The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, April 01, 1872, Image 2

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(SoCMuen to MeFartaod, Smith A Oo.JT
Merchant Tailors!
Gents Furnishing Woods,
Hew rat ia eae.of th flrat assortments of J
Itm offered la tbs 0 Btglon.
Ah lit Latest and Nobbiest Styles.
. 1 FUU.LIM OF .
Gents' Ibrniabing Goods, &c.
etroleum Centre Daily Record
Pat. ventre Pa Monday April 1
Utvlne Service.
Servient ever; Sabbath at 11 A. M. and
t'i P. M. Sabbath School at 12M P. M.
all fre. A cordial invitation extend'
d to all.
Riv. P. W. ScortELD, Pastor.
Preaching at 11 o'clock A. M., and 1
e ciock r. m
D. PATTON, Pastor.
Petrolentm Centre Lodge-, No
Tiff. I. O. of U. F.
Regular meeting nlgbti Friday, at 7
u i'iuck. Diguvu.
W. A. KrUKR. A. Sen'v.
gVPlace of meeting, Main SI.,' opposite
a. o. of r. v.
t.itwty Lodge No. 7, A. O. of U. W.,
mw every Monday evening at 7 o'clock,
In Odd Fellow't Hall, Petroleum Centre,
A. Glkx, M. W.
8. II. Kooiert, R. .
'Uold at 1 p. m. 110
OH producer, refiners and people inter
'ested are respectively requested to attend a
um treeting at OH City, Weduuday,
April, 3d, at Love'i Academy of Miulc, at
10 o'clock a. m. tolieartbe report of gtbe
Committee oa Legislation, Transportation
Railroad and Finance; also other import
aat bullae.
'-. F. W. MiTcnsix,
Chairman general Committee.
u p Beoueuoff Kua Aar ID uioutb Of
Tarr Run, w are informed, there resides a
family named Brosser, consisting of tbe la.
tlier, mother and five children, who are la
extremely destitute eircuavitances, and
alaud greatly in need of help. Mr. B. serv
I'd in tbe UbIoo army, and wall' there con
tracted a lung complaint and ia new in the
laal atages ol that fell disease, consumption'
The mother, a very delicate woman, has
supported Ibe entire family for neatly nine
months past, by taking in washing. Tbe
poor matter of Cberrytree township, ba's
aided them as far a tbe law allows, but
.tbey need asore help to make them comfort
able. We hope our charitably Inclined eitl
a will visit Ibi really deserving family
and aid them liberally in their bour of dis
tress. .. .. V
The refiueries at Tilusville and Oil CityJ
commence active operations to-day. At
this point tbey have been running for ur
. eral days Now that tbe hack of the wick
ed monopoly is broken, is tbe time for capi
talists to build new refineries, and we know
of no better point than Petroleum Cenli
tr lefiulng purposes. All tbe refining of
crude ull should be done ia tb reglou. Let
capitalists consider tbe subject, "strike
while tUe-iroo is bot," and we shall witness
a new era of prosperity on Oil Creek.
Tb Ice went out.of Oil Creek, yesterday,
without d'dug aoy damage, except taking
out eonalderable lumber and drift wood and
a fw oil barrels. To ij tbe Creek is more
ilia booming. ;
QusV n Victoria is worth in, 000,0,00.
J1 ho South Improvement Com
pany Before the Congreailonal
Last night we received the following dis
patch from Mr.Minor:
Washington-, March 30, 1872.
Kditor KKconn: The Oil Committee
and officers of tb South Improvement Com
pany are face to lace before the Conareainn-
al Committee. The investigation ia exceed-
ly thorough. g. Minor,
of the Committoe.
