The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, April 02, 1872, Image 2

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    - a
ISncaesiort 1o MsFarlaoi, Smith Co.J)
Merchant Tailors!
Gents' Furnishing Goods,
(la, put I on of th. flneet UfarimenU eg)
Jvor offend In Iht Oil Region.
HATS Sc caps;
AU OS Lltcit aud Nobbiest Styles. ,
5ents-" 1 urnishing
Goods, &c.
etroleum Centre Daily Record,
Pet. Centre Xoeadari April 2J
Divine service.
Services every Sabbath at 11 A. M. and
4'i P. M. Sabbath School at 2 P.M.
eats free. A oordlal lo citation extend
ed la elL
Kit. P. IT. ScortELs, Pastor.
Preaching at 11 o'clock A. M., and 7W
'coW IL
P. PATTON. Pator.
Petrolenm Centre liOdse.Wot
TIO, J.U.OIU.F. yl
Regular meeting nights Friday, at7
v viuoa. oigueg.
, . . ,. J. E. BOYLES, N. G.
i' A. Kkli.SR, A. Sec'y.
' tf"H r meeting, Main St., oppoaits
McUiiniock House.
. . A . Of' V. W.
LltieYty Lodge No. 7, A. O. of V. W.,
meets ev.-ry Monday evening at 7 o'clock,
m Od.l F.llow s Hull, Petroleum Centre,
. A. Gles, M. W.
K. If. Kookcn, R.
Gold at I p. in.;iOSJ4'
Oil producers, refiners and people inter
led are respectively requested to attend a
mats ireeting at Oil City, Wednesday,
April, 3d, at Love's Academy of Music, at
.10 o'clock a. m. to bear tbe report of (tbe
Committee on Legislation, Transportatioc,
Railroad and Finance; also ether import
aai business.
F. W. MiTcnxu.,
Chairman General Committee.
Let M oil prodjeer, rentier, engineerJ
ruur, laborer, or auy other man who de
rle nlj support from tbe oil business, eon
ale himself with the thought that tbe So.
Improvement monopoly war is over; let them
disabuse their aina's at one, as suob is net
tlx base. Therefore, .ill should attend tbe
mass meeting at Oil City, to-morrow, which
is held for the purpose of o.evisiog further
ways and means for csrrylng tbe war and
ritoaaling the eoujtnoo enemy. "Once more
unto tbe breach, desr friends, ooea nsre, '
and the victory over monopolies wlij be
A bill bts passed tbe State Legislature
and been approved by tbe Governor, Incor
porating tbe tit. Petersburg Water Compa
ny, organized lot tbe purpose of forcing
water up from tbt Allegheny River through
pipes or main, in sufficient quantitiea for
supplying tbe wells and tbe inhabitants of
tbat borough and vicinity with good water.
Mr. Harry Derousse, ot Petroleum Centre,
first originated tbe idea or establishing wa
ter works at Petersburg, and lult for Phila
delphia this morning to make the oecossary
arrangementa for beginning tbe work.
Mr. A. AMeu, the well known proprietor
ol tbe Jamestown Clothing Store, leaves
fur New Yurk in a day or two for the pur
m of purchasing bis stock of Spring and
Summer Clothing. He promises to bring
lock the latest novelties io tbat line.
Tnere ai yet some lew cases of small pox
In the vloinitv of Psriter's Landing. A wan
reenlly died., frm that dlteate, on the
Bite farm..
