for the women? What
would ministers do were they deprived of
the aid women, give tbem? A minister
sboold be ashamed ol himself to attempt to
exclude women pew holders from voting.
He should have left that motion to be made
by some crusty old bachelor who can
not appreciate the value of woman in ber
efforts lo mako Ibis world' better. There ia
Do reason why women should ba excluded
Irom vestries, or boards of trustees, or from
any official position in a church. Churches
lean upon the women for very existence.
then Why not allow woman a voles to all
that pertains to the government ol religious
An English paper reports tbe oase of a
mother causing ber boy to be arrested and
put in prison for attempting to commit sui
cide by jumping out ot a window. The boy
waa an iiodultful son, and tbe mother testi
fied she had often beaten him until be wai
black and blue but it did no good, so she
wished tbe authorities to take him lo band.
If that mother bad knocked her son down
a few times with an ax betve, or other eira
'lar rod of correction, it might have made
bim behave, the probabilities surely are
tbat be never would have been obliged to
jump from a window to end bis troubles.
Paiotlng children black and blue with a
broomstick may ba s atyle of art conductive
to obedience, but tbat depends upon the
number of ooata of coloring put on, and
whether one is applied before tbe other has
struck in.
Ths word love, In tbe Iodian language I1
Sabemlendameuttobwager." Only think
of it, girls through your myriad fascinations,
causing respectable young men to fall bead
over heels la Scbemlendamourtcbwager with
Victoria Woodbull is getting altogether
too old and scraggy to talk about Iree love;
and even tbe gusbing Tennie is wrinkled
before ber time.
Conductor Richard and Taylor, of tbe
O. C. & A. R. R. was recently the reol pl
ants by express of a tall white hat each. A
comic picture in tbe crown represented
"What I know about farming" comfortably
seated astride a well fed porker.
Mr. Hollls struck a new well on tbe Clapp
farm on Saturda?, wbioh ia doing sixty bar
A western editor baa been laoguisbiagfor
seme material lor "fire Head" eloquence.
Tbe other day an opportunity came j ao $800
house wa burned down, and be wrote:
"Again baa tbe terrible devastator visited
our ill-fated country."
Aa Iowa chap baa been compelled to pay
$300 to tbe doctor for sewing up bis throat
and tbe arteries of bis wrists, which he bad
voluntarily opened for the purpose ofgoing
In the oil district about Aotworp City, we
are Informed, there are now twenty-nine
producing wells, giving total of 700 bar
rels. Tbe fltit dry bole is yet te be bond.
Tut New Cointxrfsit Fiftt-Csnt
Note. The lollowlog are some of the
points of difference between the new coun
terfeit fifty cent note and tbe geuulne. The
bead ot Stanton has a different expression,
the beard harsh 'and ' stiff, the background
on the right of tbe bead irregular and
scratchy. Under some of tbe letters, and
but four in the genuine. In tbe word
'United States' the blank spaces between
the body of tbe letters and the ruled shade
are Irregular and generally narrower than
tbe genuine, which are of uniform width.
On tbe back of the counterfeit tbe hair
1 lines forming tbe turns at the top and bot
tom of tbe Italic letters are heavy; on tbe
genuine tbey are light and delicate. Tbe
red seal also differs materially from the
genuine in the forms of the letters, tbe dots
on tbe shield, tbe shade to the letters,
which are Irregular and on both sides ol the
letters, and tbe ruled lines forming tbe
background lo tbe shield. Tbe fibre paper
on wblcb tbe genuine notes are printed baa
been imitated by scratchy lines engraved on
the counterfeit plate. The pointa noted are
some of tbe most prominent, and by com
paring with a genuiue note can be readily
aeen. Ob examination with a glass- It will
be seen tbat the entire work differ from tbe
genuine. Tbe g eneral appearance of tbe
note, with tbe exception of tbe bead of
Stanton, might deceive those wbo do not
examine closely tbe money they receive. About Babies. Talk about
babies! We always loved a baby not any
of your sour, suspicious, squallinic rjpeci
mena, but a bright, rosy, dimpled thing,
full of fun and frolic, running over witn glee
aud of eucb a confiding, unsuspecting dis
position aa not to refuse to go ta anybody.
Wttat can be more refreabiog In thia busy,
tiresome world than an occasional romp
with a baby? Abetting down as it were ol
chord of mind until it vibrates in uoieon
with a baby's, and then holding a confi
dential chat, in real baby vernacular.
Then to have a couple of white chubby
rma thrown about your neck, and a pair ol
roay lip,- fresh as rosebuds ere tbe dews
have left them, presented for a kiss. Tbe
man wbo can think of It without a aofleoiog
of the heart and a watering ol tbe tnoulb,
la no better than I he awine betore whom tbe
pearls are cast, and we hope be may never
be bleat with a baby or il be la, let him
be a kicking pugilistic baby one skilled in
in tbe art of gouging, wbo takea delight in
running his thumb into your eye, and I'
always trying to obtain a lock of your hair
by a more summary and unceremonious
process than clipping.