The Southern Improvement Company, a
corporation created by an aot of the Legis
lature, and, therefore, likely to involve some
olever scheme to enrich its corporators, is
creating an immense excitement in the oil
regions. It objects are stated to bo "the
ruin of producers of petroleum, to enforce a
reduction in prices, and te enrich its mem
bers," who are mostly capitalists and rail
way officials. The petroleum interest is-one
of the largest and most important in Penn
sylvania, and it Is to be regretted that the
Legislature instead ol protecting has put it
in the power of unscrupulous men. Tbe oil
men, however, appear to be confident of sn
ultimate triumph over the monopolists, and
having ample facilities for torch-light pre
cession etc., are holding immense mass
meetings and kindling enthusiasm loan in
definite height. Forney's Press.
Mr. E. G. Pattersou telegraped Saturday
afternoon that the contract of tbe Soath Im
provement Company with the railroads bad
been cancelled.
A well, west of Martinsburg about of
a mile, will be tested this week; this well is
on tbe extreme western belt being a line
of 32 West of Son th taking tbe bearing
from the best wells on tbe Dutches and Black
Several new wells will soon be commenced
on tbe James Say Farm, immediately south
of tbe Sbakely.
There are some six or eight wells In pro
gress en the line between tbe developments
on the Wilt and Hutchinson farms and tbe
Sbakely well, which is doing SO barrels per
day. Emleton Sun.
Night watchman Peter Kinney, of this
town, has proven himself a trustworthy and
efficient guardian of property along tbe
street. He has aew been on duty fur five
years, snd during that time has not been off
duty over two weeks, and that was occa
sioned by sickness of himself or some mem
ber of bis family. Soma have asserted that
tbat Mr. K. "slept at bis post," &. Wo
have not lallid of meeting him every night,
no matter bow severe tbe weather might be
for nearly three years, and many others will
bear us out in this assertion. There a'e few
watchman who can show a better record
than this, and we think be is eminently de
serving tbe thanks of tbe business men and
property owners of tbe tbe town for tbe
faithful manner in which be baa performed
bisduty. Nnff ced.
Road Commissioner McIIugh has a gsng
of men at work cleaning out the winter's
accumulation of dirt and filtb from the gut
ters along tbe street. Decidedly a good
Mr. Dobbs, of rise tirin of Dobbs & Me,
Coliam, book agents ot Titusville, is in
town to-day, delivering to subscribers Ibe
"Life ol James Fisk." We acknowledge
tbe reoeipt of a copy of the work. It is
fell written, very entertaining, and w
advise our citizens to secure a copy by all
means.N 1
On Fridsy last, tbe Committee cf tbe
United Slates House of Representatives
commenced tie examination of witnesses in
tbe Southern Improvement conspiracy. Tbe
revelations made expose one of tbe most
gigantic and villainous schemes of robbery
ever attempted to be perpetrated on any
people. Hanging is to good for tbe vil
lains. Tbey ougnt to be gently dropped
Into a 200-barrel tank filled with paraffin
or B. S. oil.
For an April Fool sell tbat Titusville land
Slide, publisaed In tbe Titusville Cearier Of
this morning, is pretty good. What alright
Peter Jones must have bad.
Hard L . Tlie general response a fel
low gets now a days when b presents a bill
for services Tendered is, "Hard Up." Tbe
truth is tbe ceurrtry is miserably poor.
Farmers have little to sell, and tbe South
Improvement Company swindle, has dried
up tbe oil trade on which Ibis country most
ly relies for lubricating tbe channels of
trade. That's what muke money scarce
Men must buy on credit or net buy at all,
and though ever so honest snnot pay when
calledjupon.gTbis state of tbiogs caaaot last
much longer. Sprlog will socn opeo; oil
will soon move, and we shall jog along after
tbe old fashion. In tbe mean time, bow
ever, It goes terribly tough with men who
are carrying on any kind of business, and
those who can pay should b all lh more
prompt. Corry Republican.
Cteils have superseded monograms.
Victor Comptete-Itepenl of
the fttoath Improvement SChar
tcr. .