How V srt Qcbkii. 'Now that the Free
Pipe bill bat become a law, -with lb exoep
tion of excluding Allegheny county, and the
charter of the South Improvement Company
baa oeen repealed, ids ruts burgh papers
are jnst beglnlng to realize that the oil pro
ducers of this region hive a good deal of
power, and thev also begin to realize that
the refining intoreste of that city are jeepar
dy consequently they set np a pitiful whine
that Is truly agonizing. When ruination
stared our people in the face through the
platting of the vile coosplrators composing
toe monopoly, toe i'lttsburgh press was as
silent as doath in regard to the subject, not
having even one word of sympathy for the
oil men. But now that tbe conspirator's
Utile game is blocked, and Pittsburgh is left
out in tbe cold as regards reunion oil, bow
exceedingly dear the producers have become
and bow mash the Pittsburgh papers do
love them until the next favorable oppor
tunity presents itself to stab them In the
backi Speaking of tba Free Pipe bill, the
Mail says:
The - Legislature recently passed a free
pipe law, but excluded Allegheny- county
from Us provisions. Bills were introduced
to remedy this, and give to Pittsburgh tbe
same privileges in this tespect as any other
refining point in the State. Mr. Ballaatine
in tbe Uonse, and Mr. Graham, in the Sent
oto, objected on Thursday to their passage,
representing that the oil trade ol Pittsburgh
did not desire a free pipe bill. On bearing
this tbe oilmen joined In a dispatch tbe
same nlgbt, laformlng them that this wss a
mistake, and that tbe entire oil trade de
manded the passage of tbe bills. The dis
patch was signed by every oil ma that
could .be reached in tbe limited time in
wbici to obtain them. We hope our mem'
bers will do Pittsburgh justice io tbls mat
ter, and simple justice demands the exten
sion of the free pipe law to this city. II
men are willing to invest money in pipes
that will benefit our city, there is no reason
why they should not have the privilege ol
doing so; and if other points are given tbe
right to lay pipes, why should not Pitts
burgh? Tbe present rates of freight are
ruinous to Pittsburgh, and tbe oil men say
that iftbey do not secure a pipe law they
most abacdun Pittsburgh aionce at a rellu-
lag peloi.-
Here U bow Cleveland is made to suftV
by tbe great and good Watson, tbe piousr
Rockefeller, tbenoble Warden, end' other
members of tbat charitable Institution
known as tbe So. Imp. Co. Tbe Herald
Saturday morning an adjoruned meeting
of oil refiners and dealers wa held at tho
office of W. II. Doan, to bear the report ol
tbn committee appointed to investigate the
condition and immediate necessities of the
men thrown out ot employment by the oil
troubles, and devil meaus for their relief.
As far as tbe committee were able tu learn
about two thousand men are out of employ,
ment, representing a population of from
eight to ten thousand. Careful inquiry has
shown that thus far only some forty fami
lies were actually in a suffering condition,
the great mass ot these men having been
sufficiect'y ptovident to have a little laid by
for time of need. It waa belleverl thai In
two or three weeks most of tbe men' wodld
be able to get work; Mr. David Short was
appointed a Committee to sollsit subscrip
tions and relieve tbe wants et the suffering.
Seven hundred and sixty dollars were sub-
scribed'on tbe spot.
With tbat generous liberality character
istic of tbe people of tbe oil region, tbe ar
ticle published in yesterday's Record in
relation to tbe destitute family at the mouth
of Tarr Run, has called firth a response in
tbe shape ol a substantial donation of pro
visions and other necessaries. Our friend
Armstrong, of tbe firm of Mease & A., took
the matter In band this moraine, with tbe
following result: IliW Parker doasted
a goodly quantity of meat; G W Kiug. Sr,
d; O F Scbonblom, groceries; Mease &
Armatrong, potatoes, flour aod meal; fl II
Warner, potatoes; Wni J McCray, sack of; Scbarmerborn & TenEyck, proviso
lout; J M Henry .tCo, do. Other parties
doaalea clothing, &c.
The teat of gratitude shed by lbs sick
man and toll worn wife at the receipt of so
generous a donation, amply recompensed
the donors. Such outbursts of sympathy
with tbe poor, prove conclusively tbere is a
goodly portion of tbe "nlk of human kind
nest' left among people yet.
Large flocks af pigeons have passed over
within a day or two en route north.
A young eonpie who were lately
in West Newbury, Mass., and set up
keeping, wero obliged to apply to tbe over,
seers of tbe poor at tbe end of two weeks for
a supply of provisions.
