The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, April 27, 1872, Image 2

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to atelfcrlaaa, faith A Co.,)
Merchant Tailors!
Gents Famishing tiooda,
Sen tntta ene;of the Ism assortments aj
' , . : -i ' AMERICAN
bo a; tings,
Bm Bared .la the OURagtoa.
Al the Latest sad Nobbiest Stjlae.
Goods, &c.
Gents Furnishing
Petroleum Centre Daily Record.
Vat. sjenare. Pa., -tnwday, April 37
Olvma Service.
. Services every Sabbath at 11 A. M. ana
its P. M. Sabbath School at 12n P.M.
eatt free. A cordial Invitation extend
ed to alt
Kcr. P. W. Scovisld, Paitor.
Preaching at 11 o'clock A. M., and 1
V WWIK . Ml.
D. TATTON, Paitor.
Petroleum Centre Lodge, No.
Tl, I. O. of O. F.
Regular meeting nigbU Friday, at 7
e doc. Signed.
E. n'Fi.iUKRTT. A 5-kc'v.
jyi'l'iO" i.f meeting, Main St., opposite
A. O. Of V. XV.
Liberty Lodije No. 7, A. O. of U. W.,
meets everv Monday evening at 7 o'clock,
loO'l l Fellow's Hall, Petroleum Centre,
A. Glkx, M. W.
P. II. Kookes, R.
ia at 1 p. m. 113
OIL News. Oil matters are commenc
ing to look np once more, on Cberrytrae
Kuo sod viciotnity.
Oo Ike Brown (arm, Capt. Oliver Is per
fecting arrsOReoienU fur drilling two or
three new walla. Paioler Bros, also intend
to link two or three wel'i at onoe on
the same farm. Other parties bare taken
up leases aod 'will commeuce developing
ibam wltbio the next le weeks.
Messrs. Painter, Leightty and Sbupe,
owners of the Brown iarm, at an induce,
meat to operator!, have recently made a
considerable reduction In tbe royalty.
This will have tbe effect lo stimulate oper
aliens on tbat property.
Mr. Harper, owner of tbe tract of that
name, bat recently lakeo tie boilers and
ongloet away from bit wells, and it pump
Ing them in tbe primitive fashion oy horse
power He considers bone power by far
the t deepest melbod of ruoniog oil wells.
, On tbe McF.lwee tract out or two new
weilt will be started sooo. Oo tbe Demp
My farm, and otiier farms on Kane Run, oil
matlsrt promise lob lively tbe coming
Two new well! are nearly completed oo
tbe Columbia farm. These wel.s bad com
menced drilling at tbe time tbe Sou b Iu
erovtraenl exoitement broke out. Since
that ima no new well! have been itarted ou
tb liters.
L. P. Walker, Esq., bit a well ready for
drilling ou his lease, Central farm.
Tbe new pipe line tip Cherry tree Run
approaching completion.
Mf. . Sambaugb, owner of tbe Cherry
tree pipe line lo Ryud farm, will toon com
nieoce tbe work of extending tbe line to
Oil CMy. ' Wbrn completed oil can be run
from ai y of tbe farmt on Cberrylrea Euo
clear through to Oil City. Heretofore It
eoilld only be piped to Rind farm, and from
vttut jiolol shipped by rail.
A new railroad ii talked pf from Warren
tip Jbe Al eaheny River, at to extentloo ot
tbe Rochester and 6tte Line railroad. An
atbusiasttt masting was bald at Salamanca,
.T-,tae otter nay '.ofixrhereoee of this
Special to Daily Record by W. V. Line J
Parker Landing, April 27.
Tbls p , about 2 o'c'ock, a Ore broke
out In tbe Ben. Hogan House, wblcb was
nearly destrojed.
The efforts of tbe cltltent and tbe fire
Comptoy were successful In preventing It
from spreading os there would bare been a
very d lustrous Ore.
PoLtCt. Ou oatb of Ellen Donegan, one
Cbarlei Blackwell was arretted and brought
before Justice Reynolds, 'day before yester
day, cbarued witb drunkenneai and disor
derly conduct. Tbe Justice itsesied blm
$2,00 aod cost!
The tame day, Mrs. Brown, a colored lit
ter, wat arretted on nath of Margaret Daly,
a white woman, for committing an- assault
aod battery oo tbe person of the aforesaid
Margaret. - Margaret testified tbat Mrs
Brown did, witb malice aforethought, kick,
beat, tcralcb, bite, gonge, and otherwise
maltreat ber. For being so rough tbe Jus
tice mulotrd Mrs Brown $2,00 and cost.
Mr. Thomas McHugb baa been eppnlnted
a deputy constable for tbit piece by tbe
Court, oo recommendation of Constable Alcorn.
. A petition l in circulation, and bat been
extensively signed by our best citizens, pray
ing tbe Court to appoint Mi. Peter Kinney
a deputy constable for lb it place. Mr. K.
bat served in tbe capacity ot night watch
man for several yeart, aod bat proven an
efikieut officer. We tee no reason wby tbat
honorable body should not deputize blm.