Mr McJunkla's bill repealing the charter
of tbe tsouth Improvement Company, passed
both house yesteiday, and by ISIt time is
a law. This of course annuls the contracts
of tbe S. L Co., with tbe railroads, and rids
us entirely of tbe monopoly tfiat so serious
ly threatened ns.
Having broken up Ibis company, our
general business throughout tbe Oil Region
will be again resumed. The refineries of
the OH Regien, amply protected and favor
ed, will all go ia active operation during
tbe coming week. Therejs ample demand
or o II. and we can safely predict the usual
(activity in tbe oil busineps during tbe com
ing month. For tbe success met with in
destroying tbe power of tbe South Improve
ment Company, the people of the Oil Region
are largely. Indebted to Tbos. A. Scott, 0
tbe Pennsylvania Railroad. Unless with
bis assent, no action on tbe same by Ibe
railroad companies could have been effected.
His iofiuence with tbe Pennsylvania Legis
lature bss also been very beneficial to us in
this matter. The Pennsylvania Railroad
Company is a monopoly tbat we would glad
ly see dispensed with, yet its powers have
ever been exercised to faver Pennsylvania
interests, and to Tbos. A. Scott is due cred
it for so materially in tbe development of
the mineral.and other resources of eur great
Commonwealth. We are willing to give
tbe devil bis due.
Tbe pepple cf tbe OH Region have made
a coble figbt for their just rights, and tbe
victory for them is complete. Tbey can
well afford to be geneioua and just lo their
future course. The ruin of tb reflnlog In
terest of Cleveland, formerly cur best cus
tomers, seems to us inevitable. Tbat inter
est, by tbe effort to place our people at the
mercy of a monopoly, have over reached
themselves. Tbey have also forfeited all
consideration at tbe hands ol tbe people ol
this section. Producers will bardlv care to
ell oil to them hereafter, while tbe trade of
tbat place as fares refining is concerned,
wiM, unless some satisfactory compromise ia
made, be directed to other place.
Tbe final result of this whole affair will
be to transfer tbe great bulk ef tbe refining
interest to tbe Oil Region, tbe proper place
for refining to be done. For this tbe Cleve
land refiners by eatsriug Into an unjust al
liance, in tbe highest degree prejudicial to
tbe interests of tbe people of the Oil Region,
have only themselves lo blam-. Tbey w!li
have to bear tbe consequences of tbeir ac
tion as best tbey may.
There bei g no further obstacle to our
prosperous future, shull expect every
branch ol business to be re-iune.), and that
a just reward sholl be hail for each aod
every interest of our country. Tbe victory
of ttis peojle of tbeOil Region bas been so
complete. Ibat tbey cn afford to be gener
ous as well as just, and will cordially wel
come tbe removal of Ibe Cleveland rerinerles
to the Oil Region-, where the proper local
ity for the refining will be in all' future
time. Oil City Register.
Tbe long-expected companion to "Ten
Xigbts in a Bar Room" is nearly ready, and
will shortly appear. The popularity and
great usefulness of this standard temperance
book Is evinced by tbe immense sties that
have been made, much greater, it is be
lieved thsn that of aoy book of Its class
ever published. Who lias not read Ibis re
markable book, so truo lo nature, so intense
Id affect, and so terrible in its moral, and
who tbat has read It has not wished for a
companion. To satisfy this widely express
ed desire, tbe aulbor bas undertaken and
just completed a new vrlume, tbat unmasks
tbe liquor-Belter and bis accursed traffic io
a way to startle and arouse the , public.
