The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, May 14, 1872, Image 2

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SwoMMtito Xarariaod, Saatth A 0.,
Ilerchant Tailors f
Colts' Furnishing Cioods,
TlTr8V,l,LE, PA.
Have pat la one of the finest assortments ojj
Evor the Oil Region.
TWENTY different styles of
AU the Latest and Nobbiest Styles.
Gents' Furnishing Goods, &o.
etroleum Centre Daily Record,
pPet. Centre, Pa., Tuesday, piny 14
Itlvtue Service.
Service every Sabbath at 11 A. M. and
P. M. Sabbath School at P. M.
eat free. A cordial Invitation extend
ed to all.
Kit. P. IT. Scofield, Pastor.
Preaching at 11 o'clock A. M., and 7i
'lock P. 11.
D. PATTON, Pastor.
Petroleam Centre Lodge, No.
Tla, I. O. of U. P.
Regular meeting night Friday, at 7
O'clock. Signed. -ALBERT
E. O'Flahkrtt, A Sec'y.
S'tVPl"0 of meeting, Mala St., opposite
eOllntock Uoiim. vr
A O.- Of U. XV.
Liberty Lode No. 7, A. O; of U. W".,
neeti every Monday evening at 7' o'clock,
In Odd Fellow'i Hall. Petroleum Centre,
A. Click, M. W.
8. H. Kookkr, R.
Gold at 1 p. a. 118g
Tb oil producer! of tbe 11th District
a tare ted lo the welfare of tbe region, are
eqnettedto meet' at Sobel'i Opera House,
Petroleum Centre, on Thursday Ev'g, Hay
Win 1872. A full attendance li requested
3 business ol tbe utmost Importance will
ea before tbe meeting.
By order L. P. Walkir.
tVLook out for Alden's new advertlse
nient to-morrow.
By private telegram we learn that Mr.
L. P. 1. Spencer, of Oil City, committed
suicide by. shooting himself, In New York
City, lest night. Mr. Spencer will be re.
inembered by deny of our citizens a tbe
fteotlemanly cashier of the First National
Ilank of Oil City, lie having resigned toat
position through HI health only a few dayt
ince, and wai ou bit way borne when tbe
unfortunate occurrence took - place. No
reason Is assigned for the rash aat.
Fiat.. Considerable ezoilemeot wtt oc
casioned tbii morning by an alarm of lire,
the location of which was diacovered to be
at the bouse ol Mr. Charles Leslie, on the
Egbert Farm, wbieb bad oaugbt fire on tbe
roof Iroui s deoayed stove pipe. When Aral
discovered by Mm. Lille, the Ore bad got
uoder cousiderable headway and would bave
enveloped the bouse in flames in a few mo
ments. That lady,, however, went to work
with a will, and witb the aid ot tbe wore
men at Hmna's macbfne shop and some of
tbe neighbors, bad tbe Bre under control
bulure any material damage was done. Had
tbe wind been blowing st tbe time no doubt
a serious cuuBagratioo would have ensued.
-Horace Greeley oocktalls" Is lbs jatest
uogmmMi tbe good old stuff. It can be
Vff fOwen GafToey'e Liquor Store.
' ' jwi '
I he gas ilgma irom tbe wells on tbe Tarr
Run territory illuojioat the heavens nljhl
ly fur a log dltttoce rounl.
' Stxix. Yesterday, tht laborers at work
on both the Warren & Venango and Titus
rill ft Petroleum Centra Railroads, struck
for blgber wages. Tbe first gsog that qelt
was employed on tbeT. & P, C. R. R.near
Ttttisvlll. Tbey numbered probably twtn-ty-flve,
and forming into solid column tbey
marched down tbe Creek, as fast as they
came to tbe different gangs inducing tbe
disaffected ones to join, and forcing those
who wanted to work lo stop. Tbe last gang
at work oa. the Columbia farm were not
willing to quit tbe work, but were com
polled to do so by tbe threats of the Titus
ville gang. Both companies were paying
their workmen $2,00 per day, tbey striking
lor $2,60. It is understood that tbe rail
road companies refute to accede to tbe do
mandator Increase of pay.
Tbe last seen of tbe strikers tbey were
marching up tbe Warren & Venango Rail.
road fur tbe Company's offices at Titusville,
probably one or two hundred stroog, beaded
by a small boy bearing three bauduercbiefs
red, while and bluo nailed to a pick axe
handle, singing "tramp, liarap, tramp, tbe
boys are marching on" lo victory, higher
wages or death. As our reporter pasaed
the party, tbe leader swayed bis '-fins"
frantically, and pointing towards tbe flag
exclnimed in a trsglsai voice in tbe Swed
ish tongue: "Jorj veirj tlnj tlascka,"
whivb interpreted means "Whoever throws
down tbe striker's flag, spot him on tbe
soont." And on they marched.
