fetrolaum Oitre Daily Recon rah :ttiro, l'.,Tna''lr ! In t Hie Service. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CIIURCn Service every Sabtmtb at II A. M. and (U P. M. Sabbath School at 2 V. Mv NU free. A eetdial invitation extend ed to all. Rt. P. W. ScoriRLD, Pastor. FRESBTTERJAIt CITURGH. Prewcbina; al 11 o'clock A. M and 7, 'lock P. M. D. FATTON, Pastor. Petrolcmt Centre JUodfe, No. T1S, I.O. of O. F. Regular meeting oighta Friday, at 7 o'clock. Signed. ALBERT GLENN, N. G. K, O'FLAHtitTr, A 8ecy. IJty Place of meeting, Main St., opposite IloCWntock House. A, O. Of V. V. " Liberty Lodge N. 7, A. O. of TJ. W., meets every Monday evening al 7 o'clock. In Odd Fellow' Hull, Petroleum Centre, Peon'. . , A. Guts, II. W. 8. II. Cooker, R. Gold at I p. in. IWJj" AUJOVUNEU IMPORTANT MEETING ! TM oil producer or the 11th District ateretted In the welfare of the region, are eqoettedto meet at Snbel't Opera Ilouie, Petroleum Colre, on Tburday Ev'g, May Ittb 1872. A lull a tendance la requested buaioet ol tba ulmott Importance will com before tba meeting. ( ; By order L. P. Walkkr. Firb at PiTHOLH.-Yeeterday forenoon, Or broke out in White's Bakery, on Holmden street, nearly oppoiite Justice Keenan't office, and before active tneaaiiNi con Id be taken to put M out, the building wm enveloped In flametaod was apeedily destroyed, together with the two adjoining building, one ol which wa occupied ai tailor (nop and slothing atore. We did tot learn who occupied the other building, or the amount of dem. On or the bulging burned. In the palmy day u! Plibole. wa occupied by the DilLT Rkcord ae a butlnPM office. Had we the time and speoe lo spare, we could relate many Incidents the femoue oildo rdo; of fortune made and bwi in a day; personal sketche of stranite character thrown together from ail par's of the world ad engaged In the worship of the oily sod petroleum; tale aa wonderful sstheAras uian nigbte almoal, that bappeaed while we were in that old office, the burning of which we record to-day with a feeling akin to sad Beta, : . i Path Waiter Armstrong continue to tnak Improvement In the road. The lail la tba takiog up of the worn out planks on Wash ington itreet, and replacing them by new one. When the tine arrives for tb final adjust, mout of account at the great day or judge ment, we fear some of the property owner on Washington and Wild Cat streets, will have a fearlul reckoning uoles they "mend their way," or in other word repair their Idtiwalk. Odd Fellow Hall, on Mala street, I be ing tburougly renovated painted,. papered, Ax When completed it will be one ol the Uoeat ball oo Oil Creek. Wa are promised before long torn Inter esting ketobe of travel and experience In different porlioo of the globe, Irom tba pen ol our friend, Mr. W. B. Davis, proprietor nf the Petroleum Ceotre Home. ' Mr. D. bat been round the world lour or 11 time, ' and ha visited nearly every . inhabitable country under' the sun, consequently hi sketches wlllprov both lotbiestiog and In. atructlra. " Tha wire bridge thai oroatea Oil Creek, at Rouaevllle, owned by Mr. II. U. Culbert, eon, ha reoently been ul jected to nost thorough repair throughout, and la now a al a bridge for loot traveler a there It oo Oil Creek. Tha wire uaed waa furnished by our townsman, Geo. W. Winsor, and la the best Import I PritssU Iron. ' Two new derrick are up on tba Ryod Farm one on the flat and tha othei oo tba bluff territory. Tbe wens at Triumph, owned by our townsmen, Meisra. Davis, Hughes, Bartlelt, and Barker, are yielding thirty-flv lo forty barrels daily. Another well I now. in lb tblrd ! 