The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, April 08, 1872, Image 2

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s)Piisfs I lssaTariaod, Inltli 0. ,jj
Merchant Tailors
bents' Furnishing , Goods,
' " on;of th flout assortments o; )
Ertr offered.ln th Oil Btglon.
Ah the Litest and Nobbiest stylet.
Genta' t oraishiog Goods, fcc,
etroleum Centre Daily Record.
aU Centre j Monday April 8
Divine Service.
Service every Sabbatb at 11 A. M. and
iy r. n. saooatn school at IgjfJ P. M.
-.M.i.eo. a oorawi invitation extend
u to all.
Kit. P. W. Scojteld, Paator.
a - - V HVU
'otoSp. M." " 'Cl0Clt M" 'nd 7
D. PATTON, Paator.
reiroiema centre Loam, No,
T15, I. O. of O. F.
negniar meeting nlgbta Friday, at 7
w iyvu. oigneu.
Jas. L. Elliott. See'v.
...A. O. of U. VV.
Liberty Lodge No. 7, A. O. of TJ. W.,
,"r? Monday evening at 7 o'clock,
i uuq reuows Hall, felroleuia Cent
A. Glkn, M. W.
8. H. Kooitn, R.
Gold at 1 p. m. lio
Meeting os the JBxecntlre Com
mlttee of the Petroleum Pro
ducer Union:.
There will be a meetlog of ibe Executive
Committee of tbe Petroleum Producer
Union, in Love Opera Home, Oil City,
Pennsylvania, on Tueaday, April 9; 1872, at
ten o'clock a. m., to wbieb the local eom
mltteemen of the several d 1st riots are urgen
'iy requMted to be present, together Hb
producers generally, for tbe purpose of dit
cusilonaod settlement of very grave aid
Important questions.
William Hisso.v, President.
W. 8. McXcllav, Secretary.
Who are Our Friends!
We bear it rumored that Mr. J. Staaf.
bangs, made a sale of 6,000 barrels of oil
o tbe Standard Oil Compaay of Cleveland
t $4,10, tbe market price on Cberrytree
uo being only $3,20; oil to be delivered
. tRyndFarm.
The public would like to be lofermed as
whether this rumor I true.
ty There will be a meeting of tbe Pres
byterian Mite Society, at tbe Ceotral Bouse,
a tbla Monday evening. Tbe publlo gen
erally are Invited to attend.
A.O. ot U. W.-A meeting of distin
guished member of the Ancient Order of
United Workmen eeoe-eae to Warren, Ohio,
to-morrow" ereaiag. Tb osaslon Is ex
pected to be on of particular Interest.
Mabonlog Lodge No t, of Ohio, la located
at that place, and tbe meeting it intended
to take place In conjunction with that ol
the Ledge, Joseph Moorbead, G. If. W.,
V. J. Keffar, G. O,, od A. L. Wyraau,
members of Liberty Lodge No. 7, of this
pleoe, leave to-morrow morning to be pres.
ent, delegates from Lodges In Franklin,
Emlsoton, Meadville, New Cattle, and
other pteesa will join them on the route and
at tbeit destination.
Many children have tbeir hair totally
jrutudl7 having U ereped and pinched
with a bet Iroa when they are quit youngi
iaot4r4peapMbe vanity or a foolish
randty mtthtr,
I. O. O. P. On last Friday evening tbe
officers of Petroleum Centre Lodge No. 71
I. O. O. P., who bad been previously elect'
U for tb ensuing term of six months, were
regularly installed into tbeir respective of-
floes. T. II. Martin, of Franklin, D. D. G.
M. of Tenango county., was present with
competent corps tif assistants, and the exer
cises are spoken of as being of that pecul
larly Interesting and instructive character
lor which tbe Lodge is so justly noted
Tbe following are tbe names of tbe pres
ent officers :
N. G , Albert Glean.
V. G , ik'tij. Alien.
P. S , Jas. K. Elliott.
A. S., Ed. O'Flaberty.
Treasurer., K. C. Pollock.
ine lonowiug named member were ap
pointed to toe various subordinate posi
tion, i
Sr. Warden, H. A. Miller.
Jt. Wardeo, Morri,IIerroa.
Conductor, W. A. Keller.
Outside Guardian, Uobt. H'Lsughlia
iDSide Gurdiao, J. F. Pollock.
