The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, April 09, 1872, Image 2

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ISaoMMOi to MeFarland, Smith A Co.,
Merchant Tailors!
Gents' Furnishing toods,
Bite yitla me;of the In est mortnesta oj)
Iver offend tn the Oil Region.
twenty different styles of
Ab tee Lateetand Nobbiest Styles.
Gents' Furnishing
Goods, fcc.
etroleum Centre Daily Record.
Pel. Ceiitre Pa Tuesday April 9
Divine service.
Service every Sabbath at II A. M. and
i S r. M. Sabbath School at I2i P. M.
eata free. A cordial Invitation exteud-
ea 10 an.
Kiv. P. W. Scofisld, Paitor.
Presbyterian rmTurtr
Preacbinir at 11 o'clock A. 11., and 7!
uiobk r, Ji,
D. PATTON, Pastor.
l'etrolcnm Centre Lodge,
T1D, I. U. OI U. F.
Regular meeting night Friday,
at 7
Jar. L. Elliott. Sec' v.
W"Plc nf meeting, Main St., opposite
A. O. of U. XV.
Liberty Lodge No. 7, A. O. of U. W.,
meet evnrv Monday evening at 7 o'clock,
In Odd Fellow' Hull, Petroleum Centra,
Peno'a. '
. A. Glkx, M. W.
8. H. Hooker, R.
G ild at I p. m. 110;$
We bad made arrangements tor receiving
report of the mm meeting at Oil City,
to-day, but lor tome unknown reason it
itf-ll til Anma ,n h.nil
w ""mil v I V
The rnmored aale of 6,000 barrels of oIlK
te tb Standard Oil Company of Cleveland.
by J. Stambaugb, yesterday, tarni out to
be true It every reaped. Stambaugb U an.
other one of the noble ( !) patriot who talk
ed long and load against tbe monopoly and
profe-ied to be leyal to tbe backbone, only,
salt seems, for tbe purpose of betraying tbe
oil men, a Beoedict Arnold did bia coun
try, Into tbe baoda of the enemy. Tbe
went feature ot this affair appears to be
that alter purchasing tbe oil on Cberrytree
Ron, at tbe regular market price, be imme
diately telegraphed to Roekeleller at Cleve
land, asking what be would pay for 6,000
barrels of oil. RoeKeieller telegrapbej
bask a figure considerably abeve tb Oil
.Creek market price, consequently the tsle
was made, And the "price ef blood" went
te enrich traitor number two. Truly a
precious trio of saiuts at Rockefeller, Fish
r and Stambaugb.
n ueiever way ine present troaeies are
ended, tbe course of these men, and tb
part tbey took toward our ruin, will not be
forgotten In tbe future. Our people have
found out two of Ibeir enemies, and let
Uem beware I
Tbe Presbyterian Mite Society desire us
to return their thanks to Mr. G. J. Cross,
tbe gentlemanly proprietor of the Centra1
Bouse, for the very handsome manner i
Which tbey were entertained at that beuse.
last evening. Ills hospitality will not soon
be forgotteo.
we are pained to learn of tbe death ol
the wife of our friend, Mr. J. P. Barcroft,
of Columbia Farm, which took place at bis
residence on that farm, oa Sunday last.
In every respect lira B. was a high-toned
true Christian woman, besides being pos.
sessed at these amiable qualities which bed
endeared bet to a large cirol of frieoda and
aeqoalotanoea in the oil region. Tbe be
reived husbaod and family have tbe heart,
fell tjtncatuie of all in tbsir sad affliction.
Pleasant ArrAin.-At tbe meeting of
tbe Presbyterian Mite Society, at tbe Cen
tral House, last evening, very pleasant af
fair occurred, which will long be remem
bered by tbe participants. A large num
ber of tbe pastor's friends, both members
of tbe society and others, met in tbe spaci
ous dining ball of the bouse, and after be
ing seated. Mr. xi. it. rayne called upon
Mr. J. M. Dickey for speech. Mr. Dickey
rose and la a brief and pertinent speech,
during which he recounted tbe pleasant
associations and memories which bad ever
existed between the pastor and eongrega
lion, expressing It as the earnest wish of all
that tbey might continue, and In conclu
sion, on behalf ef himself aod the assem
bled friends, WATCH-ed tbe reverend gentle.
man by tbe presentation of ao elegant time
piece. The surprise was complete In every
respect, but tbe Rev. retorted in a very
happy manner, thanking tbe kind friends
on behalf of himself and family, for their
remembrance, and hoped tbe same Christ
Ian leeliog might exist In tbe future as it
had ever been bis endeavor to cultivate In
tbe past. After a short period of pleasant
social Intercourse tbe society broke up, each
one feeling that an exceedingly pleasant
evening bad been passed.