4 will noon be ready for test- In. Including tbe new well they have three Is operation. Tha from yard of the Central ilouse pre sent a bauiitilitl ppejnca three d;s. That Kith Dollar Per Barrriv Con tract. By order of the Executive Com mute of the Petroleum Producers' Uotan, meeting wilt be held In eaaboftbe terri torial dlitrlet which they represent, for the purpose of taking a vote on lb proposition recently submitted lo purchase the entire prod no l Ion for five dollars per barrel. The first meetiog waa held In the Ninth Dis trict last Saturday afternoon, when the fol lowing resolution wa adopted by a vote or 2toJ: Resolved, That feeling of the produc er of that dlitrlet are in favor ol selling all' tbelr production at the rate of Ave dollar per barrel, provided that no condition are attnehed to the aale whlob shall be disas trous to the Interests bl the oil producing interest lu general. . . The meeting in the other dUtrict will be held within a few days, and the result will probably be a lavorabl to aocrptlug the proposition. The question arises, who made tbls prop osition? We are credtby informed that the individual making it claimed to represent tba majority of the redoing interests in tba country. He wa questioned for three hour by the Executive Committee, but railed to give the name of any of these re poosible parties on whose behalf he offered to pledge $20,000,000 a security for the fultUlment of tbls very liberal contract. There are very few producer who would be unwilling to' indorse the above resolution. There i however, no evideooe that tba p 0 oiitlon enacted ifrcm a r II ible source, or that it was made lo good faith. On the contrary, the general Impression appear to proveil that it I "bogus." Uerald. We bava said nothing in regard to the five dollar proposition, believing It better for tha producers to decide the matter for themselves. At the aame lima we have our doubt at to tba geuulnenes of the proposition, believing a tha Herald doe, that It la bogus. At least If not bogus, com. log from the very men who but a few week ago were seeking to rob and gain control o' tbls region, It may bo looked upon with a good deal ot suspicion, and wo trust our op rotors, in acting upon tba subject, at the meeting, tbl evening, will ventilate It as lar a poMlbla before taking any etepr that may compromise tbelr honor or Integrity, or undo tha work already don. We desire to Influence no one In tha matter, but al the atne time bava no faith In tha latest dodga af tha member ol. tha defuoot South Improvement swindle. Thc Latest Stvles. Our lady readere will Hod all the latest and most fashionable style In every description of dry good at lb establishment of Messrs. Sobel & Aer balm,. Washington street, Petroleum Centre. The assortment is complete, embracing everything new in the line, and I one of the beat selection in thisregion. The price too, are the most reasonable tbat can any where ba obtained. Ladles will consult tbelr Interest and pleas thair taslea by making their purchase ol spring' dry good at Sobel A Auerbalm's NATloxAt. BCKI.VK88 Index. Tbl enter prlriug and popular monthly for April and May It received 'It I peculiarly successful in It eoodeniattoa and arrangement of In formation of Interest lo lb general public, aod certainly it price, 60 oent a yeat, it trivial, compared to ita.real value to almost any Intelligent person. A handsome $1.00 Prang Cbromo ol tb "Apple Blossoms" Is presented o each ubcribr. For ipeoi men copy send six cent postage to John B. Alden, Manager,. Chicago, III. Refreahtog shower era needed just now. Tba weather I warm and sultry to-day. By order of the Executive Committee ol tba Petroleum Producer' Union, meetiog will ba held In tba several territorial dis trict which tbey represent, for tb purpose of taking a vote on proposition recently submitted lo buy tba entire production Jtor five dollar per barrel. Tba Producer of tb Ninth District held a meetiog oo last Saturday evening and passed a resolution lo favor of