. . : : , , I Petroleum Centre Daily Record ret. Ceurro, Pa. Thnrftdart Mar Ulvlne Hervlee. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH HervioM every Sabbath at 11 A. M. and ,4 P. H. Sabbath School at 2i P. M. eats free. A eordial Invitation extend d to all. Kit. P. W. ScoriELD, Pastor. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Preaching at 11 o'clock A. 11., and !, 'clock P. M. I). PATTON. Pastor. Petroleum Centre Lodge, No. T15, I. O. of O. F. Regular meeting nights Frldsy, at 7 'clock. Signed. ALBERT GLENN, N. G. E. OTlioebtt, A Sec'y. Je-piice of meeting, Main St., opposite McGliniock House. A. O. of V. W. Liberty Lodge No. 7, A O. of U. W., meets every Monday cvenlns at 7 o'clock, In Odd Fellow's llall, Petroleum Centre, Penn'a. A. Glkn, M. W. 8. II. KOOKER. R. Gold at 1 p. m. 113 Mr. Mitchell, the contractor on this divi sion of the Warren k Venango Railroad, It pinning the grading ahead as fast as possi ble. He Informs ns that sufficient iron for lay. . log the track from Warren to Tttusvllle has been purchased, and track laying bat al ready commenced at the Warren end of the route. The stone for building the piers of the bridge over the Creek at Columola farm re nearly ready, and the lumber for the trestle work will soon be on the ground. Not many months mora will elapse ere the pleasant sound ol locomotive's wbistle on the Warren & Venango Railroad will be beard echoing and re-echoing through the Tslley of Oil Creek. Elsewhere we give place to communi cation la reply to an attack in the Oil City Derrick on Mr. W. J. MoClure, of Ibis place, candidate for the ollise of Couuty School Superintendent. As we interpreted the circular sent forth by State Superintend dent Wickersbam, the advancement of the use of education, and not politics or any other sul ject, was the question' at Issue; 01 the political belief of ibis gentleman we know nothing whatever about, to fact nev er beard him express an opinion either way, but we do know that if years of bard study and wide and varied experience in school teaching bave anything to do with the of dee In question, then Mr. McC. la capable of fllllng It to ibe satisfaction of all friends of education. Irrespective of political bias or belii-f. Possibly we may be wrong, but It seems to us the Derrick, by dragging in side Issue entirely foreign to education, Is doing great Injury to a worthy man, and on wbo bas devoted life time to the bard task ot teaching school at poor wages, as very one knows that school teachers as a lass do not receive that amount justly due them for Ibeir services-. We hope justice may be dona him in the matter. The Central Petroleum Company bave gang of workmen engaged In the good work of digging a drain across the low lands at ' lb upper end ot Washington street. We bave Dolly Varden dresses, bonnets, hats, gloves, shoes, cigars, cocktails, bitters elo., and now we bave Dolly Varden dough nuts, cracked with nibs, recently Invented by one of our oltizens. The Walker welt, C. P. farm, is now down about 100 feet Weather changeable to-day. Capt. John P. Barr, ef Cranberry town ship, was In town to-day. Capt. B. is a oaodldate for the office of Register and Re corder, sulject to the usages of the Repub lican party. Thinks bis proapeols for the nomination good. Mr. A. M. Turner, ef Oil City, a candi date for County Commissioner, on the same ticket, was in town yesterday. His an nouncement will be found elsewhere. The rain of to-day is caiuiug tbe grass to look green. Rain from now till morulng would considerably change the present bar ren aspect ol nature; therelore, send It long, Mr. Clerk of tbe weather. An Itinerant band discoursed execrable music, on tbe street, this forenoon. There Is an old saying about "musio having charms to snolbe the savage breast." Had the savages listened to this musio it would bave killed thirn Instantly. Tbe only daughter of tbe Chief of tbe Piute Indians was recently married to a ' young lieutenant at Salt Lake. Tbe bride was attired In a blankot decollete, with oyster shell ueclUce, and partook heartily f the wedding nf Moused prairie dog and plckkd crickets. THE COMING TIME. When men forget their love or gold And leva Ibeir honor more; Wbei truth Is only current coin, And counted o'er and o'er; When moo love freedom for its sake For all as well as one And for tbe greatest good, tbtlr work, From day to day Is done; When men throw sell aside and live For some just purpose bigh, Then will tbe glorious era com When none shall fear to die. A Pennsylvania Bull-Dog-. Tbero is man in Drby, Penn., wbo purchased bull-dog, which" he proposed to turn loofo In his -store at night in order to scare awn burglars. The first evening af ter be obtained possession of the animal he locked It in the store and went away a hap py man. The next morning, early, be went around to the store and unlocked tbe door. The dog was vigilant the man was sur prised to perceive