Tbe lawyers' fees ia the notorious Tioh
borne case amoiiolsto $600,000. Tbe jury
men were paid $5 a day. and for the 103
days durlug (vulcb the trial lasted, received-
Plating With Edged Too:.. Tbls Is
what usually comes of playing with edged
tools: A lellew np in Oregon thought he
would be smart and just bave a little fun
with a young lady on wbom be had waited
two or three times. lie asked her what she
would do If a nice looking young fellow
asked her to marry him. She smiled, oh,
so gushingly, and looked good enough' to
eat, but said nothing. Then be asked her
wbat she would say if he asked her to
marry blm. She threw ber arms areund
him, and rushed outof tbe room for bat and
sbawl. Tbe poor fellow says he was never
married so sadden in his life. Probably
that was tbe nearest she ever come to being
asked, and sbe thought fooling around with
sentiment would be dangerous.
Personal. Mr. John Q. Hamilton, long
eoanecled with the Central House of tbls
place In tbe capacity ef Superintendent,
has retired from that position te take the
same plaee in the Duncan House at Oil
City. Durlug his connection with tbe Cen.
tral Home, ly uniform courtesy and
attention to tbe wants aod comfort of the
guests of tbat popular hotel, Mr. II. has
made bosts of friends in this vioinity aod
throughout the oil region, who, while they
sincerely regret bis departure, will follow
blm with their best wishes for bis future
welfare and success In tbe battle of life.
We wish yen good luck, old boy, and
"May time wbo sheds histilight o'er all,
And daily dooms some joy to death,
O'er you let years so gently fall,
Tbey shall not crush one flower beneath.
As half in shade and half In sun
This world along it's path advances,
May tbat side tho sun's upon
Be all tbat e'er shall meet your glances.
nou. S. Griffith, member of Congress
from this distrlot, baa written a letter de
fining bis position on the Souther n Impiove
ment monopoly conspiracy. He says In one
paragraph :
Tbe acts of assembly Incorporating tbe
South Imnrovement Cimnitnv? anil lriailrMl
corporations, parsed by our (legislature, (if
indeed any such acts were passed,) lor vast
powers and privileges conferred, uncertain
ty and in definite oharaeter, of the objects
intended and irresponsibility under said
charter, of those intrusted with such unlim
ited powers, are the most remarkable in tbe
history of American corrupt legislation. II
such acts do not areuse our people and unite
Hbem In self defense, snd inspire them with
settled determination to defend their
rights, and expose and puninb these oppres
sors, tbey bad betur at once nbnllsh their
legislature, thus at leat sivintr, a UFciees
annual Expense, and then request our in li
tem kln ily tu take etiargu ol us aud,our in
terest!; Here is the stump speech in Hih form if
a prayer, that caiisrd the Chaplain nt the
Massachusetts House Io be c:led to of
"Tbe esrlb is thine, O Lord, anil tbe full
nes thereof; tbe world and tbey tbat lwel
therein; and new aurther of tho World's
great questions prests into this chamber for
an answer: What dull we do W6.uau?
And clamor answers, let ber vote; clainnr
answers cgain, don't let ber vote. Clumor
thunders clamor wbine-clamor prays
clamor jeers. Shall we heed the jeers uf
clamor! God forbid I It there be suy stain
or a right withheld from these bright, bless
ed beings wbq as mothers, wives, sisteis.
daughter, companions, frieods. make up so
much of tbe happiness of commonwealth
homes, give us wisdom clear enouah to ssei
and will strong enough to expunge tbat stain
rom tbe resaids of our otherwise prosperous
The prayer wss really addressed to tbe
gallery, where a great many prayers go, be-
beeause a large number of woman rights
females were present.
Converted Indians sing "Now 1 Lay Me''
with warwboop accompaniment. The enW
is said le-'to very soothing.
Widow Fay of Oregon has set up a cigar
mauulactory, and ber weeds are said to be
tbe best in the State.