selling all tbelr production al tbe rate of five dollars per barrel, for one year, to any party or parlies, provided tbat no condition are attached to tbe sal which shall ba disastrous to the Interest of tb oil producing lateiest in general, by a vote of tweoty-flve to two. , Tbe adjourned meeting fdf tbe Eleventh District, will be beld at Sobel Opera House, tbl eveaiog.. All producet and other In terested are earnestly requested, to attend and decide tbe question ptopoaed, via: Whether or no to accept tbe proposition and agree to lake five dollar per barrel for oil for one or five yenr.. fJ"Dull limes,.'' U is (aid, "are tbe best for advertisers." Because , when . money it light, and the people ate forced to econo mize, tbey always read the advertisement to ascertain who sells tbe cheapest, and where tbey can trade to the. best advan- r i A Cottnliy Poit Office. ( A country post office I thus described by tbe Kennebec Journal : There era sometime tragicomic scenes witnessed at every well regulated pall office U is quite a humorous scene, wbeo .lhe mtiif are lur the schools just out, and the po office ia Sited lo overflowing; first the little folk, small In statue, birf with 'wonderlul capacity for making noise and what Is a boy worth if be cao't make a noise? Here la one corner Tom and Harry are rugage in a delightful pastime of pulling each oili' r't hair, and teem te enjoy it liumeusel) ; and here are a ibevy of young mines, oue of whom t laying, "Now don't you leil lur tbe.world," to wbicb they all assent with aundty jerk ol tbo bead; and beta just In front ol us I ''Uncle John," asking "Aunt Hannah" about that ar' aick child, and al our left two young ladiea are watching with expectant face certain boxes, to se If be has written. And when tbe mail i dis tributed It 1 quite a attidy lo watch the face a the crowd pease out, from the ell Important boy wlfn bia buge budget to the Iby widow with a single daluty missive; with now aod tbeo a sad lace yearning for word that do not come. The dull, empty boxes have a moaningles lock about tbem now; but a moment ago they beld the words of loviug hearts and issues of Import ant business relations. We copy the following notice of our townsman, Mr. S. Reynolds, from tbe Pitt ourgh Sunday Times: At a recent visit to tbe village of Petro leum Centre, we had tbe occasion to call at tbe office of Samuel Reynolds, Erq., ot tbat place. We found bim at bis desk busily en gaged in dealing out justice at the rate of three dollar and incidental per customer in a business like manner. Mr. U , Is a man of pleasing address, gentlemanly in bi Intercourse with tbe public, and good tauocb Republican. lie is In tbe Held as a candidate for nomination for the office of Prothoootor of Venango County, auhjeot to tbe decision of tbe Republican Convention. From wbat we can learn of tha abilities of Mr. R., to All such an office we hope It will be the decision of tbat convention to place bia name upon tbelr ticket, and that the people will elect him to the office. An exchange Informs u tbat a travel, r baa just returned, not reluctantly, we trust, from tha woman-bating settlement of Acte, In tbo Grecian Archipellgo, where a bache lor' Arcadla bat existed from time im memorial. It ia a monaatio confederation consisting of twenty-free convents, and number more than (even thousand soul. Soldier are paid by the monk to guard the bolder of tbl happy land, and no woman Is allowed to enter. Tbe very idea of wo men, whether aa (later, wife, or mother, seems to be wholly, lost To all our sour old bachelors who complain of the wiles ol women seeking to entrap them Into mar ietta, tbl territory, belonging to Mount Athoa, can safely be recommended a a heaven of refuge. A heavy falllog off to tbe St. Petersburg district production Is reported. Not