J. H. ClHIIffillSTniB, tent Medicines, Per t'oleiim Centre, iPa LAMMERS, THE ONE PRICE CLOTHIEH. Another Combination Broken ! fameries, Washington Street1, IPet JAMESTOWN CLOTHING STORE? TIIK Oil, piAHKm. BY P. & a. TEL. LINE. Omen op : Petroleum Cbntrk Daii.t Rmnnn S May. 7 1872 The petroleum market ia Arm to-day tl $4,05. We bear of no transactions at tbal figure. Spring Hoods, trixwlc out SOBEL & AUERHAIM 1872. NEW GOODS! 1872. Important to our Patrons and the public at large SOBEL AU E R H A I M, Hiring juit relumed ffom New York ve are now opening out tbe LARGEST BTCCK of spring Rummer Jpig (mh I Ercr brought to Petroleum Centre, comprising the latest si ylea of DRESS GOODS, DOLLY VARDEIM Casmeres BLACK) COLORED AND STRIFES SILKS. IRISH POPLINS, Japanese Milks, . Shawls, tiimpure Laces, Hosiery, ' Glove, Iteadylade Linen Nuits, Also, a very fine selection or MILLINERY GOODS ! MILLINERY GOODs liAEHE nnt GENT FlTlt.ISIIIAG t.OODS, Carpels, Oil Cloths, Trunks, Valises, Satchels, &c, &c. ;4r fleafe call early and examine fur yourselves. 1S'f. SOBEIj At AUFKIIAIH. The Oldest Established Dry Goods House on Oil Creek. The Only Place in Petroleum Cen tre where you can Buy the Famous 13 AT Burton & NO Of HEll COAL is equal to it for House or Engine use. Also, the CELEBRATED HONEY BROOK, LEHIGH, GO A-Tjj Decidedly the test ever brought to this market. The BEST is the CHEAPEST We guarantee Square AS REPRESENTED. A, Leggett, (Bnceenor to A. TvLeggett,) M anufaetnrer and Dealer In HARNESS. Seed Bags, v alve Cups, &$ 8iperlen'd varkraen'are employed; and Ilaj FMoraU kinds ke'plcunetantljr on hand and maac fINE NEW HARNESS. DOUBLE AND ... . , SINGLE, ' lata at reasonable rates: UCY AND H0R8B Bf.ANKaTS IN L&KGI There ta no superior VALVE CUP ''we. than the one made In my shop, and they tw sold at 1 12 per hundred or eO cents a nai;, beloW the lllocllntoek for Aden's new advfr.t,ismpnt. DRY GOODS. 40. KEE COAL! Kooker's Weights and Quality nnrlT. Just' from New York. A. SPLENDID STOCK OF SPRING OVERCOATS. To Vh" Citizens, of Petrolenm Centre and vicinity. n I bar just received tbe largest stock of SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING Now In tbe Oil Country, and oan and will tell cheaper than any otber nan in town. tO HarZ" FRIENDS I ask you to call and see before purchas ing elsewhere, aa It Is lor your beiic-m I am doing Ibis. Don't be led astray, but atop and examine my hock Deiore going to any oiner place. I bave tbe LARGEST STOCK OF HATS Ever before offered In tbe Oil Country. Also, tbe finest atock of Gents' Furnishing Goods Id tbe cauotry. 8. SOBEL. Philadelphia, May 4. Cmde 12 . Refined 21?. May 23 . June 23. July 23'. Market Dull. Pittsburg, May 4. Crude apot, 9. B. O. all year, 124". 8. O. do. UJi. Market Unchanged, Rflned Spot 21 Msy 23 . Market quiet. New Xurn, May 7.y Crnde 13. ReGnea 23.34'. .(.-. J -Maiket dull. , GOLD IN 'F VSIir.K Nkw Fork, Msy 7. Gold 11 S'. ANNOUNCEMENTS. CONUKES8. Editor ReronD: I leae announce filename of H'-X. CALVIN nr. GILFILI AN as n cin,di,l,it for nomination for OoiiKrraw. in llie 'I'ueu itti liis- inci mnyi'ri mine tnungo coiimy piiraa.y ckc Uoua and ihe district conference A1ANY FRIENDS. COUNTY COMMISSIONER. Ttnlns; requcntrd by some of our hulncii, men to liecumn n candidate ijir L'oiintv,l'uiiiibsionrr, 1 of f.ir iih'koT tothu cllizims of Vtnan;; con tlv as a candidate tor paid ollieo, without pledge, except Hint or lid. -lily mi'l iirii;iiil'y, nulijtct to ilio dci-ixiuu cf the acpioacuing l.i',ulilc.ui liiinmrv election. A. M. TLltNEH. Cll City, April 17, ISIS. of ('rnplinter ToM-imlrp, bb n candidate for Conn' V r.ltn.. t il... n ..l.i.... .1 ...... ..t ll. - t- pumicau party at the priumry e li-ction. F'miino:TOTAKY. Mr.. KniTon-rlJlen-fl titinnnnce the nnme of SA.N TEI. KUV'NOI.DS, of l'etruicnm Centre, s a ctwdiutta lor tin- OlHreef lJrtitbonotnrv of Vuiiliu tfo County, at tiio ui)uin: Heptiblicnu primary elwll.TU We lillcvo llr l would till tile office witti entire cu;ittctio.. to all. M.tny Vo'ero. J. J. TTAinTTT. of 1Jlejiir5fvtJ1i. T'n . li.ti funt. of Company -B," llltli I'.