The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, April 05, 1872, Image 2

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laesissisri lo MeFarlaod. Smith Co .J)
Merchant Tailors!
Gents' Furnishing , Hoods,
Have pat la os of to Boast atsormenta oj
ver offend .In the Oil Region.
AL Dm Latest rod Nobbiest Btyles.
Gents'. Famishing Goods, &c.
etroleum Centre Daily Record.
Pel. Ventre) tfm rrltar April 5
DlTlne Service.
Servloea every Sabbath at II A. M. and
M P. M. Sabbath School at t P. M.
eat free, A oordlal Invitation extend
ed to all.
Kkv. P. V. ScoriiLo, Paitor.
Pracliine at 11 o'clock A. M., and 7k.
wv Wr
D. PATTON, Pastor.
Petroleum Centre liodge,- JVo.
T1S, I. O. of O. P.
Regular meeting nlgbli Friday, at 7
w A. Kellir. A. Sec'v.
WPUoe nf meeting, Mulo St., oppoalle
,it A. O. Of V. V.
Liberty Lodge No. 7, A. O. of TJ. TV.,
meets every Monday evening at 7 o'clock,
In Odd Fellow'i Hall. Petroleum Centre,
A. Glkk, M. W.
8. H. Kooeir, R.
Gold at 1 p. m. liotj
Leases on Tarr Run and vicinity are
actlre demand.
Onr towuimao, Mr. S. A. Wood, left
towo yesterday for bit heme In Pbiladel
bls. Mr. W. haa nearly recovered from
bis late serious indisposition.
We received a call to-day from Mr. James
W. Shaw, or Franklin. Mr. S. la a candi
date for the office of Register and Reeorder
of Venango county, subject to the usages of
the Republican party. Politics la out of
our province, but from ibe fact that Mr.
Sbaw lost bia good right arm while flgbtiog
for bis country, If any one is entitled to tba
uffioe it ought lo be bim.
An additional force of men have recently
been put to work on the Warren & Venan
go Railroad in tbls vicinity.
Bostaick, one of ibe members ot the So,
lo. la,
lap. Co., and owner of the Cievelaud Una
id tauk ears, finding that the mooepoly is
'bunted," has, we are informed, drawn off
bis ear hoping thereby to disoommode Ibe
oil producers. Poor fellow, bis pent-up
rage knows no other outlet "So, Dost: So,
Mc. H. U. Warner, it will be seen by ref
erence to the advertisement published ela.
where, bas opened Ibe store on Washington
a tree t, adjoining Mease & Armstrong's Hour
-store, and Is prepared to buy and sell second
.baud tubing, casing and oil well supplies
Also, pipe cultiog aod fitting.
One of those poor suffering lemale wo
men,, who ''bas a Cancer on her breast, sure;
inree small cailaer: hasn't touched a ba
rujim .wuisay lur l years, aod wants to
get totne,toK.ory," came round begging
this forenoon. We donated several ecilp,
Jtnd shortly alter noticed Ibe poor loro wo
man laying n,U street -drunk. Sue bad
.only grown weary o ibe road of life and
stopped by the waysida to rest.
Tbe first through trait on tba Ashtabula
Jamestown ft Franklin Railroad r,,ri
ver the road on Wednesday of last week to
wiy. it wesaepeolal ceotaJologSunts
1 aioe, Hatch, and other efficlali.
The . I. Co, Investigation.
In tbe Investlgstion of the South Improve'
meot Company, tbe Seoretary, W. G. .War
den, testified that tbe company was organ
Ized about January 2, 1872, with obarter
similar to that of tba Pennsylvania Com
pany, and at the expectation was to get alj
n-finerles to join. Two thousand shares of
slock at one hundred dollars each were
taken, and twenty per cent, paid In. The
'ormer rates'to New York by rail were $1,25;
under tbe Improvement Company they were
$2.66 on crude oil, of wblcb tbe Improve
ment Company aod all shippers actiog with
It rebate of $1,06. Tbe calculations made
by tbe oil men who beard tbe witness were,
thai the rebates at these rates would amount
to six million a year, and tba .Increase to
the railroads about a million and a half.
