The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, April 30, 1872, Image 2

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VSuOMMon to MeFarlsod, Smith to.,)
Merchant Tailors!
Gents' Famishing tods,
rriTUSY.liliE, PA.
Ban fat la om of Iht fluest assortments o;
Inr the Oil Ktgloa.
. AMea Latest and NobbUstStjlea.
6entsf Famishing Goods, &c
Petroleum Centre Daily Record.
FU Centre, Fau 1 neadayi April 8)'
DiTlne aerTlee.
Bervioe every Sabbath at 11 A. M. and
X F. M. Sabbath School at 12 P. M
eatafteev A cordial' invitation extend'
ed to ail.
Bik P; W. Scohild, Paator.
Preaching at 11 o'clock A. 11., and 7).
svoiocc r. .
D. PATTON", Pastor.
Petroleum Centre Lodge, No
Via. I. o. of O. F.
Regular meeting nlgbta Friday,, at 7
sioea. oigaeu.
E. O'Flahirtt, A Sec'?.
HTWaoa of meeting, Main St., opposite
jbguiibuwk noose.
A. 0 Of U. W.
Liberty Lodge No.. 7, A. O. of U. W.,
Meets every Monday evening at 7 o'clock,
in Odd Fellow'i Hall, Petroleum Centre,
Penn'n. '
A. Guk, M. W.
8. H. Cooker, R.
Gold at lp.m. H
Wsddiso. The elite and leihion ef tb!ir
eetlon of the ell region have been In a
tremor for several daye patt over a wedding
announced to come off to-day, at the Catb.
olio Cburcb ia tblsplsoe, the groom . being
Mr. Lloyd ' J. Nottingham, a prominent
l oil operator and eltiseo of Terr Farm, and
the bride MIm Ella McLaughlin, daughter
f oar old friend, John McLaughlin, ef that
farm. .
' Long before the appointed hjor, 7 a. m.,
the ebureh wai filled with tbe friendi of the
bappy couple. After tome delay tbe bride
and bridegroom, accompanied by the bride'
parent and the pertooal friend of tbe par
tie, entered the portal of tbe church and
, proceeded up the eUle to the altar. The
tride wee elegantly attired in a dree of
lavender oolored silk; a beautl. il lioe vail
In wbicb wa tastefully entwined "orange
blossom fresh and fair," formed the bridal
wreath. The bridesmaid, Mia Eliza Mo
Xaughtln, wa alto very baodaomely dress
erf. Tbe groom (was neatly attired in a
, plain uit ef blaek, and wa attended to tbe
altar by Mr. Peter MoMebon. After a few
remark by Father Dona,' tbe imnrewive
marriage eeremony peeullar to that ebureh
was performed. Immediately afterward
the Maw prescribed i for bride and bride
groom wa celebrated, and tbe nuptial
bleating given. Alter the oeremooy, tbe
party adjourned to the pa tor' residence
and partook ore bountiful repeat wblcb bad
been prepared for tbe occasion,
Mia Henderson presided at the organ,
ably enisled by the member ofobolr and
i Mr. Mettle Carmaa. During the offertory,
Mrs. Carman tang in ezoellent style, "O
Cor Amorls Victims, " seleoted for tbe ecea
ilea from Peter's Ceteolio Harp. .
We bad almost omitted to mention, that
la altar we tastefully decorated with or
ange blossom, flower and evergreen.
At the eaaelustoo of the eeremony, af
ter receiving tbe congratulations of their
trieads and acquaintances, tbe happy pair
left for Terr Farm. They will eventually
make their home at Petersburg. Ia com
wou wltbnuny friends we wish them loeg
tt sappy life of woclJtd !.
Some days since, it will be remembered,
we published an account of the darlog thief
of a horse from the livery stable of Mr. A.
Smawley. It will also be borne in mind
that Mr. Smawley traoked tbe thief and
bone to tome point In Ohio, where be lost
trace of them, bubsequently Mr. S. engag
er the services of A. J. Evans, of Corry, a
professional detective, who so successfully
worked up the case as to discover tbe berse
st Little Valley, N. Y., at which place tbe
scoundrel had disposed of it lor tbe sum - of
$125. . Tie detective brought tbe borte to
Corry, and yesterday Smawley rode It home
and paid tbe detective the reward of $100.
Mr. Evans says be koows tbe tblel; thst
be was formerly.a conductor on tbe A & G
W Railway, and resides at Cleveland. He
promises to secure tbe rascal, and have bim
safely locked up In Franklin jail before tbe
end of this week. May bis effort prove
Oil News. Tbe oil developments are
still extending through Clsrion county.
A new wcil is about starting on the Geo.
