The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, May 11, 1872, Image 2

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Boeoessors in McFarlnnd, Builth A Co.,)
Merchant Tailors t
Gents' Furniskiug iiootfs,
Bm pat ) one of the finest UMr.moBti ojj
Ever offered .in the Oil Region.
Alt the Latest and Nobbiest styles.
Gents' Furnishing Goods, fec
f etroleum Centre Daily Record.
U Centre, Pa., Saturday, Mar H
Ulviiie stervlce.
Services every Sabbatb at H A. M. and
iX P. M
eats free;
Sabbath School at l!U P M
A cordial Invitation extend
A to alk
Rut. P. W. ScorrtLo, Pastor.
PH.ESR.TTEm A V ranirn
Preachieir at 11 o'clock A'. U and 75
. IX PATTON, Pastor.
Petroleum Centre Lodge, No.
Tia, I. o. of o. P. " .
Repilar meeting nights Friday, at 7
o'olook. Signed.
B. O'Flahsvrtt, A Sec'y.
ViBTln''5'if'Ine,'ki,,' MIft s'- oppoaii
MoOliotook Houm.
a, o.. of w..
LIHerty Lodge No. 7, A- O. of TJ. W,
nceta evert llnnm. uuai,;.. . . T
la Odd Fellow's Hall, Petroleum Centre
rannA. '
A. Gli.v, M. W.
8. H. Kookr, R.
Gold et,;i p. m. ufs'
Tie oil producers and others or the lltb
interested le tbe welfare of tbe region, are
requested to- meet at Sobel's Opera House,
Petroleum Centre, on Saturday Ev'g, May
lltb 1872. A toll a tendance Is requested
m business of the utmost Importance will
come before tbe meeting.
By order L. P. Waliib.
Tbe attention of oil operators and busi
ness men Is called to tbe publio meeting, to
be held at tbe Opera House, this evening..
Tbe meeting. It is understood, is b.ld for
tne purpose or discussing tbe offer make by
tbe members of tbe defunct S. I. C, to en
ter into a cootraot with the producers for
one or five years to pay f 5 per barrel for all
tbe oU psoduoed, provided seven-eigbtbs of
toe producers agree to tbe proposition. We
fceve refrained from saying anything in re.
Sard to this last proposition ol these men,
until after tbe meeting, at tbe request oi tbe
.executive Committee of this District We
would advise all parties Interested in ih
prosperity of this region to attend the meet.
g uMiignt, and give tbe suliect a tbor
ougb investigation. If the proposition is
accepted by tbe majority well and good
otherwise let tbe answer be decisive aod to
tbe point.
Some days since we made an Hen to the
the efteet that Messrs. Fox and Bradstreat,
of.Tltusville, bad secured a 25-acre ieaseof
Ibe Curry farm, on the Tarr Run territory,
acd were about to sink a well.. We are re
quested by Mr. Fox to state tbst be aloue
is interested In tbe aforesaid lease, aod that
Mr. B. baa nothing whatever to do.
This warm wetb. r ia just tbe time to In
4ueitbattoeoolIce Cream matiufdo
lured by Smith, nejj door to Simmou's drug
Jh ' -f a Vermont mau ,,,;- ef,
hot p . lu hi. ohnr Thai's all;
The Eleventh Anniversaay of the Penn
tylvaola Reserve Corpi will be celebrated
at Wllllamsport, Wednesday, May 15tb,
1S72, pursuant to a resolution adopted at
tbe meeting of the State? Association, held
at Philadelphia, May IGth, 1871.
Hon. William MoClelland will deliver tbe
A cordial invitation li extended to mem
ber of tbe eld Division throuchout tbe
dlate to be present on tkat occasion.
Delegate! desiring to participate wit
please notify William J. Harvey. Chairman
of tbe Committee of Arrraooementa at
Wiikeabarre, of tbe number of men who will
attend. Jobs H. Taooart,
Corresponding Secretary P. R. A,
We have been requested to Inquire as to
toe maaner In wblcb tbe Road Tax of Corn
planter twp. Is expended. This loquiry
strikes us oertinsut and we shall Insist unon
a thorough Investigation of the matter. The
amount or Road Tax collected annually In
Corplanter Towuabip, is about $14,000.
This sum would seem sufficient to keep the
several roads to wbich it should be applied
in at least passable condition. Yet those
who are so unfortunate as to travel on the
roads In qtiestloo, fail to see any evidence
of tbe judicious expenditure of the tax.