Tbe watch was purchased at tbe jewelry
store of J. Wolf; is of the Howard pattern
and valued at $275.
Our friend and townsman, J. W. Gordon,
completed aod tubed a new well near Fox
burg, on Saturday last. We are informed
by Mr. Gordon that this well promises to
produce one hundred barrels per day. In
tbe present stato of affairs in tbe oil coun
try, we hardly know whether to congratu
late friend Gordon or not. We hope, how
ever, for bis sake, that It may prove a good
There wig warm times at Rynd Farm, on
tbe arrival of the afternoon train going
north, when tbe news ef the apoatacy of
Stambaugb became known. The oil was
being loaded at the time preparatory to
being shipped. A rjsb was made for tb
tank bouse aod many threats were made.
In the meantime the Executive Committee
of tbe Ninth District waited upon Mr. S.
and be agreeing not to ship the oil until
the aotlen of tbe meeting at Oil City, to
day, was mads known, the crowd speedily
White going after a pail of water, yester
day afleraooo, a young girl named Kate
Conlan, residing In Wild Cat Hollaw, was
attacked in Mr. Herman's ysrd ana terribly
bitten by a savage dog. Tbe brute caught
tbe poor girl by tbe right hip and tore out
a large piece of the flesh making a frightful
and gbastly wound. Means should be ta
ken to seod tbe beast te tbe happy hunting
grounds at once.
A desirable place to spend a pleasant
evening Is at tbe Coiy Billiard Parlor, at
present under charge of "Old Reliability"
John Swift. The room Is large, airy and
comfortable, and tbe tables are In splendid
condition lor playing billiards. Call and
see John.
Spring like and bland Is tbe wbetber at
band, and the same pleasetb a vast mul.
tltude of people, we understand.
Tbe MUleriWe ssy that the world Is com
ing to an end In 1873. Delinquents bad
better square up tbeir accounts with tbe
prioter before that time.
A Card. My friends will please accept
my thanks for tbeir iKutcA-fuI kindness
and timely testimonial at tbe Central
House, laat night.
D. Patton.
fjf No foreign market repots to-day.
Pins Wing, tbe fireman's son,
Waa tbe very worst boy in all Can too;
He stole bis mother's pickled mice,
And he threw the cat in tbe boiling rice,
Aod be ate ber up, ai d then ays be,
"M wonder where tbe mew-cat bl"
A publisher sent to a Norriitewn editor
tbe other day, a oew song entitled "What
ball my love wear!" Tbe Norriitown man
regarded tbe question wholly lu it moraj
aspects, and sat down and wrote a kind but
firm article recommending ber to wear ber
Rev. Robert Collyer refuses tbe Indian
commissionsrsblp on the ground that the In
dlans might kill blm before they found out
what a good fellow lie was; aod also because
be tbluks that there are other man better for
uch work.
"Say, JooesJ what' tbe matter wltb your
eye!" "Oh. notbln'; only my wife said
this morin I d better get up and light tbe
Ore; I told ber to make It herself. That'
"What are yoa doing there?" said a groo
er to a fellow who was stealing bis laid.
I am gettiog fat," was tbe reply.
Lumber Is moving out of tbe Allegheny
River at a lively rate at present.
About History llrpcttllng Itself
The excuses of Mr. Fisher are absurdly
insufficient to justify bis extraordinary and
culpable actions; and without meaning to
assert that such Is the fact In the present
instance, we call attention to tbe record ol
Fisber Brothers more particularly ef Mr.
John J. Fisber on the matter of combina
tions to effect the market. With tbe single
exception of several years of Mr. Branson's
"Bulling'1 the Upper Creek last December,
Fisher bas Invariably been either tbe paid
attorney, er an active party of tbe "Bear"
Applying' this to tbe preaent Instanoe,
and It becomes manifest that Mr. Fisber,
knowing just tbe effect that a report of such
a sale being made would have on tbe mark
et, may have made it for another purpose
than to depress tbe market to auoh a figure
as would let blm cover at a trtmcndoua pro -It
t Now, as we have said we do aot assert
that this was tbe real cause of bis action,
because his guilt would thereby be thous
and times Intensified; but we do say that be
bas laid blmsslf open to eusb a reflection,
and is certainly shrewd enough to koow
that he did to, woen he. made tbe sal.
fTidioute Commercial.
