The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, May 21, 1872, Image 2

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to MtrrlHd,latkCo.,
Merchant Tailors!
Gents' Furnishing Goods,
Ha put la mm of tt florBt assortments oj
Iver cnered!n the OU Region.
Alt tho Latest and Nobbiest Btjlet.
Gents' lunushing Goods, &c.
Hetroleum Centre Daily Record,
Pet, (jewtre, r. Monday, Mar 2u
Divine Servlcs. ,
Services every Sabbitb at 11 A. II. and
t P. M. Sabbath School at 12& P. M.
eatafee. A curdial invitation extend
ed to all.
Bar. P. W. Scovield, Pastor.
Preaching at 11 o'clock A. M., and 7k
e'elock P. U.
rt PATTON, Pastor.
fetrolenm Centre Lodfe, Xo.
T1S, I. O. of O. F.
Regular meeting nigh la Friday, at 7
'clock. Signed.
R. O'Flahbrtv. A RiitV.
nC-VPloe of meetikg, laaio St., opposite
a. o. or v. w.
Liberty Lodge No. 7, A O. of U. W.,
Beets evefv Monday evenlnt: at 7 o'clock,
in. Odd Fellow' Hull, Petroleum Centre,
Penn'a. '
A. Glkn, II. W.
6. H. Kookcr, R.
Gold at 1 p. m. 114
Thb Wan, i Tonawanda Swa
We received a call yeatorday from Mr. n
K. Bllgh, who li at present, in connection
with Mr. a. H. Torter, engaged in drilling
I the well in Tonawanda Swamp, which Ib
being put down by a company of spiritual
ist from New Yoik City, report! of which
we have frequently made In the Record.
At present the well ia 1,480 teet deep, with
no 'bow fer oil or anything ele, except a
Inperior quality of mlooral water, of which
there ! a great abundance. At that depth
tue sana i mixtar of gray and red sansH V
tone of. .oft and .pang, n.tnre, eMliO" B' ''! Coming Conflict." Sb
- . . ' ' I Crimen Well rnmm.nH.J mnH .11 .hn.,l
piraiea oy me drill. There is not tbe
slightest show fer tbe greasy fluid. Tbe
compaoy Intend to slok Ibe well to a depth
of 1,(00 leet, and in tbe event of getting no
oil to move the r r to another point Indica
ted by the "spirits," and drill a new well.
The company have established a water cure
. at tbe well, whlob ia visited daily by a larg
number of invalids, wbe, It la said, derlVg
benefit from tba medicinal qualities of the
water. Mr. B. ia of tbe opinion that there
I not oil enough'eoywbere In that neck of
woods to grease a bull wheel, even If the
spirits do say so through a medium and by
tbe use of tbe witch bezel branch.
Mr. Bllgh's visit here la for tbe purpose
of engaging two drillers to go back with
blm ta finish I tie work.
We notice our old Piyifole friend, but now
of Oil City, Col. A. P. Duaoan, announce
himself as a candidate tor the State Seuate,
ubjoot to tbe usages of tbe Kepublloun par
ty. Mr. Duncan baa filled that position ac
ceptably one or two terms, and if elected
would no doubt fulfill tbe wishes of his con
stituency, and work for Ibe Interests of tbe
oil reglo uto ibe best of bis ability.
C Extensive coal fields bave lately been die.
covered lo Hyderabad, an eastern province
of Hmdoonan. One seam Is staled lo be
over fifty feel in tbickne.. The discovery
Is of the utmost Importance, ., tbe supply
o coal lor Inula, bM hitherto been eiclu'
nrely drawn from England, a Urge store
llremity of the U d Sea.
Letters from the People,
Noti The manager eftbla journal, with,
out endorsing the sentiments ol contributors,
desires lo offer the wldeat possible latitude
lor iree aiscussion. it le merely stipulated
Ibat coniuiMtilceiions shall concern matters
ol public interest, be put in decent language
and accompanied with tbe names of Ibe
writers, not for publication, but as a guar
antee of good faith.
It c form.
Mr. Editor: The hobby of tbe hour is
reform. Democrats advocate it with singu
lar unanimity, quoting Jackson as a prece
dent. Liberal Republicans and tbeir can
didates owe their parasitic existence to Ibl,
clamor. It remains for the straight republi
cans to demonstrate, as tbey can readily,
that reform baa been tbe constant rule and
practice of Grant's administration. It is
with no little pride or pleasure they point
to the reduction of tbe public debt and
evenues. -Civil Service Reform must begin
in tbe balls of Congress, then we may con
fidently look for It In every department of
tba government. When Congress ia re
cruited from the ranks ot tbe people, when
the merchant, mauufacturer, artisan and
baelness man is found there, largely In tbe
majority, then and not till then shall we
see reform.