Tbe refiners would not alt join, and on ac
count of tbe exoitsment in tbe oil regions
the contracts were not enforced, aod now
are annulled. John Alexander, or Alex
ander Schofield & Co., of Cleveland, testi
fied that tbey sold their refinery for about
fortyifive per cent of its value lo tbe Stand
ard Oil Company, wbieh was to go luto tbe
S. I. Co. They were forced le sell, as they
could not afford to run against tbe cotnbN
nation. W. H. Doao, asblper of oil at
Cleveland, testified that be did not get
drawbacks from tbe railroad, and bis occu
pation was gone, because he could not stand
agalust the discrimination in freights agains
bim. P. H. Watson-, President of tbe S.I
Co., has been summoned, and was expected
to testify belors tbe Committee yesterday ,
He will be .required to produce tbe contracts
between the S. I. Co., and tbe trunk line,
of railways leading Into the oil regions.
Mr. Lombard, who has suffered sinoe tbe
fourth of March to tbe amount of nearly
oar Iboaeand dollars on raised freights
'orced by the S. C , bas been summoned
Dkatu of jlk Indian Chief. We are In
receipt of a note from a friend residing ea
Ibe Catt, Reservation announcing the death
of Dr. Peter Wilson. Ha-da-geba, or, One
who beala tbe stick, in tbe Indian tongue,
a chief in tbe Six Nations. About a year
ago deceased experienced a paralytic stroke
which left bim speechless, tendered one o'
bis arms useless, and Is supposed lo have
been Ibe ultimate cause of bis dealb.
Dr. Wilson was an Indian Chief, sod as
aa orator was said to rank next to Red Jack
et from whom he wasdecended. In addition
lo bis natural abilities, Dr. Wilson possess
ed the advantages of a liberal education, as
many in Buffalo win enjoyed tbe pleasure
of bis acquaintances are aware.
Tbe deceased bad in bis possession at tbe
time of bis death two valuable ret ice, In tbe
shape of tbe hatchet aod pipe ol bis ances.
tor, for wblcb be was ooce offered by prom
inent citizen ot Buffilo but refused tbe
sum of two hundred dollars Buff. Com.
Tub Ftevknson Faiiilt Again ox the
War Patii. Tbe war between tba Steven
son families, ol Cberrytree, bas assumed a
new phase. It bears a striking resemblance
to tbe quarrels lo the old feudal time, when
Cain warred with bis brother Abel and
eventually slew him. Family quarrels nev
er ought lo exist, and we would advise
these families to become reconciled and live
In harmony as becomes citizens of a civiliz
ed community like Cbnrrytree. As tbe
thing is going now they are only wasting
tbeir substance, and making themselves
appear ridiculous and a laughing stock lo
tbe public.
April 1st, a capias for trespass was issued
by Justice Beynolds, on complaint ef Thos.
F. Stevenson, against Lewis W. ; Stevenson
and Susan Stevenson. Tbe claim of plain
tiff against defendants was'for tresparsing
on lands aod doing damage thereto lo tbe
mouot of $45. Judgment of Justico in
favor of plaintiff ar-d against defendant for
four dollars aod seventy-Ovs cents andcosla
April 1st, warrant was Issued by Justloe
Reynolds, on complaiot of Susan Stevenson
against Samuel Stevenson, lor assault and
brttery. Defendant brought forward, plead
not guilty, aod demanded jury trial. Ver
dict of jury guilty. Judgment of Justice,
$2,00 fine and could.
L iuakob. Mr. IV. A L.ozier has pur
chased tbe inerestof J. A. Morley & Co., in
Ibe wholesale ale trade, and will hereafter
conduct tbe business at their old stand on
3d Street near tbe railroad track. He will
be prepared at all times to supply tbe trade
wltb Fox & Williams' celebrated Buffalo
A e. Give bim a call.
A Philadelphia lady of three score and
ten oo receiving an offer of marriage simper-
ingly referred Ibe octogenarian who made
tbe offer, to ber father, and tbat gentleman,
aged ninety, gave bis consent and dauced at
ibe wedding.