one well In ten will beld up to the- estimated production. We beat ol. some operators that have been nicely burned in that eeo- tloo. Deep territory, and email by degrees and beautllully lee wells, make tbe owner' pocket book look aa If an elephant had tamped on them. Tldloute Journal. The case of Marlow, wbicb waa to have been argued before the general term of tbo Suprente Court how sitting at Oswego, has been put over to the first Tuesday lo June, at Buffalo. The defense claimed that the case should be resettled, and lor tbl res ion It wa put over. Tbe probabilities r tbat a decision will not be glvn beloreSeps teniber. Jamestown Journal. The Chinese carte de visit I a curiosity It consists of a huge sheet of brlubt scarlet paper, with tbe owner name Inscribed in Urge letter tbe bigger tbe moreexquialte. For extra grand occasion this card la folded ten time, the name I written in tbe right band lower corner, with a humiliating pre fix like "your very stupid brother," "your unworthy friend, who bow hi ' bead and pay bl respect," etc., eto , tbe words "your stupid" takiog tb place of our "your respectfully." It Is etiquette to return these card to the visitor, it being presumable tbat their expense ie teo great tor general distribution. - Another well waa struck ou tb Econo mite trscl last Friday and la doing about twenty barrels. Tldloute Commercial. Lo vera of book beer will be rejoiced lo learn tbat it will be on draught at all the ptlncipal saloons next week. "If It's a paper mau ye are, jn- can just leave me bouse at wanst, for It's dlvll a bi of rest I've bad since I lost me poor cow, all oo acoouot of thiro spalpeens, ibe ray port, era. May tha divil flf way wid thiin! B affwld ye, l"y."-Mr. 0'Lay, of Colo SO. . . . FOBEL A AUERHAIM 1872. NEW GOODS! 1872. k.. mi lB w 147 . TBBi, Important to pur Pairow and the pullic at hrya ! S O B E L $c AU E R H A I 6 tlavtng'just returned from New York wa are now opening out tha lARUEST BTCCK it Kver brought to Petroleum Centre, comprising the latest tiles fof DRESS GOODS, DOLLY VARDEBI Casmeres BLACK, COLORED AND STRIPED SILKS. IEISH POPLINS. Japanese' Silks, Shawls, Hosiery, ; ' i-ioves I , Also, a very MILLINERY GOODS 1 ' IjA1H Jind GE.Tf ( arpcts, Oil tlotlis, Trunks, Valises, Satchels, &e., &e. CfT Pleane ceil eaily and examine for yourselves declStf. SOUEIj At AL'HH II ALU. The Oldest Established Dry (iocxia House on Oil teek. The geutlenian who delivered tbe temper nee lecture, Saturday night lust, in Steele's School Ilouee. near Miller Eddy, folded his tent and left completely disgusted witb the success of bis effort. We did not learn his name, but have atrong convictions that it wasn't Gongb. Tbe aodience was not large but there wa Do disconntoo It eotlinsiasm. The worst possible sort of interruptions and unkind and cnml criticism on bis style, did ot seem tb dicourort the speaker, and be hung to tbe thread of hi discourse until b bad said his piece to the end Then the h. t was ptssed nrouiul, and tbe liberality and lavishness of that audience was something wonderful wbon the pile w is occuinulat. d and oounted, it footed up twenty cents ex actly. Too much for oae drink of Parker whisky, and not enough fr two. East Brady Independent. Pool Sklunu Among ' the delegate from Louisiaua to tbe Cincinnati Conven tion was one Jack Swords a sport. On the night before tbe nominations were made. Jack conceived the idea that he might be able lo sell some poo's, and got up tbe f.f lowing roclnn cald ami Hit of en Ties: ' ' National Coulee, Cincinnati, ' May Is', 1872. Presidential Stakes. Single ilasli to the White House, .Enirance $l,Uuu,U00. Pay or play i i No. 1. Illinois enter Judge Davis, agtd; by Lincoln, out ot Labor Keluiui. Colors, Black aud Black., , , . . No. t Massachusetts enters Charts F