i I 4$ DAILY jjOL VI-NO 55 PETROLEUM CENTRE PA. WEDNESDAY EVENfriG MARC J 20 1872 25CTS WKEKLy pBte T3 TP .PARTI -tro prTPMI.iVrTM HRVTHK PAIL? REICOR I) PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING, 'Sundays ex(wptd. ) CHAS.fcC. WICKER, Editor. J TKHHIS.a rev payable Id advauce, t I8 00 75 m moniBf rBICE-LIT Or ADVERTISING. (Tea lines of nonareH make one eqnare.) So. Inwrlii'ti. 1 HI- I Jo 1 (: 1 51 V eq. 1 50, a mi t Ml 8 )' 3 50 6 Ik), 8 110 ll (10! w mi: 15 00! 7 (XI' H IK), 48 Uu S.ij. SI () 8 Ml 3 nu 8 50 4 M 1 5l 10 Oil 12 ll IS (10 14 ll 80 IM) 5 00 H (A) 0n Jay, l 61) 5 5r 8 SO 8 0 8 5 I I (f ll) (I" l (ll an on ,40 III ;o (Hi no no loo oo Tw o day ftree dJ II 00 S -A', So WVo weeks, Ifhree weeks, 4 Ml mil 7 ( To momnp, S.rae ronuuts, Hrr nwntus,) fcfear, Id mi! 14 m St On a ' 88 (I0 Special notices 20 cent, per line, each Insertion. AdTertuemonU payable quarterly iu auvuiico )n. L. H. Ac J, II. CilltlSTlE Physicians anil Surgeons, PETROLEUM CENTRE -PA. oct. 13-tf. .DU.J, H. HE1VLY, SURGEON DENTIST, pethoLeum centre, pa;,' Successor to'McAlplne & Porter. OIBct cnrncr f Wsshlnitttm and Second- streets. 'm h. foand at office (Uv and niht Special at vniinii uiven to the troiittn"iit o! ,i,i"iel twin, tblorofiiim. Killer, Hn and Loe.il Anaesthetics utaiiiuterea when rctiitrd (Late of Petrolenm Centre.) ISPs 22S1DENT STJRGEONJDENTIST, tin administered. Office open now. Rhoinrd'i Dry Ooodr(!tore" K0CSEV1LLB, Va. Janl 72 tl H. Wilbert IS now frormr, d tn execute RKICK AN1 MA- WOUK IN AM, ITS lilUNCULS.and i, ' l",v" wH'sfaction. Jk EKING don to order. BHIOK CIlfM Sltobnlii. ai,,,, niilCK and LIME ron.tant I J on nii4 ami for sale. K dnce on Kcbert Farm. Poat Office Mitmt Ku oleum Cemre.Fa. f in-me a call. lm aov3-Hin. W. W.VJOIIASTO, ATTORNEY AT LAW, pbtroleum:centrk, PA. J'2jJJnfllinstn Hxeet, opposite (.Ewj. fBey- BUMIA9I ft V.THXi:, MT0RS E YS 4 COU NSE LOUS-AT LAW, 0a."p!?h 8troot' Pranklta, and Petroleum Cen- Mavtn-tf ATTENTION OPERATORS sve your Oil ! Control your Ga3 ! and Secure your Workmen W1',"I?!W,"11A I'ABLB INVENTION " Mr. A ictor oretter, known as tho jjlffil) BASJOSTEOLLER. and coniructora to the fuel thai we have F'hael n,e mRi,t and Tl Wiu and loi iiiolabuvu Much ne, WLUNa "hem101 "I'A'fUU PEIUoDs or by caution all Purtie Wtart nuhiiifi,,., ... """ neingtiiera without onr Iloti lR and Itcstaurnni. J'CKAl'llIOlSli, in'uhinctnii atreet, Petroleum Ccr.tr, Pa.J OilAKLES M; BLACKVON, 1 'k.HinoB. Thin IIimim is centrally located, -u tbe Veneral ' bcadquarieri of oil nicn. J rctroieum Centre, Pa., May 19, itxwtf. VfcCLINTUC'K