The supervisors of these road need recon
structing badly. We shall Insist upon the
money being so expended1, as to accomplish
tbe purposes for which It is assessed upon
and collected from the taxpayers. Every
road leading out of Oil City is In deplor
ably bad condition. If tbe tax is expended
upon them, tbe work is done with neither
skill nor judgment. Tbe people bare a
right to demand reform la the present sys
tem. We shall be pleased to bear from tbe
Supervisors, and will be glad to publish a
detailed statement of tbe expenditures of
each of tbem. Let us have light on tbe
subject. Oil City Register.
As far as tbe roads In- tbil 'section of the
Township are concerned, tbey are nearly
all In good condition. exoeDt oerhana the
Sane City road, wbich stands badly in need
of repairs. Tbe Supervisor and Path Mas
ter, Messrs. McHugb and Armstrong, are
expending tbe nubile funds la judicious
manner and satisfactory to tbe tax payers
we agree with the Register, however, that
generally epeakioi (or the amount of mono roads there Is
the lesat to stow for It than la any other
Township In tbe county. A "showing ud"
of tbe uses to which tbe people's money Is
put, asd a radical reform io many particu
lars, would, in our opinion, be in order.
Tbe latest sensation at Niagara
Falls is
tbe attempted suicide by throwing himself
into l!:e rapid, of aa individual who says
became all tbe wai Irora Enalaod with the
avowed iolention of ellppioi off bis mortal
coil by going oevr Niagara Falls.
FInlon Wbalon.. residing in the violnitv
or the Tarr Run oil territory, was brought
before Justice Reynolds, a day or two ago,
charged wllb violently assaulting and bat
tering Mr. and- Messrs. Jonatbas Breeds.
The affair grew out or a dog light. The
defendant called for a jury trial. After
bearing tbe evidence, tbe jury failed to
agree on a verdiot, and were discharged.
For over Ore years, our townsmen, Mr.
M. T. Connor, bas bad charge of the switch
engine at this point, and during all that
time in rain or snow, fair weather or
stormy bas always been found at bis post
of duty. There are lew better or more
faithful engineers than Mike Connor, of tbe
Oil Creek Railroad.
Cleaning bouse it all
tbe rage amoog
housekeepers at present.
Weather item hot.
Wou't some of our liberal minded Honor
dealers take pity on tbe Oil City Derrick
man acd send bita a keg of lager beer.
ouugtng rrom tbe 'mixedness" or one or
two or tbe Items, la this morning's rjaner.
bis "coppers are hot and nerd cooliug."
Path Master Armstrong is engaged in
repairing. ibe road on tbe Egbert farm. A
good job.
Now ia the time to advertise your Spring
anu cummer goods, and tbe Rxgoud is
good advertising medium.
1 ne sounds of musio mtrlb and hilarity
uisiurueu me usual stillness of tbe summer
air, last night. Aa investigation elucida
ted tbe fact that a cew bouse bad been
opeoed to the publio lor tbe first time. Tbe
bestol good humor prevailed and .u .n
peared to enjoy tbe fun.
At Clint. Robsuo't Cozy Saloon caa be
found a new brand of excellent Havana be
gan), compoced of the very best tobacco and
highly flavored. Having tried tbem we can
testify to tbelr excellence.
A pair of California rats constructed their
nests on the top of a tree.
Sprlog notes -lobtni and blue birds, are
now pleoy.
Examination for Cadetslilps
The examination of candidates for the
cadebhlos at West Point Military Academv
and Naval Academy at Annapolis, wns held
la this city on Monday last, Geo. Loom If,
D. D., and S. M. Eaton, D. D,. of tbe Com.
mlttee appointed by Hon. S. Grlfllih, were
present. Medical examination made by
Dr. S. G. Snowden,
Vfv nf 4ha antittaan-fa for West Point
were from Venango, one from Crswford and
one from Mercer county, for Annapolis,
one from Venango, seven Ireui Crawford
and one from Mercer. Tbe committee rec
ommended the appointment of T. M. Hone;.
well, of Meadville, to West i'olnt, and J.
H. Armstrong, of Conoeautville, to Anna
Tbe same Questions were alven. In writ
log. to all applicants, and written answers
were returned. To avoid all Dossfbllltyor
tbe appearance of partiality, the Commit
tee had tbe questions returned signed with
a number, lustead of tbe name of tbe candi
date, and the names of tbe successful ones
were unknown to tbem untill the award bad
been made. Venango Citizen.
Tbe law has been amended br the nrea
ent Congress, providing for Soldier' Home
steads, t Oder the provisions ef this Act
all hooorably disebarged Soldiers and Sai
lors, ttielr widows aad orphan children are
permitted to acquire homesteads on tbe
publio lands ef tbe United States upon
much easier terms than heretofore. The
time of service, or In case of death In the
eervioe, or In consequence of wounds re
ceived In tbe service, or of honorable dis
cbarge by reason, of wounds, the whole
term or enlistment may be deducted from
tbe five years of residence and Imnrovement
required under tbe old Homestead Law.