For a quarter of a century, wealth, and a
position in some profession, has been deem
ed necessary to secure a man a seat there.
What we want is less legal acumen, forensic
ability and stump oratory, and more busi
ness talent. A more thorough knowledge of
tbe producing Interests ol tbe entire cotuito
Ity, and a more prompt discharge of Ibe
duties pertaioing',to Legislation.
Here is our own district, we want not
wealthy mediocrity, but a man who, by bis
tact, ability, and Industry, along with
acknowledged integrity, can secure not oaly
tbe confidence and esteem of bia constitu
ents, but tbe bearty co-operation of bis
colleagues In any measure deemed necessary
and proper to sustain tbe material interests
ot tbe district.
J.M.Dickey is just such a man. Born
and bred In Mercer connty, be is familiar
with ber great mineral and agricultural
resources. So ol Venango aud Clarion,
where aa a successful operator and refiner be
has been identified for years past as one of
tbe most active men in tbe petroleum trade.
His fidelity to tbe party, bis untiring en
erg), decision of character and business ca
pacity, combined with a thorough knowl
edge of tbe wants of a community whose
prosperity is built on its mineral and agri
cultural resources, make him in every way
available and, popular. Should be
be nominated,' bis election Is certain, and
our district will have set a good example to
others as Ibe proper place to begin tbe re- ;
form so much needed, of Infusing pleblun
vitality, Instead of patiian indifference,
with tbe business manegement of tbe coun-
Petroleum Centre, May 21, 1872.
Two Lectcres. Mrs. N. Arlouioe
Brigbtman, a western lecture of note, wil
deliver two leolures In tbe M. E. Cburcb,
Petroleum Centre, on Thursday and Friday
evenings, May 23 and 24. Subjects "Oil.
dom and bow It looks to a Western Woman
from tbe "Prairies, Geologically and Social
ly," and "Why God made Earth and Adam,
comes well recommended, and all (bould
attend. As she seem especially anxious to
epeaa io me young people and oblldren as
well as tbe "wise beads," she will, at tbe
close of one lecture, tell tbe young people
somewhat of ber experience on "rising in
. .
Conitatutloiial Convdrtloi.
As this I the year tbe feeple bave to
elect members to represent them In convent
lion to renJoaYl the CoBttj tutlon or the Com
monweallt, it would be' well ror tbem to
consider tbe kind of men whom tbey should
choose to apeak for tbera Ttie Republicans
we see bave pul'lo nomination the Hon M
C., of PleasaotsjuV. No better man
could bave been chosen' for tbia Important
position, be teiog a man well versed In tbe
wants of tbe people and lnnstilulionaI
law. We loot for blm to receive a strong
support from bis party both at tbe primary
and geoeral eleotion.
The Order of Odd Fellows In this country
Is growing Into considerable Importance as
a benevolent organization. Ita yearly reve
nue is now about $3,600,000, and tbe aver'
age anuual outlay for purposes of relief is
$1,000,000. The remainder la a fund to be
called Into use whenever required.
One or Baltimore; loveliest belle has
just made a runaway match, to tbe Intente
delight of tbe gossipera. 'A sympathizing
chronicler says that tbe bride "lert behind
a d'sjontolale little poodle lo uicutn tue
pnj of uoi tjuHetl love.'
Horse men pronounce Mr. Bonner Idiotic
for purchasing the nnborn brother of bis
coll Startle lor $5,000.
Tbe people ot Joneshoro, Ga., celebrated
tbe annlverssry of tbe death of Stonewall
Jackson, on the 10th Inst., by deooratiog
tbe graves of the Cooleder'ate dead.
An Alabama paper was not Issued at the
regular time, lately, one of tbe editors be.
Ing on tbe jury, Bnd the other having been
married. Both expressed their regrets la
the next issue.
A lady, injured at tbe Boston Muslo Hall
by tbe tailing of tbe decorations, en tbe
occasion of tbe children's festival Id honor
of Duke Alexis, has sued two ot tbo city
committee for damages.
Tbe Texas cattle trade bas commenced,
and large herds are already on their way
northward. Three droves are reported to
have reached Wichita, ou tbe northern
boundary of tbe State.
There will be four expeditions to the Arc
tic regions Ibis summer, from tho United
Stales, Austria, Sweden and Germany.
A Frenob colony io Franklin, Kan , bas
established a velvet manufactory at that
place, which Is said to be tbe first one in
tbe United States.
Two million dollars worth of elephants
and other Insects which go to make up a
menagerie are walking around in the States
this year.