UOVHl, & a. . rBTROLKUM CKNTKE.JPA. Z:!Z 1 -!! popnlat Hotel, altuatedl Corner or Main ic Waahlnirton.siii., Nearthe Dein'., hs heon rellttpd and rrrnlslied throughout, and the proprietor wi.I apiu-o u liairn to make It a " FIRST-CLASS TTOTT3F. oert tf. J?1o p nui!imnr, Proprietor. QENTUAL. HOUSE, '' PETKOLBUM CEXTKB. PA.. AM:lTXCA.;iIIOL'SE, oii4;ciTy, paj: Near'Oil Creek ft Allegheny ltiver Rallwny Depot may If. o. .1 CROSS. Prnn'r C8TY HOTEL A.D JliESTllKAST, sprint; Ktrcef. T1TUSVILLE, PA. Thai. Goodwin, I'rop'r. Thla Hotel li dentrally located The be.t of ac conimodatiom afforded to cuifils transient oi per manent. Every delicacy rf the Pcnuu constantly on hand 80MET11ING NEW The proprietor twa the Tery beat facilities in the country fur 8TEAM INO OXTEHS. TilusvUle, Die 80, 1S71 tl. LAGER BEER SALOON ! a ltd icv Ifystf ' irHis. ; lluvlni! purchased tti,i s.iionn, NEXT POO't to SIMMi' DKlUt STd.ti:, I ioirt'iiliy H,.!iclt a .Inn of Hltroliatfe. My 'o.,iiiH w 11 ho kejn rool and pleaiaui, ami inv lr:,'i,l- wi;l m nil times 11 u J KRKSIl I,A(;Kll rhi the brewrrv an l iilwuv cnol. Yim can n'wi'i I'lld lb - aiovo arlle e, with I.KM ON A lK. NATIVE W'tSKS. htlOT HHKlf, ni frurll mule bANiJ U' 101 IKS. by alliiiv-oii ine t9 I lineal-, .nt.du ia I.AI)IK- rOYSTFR ItlxlW, where orati':-, will ho Kin'id n;i iiijjiny i le uvuirtu. i'riville eniiKiu'ft I o n A. S. S.IIlTff, Next door to p'tnHnon' fcicvo. OctSll-tf, Dealer tn "Wmes& Liquor Sejars and Tobaec. SAMPLE ROOil ATTACHED, eiprillg-ot., T I T I" S V I li fj E PA DIUBUTLY OPPOSITE 'IK PAKMIA1.L OI'EKA UOUSB. K. rTnERI,AN, As-lhtant. TltiHTllle. Ni'Vtllh, lsll. tf. ipera se IiOiiU J. Voucher, I'rop'r, rt.,i.r ik ftnera Hi, ue. Petroleum t'elltre. Pa. FKI'SH i,A? H received daily anu rmietanilj on ti-i afirH AIVi c..andtlia flnest liianus of CI- ARH e..'."untly on h.ml Wy friei.a, and tut ,Tr""'"T TOricn Smith's Hotels sinl ISvctanantii p.: FreoiOniiilbiiRtolHiidrronrall TraliiR niLLIARDANDDATIl BOOMS ;C0N- NECTED WITII 170TEL. EnovlB tf. V-Vf- STAATSProp-r' The Oldest i:sta(M$iicd Li quor Store on oil Creek. OWEN GAFFNEY, PRPP'R, PIJEE Wines & Liquors, The Best Importations. Whips, ir.tnili5.; Hum. WiiisUIes, FGR FAMILY AND MEDICINAL PUR I'OSES. I would call parflculur altonlloD to my I!iasi('s i" Vin.s which are jrenulno Importuliono, and cm-. Iirnci' Hie eutito list ever ke f I iu A u ( MutUeln. Ales and Porter I5nn A- Co' IinporTfd Ale. Ill lfol0 ami 'ok Diii.i, Itl ei: iii'a Imiiut t itl A to ill Uull !', 4.lliiiro.4 l!rou naioiu' A: jt,oiitlon for cr, i.c OSCARS, OSCARS THE FINEST r.lANDS OK DOMESTIC ANU HAVANA CIUAlifc.; Xo. -- vVa!a!i!:tni-.t., 1E MiOi.Kl .U CKA'MIK. I A. JSMM k CO. ! 