R. S., N. G., L. II. Collum.
L. S., N. G., Harvey Mallory,
R. 8., V. G, Jas. M'Laugblio.
L. S., V. G., A. S. Smith.
R. S. S John Ciublng.
L. S. S., A. A. Boweu.
Ibe State superintendent of Common
Schools, Mr. Wichersham, baa Issued
timely circular relative to tbe election or
county, city and borough superintendents of
schools, wbicb is deserving of tbe most
earnest consideration by school director
Unfortunately, however, in many instances,
school directors are so utterly luuauable.
tbal.aoy suggestions oo'scbool questions from
those who, by education and experience are
entitled to make, are studiously unheeded.
sir. Wiokersham states that within tbe next
three years Pennsylvania will have one mil
lien or children ;to educate iu ber pubiio
schools, and that at an annual expense of
tea million of dollars. Whether these chil
dren shall be well trained or otherwise, aad
whether this vast sum judicouiiy ex
pended or not, Mr. Wickersbam says, de
pends very mush upon tbe character of tbe
men selected for district superintendents.
In view of these facts, be desires to impress
upon sebool directors and citizens tbe im
portance of securing tbe very best men that
can be found willing to accept tbe office o
superintendent. He urges, and very prop
erly, too, that all extraneous considerations
should be laid aside, and tbe choice of su
perintendent be determined by merit and
merit alone. As before remarked these sug
gestions are timely, and we hope tb school
directors of Venaogo and neighboring coun
ties will give them that oarelul considers-
ion which they demand.
IFk... 1. L J.H
auoiv ajjijoaia iu um uq cuanire in regaru
to tbe sale of oil by Fisher Bros, to the
Standard Oil Co., better known ss- the So.
Imp. Co. Tbe shipment of ths oil bas been
postponed to await tbe as t ion of the Exec
utive Committee or tbe .Producers' Union,
wblth meets at Oil City to-morrow. That
the oil Interests of this region are in greater
peril from tbe aol of this trailer than they
have been at any time during tbe excite
ment, there tan bo no doubt, and that I'
behooves every producer to "go to the
front" In this emergency and take a "hand
in" against tbe enemy it beyond doubt a
matter of the utmost Importaace. Tbe
South Improvement Company as-a corpora
tion may be dead, but its "mantle bas fall
en eu tbe shoulders'' of) the Standard Oil
Company, and tbe sooner tbe oil producets
uuderstaod this tbe belter It will be for the
region. Let every man who bss tbe Inter
ests of tbe region at heart in tbe least de
gree, attend tbe mass meeting at Oil City,
to morrow, aad assist la devising ways and
means for frustrating this last attempt of
(be enemy, assisted by Fitber, lo secure a
Uoolbold, wbicb, once gained, meaos utter
ruin to tbe oil business. II tbe man who
bas thus basely sold out his frisnds to the
monopoly, ttsndt la tbe way,, lot kirn be
swept to eoe side with tbe common' enemy,
We must not give up the battle, but contiu
ue to fight to the bitter end
Fisher relnses to explain bis course now
that tbe money excuse bse fallen through,
consequently tbe only reasonable supposi.
tion is that he has been connected with the
enemy all the time. Traitors, in- all ages of
tbe world, have been held up to tbe scorn
and contempt of honest men. Let this man
If convicted, be placed in tbe same list.
If . ;
Wsnt ,
To increase
Your business,
Advertise In tbe
Petrolkch Centre Rrcoitn
BAo Indlaua editor make a patuetio ap
peal to bis readers, saying: "If there lean
thing you know, tbst is worth koowing,
taai we ougni to Know, ant you know we
don't know, I'loase let ui know it."
Wanted a Wile.
Tbe Rontiout Freeman says that a very
respectable young lady of Satigertles, tN
York, has hsd her reason completely restor
ed lately, as the following incident shows:
Sbe discovered in seme paper an advertise
ment, purporllug to have come I mm a high
ly respectable (worthy and handsome, of
course Christian young man, desiring some
young lady to correspond with him, probably
wllta a view directed tewatd matrimony.