-nn'.-t Vet. Vol. Infantry, will he tl cnndiitHte for the ofllce of VrntlinntitorV. of VeimuKo eoilniy, ml'jeel to the u-ii!e of the neptunium pnrty, t tnu primary election. V, W. ITASTIN'na. or Vmnklln. U a ntndldate for the otllce nf 1'rottioiintiirv of Veiiar'j Countr, subject lo tlio declflou ol'thu'ltepubllituin parly, ill punuiry oluciion. REGISTER AND RECOUDEK. Ftutor lifcun: 11 nsie nnnonnce the name of Capt. JllHN 1' RAHK, na candidate fur Heeisler and Becarder, aiil-ject to the un:09 of the Hepulj llcan party at the palmary election. Captain Ilarr entered the arniy of the T'nlon art a private In the 4th l'a Cnv. end fought his way up to a Major, and win wounded twice, lie is cci Me ntality and obliging aud in every reppect quitlitled furtheofllce. Many Ueptibucaus. CoiNPLANTSii. March S3d, 1S72. Eimtob Daiit Ukp an Yon will pUain nn nounce that JAM F.S W. 811 AW will bo a candl date fo- re-tiomlnation for the ofllce of Kegister and Kecorder at the eunuiug ltepitblk-uu I'rinjary Elec Mr. Shaw wna a nrlvnte In Ihe army of the fn leu and lost hie riirtit arm In our own 1nte at the bttle of Qe tysbttrir He ia ompetent, prompt and obliging, and has given entire auliefaction to the husineee nublx aaan officer. Thereforehaxingheen disabled In the service of our country, hut lieing well qualified for 'lie position, and having the confi dence of the business public and community at -argo as an oittcer. ins re-nomiuauon win nu urcu at onr rrunary uiecuon on lue any or neit Vmanoo Couzitt. Pure Drugs ! Low Prices ! Fair Dealing ! TRY Johnson & Morris ! And' satisfy yourselves 'hat the aboro it our Motto. A FULLUNE OF TOILET ARTICLES ! AND Patent riedicjnes,- ' . surEiuou ' Flavorins Extracts. WB CANNOT ENrMERATB, BUT GUAKAN'TH SATISFACTION. Window Paper ifc Diaries at Cost ! SIGN OF THE SIOKTAlt, Washington Street, apWtf. Petroloum Centre, Pa. For Sale 15.000 to 20.000 feet or SECOND-IIAND TUBING, at from 2i to 35 eta. per foot. Tbe Tuning is in U tat claes order nod all ready for filling. . April 23. tl. II. H. WARNER. THE ONE PRICE CLOTHIER OF 'IHE OIL REGIONS 3 Spring St., TXTUSVXXiUEL Has broken the outrageous Clothing Monopoly. Cliatham Street has become demoralized. Sboddy Clothing la at a discount. Tbe WHERE TOtt CAN FIND ALL THB 13 AT THE GREAT One Price Clothing Store ! IN TITtSVIIjIiEi In 2ST6bby Business Suits! My Stock contains ever make ot Goods. COATS AND VESTS'.- I have a larger assortment than any house outside of New York City. There Is So doubt FLAJSra-Z- is ahead of auythiug in or FASHIONABLE HATS & CAPS! WHITE and CHEVIOT SHIRTS. I cannot he beat in this Department. MY L.INE OF Men's Furnishing Gotfds ! IS COMPLETE. Parties &OOT OLOTTIHSTG-: Can Save Moriev, By coming to rhy Store where there is everything new, nd where you can buy 10 Per' Cent. Less than Ksewhere, And why, do you ask, because I have only otste price; Goods are all marked in plain selling figures, and I sell mora Gooda tbao any 10 stores combined. I sell every customer alike and throw la NO Bblrts, Suspenders or Collars, to mahe an extra profit on Clothing. A child of lire years can buy aa cheap as man of City. JI cordially invite all centre ana vicinity, to come and purcliase tueir Clothing at My Store, PROMISING BETJTER GOODS ! And Later Styles for Less Money! Than Any House in the Itegion. LAMMERS, TIIE "E I'ltlCE ( IX)Tllli;it; but that my Stock of PACTS' America, either for quality style. in want of my old customers in Petrolenm