A young woman's conundrum Who is
our favorite Koman hero t Mariuc.
Juarez, President of Mexico, is sixty years
of age, aod i by blood a pure Indian.
The Eastern river and bay are already
warming with a boundless cootiguity of
Loving wife at.. Brighton: "Tbe horrid
turf makes me keep mouth shut." Sarcastic
husband: "Tak tome of it borne with
A dead man being found at La Crosse,
Wis., with seven stabs in bis back, tbe cor
onet's jury brought in a verdict of "probable
murder." A very cautious jury.
Tbe Bangor Whig and Courier, in antici
pation of a big freshet this Spring, is pre
paring the minds of its readers for a terrible
calamity by republishing an account of tbe
disastrous flood of 1846.
A Connecticut man I engaged in working
p a saw-log thirty feet long Into a fire for
Gil more's jubilee. It will be blnwed by
oitro-glycerine, says the Norwich Bulletin,
aod that paper is authority on all sacb sub.
Somebody must be pilloried every day for
the benefit of public motels, To-day it is
tb horse railroads.
Rafting along the bank uf the river at
Limestone, is starting off very brisk. Large
quantities of lumber are on tbe hanks, and
things are lively with too lumbermen.
Tbe mill through tbe town have got a
greater Hock of logs on band than for many
years. Tidioute Journal.
A reporter of tbe Bangor Whig ha felt
moved to produce tbe following poem: A
lovely young lady In gorgeous array, prome.
naded up Main street about noon yesterday;
the walk was quite slippery, but ahe heeded
It not, when ber feet both flew ont and down
tbe gal sot I What a scene It was followed!
Silks, velvets and plush were bedaubed and
bedraggled ail wltb slusn. The little boy
solckled, tbe older folks smiled, tbe yaung
ady frowned aod then sobbed like a tblldi
to church (he waa going, but alas, she could
not; towards tbe house of her papa she got
up and got.
Tbe different towns throughout the Clar
ion County oil regions, by present appear,
ances will soon besome a continuous city.
Tbe line extending from Fox burg through
Tip Top, St. Petersburg, Antwerp and
Maryaville, a new town on the Wingard
farm, one mile south-west uf Salem, will
probably soon beast ef olosely built blocks Of
houses along tbe entire line as a number of
other towns are proposed between the slip
pery places. EmlenloD Sun.
Julius Sumner, of Akron, Ohio, says he
rede oa tbe first passenger car ever drawn
upon a railroad la tbe United States; that
be rode upon tb first steamboat that ever
navigated on Lake Erie, aod that be was
the first man to build a rolling mill and nail
actory ia tue state or unio. inese are
t binga to be proud of.
Olive Logan commenced one of her leo
tures, reoeotly, with tbe remark, "When
ever 1 sea a pretty girl, I want to clasp her
lu my rms." "So do we," shouted the
boys la tbe gallery. For a moment Olive
was nonplussed, but recovering her self-
possession, she replied: "Well, boys,
don't blame you."
Buffalo BUI, tbeflasbtog chevalier of tbe
plains, set out from Fort McPherson on the
29tb ult., having la charge a quantity of
rations and forty ponies a a present from
tbe government to sustain tb band of Spot,
ted Tail aad enable it to return to lu
Erie is excited Over a supposed wife mur
Oil News. W have tb pleasure ibis
week of reporting a strike on tbe upper
Clsrlon. Tbe James & Crane well, on Bly.
sod Run, in Mill Creek township, I being
drilled a dry hole. At a depth of about 450
feet, a vein of oil was struck last Wednes.
day morning, and In a few hours there was
60 feet of oil standing In the well. We
have been shown a specimen of tbe oil. It
is a light green color, and from It appear
ance we think It a high gravity. It In not
tbe intention ol the ewnera of the well to
lest It at present, however, a they bav
large expectation when tbe third tend I
reached. A rig I upon tb Weir farm,
abort distance east ol tbis well, where Mr.