how very exceedingly viiiilant ID' dog was for no sooner was the door opened than tbe dog seized its owner by the leg, suddenly, and seemed to be animated by earnest and vigorous resolu tion out to let go until II bad removed at least one good moutblul. And the man pu-hed the dog back and 'shut the'door oa Us ribs until tbe animal relaxed lis jaws) and then tbe man kicked tbe dog Into tbe store and shut Jihe door as If in hurry to do something. Tuen'he suspended business for week, and spent tbe vacation firing at the dog through tbe windows, and dawn tho chimney, and up through tbe cellar ceiling, witb shot gun, trying to extet minate him. And that mercantile estab lishment did not open lor trcde' until tbe man bad paid twice the first cost of tbe dog to the dog's former owner to come and lake it home; and then, wbfn be got iti he found that during tbe bombardment boles had been shot through mackerel barrels and mo' latses cans- and coat oil kegs so that there was misery and mia everywhere. Dogs hive no charms for this man, and If you allude in bis presence to the noble work that Is being done by the Woman's branch of tbe Society for tbe Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, that merobant ir always observed to rise np and swear. A number of new wells are going down on tbe farms adjacent toFagundas. Among ethers, one by John Bentley, who Is an ac tive energetio Teuton, who It operatiog at present on tbe Wblte farm. John Ueolley, Gilam fc Guibe bave a welf In tbe third sand in tbe Pleteaot Valley section. There is oil in that region, and we shall not be surprised to .hear of some gool wells soon. Tidiou te Commer cial. $be last strike on tbe Bully Hill terri tory, about four days ago, is small. Tbe well Is only yielding two barrels per day. Owned by Prentice, Crawford & Barbour. Some misiMderataodlng exists concerning the recent amendment to tbe United States homestead law. The general opinion that a agent can hold land claim for atoldie' ' or sailor until tbe title is perfected, is ln oorrect. Tbe agent can only hold the land for aix months, and at tbe expiration of that lime tbe soldier or sailor must enter upon personal possession, and there remain for the lull period of one year, la order to se cure a title. Tbe same rule applies to the widows ol those who died in tbe service, or from wounds or disease contracted therein ; but their orphan obildren can bave a guar dian appointed, wbo can bold the laod lor them until tbey become of age. T be usual entry fee and commission of thirty-two dol lars for one hundred and sixty acres of laod must be paid before any entry can be made Bowel oomplalut .Is epldemio la Pitts burgb, resulting the physicians state, from tbe impure water they drink. When did tbe Pittsburgbers quit whiskey and take to drinking water? Tbey used to say water was only good fur navigation. A man In Mellonville, Florida, is setting out 125 acres in orange trees, which wili be, in a year from now, the largest grove on this continent. An orange tree in garden in Los Angel os is laden witb ripe fruit, unopened buds, flowers and young oranges in every stage of growth; A man in Yamkbill county, Oregon, sues bis lather and mother-iu-law for five thous and dollars damages, because tbelr daueh- ei and bis wile bas not turned out so strong and beallby as tbey promised. A muakrat recently bored a bole through the dam of a large Massachusetts Dsn pond, and let several thousand of fine trout into tbe brook below, where for several dajs afterwards there was excellent flablng. The venerable ex-Secretary Seward is said to be rapidly losing the use of hialower limbs. His intelleotual faculties, however, are altogether unimpaired. Letters from the People Notc Tbe manager of this journal, without endorsing the sentiments ol con tributors, desires lo offer the widest possible latitude lor free dlncusslon. It Is merely stipulated that communications shall con cern matters of public Interest, be put in decent Unguage and acooinpanied with the names of the writers, not for publication, but as a guarantee of good faith. For the Daily Btcord. The Connty School Snperln tendency. Ed. Record: For the second time tbe Oil City Derrick pitches Into the so-called caucus nominee for School Superintendent for Venango Co. "Death tbe insatiable archer," is not more so, than the Derrick Every day, some new victim is found Im paled by its harsh invective, bitter satire, pungent wit, relentless ridicule, and its sensational statements and slashing style. Monopolies, rival towns, and obooxiou" In dividuals succuaib (!) to Us fierce attacks. Yesterday a prospective governor, a country schoolmaster, tomorrow, may bap, (we sball bear to day from Cincinnati) tbe chief magistrate of tbe republic. That It should use its circulation and influence to crush governor, a president in prcapective, or even to switch the Republican Party off the main track, which I am willing to