Tbe new book io entitled ''Three Years In
a Man Trap." It gives an inside view ol
tbe liquor trade, and portrays tbe terrible
affects of tbat traffio in a series of Ufa pic
tures, full of tbe iotensost interest, with tbe
skill and fidelity to nature, so eminently
characteristic of tbe author. Tbe book can.
not fail to make a strong impression, and,
as a new auxiliary In tbe oause of temper
ance, wlll'kave a wide and powerful Influ
ence. Nothing could be more timely than
it appearanoe now. We learn by tbe pub
lishers' ciroulat, that It is to be sold exclu
sively by agents, and as it is a good oppor
tunity to sioure a book which will sell easily
aod at the same time do a vast amennt of
god, we advise any one seeking profitable
employment te apply to tbe publishers,
J. M. Stoddart & Co., No. 733 Sansom
Street, Philadelphia, for an agency, and
enter into this work of moral colporteurage
at once.
Japanese Tommy burned bis fingers with
a Philadelphia type mould. ,
A paper says the late Mr. Dickens is to be
Cheap out-ofjdoor breakfast a roll oa tb
Ssm wag get tb's orf; Purp dual motion
a dng'a tail.
Bottles Full or Bbauty. Ladle, If
you would have beauty by the botlle-tull
alt you bav to do is to purchase Hagan's
Magnolia Balm. , That peerless beaullllei of
tbe complexion not on ly brighten natural
charms, but renders even the plainest
countenance exceedingly attractive. It re
call to the palid cheek tbe rosy tinge of
health, removes pimples, blotches, rough
ness, sallowness aod other blemishes, im
parls lo tbe skin a most delicate fairness
nd softness. It smoothes the furrows caus
ed by lime or eare, and gives face, neck and
arms the plump aud engaging appearance ui
youthful beauty. All Ibieis accomplished
by tbe most natural means, vis: by gently
and naturally Btlmuiatlng the circulation lu
tbe capillary blood ves els. Besides being
tbe most tiles' ual aid to beauty known to
modern science.
A Touluasa priest has published a book,
in wbicb be tells us that "the world will
come to an eod io tbe year 1921, seven
mouths, thirteen days, three minute, thirty
one second, plus thirteen times the seven
teentb part of a aecend, aftor tbe creation of
Adam, wbicb means ia the month of July,
thirteenth day, al three minutes, thirty-one
aud thirteen-seventeentbs ol a secoad past
7 o'clock in tbe morning of the year 1821 ol
the Christian era." Now, if you are dot
ready on the very dot you can blam nobody
but yourself.
At a Parisiau sale of rare book aod menu,
icripts lately, one ot the article seld was a
fourteenth century, illuminated, Gothic
edition of the Bible, with gold clasps, set
with turquoises and bound la human skin.
Ttiare- is it is said, but one other aufr bind
ing in existeuc that of a copy ol tb well
known 'Imitation of Christ," now in tb
Carmelite Library at Pari.
All Fools Day.
Of course tells" are in
Tbe Maiue people ar telling great stories
about their saow blockade. No such drifts
have before been seen ia tbat State lor elev-
i eu yeais. The European and North Amen-
can Railroad Company suffered more than
anybody else, perhaps, for tbeir trains bave
been unable lo get through lor ten days, and
and some of their passengers have suffered
great inconvenience by tbe delay. Tbeir
loss Is estimated at $25,000. The road'
leading to Woodstock aod St. Stephens have
been closed since tbe 7th Intl., as have also
been the avenues to Calais and Fredericton
It is hoped that communication will be re
opened to St. John next veek.-
A corps of engineers are now engaged in
locating tbe route for a railroad down the
west side of tbe Allegheny river from Oi
City to Patker, and possibly to Pittsburgh,
passing through tbe large coal fields ol But
ler county.
No, I thank vo'J.We acknowledge the
receipt of a little pamphlet, devoted to puff
of ''Danforth's Non-Explosive Fluid
Danfortb says it "bas become a household
word." We believe yon, my boy. The
number of households tbat bave been bnrned
to death by Its non-explosive explosions, be
does not enumerate. We won't take any, If
you please.