A little waif, met la one iiostou's a arrow
thoroughfares tbe other morning, when ask
ed if she bad a mother, replied naively, "I
dunno, but 1 gueas not, for when I ran away
Ibis niorolog the old 'una was quarrclio
and hihn bsl ths hi'ebst." 1
List of Jurors for tba 1st Monday of Msy,
Canal townsblp-Wm. Vincent, RoVt
Thompson, Jas. Hill.
Cberrytree township Caleb Shngarl, Jai.
R. Hamilton.
Cranberry township E. Nlcklin, Jas.
Morrison, Perry Brandos.
Clinton township Wm. Donaldson,
Joshua Hoffman.
Emlenlon Wm. Crawford.
Irwin township Abram Latahaw, Cole
man Allen, P. Tbornbnry, Tbos. Gadsby.
Jackson township Jos. Mason.
' Mineral township Martin Gulllnger, A-
Wriftbl, Jas. D. Mitchell.
Ollcreek township D. D. Keacn.
Oil Citf H. D, McCaace.
Plum townehlp Cyrus Davison, JohnC.
Rlcbey, Tbos. Green, Benj. btrnwbtldge,
Hiram Batton.
Plumer Wm. G. Price.
Pleaeanlville-W. P. Barbs.
Pitbole A. J. Keenan.
Petroleum Centre A. D. Weyman.
Rynd Schuyler Riqua.
Kousevilie Jobo Sparks.
Rockland township D. R. Beck.
Sandycreek township Sam'l llovis.
Scrubgrass township -William McCntcb
eon, T. D. Perry.
Utica J. R
' S. I. C Tbe
S. I. C Tbe contract between tbe rail
roads and Ibe South Improvement bave
Leeri cancelled. The Legislature bas rei ael
ed the charter ot tbe monopoly. And Con
gress Is now investigating the matter,
which, it is expected, will reaut in tbe Na
tional government pulling an end to all
discrimination in .freights by railroads aod
other common carriers. Here is what an
uprising of tbe people can accomplish in a
few weeks. So far as it looks as If tbe oil
men bave smooth-sailing, but such is not
tbe fact. It is Dot safe to presume that tbe
repea of tbe monopoly's charter will put e j
quittus to it. It is impossible for tbe Legis
ture to annual a charter after the corpora
tion naa purchased property and commenced
operations, as we believe tbe 3. I. Co., bas
done. As even il Ibat ceuld be done I hern
are a dcz?o other charters, equally as
sweeping in tbeir power), yet in existence
and at tbe command of tbese same scoun
drels who bave sought to control tbe oil
trade. Unless Congress completely bars a'
sucb attempts as we bare been fighting we
are still at Ibe mercy of tbe muie combiuu
tion. The oil men kuow this, and milil
tbey bave the beat arsurance of a complete
victory tby will keep up llmir tire. l
Tbe Oil City meeting Wedoe-day was not
largely attended. Il organized w)tb Mr.
Baougbtn tbe Cbair, and W. M. Lay, Sec
retary. Tbe report of Ibe fretubt Comml
tee was read, aod the Committee discharged.
Tbe Committee on Congressional action re
ported progress, and stated Ibat Ibe S. I. Co.
gentlemen were before tbe Committee on
Commerce to tell all tbey ever knew.
Nothing of very great importance was el let-
ed, but things are reported as werkiog
Tbe Cleveland Plain Dealer begins to see
tbe baneful effects of tbe Southern Improve
ment Company on the business of tbat city.
It says "this corporation, in tbe excees of
its greed, bas craeped for too much, and
failurn stares It lu the lace. In Ibe mean
time our refining iuterett is la tbe mire, and
over a thousand poor operatives are thrown
out of employment; to that Ibe loss te Clevt
land from a movement which was In benefit
bor so much is already incalculable,"
It is said of tbe Swedish colony in Maine,
tbat these Scandinavians through tbe win
ter dress warmer tbaa tbeir Yaubee neigh
bors. Skin jaokets, lur-lioed overcoats, and
fur-lined boots are worn. Tbe wooden
snow-shoes used enable tbe Swede, with the
aid of a pole be carries, to glide over tbe
snow in utter defiance of drills.
