SHDGERT & STARR Successors to McForlaod, Smith Co., Merchant Tailors! AKD DEALERS IN Gents' Itafntehing Goods, COB..BrniNG FRANKLIN STS., TITCSVaiiliE, PA. Bavs put 1b one of the finest assortments ag 1 VL01HS& CASSIMERE8 ENGLISH, FRENCH AND AMERICAN COATINGS, MIXED AND STRIPED SUITINGS, FANCY VESTINGS. after offered la the Oil Region. TWENTY DIFFERENT STYLES OF HATS Sc CAPS, AU the Latest and Kobbiect Styles A HJLL OF Gents' Furnishing Goods, &c. t etroleum Centre Daily Record, PeUCnlre, Pa., Saturday, May 24 Divine service. METHODIST EPISCOPAL' CHURCH Services every Sabbatb at 11 A. M.- and t P. M. Sabbath Scboul at 12J P. M. eats free. A oordtal invitation extend ed to til. Rev. P. W. Sconeld, Pastor. ' PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Preaching at 11 o'clock A. 11., and T, o'clock P. M. D. PATTON, Pastor. fetrol ram Centre Lodge, Not Tl, I. O. of O. P. Regular meeting oigbts Friday, at 7 'cluck. Signed. ALBERT GLENN, N. G. E. O'Flahrrtt. A Secy. 9"Placeof meeting, Main St., opposite MoUlintock House. A. O. of U. W. Liberty Lodge No. 7, A. O. of U. W., meets evory Monday evening; at 7 o'clock, In Odd Fellow's Hull, . Petroleum Centre, Peno'a. A. Gln, M. W. S. H. Koomr, R. Gold at 1 p. m. IIS?;, The Tltnsvllle Herald of Wednesday re ports that Mr. Charles Wicker, editor of the Petroleum Centre Record, bas been sued for .lander by S. B. MoCalmoat, of Franklin. The Herald is mistaken In part of Its story. There Is do such man as S; B. MeCalmont In Franklin and the gentleman who, by the initial letters, might be supposed -to be the prosecuting party, bas too much good seoae to sua a. newspaper. Venango Spectator. The Herald also stated the ball to be $ 500, whloh Is errooeous. As -that paper ires the first to publlsb the report against a "brother chip," we consider It no mora tban justice that they should set the matter right before toe public The Spectator Is right about tbe McCalmoot's ot Franklin. Tbey are too much or gentlemen to allow them selves to be mixed up la dirty little serspes like tbe one reported In tbe Rigobd, aad Jor-wblob that libel suit was Instituted. Mcan. One of those drunken deedbeata that are prevalent lo ever town, vliited a 'free and eaay," at tbe npptr end of town, nJgbt before last, and after deoajng a set on the floor called up the parly to Imbibe, and then turning round to tbe bar-tender, said "If this Is charged to me, 1 shall 'return this bouse to Court," and turning round left tbe ream. An Informer baa always' been oon idered by all men as too contemptible for even a brute to associate witb, bat a taa that would stoop to so vile a trick as tbe aoove Is not fit to be smothered to death Id B. S. eH. There Is a law which punishes Individuals for seeking to get up trouble In communities, and we suggest that tbe pro per officers look alter tbls man. Tbe-eleotloa ls,paaslog off quietly to-day. Of courts all tbe candidates expert the nomination tod are working herd to secure tbe eoveted prize, we are Informed that Dickey is largely abend or Congress; Dun can for State Senator; Sbaw (or Register 4 Recorder, and that up to noon Crawford and HaUbt fur Prethonatory stood about even oaths vote. Mo doubt the country will be saved by the victorious ones. "Was ever client ao atuiaed," Is a fa wit ttpteisioo among tbs boys. Rkko. Its PKOBtx-i'iox tic 1'ue lir no Company have two new well on tbe river bank. Tbey are No. 3 aad bi, and have been pumpiug for about two weeks. No. 63 is yieiiiiug tally 170 barrels a day, and No. 64 la doing aat least 70 barrels. Tbe Company bave altogether 45 pumpiug wells seme of which were struck lu 1804, p:evious to tbe organltatioa of tbe Com pany, aud were tbeo small wills some do ing In the aggregate 423 barrela dally. There are also three wells drilling and three rigs being erected on tbe farm. We spent an lour or two the other day in luokiDg