To grow rich, earn money fairly, spend
less than you earn, and bold on Ij the ilif'
ference. Tbe firet takes muscle, the sec
ond self-contiol, the third brains. '
Tbe Pall Mall Gazette bas discovered tbo
fact that eruptious of Mount Vesuvius occur
simultaneously witb political disturbance
in Eeglaod.
Petebhbi'Iiu On. NEWS. Another larg
well bas been struck on tbe S. E- corner of
the Dan Rltts farm, Ibe production of which
is about 12i barrels per day.
Tbe Lee & Tbomus well on tbe D. Ritts
farm was completed last Tbursduy and has
since yielded 10 barrels per day.
Verbach & Co. of Warren, Pa. have cot a
new well on their lease on Ibe D. Kills farm,
wbicb is pumping over 100 barrels per dny
It filled two 2i0 barrel tuuks In lour days
Chilian!, Giaff & Co., have got a well no
their store lot in Ptteuuurg that is pump
ing 30 barrels per d.iy. '
Tbe Harris well is pumping 150 barrels
per Uuy.
Trout, Porterllelfl & Crawfoid bavo a new
well about twenty ro.jfS. v from t lie llurri
well, which Is duiug 30 barrel! per uuy.
A new well own. 1 by l'ulait r & Co , di
rectly south of Ibe Harris and just a t'rw
rods distant is pumping about 1UU buriols
per day.
Dr. fctuitli and others ef Oil City are test
ing a well on tbe Jobu Acuuacli farm, which
piomises to be a 60 barrel well.
Oo tbe Adam Ashbacb firm Barny Ven
sel ba a new well doing luily 40 barrels per
day, i located a few rod south of bis No
1 on the samo tiact.
A 30 bairel well I a been truck on the'
south bank of the Clarion opposite the mouth
oo Turkey Run. This is leading' "eastward
and considerably off Ibe belt.
Hoffman A Crowel, of fja,rren, Pa , are
testing a well on tbe AaaUAvs & Bty twelve
acre lot oi Ibe Dan Ritji'mrm, tbe sbow in
this well bas been very poor. fEmleutoo
Sun. .
Wo again tilco occasion to remind cur
reader that Isbain Bros., of Tilusvllle, are
Inlly prepared to furnish them with any
thing in their Itae Snathe most reasonable
rate.: Thelr.ttock'i an uuusuallv line one
unA fill h. f ....!. I :
..... luvuinuiu (.-uuijjunoou WllU
that of any similar establishment jn iio ro
gipn.')jryouvu'nt a good and reliable timH
keepsjr, Ishsm Bro's., can furnish you wito
almost any kind of clock or woteh tba,
you may prerer, and insure it lo give you
thorough satisfaction. Their assortment ol
jewelry consists of gold chains, linger rinps,
ladies sets, i etc., etc., in almost endless
variety. In addition to' this, they krepsii
ver plated spoons of tbe finest description,
as well aa a line lot of silver ware which
will be sold cheap.
to their flannels, and it is a known fact
external preservation from dump prolongs
life, and that even in tbe hottest day of
summer flannel garments should not be diss
There are 230 oil wells now drilling a
Parker' Landing, Pa.
The Atlantic & Great Western Railroad
are steeling their entire tine nf road.
The oil producers of the Eleventh district
are opposed to futerlug Into a .contract witb
Cleveland capitalists to furnish them all the
oil produced iu tho district for &tie or five
year. Another blow at . South Improve
inenl. Pittrburgb Mail.
1872. NEWGOODS! 1872.
Important to our Patrons anl the puUic at large f
S O B E L & A U E R H A I M,
nalni jmt returned from N'cw York w are now opening out tbe LARGEST BTC'OK of
BEsEiY GARDEN Casmeres
Japanese Silks, Shawls,
liOHcry, Gloves Heauy-jiaue Linen Suits,
Also, a very fine selection of
Carpets, Oil Cloths, Trunks, Valises, Natcliels, &c., &c.
Txf Please call early and examine for yourselves,
decl'tl. SOBEL Ac AtTERIlAIM.
The Oldest Established Dry Goods House on Uil Peek.
I wonder if any wine ever was made
As red as tbe lips of my love!
I wonder if any eyes ever so mocked
Tim blue of the heavens above,
As the soul-lighted eyes of my durlinj Kalh
The bonnitni maiden that ever was seen?
I wnnder if trecscs e'er grew o brown,
Or hitd so bewitching a curl.
Or shone Jo tbe sunlight so golden and
O'er the brow of a truebearled girl.
As shades tbe white brow ot my darling
Kit bleen,
The bonniest maiden that ever was seen?
I wonder if eve? a frrm (born divine ,
. Disported 'mid bowers of love,
Or floated wilb space spurning wings
throncb the air, "
With nti.'!s of li;Ut up above,".