TbeFensacola, Florida, Express, in speak
Ing oi tbe Navy Yard at tbat place, says
tbat tba basin sate, built at an expense of
$25,000, bas been destroyed for lack oi
necessary attention.
Tbe vessel tbat brought boma from Fort
Sumter Ibe bistorio party tbat went there
to hoist the national flag over the recovered
ruins of tbe place, was Itst in tbe Cbiuese
seas oo tbe 17th ult. Sbe bad been sold to
parties in the Japan trade, and re-cbristen-ed
ibe "Suwo Nada.'
Bishop Kerfoot has given notice tbat bo
will visit Franklin on Ascension D-ty, May
9tb. Next Sunday tbe Rector of St. Jobn'aH
Church will begin a co.irse of Leoturea pre
paratory to CouQrmalion.
Joaquin Miller is lo lecture In New Eng
land next Fall. By way ot an advertise
ment ha baa deserted and been divorced
from bis wife, bas got eegagsd lo a Scotch
peeress, aod wears a shirt wltb pink boa-con'
atriciora writhing oo a green ground. (.Cbi
cgo Post.
The cheiaaler ot California.
A pedagogue in Iodiana who was "bard
up" for unmercifully welting tbt back of a
little girl, justified bis aotion by explaining
tbat 'she persisted lo flinging paper pellets
at bim whan bitback was turned." Tbls Is
no excuse. Tbt Town Crier taught school
up in Ibe roouotahis, and about every ball
hour bad to remove His coat aod aorape off
the dried paper wads adhering to the nap.
He never permitted a trifle like this to un
settle bis patience; be just kept on wearing
Inat glaberdioe until it bad no nap, and
Ibe wads wouldn't stick. But when Ihey
look to dipping them In muollagf be made a
complaint to tbe Board of Directors.
"Young man'" said tbe Chairman, "ef
you don't like our ways, you'd better sling
your blankets and git. Plenties Mulford
tort skule yer for mor'en six months, and be
never said a word agio the wads."
Tbe Town Crier briefly explained tbat
Mr. Mulford might bave bean- brought up
to paper wads aod didn't mind tbem.
Q"It isn't no use," saldnother director the
children hev got. to be amused.
Tba Town Crier protests that there were
other amusemeots equally as diverting; but
the third director here arose and remarked :
'I perfectly agree with the- Cheer; tbtt
youngster belter travel. I consider as pa
per wads lies at tbe root uv popular edye
cation; ther a necessary adjunck uv ibe
school system. Mr. Chairman, I move and
second ibat tbls yer scboolmssler be shot.'
Tbe Town CMer did not to remain obsurvo
tbe result of tbe voting. San Francisco
News Letter.
Kseptub Hair Unslksiisiikd. "I am
ike an old bemlock withered at tba top,"
'said a venerable Indian Chief, poiuting lo
IU tbin and bleaching locks. Thousands of
men and women in civil lied society, much
younger than tbe old Sagamore, are like
bim, "withered at the top," simply because
tbey have neglected to use 'tbe means oj
preserving and beautifying the bair wblcb
science bad placed at Ibeir disposal. lr
Lyon'a Katbairon be faithfully applied once
or twice a day, to the fibers aod tbe scalp,
it is just as impossible Ibat the hair should
decay, wither, tall out or become harsh and
fuzzy, as tbat a meadow, duly refreshed
witb nightly dews and sunlit raias, should
heeome arid and barren of gieen blades.
This matchless preparation not only keeps
the head In a healthy and clean condition,
tint multiplies the filaments and imparls o
tbem a lustre, flexibility aod wavy beauty
tioat-a nahle by tnyolber modor.lf raiment
It does not, like the metalic and sulphurous
hair dyes, dry up tbe natural moisture of
the scalp, but supplies nuttiment to tbe
roots ol toe hair and vigor to tbe libers.
v it luueur, juei fjuuuBiiv iseiroit, uaa a
XT t .i ..... i . r... t . i
drinking saloon kept by two men named
Matthew aod Mark, and Ibey have hired two
bartenders named Luke and John. This is
a new though not very christianizing var
iety of avangel.