Now, as sbe was a plain country lass, al
though ber folks were well-to-do people,
sbe was by no means one wboshould "waste
ber sweetness oa'm the desert air," so sbe
concluded to answer. In due time a reply
came, and as lime passed on the letters be
came more and more affectionate. At last
affairs came to a crisis, and the young gal
lant was Invited to come and see ber. He
did come. But, alasl for ber hopes and
fancies of delight, he came dead. But tbe
joke of it was, be bad to go two or three
miles out of the village, and every bouse be
wont to be Inquired it Miss lived there.
Being tight, he would gooerally state the
otject of bis visit to ber, and would read
her last letter, and then pass on to tho next
house. He made out to arrire at ber house
at 10 o'clock at night. Theold folks were
absent, but two sisters were there. Tbe
meeting can be better imagined tbau des
cribed; suffice it to say !bat tbe corres
pondent baa ceased.
About two weeks ago, a man aimed Tay"
lor, or Oil City, effered to sell to Mr. E. T.
Briggs, el this place, a large ociler situated
on the DalZfll Fiats, for tbe small sum ul
$30. Mr. B. felt suspicious that all was
not right, and upon makiog inquiries found
bis surmises correct, and that the boiler
was tbe property of tbe Dalzell Petroleum
Co., Taylor having a claim to it woatevef
consequently tbe sale fell through. Satur
day tue same individual offered to sell the
boiler to Mr. Freemen for $30, aod induced
Mr. Wilson, clerk for Proem 'n, to go dtwn
and examine it. Upon arriving there, Mr,
Peter Kinney appeared on tbe secne, and
notified Taylor who Ibe boiler belonged to
warning him not to sell it at bis perik Tay'.
lor showed fight, and was arrested by Mr.
Kinney and placed lu the lock-up Salur-
ay night, Mr. Hall, Superiutendeot of tbe
DalzellCo., undo affidavit to tbe above
tacts, aod a warrant was issued by Justice
Reynolds. Tbe prisoner was examined and
held in tbe sum of $500 to appear at Frank
11a to answer.
Taylor, says In explanstion, that a man
amed Ccrnwall owed him $37, aod mat
recently while going dowu tbe creels in tbe
cars, Cornwall pointed tbe boiler out to him
and told blm to take that payment, beose
the attempted sale. As tbe boiler Is worth
at least $500, the case looks bad for Taylor.
We aie informed bo was before tbe court,
in November last, on a similar charge, but
through some quibble in tbe law esoaped.
Hcmanh (shark With iiousKS the bene
fits derivable from Ibe werld-renowned Mex
ican Mustang Liniment. Tbe most irre
fragable testimony establishes tbe fact that
this wonderous balm exerts tbe same sooth
ing and healing influence when applied to
tbe human cuticle, that' it dues in cases of
spavin, lounders, ringbone, poll evil, scratch
es, wind gall and other aliments of tbe
borse which require outward treatment. It
Is, in fast, tbe most effectual of all externa1
remedies for rheumatism, gout, stiffness of
the neck, neuralgia, sore throat, tweliings,
cuts aod bruisesol all kinds.
Tbe following is a description of a "Dolly
Yarden," so popular just bow wltb tbe la
dies: "A Dolly Varden ! a moire antique
dress pstern, and is made of some material,
aud Is out bias at the top aod bottom and ia
trimmed with Honlton polonaises and tnbe
roses, with a peplum running twocbaiasaod
tbreo links to the south west from the start
ing point, around the skirls or civilization
aod pinned together with a self acting safe
ty pin. Tbe figures are so large that it take.
eight dress patterns to show tbem off to ad
van 'age."
The Standard Oil Company, of Cleveland,
successors to tbe South Improvement Coma
pany, tre -eBdiag In tbeir agents with soft
words and plausible arguments, for tbe pur
pose of prevailing on tbe heavy producers
to sell them oil. No longer than a week
ago Rockeleller ' eclared to a gentleman of
this city, prominently IdentiGed with the
refining and producing interests, that the
South Improvement Company conld work
under the charter of tbe Standard Oil Com
pany, and predicted that iu less than two
months tbe gentleman referred lo would be
glad ts join them. Oil City Ex.
Wonder if that gentleman im't Mr. John
J. Fisher?
The bill chartering tbe Smith's Ferry Oin
Transportation Company, of Beaver county
hfl ntlllAfl the. T -ntul..
gJVGreat' powt rs and natural gifts donot
bring privileges to their petessort so much as
they bring duties.