It is reported that there ere seranty-five
counties In Texas in which there is- not a
single Sunday school.
An Illinois editor thus sarcastically speak.
of the marrlago or a professional brother in
Indiana: "He stepped' upon tbe bymenla1
platform, adjusted tbe fatal noose, and
swung oif Into tbat uosilent bourno whence
he can never return, save by tbe Iudianapo
lis connecting lines."
A guod story Is to d ot a Si. Louis nobby
dry goods clerk who attended a dance In the
rural district a few evenings since. He wore
a Cheviot shirt, aud put on a great many
airs. He was somewhat taken down, how
ever, when be overheard one country lass
say to another: "Tbat St. Louis chap sling,
ou a heap of style for a teller that wears a
budtick shirt."
Matlbla Fletcher of lows, the "queen o'
the Western platform," bas completed a
brilliant course ol KcUirfs lo Obis.
A Deskhtkd Town. A few days sgo tbe
editor of a Western paper visited Meadow
Lake City. This city was once one or tbe
most famous of the mining towns, ne went
up on snow-shoes and took a look at the
deserted aud snow-covered place. The
homes which were only ono story in height
were covered to their tools with snow. Tbe
two story bouses were surrounded with
snow to tbe second stery. Not a living be
lag was to be seen by blm. He was mon
arch of that sunwy desolation. Signs
swung In tbe cold wind, and just grazed in
their swing the surface or tbe snow. Prom
inent among tbe signs wss that of a brok
er's offloe.gjust opposite tbe old ball of tbe
Board of Brokers. The large bolel tbere
was yet liiroiahed, and beds and bedding re
mained there. Our friend, standing In bis
snow-Bboes, gazed into tbe hotel while be
stood on the snow surface, level with tbe
second story, and be saw clean linen on the
deserted beds. He wanted to take a rest In
the eomfortatile looking quarters, but tbere
was no fuel or lood Io sight, and be bad to
go down lower to a ditch tender's cabin to
get fire aud appease bis hunger. Many or
tbe houses have this winter been broken
down by tbe weight or snow on their roofs,
but many more remain just as tbey were
when their owners left. Tbe property des
erted is safe, as cold and snow bsve locked
all against the depredations vf burglars.
Meadow Lake is a a intor residence no
The S I C. does not seem to Interfere
much with operations in the vicinity or the
Sitrgcos and the Cook wells. Dan Ritz
farm, some eight or ten w tills are being start,
ed some are in process ol drilling and others
ars being prepared.
A well owned by Fred Andrews louatrd
on the eastern edge ot tbe Dan Ritz farm,
and near the centre, is down about to' the
boulder; be expec's to finish next wees.
Andrews, Bly fc Co. have another well In
tbe saud on Asbbaagb run about 20 rods be.
lew tbe old Hillings well, it flows every
time the toals are drawn, over tbe derriek.
The Ashmer A Pauley well en the Bluff
south of A. B. Jt Co., Is doing 60 barrels per
day, and Foggan's well about 20 reds west
of this is doing 65 barrels per day by actua1
measurement. South of these several new
wells nte bei g commenced on property o1
Yeibach & Co., or Warroo.
Grades are mado and lumber on tbe
ground for 4 or 6 new rigs on tbe gbnup
farm, upon which the Hess well Is located.
Emeintoo r'un.
On Mooday morning las', while Ibe hands
were drawing rods at Ibe Herald well, ewn
ed by & Bros., Bear Creek, ou Ibe
Irvin (arm, the boiler exploded, caused by
too high a pressure of steam, and shattered
engine bouse and other surroundings to
pieces Tbe workmen fortunately escaped
Mrs. Straup, an old lidy, wife of Jacob
Stroun, or Lawrenceburg, was severely
burned a lew days ayo. Sbe was cleaning
some clothes with beoz'ne and aip osch d
too neurtbe fire wlih the ioflamable maier
iai, and thus tbe accident occured. Oil
man's Journal.