A Roman Catholic priest in Cincinnati
haa refused to acoept a cootributibc of fifty
dollars from one of bit flock who Is a liquor
What pleasure people ceo lake in satin
bed covers it would be difficult lo discover,
unless il is tbat Ibey are aa expensive se
tbey are absurd; yet Ibera is one on exhibi
tion in New York valued al $3,000.
An English youth who threatened te kill
bis mother because she wouldeo't give bim
bis trousers, new pants for revenge is jail.
Boston Posl.
Jobn Villemeur, haviug become jealous
of John Maria Gustanaru, New Orleaas, re
cently, stabbed bim to tbe heart, causing ie-
stant death.
During tbe recent run upon tbeLockporl,
New York. Savings Bank, tbe overseer for
tbe poor noticed thai several parties, it
whom be bad extended aid dnring tbe win
ter months,, bad money deposited there
which tbey were extremely anxious to
draw out; whereupon be heartlessly refused
to assist these pauper capitalists any more.
Local Motlcea.
8. M. Pettenglll k Co. t
iark Bow, New York, and to. P. Howell ft Oo
Advertising Agents, are tbe sole agents for the r,
troleum Centre Dailt Kacoao in tbat city. Ad
vertisers In that city are requested to leave .their
J bvori with either of tne above homes
Girl 'wanted to do eeueral housework,
.Enquire at
j. vt oLr B jeweiry store.
March 28-if.
For Sale.
A desirable House located in Ibe Lake
Shore Block. Water convenient. Is a do
sirable residence lor a small family. Terms
exceedingly cheap. Enquire at tho Y. U
Newsroom. W.
IWA lot or eld papers
for sale
at this
Just received at Mease & Armstrong's
Flour and Feed Store, 1,800 bushels extra
WHITE OATS, wbieh will bs sold at low,
( sit cash prices! ezv-tr.
Another Valuable Trii
OIL WELLH, patent-Hi Aoguv. U. linZH
nraiy aroveale the ln!na of air In oil ..uT'l
the tablng I bring drawn. It it WeU 1H
to oil operators, ttiat upon well, wh H
ara uku It Is nocessa. j to preacrv, , "
ftct vacuum an possible, and tti.l B0,ir J'f
let into the well, at any time, whea ,
he avoided: coiueaiientlv. when., .k. .Tl
drmwn tr. n, a It u " ,,bl
It, as Ilia itnfflnn box. telnt th. . J ..'VI
ed, the air Immwllately ruihen back ketwJ1
tubinc and catduL'. tnin iho i. . . n'4
- o, - "'sn uto it,
rock and k veins, and cot apqutntly cm,i,
oil and gas to mob back to a -treat aIll.-
nmrh an. tht It ln.AU, .1 ... 1
r,.... ...... .. . well io bo bmM
back lo Its termor condition, and ofien.,-uTl
several wooki; and quit, frequently well, b,,,!!
aluuMt complexly ruined by Hi. air ton,
in while drnwlng tubing '
The BACK -SUCTION ritEVBNToltls iiu,.
to;tho starling box anJ works in men a ,l
completely shun up the apace hotwceo the mt
box aid tubing so effectually that not a mitltl
air can Ket thromih at any tin,, while il, inhi.J
holnv ilrnarvi atirl tnnlan.vl i ,. t
Iclt, and Is. without uucatlon. n. 1
uahla inventions of the day, to too-, cng mdliJ
oil bti!lnen. No well ahnnM h i.k... 1
ten times saves ten timet l,a cost bv our. .i..
OT It It manufactured at the FOl'SDKr jj
mtiii.ia biiui- or AMDIIBW8 4 CO, TllJ
! nj Hardware Dotlett
Tidioute, Pa., March 88, 18I. l.w jm.