over tbe Rvuo property aad cau truthfully say that the operations ol tbo Compaoy are Conducted lu the meat cautious and system atic maouer. Oue old eu(loeer told ua that the labor lorce waa uuder aa strict dis cipline as is kept iu a government navy. yard. And everything bad that appear ance. All tbe machinery was as clean aud bright as a new pin, while the eogine bouses were models ot neatness and cleanll. nets. Tbe Company bare an excellent pipe line system, being able to seod oil from one extreme end of the larm to tbo otber at a moment's notice. They also have their owo machine and carpeuter shops, and keep quite a oorps oi workmen lor every branch of labor required. .Tbe develops menls on the Reno property bave beta con ducted witb a cautioo unexampled, we be lieve, In tbe biatory of oil operations. Tbreebaa been nou baphazard or wild cat drilling whatever. Although tia produce lion bas reached tbe Interesting amouot of over (our hundred barrels, the wealth of the property Is not yet half discovered Venaogo Spectator, mere is no excuse lor a Die bodied men being out of employment is this city at present. Tbe demand lor skilled work men is fair, and tbe demand for laborers is totally inadequate to tbe necessities. Tbey are wanted on tbe new railroad. Tbe Columbia Oil Company have reconv meneed tbe work of developing on their farm. Several new derricks are already ud. Just received at tbe Petroleum Exchange Hotel, an Invoice of Shrewsbury Oysters expressly for summer use. Tbcss oysters have never been introduced In this place, and as tbey are extra nice eating, we would advise epicureans to try them. Nctv Wkll. A mow well war struck on Blood Hill, on Monday last, which Is yield ing six to eight barrels per day. Tbe tools had been stuck In tbls well for upwards of six moothes and were only taken out the latter part of last week. Tbe well is own ed by tbe Blood Farm Oil Co., of which Henry Byrom Is Superintendent. Philadelphia now bourns of aatatorinra.'i In whloh ladles and gentlemen, though not at the ssme hours, cau swim, in wu:er of a summer temperature, like so many dolplos and mermaids. O'd lady to ber niece "Good gracious, Matilda, but it's cold. My teeth are actu ally chattering," Loviog niece "Well, doa't let tbein chatter too much or tbey may tell where you bought them. Peru, Indiana, bas a remarkable chorus society. A local sheet says: "Tbe soprano rescbed blgb C without an effort, and tbe basso profundo msde a run of the gallery stairs, striking B fiat In a sitting position." Newly married daughter "Mamma, bow long does tbe boneymooo last?" Practical parent "Uotill you ask your husband for money, my dear. An ex-Tribune proof-reader says: "It Horace Greeley bad written the inscription od tbe wall In Babylon, Belecbazzar would bave been a good deal more scared tban be was." Csptaln Jenes, of Stoolngtoo, is respons ible lor tbe following : On bis passage from New York a few dsys ago be observed, one summer afternoon, a beavy cloud arise from tbe land and, to bis great surprise, approach tbe vessel. Suddenly It broke near him, asd covered tbe deck with millions of mns qulloes, while part of the flock went through! tbe mainsail; leaving nothing but the bolt-f ropes hanging idly to. the spars. Corro borative evidence to this astonishing tale was found in tbo person of a "down-east skipper, " who beard tbe story, eo wJrJj.oo comparing datea witb the narator, deele'rsd that two days afterward be was boarded by tbe same flock oi mutqultoes, and ' they all wore oanvss breeobes N. II. Reglater. There is good seuseln tbis "old motto for merobadts:" Late to bed and early to rlae, Never gel tight but advertise." ' A party In Puotlao, Mien., out rowing on Sunday, was too beavy for tbe boat, and one of tbe number waa drowned. A local paper thereupon remarks: "Remember tbe Sabbatb day and keep it boly, and don I overload