--Mario and his new young wile, Lady
Harriet Beaufort, aie residing io Paris, and
Marie's daughters live with tbm.
Ij:m:uI ' it );.
S. M. Petlcnisill ate Co. :7
Park How, New Tork, and Geo. P. Howell A Co
Advertising Agents, are the sola agents foe the Pa,
iraleum Centre Iuilt Kccoao in that city. Ad.
vartiMra in that city are requested to leave their
f t vara with either of toe ahoro bnuaea
The Toor Book of Cherrytree Township
between the mouth of Tir Run and Pioo
eer. The finder will please band lo Thom
as MvUugb, i,t Petroleum Ceoire, aod
W. W. Lamb,
J. L. Forkkr,
Cherrytiee, March 29th 1S72.
march 30 3t.
Girl wanted to do geueral housework.
Enquire at
J. Wolf's Jewelry Store.
March 28-lf.
For Nale.
A desirable and paying business. In a good
location. Income from $1,200 to $1,500
per month. Terms moderate. For lull
particulars enquire at tbe Record office.
For Sale.
A desirable House located in the Lakfe
Shore Block. Water convenient. Is a de
sirable residence for a small family. Terms
exceedingly cheap. Enquire at tbe P. O
Newsroom. 19 if.
tyA lot of eld papers for sale at tbls
oniue. ti
Just received at Mease & Armstrong's
T'l'iiir and Feed Store, 1,800 bushels extra
WHITE OATS, wblcb will be sold at low.
t est cash prices 1 - cZS-tf.
OIL WELLS, patented Au,rn,-. 15. In, ,? '01
tlral y rreventa the Ingres or sir In oil , . "
tho thbmg U being drawn. III,. w,, L
to oil oporntors, that upon wells whw. On
are used It ia nocesa- y to nrcserva a. 1
fact vacuum as poaalble, aud that no . , J'," I
lot Into the well, at any time, worn it tt
he avoided; consequently, whenov. ,k. rM
drawn fr ru a w.ll It u the cause of nei in, 1
It, as the stuffing box, belnt than JL..L ''
ad, the sir Immwllately rushes back kc,J 1J
tublns and caslm?. Intn llin '4
rock and gas veins, and eoi aeqitently ,
oil sud gas to rush back to a great J1UM"
much so, tbat It almost alwaya takte
alter pumping la returned for a well to h. Km J
back to lis former condition, and ofieni,n, .. "p
several weeks; and quite frequently welt, h ,, 1
almost comp'et ly rtilnod by th. air belt,,, tu. J
In whl m ilrnw nw t,il.ln
to'.tha stnflln, box and works In such a wa, ,kT'
completely shuts up the space batww. .k. ... . ;
bos and tubing so effectually that not a nnit!"!
air can get through at any tlm. while th.
being drawn and replaced. It snppH,. m, '
felt, and Is, without question, one of the nu 7
Mtble Inventions of the day, to tho . ,. '
oil business. No well should be wltnoot II hi,,
ten times naves ten time, i.s cost by one. Bta.
gy It is mavinictnred at the FOUNDKr jw
OUTE, PA., aud for sale by Hardware I)L "
Tidioute, Pa., March i!8, 18T8 law 3m.
'J'mcapir, F,b. t u
MessrP." Andrews a fn -ntiru)u. n.,
used ono Of CA'I KS' UH'K ftl I Vi" 5
TOKH, I can cuDUMeiiily recuniniciid tliCNimei.',";
7 , , V, -y '- mum, as in.
so mall Hist it h iruly pntd lo ri.n It Afrer rr
en.... ... m .iii.iiu uu Wl n .1 Iff,
tiiL' on ono of i'a i Km'
VKNTilllS III., ir. ..In, ..... I " W'
paying well. Heiore we put the lUrk ttucii. V
vumor on me well, we lnrl,.hly had t0 .,"
well two weeks before we eou.d rettore li le iu i,
m1 P"!?".C, ,ni".;r inH ,' ' bit l
- u.i-1'i run rreveniftr-
Tmoara, Jan 3d, m
Mjssrs. Akdriws A Co. Il.iHni. Uun.
ttd th. utility of OATHS' HACK sn Ti,",.