Cuwov. One of toe curious pbaaea in
tbe life of ao editor, Is tbe kind of corres
pondence be receives. For Instance be
sends out several hundred billa to bia pat
rons, and, of courae, expects a prompt re
sponge. But of the number there are about
fifty who respond cheerfully and promptly,
and give blm good words ot encourage
ment perbapa will ebow tbeir appreciation
of bis labora by sending bim another sub
scrlter. These are tbe true friends of the
paper. Next t comes a batch wbo lou't
think tbey are in arrears, but would trouble
tbe editor to make out a statement of their
account. Next comes a few, wbo waut the
paper stopped, without condescending lo
ask whether their bill is large or small, not
caring whether tbey pay or not, and falling
to use some barab expression, aa though
tbey were insulted by beiag asked to pay
what was justly due, doubtless thinking
tbat a printer is not of much account, and
not worth attending to. Last, but not
least, and really the lowest of tbe lot, I
tbat clasa of readers who never tb Ink o'
paying, aad though you may write and
write and weary of sending bills, these in
cline to respoud, and never we are surer
think of payiug. May tbe good Lord de
liver us from such.
The Columbian Hotel at Saratoga, wbicb
was bunted, a usual, laat Summer, has
"pbosoixed," and will accommodate two
hundred guests.
Although Seyd Ben Majld baa been lovl
ted to tbe jubilee, tbe Seyd Ben bas not yet
Majid up bis mind whether te come or not.
Boston Post.
James McGraw of Warsaw, Ind., drank
nine glasses of whisky Isst week to toduoe
Insensibility to the pain of toothache. Tbe
experiment was promanent success.
"Ducktowo" Is an East Tennessee town
by which tbe "beeutllul Ocoee rushes mad
ly, wildly along." Hlawasaee was tbe pri
mitive name for the vllliage.
Tbe Preaident of Costa Riea and the Presi
dent of tbe United; State wilt meet at
Washington next August, the irst instance
of an interchange of Presidential visit.
The Economy Company have four new
wells southeast of tbeir old ones, tbat are
pumping 65 barrels. Tbey intend to &e
velopo their new territory fully to! turn
1872. IMEWCOODSI 1872.
Important to our Patrons and flte pullic at largs I
Having jut returned from Now York w ate sew earning oa tbe LAJtQEJT STOCK ot
grmg $ Rummer rg
iLTCT TjrOBgUt W i nmwum venue, wmtHiiuii iiw b vuK iwUq
Japanese Silks, Shawls, Gimpure Laces,
Hosiery, (.loves, Ready-Made Linen Suits.
Also, a very fine selection of "
Carpets, Oil tlotlis, Trunks, Valises, Satchels, &c, &c.
KT Please call early aod examlno for yourselves. ,
decisu. r?OBEIi it ATJERIIAIM.
The Oldest Established Dry Goods Honse on Oil Creek.
Stniggte's idea of a grain -elevator Is real
izedln rye wbisky.
When is butter like Irish children? When
it ia made into little pats.
What sort of asceot is a descent? A trip
up, lor it brings you down.
Half-mourning ia popularly known in
Pennsylvania as "Pittsburgh sunshine."
Tbe latest aetreotogical invention Our
Horace scope, as drawn by the Ciocintail
Tliere are forty million bottles of Catawba
wine in Cincionati cellars. What place
for conventions!
Josb Billiogssays tbat opera music don't
have any more effect on bim than caator ol
would on a graven image.
One of "tbe advaotagea ol being Intoxica
ted," la tbe ability to jump from railroad
tralos without being killed.
Ao apothecary lately aent In a bill te
widow, which ran thus: "To curing your
husband until be died," etc
Vbat uext? An employment cfllce In
Chicago advertises for any number of gtrle
to fill situations in families, promising tbem
from 3 to $10 per week wages, and car
riages waiting at tbe door to take tbem to
tbeir places."
Tbe strength of tbe British Army, ex
clusive of commissioned officers, is 177,678
men, of whom 117,701 are English, 15.885
Scotch, and 42.092 Irish. In tbe infantry
of tbe line tbe Irish proportion is very
There Is to' Te an academy opened in
Quincy, Mass., next September, wbleh waa
endowed with a gilt of land by old John
Adama In 1722, only three or four yeara
before bia death. Among those who contri
buta lo the guarantee fund are Charles
Francis Adam, and it ia to be known as the
Adama Academy.