Another petition is in circulation asking
tbe township Road Commissioner! to build
a new rosd from Kane City to the top of
tbe bill on tbe Cornea & Been farm. Tbit
it a long needed Improvement aod it It to
bt hoped it may be built.
Weekly OU Beport.
Tbe event or tbe week bat been tbe "big
strike" to the "D. M." well, on the Thomas
subdivision of tbe Monroe farm, wblcb ttart
ea on on rrtday last, witb a production cf
between two bundled and three hundred
barreli a day, which at yet bat not decreas
ed. It tbtit rankt about next to tbe "De
luge" in tbe lilt of big wells.
Mrisis. Kennedy & Jeffrey's No. 3 wel
having proved a failure, the owneit bave
given it up, and tbe rig is to be used' in
putting down a new well opposite and close
to tbe "D. M." well. Their No. 4 well is
about finished, and the timber it out for
No. 6. These operates intend putting
down no less than ten additional wells oo
tbeir property on tut Monroe territory.
fcTbe "Clawhammer No. 1" ii about finish,
ed, and bat a great show of oil. Tbe tame
may be said of tbe Simmons t Woodward
No 2, aod tbe Varvelti & Parsons well.
All these are expected to be good wells.
F. Smith & Co., bava a new well under
way on tbe Perkins & Coryell bsve two
new rigi on tbe Tbomss subdivision.
Oo tbe Lambe .properly, tbe Taylor and
Ward well, near Mr. Lancey's wells, itart
ed pumping tbit week, and It quoted al 30
barrels. Mr. Lamhey'i new well, west of
the Coryell A Smith property, it pumping
about 41) barrels.
. Tbe operaliuDi on tba Tbayer properly
bave to far qot been very luceeseful. Mr.
U. Walker's well is pumping, but Mr. Gib
sou ami Messrs. Reitb Woodley bave both
coocloded to abandon their wells, and move
the rigs lo new locations oo tbe oorlb
end of tbe Monroe farm.
Pulroiie, Oot, Advertiter.
Mr. A. S. Smitb bat bit Ice cream saloon
in ruoniog order, aod It prepared lo furniBb
bis pairont and tbe publlo witb the very
belt ice cream tbe market affords. Lover
of tbit delicacy should call oo Smith.
Tbe women who shut tbeir alleged seduc
ers teem to be regarded with special favor
by American juries, In tbe case of Mrs.
Fanny Hyde, tbe Brooklyn murderess, it Isf
Hated tbat ten of tbe jury, for whose ver
dict tbe Court waited twenty-nine boun,
were in favor of aquittal; the other two be
ing obstinate In tbe opinion tbat tbe wat
guilty otmanslauitbter In the third degree,
Tbe former, however, pleaded bard with
the tatter tor a linanimmia vei-HInt nt man.
suugbter in tbe fourth degree, lor wblcb
tne taw proviues a noe ot i,uuu This
One t'.'t ten jurors were willing to pay at
once, in order to secure tbe release of tbe
prisoner. A verdict amounting practlcally
to an aquittal would teem to be tuffitieolly
leoitfut, but tbit jury, after stretch lug tbeir
.conwisoAet very Alarmingly proposed to
pay the fine which tbeir vetdict would
barge upon ber.
Letters fnim tbo People.
Noti. The msnxiier of Iblt journal,
without endorsing tbe eeiitlmentt of con
tribntore. drtri loctT-r Ibe W'rtett pi etlb'e
latitude lur free Ueiialnn. It is tnerelv
stipulated tbat communications shall con
cern mailers of public Interest, be pnl in
decent Unirtiav and aremrpanled witb the
name of the writers, not fit publication,
but at a guarantee of good faitb.
For the Daiy Uteord.
That Pleatant Book fur Chll
drea. '
Mm. Editor: A few days ago, nnder Ibe
heading "A Plea-aol Book for Children,''
there rappeared in your psper an extract
from the Manchester Examiner, Condemning
severely a small book written by Re. Fath
er Furoiss, C. S3. R., and printed 'permia
iu superiorum," wbicb meana by Ibe per
mission of bit superiors and wilb their sane
loin. Now there are many ways of vilify
ing and mltiepresenting Ibe wordt of a book
or person aod Ibe worst of all it by Baking
Isolated extracts, giving oolblng whatever
of (he parlt tbat go before or come after
If Iblt mioner ot quoting be allowable It
could be proved tbat tbe Bible leacbec loB
delity, because it lays '-There it no God."