PHKVKNTOK. we cnn.iiler tli.m ., . ( .1 .. .
useful inv.niinns efer made fur oil well., i,d .,
think w. arc caiulile of judging of thrni. hur
tbre. nu our well. We can no- d aw 1 bin,. i
w-ben they arerenlnced the well, unwind, rl.n .n.
a. b 'lor. drawing. Ilms slinu iiu. rn.r rim
efleciually prevents all Ingres. f
lou'S respectfully,
Ulcus t DtGsn.
Jlssne Andrew A Co (iMTm-Thi. u
certify that I havo used one of 1 'ATEv BACK Srt
TIO.H rMEVKN"FOtt. un the l ee III hliat
lse Lcoiioinu. Hill, and would not do ii ui
It at any pru-o. as It will do all and mois tbn ill"
r:nmliien,led to do. nd I ejin chM.rfnUv rmim.
menu 11 to all Oil Curator, who have auy flatk St:
... Jons Mna.
Tidioi'le, Fe'r 'J, ir;i:ta-.v 3m.
ED. ItEconn: Pler.o announce II. E WW
of Cornplnuler 'I'owniililp, as a cnndldsteforli'U'
ly t oniiijimioupr, uit,?rt to llie iwl'im 01 of m
uuhltcuu party at tbe primary eh'ctimi.
J. HAHillT. of Hlrasort-.nllc.'T'.', !' Cki
or I'umiHinv 111th Cenn a m. m. ion,,"
will h 11 i-nnrlliletA r.ii tlm ntllre nl PmlhOnal,
of Vi nsnxo coiiqiy. Stibject to the tHinta of U
nepunilcati jmicy, at ttlu primary eiKuun-
F. w. ltASTIVfiS. nr rmnklln. Is a Blrfim
for thn nttlro i.f lWirliiiiin(nrv uf Vt'llsrCO Cone).
subject 10 H e deciaiou of tbe henublliwm puili"
p.iiuary eiocttoa.
Ulr. VnirrinPlAn.n niinonnra til. nSSIS
SA TEL RKYNol.DS, if Petroleum Ceutrf.s"
candid'.lu for lb()lllcenf Hrothoiioisr' of i''
co County, at the ensulna Kepuoliean
election We believe M r. It. would ""
with entire sotislaclio., to all.
jnanj i.p
CosNPiANTSn March
EniTon Daut Hrliibii Von will P',K":
noimce that JAM ES W. SHAM' will ho
dato fo retiominatlon fur tbe office of Her""'"
Kecorder at the unsuiUL' Itemiblican momij
Ion. r
Mr. Pbaw was a nrlvat. in the Army." ' .,
Ir,n and lost his right arm in our own ' ,
baltlo of (ie Ivsburx He Is tkmprtent, mwp"
oblltinK, and baa given enllr., sattsfartioB '
hii.lnes. pnliKc as an officer. Tberef,roli,1'.
disabled In the service or our coiiniry. " "
well qunlilled for he position, and havlns we (
deiicunrtliehuslness public and coaimninr
arsre as an oftlcer. his re nomination 1 win
at our Primary Election ou ihe nJ ,.,rTn
next Vntimo "c"'
Just from New York
To tbe Citizens of Petrol
Centre and vicinity.
I have just received tbe largest stock
. ... w-
a -ill
Now In tbe Oil Country, and t
.llnh..n.r Ih.n anV Other DISB
I ask yon to call and see before p" j (,
Ing elsewhere, as It Is lor your I w j
doing this. Don't be led astray, " (
examine my stock beroregoiuB
place. I bave the
- .. oipncu' OF HATS
a l.iah in the OH.
Also, the finest stock of
Gents' FurnisWng Good
is tbe BOttBy-goE1"'