Tbe utter folly of poisoning pie lor the
extermination of rata, aod then feeding It
out to the family, Is illustrated in tbe case
of tbe sexton of tbe Brooniflvld stteet
Church, in Boston, wbo died from the effect
of an experimeatof tbieklnd laat Saturday
It is said tbat about one-fourth of the
saloon -keepers ot Blinds have already clos
ed up, aod tbat one quarter of tbe remain
der will go out of business before tba lat of
July, on account ot tbe State temperance
At tbe opera-bouse in Oporto, lately, an
aotresa appeared ia tbe night scene lo "Fre
Diavolo" attired only lo a night gown, and
her lover, wbo was among the audience,
shot her dead when she next appeared loo
tbe stage.
The vexed conundrum propounded by
Hamlet In bis soliloquy ss to "wbo would
fardels bear?" bas at last beea solved In
a satisfactory manner. Tjis widow of a
man named Fardles, bung for borae steal
log la Texas, ba just given blrtb to
A Kentuckian being asked how much
corn- ba raised, answered, "Aboar ten
barrels of whiskey, besldos w watte
making bread."
Tbe Pari Exhibition, which opened on
tbe 16tb or May, contained only 1,000 pic
tures, or about half tbe number exhibited at
tbe exhibition of 1870:
Washington street, Petroleum Centre, Fa.
S. P: CK00K8, PaoraiBToa.
This tloriM Is eentrallj located, aad the leaeral
headquarters of oilmen,
reuoleua Centre, re , June 4, 181 -tt!
Lonal Notices.
Girl Warned.
A girl wanted to do housework la a mill
family. Xoquire of
MBS. H. C. JAllVtl
Petroleum Centre, Pa, June 3, lt'L
june 3-1 w.
Take Autlce.
All parlies knowing themselves iadeMed
lo the Arm ot Sebermerboro & Ten Eyck,
flour and feed dealers, are requested lo call
at their atore, oa Washington Street, and
aettle the same immediately, ar tbey iBleod
to close out their business.
Petroleum Centre, May 21, 1872. If.
Thursday Eve'g, June 6th.
Carncross & Diiey's
Direct from tbeir Opera House, Philrelbls
Eugene and Insworth!
Admission, 60cts. Reserved, 75cts.
Jul (St. FRED. A. DUBOIS, Ageal
The House Wife's Comfort I
Renovating Mixture,
It warbes etean. and gives a very clear and ben
tlfnl appearance lo i he rahrte, and will set lb. co
or In calicoes. Kor cleaning; great epets oat ot
ourpats, broad cloths, waxliiBg linen and cotton
uoodH, aud for scrubbing It cannot be fnrpatsed
It nvea a large amount oflaber, and does away
with ecruuiiiuc brarbee
It doea not irjure tba finest texture, for tba sim
ple reaaon that Its affinity is fee peae or oil,,
changing them to toi, and thin lonunln SB
ulmtance with which they nwy be combined.
It it Instant oeatb to hod bug.
Petroleum Cant re, Jnne 4, m.
Having triad Riiher'e izture I take plrniure la
recommending It to heuaekttpers sa being avarj
tbing thai it claimed for It tt. REYNOLDS.
Prepared and sold nalr hv
8. riliHER. Bonserlllt, Pa.
Fisher's Block, Mala Html. Ju4.
TRAINS ON Oa V. it A. R. Ra
On and after Suoday, June 2nd, 1871,
train will run a follow:
, north mo. 6. no.3. ve. 1.
Leave Irvine. IMS i at. 3,06 '
Leave Oil City 1,00 a h. 2,27 t u. e,15 r af
PeL.Cen,38 S,W T,0J "
" Tltusv. 7,10 S.65 7,60
Arrive Corry, 8,45 626 " ,15 "
No. 8 Accommodation Freight
Leave Oil City t,40 A Mi Pet- Centre,
10,26; Tlluavllle, 11,15; Ar. Corry, 12,66pm
BOOTH. KO, 3. NO. 4. MO. (
Leave Corry, 10,45 a U. 6,10 a U. 6,05 r st
Tittiav. 12,10 r m. 7,30 7,S-
P. Ceo, 1,10 " 8,20 " .S5 "
Arrive O. City 1,50 9,05 f,25 "
Irvine. 4,48 " 11.40 "
Mo. 10 Accommodation freight.
Leaves Corry 1,16 p m; Titaev, 2,60; Tn
Centre. 3,66; Ar at Oil City, 4,40 p m.
No. 6 and 6 run on Sunday.
DIsaolsitlen Notice.
Wl. ... a a. I lalfna tUt'
ai us wprtDvnHi) uvrvvuivr )
der tba firm nam of Wrar A Bunpt pr'
..a... . SV AaV. J"-I..t. X..ea il tAMff
Store, Is this day (May 1st) dissolved by
mutual cooeuor. All ecoounie nui u
Arm will h enllMUil hw J Ci. Rlinn. SBd
all bills will be paid by blm. Hereafter the'
basloe will be conducted by J. C. Biibbv
u. a. nmmr
;. BUM 6V