Having the little book ol Father Furoiu lo
my posseisioo, I looked for tbe places
whence tbe extract! were taken, and, at I
expected, I found Ibat the Examiner omit
ted entirely what preceeded, and tbe rea-
oBs wby tbe children are in bell. Witb re
gard to tbe first extract, Father Furoist
laket troui lacred scripture tbe example ot
tbe devil who struck Job (Job, cbap. ii)
with a grievloui ulcer frum Ibe top of bit
bead lo the sole ol bit feet, aod tbe feart'ul
effect of tbat one stroke, and from this ef
fect deduces by analogy tbe terrible effects
ot such strokes repeated eternallv. Aod
all tbls, occupying half a paged Hue print
is omitted, aod ibeo a full quailer of a page
succeeding It it omitted. .
in tbe tecond example,. '-The Drest ol
Fire," tbe reason for the girl of eighteen be
tog in bell la omitted entirely. I will give
it in ratber Furoiss' own words: 'When
tbat girl wat alive she never thought about
God or ber soul. She cared ooly lor one
thing, aod ibat wat dress. Instead of goiog
lo mass on buudays the went about tbo
town aod parka to ibow off ber dress. She
disobeyed ber father and mother by itoinn
to dancing bouaes and olber kinds of bad
places to show off ber dree-, aod now ber
dress is ber pun sbuie u, -,o: by wbaltbluti
a man sionetb by tbe same aide is be la be
lormeuted." Wisdom xl.
Tbe article closes wilb tbe following sar
caam : " bat a dear, nice, excelleot, tei d-
erleacber of little children this Father f ur
mss must make! How i ob y Le Inculatrs
Ibe doctrine uf Gd being love in ttiia inter
esttog litt:e bouk of bis."
Now Father Furuiss In tbe lame book
tayt a great deal about tbe love of Almighty
God for little cnlldreo. I will give yon as
an extract ibe opening of bis instruction on
tbit poloi:
'God lovet little children to much Ibat
be wanted to be like them, so be became a
M'Hlecfaild in the arms of Mary bit mother.
eeaus usea to lay ois nanus on children aid
blest them. They brought iolanti to Jesus
tbat be might touch them." Luke xvlii.
Ha wai very angry wilb those who would
out suffer little children to come to blm, and
witb those who scandal z them, Jesus
lays: '-He Ibat shall scandalize one or
tbese little ones thai believe In me, It were
better for bini ibat a millstone should be
banged about bit neck and tbat be should
be drowned In Ibe deptbt or Ibe tea."
Mali, xviii. Now It it due in justice to tbe
late Rev. Father Furois' ibat tbit misrep
sentation or bit writing should be corrected,
and tbat ibe whole truth abould be known.
Tbe object of the Examiner In calling tbe
attention ol the public lo tbit tiatemeot is
not very bard to determine, and so tbere it
a double reason tor correcting bit notioe.
Another Combination Broken t
6 Gprinc St., TSTUSVILLE,
Has broken tjie ontragtow Clothing Monopoly. Chatham
Street bat become demoralized. Shoddy Clothing It at a dlscotnU Tbt
One Price Clothing Store!
In Nobby Business Suits t
My Stock contains ever nnkj of GjoJj.
I have a larger assortment than any house outside of
New York l ity.
There U o doubt bnt that my Stock of
is ahead cf anything m America, either for quality
or ityle.
I. cannot be beat in this Department
Two gullelest Iowa maldeOl induced two
jocose Jowa youthl to go through tba mar
riage ceremony with them, ''just for fun.'f
This doue the guileless females produced
previously -prepared licenses aod aertlficalrt,
and tbe jocose Individual! are sow ti liber
ty to rspaat at leisure.
Tba Tldloute Oil Pipe Company bave re
duced the pipeage on oil from all points
where tbere is no pumplog to 15 cents per
bsrrel, aod will place ll on board cars when
desired, without additional charge. Tld- U
ioute Journal. M
: - - i
The Spaniards bave a saying tbat
should resemble Ibree things, and yet differ
from Ibe same things. First, the should be
like a mail, wbicb always guard! lit bouse,
but abould not carry the house witb ber
whenever tbe goes out. Second, she should
be like an eobo, wblcb speaks only after tbe
other It finished, but tba should not always
have tbe last word. Third, tbe should he
like the towu-clock, wbicb alwayt sound
Ibe hour witb regularity, but tbo should
not loundao loud that the wbole town shall
bear it
Tbe making of plate glass was suggeited
hy tba fact of a workman . happening to
break a crucible filled Witb melted glass.
Tbe fluid run under it large flagaton-,
and wat found otldiQed la tbt form cf
mens urmsmng trooas :
Parties in want of
Can Save Monev,
By coming to my Store where there is everything new,
aud where yuu can buy
10 Per Cent Less than Elsewhere,
And why, do you ask, because 1 have only
Goods are all marked in plain selling figures, and' I sell nwre
Goods i ban any 10 stores combined. I sell every customer alike end throw it
NO tiblrts, Suspenders or Collarsto make an extra profit no doming; .
A child of live yeart can buy aa cheap at a tutu of fitly-
cordially invite all , my old customers m Petroleum
Centre and vicinity to come and purchase their Clothing at
And Later Styles for Less Money I
Than Any lipase in the ltegion.