Wears informed by Mr. Mitchell, the
gentlemanly routractor on Ibis section, that
work oo the W. Si V. Road will only be sus
pended a day or two by the strike;
A Speck or War Durlog tbe past
winter, Messis. Clapp & Pago, of Parker's
Landing, drilled a well on tbe McElwee
tract, Cherry tree Run, which turned out to
be a dry bole, and not caring to use the ma
cbtnery, tnblog, casing, etc., again, tbey
offered It for sale. On the 8th of the pres.
ent month, Henry McKeown, of Kane City,
made an offer lor tbe properly and was ac
oepied. Not having the required collateral
security bandy, McR. turned tbe matter
over to Mr. L. Osborne, of Kane City, who,
on the 10th purchased the property, payiog
therefore something over $1)00 and taking a
bill of sale tberelor. Oo Friday lost, Mr.
O. commenced removiog bis properly,wben
a small army of men from Kane City, lead
on by Gen. T. O'Donnell, appeared oo the
fluid, drove tbe Osborne party olf, and took
forcible possession ol the premises, proper
ty and all, O'Donnell rir taring to bave pur
chased the same on tbe 4th ol May, at least
six days before tbe Osborne purchase. For
a short lime Osborne resisted tbe toe:rry't
advance, but the valiant O'Doonell brougbt
apnirol heavy gas tongs to bear against
Mr. O's head, tbreateuing to brain him,
break blm In two, &o., unless be ''vamosed
therancbe." Considering 'discretion tbe
belter part of valor" for Ibe time being, Mr.
Osborne left, and subsequently the proper
ty was removed by O'Donnell and party.
Flndlog be could' not regain peaceable
possession of lbs property, yesterday after
noon, Mr. Otnorna appeared before Justice
Reynolds and oiade affidavit tclbe forego- '
log facts, charging O'Doonell With lorcible
entry and detainer. Warrants were issued
and O'Doonell was arrested by Constable
Atwell. Abesrlng resulted In bis being
held In the sum of $200 to appear et Frank,
lin to answer.
Thus eodetb tho war.'
On the Sam. Boyd farm, Oil Creek, de
veloping promises to be quite lively ibis
summer. One new well is now drilling aod
one or two new derricks up.
A Greeley ratification meeting was beld
at Buffalo last nigbf.
Green vegetables are quite plenty In tbe
market, at present.
Brookvllle experienced a sever snow
storm on Friday.
Tb Reno Oil Company bos over fifty pro.
duclog wells at present. .
Tbe well drilled by Dr. Egbert and Mr.
James Anderson, on tbe Ed. Tarr farm, last
winter, and given up fcr dry, bos been
started up by other parlies, aod is yielding
about a barrel and a half of oil per day.
A large number of new buildings are go
ing up in Franklin this Spring.
A tew weeks ago Mr. Henry Van Dusen
formerly of this city, died in Greenville,
from tbe'fffeot of stroog drink, and Samuel
Ridgway, Eq , also formerly of this city,.
now of lietoptieiu township, Metoer oounty,'
aoting for tbe widow of tb deceased, bag
sued tbe liquor dealers of Greenville, claim
ing damages to tbe amount of $5,000.
What is known as tbe Ohio liquor law Is In
lores In Meroer county, which makes tbe
iiquor. deslers responsible fur tb effects of
tbett poison. Under Ibis act tb prosecu-
tion has been commenced. Last week Ibe
Sheriff served writs on flfteta different par
ties. Ytaango CUlzso.
Tb sweet south wind s long
Sleeping: In other climes on sunny seas,
Or dallying witb the orange trees
In tbe bright land of song;
Wakes unto us, and laughingly sweeps by,
Like a glad spirit of the sunlit sky.
The laborer at his toil
Feels on bis cbeek its dewy kiss, and lifts
His open brow to eatob Its fragrant gilts,
Tb aromatio spoil
Born from tb blossoming garden of tbe
While its faint sweetness linger round bit
Tbe bursting buds look tip
And greet lb sunlight, while it linger yet
On the warm hillside, and tbe violet
Opens ber szure cup
Meekly, and countless wild-flowers wake
lo fliog
Their earlier incense on tb gale of Spring.
. Tbe reptile, that hath lain
Torpid so long within bis wintry tomb,
Pierces the mould, asceodlng from its gloom
Up to the light again;
And tbe little snake crawls forth from cav
erns cb ill,
To bssk as erst upon tb sunny bill.
Continual songs oris
From universal nature; birds and stream
Mingle their voices; and tbe glad earth seem
A second Paradise I
Thrice blessed Spring! taou bearest gifts
Sunshine, and song, and fragrsnoe, all are
Nor unto earth alone!