'ritHNvdle, I'a. 02 0 NEW A NO LTAUT1FUL I lU'VLKS OF fe end Jee!ry, ( meric:ill, F.vi: Uliand Swids niAke.) StciiiEg Silver "Wars. ixlriT Plated Were, Of nil pri.lt'-, iiniiiui' ilfsiun, tn sil,. Vr-ll, cJ!eclaily adnutuu lot pl'col,U OI.IU COLD CI1A1XS, JKUULV, PIM'OI.".. ltKVli!.VII, i- ISIIlSi; TACKLE, ' SKA i, H1XCIM A-e.. ,c. PatVfcnliir iittention yiven io repair ilia flue watcher uiid jewelry liy a comperenl w,lrkinft!l. Tn tlrm have tileo a etoro nt TI TUS VI U.E, Sprini! atreel. KEMKMBEK TUB PI, ATP, Sprini; HtreeT. i,i-nrly nop. the Ameri can Hotel, Titu.-vil!e, Pa. o -p c3 r- r-l H to rf Felralsn Centra Meat Market ! (Jeo. lihvr, .Jr., Next onr lo the Rochester House, denier In Fresh nu "sit MKAT ,fjiuau mhaii", I'OCLTKY, , BtJCariuers bavlnff f 't CntilH will do well to 1t me , a .-.all. A tliu.e ul ihe public .pattonaea ' ol.Wt;d.i2 j P.tr.lcuu, Cr.. Oct. i'ml W ,?I-Uiid jr. jpgt vNj fefeW Valley V' xffl Holland ryrS FINANCIAL. iE. II. IS I f E li I A", JO., R IT III E ES, PKTItOLKUiU 4 EN Iltt, JPA. G. II. Iiiascll, 11. C. Jlartl Christopher Meyer' We offer our aemcea for the 'ransncilnn of a 0KNEHAL BANKINU, KXtUAMjE and Coh I E';TION BUSINESS Any liiln-Mi ep.traetcd to our care will recelTe pn-nijit atteniion THE j CrriZEN'S BANK AND TITl'SVIIi E,iPA. OFFICERS : VVM. II. AnitOTf, . . PreliVnt I. 0. JACKSON, - . Caaliter. . DlltECTOHS:' WM. II. ABBOTT, OEO.-K.fANnHHSON P. W. AMKK, y. wT ANDHKWS. I D.U. CAUY, I.YMAN STEWAUT CT. 0. JACKSON. Tills Bank Is ortrnnlxed on the partnership prin ciple, esrhlT'tork'-old ibeinc indivldnailv Uuble to the FULL EXTEN T OF HIS PltOPEKTY-ias SIX PEll CENT. Interest allowed on time deposits inavlre'sjBank Oeparttncm, special faciiilies being ollered t 8MAI.I. DKPOS1TOBS. ' 6 ooVEUNMKNT SECURITIES of all kindeafor sale. Disconnta mad and a General Banking Bnslneaa trineactcd. The Safe Deposit Departni't FOB THE SAFE KEEPING OF VALi. UABLES, Is now open tothennlille. for the R FNTTNG C SAFES in the BriiGLAK PHOOF VAULTS leM.lt WU' . I". .-1 ... ism r: ;as pump New rand Improved . Gas Pump! THEIiBEST YET! AT ffieo. W, Winsor The Exclusiv Agents-' for the entire Oil Kegion. Locomotive Cyllnder-i:! In. The COWEVG OAS PIMP.! las been Iborouphl.v tried and found to.be the bestyr u;M'ufaclured. A LIBERAL PISOoCNT .MADE TO DEALERS. ZVTSen itjltt Overcoali at ALDEN'S. fa.ii.nii'-.,,-r.'.tc3 m:mm MORRIS, TASKER & CO.'S TUBING. iC Morris, Tasker & Co. Philadelphia. Brancih Store io. 