As tbe ravialiing form of my tUilinf; Kath-
y loen,
Tbu bonniest maiden that ever was sum?
on'ipr if ever a womanly 1 r ait
Wus rnrer or fairer lo view,
Or covered a tumrt that was freer from guile,
Orheiil with n pulsion more true,
Thuu the snowy while breast of my darliug
The botiuie.-t maiden tint ever was seen?
I wonder if ever n pusslon-dewed kiss
Was given by warm lips to man,
That seemed more a foretaste of heavenly
Or was more to be coveted than
A warm, loving kiss from the lips ol Kath
leen, " . f
Tbo bonniest maiden that ever was seen?
The rapid advance of American civiliza
tion may be partly judged from ttefact that
a singlo telegraph company dining 1871 pnr
chaed over 14.000 miles of telegraph wire
for tbe necessities of that year.
A foundling was picked up In the troels
or Augusta. G., the other doy. Upon the
child's person was a piece of pauer whleli
contained tbe following lines: "Edvd
Johnson' baby. Born on thelSlhof Anrll.
A. D., 1 872 ; name Eddie Johnron. He
Ed. Johnson, keeps a barber shop on Bridge
,Row, and a bar rovjm on Telfair street.
Give it to Edward for me. Caroline Geole."
Four children, seed from two to twelve
years, wero terribly burned at Memphis
atnnnay ment, by carelessly bandliog a coal
oil lamu, which the eldest used to kindle a
fire. The olde.t died In an hour, tbe young
est was burned lo it crisp, the third has
since died, and the fourth will hardly re
cover. Something JVew About Oiltlom.
liya Wetru Indy trom tue Prairies. Sub
jects: See Editorial Columns.
t ilm in. K. 'liur'h,Thiirday and
trlday Kveiiluga, pilar 23 and 24 ill?
t.3?" Call tor your ticket oo Wednesday
at Hie P. O News Room. Single seal 25
anu ou course. Unserved seats 60 and 7c
Take Notice. .
All ptirtios knowing themselves Indebted
to the linn of Scbertoerhorn & Ten Eyck,
flour and feed dealers, are requested to call
at their store, oo WasbinKtoo Street, and
settle the same immediately, a tbey intend
io Kiuta out tneir oil i of 19.
I'cltoieumCoiitie, May 21, 1872. if,
Glnipure Laces,
Local Notice.
8. M. Pettenslll A- r.
Park Row. New York, and fito. P. KakbIi r
Advartiallia' Aaeflta. an Ilia sola aunt fn. ,k.
iroleum Centre Vailt HacoaD In that dry. Ad-
verttMrs In that city art rrneted ta laa tadt
fa vors witb either of tne ab ovt houaes
FOR 1.
Six rooms pleasantly located on th hill
near Ibe Cburches; plastered throughout.
Also three rooms on Ibe Egbert Farm, plaa
tervd. Rent moderate. For particular!
inquire ai inia omce or or
Petroleum Centre, May 13th lw
For tale
15.0P0 to 20.800 feet of SECOND-HAND
TUBING, at Irom 25 to 33 eta. per foot.
Toe Tuning is in nrst etas order arid all
ready tilted.
April 23. tf. H. H. WARNER.
Take Notice.
All parties indebted to K. T. rirlggur
requested in call aud settle by Mat lit.
and save costs, or thev will left witb Just:c
Keyuoid tor coltrctiou.
' E. T. Brlggs.
April 20-11
Hew J&oods!
Merchant Tailor !
UaHjutU rrtitrnrd from New York with tbe 0atH
and Vfstinjw,
Snttabl tnr Men's and 1k 'a w. r. ever lauuM to
t'elrulenm Outre- Alw, a lull tin or
CUSTOM WOKK proatptly attended to, and swJ
fita guaranteed.
The jmiple of this place and vicinity c tray he.
torCloiliingof me, and S6 HKK t KNT I'llaAf
KK than in Tltimvllle, Oil City or cite where
Give me a call.
Next Door to Kralili' Hmmou, Waab
aiiKlun-ttc, Pel, centre. Pa. n9u.
Just from New Tork.
To the Citizens of Petroleum
' Centre and vicinity.
I have just received tbe largest stock ?f
A full stock of Straw Good
Now io the Oil Connlry, and can and will
sell cheaper than any other man in town.
I ask you to call and see before piirchaa
log elsewhere, as It I tor your beuefll I strj
doing this. Don't be led astray, butstop s.i
examine my stook before going to any osr
place. I bave the
Ever before offered io the Oil Coustr.
Also, the finest stock of
Gents' Furnishing Goods
Second-Hand Engines
Saw & Crist Mill Machin
ery, In good order. Address with
full description and price.
Park City, Kansas.