Tniiaeii, Fib. 8, isj
ItKiMia. Ammrw Co (iMTi.t,-n...
nwdooeof I'ATKH' BACK NIVhom PUB V
Tons, I can etmlWently recommend the Muu,,t'
who have o-iiii,iii to une Hie ,ntue, as Hi, M V
veutorof Bnrk Siirllun on 1)11 Wells, Uur,,
m tmali that it Inroly puld to run li ,Ha t
t-r.L'on me c,f ( A'lKV BACK MTTiuX ft
VKSTitHS the prixltiMlon wa Incnwd lot
paying well. Before we put the Hark bgcliw V.
venior on the well, we Invariably had m oam,
wall two veek before eou.d nature it to iu i
nier prnduetlnn alter drawini; tubing, 'liii, ,.
tirely obv luted by tne utc of the Preventer
IIaet, I'mikixt I Ct
TniiapB, Jin. 3d, m
Mi". Axmisws ft Co llavife thoron.-;,
tet,d tba utility cf I'ATKs' HACK sraiii
i-nr. r.. i uil. we con,iur tnem a.- nr ih
uneful invenlione ever nade fur oil well, ir.4
think wo art? eatable of Jinlbc of then, hitl
thiee on our wclla. We can new d aw t bii u":
when tbey are replaced the well, pmducetlir hi.
a b fore draw tin;, thun-UioHinc that the Pnnu
etlvciually prcveuts all in-rraa r lr.
lun-t reipeettullr,
lUcux k Rum
MlB ANDItFWS ft Co fitTTSI-Tbi li
eenlfy that I hiivenedoneor'AT' BA( KJrt
TIO.N fKGVKNTOKP, on the Lee 4 III hunt
Lctee. krnnonu'e Hill, and would not do witDt
it at any price, as It will do all aud more tlmniii
rccotnuu-niltd to da nd I con cheerfully reaw-
mend i: to all Oil Operaturi who have an; liarkH:
ituu etia.
Yours, Ac ,
Jotts Mnu.
Tldinnta, Fcb'y II. m!. taw Dm.
Kf). Ttrcoitn: Plen.e onniHinre II. B niX'V.
of Cornplnnter Towimhlp, as a candidate for ('uni
ty fnuiii.iiwiiiier, Mihject to the tissues of the hv
imbltcuu party at the primary eli-ction.
J. J. IlAIC.nT, of PleasantviPe, fa., late V
of Company "IS" Hltb Hinii'n et. ol. lolinn
u-lll lu. il ...lnfltH.tA Itxr frhl. tlrP tit I'mlhOMtort-
of Yenangn eunnty. enbjoct to the usiceioftb
ncpurican party, at tne primary eietnuu.
F. W. IIASTIVtiS. of Franklin. Is a rtniM'K
fnrthenflicvuf I'rotliotiatory of Venareo CcinM).
subject to trie decision of the Hcpuuuiiian jwiji
pi :tuury sluction.
Mr. Kni-roa P)eao annonnca th '
SA TKl. BKYNOI.DS, f petrolenm teiil."
caudldsto for the Office nf Proilioiiniar' of
B County, at the enstiitu Kciiuiiiican
clecllou We helievo Wr. K. wouU all m
with entire aatlilkctio lo all.
si any iuiw-
Coenplahtbh March
n v .... n iOf
.i,... nucu ur un.w wl lid a cinm
date fo- re-nomloa'tlon for the olTlro ofl Kw''
Hccorder at the eusuiug Kcpnniican i ni -
lion. r,.
Mr. Shaw was a nrlvnta In tbe army "
lull and lost bis ritrht arm in our own wsh
n.n le ill i.h iv.mitv lie 18 iu,e-.v.... ,1
onilulne, and naa given entire "l'"J '. " i.bei
husincsa nubile aa an (illlcer. Therefren,'V,,
. . . - '..,-r.MIn 10 w
disabled in tbu sen-Ice of our country, nm " ,.
well quallded fur 'be ptwltlon. and havlag lor
dence of the. Misuwm public and """JriJ
arc nn an iiiiicit. inn -".- .
At our Primary Election oo tli J!iiC!(:t.
Just from New York
To the Citizens of Petroleoffi
Centre, and vicinity.
I have just received tho largest stock of
amT sTbfTiTTT'iVC
Now in tbe Oil Coonlry, ana
.-il th.r. im other man in
I ..k von lo call and see belors KhJJj
Ing elsewhere, as It Is lor your dk
doing Ibis. Don't be led astray. bli
examine my atock beloregoma
place. I bave tbe
. cmrr OF HATS
. l... In the OH.1"
B Also, lb. finest stock of
Cents' Fttrnishing 1
1. tbe oaB-goijEl-