your boats." ' There are a Dumber of gratifying eviden ces that our ooean carrying commerce Is about to experience a substantial revival, notably In Asiatio snd Pacific waters. Tbe development of our commetclul faoilities and relations witb tbe PaclOo coast is naturally giving rise to a number of now undertakings between the ports of (bat eoast and China, Japan and Australia. Nothing Is so prolific as commerce. New lines of railroad create new steamship lines, and these In turn bo get other facilities of communication and intercourse, until laod and sea are inter laced witb pathways for tbe distribution of tbs means and'stlmnlatlon of the -growt bof brotherhood of tbe world. Iu view oi the increase of trade thus promised in those seas, and of tbe consequent augmented wealth and importance which are likely to accrue, II would seem wise on our part not to neglect, nor even to defer, tbe cultivation and development of tbe Incipient commerce now existing between this country and tbe islands of tbe South PsciOo ocean. Many of these lie almost directly In tbe Hue of traffic between our Western ports and tbe countries of Asia and Australia. Sooner or later tbey are bound to become the bomes teeming Industrial populations, and that nation which Is now tbe first to plant tbe germs of commercial intercourse with tbem, will in all probability be also.the principal gather of its ripe frult-tage. A Sad History. . From the Louisville Ledger. Ida Jacobs waa lormeriy a beautiful wtf man and tbe honored wife of a goodcilizeo, who provided liberally for all ber wants aud gave ber a home of comfort aod plenty. lier attractive personal appearance made ber object ol the attentions of one in whose heart a scheme for ber ruin bad been laid, and a touch ol vaulty that made ber suscep tible to flattery was taken advantage of by tbis individual, who bad an accomplished wife to prepare ber for tbe gratification of bis base passion. Tbe vain and beautiful woman fell; her bvshand cast ber off, aod after a time ber seducer also discarded ber witb scorn. ' Ida Jacobs then commenced ber rapid descent to the bad; aod now, if ebe is still alive, is sunk to tbe lowest depths reached by "a woman of tbe town." On Sunday last, doubtless from the effects of her vices, she was stricken blind and ' helpless witb paralysis, and wneo onr reporter beard from ber tbis morning was lying la a wretched hovel in a filthy alley, unconscious of ber position and supposed to bo dylug. This is the change wrought by vice in a few brief years; from a once bright and bappy bnme, and loving, dntlog busband, to tbe lowest depth of disgrace and misery. At Clooiunati Ida Jucubs has a brother living, lie is a gentleman ot wealh and Id fluence and high social position, and bi name is Ilarriss. He was telegraphed for on Sunday and urged to come and do what might be done to aid bis fallen sister, or at least coolbe ber dying moments. But up to this morning be bad'nut arrived, nor bad any anawer been returned by him to tbe telegram It Is very likely-that poor Id v Jacobs, like many otber uufortuoates, will die alone and unmourned, witb no one even to elnse her eyes. Poor unfortunate! Uay be, however; God will give ber an in lerval ol repenteoce, and aend ao angel of mercy to guiue ner over toe dark river, Legal Puma Briefly Stated. A note by a minor is void. A note issued on Sunday is void. It la fraud to conceal a fraud. Ignorance of tbe law excuses no one. A contract made with a minor is void.' Notes bear interest only when so stated A cootract that is majjo witb a lunatio is void. .