P. Delo farm In Salem township. A well is
now drilling on tbe Dsvid Master farm, be
tween Turkey Run aod old Jefferson Fur
oaoe. . There are three new rig up on tbe
Eli Rltt farm, four miles east of Peters
burg. The well at Kissingers, in Madison town
ship is down about 1,200 feet, aod still drill
ing. It Is thought they are eutering the
third sand. Tbe gss from tbe well lights
up tbe whole country aronnd.
A thirty barrel well was strnek two miles
south of Tltusville on Saturday, on new
territory. Extensive developments will be
made in that neighborhood tbis sesson.
Mr. Abraham James, Alliance Well No.
1, oa Blyson Run, Millcreek township,
Clarion conoty, Is now down over nine hun
dred feet, and is in the third sand rock with
a heavy stream of gas now comlogoutoftbe
bole. Tbey have sunk some 12 feet inte
tbe sand roek, and lb driller declare tbe
evidence unmiatakable, now, for a good oil
territory. Tbey lonnd tbe Brat and second
sand rocks all regular, first rock about 90
feet thick. Tbey struck a vein of clear,
beautiful oil, at 10 feet In tbe first sand
which rose some 50 feet In the well three
veins of gas then at abont seven feet of tbe
bottom of the irst sand, they struck another
vein of oil which rose about 60 feet In tbe
welL It came out of tbe bole, a beanlilul
green color, sbsded with a blue east, wblcb
seemed to be a coloring matter from tbe
roese, after settling a day or so, It became
very clear aod transparent On test, shows
90 degrees gravity, Iree from volatile ele
ments, sod burns equal to tbe best refined.
On sinking further those veins closed up,
er ceased flowing. The prospect now la, aa
Mr. James declared on first visiting tbe lo
cality, that we are going to open up one of
the best and most extensive oil regions in
tbe State. Clarion Democrat.
On Tuesday last tbe wife of Mr. Milton
Nicholas, of Lawrsnc township, Clearfield
county, gave ber baby a few drops ot lauda
num, and then placed tbe vial containing
the drug on a chair. A short time after
having given tbe baby tbe laudanum, Mrs.
Nicholas observed that ber little girl, two
years old, bad lain down and gone to sleep.
Tbe child not awaking for some hours, tbe
mother became alarmed and attempted to
arouse it, but failing to do so, she sent for
a pbjslclso, wbo upon examination, pro
nounced tbe child dying from some canse.
Upon investigation it was apparent that tbe
obild had obtained possession of tbe vial
and drank a large portion of the laudanum.
Every effort was made to restore the little
girl, but Id vain, and she died some six or
sight hour after having taken the poison
ous drug; Venango Citizen.
It baa been decided by the proprietors of
the Beaver Fall Cutlery Works to employ
Chinese labor in operating theire xtenslve es
tablishment, and one of tbe objeots of John
Reeves, Esq., to California and China, pos
sibly is to secure as good and favorable
a contract as may be made with three to
five hundred of these people.
Now that tbe Road Commissioners have
oleaned up and removed tbe filth on Wash
ington street, they desire us to request tbe
business men uot to deposit ,asbes or filth
on tbe street. Tbe roquest is a reasonable
one and should be acceded to.
l 'ineiVoiiDeii via vumiu j
' This company, which may safe be called
Iba king of tbe oil companies, was chartered
by tbe Pennsylvania Legislature May 1st.
1861, with a eapltal of $200,000, divided
into 10,000 shares of $25 each.
It commenced operations on tbe Story
farm, situated on Oil Creek, about seven
miles from Its mouth. During the year Its
production ol oil was 20,800 barrels; In 1862
It bad Increased to 80,602 barrels. Its first
dividend was declared July (tb, 1863, but
little over two years from tbe date ol It'
Charter, and was lor thirty per cent, on Its
cspltal stock. Tbis wsa followed on the
12th of August by a second for 25 per cent,
another for the same amount September 0th
and still another on the 14th of Ootober for
69 percent. making In all, dividends to
tbe amount of 130 per cent, on tbe capital
stock witbin two and one-ball years of tbe
formation of tbe company. In 1864 ita pro
duction Increased to 141.608 barrels. Dur
ing tbo first six months of tbis year it de
clared four more dividends amounting to
160 per cent, on Us capital stock. At this
time Its oapital was incressed to $2,600,000,
and It once declared a dividend of five per
cent, on tbis Increased capital and
belore tbe close of tbe year five more mak
ing In tbe aggregate twenty-five" ptr cent.
From that date to the close ot tbe year 1871
its production of oil bss been remarkably
uniform tbe minimum amount being 140,
655 barrels In 1867, and tbe maximum 142,
034 barrels iu 1871.