J. J. IPalmer, of Pittsburgh, and otbcis
are commeaclog t put down a well. A
rig Is else up on .the Levier tract, In tbe
same neighborhood, three other wells mak
ing six in all will be drilled In that region
tbis Sprlog. Tbe territory will be well
tested, and there Is little donbt but that It
wlU be a ricb oil field.
Experienced drillers Irom Oil Creek have
tbe contract for drilling the well near Kings,
ville. Tbey have a good rig, heavy tools
and commenced drilling last Wednesday.
The Kast Sandy or Gas City oil field Is
oow attracting attention. A new well,
Inown as Canning No. 10, tested a lew day
age, Is producing 33 barrel a day. The
total production of the East Sandy oil field
Is now about 300 barrels a day there being
some thirty pumping wells making an av
erage yield of 10 barrels each
A oew well oa tbe Arnat Slicker lot. near
Keating' Furnace, belonging to Herringti n
aod Kern, is in tbe third aod aod filled up
with oil, indicating a large well.
Clarion Democrat.
The Reality ol
Devil Certified
The Owen, (Ky.) News has this:
Tbe negro, Sandy Hammons, who was
shot in a fracas last Christmas, near New
Liberty, died to all appearances March 24.
Strange things happened to tbis negro
which are worth repeating, lor be bas
brought news from a quarter where no tele
graph nor railroad has, as yet, any reporter-
He was shot In tbe neck, and bis en-
lire lower body bas been ever since com
pletely paralyzed, while be was all the tiro
sensible. Some days be died as all bis
friends supposed, and be was laid out to
bury, but be oame to life in time to escape
the grave. He said, after coming to. that
he bad been to see tbe devil, was In heil,
and saw many of bis acquaintance; tbe
deril told him be bad no room for blm then.
but would be ready tor blm in a few days.
He reports tbe devil a black, savage looking
monster, armed wltb fiery lashes, wblcb be
lays on bis unruly subjects. HI dominion
are all interspersed with lakes ef lire and
places of rest; tbe worst are punished tbe
most, but ail are punished according to tbeir
Old Dominic Koitn.
On Colfax Mountains once lived good old
Dominie Ford. Tbe Dominie was a good
old hardshell Baptist wbe distilled appie-
toddy during tbe week, and made special
prayers and preaohed doctrinal sermons on
Sunday. His fotte was In praying lorspeol
Bo things, and like the chaplalo In tbe Mass
achusetts Legislature, be always told tb
Lord more than be asked for.
One day be bad visitors Msjor Colfax
being present, and prayed as fellows.
"O Lord, Thou knewest the wickedoeas
and depravity of tbe human beart even tbe
hearts, O Lord, of our visitor. Then know.
est the wiskedness of the servant's nephew,
John Ford. Tbou koowest, O Lord, hew
he bas departed from . thy wsys and done
many wicked things, such as swearing and
fi'biag on Sunday ; and Tbon knowest, O
Lord, bow be r turned, no longer ago than
last nlgbt, In a state of beastly lotoxicatloa,
aod whistling, O Lord, tbe following popu
lar air:
"Shoo fly, don't bedder met'"
And tbe Domiole screwed up bis Hps and
whistled the air in his prayer.
An observlog woman says: "I never drees
much for tbe play, because every one I
looking at tbe stage, but no one is more par.
ticular about ber dress at oburcb than I."
Clergyman: "How many essential ele
ments are there In Baptism?"
Boy: "Three."
Clergyman: "Three I I'm surprised,
Don't you know that there only two the
Word of God aod water."
Boy: "Why, there mutt be a baby, and
isn't It an essential element!",
To iooresse ,
Your business,
Advertise In tbe
April 9th, 1S72, by Rev. D. Patton. Mr.
S. E. Lemun to Miss Mary J. Vaughn, all
of Petroleum Centre.
Loral Notices.
M. Pettcnilli & rZ
Adv.rtl.ln, A . M.'0.
iroleum Centre Daily Kaco. ,,t
vertlaer. In that el.y.r. r,,ted to 1 !'
favors with either of me ahov, mn
Olrl Want...
aJT..7' Wd Cat
A" a SB a ami a J
Glrl'waniaA a a- . .
Enquire.. ,ourt.
Wolf Jewalry Store
. March 28-if ' "
COCNTT COM M mum vim.
ty roinir.lwlooer, rnlijt'inUie tJ 11
imhllcAU part- at the primary Iminn.