Tbou bast a blessing for l he bumsn heart,
isaim lor its wounds; and healing for iu
Teniae of Winter flown.
And bringing bone upon tbv rainbow win.
Typeot-eteroel life tbrice blessed Spring!
Tb following are lb bid auotatlona at
tb New York Mining slock board, May 10,
rtennehnff Run on
..... Au
Bergen dial &, O
lillven Oil
Blood Faim r.
Ilreevoort i 75
Riicbauao Farm m
Central ,
Home 1 3j
N. Y. 4 Allegheny 1 25
Northern Light- 1 ju
Phillirje Pel. k
Pitliol Creek
Itatblmoe Oil ;n
llvnd Farm .1'
Sherman & B
Tarr Farm
U. Peti IVarma as
United States 33
Mr. J: M. Dickev. formerlv nflhin
Is called upou by numerous friends to allow
bis nam to go before tbe Republican Con
vention of Veoanao county, as- a Miiiil.i.
for Congress'
Tb following storv is told of a vnunff la.
w i n
dy and gentleman at a fashionable parly In
naenvme: the youog man was handsome
and bappy, tbe yortng lady arrayed In lav
ender, rose, Sus., with- gold powdered' bair
flawing over ber swan Ilk neck. Finding
lb heat of lb roo n too much fop-4hem,
tbey sought tb cool-shade at an ih,,r
wber tbey might jisten lo tb fountain's
fall. Tb musio rose aod fell, time flew on
liver pinions, and after an .ebseuc of at
least ao nour our young rrlenda returned 15
lbs briliiauUy Illuminated oarlor. Th.
young lady passed on In Ibe daoce, bill tbe
young man was sligtripy taken aback by his
next neighbor informing blm tla,t round bis
uecKwasioe unmistakable .print ot two
arm in chalk and diamond dust, on one
shoulder a large pll. of yellow powder.and
on bis upper lip and tbeek diamond dust,
bloom ol youth, aad yellow powder mixed
up generally. The lady's balc.was observ
ed to be several shades paler.'
A "jackass," which was Ibe subject or a
law-suit, was lately taken Into open court,
bis bead decked witb a stove-pip bat, a
pair of linen cants covering bis fore leva, a
large pair of spectacles crossiog bis eyes,
and a placard bacginiran a consnieunna nn
of tbe animal, bearing .tjiis inscription:
51005 ooaap ror casrij" a igest" was
opener) before hfh and so worked upon
bis feelings that be gave Vent to on of tbose
moving burst of "eloquence" for which
thee longrearjjd animals are so much noted.
It is needless tp add that tb oase was dis
continued by tbe plaintiff. Tbe above lu
dicrous Incident happened In Texas.
And'now there Is another prima donna of
surpassing excellence. Wbiob her naineis
Prelly, and she sings at Paris.
Atlanta, Ga., has a colored Borgia, who
mingled arsenic In ber lister's lager with
unfortunate results.
An Iowa minister preaobed a sermon com
potd entirely of words of tu syllabi.
Tb population of London Is 3,244,200,
Thd Pittsburgh Toil celns arsonists."
A Georgia merchant bas sued another for
ten cents.
London bas several penny thssters; re
served' seals, two pence.
Berlin, Prussia, bas consented unlo gen
uine American base ball club,
A rieb Hamburg merchant is having a
liatue of Washington sculped for blm.
Four fifths Of tbe widows in Canada mar
ry again within two years and a half alter
their bereavement.
An Inveterate old beggar, who frequented
a cer'.ato entry, was tolled into one of tb
offices by tbe inmates out ol curiosity to
kuow what was In bis particular plea for
charity on that day, siuce be always bad a
new one. On being pressed with tb ques
tion as lo what was really tbe matter witb
him, replied at last, "Well, gentlemen, I
guoss I've kind 0' lost my energy powers.')
A very common complaint In Spring weath
Notice! Ladle who contemplss poisons
Ing their husbands or children, or (booting
alienated lovers, are requested to poatpooe
their purpose un till after tbe Presidential
election, as newspaper columns will be so
crowded witb political subjects uotlll tho
lime, that it will be impossible for them to
pay proper attention to tbe analysis of stem
acbs or to properly describe I no treachery
of admirers, before December. Boston
Tbe Montreal Herald refuses to be com
forted. It considers that tbe question wby
Ibe Joint High Commission was appointed,
"Is a problem in the ways of Providence
quite as wonderful as theooeoommemorated
by the village stone culler In 'be cat Of
tbe prematurely deceased fotant.
Several stone implements bearing evidence
of human workmanship bave recently been
f iund in California, imbedded In rock tbe
formation of wbicb must largely ante-date
tb period usually assigned as lb time of
ibe origin or man.
iticitl Motlce.