'is J)!amond Sreet, TITlSVlLLE pi. JlAaM'FACTUUEHS.OP OIL-WELL TUBING AND CASING t Gil Well Supplies, Fitting and To6Is, SCREWING MACHINES', k OnilOtl Well T!.le are tent 1 rt before leavins our Work L'illi ll nrvMiiira aif 1 I I.- I I lit 9iquar Inch. Each lenum is atanjpej rear the screw with our 'rade mark tbc sockets ore Dot. uiiyiijy. mom mm at mm 'ioiiy ..truii prticiKiuix Hny iiietticinu Hllto show one third n iuntiy Itvirp, porfnanent ciir Dr. Killer' Vepetuhl Rheumatic Kuniuiiy,; m d ( fnrilur mward of $10U for mw enso of I'ltMric or Inllnirntan-y KlioumHtt-m, leuralgU, lfiiemnttiio A true. Schiiia m d KlKumaiJiu of the hiOi b it will not ci'ro. The Uht uniHtlc fymn i in wordlyonly. plonnaiit to ilm iniOt imd icuai-niitt-cd fn u irnni Mijiuinu-i dni'H. It itt not. n (juuck modi fine. but tliiBCE'ntiflMiref7rriptfon or Tm I. Fttittr, M. !., I'lMlfrion of 'i'ojiicoity and Cheniitiry friaiiuuto uf ci!lohrntef X'iiivtTfiTy of Penn vani, A D , llvia, whoi r otltvprnfr-peicutl lifn hcou dorotrd siifRfmly t tills (iiH.iiu. 1 hln trL maiion nndnr boleinu oath in totwirntiuulv b lievfit to ) thn only positive, rtli:thl(, iuMUlhi pociftc (!V(f dieovttrrd The proof that no oilier ipeoilio exi-itu iafu'md hi fcvory.commiiuity iu per Hons niTliclcd fnr many jvnrt ana nthl etilferinit. If phy-ielfttiR cmld euro it il' a fpecflc did yxiM, tblt would ut hn to ufut iliat must ho uinvi'iiHity fi'lniitted. Thff tt d-oeived hi'Vltit' may wi?e:jr nrilf, what perm it y or evidui ce ha ic that Pr..l'it lei' Ubwmmttc hymn ill cur htn case. TU protection ntVcnd to'milltirori ngaiaft tmpoaition ia in livtiiiiy Mailed contract which will bo loi -wardud wltlioui eharue t Hiiy MifTft'tr prnrflnir hy Inttera description m aflUcTton; tliin uiuiruntco will Malt Ihe xacl nmutM-T of bottloH warranted o curn and .n caeof riilurctli-? lunnev paid Hill ho rotunied c tliff pniHiit. No other rumudy has ever lift ..Tcd on ai'ih lilwrji and bnuorable Ifnia. M'd .lti advice, vlih certi.lcatn fmm promintrnt phy iriiiiif, derrymon etc . who have boon cured alter all other treatment have fai'ol, tent by hitter riMn. Aflllfrol cordially Invited to write for d vifftotheprinrpil olllce. 2.1 South Fourth btrtet,' Pl.iitidelplna, j'a. l)t. Filler hhtuinalic Syrup laSoMby Un.KI t.. M. 8 SIMMONS, ' Fole Apent, pt troleuui Centre, Pa. CAIXENDEH & CO., Wholesale Al'a, Mead I lie, Pa. A. K.CUAMBEHLIN 4 CO-, Sole Ast'a Hon, viile, Pa. Iilme, llylrnnIlo Cement, Calcined Planter, Iluir, &c Of a superior qu.tltty, always on hand and dull ered to any paiti.f the oil rogiou by loaviuK ociieia C, A. IHJHKRY'S, t ar. Perry and llccb.ia'e sireets, aott-'itt. TITtSVILLB, PA' PIS