con cede without argument, It might do, would elicit no sound from m. But when it so persistently seeks to crush out our worthy domine, I wish to set the matter right aad in a truthful light. First, it bas been tbe custom of Ibe school directors of the county to bold an informal meeting in advance of election day to indi cate their preference for county superintend ent, On merit and merit alone." To af firm anything else, to say that religious pre. judic a political affinity, bad anything to do witb tbe selection thus made, is to im pugn tbe intelligence and Integrity of this arge body of most worthy and respectable Citizens. In tbe present case, tbe selection was made In tbe usual way at tbe appointed time understood by all and a majority named tbe successful applicant, because it was their conviction that be was superior In every re spect to bis competitor, a decision that will drubtless he ratified on eleotioo day. He is a modest, uoassuming geutleman, never boosting of bis acquirements or abilh ties, nor never obtruding bis religious or political opinions on "any one. lie has taught successfully for two years at Oil City and three years bere. In bis knowls edge of grammar, anatbeinaStcrand physical science, be bas .no equal on the list of ap plicants For carefdl, intelligent paios taking with children in the school room, for ialusing into them a spirit of emulation an eager desire lo I9a?p', for a consci entious discharge of every duty pertaining to bis great and noble profession, I bave never yet seen blm surpassed, and having sent six children to bim for three years past, I may be permitted to bear my bumble testimony to bis worth a a teacher wblcb will neendorc sd by aH friends of education. Conceding be is a practical teacher, that be is in tbe vety prim and vigor ol manhood, tbat be Is en- ergetic, and will, if elected, devote himself with atdor and ability, to tbe proper organ ization of every school dlstriot, assisting tbe teachers under bis charge by word and counsel, be certainly bas some fitness for tbe position deemed essential elsewhere, and which wonld not be neutralized any where because bis political preference was wise or otherwise. "Let justice bo done though thy Heavens fall." Citizen. Tbe business men and manufacturers cl Titusville have adopted a new plan. For years past it bas been customary to give ex tended credits for oil well supplies, machin ery, iEo. This system has been highly de trimental, as it enabled speculators and ad venturers to plunge into business recklessly and trust to luck to meet their obligailous. Tbe dealer and manufacturers bave enter ed Into compact to sell no gods to parties who fail to settle promptly at thirty days. We hope this plan will become general throughout tbe Oil Regions. Miss Stevens, beautiful blonde lady preacher, Is creating a profound religious sensation In Georgia. She is said to make all the masculines feel like embracing Chris tianity, or at least it exponent and advo cate. Tbe Prime Minister of tbe Fiji Islands bas gone lo Australia for Ibe purpose of negotiating a loan. Twenty years ago tbe islanders were caun Ibals and most of tbe Australians transported criminals. A wealthy Connecticut man bas tbe audacl. ty to boast that ba made his first money by manulacturing "genuine relics from tbe Holy Land." Some of these wooden frauds, much prized by tbe simple persons wbo naught tbem, were grown within half mil of Ibeir own tomes. LAMMERS, THE ONE PRICE CLOTHIER. Another Combination Brolxent LAMMBRS. THE PRICE CLOTH OF THE OIL REGIONS 6 Spring St., TITUSVILLE, Has broken the outrageous Clothing Monopoly. Chatham Street has become demoralized. Shoddy Clothing is at a discount. Tbe if WHERE YOU CAN FIND ALL THB &JkSES3? SKXiEZS! 13 AT One Price Clothing Store! IX TsTl'SVILIiE. In Nobby Business Suits! My Stock contains ever nlaka of Goods. COATS AND VESTS. I have a larger assortment than any house outside of New York City. There I o dtmbt is ahead of anything in or FASHIONABLE HATS & CAPS ! WHITE and CHEVIOT SHU ITS. I cannot be beat in this Department. MY Men's Furnishing Goods! IS COMPLETE. Parties GOOD CLOTHING, Can Save Monev, By coming to my Store where there is everything new, and where you can buy 10 Per Cent. Less than Hsewhere, And why, do you ask, because 1 have only OlflTE PRICE. Goods are all marked in plain selling figures, and I sell more Goods than any 10 stores combine!. I sell every customer altkd and thro I" NO Shirts, Suspenders or Collars, to make an extra profit on Clothing. A. child of live years can buy as cheap as a man of Hit. W I cordially t invite all Centre and vicinity to come My btore, PROMISING BETTER GOODS I Arid Later Styles for Less Money! Than Any House In the Ilegion. LARIMERS, Tllli 0E PB1CB CUITIIIEB- ymSMIsABS Will I THE GREAT but that my stock of America, either for quality style. II.E OF in want of my old customers in Petrol and purchase their Clothing