S. AI. Pettenglll fc Co. .IT
fark How, New York, and fleo. F. Howell A Co
Advertising Agents, sre ibe sols agents for tbe f.
troleum Centre IUILT ItscoaD 111 that dtjr. Ad-
rartisera In that city are requested to la. their
favors with either of tne above homes
iftm It I5XT.
Six rooms Dleaatntlv Inealerl nn lha hill
near Ibe Cbmche; plastered throughout.
AIsd three rooms on the Egbert Farm. nlaa.
lured. Rent moderate. For particulars
luquire at in is omce or or
Petroleum Centre, May 13tb lw
A flrst.cla.n ecinx nr tha I'Atw.tAur
UxobangH Highest wager paid,
Apply nuineuiaieiy.
Pet. Centre, May, 10th lw
For Mile
15 (100 to 20.000 feet of SECOND-HAND
TUBING, at from 25 to 35 cts. per foot
Tbe Tubing is in first class order and all
ready Httd.
April 23. tr. '- H. II. WARNER.
Take Wot ice.
All nartles indebted tn TV T. Rrlooa r
requested to Call and settle by May 1st,
iiu envn coam. or mey will leu Wltn lUSllce
Reynolds tor collection.
E. T. Brlggs.
April 20-lf
Slew Goods !
Ii. GltAlWV?II,
Merchant Tailor J
Ilrl hint ppttirrtrri tmm Vow Vin-V with tl&
twsortuieut of KOKKiUN AND DOMESTIC
tu ssi mens.
and Yfstinir.
Srtluble for Moc'saod Ho' w. r, iwr brjuyht to
(-jiruicuin vtm iru. aibo, mil una 01
CUSTOM WORK nrnmntlv attnhrfpri tn. t.a
fits guaranteed.
The people of this place Snd vicinity cm buy bet
ter Clothing of me, and SS fBH iKNT (JIlKAf
Eli Hun in TUus.'llle, OU City or elsewhere.
uivw 010 a can.
Next Dour to Smith's Haloon, tnah-
-" fouini, Brim. niiMI.
Second-Hand Engines
Saw & Grist Mill Machin
In good order. Address with
full description and price.
Park City, Kansas.
rT OAFFNrcY: keens rnn.l.nil.
baud Scotch Ale and London Potter, espeol
lolly tor family at. r '
RtirnNlMIlNI. Ti m vr
MM V VII Ml U ! 11 V llUlilhl
ah vaiiug, Sngltl?,
Boiler, and
111UUCM UAS11 I'KllvK f AID KOR (it n
atllavlnir recently Dnrrhn.rii . v- ... .
ed ti cut and fit all sizes of Pip. and Culni 7.
U Inch to 8 14 Inch. UUZ
wahlnsiloii-Rt., Nenrlv One. d...
iter House, Vet. Oeiitre, i
apr tr.
(Swim mi mite.
Franklin, Pa.
R. H AC8TI5, Pres't. CTIAS. MlUEH.Vinj.
Engine, Car, Coacb & Maisj
Lubricating Oils.
. miaiiL-u 111c in?, i.ui.riciiir ID DM, ItlfTeT
test tha Galena Oils have triiiuiplied, and their 1J
cnallense for an equal as a I.ubiicsmr u,cpi T
niorecoatcstants. ft Is now In use no A 4 0 t
R'y, O C & A K K t. A V K'y, J 1 1 K j.sods
tb wells, maehin iliops, Ac.
)anS3 tf Agent for I'etrolenra Centre A ticisi'
nm tip w
W. D. DODGE, Proprietor.
TsSps constaatly on hand tha chulceit linnds of
Wines, Liquors & Cigars,
of al kinds.
Warm Aleal at nil Hours.
Received dally and served up In any style iM!rA
tfsVlf yon want tn pit a pood sqnare meal. n'W
of Lai(ur to wash it down, and a nic. Cig:.r civs as
a call.
W. D Di'UOB.
Petroleum Centre, March 1. lWi. tl
RirnnI.IIfiiiH lll WpII SHD
pile, 10.0UJ ft in. T'. BINd. 10, 0tlfl6Ki1t,'!'t
ard 8 inch CARINO, 6,ruu ft NMALL Plf K, IOT ?
HrcKKK ROPH. 9 ineh. e ineh 7 and tail Mm
INO PIPE. PITTINdS at oneialf yrlreof N
GAS and ROTARY rnM 1-8 for sale or 10 rmt.
JJ.Milr.i.3 Oud BO!FKS of ll bum. si
Box 220. Petroleum Centre, Fa-
ct-S4ir i
Of Old pPte foriairjpS