Adams, Geniluuian, by blooded Flock, dam Good Fellow. ,Ked, White, and Blue. No 3. Missouri enters Graiz Brown by Frank Blair, out ol Compromise, lied and Kd. No. 4. New York enters Horace Greeley, out of Jeff. Davis, byAgricullute; imp. Subtoll. White and Silver. . . No. 5. Illinois enter Lj man Tiwmbull, out or Badical Party, by Frank Blair. Bin and Gray. - - .Two thousand other candidate to b sold aa the field.' ' ' . It la needless Is soy that this it excited much amit'emeiit, and that several pool were sold, Greeley being tbe favorite lu a!l.. ' " " IVorktngniPii'a Ticket; , The ticket nominated by the ft'orktng meu's State Convention ataod aa follow: Governor William P. Scueli, of Bedford county. '-'.) Supreme ' JndgeJamee 'Thompson, ol Erie couuty,' .'.') Auditor General Esaia Biltlnfell, of Lancaster county. ' .V '" . ' - Congressmen at 'arge James H- IIop klos, .of. Allegheny county, and Gen. J. W. Cake, of Northumberland couuty. At tbe radiHcatiou meeting iu William psVt,'a'tejgram waa eecaived from James H. Hopkina anneunoibg bl acceptance ot tbe nomination tendered bim.. Th lilt of candidate nominated for tbe Coostltiittoual Conveution I beudud by' Hot. dbarlea R. Buckalew. WAITED Second-Hand Engines Saw. i Grist : Mill Machin ery, In good order. fu'i-. Address with lull description and price, ; 11. M. PLMING, ... I 'ark. City, Kansas. . - BRY GOODS. ' 40 Tm " ' - - impure Lares, Keauy-naae Linen Salts. flu selection of ! MILLINERY QOODs FfTKNISIIlftIO OOI9, Local Notice. 8. M. Pettenglll v Co. !J7 Park How, New Kork, and "o. P. HoeeDeci, Advartieltig Ascent, ar th sola agmti tor the P., troleum Centre Daii.t Kxcoao in that city. Ail. t.rtlsara In tbat city are requested te 1mm Uior fa f ore with either of tne above bourns FOR UEXXT" Six rooms pleasantly located on th hill near the Churche; plastered ihrnimtiimt. Also three room on tbe Egbert Farm, plit lered. Bent moderate. For p&riiculsr inqulro at this oQlce or of M. Wn.nKKT. I'elroleum Centre, May Uih lw COOK WASTED. A ftrat-olass cool wanted at the Petrcilenit Exobanice Hotel. Highest wages pant. Apply immediately. W. D. DODGK. Pet. Centre, May, 10th lw For dale 15.000 to 20.(300 feet of SECOND-IUND- I l, 1H.U. at iroiu ZD lb 30 C. prr funl. Tbe Tubing ia in first clans order nod all. ready fitted. April 2.X if. H. H. WARNER. Take ftoiicr. All parties Indebted to E T. Brlggssre requested in call aod settle by Mv IM. and save costs, or tbev will leli with JuHtce Reyuuld fur collectiou. 2. T. Brigs. April 20-'l Mew Goods! L. (iKAFOWITUI, Merchant Tailor! lias Joel returned front Xew Ynrk witb the font aaui fluent of VOUKIQN ANUlXlUKbl'IU Cloths, Casshiitrcs, mill Yestinp. 8iiltble for Mer.'a and Ito 's w,r. eerbr .lUgbtto f eiruleum t eulre. Also, a rail liua ot . GENTS' FUBNISHING GOODS. C.nvroM WORK proaaptlv attebded to, and good flis t'liarnateed. . N Tbe people of thla plaee an vlcfnltr en ""T t1, ter rlothlng nf me, and l' CEK i EST l ItaAf tit i h lulu Tlloavllla, Oil City or elsetrhsre. . Give me a call. Li. OttAFOWITCH, Next Venrto ftmllh'a Maloon, Wash. lugteurtt, Vku Centre. Pa. nU tr. Just from New York. A SPLENU1U STOCK OF SPRING OVERCOATS. To tbe Citizens of Petroleup Centre and vicinity. I have just received toe larut stock of SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING Now In the Oil Country, and can and will oil cheaper than uay other man in town. TO FSIENES I ask yon le clTod aee belor PrcIh'" in elsewhere, a it Is lor your benefit 1 ra doinutbis. Don'lbe led stry. buttlop ' examine toy stock before going to 7 0,D" place. I bave tbe v. .- LARGEST STOCK OF HATS Ever before offered In the Oil Couotry. AIor tbe Onet leek of J Gents' Furiilshlnj: Gods in tbe country. 8. OBE Ip ..(,..'.. Yon Want ' ' To iuorease' Tour bninee, Advertise In the PCTROLttrMCTHtKeCOKP1