-. V Tbe law compels no p'ua to do impossiblh ties. Ad agreement without any consideration Is void. . -, Signature made with lead pencil good lu law. .A rtlbsjpt for money pld"U not legally conclusive. Tbe acteof one partner la tbe firm bind all others. " ' Contracts made on Sucday cannot be en forced! V Principals are responsible for the acts or , n is not legally necessary to Bay on a note "for value Ticeived." ' If a note be lost oriftoJen It does not Te lease tbe makerbe must'psy It. Escb Individual lu partnership Is reipon. albttrforYbe whole amount of tbe firm A note chained by fraud, or from" a per sod in a siats oi intoxication, cannot be collected. Ao endorser of a note is exempt from lia bility if not served witb notice or its dishonor within twenty-four bours of its non-nay ment. ft Tbe cost lor eaob pupil educated In (be publio schools of Boston, durlog 1871 was $12.36. SOBEL & AUERHAIM DRY GOODS, AO. 1872. NEWCOODS! 1872. Important to our Patrons and the public at large ! SOBEL AU E R H A I M, Having jurt relnrntd from New York wa are now opening out tbe LARGEST HTCCK of ummer J Ever brought to retroleum Centre, comprising the latest alyles ot DKESS HOODS, BOL&Y VARDEIff Casmeres BIASK, COLORED AND STRIPED SILKS. IRISH FOPIINS, Japanese Silks. MiawJs, sat. 4 sTfl uoMcry, (i.m-, Also, a very MILLINERY GOODS Carni'ts, Oil Cloths, Trunks, Valises, ut( litis, &e., &c, ray- Please call early and examine for yourselves. declflif. . The Oldest Established Dry NOTES OF THE DAY. Aa Industrial Exposition Is to be bold in Newark, N. J., in August Debt. Tbe bootblacks at some of tbe New York railroad depots are to wear a uniform. Massachusetts fisherman are jubilant over the appearance of mackerel In their waters. Tbe hats at present fashionable with la dies, are exact reproductions of those worn in 1S30. a Detroit man bas got through keeping tame foxes since be lost seveu prizj fowls which cost him eight dollars eaob. A man may get aa drunk as often as he pleases on opium In Sin Francisco and still according to the latest decision, Is Dot In temperate. Don't Bay any more tbat It is nicotine that burls you when you smoke, because It bas been discovered that it il plcullne; which Is a great comfort. - With pardonable exnllntlnn a Texas press calls attention to the fact that there is not an almshouse la the Siite and tbat there is no need of any man, woman or child m Muring from poverty wltblu its bounlK. The new City Hull, Piiisburgh, will be dedicated to the aduiinislratbu of justice, next Tuesday. The luboreis on the (rovrmmeot works at Ri ck Inland recently discovered the fossil remains of an unknown pre-bistnrlo animal, aa almi a deposit of fresh-water shells filty feet ot'ov the surface of the river, showing that the Mississippi bad at some lime over flowed that elevated point. Cbnppaqua, famous aa the place that hnlda Mr. Gr"0lfv'a farm, la nf rpvr.lntlnnarv men tion. Major Andre was there, bound lor new i nra on me morning or tne day on which be waa captured, and made inquiries as to tbo road be waa traveling. The famons African explorer. Rohlls, says tbat witb proper treatment Africa might again be turned Into the paradise that some portions of it were under IheCartbagenlana and Romans. He declares that Central Africa la as rich aa India, and that a grand hint) way to the Kingdom of Snudan might easily be constructed across Ibe desert from sport to be established on tbe siteofsileot Cartbsge. A New British stesmshlp company bas been lormel lor the purpose of establishing a Irans-Pacifta mall line to connect parts ol China and Japan with tbe Northern Paciflo Railroad as soon as tbe latter shall bave been completed. American enterprise should frustrate ibis movement by occupy ing tbe ground in advance. Efforts are being made to introduce tbe uvxican bread Irmt tree luto Florida. GATES' SACK SUCTION P8E- hjumph. Feb. 3. IflTQ aiKssas. Andrews Co ;knti.iicn: Hainc nMdonet.' CATK8' H40K SUCTION PKKVCM- i uiu, i can coDuuc-miy reeommena tlieaame to all who have occasion lo me Hie ama, ag tbe heat Pre veutnr of Back Hnctlon on Oil Welle, Our well waa Roimalllhnt ithainly pav to run It. After .ml tint! on ono of CA'I'EK' BACK RUCTION TIM VKNT0H8 Ihe production waa lucre' ai loa good paying well. liei'ore we put the Back Suction Jre veutor on the wall, we invarlaMy hud to pnuip the well two week, before we coulii restore It to lis for mer production after drawjiig ublng. 