Stephen Petri Andrwt bat just died
certificate of laeorporatloa wltb Ibo Record
r or Deeds In tbe city of Washington, lor
the establishment of a "Panlarcbal Unlver
ally," In the District of Columbia, having
nineteen first elatl professorships and 10,000
second class professorships, to he filed by
competent men and who labor It shall be
lo leach fcderlflo unification, natural davel
oruient, evolutionary law and religion. Of
course tbe Washington people are so glad
A young man in Cincinnati last week lost
$20,000, o valuable diamood pin and bis
watch and chain at tbe table of a gambllag
bouse. Wbm tbe "luck" turned and bo be
gan to win back again tbe "bank" refased
to accept bit belt aod summarily tospend
ed. And now tbe proprietor of tbe estab
Itsbmeot bat had lo deposit bit unlawful
gains as bail In a police court.
Ratukr h'LOwsar. The editor of tbe
Kansas Cily News thus grandiloquently an
noun ces the appearance of a rabid dog In tbe
streets :
Wilb stained and bloodshot eyes, wtlh
moutb apape, and flawing with foam, l
came bitting, snapping, attempting to tear
to pieces everything within lit reaeb, aad
spreading dismay lo Its path curdling tbe
blood and appalling tbe hearts of all who
came In its route, and causing tbem to flee
is fright aod dismay from tbemonstei whose
bite was worse than dealb itself. Women
and children screamed and fled from the
coming fury, writhing in lit rage aod mad
neas; strong men, with brave hearts hasten
ed out of tbe way; doors aad windows were
hastily closed, aud the citizens, wltb bated
breath and terrorized hearts, awaited tbe
If tbe News man was not bitten, be ought
lo have been.
OTfrJf OF Till:: DAY.
The cotton States bave 67,000 gins. No
prohibition down there.
The commerce or tbo world wltb China It
rapidly becoming ea American monopoly.
Law sod tbo (word are necessary, but
that government It tb tost which got eras
tbe least.
The ctsior pleat la Kaaaat are beginiog
to bud, and ao unusually large yield ot oil
is anticipated.
Tbe Spanish Government tries very bard
to convince at ibal Cuba it "tranquil;" sols
Tbere is one agricultural seed establish
ment in Rochester, N. Y-i employing 300
i oere is not a newer enariiy amoog ns
than ibe Society for Ibe Prevention of Cruel
ty to Animals.
St. Domingo It said to prove very fatal to the
health of people residing tbtie, from Ibis
Tbe use of peat fuel under loeemotrfe bol.
(trs it pronoaneed lo be a tuttess, aodespee-
lally economical.
Paper was unbnowo in Europe tbreo ceo.
turies ago, but lo Jopao tbey bay made It
fer over twelve hundred- year
If some bao would only get up a tewing
machine to collect rents; mend meaner and
repair family breaches, what tale it would
Tbe small-pox bat really boot) epldemlt
In Brooklyn and Mew York city, for a year
past. It required nin moatbt tp ooovloc
the autboritietof it.
It la not generally known tbaf ear wheels
are made now out of paper, by a certain me.
chanical process, aod that these wheels are
more durable than Iron met.
Edward A. Eggert, of Buffalo, bat written
tbe Lord't Prayer, throe timet repeated,
within the circumference of a IkMO-eeot
piece, aad yet be It not bappy.
Jacksonville, Florida, papars make tbo
allegation that two baadred aad thirty allle'
gator skins wer received there tb other
N. Tbty bad a St Patrick's dlnnsr at Little
Rock, at wbicb tbe guests wore rosetiet la
nock-, at wnicn too guests wore i
which tbe green aad oraogo war
Three tbiugs are now laid about tbe com
et that was to smash tb earth nsxt August :
1st. It oever existed; 2d. Pror. Planta
in our oever said It did; 3d. Comets are
vaporous, harmless affairs.
It is of do advantage to have a lively mind
if we are not just. Tbe porfeetloa of th
pendulum is net to go fast, but to be tegu
lar. Minds of moderate calibre are too-apt to
ignore everything that doet not torn with
in tbeir own range.
The difficult la life It the tame a tbo dlf-
cult in grammar lo know when to- make
the exception to the rules.
Why dost a person who It poorly, lose
his sense of touob. Because be doesn't feel
well. It is Slid that ibo style of tbe Spanish la
dies' drest bat cot materially changed fo
wo Luudred yean.