Wby is a poor doctor like mole! Because
you can track him by bis' boles in tbe
Whether eld age is lo be respected, de
pend s very much ea whether it applies to
men or poultry. Aitl;N.
f. JU. Pettcnglll &- Co. :T
fark Row, New Totk, and Oeo. P. Kowetl Co
Advertising Agents, are the sols agents for the Pe,
irolcum Centre DaiLT Keoobd in that dty. Ad'
vei Users In that city are requested to leave tbeir
avors with nliher of tne above houses
Tbo Poor Book of Cberrytree Township,
between the mouth of Tarr Run and Pion
eer. The Under will please hand lo Thorn
as Mollugh, of Petroleum Centre, and
W. W. Lab,
Cberryttee, March 29 .'h i 072.
march 30-31,
Girl wanted lo do general housework,
Enquire at
J. Woi.r's Jewelry Store.
March 28-tf.
For Nule
A desirable and paying business, lo a good
location. Inenme from $1,200 to $1,600
per month. Term moderate. For lull
particular enquire at the Record office..
For Sale.
A desirable House located in the Lake
Shore Block. Water convenient. Is a de
sirable residence for a small family. Term
exceedingly cheap. Enquire at the P. O,
Newsroom. , Iltf.
fvJA lot of eld papers for sale
al this
Just received at Mease at Armstrong's
flour and reed Store, l.auo ousbeia extra
WHITS OATS, which will bo sold at low.
it cash pt Ices t 029-tf,
Another ValnabiiTir
1 Kills
OIL WELLH, patented Angimt is. ,.".'1
Hrely rrerents tbe inzre-a of air In oil w,ib J
tlie tablng l being drown. It Is a well ktm j
to oil operator-., that upon wejls where u.i w
are used It Is nocesat. y to prowrve net,? J
feet vacuum as possible, and tint no air ZJl
ici una tne wen, at any time, whm II ut '
Iw avoided : cnn-emlptitlv u t.nn '1
drawn fr m a well It la I he caiue of rtrtiii.,
I, mm fl. al.ifll Iw.v k. I W'
.., ... - n , .u, mon necoKiiirllj ,.
ed, the air Immediately rushes Imck henna''
tubing and curing, Into tbo well going Uito !i,
rock and gas veins, aud coi scqueutly C1M11
oil and gas to rurb back to' a great d
much so, tbat it almost always takes iM,r, J
iter punipiug iveumea lor a well to lie brJ
back to Its farmer condition, and oflentimmtll
several weeks; aud quite frequently wens tut. JI
""-w' m.,.-o...j iiimra uj me air Delng thsi
In while drawing tubing
. L. . ..t 1 . . 4
w uie eiuuuig w anu wuras ,n SUCH a Way
completely shuts up the space between tbe m;
inn ana iiioitg so effectually ttmt not a p.nid,,
air cau get through at any time while tie tbin
being drawn and replaced. It supplies wu
felt, and Is, without question, one of tbe mu
mble Inventions of the dny, to tho'e etig geili J
on Business, no well saunid oe without it, T.
ten times savea ten limes l.s cost by once win
CJT It is manufactured at tbo FOUNbkT A' l
jnAi m.n, oiiur oi aruk Bvvis & Co, TIT
uu I K, I'., ana tor tale hy Hardware Dealm.
. Ttdloute, !', March SS, law Sm.
TnimrTt Feb. 8, m
Wissas. Akhhiws A To tlaan.n--n.d.
nsedoueof CA I'Kft' BCK St'i'l'io.N pm jy
run:", I cun cunum-iiuy recoilimenu Ui-tuafroi
who bave oceii-ion to uae ilie tame, as ih M h,',
veator of Unci Suction on Oil V ells, OuiiH, J
so email inm u ntiruiy pum in run u. Attn r.
tni! on one of t!A'l EV DAI K SUtTluX hi
paying well. Before we put Hie Baric suction V
ventor on the well, we invariably hud to punt
well two wks before we eiiiiid reitoreit torn'
mer production alter drawinc 'I hi u t
tlrcly obviated by tbe use of the 1'reventer.
jiast, rsitKIM A ft.