'I his la en tiruly obviated by the no ofihe Proventnrv Hat, l'BRKUia A Coi . Tbio, Jan. M, 1871 Mf.mi. Andiuws A Co. Having thoroughly tested the utility of CATKS" BACK 8(T0TfuN PHBVBNTOK, we consider them one of the most useful inventions over made for oil wells, and we think we aro callable of Judging of them, having three on our wells. We can now d aw t- Ling, and when they are replaced the wells produce the same a. before draw iu, thus shotting that the Preventer efl'ooiuully prevent all ingress uf air. You-a respectfully, JlAooir Bioxst. Hasans. Andrews A Co Gists s This Is o certify that I bave used one of OATKH' BACK 8H0 TIU.w PHEVBNTOKf, on the Lee & III hland Lease Econoinite Hill, and would not 'do without it at an) price, aa It will do ail and more than It la recommended to do,.. Boolean cheerfully -a-ecom-meud it to all Oil Opsratora who have snyjbtck Buo Tours, 'ew Vtsu, .Tidioute, Feb' j 9, lilt-taw 3m. (-Impure Laces, M I. ' iiruuy-jiuuc jiiiicn Nuits. fine selection of ! MILLINERY GOODs .. SOKEJj St Al'KKHAlH. Goods Monro on Oil Creek. Local Notice. For Sale 15.000 to 20,000 feet of SECOND-HAND TUBING, at from 25 to 35 cis. per foot Tbe Tubing Is in first class order and all ready tilted. " April 23. tf. II. n. WARMER. Take Notice. All parlies knowing themselves Indebted' to tbe firm ol Schermerburn ft Ten Eyck dime anil four! n ....j . ' .'. . . -."-'"-) .,b irtjuceieu 10 CS1I at their store, on Washington Street, aod entii, tun eauni luuueuiBiejy, as ibeyloteDd to close out tbelr business. ScllKRMKRIIOKN & Tf V El l I- Petroleum Centre, May 21, 1872. if, NOTICE.- Tbe Overseers of the Poor of Coroplaalsr Township will receive proposals from any person or persons to keep the poor ol ssid Township from tbe first day of June, 187r, till tbe first day of January, 1873. Tbo poor are lo be furnished with provision, a physician, fuel and clothing. Proposers will say how much a week tbey will keep each person lor. Proposals to he made on tue 4th day nf June, 1572, ot Hie Plumer House, Plumer, Pit.'K Sauk. Thomas Mrllnm, Ovejnwrer Cated .May 2f, 1872. Id. New aoods! Merchant Tailor I Has Just returned frnin New York with the lot' assortment of FOHK1U.N AND 1XI.MKS11C Cloths, I'assinuTCs, and lestinp, Rnltahla ftir Met'a and Boi's Wei-r, ever brought U Petroleum Centru. Also, a full line of GENTS' FUBNISIIiNG GOODS. Ct WTOM W ORK promptly attebded to, aod fool fits uaarantevd. Tlio people of this place and vicinity csn hoy bet ter Clothing i,r me, and S5 fER I EST CUiUf KK than in Tltuiville, Oit City or eltewhera. Ulve nie a call. I.. ciiAFOwrrcii, Next nour lo Smlih'a tMloon, lua-tuii.M., Pet. sjoiitre. Pa. a-a Just from New York. A SPLENUID STOCK OF , SPRING OVERCOATS, To the Citizens of Petroleum Centre and vicinity. I have just received the largest stock of SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING : A full stock of Straw Goods. Now lo the Oil Country, and can and will sell cheaper tban any otber man In town. to iarsr j-bienps I ask you to call and see before P"rch'" ing elsewhere, s It Is lor your benefit l am doing this. Don't be led aatrsy, "I" , examine my stock before going to soy oiuer plaee. I bave tbe LARGEST STOCK OF HATS Eve before offered in the Oil CouitoJ Alto, tbe finest stock of . Gents' Furnlslilng: Coo ln,be.oun.ry.goBElji. Petten .Cealrfi Meat Market ! Geo. W. King, Jr., Next oot to the Rochester HOTse, dealer to and Halt MEAT.-, BMOKJ8D MBATo, POULI' UnnvnieD . Farmers having tot Cattle will do well wfifo acaU. A share o tbe public patronage sohggV m9mXtm ftaee. Art. IB. lfIL retnlsoia etoM. Set. IB, WIL