J 3. HAIlinT, if Plenrille, P, , , - .
0f.,fSm,,lyj:'?' ,'elm' Vet. Vol. "rtS?
wlll bencaDdld.t. for the otllce of iTo hoS
of Vemngo ommy. mltfert to the ali'S
Republican party, at the primary cleetloa ,
F. W. HASTINGS, of franklin, la
pi:mary eloction. '""'i
Mr. Knrmn rieae annnnnr. the mm.
8A t-KI. RKVNOUW, of PetrriJam V
gnOmnty. at the eu-min KenaMlran nrC.'
election. Wc believe Mr. 1(. woilj T BU tb. 21
wiin onnra uuiiiacnoii to all.
' Many Voteri
roaxTUMTiR March , lira
nmllirA Iriflt .lAI W Mil . VI' nt ...F . .
date fo- r-nnnilniitlon for the i.fflc. of Htftou id4
nwvmn ai me. Burning ju'nuoiican rriowt Mitt.
lion. '
Mr. Shaw waa a private In the Army ef the Tt.
Inil Mil IfMt hi. rit.hl .-m In iim. 'u... .
battle of He tyeburg He in otmpetent, nrouiDI nil
odii.idk, .ml has given entire Mtlifactiun to lb,
hnlnen public as an officer. Therefore bavltrbw
disabled In the service of our coiniirT, bat Twm
wmII nnaliAMl f... thn muIiU m..A k..i .k 7
' .-- . -. (- ... IMIIQ, me
dence or the hnetneea public and cninmnniif M
mrv ae nu cer. me re-nomiuauon wilt hsiam
at our Primary Klerlion on the day of -next
VtgAxtio rnvirrr
Just from New York.
To the Citizens of Petroleum'
Centre and vicinity.
I have just received the largest stock (
Now in tbe Oil Country, and can and wilt
ell cheaper than any other ma Id tovs.
I aak voh to call and see belore pnrthii-
Ina elsewhere, as it is lor your beuellt I
doing this. Don't be led astray, but stop ai l
examine my stock before going loan?olkr
place. 1 have the
Ever before offered In tbe Oil Ceuotrj.
Also, the finest siosk sr
Gents' Famishing, Goods
In tbe country..
feX &OBBL.
TRAINS N O. C. V A. ss.
Oo and after Sunday, Nor. 19th, lf
train will ran a follow:
north ho. ft. KO.S.
Leave Irvine. ."
Leave Oil City 8,00 a at. 2. r '- '
feuuen 9,30 " a,o --
Tltuav. 7,1 .M " ,
Arrive Corry, 8,6& " " "w
Leave Corry, 10,65 a . ;
TitusT. 12,26 r . 7,3" "
P.Cen. 1,25 8.20 " 8.
Arrive O. City 2,06 " , " w
" Irvine. 4,45 " 11.80 "
No. 6 and 6 run on Sasdsy
f iifl AHA.
TOK8, 1 con confidently rccommenS l"rt yn-
wnonaveoccamou . ""' 0.
ventor of Back Suction on Oil el'olAfter pnt-
ii .u. t k.IMila nnlfl ll run it' nil.
.nono'of Ca".- BACK ...
trinuT.vuM ih,. nnwinrilon wae lncreea
vemur un mo ""i - 7. ,,, it to lit "
wall twowMk. betotew.Mdre-wret
tlrelyobviatad by tbe tue of the 2u Co.
TBtonra, Jan. Si '
n.nir thoroopg
SI AMnaaws "-:,, BrjoTii"',
tented the utility of STfu m . of to" .
....uri.ierku - rl.r them ODS 01 ' ,J tf.
think we are capable of Judli;g of U" a
tb eaon our wells. We
when they ar. replaced tb. w'Xttbe
a. before Brewing, thus ahowlns that
effectually preventa all Inure of -air.
' v Vonra reapeclfultr. . O,o.
Andrews lTrf&c'lfa.
certify tbat I have used one of i a i o ui
Leaee. Econoinit. Hill, and would a tMtt
it at any price, ea It will .all ' ""i" rray r
rec?T?.'!!"!.tf J!i or-r.S.'r. wbo have any "
UltniU 1L 1U III VA vp-
Tidioata, TeVy 9, TI.-4w .