.oai Notices.
8 Mm Pettenglll St. f
Park Bow, N.wto,k,.Bd CWP I,!,,?1
Advtola. Atja. are ta. Ml. .T
troleomu.ntr.DiaT Heooao haiN
arMser. la that cltjrar. raestcd to ,'
fa Ton with either of to above hiMeeT
Girl Wantetj;
EnAq?.r.:f"Ufl4t0d0gW,W" .
EoSulrSV, ,0
HTJ. RKrono: Please annotinrn w u
of Coraplauter Town.blp" a MDdld.u,nil0x
v O.,m,r;l..loer, Zh"eJ'
publican party at the primary .lection ' to
J. J. TfAIOHT, of Pleasantvirie, P, i, r
...... .. uHiaiuu lur i no oince of Froihon..
Republican party, at the primary elect'g, " "
F. W. 1TA8TIN08, of Franklin. I a
for the onlc. of Prmhonalnn of vn .5?
subject to the declaim rir7-LkW,t"
:inarT.loction. r u pvt),
ui'V-T, i.'.ITV" Ihe bsm
- ntiiii'hun. ci retrfilstnm Pm,(.. .
with eutlreaatlslacllou to all.
"on Votm.
tion vuBuiufc Awjjuuiicaa mawy U.
Mr. Rhftur m r C ...
b. tie of Oe tvsburg He Is cuipetent, promut inj
obliging, and )hm given entire .atl.lactll.n (S
S!l"Kf!? rnV,l c " ofllcor TSerelkro hatlaehm
disabled In Ihe service of our country, but Tin '
1-i.KiiKi .r ius poriimn. ana nsvinit the rotll
dence of tit tmln public nnl commniilif
at oar Primary Election on tbe day of
neat vm. r,
Just from New York.
To the Citizens of Petroleum
Centre and vicinity.
I have just received the largest stock of
Now In tbe Oil Country, and can and vilf
sell cheaper than any other mas is tows.
I ask vow to call and see before cnrehii-
Ina elsewhere, as It is tor yeur beuefll I sa
doing this. Don't be led astray, but atop sad
examine my stoeb before going lo soy other
place. I have tho
Ever before offers ln Ibe Oil Ceutiry.
Alto, Ihe Sbett steok of
Cents' Furnishing Goods
la tbe eoaatry,
On and after Sunday, Nov. l?t, 1T1,
trains will run at follows:
NORTH NO. 6. NO. 5.
Leave Irvine. 12,10 T U.
Leave Oil City 6,00 a m. 2.43 p u. 7,M
ret.uen .au " a,to o,
Tltusv. 7,10 4,07 " ,
Arrive Corry, 8,66 6,40 1D,W"
OOOTH. ko. 2. no. 4.
Loav Corry, lfl,S6 a m. .i f T
thus, jz.zo r ,s - .
P. Cen. 1,26 " 8.20 " 8.2
irrlo O. City 2,06 " 9,0 " t,i
irvine. 4,r' n. "
teTT No. 6 and 6 run on Sunday.
TBioaw, Feb. t,
n vine
Hnsaa. Andiowb Co-esti.""--"-,.
TO Kb, I can oonnoeunj recouiu,..- r--fc . m.
who have occasion louse lesamfceewo"J
veator of Back Suction on Oil VV.lls.Onrw
ill th.t it lml mid to run It. An-t!
niTn one of CA'i'kS' BACK SUCTIW "J
KNTdKH tne production w j 7r
tying well. Before we put the Bark Hottl
aitor oo the well, we Invarl.bly hrd to PJP
all two weeks before we could J",lore'L,, i, if
btrely obviated by. the use of th. F'l! t cs.
TnWMSB, Jan-M.'6
. n -HMlne tbtrfflff?
useful inven'lona .ver mad for oil w"j mvm
lb re on oar wet to. " c. " - v . the V" w
" ' BAOOS IIUf""
Msssrs. AfBiws TllVht
crtliy that I have used one oK-Al fjt hi"1
Lease. Economit. Hill, and woul","or; than it
it at any pr.c, a it wlll do all-and mo ttctxc
recommeiided to do. nd I . I "feck
a i , .11 on Cnnlmi who have au
lion Weila. - . '
1U""' "jias Uts
Tidiout., reb'y , 1SR 3m'