Six months are allowed for settlement and
Improvement, after selecting location, and
persoos entitled to the benefits of tbe act
may obtain a tUle by employing an agent
to enter upon the homestead to Improve
and cultivate for tbem according to tbe re
qulremeols of this new act.
Why will ladies carry about tbem
perfumes? A little cologne Is not
lonible: but one is often bulf suffocated
publio places when some woman draws forth
a handkerchief saturated with some over
powering sweetuess, one drop of which
would be In infinitely better taste. To our
minds, ladies ste, or should be. sweet
enough without these foreign additions to
their attractions.
A New York liUer-wriier says that Josie
Mansfield, tbe woman in the Fisk tragedy,
bas all sorts of proposals made to ber. and
receives a dozen letters a day on an average
from strangers. Last week brought bet a
proposition from a man in Montreal to atari
on a lecturing lour through Europe, be to
turnieo the means. By the same mail came
a letfcr from St. Louis, from a man who de
scribes himself as a wealthy and influential
citizen, offering ber a beautiful villa near
that city at a moderate rent, unties thesalr
ubrlous climate and lovely eurrojndiniri.
and saying It will form a sweet resting
place during tbe summer to recuperate her
energies. And thus tbe scarlet Coneril
queens it proudly, while lihsbearitd Cor
delia wastes and suffer. It i a strung
Last Sunday, as Henry' Ward Beecber
was giving out tbe last by no la the morn
ing service at l'lymoutb Cburcb, a woman
about forty years or age began haranguing
tbe immense gathering, "Oh, you eld free
lovers," said she, "here you are iu your fine
lilks nod satins. You came here to wor
ship the god of free love, and you care nolb
tug tor the bavler or mankind. That will'
do, Mr. Beecber. Tho great pastor bad
resumed bis seat.1 You can't fool me
you're free lover and se am I. Free love
iethe ." After further ejasulatioos tbe
was removed by one of the ushers.
For tbe first time for hundreds of vears
tbe two opposite Mohammedan sects of Sun.
nis ana botahs knelt together in harmon
ious prayer at Meerut. en tbe recent ocean.
Ion of thanksgiving tor tbe recovery of tbe
rrtnee ot Wales.
A new and highly praotical use for un
paid bills bss bee found'. A Flortdlan,
who had accumulated quite a package of
tbem ia bis vest pocket, owes the
ol bis life to that oircumstance,. as tbe knife
of an assassin entered tbem instead or bim
A package or paid bills would probably do
as well; but that would be more expen
sive. Leggett, opposite tbe Record ofllee. is at
present receiving large ordors from all over
me regwin lor bis celebrated oil well valve
cups. These oups have an established rep
utation for durability and length of service,
and are undoubtedly tbe best manufactured
Pbiladelpeia papeis calll tbe morgue In
that city a dead failure.
Tbe new Erie dlieotors propose to rut)
tn in J hour train to Cbicsgo.
Ma jr.
Tbe red-wlnped merlo from bending spray,
With triici-ful pinions poiaiug,
Pours out a liquid roundelay
In jubilant rejoicing.
Tbe cocksgrouse drums on sounding log,
The lex forsakes the cover,
Tbo woodcock pipes from fen and bog,
From upland less the plover.
The specMrd trout darts up tbe stream
Beneath the rustic bridges,
While flocks of pigeons glance and gleam
O'er beech and maple ridges.
Tbe golden robin trills bis note
Amoog tbe netted shadows,
The bob o' llnk, with mellow throat,
Makes musical tbe meadows.
Tbe peeping frog, with silver bells,
Iu rhythmical ovation
Ring out a chime of treble swells
In jojoiia crntulatlon.
Tbe low kine is mingled with
The song el lark aud sparrow.
Aud fallow fields are growing blithe
Beneath the plow and harrow.
Tbe moon all night, serene and white,
03 Lake aud stream is Blowing.
While rippling fountains seek ber light
lbroiigb woodland vnlleys flowing;
And all nigbt long a low, sweet sung
Sleeps o er tbe misiv hollow.
From marsh and fen, from hill and glen,
I1 rum brook, and field, and fallow.
It is the time of pleasant thing',
V ben Love makes up bis issues.
Aud hearts well up, like bidden springs,.
from rueled cell and tlstines
A time to bear at break ol Hay
A silverschorused matin
A liquid Iretwork in crotchet,
An atmospheric satin
A time to feast tbe soul, tbe eyes,
To watch each bird that passes.