'J'nivura, Jin 3d, IS!
Mnsas. Asnswj A Co. -llsvlrc thnrwr
tetert the utllltv of OATKS' BACS MTTk'
l'KKVEN TOIt, we ciiiibUfi' them out of the .
useful Inventions ever made for oil wells snd
think e are callable of lllduiri; of thm. hit
Ihtee on our wells We can now d aw t biog. t:
wbPa they are replaced the wellipnidscethe m
a n.-iere arnwinvr. inns snowing nist tbe i-RffC,
effectually prevents all Inrm-as of air.
sours icepevutliir,
Bacon t Rum.
Ms.srs Akdrrws A t'f. (1i"iTs:-Tbl It
n-rttty that I have used one ol' i 'ATK v BAt K Jri
TIOM el!KVfc.NTOU, vn the Lee 4 ill Kit:
Lcae. hcoiiomile Hill, ana wmtid not do wit!"
it at anv once, as it will do all Mid more tbnnil
recommended lo do. nd 1 cna cheerfully rfcot-
mend It to all Oil C'peratun who have to; Met:.
lion Weils.
Tours, &c ,
Jons 5IT1M.
TiCloKte, Fch'v U. Inw Hm.
KI. Kecoud: l'lease annonnre II B. HIX''
nf r.,.n,,l.l,l0rTnU'll.l,ln ... a rHndillltC for i'r-
ty t'ocnii.lssloiier, subject to the iMga of lhl
puniicau party at iuc priinnry 'jj1- V0TRS
J. J.
HAIOiHT, of Plcasantvilic, Pi-, lte ('
nnany "It," llllb Penn a Vet. Vol Intel"-
nf I . mnaliv
will ' jil candidate for the office of Pm'bnMW
of Venanini cnniy. subject lo the o'il-m
Hi.ntinilrHn tmrtv. at tin. nrimarv eleCtiuD-
P. W. nASTIWS, of frnnhlln. Is a can!"'!
fnrlbeofflceof Prntl aterr of Vrliarso C!; I
subject tu ire deci-iou of the Kcjmbl liuan panj, t
p .luarj" eiwiiun.
Mr. KniToe Plenw annomva ths W'
SA' TEI, HKVNOI.DS, f reirolenni leMp.s"1
Ciindlil-tn for theOfHceef Pnuhonoisrns "
eoConnly. t the ensulnu Kebh '""J.
eler-iion We lielli-vo Mr. It. would III " '!
with entire satlalacliou to all. .
Ton sriiMTFR Nsrch S.H W
P.nrTOR Damt Kki-rd Vou will pl'j "VJ
non., W. SHAW will he i
date fo- re-nomlnllon for the "'Hire Of "l1"'Bl,
Kecorder at the eurutug KepubliOan I rlniMJ
tioo- ..v. ri
Mr. Shaw was a private In the Army ofi m 1
inn and lost his riirlit arm In oirr on
haitlo lf tie tvsburK Ho is cmpetent. prerP' f(
oblliilni!, and lias Riv.n entire sulislact Inn
business nubKc as an offleer. Thercf'"1' f DC
disabled In theservlcoof our conniry, w
well qualified for 'he position, aod having in'
dunce of the Imslness public nnu com ; " j
arise as an officer, bis re nomination lliw"'
at onr Primary Election on the ""J ?!
next V CTJni '" -
Just fromNew York
To tlie Citizens of Petrol
Centre and vicinity.
I have just received tbe largest Hoc '
Now In tbe Oil Country, ana
soli sbunsr than anV Other m "
I ask yon lo call aod see ,,011Ci
Ing elsewhere, ai It I lor your I b 4
doing this. Don't be led astray. l',l'lTf
examine my itock netoregoiua
place. I bave tbe
t- . nrxon cpnrit OF HATS
Ever before offered In tbe ll c
Cents' Furnisliins
la tb ooaouj.ovt,t.