Tbe whole amount of otl produced by tbe
company during tbe ten years of its opera
tions Is 1,716,972 barrels, and the whole
amount of its divideuds $2,252,600, or 401
per cent, on its capital stock; and yet after
ten years of active development but a small
part of ita land has been even touched, and
tbe part wbere developments have been
made is cipatle.of receiving as many more
wells as have been already sunk upon It;
and although tbe fortunate owners of its
stock bave already received a princely re
turn for their Investment, there is no reason
to doubt that these dividends can be main
tained or even incressed almost at pleasure
for years to come. Tbe history of tbis com
psoy, as we bsve endeavored to give It, Is
oue ol figures, not words; but from these fig.
ures some Idea can be formed of tbe vast
wealth still lying bidden in tbe crevice6
ol the rock, only needing tbe band of skill
and the direction or prudent managers to
bring It loto tbe service of man. Touch tbe
point of a pencil ever so lightly upon a map
of the oil region, and a larger , proportion of
the territory wbicb is known to be oil pro
ducing is covered tbao tbe whole property
of this company. Touch a pencil again
upon a map representing tbe laud of this
company, and tbe spot covered by the mark
may represent tbe developed portion of tbe
land, and Irotn this speck of ground ulgbiy
millions of dollars worth of oil has been
Jsold. National Oil Journal.
The VlCBSburg, ,(Miw.) Herald vouchee
for this, If true, certaiuly a very remarkable
fact: "In tbe blooming, beautiful, balmy
May of 1863, one of those dreadful battle
stsined years never to be forgotten. General
Tllisbman fell shot dead, at tbe battle of
Champion Hill, gallantly struggling In de
fense of bis cherished principals. His no
ble life ebbed away on tbe spot wbere be
fell, and tbe sad earth drank his blood with
greedy tbirstiness. But upon that immed
iate spot grew a peach tree that bad reach,
ed maturity, while its roots steeped thetn
selves in tbe martyr's blood. Singular to
relate, tba leaves aod fruit of this treo are a
b ood-red color. Tbe tree was transplanted
and Is now In tbe orebsrd of Dr. J. L. He
bron, of this county. The propagations
from this tree are ol tbe same peculiar color
There is something very peculiar about
tbis. We bave seen the leaves, aod must
confess they do look and even (to ns) smell
like blood. Tbe tact can be witnessed by
those taking the trouble."
Tbe dull and smoky atmosphere today,
indicate that tbe woods are on fire near by-
Tbe price of "cracked doughnuts' bss
advanced considerably witbin a day or two
Tbe International and Cataraot Houses
at Nisgara Falls, open tomorrew. '
' Tbe steamer Jamestown commenced ber
regular trips en Chautauqua Lake, yester
day. '
' How doth tbe Georgian crocodile -
.Ope wide bis borrld snout,
Aid swallow op menagerie - '
Fei ufl tj writ about.
Tbe spottedfsver bss broken out at Pleas
antvills and Entsrpriss. Ssyeral fatal oas
es arc reported.
Tidloutc has recently suffered, tbe loss by
dsatb of three worthy andj reepeoted
members of society.
Tbe "Valley of Death," near tbo Mohave
river in California, is said 'to bo fifty miles
long by thirty wide, and entirely surround
ed by mountains. "It is devoid of vegeta
tion." saltb the poetio party that describes
it, sod shsdow of bird or wild beast never
darkens Its white, glaring sands. It Is a
deep valley with no water, aud parties that
bavo wandered Into its bounds bsve Inevita
bly perished. It is atrewn with skeletonr,
and take it for all in all must be a very dis
agreeable place to pass the summer in.
Tbe latest tblng in sprlog bats for young
ladlea Is to bave tbe rim so bent and crum
pled as to be strongly suggestive of a late
supper and a lively dance afterwards.
Jaunty, but not judicious.
The P. A. Telegraph Line arc lood to
ora ea office at Foxburg.
Another Combination Broken 1 f
Tun niiD ddtpc PT iiTmnn
n n in it n nil i 111 nim
i uu uiiij i iuuu uuu i uiiii
lias broken the outrageous Clothing Monopoly. Chatham
Street baa become demoralized. Shoddy Clothing is at a discount, Tba
mil fimfhhm
One Price Clothing Store! J
In !N"obby Business Suits 1
My Stock contains ever' make of Goods.
I have a larger assortment than any house outside of
New York City.
There la o doubt but that my Stock of
is ahead of anything m America, either for quality
or style.
I cannot le beat in this Department.
Men's Furnishing Goods !
Parties in want of
Can Save Monev,
By coming to my Store where there is everything new,
and wbere you ean buy
10 Per Cent Less than Hsewhere,
And why, do you ask, because I have only
Goods are all marked in plain selling figures, tm.
Goods tbao any 10 stores combined. 1 sell evsry customer "7.,:TB.
NO Shirts, Suspenders or Collars, to make an extra proflt jo C'einii
A child of five year can boy as cheap as mail of nlty.
5-1 cordially invite all my old customers m rew
centre ana vicinity to come ana pareunoo men
My Store,
And Later Styles for Less Money t
Than Any House in tho UcKlon.