Aod ball surmise that birds ara wise,
And men are only asses;
And then to turn and raise tbe load
With weary shoulders bending,
And take tbeoW, weU-beateti road.
That leads unto tbe ending.
Fine weather for making gxrdena.
The Oil City Democratic Club will attend
tbe Riding Convention In a bodv. A
special train will' be chartered.
Tbe straw hat trade will soon be brisk.
Tbe songs of eveninu" that of the mos
Greeley hats are becoming nolle common
on tae streets.
We notice l.y the Titusville papers that
Rockefeller, Flagler and others of Sov Iitjd.
Co. notoriety, are at present In that city, in
close counsel with the refiners. It Is to be
hoped said refill. r8 will not allow them
selves to be soft soaped hv the hnneved
wuiun oi iun iDouopoiiais anu conspirators
Dewere of them.
A flret-clBM eoosy warned at tbe Petroleum
Sxchangi) n.itel. ItfgbeaJ wages paid.
Apply immediately.
' W. D. DODGE.
Pet. Centre, May, lfltb lw
$Jew JGS-oods!
Merchant Tailor!
lias Jujtr-wtnriied from New York with Iho fluent
aiwoisuout tl' JJ'OKISION AND DOMES I'll!
Cassinnn s,
mill Vfsrlinrs.
Suitable for Men's and Bo' 'i Wo. r. ever br.mght to
. ,iiui.uiu v vuiiu. AIM), a 11111 11110 Ol
CUSTOM WOHK promptly attehded to, and good
fits uunrnniecd.
The nminln nf Hit. ni'.A anil . l .. I . v .
n Clottihig of roe. and S5 l-Klt EST CIIttAf.
Vlt il.-... 1.. Tit.... .:n - in fit. i
faive uie a call.
Ia. grafuwitcii,
NoTt Dour to Smltfiti Haon, Uaah.
lugtou-t.,. Pel. centre, Fu. mO tf.
Dissolution Notice.
The copartnership heretofore existing un
der the firm name of Warner & Bump, pro
prietors nt the Columbia KVrm f
....',.!.,.) V-uay inij aiSSOIVed
muiuai consent. All accounts due the
firm will be collected by J. C. Biimn.
all bills will be paid by bim. Hereafter tbe
uusiuess win ne conducted bv J. C. Bump.
m9.w3. J. C. BUMP.
For Salo
15.000 to 20,000 feet of SECOND-HAND
TUBING, at from 25 to 35 cis. per root.
lbs lulling is io first class order and all
reaay nirea.
April 23. tf. H. H. WARNER,
Take Notice.
All parlies indebted to E. T. Brlggs are
anu seine oy may 1st,
...m . uuBia. or iney win ion with Justice
ucjuuiue icy collection.
E. T. Brlggs.
April SO-lI. '8
H. Warner
All Slzei Caning, Eugliie
Dollcra. and
muuissT UASH PRICE PA1DF0E 01 n
ROPE. IKDV an riu.cUBU1'I)
rnavlni; recently pipplinniKt a NV.' ,rH ,
yd to cnt and fit all sl'zc. of IMi i and' Ca.?.!",1'
M Inch to 8 14 inch. 1 fn
Prt'f. II. i .'w'a-
tM il was,
Franklin. Pa.
B. n AUSTIN, lWt. CIIAS.MlLLKH,aot(.
lim Car, Coach & Uiq
Lubricating Oils.
Wmainted the hest I.nhrlctor In n.. i.
t".t tbe t'.alenaOII. have irijniplu-d, and nVrHi
eaallenae fur an eqtul a a LuMiainr n aiM
iiioreconteaiBiitx. It is now In menu A t s I
the wells, markin. .hop., e r'
)anS9 tf Agent for Pctrolenm Centre & vieitl
W, I. DOSrC.IJ, Proprietor.
Reef ly on hand th choice brand! of
Wines, Liquors & liyars,
of al kinds.
Warm Meals at nil llottn.
Kpceirea osuy ana serrea np In any style ncwirea.
B ef If YOU Wltnt In (ret a LMiid .nuare meal, f Ml1
of Ijtgcr to wash It down, aud anica Uforelveaa
a call.
V. D. nnDfiE.
PetrolenttrFcnti'e. Starch 18. IK7i. tt
Seennil.Unnil lti Well SOD
title., in no.i rt o t wi'iiivi! in (mi ft and fi
nrd 8 Inch CASINO, o,'(UO ft SVAIX I'll'K, tlWft
IN'.a PII'E, PITTINnd atonchnlf .riceof Xc
GAM find HOTAHY I'l'M'-S for saleor lorrtl
KAUlAJiS Oud BOIT.KHK of nil
Bex 220. Petroleum Centre, P
SSTA lot of old papers for ' '
at '